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Lee K. Dennii Building Conir««4»r Vale Newell Doctor Clark p! ii Newell Hospital in the Or,'Lloyd Buildiog. Room* in private Hwidea^e f»r confinements. Fust office UM 11. i Chris W. Schumjn A VI'ION IUKM 1 ill cry sale* ui Butte county «r in any purl of tlic ij state. Commission ret on* Able. Moot all (iftUV4 shino. Write, me a' Acme, So. DuK. Dr. W. C. HILLS Ofloe or oiiUlde o*IU day or R''lilt Koom.i far mimical and emaftfenfy Nc well, D« The NlHW Bdlbit fcjw. Twlbcil, Prop. Locrted between the 'Ilk and be s i Agert B. h. Steam Kaurlry w. D. BuemiO'.z ATTORNkV AT LAW AtUMion to Land Office Practice FaI'M LOANH Insuk^NOB Newell, -J- So. Da Hlllliniirii!:: !.:!!':i!l!i!!::!(iiiiH!llii:il!i iiiiiili: ihiliillli). ROYAL NEIGHBORS of AMLP.ICAj Cactus Camp No. 8728 J(mu (ran Knoond fend IVwirth Friday »f •soh month In tk« Uiill. KIXA YmiNii Orucie. Noha Niuiiomi, Recorder. ViiiiiiiHiiiiiiiuuimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiHiiiiiiiii Newell, S. Da 1 1' *».«•** Dr. J. R. CRIST Dentist. «v*r Hu*o th» II. 8. OommlHlonw* Hour* to svsrr ilty MO«|»t Bund*?. v i GradusU Colorado Ooll««*«( DanUl Sundry. Ktv» jtmih ir«ii»rftl pr«a#„. 'MM N.M.Bratton Merc. Co. NEWliLL Sell the Champion Cream 8«ver THE I !i'•• i tut niw'Mni» 'it l»i KIi {iritpcr liibiU'Ktl i in ir« v11.11: v lm|M.l imit :i It I* In tnw n »#n«mtn. rilar that jir«i»»ri olUi. #111 liiru lik 'I Hiid -"'itit w*«r out. Ill* u|j»fe«lil«n»tl »f «U» I ii Iki hi,! -1 •unn«r if III lit hbMM wits. •. minlri i'iii ««i i.n .ill* f«' irj iir I'll' rvtiKi'ii (U«t cmihi U..H WHIII till I I'll HiUi-tl *Hil lull uKrll. villi# nll»W« W«Ullt IV Ull vfitu oougS. Tha NEW Do Uvdllf •iitoeikUallr oiled •fill it llH«» U tHM W1W 0« t*v»i wiUm« mlrl (NMi Mui| j. u«»ii U,| o ,li imilliil'ii'Uliriiiit i lilin »ll« ?»l rthii ill* Iilltu# »t#W «III tint g»*i »«4 i'« 'ii»a In 'k» mmMm bM l»# rlfM tinuiMl »f Ml «tM» «H *u Uw**. Vl.» ti« lital vlUiif llllM ku lnwu hi»mIIa ixmrM»#»l I** tl*# •••Ull Itnu ill M* NI W U* lM»»l i «Mtwut«.lt nib ll#U i.« I 'lit* una til I ••UMNlHMti I ll«il«Ht|iiH *1 Ult lul u«t lvlM#ll)' ««"l»"l Wtl tti UlU llv-» tel. ti.Kt.i mil" hu i-euu Vmm* mf *I«»K Ip4i«l »U w*llf flu j'f ll ii iim m«w If *Hjl J»* *k«r ».-» NM AMtt PKIUMNAIi Kl H* \\K AUK I,AVI UliVLtlW, N'OI HAKI» OKA vIKH*. Girl Wiintsd~-At lb« Lofil Money fpr farm Iomm. Write Wm. J. Pierre. Wen. Quinn nod family took in thp Mitflit* ftt Hpearfinh Sunday. Hal Wlii»at,on wh* (ran 'id iri" 'in«in»*«« ui the ci'uni.v hui ladt Thursday. You mr invited to Me the naa tnilliripr.v at Thv Hat Shop in I'milnon'n Mtora. Wm. Burl« ami tlm Mfidam*" Kricknon and DulT,v attcinia'1 tin Vlfn'fa Palace at Bapid City laa* week. John BunheM and fHinMr havr movnH into refill in-" fo nip.rlf »o Ui'iivl b\ 11 in fc'iilinr on I i ,-• iy(.fuuiiiy Siworid atrc«t- ,f: BrHton'h aw jfiflng a boauliful S'mtiHiid finny, liarnv-f fid Ijii 'wy al»ioliuel,v #re«. hee theiii for particulars. Mr. urul Mr*, (iuortfr Moort itttondo'i tlic« Alliilfn Palacr- and v niU'ii friandf* and r*laiivea al i t|iid (,'it.v and Wall la»t wnuk. Otin* Schumann waa a Belli' "'"ouiohe visitor Monday. Ohrif iinppi'iwd to know inon about u ufHftpasn i'ani tliun lift wantod to. had tu Ull it to the jinlui). Mrn. A. E. Walker loturmd from Ht. .lonttpli'* hospital in Do dwood, wliui« alio undi'rwcni mi operation for appendicitis, la«t Kriday. filhe is waking a ripiii rfcovery, Loar -On Mondny, Sopt. Sii. on th« road lji!iwm«n Kruitdaii mid Nuwell a suitcoiuauuii ladiea weariuw ap parol I and tuiUi niticlrN. I'iiidcr return to tint otlice and roc.eiyti reward, Mra. Barr'a of (JuntralOHj vihited at. t,lm Win. Niva tiolTn ior Hi^vural days lant w«ok. The Niva family aulord up to Ucutrui Sunday Mra. Barr'a returning to Ikm' home with them. OWN'KU'M PHICK Ii OUK IIIICIO. t'hristian Knsol In erecting n now barn on his placn suiilln»usi of town. While a dryliunior Mr KiiaoI knoWN how tu adopt hiuiaelf to oonditiona, mid we arc triad ti note the success he is making ol his business. The Pleasant View Farmer's l!lub will hold itsro^ular inwotimj tlm laat Suturday tivtsniny Suptetnber. The program com mit,t«w have arrantrod for a debate in addition to noveral rm itation*. smuH and a paper. Kvcryone ih invitt'd to attend thcuo mi*t*tinu». (ieoricc A. Itoaa ia yicilintf with relatives in Ohicatjo. Mm. Ojial Soma ia acting aa aaniatMnt in tin poHlutttcr in the meantiiuc. (ieorie Iim* licou a lifelong doniocrat and a mitfhty fine follow but was over looked in the distribution of pwli tioal plums. According to our w«y of dishing up the dope lti outfht to b«i our next poattpaater. Fred .lay, a former Horse Oreek iiomrsteade.r, bad a iiom acoideat on the Whitowood hill laat w»»«k, On turning out to permit a oai paaaiuw thmr ourntait 'd to alide on loo^e oarth an tln« rtdge of tin (Mnbankaoifnl. Two whenia went over, Vut Iher eutarawnry bk«ko» hitid until th*\V w«rc able to »j^t ln lp to put it un the loud atram. Mr. and Mrt. I)w%'n M, Nmith v\«r* tInwit fiuut Hundaiu^e Wyo. I »t Friday ait«o nonu and Hatui i ty tnormuti tu view the remains their hvtoi and aee aliuut th« i iiiiianoe. Mr. Smith fcrl* tliwt In* liia* in llitt raoiMit tiro was quilt# aiu«ro iiud lii* ha* iiiMucaetii p'ai a nn* r^kiiMldnu th«* atructure. Tlili. -i!|lirt»i Nwwtill without a Meat ola»# hovel, Hpaarrttlt ltil«?pri«|| Tilt ^P 'ui lt«h vailwv anple t»i ti|i i« prtiiiiuiii«itd t»* apple giow«H»Hi in« oitt* of liia h«M t'liimldoi IIU' |he |Mality of the fi uit, in the huuuy of tlia *alli»y, While the crop u k mitter*alty lar«e, p«rh»|M, ii. quality t« waiudl«n»all varietlea )i liig M'tiiid and uf uu* tumi *t^.i ilit If'»t dmttiiiid Ik i ni«l «nd lM»a«a ai» baiiiM ibli'Mblltt, »^t«is tttitii* ik« nr UM Al, AMI* ri:i«N«»NAI» i114 Till OWN KITH PtUCB. K yer Tuf:tt ia ovii Aum hit purchased new Kord runabout. For a loaf of bread «r aquarc meal try the Nuwell Bakery The M. K. Ladies Aid meeta today with Mr*. John Hcott. Mix. Wm. Nivn *a* .visiting with friends at Nhbind Thursday. Mr. and Mr*. Han.v Cailioun were transacting l.uafiiesa at the county hub Monday. Morris Hrig«a, Ou Uwin, (iforge Inman and Matt Hcliu*trr were Lead and Bpeartish visitors Sunday. (Jul Gurlach is a helping band a', Hartwwll'e i»hartuac.v while Ambrose King is eojoying hie annual vacation. Six high grade HoUtiln cows arrived tiwre from Load last Hai Ui day for ibf Halph Bldrldge farm aoutheam of town. Will pay p«r ton for scrap iron ileiivrred at the depot. I roll can be weighed on Meskel Bro*. scalts.—Abraham Mitr*hl*,v. Two "run slow" uigns have been placed near the schoolhoun KUtoniobilinta are warned to Heeo ihem aa driving fast near school houses ia proliibitf bv *tste law, A dance i* being advertised loi the No well Tboatorium for Siatui day, September 29th. Music will be furnished by the Foster oroh estra which now has a trap drummer. 0. J. Kendall made a trip west of the Little Miaaouri the latter purl of last week and purchased a) head of two and three yeai old white faoM 10 fork illftliaai Uiis winter, 1 Koit Sai.k One of the bent irrigated tracts in the entile Belli project- Kindly ini i'one rota louiidation wider house, bog house and barn. Oistorn. A Hue place. li'ouri'he proved. The aheap sheds ou the Smiley ranch were burned to the ground Monday night with a lows of about $4,(100. The lire is thought to have been incendiary as it ia the third time they have burned ill tbc past yoVrs. At the setting of |Im««B iMt Tuesday evening commenced the twenty-four hour observance of the holiest day in the religioua calendar of the Jewiah people, Yom Kipptir (lay of Atonement) im the great Faet of Israel. It la observed by Jews everywhere. ,). 11. Cuddy attended the meet ing of the Black II ilia Commercial Club See.rourlea held at Sturgia the 19th. Paul D. Kelleter was clected permanent secretary of the association, Newcaatle Wyo, *va» accepted into membership. The Black Hills folder for next year will soon be in the hand* of the printer and will be more elaborate than this year'a. C. I). Sanders was on* of tha most popular men in towu last Saturday aa he waa on the market with a wagon load til' watei melons, lie stated that his melon crop this vear waw not as good as last, but the quality is '»ne. One of the Iteautica weighed twenty nine pounds and four ouncM. Mr. Sanders has one of the hast places on the river with an abundance of iinall fruit and a Hue young virciiaid of two aud three year a old trees. A great Aoaerioan Industry. doauly allied to war necessities, md one which has shown a phan omenal development in output tilt"? U'U, U, ue»erthelea», barren if war profits Chat industry is ,i|! and the fact will dtnibtlsas iw a 41 n tt surprise to most people, Vet it is true, as shown by the Haianee sheata of the leading oil iHiulpai lev uf the luiuutn, that ilow insde taig«n net eai uiiiii*, er «niv, on net capital liiv^stuiout in 191.1 tlianiu Ull The Nkargm ofditfei«uea ts II at large, to be •ur« earning* being $t),V imr ueut in ItttH and V per eent in Itlilt but it gor» ti »?tow that all t* nut limn and skill!«• tu lto big Mr nnil Mrs. John L. Barnaa err V ila vlfiitors Monday ava. large,v tied »eed wheatfor aale. $? 60 per bushel while it lasts. John Lewis. Hp. Clark report* a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abian Anderson Mstorday morning. Ckmr cypress stock water tanks. One and one half inches thick, •if, cevni. eiifht, ten and twelvi 't in iiiHfiieter. J. F. Atidarsoh LaMibei 'oiniwiiy. CoiiKreKational Church Note# Ciifiurai/rHtionai dinreh survices as follow*: Sundity ncliool at 10 a.m. Preaching at IJi, and 8 p, m. Choir meeting Ml o'clock at the parsonage. The Horwe Crmk Missionary S 'OliMy ili meet with Mrh Louis Muss- Wednesday, Ot'tui.i 3rd, for dinner. A larj/e atteiidancr is expected, and nil Hie welcotm The IHth District (Black Hilb) Oon vent ion of the W. 0 T. 0. I will Im bald in Nturgi* Wad ti as day afternoon and etening and Thursday. Ocl ird and 4tb. This is the convention thst wss set for September ISth and 18th snd postponed on account of the deut "f J. Bower, f^thiif of the district praaldaat ao4 twrantion s|eaker. Mrs. Melde'l of Baresford, is this week visiting her brother, H. W. .1 iiiiisiMi. 111 11 Edward S. 0 I yuliyb Good-Bye P?wdwa^ Hello France (Mfmbia Raartl A3333, 750 through and thtuugh, From Me to 1 Kirhy-Gammoiis Harry V, Kirby ol thb pluae and Mary L. dammo* of six miles siinlh of town, were united in ihe bonds of wedlock at the Methodist pirsonnirs in Belle Koiirche Mat urrtav, September 3lil, UM7, Itev. Baker otfieiatinir. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorire Klrby accompanied tl^em. riie bride was born and raised on the farm south of town while Mr. Kirby is one of the pioneer* nf the town. Their many frienda J' in the News in extending beat wishes mid congratulations. iJ'Wi i mil in mwwwfiwi.jiii.. !i.|ij-nmij||i Here is a utirrin^ anng—a 8tmg tha^ is more than a popular air, bccausc it strikes a deep, true nour of patri- otism. 'Tinastng wkh tlicswin^and rhythm of march-' in[j men. It will s^art your blotd tinjrlinjy^~when hear it cunjj by the Peerless Quartette Somewhere In Frcaioe it Daddy Another 8tnj»-lur c».u ihut u licarf-rlirob tucked uway in its exquMtc {iiartctti* harmonics. On the other side is "Luddie lloy,'' u 4^ wxig, Jbuglf iateflu4^ dm, tluilW 1 Ir r« rj a rich nl roi a king hurmooy from tluwio t\x«i t-plcmUd reitors—C.u:tp unci Burr— men who ivtiow how to put and iwctnrjw iato »song like thin. That's the Kind of a Baby »ea Highly Recommended "But looking over the entile list 1 believe we have an eio«p» tionallv strong corps of teachers," says Proffssor Fry. All of which reminds ine of the following story •mm Hartwcll, Druggist, Newell, Columbia Rmmi A2336, 78c Me for s i i i A S 3 3 4 3 e Thi« hit *to|a Flo Follies ZQ minutes every suj* !it, ur.uci Auh mujjs it a» ooly he knows how. Kvtr,btxly'a whiatlinff n?.d liiimniinij these popular piccca—* a to tne Columbia D^vlrr* ttHlay and !ie^r t!icm.t You'll luid nil the bi^ nour-hiti on Columbia Kccordx while they CaiAHmOJLAS Jtart cot, sLS"£)i!»Q I I Hiring the last campaign that Ml Koosevtdt ran for PresK'Mt he WHS touring the South in hif awn interests making speerhtft and naturally in lib audien^M wen* many colored people. A fUtr one of his stop* and speef hea tWtt olored men una sn one said to the other, "Sambo, who am yo» go in' to vote for in dia cle-ttoo for Preaidept," to which Sumbo replied. Why Hastiin I'si goiu to vote for Mr. Roosevelt." RaslQt sort of pondered for a minute or two and then said, ''Satnl'o, wfcjjr am you gota to vote for M|£ RooseveltJ''. and right away It answered, "Whv boy, I MSS ovtf and heer'd Mr. Roosevelt tiiukeg speech the oUiar liiuht and Itf certainly rlo recommend hi* "H •e^v highly." 0 k-% 'Jl, "V, vm, CoUmbk RmrilA232#. 75c 4h«Mr C»»lu«|,l. OrOMuU -Th. »u*