Newspaper Page Text
s" KP,'' ..11 I. mm VOLUME 2, NO. 7. M#-i- i s» T" f: "T •b/LJ^I-KT ST, E£3{£fflU ft 3 imr -fj 4 ox uddreew CHABLES crPOLK, ATTORNEY AMD OOUNSELOIi AT LAW. mam 4 CiW V WAMTEBd| .Everybody to Trade wit CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOW Are positively the lowest priepd house ia l»:" Grbceiif^ ™'Provisions, -Floor Feed/ ltd., nsr •jUpyiygkcypg, DAJC. G:R THE Wail Paper, Lumber, Lath, Shingles and —:—Lime at the—:— LOWiBT- MAEK1T FMOES Call and You v —gret It.— i v BRANDT & BIGELQW, Props. The Only First-Class Short-Order Establishment in Sturgis FRESH OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES. The Best Bread, Cakes, Etc., Always on Hand. Fresli Fruits and Confectioneries a Specialty. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. FOR totawmniwi »»•»'. ''St MAIK ST. E. O. SLAJL -f ©HlS-XJ^myiDED HALF INTI2BEST in the COMSX "ttf AXUUQIS CITY containing 't is tbfiMOST DESIRABLE location of any of the Additions toH&%,W:it ad joins the grounds occupied by the STUBQIB. MICHAEL MoMAHON, A370BNSY AT JAW., bin all courts of tW* Spoeial nttenU HTtmoiS uttentiaa giv«o to ooUectlozu. Dix. KNIGHT, SADDLES, WHIPS, Nets, Blankets, Collate, eto. ffaantaetnie anything in A *V, .£» -^,V rr oiTir. We guarantee the Lowest Price on Everything. OA9H BASIg AIJQWg XJS TO 33£ THI® ,, Youiato teeA, in LdfW Pnceo, TUP?1 *f£*r wa. ift ft^if i rnmfrir, O E I E "T* STURGIS, 3D.AJEC E. T. MARSHALL, Blacksmith and Wheelwright, of Vfllcan corner, ^TURGia DAKOTA. Having secured the serrioes of the best horseshoer and wheelwright in the JEQaek Hills, and having the best and most modern facilities, I am preparod to do ^better work on shorter notice and for less money than anyone in Sturgis. i Tliis space will bo oocrupied next week with an advertisement tor j/'. & Hie Leading Liverymen of Sturgis. •i|'1"*» uO the N. **. *f#5 f.<p></p>Bras. 'v v MONHEIM BROS. 7, *4-* B5«=d *K SfVi 9 I i F^F I. -••'L: i 4' I 'j\JL k ,, A v R^ILZRO-AJD DEPOT, the NOliTU and EASX sides. THIS IS A BARGAIN. For partiaulare oall&i I A A D. 0, OOMSTOCK, S A o i s a k Dl A.H. BOWMAN, *I4 tho tended to. MAIX STSMK, luurnssa lino to MMra short zwiua. itepowu* jxvmpUj «t- Brvaaie ii6' PHXBICIAN AND BUIiGEON, Office: Pi ret atreet, in rear of Firet National, Bank, lletidonce, on Shermcn atroet, half block Oaet of Junction Avenue. STDBSIS, DAK. G. W. PBATT, M. D., -PHYSICIAN AMD BUliGBON,- 1 Offiee.«t the poetoffioe. ^eoWtr Obstetiios and Dieeasesof Women. STtraais, •t Dak. JOHN SCHNELL, -w-UyoNSOKIAL AIKFI8T.- Bhop on Main stieet. z«xt Acnold ft Meyer e sxoosry Btoro. STOMOS, DA*. Ii mSifl ••ij.nnjgi^ LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Fine selection of gold pins at Tayor's jewelry establishment. Bead H. Stein & Co's t»fd ic another oluian, the popular druggists. Three pqun^e of good Japan tot tor si .00, at SPABKS & ALLEN'S. Fine boots and shoes made to order. Bepairing promptly dono, E. Koornor. The soldiers seemed to have their UB •oal good time in spending their cash, ro oeived from tho paymaster on Thursday. Charles Boseborough and D. G. Grady, With their families, are occupying tho new double houso of Charles Francis, pa Second and Lazelle streets. A special up the road Monday carried vl'Gerioral Manager Fitch and Superintend ent Hughes. They stopped over, look ing around for an hour or cn. As good tea for 50 cents per pound as others sell for 75 cents, at SPABKS & ALLEN'S. Mr. N. M'Aulay was circulating a pet ition to be presented to Captain Knight, requesting him to appoint Mr. M'Auloy to the position of deputy sheriff in place of Edward Green, non est. It boro a good many signatures. Leavo orders for Bkcli Ifflfa jewelry at Tayer's. Can furnish anything on short notice. L. C. Miller of Deadwood, represent ing tho insurance companies interested in the recent flro here, was down Monday assisting Mas Hqetp ip adjusting the. losses of the various ownets of the proj) erty destroyed. If you want^groiisiS -feed and lumber of all kinds go to tho Sturgis planing mill. A number of littlo skirmishes took plaoe in town during the week, in the way of scrapping matches, but as there were enough non-combatants always pre sent to hold the participants tight no demages of any amount were incurred. Tho boss boer in the town,. 5 cents a glass, and the finest lunches, at the Star Boor hall. Postmaster Pratt1 feae become sottlod in his now domicile in Chase's Variety store, and is now ready to handle tho business of Uncle Sam in a more convenient and expeditious manpor.. Tiia qhange of base is a good on^ and .much appreciat ed by the ptiblio. Fresh oysters, celery, oranges, lemons, grapea, choice Michigan apples, and cidef always to be found at T. B. An drews'. James MofPett is now prepared to fur nish hard, soft and blacksmith coal to tho citizens pf Sturgis and vicinity, at prices that cannot be beaten in the Black Hills. Ho deals ako in baled hay, ancj jsells at hard-pan figures. If you want a fashionable drees made, goto Mrs. Moore's, Main street, oppo site tho Sheridan house. Sho sells fine dress goods by sample at eastern prices. Also clean and repair clothing for ladies or gentlemen on short notice. •1 Schnoll's hotel was opened for boSi fiess Monday ovening, by a grand houao •#arming, in which a lot of, Sturgis' -young people, to tho number of two score or more, participated- A first-clucs time was had, judging front the expres sions made by those present. They suc ceeded in giving the new hoopla good send-off, anyway. A thorough-bred, aH-wooI-yard-wide Chinook struck this city Sunday night 4ud belore morning the ground was bare. Monday, when the citizens of the town arose from their downy couches, tho sun shone warm and clear, and everything 3rippod with water. At 9 oc'ock it grow colder and ice formed on tho streets. At 9.30«leet fell. At 10 it rained. At 10.- 30 it started'to snow and continued to do so until tho middle of the afternoon. At night tho mercury dropped to 8° be low zero. Seven different kinds of woathor in styles to suit the most fastidi ous, in lees than twenty-four hours—and it wasn't sueh a very good day for weath er, oithor. H. N. Merritt took Monday night's express for the Paoifio coast, expootiug to land at Tacoma, Washington territory. Po-*iay return in six months, but if the jcliinato euils him he will probably remain there permanently.—Chadron Journal. The gentloruan mentioned is a brother of Joseph and William Merritt of tliis plaoe, and jp fu^orably known iu tto Hills Grand Clearing Sale' Cloaks. .. -Vox 80 Days Wa Shall Soil the Ifelanco of Oar CLOAK STOCK AT HALF PKICE REGAKDLESS OF COST TTe ahail also inaugurate a sa^ of—^ K.e3^xi3.a,iits &. 33apx*t Lerxgtlxs In all departmontG -uutil all aro.sold. Wo do this in order to prt j.atfs for invcatory immediately after the holidays. OUR STOCK OF CARPETS IS COMPLETE, and We Offer Unusual Inducements in G-loTes, Hoiseiy.and Underwear POTTER &c 31KIHI KrVS], STURGIS. Dr. Bowman reports Jbos birth of a daughter at the reeideneo fal Bon Hill, the eyent occurring Friday. Wm. Grams has enlarged hie carpen ter shop (o 40x10, end has plaoed in it a 4-horse pofft?r.-«igine to rqp maebm cry. Preaching at tho Presbyterian church Sunday evening next at the usual hour by Bev. W. N. McKendiick: Subject: Spiritual-Knowiaa. ,..}•• "Weber '& Williaifts, house -tod -«ign painters, do all work in' UieLt line on short notico antf in first-class style. Sign writing in the best possible manner executed at living prices. Give them a trial. Enquire at the ADVEEMSEB office. Billy Ketteler, well known throughout the Hills, one of the old '7Gors, was in town on Saturday visiting John Farley, bofore leaving for Los Angeles, Califor nia. He intends locating in the south ern portion of that etato and go into .bus iness. Hia friends wish him success. Ben C. Ash has just elo3od another real estate deal with Minnesota parties by which ho disposes of 300 lots in Ash's second addition, taking in Exchange a fow thousand dollars, a number of Min neapolis lots, ICO acres oi Minnesota pino lands, a saw mill and an opera houeo.—TJerro Free Press. Charles Francis, not to bo outdone by the fire, will rebuild at onoe on the 'cor ner of 8eo&9fh$d Main. He will erect a two-story brick veneered building, seventy-five feot front, with three store rooms on the ground floor and a large hall above. This is a move in the right direction, ond it is to be our monied citizens will build like sub stantial structures. We ara in receipt of pamphlets from tho Silsby Steam Fira Engine company, of Ssneca Falls, N. Y., giving testimoni als concerning the nsefullness of their engines. The Silsby's cannot be beaten for reliability and durability, as we well know from their record, personally, else where. It would be advisable for our toWn board to consult them before pur chasing the contemplated apparatus. Yesterday was St. Valentine's day. Tho day when anyono having an ex tremely dear friend, or sweetheart, can send them one of those airy, fleecy when this-you-see-romember mo-things, and to an enemy, ono of those hand-pointed gems of the old masters, that will make the rocoiver swear like the traditional trooper and vow. vengeance on the sender if discovered. There is one blessing at tached to. the day however. It helps Uncle Sam out considerably on tho sal aries of his postmasters. The revenue of tho department on Valentine's day is ononaous. Tho religious people of Sturgis, while on theiM&'-y home from church Sunday evening, were considerably seared for. a moment by seeing a shoot of flame com ing from the roof of the residence of Dr. Smith. After ruehing to tho houso thoy found nothing more dangerous than the chimney on fire. Tho doctor skirmished around and dropped a little salt down tho chimney and the fire was immodiatc ately squelched, and not a dozen people iu the same block knew ©f the blaze. A high wind was prevailing at iho time which made tho situation look moro se rious at first, but luckily the salt did the work. If "tho salt had lost its savor wherewith," would tho obinmey have been saltod? The almond eyed sons of the Flowery Kingdom celebrated their New Year's on Saturday and Sunday hist with duo eclat —at least that's what we think it was. We called on pur laundryman, the well and favorably known Mr. Samuel Wab, K. C. Ii,—for reasons beat known to our selves—and was handsomely treated, and carried away' a fiery red slip of paper on which were some tea-chest looking hiero glyphics said to be a Now Year's oard, but migfht havo been a wash ticket for all we knew. The card was not the only thing we took, either. We took several. The moro it pleased our host the moro we took. According to all appearances the Chinese celebrate their holidays just about tho same way that tho white hea then do theirs. When thoy start in to have a good time, they generally have it. For genuine, old reliablo, back nmnbors, tho Chinese boats UH all, thk being their 5,777th year. Where they gg* thatf starter Ifom, we don't know. STURGIS, DAKOTA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1833. $3 PER ANNUM John Fall, representing the Bapid Journal, was,prospecting in this city GOf Saturday. Dr. W. G/6inl& promptly mfwersifll calls, day or night. Office and residence south of First National bank. Soverallargo grading outfits camped in this vicinity anxiously awaiting devel. opments in railway extensions.. If tho wind Blows through your whi-z z-kcrs, go to Aldrich and get a first-class shave and hair-cut, and see if tho breeze don't stop. Mrs. Ay res, of Ponea City, Nebraska, who was called here by the iUaeBs of her mother, Mrs. N. L. Witcher, returned to her homo yesterday. Th3 marriago of Mr. Joseph Meyer Ur Miss Emma M. Johnson took place on Sunday evening, at tho residence of the bridegroom's brother, Chris. Meyer, Bev. Father Metzger officiating. M'Lain sots up the beet 25 cent meal in the Black Hills. Everything new, neat and cloan. The best food, and thoroughly cooked. Bestanrant nexi" door to' O'Neill's butcher shop. 25 cents. J. W. McK~re has just reoeivod a full line of samples of new spring goods suit .afele'for gents olothing, than which there is no finer lin9 in Sturgis. Ho «f»unran teeB cut, fit, quality and price. He can give you the best terms, and those in noed of anything in the line of good re liable goods can do no better than call upon him. 1 Fashionable Dressmaking., Mrs. G. B«_ Barnes is now ready to do all kinds 4i sewing. Dressmaking a specialty. A perfoct fit insured and all work guaranteed satisfactory. To be found at her home on Third street, west of Cole's livery barn. Lndios, give her a call Resolutions Adopted. At a regular meeting of tho SRffgis Hook &, Ladder company, the following resolutions were unanimously adoptad: WHEBEAS, n s Albert Powers of Spearfish, Woe :in town Saturday. ... v- ... Cigars, the finest oonfoeRons, the choicest papers, the latest, at Achonbach. Joseph Arnold has given up his resi dence in town and has moved to !i|s ranch. Joseph Meyer will occupy the resi dence of Joseph Amold, on Sherman street. D. At the recent fico in this eity the Hook & Ladder company were taxed to their utmost in fighting the flame3. and that without tho assistance of citizens and others tho loss would havo been a hundred-fold greater, and WNITUEAS, Tho commander at Ft. Meade, through his generosity and mag nanimity, allowed the firo brigade of tho post to como to tho assistance oi tho city, therefore KUSOLVKD, That the sincere and heart felt thank3 of the Sturgis Hook & Lad der company aro due, and are hereby ex tended to Colonel J. G. Tilford, post commander Captain M'Dougal, firo marshal, and last but by no means loast, the Ft. Meado Hook & Ladder company, and tho bucket brigade for their prompt itude in coming with their apparatus to tho relief of our endangered town. RESOLVED, That a copy o! these ros- oliiiiciiii be presented to the Ft. Meade Firo department and that they be printed in the Sturgis papers. STUBGIS Hots & LADDKB CO. To the Ladies.* Any lady desirous of learning the Tailor system of cutting and fitting can be thoroughly taught at their leisure at my rooms—Mrs. M. M. Wright's millin ery store—during this month only. For thoso not acquainted with the system I will fit a drees lining, as a test, gratis. For further particulars call on JUiss DELI,"LA MONTAGUS. e ijfeooks Attentlonl CapjitaJL, pOTSSi Justice Modting Thursday night at office. Full attention requested, E. C. LANK, Foreman. :. For Bent, In wbdbor in the different parts, my dwelling house, garden, feed stable and corral, and brick yard, for two or three years from April 1, .1889, reasonable figures. Call on or address D. O. OOMOTOCK, or W. C. Bunsitua. i Storgi^, Dakota, January 25, 1888, •Tv A!k. if* wi xV BLOOM, TOE POPULAR- CLOTHIER! Gents Furnis icmwa jsjtm sorer BOOTS AND SHOE California Buck Gloves, Blankets, Quilts, Tarpaulfris," ^Valises, Shoes, Boots, Hats, and Gaps. A. M'PHEBSON, President First Every department bong stocked comploto, we are able to offer big inducemeoW" to purchasers. We respectfully invite you to oall, examine our stock and pneos beforo buying. Cow-boy Hats a- Specialty CHAB. FEAKCI8, Yioe-Praeldant. National STURGIS/ DAKOTA. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Legitimate Banking Business in oJUts. Bronohee. Interest P»£d.ei on Time 3D©p)ositef' DEADWOOD BOaiNESS HOUSES. AYRES & WARDMAN, WHoleeola ara 3e4«U [Mlixilng S\xpplies, DEADWOOD, DAKOTA, GKOItGK C. HICKOK, Preeidont. J. L. MAXWELL. Jr., CMhler. Baer, BSADWOOD KATI0SA1BAIK DEADWOOD, DAKOTA. Legitimate Banking Business in aU its Branches TrsmaactvdL Oa/pitaJ, $100,000 Xbe businesfi.Of Herobaats, Oattlacami «nd Bttadiar»«rpertMly solicited. Dirootors—Bon W. B. Ada ins, J. D. Hale, John Hrfs Juat Been Befitted and This house is strictly first-class in every particular. ON THB J. Gh KEITH, MUELLER & HANNAN, Druggists & Optician^ DRUGS, STATIONERY and FIELD GLASSES. Piwr'pl ons a Specialty. Open at all dbnre: FRUIT am) FOREST- •M leneva Of Wm. Wilson is represented by E. S. Vope, Mr. Voso is taking orders for all varieties fruit and forest trees and shrbbery, jrown by this well known and reliablo nursery. Cottonwood trees a specialty, Erees are a year old and upwards, and of a hardy variety. .Leave orders with B. P. Hough, Sturgis, or at my ranch twoer Alkali and Pleasant valley.- Prioes the lowest. W'flai tax y th i? 1 t3* \3\ i 1*1 BEN BAKU, Vim President'' K. Wilson, Goo. C. Ilickok, A. B. Z. Dawton^ YSTONE fropa?letoz%^ -i I,: Pfev t44".. I. J. DAtEMPOKT. Qwhlor. $60,000 J* it M-Vi-k fc: M'- v Vv|SC%' %v. ?,1 /~xi SiCi-J'*5'.1* »r 4 K •r "f* 46? •."7 i'- i 'ti 'J tif* tax .I'K.'l tf $•4 Wild Cat creek, be-, ". E. S. VCK3E. ST* W-f* 'f-)r