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7 II dv WY i j VOL. 2. Subscribe and Get n Letter From Home SNEEDVILLEV HANCOCK COUOTY, TENNESSEE, ; KUIIAY; AUGUST A 1918 NO. 41 PROGRAM THE SKEEDV ILLE HEWS Alfred and Isaacs :son of Lan HENRY cnmw don Mullenai,, whiW 'shrubbinfir a field the other day jot mad and We the Second Division of the &DITOB AN9 rVBUSUER. fouarht with their hoes. Isaac Fifth Sunriav Merino- of rh Mni strlkinr Alfred AA thA ricrhtliflnrl horrv (Ian Hand'of A A . ...... I " " 1 rf vauKdy ncowiabivu, WMIClT MtlMMf rirfttit t tV I i . , . ... I ... .... . .. InehutrisvL inteiiaetuni d .r.i d. ana euranK . nam on between win meet with the Briar Creek . Teiopment and i growth. i ltatk wristand knuckle; causing the Baptist Church, Hancock County, . hSLl?gi remainder of the hand to have to Tennessee, Aug. 30 and 31. J91& J iiidfer8oMroth, and cvtrcshl' botakcaoff at the wrist Drt. Introductory Sermon, Rev. G. &'&ti)i Trent and Sumpter performing W. Trent; Alternate, Rev. R. D, utei totbekfipineaaf UahoBwav; I the-operation. The Patient is Greene. gettinjrjilengf nicely. Welcome Address. Rev. Sher- Entered w eecondiaaa matter Born to Revand Mrs. Arthur 5? Mullens; Response. Rev. ; ESS& SSArJBrtt? S T"hr Ohio, a March 3. 1879..' SUBSCWrTISNIATES: Oae Teat ' - - $1.00 Sii Mentha - - 50 rival to this earth. She is Logan Local: and Personal! woca Nancy's first grandchild; so ..i w lviiKeiy inac ugan I eels a ur. K, A Doty, of Kyles Ford, bout two inches taller. passed through Sneedville Truirs ay- . . HAVING A GOOD TIME Sdpt'L. J. Catron and brother Dear Brother: Dr. Henry Catron were, in Iowa j I haven't heard from you Wednesday. lor quite a while. Wish daughter, whose nsmn ia Narwv I TOPICS Elizabeth Ruth TrvW . TfcJ -let What is the Kingdom of mother was formerly Miss Grace & md how do w0 set into it? Mizer. eldest daughter nf Mr ey look ana w. i rent. and Mrs. Logan Miaer, of Vardy Does God require of a man Hr mn Native. tt.Jnxm than He gives him the Miaers and Collins along Black- flity todo? H.I.Greene, and water wiirh o-IjiiI tn rmtAW . " vaugnn. 3rd. In the conversion of a sin ner, which comes first Repent ance or Faith? Barnet Greene, and Grant Mullens. , : 4th. Is Eternal Life an inher itance? P. T. Livesay, and'O. W. Trent f Query Box at will tt the bod. Brethren whose names are bet you on the program are invited to't I. "WV (fi Grainger County Jir T iff? - N9. inin u,.K tl, . '.-V'' f 'Jfi f 12 million, JLmes muM eat "mi 8 TWO FARMS FOR SALE. ust over tr ns. The farm join each other, one contaisinx 120 acres, with good houses, lares new barn, good afore house, on of the best stands in the country for a store. It has a fine spritj i:i the yard that cost $100.00, ts dig and wall, and is a fine plact for niilK and batter. The other one has 60 acres ad oinin? the first, has dweliinf and outbuildings and orchards. - Either one the farms is a bargain and both together is excellent bargain. For price and sw us nt ones, for this is a bargain and is likelf to se'l at once. " . Hancock County kal l!Ulexcfita Sm-wlville, - Tojin;EBe. w. B. a LET THE FARMER KEEP READY FOR WAR WCJ era, Ulaacue and Jietty, are visit ing relatives at Morristown, Rev. G. W.,Vaughn, Mt. William Frazier, . fcecy. Mrs..W. A. BfecktecanddaughtK0"1! f6W ,ine8 0nce Present and take part in the t T. cusslon. l am well and having a rrettv good time. Wish you was with v The excellent family of A. T. rae I'm sure you would like to Drinnon moved to Merristown hear the roar of Fritter's guns thi&wedcto get advantages of and the whizring of the shells and tho Morristown school. ' shrapnels. ... We have had plenty of rain for w. . s. .Mrs. Wint Campbell and STORE VEGETABLES WELL SO THEY WILL KEEP WE! the last week or so and also some - . . . . ;: - . r AH root cropi ra ttored for 4lnt? lu practically tba lama way. Blortg wvwrwtw vj avlltlU k U at The principle crops ,ow Plt flTe lnchaa deep, thre 4 wiuf, boi any leDgio. uoou or ri Hi .(I -daughters, Jennie ieck arid Flo-r , weather i. u..u Tne PeP' just begmmng w l4UW" to harvest. f'T. Rv; A. ;A. ;Caxapbell. laya. beans, ;nd ausar beets, f -:i ."The World Peace will begin The news from the Allies Jihes at the house of the Lord by all tor the last few day is very good, his followers uniting with Christs It seems that they are giving Church upo one faith. " Fritz about all that he can stand. ' . . You would be surprised to see oupt matron announces inai th. wrvviAn Bw- K. .'l.-V" the Sneedville High Sckool Will snrnt nf tUm rrsU kOM KcpM. carrota and turnloi honld A ways uare me iopt removed oerorf der very efficient management mi til A.v i "r':." lh' taus year and it is hoped that It got so I could sleep on the ground Car 'd b avoid bruiin win open wun large enoance. n mt 9 -r, ... T .,M reoiB mi ine or Pannc i .HV.b.0Kvwu . wm. u torage.-0. K. Drehm. dlviaun All Parties OWtng a Store aC- ,J,Le ueu- "ave almost IOrgOl-1 utension. Univernlty of Trnnnir count to James Seal & Son of ten whether there is such a thing Knoxviii Sneedville Tenn., must eome at as a real bed. We now have huts once and settle same or account to sleep in. when we were on our will be placed ia officers hands h&' to this place we slept at night in barns and houses. But N CITY and country mora war sardana art Deed ad tkla yaw than ever before. Patriotism prompted 1,000,000 Amtrtcaaj to plant gardtoa lait year, according to aatlniataa ot tba Dnlted 8tatea Department of Afrlcuttura. Tranaportatfoa fadlltlea of tba nation will be strained this year battling toaal tlona of war and fooda for the Alllea. Tba aurplua food cre ated by home gardens will help In the railroad problem. An the nation will vat leaa ef the gtxxla we must export wheat, , mi., inn ami encar. erery hoy sml girl that helpe wltn the sardoii l helping win tin ar. LenRcl of Itmtrurtloa la snaking way be nirtH from the iM'tiurtuiixi of Agriculture at Waah fnon rwtuvMl, wltliout charge. 1MB, rr Je Vractica! 7 W. M. H. for collection. All boys that have attained the age of 21 since last registration or will be 21 on or before August 24. 1918; must register on August 24th. The 8. 9. and 12. Districts a at Sunny Side. The 3, 4, and 5, at Kyles Ford. The 1. 2. C, X 10 and 11. at Sneedville. by the direction of the Gov ernor. T. J. Harrison, Chairman, Local Board. During air electrical storm last Friday, ligltningstruck Maness L Becklers Store tearing off a portion of the weatherboarding on a corner and breaiungthe tel ephone connections. The dwell ing of H. B. Jarnigan and. the flag pole in front of the Court House were also struck during the same storm tearing a few shingles off th top of the former and cutting a deep grove down a portion of the latter knocking down a horse that was hitched to the Court Yard Fence. Merchants can get blanks for use under the U. S. Food Admin istration Laws at the News OCce or by mail upon receipt of the rrice. Sugar Pledge Home Canning 250-11.00; 500-$l.S0; 1000-$3-25; 5000-$10. Egg Candling reports at the same prices. Egg Candling CertifScatcs 50 cts per 100. ONE OF THE TENNESSEE WOOD-HOOP SILOS since we have arrived at this place wc are resting very well at night We managed to steal a bit of straw for bedding. It makes a very nice bod to put down straw and a shelter half over it and then put the blankets on for cover. Your brother, Roy E. Hatfield. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Dear Editor and Friends: Will write you all a few from this place as I see my other letter escaped the waste basket. The weather is warm with a shower about every other day. Guess seveial boys there, are expecting to camp soon. I wish them good luck and a safe return at the close of the war. Gun and boat dr.ll is mostly all we have had for the Ust week. You bet we can handle a gun by now. we certainly make me large guns cluck. The Ncvy is a verv fine place for a fellow except when he goes to scrubbing clothes . I make a pretty good hand but don't think I shall follow it for an occupation when I leave the Navy. Guess schools have began there and going to school is al) the go. A large number of beys from Detention Camp came to this place yesterday several of whom were from Tenn. W e have plen ty to eat here. Bill la Giles county, thia silo. 28 by II feet In dltnenki4. Is found on the farm of R. . Blackburn. It wa built September 24 to 27. 1117. The recora- mendaliona found In Publication 24 of the division of agricultural exu-citoo. I Diversity of Tenfieseae, Kaoiralle. were followed. The cost of the stree ture. Including two feet of anoVr- ground work, was fllO. It was filled October . using a mixture of three parts corn and one part aorgban. Mr. Meckbarn fed 28 steers, begin ning NoTesabcr II and continuing foar asoatha. The cattle ware then turned out on grass, finished eff oa corn, sad marketed Jane 1. lilt. Mr. Elaekbvra thlaka so weU ef U alio that he plans to awUd another this fall. According to bis way ot thlaklag the two talus to look for ia a silo are (1) minimum eoat and (It csaxlmum efficiency, and he feela that he has tbee two polau la laeer 4 the alio h owna. Tilt 'nu't man in love often L'OfS lulu nntnn about the l liif ui tin- svn in lu r vyi s unl tlu- mU. tn Ux.'tcf .uitumn in lu r hair," hut rcim inlvr this youn mrtn-SHb'I.I. l:AT ju-t tin- niiik- jt any other healthy irl. Tlu-rt fore (Jmpa lot ot tliis l-tvo-siik stuff ami Uet iloun to ru1ial busltu s. Saw your money, i!exsit it in ;t ;: r Ij.tMt- banli (il.e curs iin.l net ready In own a home for you ainfthr :nJ t proviilf for the three siiare mi-ids a tlay you will both need as loti as you live. You Un w when poverty conies in at the J.M.r love viint tim s Hies out at the win.low. The Citizens Bank "When oar soldiers face the Bans In the trenches we do net a them -to bo equipped with mated aaCI broken was pone. We want theaa M have the beat modern war ecrtUpaaaO and to be. trained to rare properly tar this equipment," aaya James Areataoai farm machinery epeclallat, division 4B extension. University of Teaaaaaaaj Knoxvlllo. "We believe that the present WC will be won by the man behind taa) plow." he continues. "If tale la It certainly bahoovea na to keep Implement In the beet poaalble tion. "Kvery effort should be iMda -thhl winter to put the farm liaplemealada such condition that there will fce-ael ljmm Af tlmm In t It. HiU n.vl anlM "1. Prevent rust and rut provl . lag a good shelter. ' Paint where aeeem ' ry. . ' - ; . "2. Thoroly clean and Uf wt Ing part. , "3. Apply axle grease to all gelaV ed surfaces, such as culUvator ahawalnj corn planter shoes, plowa, etc. "4. Order aU needed reaalra ifC oace. 1 "8. Make repairs this winter a1 plowshares, cultivator shovels, eiaj sharpened before you seed them. "Re prepared for the great 'smrftK offensive' against KalserUm." W. H. a. HOW TO RAISE ORCHARD GRASS FOR THE ZZU) Saving the Cost of a New Roof A Sing tit application HOW of Voldura 99.5 Pure Asphalt Paint wilt tai poti the cot of a new rwf later. liellirr your r.H.f lc", Fell, Composi tion, Tin, Imn, Strrl, or Sliinxlr, VALDURA will do the work quickly, perfectly ami with real economy. Uur Hat guar antee stands back of evrrv tlrnn of VALDURA it must serve you properly or purchase money will be refunded. Valdura 99.5 Pure Asphalt Paint There is u tar in VALDURA; it it a strict 99.5 pure mineral asphalt paint A few dollars worth used on your Farm Machinery, Implements, Fencing, etc., will save you hundreds of dollars in their aMc life. We have some interfiling literature on VALDURA we would like to give you and a sample of the paint itself for your test all without VALDURA ia very easy to ar!r and it can le ue.l in anr Orchard grate ylelda to 11 of seed to the acre oa aa average. la uewelly bundled la email with a binder, and shacked la she way aa wheat. It may be ah with the common wheat Itiraaher f using special riddles. About ber l sow one bu hfl of seed to acre, broadcast, and harrow It Kg !!ghi!y.J. C. Mr A mis, division of tension, I'nlveralty of Teaneaaea. I f 4.' . .! M 111 L I hn f T 1 1 II cost acasoo. It is the paint to uc "When you want sure reiults." Roan & Te?terman, Rojjcr-ville, Tenn. YOUNG MEN, A1TENTION! The Government Wants VouTo ilo To COLI.HOI: and enlist in the ARMY at the SAME TIME Writo For Tull Dotails of tho 1 Ian of tho students Army Training Oorps UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE. KNOXVILLE Thote Epileptic Attacks by Udnj A Nerve Stdatfre tKat Kn been tuccetafullr ued ia the treatment of EpileperyJ Hysteria, and ot!ter N lus DUorders for the iKirty years. SOLO BY ALT. DKUOCim fc-ILE NIOIVL CO- (thl