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VOL. II.-N0. 46.
Wt JBLuglir-ian.
Saturday, August 5th, 1882.
"The Rugiieian" is published every Saturday,
at the Publishing Offices, Central Avenue,
Rugby, Morgan County, lenn. hditor and
Proprietor, Thomas Pardon, to whom all
communications should be addressed. ,
Twelve Months $.00 Post paid.
Six Months 1.25
Tliree Months .75
English subscribers can remit by registered
letter or P.O. Order on Cincinnati, Ohio.
May bo obtained oti application at the
18 8 2
Now Open for Guests.
Amusements of all kinds provided. Fishing
Swimming, Lawn Tenuis, Croquet. Archery
Quoits, Play Grounds for Children, etc.
For Room and board.
Per Day $2.00 and $2.50
Per Week $7.00 to-$10.00
' Single Meals 50c.
Families and Children at special moderate
ABNER L. ROSS, Jr., Proprietor.
Prettily situated in the most central
part of Rugby.
The alwve Family Hotel is now open for the
reception of Visitors and Boarders, and every
effort is made to provide for the requirements
of visitors, while permanent boarders will find
a comfortable and economical residence.
Single Meal -Jk
Board and Lodging.
Per Week - - $5.50 to $7.00
According to situation of room.
An fly to
Goon Table and Pleasant Rooms. .
Hacks to Hantmlle and other points always in
Within fifty feet of Entrance to Tabard Hotel.
Cigars and Tobacco. Coffoo, Cocoa, &c
Makers $ 0o)vfectioncrsf
In every Branch of the Trade,
Bread of all kinds baked and delivered
Materials otJie'bcst quality only used.
h Hotel
A New Crop of GREEN BEANS,
Cabbage, Onions, and many other
things. ,
J. H. Blacki.ock, President of Committee.
W. Hastinhs Uuuiiks, Vice-President.
Edward Hertz, Secretary and Librarian.
C. II. Wilson, Treasurer.
Donations in aid of the above arc respect
fully solicited by the Committee, a debt of
some magnitude having been already made on
account ot running expenses.
About five thousand volumes, the gifts of
boston, New York and Philadtllhia publishers,
are now in place on the shelves of the Tem
porary Library on Central Avenue, and are
open to inspection by visitors on application to
the Librarian. About two thousand more are
expected from Chisago and other sources, on
receipt of which the catalogue will be coin
pleted and working arrangements made for
the distribution of books to residents.
Tne Library building, on Central Avenue,
is rapidly approaching completion, and will
shortly be ready tor opening.
Evidently no long tune can elapse before
the benefit to ltugby of this generous tribute
of the American literary world to Thomas
Hughes begins to be telt. lint in the mean
time the maintenance of 'lie institution is a
serious tax upon the limited means of the
present population of the town.
Mr. Abner L. Ross has kindly consented to
receive subscriptions from visitors to the
Tabard Hotel. Payments can also be made
to the Hughes' Public Library at the
Lafayette Bank of Cincinnati, and to Mr. N.
II. lucker, at the Kugby Commissary.
There is an impression with some
of our readers that The Ruobeian
is in future to be issued fortnightly,
instead of weekly. That is not so,
and if ever such a sickness threatens
the paper, rather than leave it to a
lingering death, it will be smothered
at once.
The Ruqbe'ian is now paying its
way, and Will be issued every Satur
day, as it has been, but with one
exception, since the present pro
prietor has had charge of the journal,
we want, however and never more
than at the present moment, while
the colony is not out of its crucial
condition the helping right hand
of every colonist and well wisher in
this country and the old.
Rugby has yet a hard and long
struggle to maintain ; she is no
trimmed garden where one may
walk, and, " at his own sweet will,"
cultivate the beautiful alone. No !
the surroundings are rough and
primeval forests, needing the axe
and the determination of the pioneer,
and the plow, and the seed, and the
patience of the tiller of the soil.
The pen has been said to be
mightier than the sword, but we
question if it be more powerful than
the plowshare ; however, the press
is an immense impetus to civilization,
and Cincinnatus, "in the brave days
of old," would have been none the
less civilized, or useful as a member
of society, had he, in his bucolic or
dictatorial days, a weekly newspaper
to peruse. We would again solicit
for The Rugbeian the support of all
those who have the interests of
Rugby at heart.
Nobody will now believe, no matter
who certifies to the contrary, that
Rugby is anything but a disastrous
failure; whereas Rugby has been
passing through the diseases of
childhood, and is on the way to be
come a well-established, pleasant
and profitable colony. It is evident
that if a gang of " Will Wimbles "
enter the wilderness as pioneers,
their work as pioneers will fail. But
that does not imply that the place
is a failure ; only that the " Will
Wimbles " were unfit for the work,
and that the locality was not all its
founders hoped and believed. After
the debris of bottles the " Will
Wimbles " had heaped up has been
cleared away by successors better
qualified for the task, the colony
begins to assume shape ; gradually
to strengthen and harden into form
and consistency. But it will be long
before the success is recognized,
whereas the news of failure spreads
like wildfire.
As a rule a new setlement has to
go through a probation of abuse :
and nearly always begins its career
as "a disastrous failure." This
was conspicuously the case with the
most successful settlement of modern
days, the Canterbury Colony of New
Zealand : and although Rugby may
not attain to large proportions, it is
likely to form a good average sue
cess, porhaps more, to make up in
a measure by agreeable society, a
pleasant climate and picturesque
scenery, for any short comings in
soil, and .wealth of produce. Anglo
American Tims.
We had hoped to receive in time
for publication this week, the elce
tion returns for Morgan and Fen
tress . Counties, but up to going to
press . they had not come in. It
is generally believed, however, that
but few changes have taken place
The Nashville corespondent of the
Cincinnati Commercial telegraphs to
that journal : "Meager returns have
been received from county elections
throughout the State. The advices
so far indicate the defeat of the
call for a Constitutional Convention,
by a large majority."
Mr. G. II. Baskette, late of the
Murfrecsboro News, has taken
editorial charge of the Nashville
American. He is an able journal
ist. Another Sunday, or a new day for
observing the Sabbath, has been in
augurated by some colored people
near Abbeville, South Carolina.
Their rest day is Tuesday, and one
of their working days, Sunday.
A colored man, named Horace
Shields was sentenced by the Chat
tanooga Circuit Court, last week, to
twelve months' in the penitentiary,
for stealing an umbrella. He bor
rowed one from a friend and failed
to return it.
The Americus (Ga.) Recorder is
printed on paper 50 per cent, of
which is pine wood. The paper is
soft, smooth and clear, and takes
the impression remarkably free.
What is the cost per pound, and
where manufactured ? The Trades
man. It is gratifying to learn from
latest reports that the Rugby colony
is flourishing and hopeful. The
man that undertook to plant that
colony did a far better bit of old
fashioned English work than that
which Gladstone is trying to do in
Egypt, and Mr. Hughes and his
followers deserve success. Phila
delphia Times.
President Arthur has vetoed the
River and Harbor Bill. The
Michigan forest fires have been
nearly extinguished by rains.
The election of Governor St. John,
of Kansas, for a third term is said
o be certain. The recent rain
was very destructive in the district
around Cincinnati ; the Licking
river rose higher than for many
years past. Roper, who embezzled
3,500 in Chicago, has been arrested
in Scotland. The Mining Expo
sition opened at Denver on Tuesday.
Captain Payne, with a large
number of colonists, will again go
over the border into Indian Terri
tory. During the twenty-four
hours up till ncfon, Monday, 138
deaths occurred from heat in New
York City. The Quaker quarterly
meeting at Leesburg, Ohio, closed
on Sunday, with an attendance of
G,000 people. The Rev. Barnes,
a rather sensational preacher, is
attracting much attention in Ohio.
Since the the death of the late
secretary of the Cincinnati Southern
Railway, Mr. Doughty, it has
been discovered that that gentleman
fraudulently issued 4,045 shares of
the C.N.O. &T.P.R stock. The
estate of Mr. Doughty will be
sufficient to holders of stock against
loss. At the Lancaster camp-
meeting, Sunday, over 1 1 ,000 people
attended. The Spreme Lodge of
Knights of Pythias meets in Detroit,
Aug. 21st to 24th. A larger
number of deaths occurred in New
York City the week ending Saturday
last than has been the case for ten
years. One third of the 1217 deaths
were infants who succumbed to
cholera infantum, arising from the
great heat. 15,000,000 gallons
of whiskey are now in bond in the
Lexington, Ky., district. The
shipment of wheat from Lexington
Ky., is larger than was ever pre
viously known. The railways can
not supply the demand for cars.
A bridge fell at Manayunk, Pa.
injuring several persons who were
watching a tub race. Two men
have been killed by lightning near
Lomis, 111. At the rapid shoot
ing match at Creedmore, Saturday,
Mr. R. T. Hare fired nineteen shots
in one minute. The English rifle
team expect to land in New York
about September 2nd. There will
be 18 or 20 marksmen. Jacob
Weil, the forger, has been brought
back by the steamer Spain. An
Allan line steamer has just run
from land to land in G days, 14
hours, beating the Alaska, whose
latest trip was 7 days, 17 minutes.
A colored boy named Living
stone, from Florida, has, by examin
ation become entitled to enter the
Military Academy at West Point.
A civil war has commenced
among the Creeks in the Indian
Territory. Yellow fever has
broken out at Brownsville, Texas,
and one death at New Orleans is
reported. A postal card with a
flap to conceal the message is to be
issued. Twelve Chinamen landed
at New York on Monday, from
Havanna. The Anti-Chinese Immi
gration Law comes into effect Aug. 5.
Hecker's flour mill, New York
City has been burned down. The
official figures in the Iowa election
on the adoption of the Prohibition
amendment to the Constitution shew
a majority in favor of adoption, of
The Sultan refuses to declare
Arabi Pasha a rebel until Turkish
troops have been landed in Egypt.
Turkish troops are preparing to
leave. The total naval force con
sists of fifteen vessels. It is expected
the British will shortly occupy Suez.
The London Daily Neivs considers
England must, in common prudence,
prevent Turkish troops landing in
Egypt. It is supposed there is com
plicity between the Porte and Arabi
Pasha. The Khedive has authorized
the English to occupy as much of
the Suez Canal as they think neces-
P .il 1 r i t t-i
sary ior me expulsion ot me rebels.
Do Lcsseps is occupying a very
prominent part against the English,
and is supposed to be acting with
Arabi Pasha. The latter has in
structed the Bedouins on the Canal
o obey De Lesseps. The Consul-
General of France has ordered the
entire French fleet to withdraw from
Egypt. Looting continues at Rain-
eh. The Aboukir forts have not yet
been bombarded. The white flags
lying over them are merely a farce.
Arabs are working hard at the fortli-
cations at Rosetta and Damietta.
The feeling among the French is
very much against De Lesseps.
Arabi Pasha is still parleying with
the Khedive who insists upon uncon
ditional surrender. De Lesseps has
told Arabi Pasha that if ho leaves
the Suez Canal alone neither France
nor Italy will touch him. Seven
hundred and fifty of the Scotts
Guards have left London for Egypt,
amidst the greatest excitement. The
House of Commons, by 140 to 23
votes, have approved of the dispatch
of G,500 Indian troops to Egypt.
French residents at Port Said pnn "
test against the withdrawal of the
French fleet, and announce their in
tention of placing themselves under
the protection of the United States.
Sir Garnet Wolseley has started for
Egypt. The Prince of Wales wanted
to go to Egypt, but the Queen
objected. Admiral Nicholson, com
manding the f American war ships
in Egypt, gives the following short
verdict about the bombardment of
Alexandria: "We don't mind admit
ting, sir, we could not duplicate that
King Cety wayo has arrived in Lon
don. The Times forecasts that
the British wheat crop will not
nearly amount to a fair average.
A dissolution of Parliament shortly
is not unexpected in England.
Mertens, the printer of the Fnhe.it
(London), has been declared guilty
of seditious libel concerning the
murders of Cavendish and Burke.
Pollock Castle, the most ancient
family seat in the West of Scotland,
has been burned. The Lords and
Commons are at variance over the
Arrears Bill. Fifty houses have
been burned in St. Petersburg.
Mr. Gladstone has been compelled to
add 3d. (six cents) to the income
tax for the last half of the year.
The steamer Getterl, of the Hamburg
American Line, had a narrow escape
from destruction by fire on July 28.
Archbishop Croke, speaking in
Tipperary advises Irishmen not to
emigrate. A treaty has been con
cluded between Spain and Chili.
It is stated by the London Telegraph
correspondent at Moscow that Gen.
Skobeleff was killed in a drunken
brawl. On account of the war in
Egypt, American securities arc being
much sought after in England.