OCR Interpretation

Durant weekly news. (Durant, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 190?-1944, November 10, 1922, Image 8

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96093062/1922-11-10/ed-1/seq-8/

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'?&!tff! - ii , i
. i
the durant Weekly Nbws
ti ip
I'm silay
ii'KMs ruoM I'itrn it i:i
Mr. ami Mi. S. lilln .-mil Mi. .mil
Mis, lli'ii Stii'ih v. i nt to I -lit ant Mini
day to In .11 .1. . Wn't.in pil. .
Ola Vml. iii'iil M-iiiiIay with l.u
ill W-.UU
.1. ,1, Wail. i imiiiIi' .i 'i i-in
to lltii.tnt .Satiiiil.iy.
.Invii'tt 15. Willi. 1 1- ,-itul fni"1
)itl injur Hi ''ailil i S-itiml.iy.
.!-.. t'lt .Mrl'lirr tin -pent
night with ni.i .n-i.
Ji" -u Meadow -pi-tit S.-itunl.iy
night with Nfiiiiti I'l-nrii'.
Mr. .1. A. Hrouning anil ihildivn
-pcit Sntiinl i. night ntiil S-miliy
with V. M. i'i'ii!ii-ii iii'iii' ll.'inty.
llithy. i'.-iy ami Myitli- Wi'lu-r I'mni
f.rnr i'aililu .-i-i n'. S.v.md'iy tiiitht
with Pi-ail Siiiimiin-.
.lint Swador I'mni Malnv -"I'lit Sat
urday niirht with .1. I.. Meadows.
I'ruf. (! A. tiriffin inailc a lm.i-ni'-
tun In iMitant Satiltil.iv.
Alhcrt M:itn a in this vicinity
Ola Vml. atti'iiilul tin' tearhi-ii'
iiii'ilini; in Dm. ml tin- ln-1 nf the
Mi-i. l.ilhi' Ciiiiiininir
.M'cK-i'iiil with I. ula llolli-y
uri't (ihniink'y.
Mr . .Inhii II. Simmon has heen
hain;f i-hills tin- week.
Air. anil Mr-. .I. I.. Meadows spent
Sunriiy with .liirrott I!. Walker.
Dahlia Gregory left Tiio-ilay for
her h inn; in Oidahnmn "ity after
"spending " few ilay- with home
Itichanl Meadow enme home Sun
'lay f'fuit Dallas where ho hail hem
sprndir.tr a few days.
The Ladies' Homo Demonstration
"lull mot Thursday afternoon, with
several visitors Mr. 0. A. (Iriffin
jjavo the whole afternoon for our
pro-rram whirli we thank him very
much. Mr. Dunlap and .Mrs. Mabel
Nichols our rouiity ajjents met with
u, with two other gentlemen. They
pol;e to us on club work, whicli was
enjoyed by all. Aftor our program
we had our munty poultry show,
which we had several breeds of
chickens weie on exhibit.
There was a pie suppoi Riven for
the benefit of the Sunday School
which we leceivod $2I.3I, which was
f-njoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Merritt spent Kn
ilay with Norman Morrill.
.I D. Moorman i.i hau'iii'j in feed
i'r- his dany herd
A rnn wis meti li Mr.
'.' . K. li. Young to tlv ynuiiK
p! Tin day night.
:' .ne from this plan- i,t
i . M 'r Hl.iiii'hard's
All ivpuit ,i fine
iiattie Tumble
this community
to a!
and her
I- rnlay
Mi .
mn'licr, "li '. IIm'iiii tl -pelii
mil .S.ilunlay in Durant.
I'aimer- ate neaily thmuiih di;-
laipil . wool potatoi -i and iikikiiik
1 mil. i
I Air-. Kajninnd Kinohnrl i on the,
-ill li.-t this week.
I The mi of Mr. and Mis. (loach ha
-pent tin1
and Mar
tin"! rial ii! with pneumonia. Ilojie
In- will .in.il I e belter.
Mr . Nini.tnie called on Mrs. ,. D,
Mo iii.ian tin week. Mr-. Moiirman
loiilinuo.. tu inlpiove nicely.
Don't lui net Sunday S'hool each
Sunday muming at I" o'clocl;. I'.veiy
iimo cinie anil brine; Mime one wilh
.Many fanner' ftoai this ccmmiin
i'y pent Satuiday in Duiant.
Mi. Maurite S.vnteii of I'.lue apent
Tliur duy evening lepairini; S. Leo
Wjie's car and taken 'Upper at the
Wyie home.
Mm. toe Pearson and Mr-. Jim Lee
M-i:nl Mi-. .Mom man Satuiday ocn-imr.
visitul home folks
She loUiined liome
it Kenefick.
spent Sunday at Mrs.
r'nrmers of
through work
Cnmiln.'i (iroon from
livered a niio -ermon Sunday
law eongiegation.
Miss I'mnia McUiin rclurned honu
Sunday from Duiant where she ha
been woikitur tlie past week.
Mi"- Alpha Culpepper and sisti .
(iertiuilo attended pleaching nt Elm
View Sunday.
Mi-. Deiker is on the sick li-.
tin Wiek.
Mr. and Mrs. CJint I'irtlo leturncii
ie from Durant Saturday.
I'raxor meeting was greatly enjoy
ed b all Wednesday night at Air-.
' HI-ncM.
Mis. Mary Hayes dined with Mi
Orval il.illcihuileii Sunday.
Mr. S earn s Miuiiay m-ikioi cla-
Miss Bculah Scott won the cake course most of them are going with
for beitiK the prettiest girl and Mr. hopes of being lucky enough to win
I lilll Gibson won the other cake lor one of tno vatuamc prizes.
r. . i iininc the ucliest bov. Miss Irene Harmon nau lor ncr
Durant tie- " '"& nt ,,HK h" . .-i t.i A.t i l.v nfi..rn,.n n .Inllv bunch
lieuiy iikiiis nun luiiuj i,.. . miiv """"'v -..-- ,
n wont hunting Monday nllernoon ot youngsiers
Death's prim messenger again vis
ited our t (immunity. This time call
ing the aged mother of Mrs. Ward.
.She has been afflicted with Hright's
disease for a lung time, but was ro-lea-rd
from her long suffering at
12:08 Sunday night. Mrs. Retter
eheck was 78 years old and has been
member of the Christian Church
from willy childhood and has been
loving and kind to all who knew her.
Bro. Schoonover of Durant preached
the funeral services. Her many
relatives and friends have our sympathy.
Mrs. llaltie Thoiuason and Mr.
Atha Matthews wore married some
two weeks ago. The confirmation of
the lenort reached u- only recently
Mrs. Hoi ton's ciui-in, Mrs. Greers
and her son of I'aris, Texas visit
d hpr last week.
Mrs, ISeaubieii and son Hoiislon
visited home folk- mi the farm the
last of the week.
The pie supper given for the bene
fit of jiro. Wood was a success. Thp
proceeds amounted tu about $20.0(1
Mrs. Watts arrioil hero the latter
part of last week and leports a most
delightful trip. She visited sons and
dani'htors; also a number of grand
children, and was given several re
unions by them al various points in
Texas, but she was also glad to roach
Oklahoma again.
Clint Hoitun came m fioui Sapuliia
Friday night.
There was a paity at Mr. Andor's
Monday night.
Bro. Wood brought his family to
the pie supper. Mr. and Mis. Che--ntlt
were also present.
Mr. Jim Watts is moving feed to
the place lie lented at Coffee Bond.
Mrs. Burragi! is staying at her sister-in-law's
in Durant nursing her.
Johnie Campbell's baby lias been
Teal sick again
Mr. and Mrs. Vi-lier of Roberta
attended the funeral of Mrs. Better
cheek. Mrs. Fisher said her daugh
ter Mrs. Child-" and her baby are do
ing well. Mis. Childs was' primary
teacher lieri two years aim.
Ira Horlon spent Satuiday night at
nouie, lemming tu town Muntlnv to
la lhiyett
thi i wi ok end.
to her -ihiiol
Mrs. T-imble
Mr. G. F. Bussa'rd and wife. Mau
rice Sweeten and family and Forrest
Wilker on and Coy Campbell taken
dinner at the S. Ia'o Wyro home last
Will Tune and S. Lee Wyre went
to Mr. Cobb's on Twelve-Mile I'rairiu
for seed tm f oats Monday.
Junior Tremble called on Willma
Merritt Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Merritt spent
Sunday at Mr. Jordan's.
Iz-slie Neil and Lester Lee Wyre
attended church in Durant at the
Baptist church Sunday night.
Miss Alma Lamnnce spent Satur
day night and Sunday with Mrs.
Koscoe Anderson. She roturned to
her home Monday.
There will be preaching Sunday
morning and night. Every one come.
Mrs. E. B. Young and Mrs. S. Lee
Wyre called on Mrs. J. D. Moorman
Tuesday evening.
Miss Eva Black visited Alma L
maneo recently.
No. L' diii"d at her home .Sunday
iiigannte a Christina- program,
i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cos spent tin
I week end with lolattws at Boggy.
' .Mr. and Mi-. J. II. Cio.s of netu
'Blue spent Sunday afternoon with
I.Mrs. (5. W. Hayes.
Mr. K. N. I'attor.-oii .-pent the week
end at Antlers.
.Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hose, mother
of Mr.-. G. F. Koe and Mrs. Iittie
Hud on i-ited Mr. and .Mrs. (-. y.
I!o-o of Hatcher Sunday.
Mr. and 'Mr-. Bill Anderson spent
Sundav night with her sister near
Mr. and Mi-. D. M. Banner weie
slumping in Durant Saturday.
Miss Ella May Bunch of Blue spent
Sunday with fi lends hero.
School started here Monday with
teachers present and plenty of schol
ars. Prayer meeting win enjoyed and at
tended by all Sunday night at the
school houe.
Everyone remember preaching here
at this place .-Saturday night, bunuay
and Sunday nigiit. Come.
ilou'ii on Grassy Lake,
Mi-ses Alice Anderson, Sudla An-1
dei-sun and Lillian Miller visited Irene .
Knl.y Sunday evening.
From now on moving will lie the
"di-r of the day as a good many of
our neighbors aio going to leave as
tiny eom to be di-satbfied.
1 1 s Hicks Uitcd Miss Nancy
u-tin of this place Tuesday aftoi
ii mil. Evert Ilanii'in and family
mm ed Monday to the place recently
.aiated by Mi. BuiUiaUor.
C. J. Bay and J. C. Daniel nltend-
d the I. O. O. 1". Lodge at Caddo
.-'..tin day night.
Clink Bay and sister. Alma visit
ed their aunt, Mr. Ome Daniel Sun-d-iv.
(In ai-coiint ot unsettled weather
theio was nu speaking at Mayttibby
Tuesday night.
! Our school is progrct-lng nicely
ualor the management of Mis Lm-
e Yatidall. She has enrolled about
'f."i pupils.
John Austin was transacting lmsi
ne in Caney Saturday.
Ml the people ill this community
u" preparing to attend the Dado's
day at Caddo Wednesday, and of
I ti-u ('.. (',. Austin visited Mrs.
Daniel Sunday.
A. W. Jnckson and family of Hol
der visited lelativos in this vicinity
Mrs. Will Hamilton and daughter,
Hael of Holder visited here Sunday.
There Mai a singing at .Mr. Jones
Sunday night; also one nt Airs. Mor
rison's. ,
Clias Daniel visited at Kenefick
10. 1922
and Lone Star Sundav.
Nancy Austin visited her hrMiJ
ClnllHo nml fnmlt S.j "Cr Dril
v ......, MMIIUay,
Health of this unmn,,,.!!.. .
......,, unity a pJ
with excention nf tinrl nnl.i. "
Lloyd Gcorgo was not defeated
just got tired and quit.
Dr. J. L. Reynolds
Kyi-, Kar, Nose nnd Throat
it nit uinss rittlug
Durnnt. Okln.
(Ivor Corner T)rug Store
o . ..
122 S. :5nl Opposite Lumber Yard
We heai d three fine seunons Sat
unlay night .tin! Sunday by Bov. It.
A. Hoovei Cliiinli set in confer
ence and appointed Joe Vieker-, Mr-.
W. E. Dodsiin ami Mi Pollio Muf
fntt a- a romniitteo tu collect the
funds fur the pa-tor. The church de
cided to pay the pa-tor a -alaiy of
S1."0 fur this coming pa-tot ial year.
Bov. It. A. Hoover and familv'took
dinner with W A. Heed and family
Sunday. James Morri- was seriously hurt
Sunday night by being kicked on the
head by a hor-e.
Little Clara Scott was thrown from
a horse she nnd her brother were rid
ing from school Monday nnd broke
her left nrm.
Miss Bcttie Brigg from Old
Church took dinner with Miss Yulee
Reed Sunday.
G.IS. Adams and Mis.-es Susie nnd
Mattio Moffatt were shopping in
Bennington Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mortis, daugh
ter Modine nnd M!s Bc-ic McGow
on were shopping in Boswell Satur
day. G. E. Moffatt and Fred IInklns
were business visitors nt Lane last
Grandma Moffatt and Mr-. Fred
JInskins spent Sunday night with
Mr. Koy Fitzcr.
Mo-t all the pupils are in school
and we think we will have a fine
school. Miss Era Worthy and Miss
Sally Reeves are our teachers.
I ...
Quite a number of Utica people
motored to Durant Tuesday to hear
Jack Walton speak.
B. It. Childers. Boyce Bush and
Mrs. Oscar Bush and children start
ed on a motor trip to Tulsa Tues
day. The meeting closed Monday night
Brother Hopkins began a scries of
sermons al Albany Saturday night.
Mrs. Lillie Sanders, Miss Ada Pat
terson and Mrs. Senith Wright were
shopping in Durant Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Etholo Conditt and
Mrs. Henrietta Bush spent Thursday
night with Mrs. Vena Haddock of
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Ewing nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Martin were shopping
in Durant Thursday.
Monroe Ktiykendall s liaby has
Tommie Campbell. Marshall Burns,
and Bill Gressett left for Penison
Charlie Beat and family visited the
formers mother's mother, Mrs. B. E.
Strickland Sunday.
Chock Brackloy and Jay Dilinger of
Albany attended singing here Sun
day night.
Miss Essie Iewis of Yuba will
board at Mrs. L. B. Bryant's during
the winter term of school.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pound of
Bennington spent the week-end with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Pounds.
Earl Patterson wont tu Durant
Mrs. A. T. Patterson spent Satur
day night with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Pound while on her wny
hniiie Sunday afternoon she had the
mi-fortune of falling out of the wa
gon and breaking her right nrm.
The pie supper at Wolf Creek Sat
urday night was quite a success. The
proceeds will bo used to buy song
books fur the choir.
Mr. mid -Mrs. P. It. Fiy motored to
Duiant Saturday.
Last Tliuisday at 1 p. m. the doatli
angel entered the home of .Mr. and
Mrs. Bon Be nor and took their dar
ling baby. The little one was only
Hi, a lo. ilays, inn all that loving
hands lould du was done, but God
-mv fit tu transplant it in a fairer
win Id. They have the sympathy of
their many friends.
All the teachers attended the
Ti ai-hit-'s meeting in Durant Friday
and Sat tirday.
U-ist Thur-day the Auxiliary lad
ies had a quilting at Aunt Finney
Bi.-nor's. The quilt was to be given
t i the orphans at Goodlnnd School.
Each lady was to furnish a part of
the dinner. Abuut a dozen others to
spread the table with the good things
lirought. The quilt was finished and
all enjoyed the dinner and social
Little A. J. Walker is visiting his
grand parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mr. Tuell and daughter, Elnor with
Miss She'ly McKinley attended the
how in Durant Tuesday.
The Bapti-t revival clo-'cd Sunday
night with several ncces-ions to the
church. The grentest good accom
plished was the strengthening of the
Christian's faith by listening to the
Gospel these two weeks. The Bap
tist people nro to meet Wednesday
nigiit to call a pastor.
Mrs. Tuell who has been sick for
more than five weeks is able to be
up again.
Mrs. Bingham has been in a very
serious condition for some time nnd
is no better. She is quite old and
has been feeble for some time.
Grandma Self, who is 9G years old
and has been feeble for some time
is worse.
Mr. and Mrs. Jcso Mullens of Mc-
Mnnn. Oklnbnmn w-hn has lippn vis
iting his parents here the past week j
returned to their home hundny.
W. C. Lilley and family of near
Itoborta is moving to this communi
ty this week they will move into the
Mullens house.
Mr. Mullens will move into town
this week.
Mr. Starks who is at work in Dal
las was home the past week on busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Doc. Robinson and
Mr. Aidon Uobinson and wife, Syl-
vester Robinson, Ruby Mullens, Opal I
Taylor, Ixion Cochenauer, Eutala .
Durant, Maggie Cariker nnd somel
others we fail to learn their names
from town visited our Sunday School
hunilay afternoon. We are glad to
have them with us any time. Come
W. II .Yeats had business at Matoy
last week.
Miss Altha Mullens entertained her
school with a Hallow'een party last
week. All enjoyed themselves very
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Yeats and Mrs.
A. P. Tidwell attended church at the
Naverene Sunday night. Their new'
pastor and family have arrived and
preached an able sermon Sunday
Judge Paullin of Oklahoma City
was here last week seeing to busi
ness on his farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan visited sick
friends in Durant Sunday.
Mrs. Harmon and children of Mus
kogee spent the week-end visiting
friends in Kenefick.
The Baptist meeting started Fri
day night, Nov 10, 1922. The peo
ple of Kenefick hope for a good meet
ing. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wells are the
proud possessors of a fine baby boy,
born November 1.
Mrs. Pate of Durant who is vis
iting nt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rudesill is very much grieved over
the death of her infant baby.
The boys of the Kenefick High
School expect to have one of the
fastest light weight basket ball teams
in the country this season.
Miss Lillian Wells spent Friday
and Mituiday in Durant viming at
the home or Mr. ami Mrs. Boner.
Rev. Fontaine of Durant filled his
regular appointment at the Metho
dist Church Sunday and Sunday
night, pleaching excellent sermons
both times.
.Miss Dean Ovorstroet was called
tu fans, lea.. .in account of the
death of her father, Mr. Ovoi street
last Wednesday titcht.
Virgil Wells a-id Wiustele Bell
.-pent Miiiiiny in Alii m, okln.. visiting
llr. .Mi Cold and family spent the
wiek-end with lelathe . "in McAlo
ter. Okla.
Mr. Mehin Soatle uf McAlester is
spending the week with his sister.
.Mrs. lrvin Drake.
Dick MiCoid and Vorgile Wells at
tended the show at Caddo last Friday
Mi-s his Kaiser of Trenton, Texas
who ims been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Walter Mi Cord for the pa.-t week re
turned to her home in Trenton
I tie day.
There was an extra large attend
ance at iliurch last Sunday night.
Bin. Gear of Blue conducted services.
Baptist church have 20 members at
Fincher. Pastor Bro. M. Cottengame'
ot tiokciuto; cleik, and treasurer,
Mrs. Aimer Dickerson; Mr. John
Miller. Supt.; Mrs. Edd McNcal, Bi
ble class teacher; Mrs. Frank Ander
son, Junior cla.-s; Mrs. Soloman
lwis, primary junior; Mrs. John
Miller, primary ola-s; Mrs. S. C.
Stevens, caul class. Regular attend
ance o!5.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilkins took!
-upper at frrank Andor-on s Sunday
night; also Silas Lewis.
Johnnie Spail; and family were
vi-i.tmg his sister, Mrs. Krnnie Nel
son the last week-end.
There was n largo crowd nt the pie
supper Friday night which earned
$11.79. The pie supper was given
for the benefit of the Sunday School.
lVlerchandise is going up every day and it will
certainly cost you money to wait.
We have a good assortment of merchandise, bought
before any advances, and you are going to get
them right along at old prices until they are sold.
Men's All-Wool Slipover, sold everywhere for $8.50
for only . $6.50
Men's Coat Sweaters from $1.50 up
Boys' Coat Sweaters from $1.25 up
Boys' Slipovers from $1.75 up
Make your selection while we have them
Men's extra heavy unions at .... $1.00 and up
Boys' extra heavy unions at 50c and up
Women's extra heavy unions at 95c and up
Girl's extra heavy unions at 60c and up
We have several grades and it will pay you to look
them over.
Yard wide Percales 18c
Good Ginghams 15c
Yard wide Domestic 10c, 12c, 15c
9-4 Sheeting 42 l-2c
Oil Cloth, best grade 29c
Challies, beautiful patterns 17lzc
Extra heavy outings 15c
Women's hose 10c
Men's hose 10c
Dixie Prices on all Notions.
Here is where we save you money 300 Suits in
stock and its impossible to give all prices. Come in
and look them over.
We picked up 24 at 50c on the dollar. We can sell
them to you at less than the wholesale cost and then
make a small profit, but you will have to hurry.
Get Prices Elsewhere Then Come
The Dixie Store
Where Up Town Prices Look Extravagant
W-' -w.

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