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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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K jU- Jfr M: 'fi* 1 V I r* $* :p\ •srV*' W* *H #v, Jif b'-je, Notice for Publication 1?parT rr f»ni of 11-• I t. •in. I'. 8 tfnd Office at BeUe r^un:ii«3. 8 !.. November 19, 15*17. Notice is herefey ir)v«*it that Mary K Edey of tfor*U, S. D,. wl»o. on March IS, W1H. mad* Attdittottnl Rtirnmtiead Entry. No 01&341, for Et-SNWI-4. Section IK. El-^SW3-4, SWctiwi 7 TWwimfaiiJ $-N\, Range &-E., B. H, Kan filed notice t,f intention TO make three-year pnof, to ••taHi*fa claim to the land above described, be, for* Frank. W. Yoder. U. S. Commissioner, at Newell, S. 1)., on the 29th day of December, 1817. OUimaiU nam^s aa wilne«ea Charles Lueth. Amy Lueth, WilUtrd P. Andrew Anderson, all of Newel). S D. John A. Ross, Register. -Mm W^A\ '?r~L" y •M*"* jt tasles just ds ^ood vac:t io jkIc in one as iKro'Hcr. HisiHc gu.!ly ihai ccjris. CH&SL tc SANBORN'S SEAL Bi'iAKD QHLE appals io everyone AMO 5 POUND CAM1 Ntvffi SOLO INAu'CK. whovc. rrtiL cut, %v ^KPURM OPINft For Sale By N. M. Bratton Mercantile Company NEWELL toe*. U. 8. Pat O fit at 6fatfon Mercantile Something New 'SiS^-'v \i*x jl:^ .ijt. r' \Ar m- Co. Newell, S. D. •mm* Have your old gasoline lamp made iniu a new QUICK-LITE 3emcthing Better The Quick-£iit« is a match lighting gat-olioe lamp of trest brilliancy and extreme simpli city. No torch or alcohol is needed to light it. Xo hunting around for a bottle, JJ»o ex pense for lighting. ,* For Sale B* THEN. M. BBATTON Hot Water for Sick Headaches Tall* why everyont should drink hot water with phosphate In It before breakfaat. Ifeartnehe of any kind. Is caused by autointoxication—which means salf polsoninK. Liver and bowel poisons oalled toxins, sucked Into the blood, through the lymph ducts, excite the bean which pumps the Mood so fast that it congests the smaller arteries and veins of the head produclug vio lent, throbbing pain and distress, called baadache You become nervous, de spondent, sick, feverish and miserable, your meals sour and alrnc -c nauseate yon. Tfctn you reccrt to acetanilldo, aaptrta or the bromides which tempor arily relieve but do not rid the blood of tfcaee irritating toxins. A Class of hot water with a teaspoon at limestone phosphate tn it, drank. Mm breakfast for awhile, 'will not only mMh these poisons from your sys-i 1 cure you of headache but wilt, parity and tree lien the eating ptetnaeist X' /I -V f- k *«. j*.* *. ^S*'5 jf* IV- 1 1*-': *U: W %. '*&£ & v •wjjj J*!1 Xi.C for a quarter ne phosphate. It is in* less as sugar, and al? except for a sourlaU hot unpleasant. feell. your best, if er you wake up witH or have eaMfe constlpatUO i jbesln the pboa to your ft i» claimed flMt oat "a every 1 mmtm ,'j jlplill /SLh_ lln"!i 'A ft B1'''?' Coniinbia Crafoaola Price $85 MfiMwp ,!• in and hear them Jk&* y XXi *ai:% ana fT^HERE is nothing you can buy which you can enjoy buying so much as a Columbia Grafonola save possibly an automobile# It's a very natural tendency to want to see, hear, and compare the differed instruments you are considering. No matter what instrument you buy, you are going to be pleased with it. But the degree of pleasure you get from it will depend upon how com plete is your assurance that you have f^'4* f' bought the right instrument—the one that will give you the fullest measure f|-JJrafonolas have don^ so because A' -fV -v.* V i w_~V* -C-yvT *5as 7 a* "Le^e H+'.r.JkM -mm :.'^v ^vAttruj m. C?t|V r' JEST" of satisf action.: *".WJ M..*1"'/. People who have bought Columbia they H"'' fee A,-.'*- j/jf "l V ,vT soli "f ,.*h tffl^iir- w* CoIuBtbia Grafonola Pike $110 that is the way to tell were sure it was a Columbia they. wanted# "it •».• 'i iimK' located 'A- «r. iiw 111 "If Cahiinbia Grafonola Price $215 see v'v' .. .. If you have a* doubt as tb which type of instrument you want, or what kind of finish you prefer, you will find ample opportunity to decide in any store where Columbia Grafonolas are v-r',w ,1 f.* ,} With instruments' priced at\ $18 to $250—all before you all ready to" be played to your contentment—yoa can judge the Grafonola by any test you wish and buy it with the un shaken conviction that you could not *\j have made a better choices Stores selling Columbia are conveniently •*y%,'K^n -v -sK laL'^.T ^"'5'* H*fe' c&¥', J* i'KiS '.tS i. .,V*Y/ & a V ,yh ^4 ,f v *'/. "I K-'t 6-J» 1 i A -if 'iiii y. /.. ,v/ -yf&isi*gfc4r<Kr-f"s'x-- y/ "•i *,.r£ •v,'^ Wi t, f? *4 *-t, 'i 5 s.% $ *t 'K 4 1 n ^. y **f i 1 J&\•ft?" .3 i* e. lt'»- fl »|ir Vi*.' -ii.-i!:-,' ,ri I® ,* w 'A'--