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V 4 "J 10' irZr n I i* :,J. I W I 4"V "4i *4 1' 51 VJ doctor Clark .-t&m (Klii'r ill yNewell Hospital 'in the Pr, Lloyd Huilding. -Jlv Rooms in private residency for confinwrnonts. Chris W. Schuman adotionekh 8 I will cry sales in Butte county or in any part of the state. Commission reason able. Meet all dates rain or shine. Write me at Acme, So. Dak. t: Si: S. Berry Civil Engineer Desert Claims, Drainage irrigation Plants. 'Phone A-112. Ilefle Fourche, S. D. Dr. W. C. HILLS Offic* or outsid* call* day or night. Rooms for mcdical and tmMrgtney Newell, S. D. Hardware, Furniture and Undertaking Licensed Ktnbalmer. J, H. CHRISTIAN, Nautili, I. D. 'Phone 55 O. E. FARNHAM ATTORNEY and Counselor at Law. Special attention given to Land Titles and Land Ortice practice. Newell, S. D. W. D. BUCHHOLZ ATTORNEY AT LAW Special Attention to Land Otlice Practice Farm Loans Inscuancb Newell, So. Da. Dr. E. A. GILLETTE Neweii's Dentist MILK and CREAM Dative red every morn ing and evening to all parts of the city. S E N O V O Y jmm ^ssasKx^sssmSSs^ The "Old Reliable" Gets the Money ii for others as well as himself. j| Therefor will ill Auction Sales where, Anytime ... Pedigreed Stock a Specialty. 1 11 11 Satisfaction Guaranteed. ii! {j* J. C. Seymour, Lti^0JgJ00g~ ¥BMM* fSBEWS&M£M9£M£3£& s Jr. i Auctioneer. I J. R. CRIST Dentist. ov"r Uufro Behien'i, a U 3 n i s a i o n o Rmra 9 6 «v«ry day *xo*tt Stm-iiy. Oruloa o Colormdo Collet* of Dental Su.-*enr- 2 Kvc jraat **net»l pimette*. Newell, S. Dak. Ol 1 hats made like new, cleaned,, rttriaomed. Panama, straw md felt. Styles changed, sizes ui tie to fit, .vears of exper ience ve know lnv. Our work talk*. (*wj| bwUar, -*'™3 .... 0«ear Hi i!,«• wa, in from Castle Kock Tui-day. Mr. Barker wan in freio Arpan lust Saturday. Window ila«»--ftJisisee,~ at IViceV trug Store/ f'r. Herman wa« down frtm Belle Kour I Saturday. G. C. McCiunir wu an arrival from lielle Fourche yesterday. Money for farm loans, Write Wm. J. Pierre, S. 1), 10 cents per calf will prevent black leg.—(See Price's local ad.) E. A. Gillette was transacting business in Mel If Fourche Monday. Joe Nelson was in from hist Deer mont ranch the first of the week. Dr. John H. Martin, eye, ear no«e, throat specialist, Lead, S. D. C. Henry Wendt was in from Castle Rock tilt fore part of the week. Matt Schuster reports *tBl sale of a new Overland to Guy Kenas ton this week. The Ladies Social Union will meet with Mrs. Kenaston Thurs day, March 9th. Buy your winter supplrof Reek Springs, Hanna and Niggerhead oal of August Erickson. Judge Wilkinson's office has been renovated and treated to a coat of calsomine this week. If you want to be well inform take a paper. Even a paper oi pins will give you some points. Enttliab-Lutheran services at Newell again oil Sunday, March 5, 1916 Rev. C^ F. J. Wirsing. Henry Richman has moved Misfc Mary Paulson's house ir »m her dry ranch to her irrigated eighty. Lou Maranville was an ar.iva from Belle Fourche last Monday and went on out to hia place neat Fairpoint. Mr. E. C. Yonng left last Thursday for the eastern part ol Montana and expects to be gom tor several weeks. Gust Freolund bar moved from iiia Deermont ranch to his place south of town and is getting read.\ ror the spring work. Home talent play, Higbee oi Harvard, at the Theatoiium Mon day, March 13th Admission 60e. School children 35. Park-Davis Co's. 'Blacklegoids,* (n bottles of 10, onft 10c per dose. Jan you afford to not buy theui per cent discount on 50 or more •loses. We have several different kindf the better grades of soft coal at prices that will suit your pocket oook. The J. F. Anderson Lum Uer Company. At the last meetingof the Royal Xeighbors they adoptel uil ssof eitfht candidates. The last two months they have elected^to mem bership twelve beneficiary mein iers and nine social members. QJe Williams, Mr. and Mrs. H. rlennon. Mrs. Clarence Harp. Miss Lucile Dustin, Miss Lottie Norris and Roy Smith were amoiig the Nislanders who attended the leap year dance Saturday. Regular services ai the Method st church next Sunday,as usual ex oep that the evening service will commence at eight o'clock. Rev C. E. Matieson, district superin tendent of Rapid City, will deliver the sermon which will be followed by communion service. Lead is making a strony effort to get rid of some of her undesir able aliens, men who have lived in this country for a number ot year. und hare made no attempt in any way to qualify as citizens, and who^e conduct has not been up to the required standard of citizen ship. They will uot be foisted upon other cities, but will be ma e the subject of investigation by the immigration commission and their deportation from the Uoite4 States may be urced. For Sale. Pore Macroni or Durum seed wheat. U. S. experiment strain. No gueas $1.00 per bushel while it lasU. B. F. Niwcikk, Acrwt- 7® H*- UH AU A.\l» I'l.itMi i V\ I. Vl:\tf, liOCAL AM) 1'KlttittNAL NKWS '»!,v 10.-per e*|f local ads.) Only 10c per calf (see-local ads. Don't fail to register for that primary election. i^et the Anderson Lumber Co. figure your lumber bill. Kodaks and supplies—at Price's Drug Store, Newell, S. D. C. ClauSsen was in townjroin Hoover Monday and Tuesday. N. M. Bratton made the round trip to Belle Fourche Monday, J. L, Williams returned from a trip to Belle Fourche Monday. 10 cents per calf will prevent black ler.—(See Price's local ad.) Mrs. Jerry Hunkins returned yesterday from atrip to the Hills, Mrs. Emil Wold returned lakt Friday from spending the winter in Canada. The M. E, Ladies Aid will meet, with Mrs. John Scott on Thursday, March 2nd A limited amount of sweet clover seed for sale at the N. M. Bratton Company's. S i thoroughbred Orpington dockerals for sale. Inquire, of Mrs. E. C. Dennis. .... Farmers having millet seed for sale are requested to leave samples with Matt Hafner. August Ericksou sells Nigger head, Rock Springs and Hanna al. None better. Henry Jacobsen. was in train Castle Rock Tuesday leaving for home in the storm. 50 pound rihoats for sale. Also 1200 Round draft horse $50.0''. Inquire of Dr. Clark. Can handle a few loans on •rated land Drou in and see me Home talent play, lligbee of Harvard, at the Theatorium Mon day, March 13th. Admission 50c. School children3tt. H. J. Fedde pays the highest narket price for all kinds of hides. •ee him at the Feddc livery barfi .vhen you have any to sell. If you mlw wfit of NmU* fftd th« too)i ii beiog i et Anderson Lumber Company irices—they are right. tvill serve an oyster supper in the •asement of the church Friday evening, March 3. Supper fom The Royal Neighbors of Cactus Camp will give an entertainment and lunch at the lodge room March 10th, commencing at 8:15 p. m. Everybody invited. Admission 25 cents. Children under 12 years of age 15 cents* 2t. Some thief broke into the Wilk inson barn in the rear of the News oftice last Thursday night and stole a harness belonging to Roy Miller. Mr. Miller had just purchased a team of mules and had bought the harness that day paying $41 for it. The stealing was supposed to have been done by transients as other depredations were committed at NUland and other points abo«it that time. Smiley-Gay Sells Out. An important business chan e o curred in Newell this week wfai n the N. M. Bratton Mercantile Co. purchased the stock, buildings and real estate of the Smiley-Gxy Hardware Company. This con ware among the pioneers of the town, enjoyed a good business and had many friends who regret to e them g& Charley McWilliaras has accepted a position with the International Harvester Co. and started on his new duties yester day while Mr. Rogers ha* several good positions offered him but i* undecided as to hi* future occupa tion. A large double door has k»en cut between the two buildings "I C. ft r-' --yf Jr..- REPUBLICAN Vote for Representative in Congress Julius H. Johnson Preparedness. He was a man of little sense. He carried in his coat. A loaded jam,"lor self-defense. Against the gink with gall immense Who tried to get his goat. One night when he was out for fun He should have been in bed— A rough-neck grabbed him on the run, And held and took away his gun And pumped him full of lead. That man's destruction was a sin, As any one would say— To he "prepared" he thought would win, And but for that he might have Alive and well today. LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Lively Cattle Trade and Val ues Strong to 10c Higher. HOGS BIG 510 IOC HIGHER. Lambs Mov« at Staady Figures—Good Light Mexicans Bring $11.10—Ewes Are Fully 8t«ady—Toppy Fed West ern! Reach $8.00 Mark. Union Stock Yards. South Omaha. Neb., Feb. 29.—Receipts of cattle yes terday totaled around 6,600 head It fid not take dealers long to get down irri-^o business and the offerings of beef Bteera "ld before making*, t-v.. K. week's close, strictly good to choice Farnham. 1.500 pound beeves sold at $8.50. There was also a lively call for cows and heifers and trading began soon and Cattle quotations: Good to choice beeves, $8 00@8.50 fair to good beeves, $7.75@8.00 common to fair are planning on A new i beeves, $7.00@7.70 good to choice iouse or repairing the old one- heifers, n $6.50^7 50 cows. s.j5 @C.50 *n .t i .j:-.*. *-:j stags, etc. Division No. 1 of the Ladies Aid stocker8 I 5:30 till all are served. Patronize the Belle Fourche .'ream station. We pay 29 cents or butter fat. 10 cents for chick .veighing over five pounds, live weight. Geese and ducks, 13 cents. Dr. EttaD. Mallory will practice o s e o a y o n s u a i o n a n spinal examination §1.50. Special ty of confinment cases and c»nes female weakuess. Residence 2 .niles south of Vale, S. D. 19-4t. $ readily at prices that I were strong to a dime higher than last finished early at prices about a dime higher than Friday all around. Veal calves were in very active request and quotably strong. There ws*. a vigorous buying demand tor stockers and feeders and salts looked pretty close to a dime better than last week. good to choice |«.25@6.75 fair to good cows. 50@6.25 canners and cutters, $4.50 veal calves, $7.0u&9.75 bulls, $5 00@6 50 good to choice $7.eo@8 00 good to choice [feeders, $7.50@7.85 fair to good feed- «r8. *7 ?0@7.50 common to fair feed- ,o o ers, $6'0087.00 stork heifers, $6.5t@ UQ stock cowg ,5 76#e.7B. 8tocU cows, calves, J6.50&8.00. Some 8,000 hogs arrived yesterday. The market was fairly active and prices were generally 5@10c higher than last Saturday. Bulk sold at $8ir@8.35 and tops reached $845. Sheen and lamb receipts amounted to about 10 800 head. Trade was slow In starting, but the bulk of the offer-' ings were sold before noon at fully steady prices. The $1110 top on Mexicans, which sellers were unwil ling to quote at last week's close, was established yesterday, three loads of good light weight lamus bringing the price. Other desirable Mexicans sold at $11.00, while bulk of the westerns want at $10 75^10.90. Fed w»r».«n ewes reached $8.00. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choire, $10.905?11.10 lambs, fair to good. $10.65© 10.90 larnbs^lippecl, $9.25010.00 yearlings, fair to choice llpht. $9.25@9.75: year lings. fair to choice heavy, $8 OOift 9.2", wethers, fair to choice, $7.50ft 8 2." ewc-s, Rood to choice, $?.75@ $.00 ewes fair to good. $7.00 For Sale! ,• "«S'| Xf All furniture and carpets in the big HOLZNER HOTEL it '4, ft' S.V'%- Deadwood South Dakota. Feed I hare gine and 4 K '.'J 1 i *C & been it v All Prize T1 1b KE Cutter De Laval Made most important butter scoring ronh•?!» take pi.-.Co Annu al Convention of the Na tional Buttermaivers' Asso ciation. inrectntye.j'3 in conjunchoti wuh tlic —mm* ». Fair, St. I.ouis, Grand Pi i/c 1906—A. ulwin 1%7-A. Li'xlblad 1908 J. C. Past 1909-A. Anderson ^. 1910-Albert C-imp 1911-A. J. Aiidcrboti l^U-A.l. Radlc 19H-0. N. Pt r^ri V 1914- -Thomas Sadlei* 1915—Emil G. Oman (There were no national conventions in :m. 903, and 1905.) iiiiiiM W—or T, %r' i purchased a twelve horse power Field* gasoline e&«^ i a Duplex milrand am now prepared to grind feed*/ Yu do not have to wait all day to get it ground as I prepared to do it on the shortest possible notice. I respectfully solicit a trial from those who have beep tafc Jiheu^ecugrinding to other towns. .J August Erickson Mutual Master Picture "The End of the Road" In Five Reels at tM Picture Show Saturday Show Commences at 8 o'clock Sharp. iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiinimininni What N. M. Bratton Merc. Co. 4f 1 have to say about cream 1 separators this week & -a- Newell tsp When you use a De Laval ^jtrator you not only got cream but better cream as TLaval National Dairy Show in Chu'HKO. '1 he first piize winners at every conven* iionol theAssociation si'ce its organisation li'.l' have been as I olio De Laval users. 1892~~Loui» Bt abe 18W—C- W. Smith 1895—K. C. OltropRe 1H96—Thomas Milioa 18S7-H, N. Miller 1898 -Samuel Haugdjrttl. 1899 -A. VV. McC.JII h. t.Soiwit r^aanl 1901-E.G. Quei,Void 1H02-K. L. Duxhury 1904-L. S. Tavlor 1904-1. C. Joslin.- World's UfE best evidence of this is that last twenty-five years bntter tnacte from Da separated crc'ani has invariably scored the at all important contests and stale (airs. I'l acti.-. iliy all the creatn entered in the International Milk and Cream Show held in connection with the Panaina-1'aciiic Exposition, was separated l^r Da Lavals, and every first prize, and most alt thaothsr prizes, were won by De Laval separated cream. Thesj facts are simply further proof of De Laval supremacy in everything that coes to make a good cream separator.' Don't buy any separator until you r.i ve us an opportunity lo let you see and try a l)e Laval. We will be iflid.... lo send one out to your' farm on trial iny time you say. Jj phone, fend a post carl, or tail and we will lie tflad to 'ive you all the wish. Sooneror lateryou will buy a DE LAVAL Now You Can Come and Go HEN there's an entertainment at the church a good show in town, or a dance, or party at the home of a distant neighbor—then you will be glad to own a Harley-Davidson. YouH find a dozen good uses for it during the day, of course, but when the day's task is done and you are too tired to enjoy walking or driving, then you really enjoy your Harley-Davidson With a sidecar (detachable in a few minutes) the Harley Davidaon becomes a family vehicle, a never-ending source of fresh air recreation—won derfully soothing to tired nerves and muscles. I .*'1 iurkg the 'l-.Xjiiifl Considering all that tba Harley-Davidson Motorcycle and sidecar will mean to fd it is really aaaier for yds to own one than to 60 without. Arrange for a demonstration today. Edward Bushnell, Dealer Newell, South Dakota. jifft'r ri A V ," i