.. ... -j , i. f '::v"?:''.':r-r,",f. ' ' i A r, T! " f ",., ifftffB v 1 FAMILY 'NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LOCAL INTERESTS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC NEWS, AGRICULTURE MECHANISM, EDUCATION -INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECT? 1 fi;' "n'7" ,' "'."iT,",' i ,'" 7";" -- iy"""" 'll"Pr.V.V"IV''"'i ''"" 7 Vr""'"""''' ' ' 'i.'n '.'i .r 1 1 1 ' '. ' " " " "L ' TTTT.'T ' """" " " "" " " .,. .... , .r,.,.,.. . ' " VOLUME l. WINCHESTER, TENN., tflllDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1856.'. T H E ... WIN CHESTER WEE KEY '.'' ' ' ' I...-: - - -i , r U. 4 tintl)?sffrfnl ' laPUBUHHEl) WEEK l.V liV GEO. E. PURVIS AND WM. J. FLATTER, LEWIS METCALFE, GEORGE E. PURVIS, ElUToItrt. TERMS OF SUB3CKIPTION. IK ADVANCE, WITHIN BIX MONTHS, . " TWELVJB MONTHS,. J 210 2 CO 3 00 ' r ' IN'Dl'CP.M F.NT3 TO CLUBS. i AAniAO f. Art. 1 A tAk!iiL 10 copies 01.1 00; 15 copies 20 00. 5 copies .8 00; Written for th Winchester AnaL SOLITARY MUSINGS. CONCLUDED. We are passing ituunj ! We live in n world of life, motion, and progres sion. On its surface dwell multiplied millions of animated bein, from man, the highest order of intelligence, down to the lowest grade of bcir.fr. Inter- spersed in every direction are lii.iir.an beings of different intellects, different habits, different pursuits, uitiereut in degrees of civilization and enlighten ment, from the lowest order of savage life to the most enlightened and intel ligent circles in the land of Christen dom. " All, even from those who have for ages groped in grossest darknevs, who had onlv the faintest scintilla- tions of the lights of nature to direct them, to those wno for centuries have had the learning of the. most, renown ed and classical nation) of antiquity handed down to them, with all the im provement and advantages of civil ized life, and above all, with the great wurcr. and fountain of nil light the Jiibl$ whatever their religion, what ever the object or objects of their wcr hip, whether i'agan. Jewish or Chris tian in their belief, have cherhsued the conviction that there is an hereafter. -a future destination. i n:cupi an Ages and among all nations it .has pre vailed a.id it is " a truth that has lived in the hopes g:jU iloatea ti.rou the language, of all the to; o"'-r" -"' fa "if f MM fiW.r.:r,J ';m.' tribes of our kind". It sprang not from the speculations of philosophy, or the refinements cf science, but from a deeper and stronger root the ra tional powers of the human soul. The poor untutored Indian or savage, whether he roams the f. arsis and wilds of America, "From P&tionia'KFno'v-invp.-trd isle?, To Daricn, where cunstant verdure tiiuks''; or whether his habitation and hunting grounds be amid the fastnesses and gorgesof the Rocky Mountains; or his home in the bleak and .sterile regions of New Britain's "lakes and bays; or whether he bo found in the polar re gions of the Oid World; among the Scandinavians; in the ice-clad huts of iS'ova-Zemb! hi a: in the golden Indiasjl , , , , '. T1 i , . ' disappointments. Then wo are ob )cean:c Isles, loo&s into tnc ,. , . .fnw n:ip , ... or in the O future, however faint his perception, for a better state cf things. He sees God in the clouds; hears Him in the roaring winds, and worships Ilim in ' 1 , , , . . . i . i land", and consoles himself in the belief that all the dear and loved ones that have departed and gone before to some place unknown, will meet him 'itr, as before, ' "Some Summer morning", r. in some better home, 'Some infer world, in dcp'.li of wood embrac ed! r Some happier island in the watery waste"'; , ,1 th -'and yet - 'Hi oul, proud sclenco never taught to trsy : " fit th iolar walk, o milky way". j -None who survive tho age of child hood but 'must, at som time or other, feel the pangs of sorrow or sadness in vlevrof the'.'ilis of .lifeiyat obtruded even At times when thereV,a5 much o please and afford a degreV cf hap piness.'. .A ft retreat from taV evils v1 And miseries Attendant on ourjth, phichJ.corUAPP'so lYAvidly beforf as we lobfc back on? oar past life'.W vt intuitively look forward tor re- the rising ana seung sun; an- 1:1 .sjIov,irl. w.or,j sorapw,Hrt, j,, t)C dis dress. Thus il: is in savage or civil I iff. To no other tribunal can we look with certainty. No man who lias parsed ilia middle, point of life, can sit clown to feast upon the pleasures of youth without having the banquet embittered by the cup of sorrow. lie may revive the memory of many pleasing extravagancies, or lucky accidents; many days of harm less frolic may occur, and many nights of honest festivity, but sadness will steal over the heart from the reflection that; they can. never again he realized on earth, and can only live as oases in lnnnuiiy's waste. It is a melancholy reflection that any object that once p:ave us delight should depart forever. As we pass on through the journey of life, how often do we recall scenes which are past, scenes that are never to ret urn, but scenes on which re membrance will ever dwell with ex- Luisito fondness, because they bring J to reco'lrctiou our juvenile associates, j.ir.;r vorcis, their thoughts, and the ; manv tln i'lir.': seasons of pleasure we i enjoyed in their company. How of ten, too, are we reminded of the niot pure, genuine and disinterested ties of affection which have been severed by tim:i and distance! Il is seldom in nge that we are per mitted to enjoy the society of those who were the of our i youthful day?, to whom we were at taehed by all the congeniality of feel ing and sentiment. When we have but just arlivedto the age of matu rity, in vain c;o we loo! t round us for the young associates of our childhood, for those blithesome young beings who participated in our innocent .'port'', and miatrled in tho rounds of i our childish gioe. Hut now! ere they I They are either sca'.tered j i.i countries distant and unknown to !". uv, cr, more likely, have been ar- !,,.,..,! :,v th,. ,.,.;, ,,., f death ! Ah! !'. by the cold hand of death ! w.nere are those to whom we were once bound by every tender feeling ''jlhe.i, can link "harmonious souls" to- l ., n m, , , . . nemcn l nev nave nassea rom ear ti never to be heard from more. How melancholy ! how much to be regret ed ! but how true the reflection 1 and how wise the dispensation 1 Where, then, is our consolation to come from 1 To what source are we to look for re conciliation? In what direction shall we. repose our confidence for a contin uity of enjoyments unsullied by depri vations, unobstructed by difficulties, or uniuterupted by any of the many evils "to which flesh is heir" ? It is not on any locality of earth that freeness fro.n the ills and thousand in firmities that have ever attended on the journey of mortality can be found; nay, it cannot be found in tho midst of imnerfeetian. Konviwo rliut i..;.l.j on earth, from the time to come. Such is the instability and imperfec- " t o.l ot :i human linnnmno il.of . .. ' ' , li ft OlllU'Cll 1.1 lOI.: In Ann ln nnA o 11 1 uiiu . - -J - J J - 1 . VI UUI fondest hopes. By some it may not be thought wise to call up the vague recollections of childhood.-lhe pleasurable scenes of youth, and many charms of earlier life, because, say they, "there is no good sense in brooding over scenes that have been swept away in the advance of time" : but they are sadly mistaken, for it is improving to look back occa sionally on past joys, to retrospect our past liveV-lo scan the deeds of the past, and if they lm-e been vir tuous and good they, wiTf afford us sweet dreams of joy, and give us con-! solation m the decline of life. But if wo have, on the other hand, strayed in any degree from the paths of recti tude, or been ensnared by the illusive attraction of worldly corruption, or (he witchery of plausible vices, Ve may correct our waywardness for the lime to come, and atcce for past folly hy diffusing in every, direction All th good we can, and giving to the world examples worthy of praise and imita lion. Indeed, ns we move on, toiling through the journey of life, we, have often to look back on the past, that we may the better judge of our safety for the. future. It is in this way that W( are to avoid the many oscillations that we are destined to witness in steering our course over the billowy tide of time. The path of rectitude is a nar row one, often with temptations on ei ther side to lead us astray, but having by retrospection improved our judg ment, and strengthened our fortitude, we are better enabled to avoid the dangers that lurk on our way, though an occasional obstacle may impede our progress, for few indeed are those gifted ones whose aberrations are but short and seldom. As we pass away from the theatre of earth the step is more clastic and the road more- pleas atsf, if wt; but carry along with us the consoling reflection that though infest ed by many snares we had been con stantly taking lessons in the school of experience, and continuing to square our lives by the golden compasses of right. Life, at best, is but a dream, an atom of duration, a state of tri al, a mere introduction to man's in terminable career. It is a brief space al'oted to man to prepare for a nobler and far more glorious scene of action, a blissful arid unceasing futurity, a state of endless progression, with a capacity that will be. forever increas ing " and forever filling with ail the fullness of God'', while the sou! throughout the eternity of her exist ence will " be continually expanding her views, strengthening her energies, and drinking deeper and deeper of the river of pleasures that Hows at the right hand of the Most lluai." Here then is a perpetual tendency in the i mind of man never to be at. rest, a I sire r.fifr something beyond his pres- cut reach, a want of satisfaction from the attainment of his present de sires, his mortal capacity ever seeking yet forever refusing to be filled from earthly sources. There, must be a place somewhere "in the immensity of being", in the unknown vastness of space, for the more complete develop ment of the moral and intellectual powers, and the more full comprehen sion of the mysteries, the wisdom and goodness of Providence. It should be an abiding stimulus to us as we pass on through life's storms and tempes!s, that there it a futurity in which our desires, though boundless, can be fill ed, an immortality that transcends the utmost stretch of mortal eoncep- j tiou in point of enjoynx nls--enjoy- ments that can never be realized in goat; and in the same, locality the. the splendors of earth, nor in the most j wis . and the foolish were crowded to thrilling fascinations within the envi-'gether. rons of earthly ambition. Here, the . So it is when we sink in dea'h; we objects of our wishes are magnified in! arc all deposited in the same cold, proportion to the distance in which we j dark earth 'to repose alike and molder view them. On approaching them, Jin our original clay. The good and the ch irm is broken, the illusion vaii-;tH. f,;u ,e s;je )y . tJl0 richf tIl(. ishes. "They prove to be but bubbles, 'poo,-, ( !.. Jeanied", and the ignorant; which as soon as touched dissolve in the fairest and most lovely with the airy smoke." Not so with those that j most reckless and abandoned, all are are infinite ; they are worthy our hea- there placed on an rmnhiv. I,i the iiir) viioi. "imuy uurpursim wmeri . . .i i .i , .. 1 rutl 0,1 ""-ouijn me nnnau ol i Lternity. Here, at every successive disappointment, we put forth new de- sires and exert new efforts for the at tainment of something still more re mote. The most unbounded success does not even satisfy us. " We weep for more worlds to conquer." Not so when we awake in the likeness of God. All we can' desire, all our na ture can receive, and more than the utmost, powers of comprehension can reach will be ours, and our ever-in- creasing capacities will always be till ing in perfect fruition. Sad indeed to the intelligent and j enquiring mind is the thought of being j by man, too, are gradually giving way. trammeled forever in a state that sets -Ifwe look back to the days of our bounds to the powers of compreben- anctors, to thpjpien as. well as the sion, narrows-down the immortal dwelBogs of former times, they be mind, and prevents it from the joys come immediately associated in our and sublime investigations for which the divinity of his origin has fitted him. It is well this earth is not our abiding place. It is well wo, were born for a higher and holier residence. Wl in can be contented with merely gazing on some beautiful and magnifi cent object, which he has good reason to believe, would afford him inexpress ible happiness could he be near enough to behold the glories that it would im part, and the exalted beauties it would display before his ravished vision, when he is not permitted to approach it, but must forever keep off at an im mense distance '( Oh ! it is absurd to supppose for a moment that man fashioned after the likeness of his God, endowed with a powerful intellect, and capable, of such vast progression in knowledge, and such sublime ranges of thought, .diouhl be doomed to the circumscrib ed sphere of this, with only the glim merings of the collosal dimensions of intellectual enjoyment. a::d tin linuous flood ol rich ciUcovi ry." iThe dim vision we have here will never be brightened till we shall have passed away, to appear as denizens in a ciime whose inhabitants are expatiating in boundless fields of knowledge, and witnessing the unfoldings of trans cendent glories. It is true here amid earth's scenes and relations, we see and appreciate much that is beautiful and lovely, and to a certain extent have clear views of much that is worthy of our pursuit, but tho lovely and beautiful are first to fade from the view first to pass off forever. Amidst the fluctuations, sor rows and ilis that assail us here, there are pleasant and joyful seasons times whrn all we look upon wears a smil ing and inviting aspect. ics, the beautiful is in all things, if we were only prepared to appreciate it with the exercise of proper judgment. "There is the beautiful in physical nature, the beautiful in morals, the beautiful in polities, the beautiful in poetry, the beautiful in art, the beautiful in fancy, the beautiful in person, face, and even in manners there is the beautiful." But in the broad range and locali ties of earth's beautiful things, abhor rent spectacles and deformities arc al so to be seen. The blushing rose, and the delicate sweet-scented flower are tended on by thorns and thistles; in the midst of the wheat the tares spring up; in the same channel the gold and the gravel roll on together; the just and the unjust in the relations of life are side by side; "the gooil and the evil trench upon the same line of difference and contrast;" in the same fold are found tho sheen and the jrraV(. to xvhieh we all ranniiv hastening, and into winch .mil iinu wiiivii generation upon generation, fur six thousand years, have been falling, no distinction has ever been known. From the very nature and arrangemcr t of all we see about us what else can we expect but to wear away too in the general wreck of matter f In the world through winch we are passing we receive such repeated and forcible intimations of decay, decline, change, and loss, fol lowing in such rapid succession "that we can almost catch the sound of uni versal wasting, and hear the work of desolation going on busily around us." The most substantial edifices erected imaginations, and only make tho' feel ings of Instability stronger and deeper than before. The halls which were once crowded with all that taste,. and science, and labor could procure; which resounded with melody, and were lighted up with beauty, are bu ried by their own ruins, mocked by their own desolation." Their courts arc deserted ; the voice of. hilarity and wailing, and the steps of the busy and the idle have alike ceased. In the magnificent and spacious domes that once held our fathers the lean lizard crawls, the serpent hisses, and tho wild bird screams. All, all are fast passing away and melting like mist before the meridian sun. So it is with men and things. Why is it the rainbow with its va riegated and dazzling beauties, and clouds enkindling with radiant glow, come over us,, and then pass off so suddenly and leave us to muse upon thin faded loveliness? "Why is it j that the stars who hold their festivals around the midnight throne, are set above our limited faculties, forever mocking us with their unapproacha ble glory " ? Why is it that the beau tiful forms of human mold presented to our view, are taken from us, and leave the many streams of affection and sin cere attachment "to plow back in Al pine torrents upon the heart"? It is because we were born for a, brighter world than earth, and destined soon to leave it with all it has that is bright and lovely, its dearest, and kindest friends; yes, and its sorrows audits pains false friends and deceivers Janus faces and Judases. No sooner do days, months, and years appear with their productions on the calendar of time than they have passed away never to return. Having passed from earth, perhaps to rest for a while in oblivious silence, we shall all be summoned before the great Supreme Court of the Universe, to be. tried " for the deeds done in the body" ; and if acquitted by the All wise Kuler of Worlds, our abode will be in "a realm where rainbows never fade, where the stars will be out be fore us like islets that slumber on the Ocean, and wdierc the beings that pass before us like shadows will stay in our presence forever", and new scenes of glory be bursting upon us throughout Eternity. UUMILIS. Franklin Couxtv, Nov. 2-1. SONG. BY THOMA9 M00RK. "Who comes so gracefully Gliding alon, While the blue rivulet Sleeps to her song; Song, richly vying With the faint sighing Which swans, in dying, Sweetly prolong?" So sung the t-hepherJ-boy By the stream's id.le, Watching that fairy-boat Down the flood glide, Like a bird winging. Through the waves bringing The Syren, singing To tho hush'd tide. "Stay," said the shepherd-boy, "Fairy'boat, stay, Linger sweet niiustrelsy, Linger, a day." But vain his pleading, Past him, unheoding. Son? and boat, speeding, GliJed oway. So to our youthful eyes Joy and hope shone; So, while wo gazej on them. Fast they flew on- Like flowers, declining J'v'n in tho twining, One moment shining, And the next gone! Daniel Webster, whilea young lav ycr, was retained mi case for which ho received n. fee of $19. Later in life he was employed in a similar case and received a fee of 85.000. though Lo used tho same brief which h? had prepared for the first case. i . , V . Money proves to bo a friend, fre quently, when men prov itr'ru. MAN'S DUTY TO WOMAN". Let him learn to be grateful to wo man for this undoubtful achievement of her spx, that it is she she far mow than he, and she too often'in despite of him who has kept ".Christianity fronilapsing back into barbarism'; kept mercy and truth from being .utterly overborne by these two greedy ' mbn-, sters money and war. . Let him' bo. ' grateful for this, "that .almost every" great soul that has led forward or lift-, ed up the race has been furnished for each noble deed, and. inspired with each patriotic and holy . .aspiration, by the retiring fortitude of some Spartan or more than Spartan some Christian mother. Moses, the deliver of his peo pie, drawn out of tho Mile by the king's daughter, some one has hinted, is only : a symbol of the - way that woman's better instincts always outwit the ty" ranical diplomacy of man. Let him' cheerfully remember, that though the ; sinewy sex achieves enterprise on pub lic theatres; it is the nerve and sens; bilityof the othrrjlhAt mn the mind and enflame the's'oul in secret. A man ' diecoyered America, but a woman equipped the voyage. So everywhere; man executes the performance but woman trains the man. Every effec tual person, leaving his mark on' the. world, is but another Columbus,' for . whose furnishing some Isabella, in the. form of his mother, lays down her jew-" cdry, her vanities, and her comfort. Above all, let not man practice up on woman the perpetual and shame less falsehood of pretending admira- . lion and acting contempt. Let them . not crucify her emotion, nor ridicule! her frailty, nor crush her individuality, , nor insult her independence,' nor play off mean jests upon her honor in con- ' vivial companies, nor bandy unclean- doubts of her, as a wretched substitute lor wit; nor whisper vulgar suspicions of her purity, which, as compared with their own, is - like the immaculate ' whiteness of angels. Let them remem- ' ber that, for the ghastly spectacle of " her blasted character, they are an- ' swerable. Let them multiply her so cial advantages, enhance her dignity, minister to her intelligence, and by manly gentleness, be the champions for her genius, the friend of her for- , tunes, and the equals, if they can, of her heart. 'INDIAN SUilMEB. The following very beautiful reflec tions are from the Hartford Conrant: "Do our readers reflect that we aro now in the enjoyment of our Indian ' Summer? The season is now the loveliest of the year, though at the ' same time the saddest. Nature is dy- ' ing in beauty around us. As she fades on earth, each hue is lovelier than the ' last, until the brown tinge of absolute decay covers her brilliant charms. r The smile on the'eheck of the expiring season was never more beautiful more winning. One would suppose that its very loveliness would turn aside the dart of death, or, if that could not be, strip it of all its poison. Beautiful as the season is, iV Is most . melancholy. The varied hue's of the bright leaves are too well "known to ' liuu vi uiuiu io urvuio aauDCSS in thj beholder. The gay dress of the ' forest cannot compensate, for its. si lence. We tread over the scattered and falling leavea, and ask, as our footfall strikes dead on the ear: "Where aro the fore4 birds! The answer i a iiJent one, Mur eloquent than word!" But let us enjoy the season while -we may. Its vivid beauty will not last - us long. It is fi3 evanescent as it is gay. L.ct us then give our heart to its. , loveliness while it flashes around us. ' Winter and death will soon spread their gloom around us without or pining ourselves romantically xith their anticipation. Nature it i!I 'not be dead. She only sleeps to rise In beauty for another year. It if not to 1 i 'I t r A v 1 i