Newspaper Page Text
.... STURGIS ADVERTISER. LOCAL AMD GENERAL WfiWS. Pea?lee's Ale on dfftnght at Frit* Amnion's. Fresh fruits aid oouteotionery st Max Fifhel's. Fresh boas and bread at the Globe oakery. New fall goods arriving at Mrs. M. V. Wrights. Milwaukee Boer on draught at fritz Amnion's. ". i'.': Liulies nnd childrens shoes 8t Keffel «r"s. Morse's make. Freeh California penchea, peers and '•pricote at Achenbaoh's. Bead H. Stein & Co's card in another Oblumn, the popular drnggisto. Go to the Globe bakery for anything lad everything in the baker's line. Ladies, call at Mrs. M. M. Wright's •ad see those nobby hate just received. The Omaha Daily Republican is on Mlo at Chase's. It is the best daily in tfee west. The schools are well filled, the inter mediate and primary* dqwtHMDta being atowded. ,A four-burner gasoline stove for sale flbeap. In perfect order. Call at AD •KtTisEit office. Customers can always be furnished vith fresh bread, buns and cakes at the CHobe bakery. Justus Schnell is a tonsorial artist of DO mean ability. He keeps everything fa first class shape.' *V Aldrich is always ready to pve yon ft smooth shave, first-class hair-dit or agry thing else in his line. A picked nine from Sturgis went down to Fort Meade and beat the infantry nine by a soore of 9 to 8, last Sunday. Parties desiring to sell real estate can advertise the same all over the United States by applying to W. G. Buderns. Frank Lynch of Deadwood and Graves Sapid, will ran a 100-yard foot-race "*•1 the Deadwood driving park cm Satur day. This evening the Jewish New Tear festival begins and lasts until Thursday. This will be the first day of the year 5690. Mrs. Harry Elliott of Chicago, who 1ms been visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. M. HcLafresh of this city, returned to her CBBtern home Sunday afternoon. -Those new felt hats at Mrs. Wright's are just what the ladies want: plain, stylish and cheap, freeh Invoices tou the .my from New York and Chicago. George Halley is prepared to do plas tering, chimney building and stone foundation work. Contracts promptly attended to, and satisfaction always guaranteed. The superintendent of the M. E. mis akm of the Black Hills is Rev. J. C. Games, of Indiana. He will arrive in the Hills shortly and take charge of the work. Bishop Walden recommends trim very highly as an earnest and effici ent worker. The Eighth cavalry band looked rath Mr tough when they came in on Monday, tmt one forgot their looks when they be gan playing. The people of this city "will have a fine opportunity to hear them during the balance of the season when tbe regiment is out on drees parade. An extremely pleasant party was giv en by Mrs. Moody on last Thursday evening to her sister Miss Maade War ner and Miss Lulu Kingsley, of Dead wood. Nearly thirty young ladies aud gentlemen of this city were present, and spent the time with music, cards and dancing, until the "woe sma' hours" put in un appearance. To say the occasion was enjoyable is but speaking mildly. v A large number of juveniles got up a party last Friday evening and succeeded in most effectually surprising Miss Car rie Francis, by calling on her suddenly at the residence of Mrs. A. Aldrich and completely taking possession of the bomse. Several adults joined in the fes tivities and assisted the young people in spending the time joyously and most agreeably. Miss. Carrie is a prime fa vorito among her young friends. Henry Weber, the well known painter, is ctill prepared to take work and com plete it rapidly and in the beet style. As a sign writer Mr. Weber has no su perior in tbe Black Hills, as his many signs in this city bear evidence. As a carriage and house painter, interior dec orator and paper hanger, Mr. Weber stands at the head of the list. As a general all-around manipulator of the paint and paste brush Weber is the "star." There are no Sim Call on him. on Entry. County Treasurer Sliurts is out with Ua annual oration, entitled "Delinquent Tax Sale." It is a very readable and re narkably striking document. It begins by saying "that on Monday, October 1, 1888,1 will sell at my office in Dead wood, the property described as follows," then gives the description of about all tto property in Lawrence county. Tbe treasurer means business and pro poses to have the money due the county: if it takes all summer. Projjerty ownois bad belter advise tiiemscives conoeriiifg the standing or their jxHsseasione and not tm caught asleep. lOWII Fritz has the best beer in town. Arthur C. Chaee of Bapid city WM in town yesterday. The thermometer has been dancing up among the nineties the past week. Ton can get a pound of good candy for 26 cents at Chase's Variety store. Professor F. L. Cook, principal of the Spearfish Normal school, visited Sturgis yesterday. Rev. W. D. At water, pastor of the M. E. church at Custer, passed through this city Monday. Cooper .& Bartlett have the contract for transporting tbe goods of the six companies of the Eighth going to Keogh. Quite a large number of Sturgis people drove down to Morse's ranch oa Sunday to see tbe cavalry arrive and go into cfimp.. .... Bev. Warren will preaoh in Lead City every Sunday evening and in Central every Sunday afternoon. This, he says, is the orders of the bishop. The Eighth cavalry is said to tore a good base ball club within its ranks. It played the Bapid City club on Satur day and beat them, at least so says rum or. Louis Fisliel who for tbe past week has had his head tied up, cm acoount of lumpy jaw, botts, neuralgia or something of that sort, is considerably better, so be says. The First National bank of Deadwood makes a good showing. It has a reserve of $280,563, an exoess over the legal re quirement of $214,440.00. This is great. The transportation teams of Wenke & Meyer looked remarkably well after their long trip to Riley and return. Only one or two horses played out cm the journey. Dr. B. P. Smith, the dentist, wishes his patrons to know that he will be in Sturgis but a short time longer, and those desiring his services most call im mediately. A small party of exeursionists from this city took a trip to Bear Butte on Sunday, spending a portion of the day there, returning by way of Morse's ranch where tbe incoming Eighth were en camped. Sanford Parker and wife of Oelrichs, passed through Sturgis Sunday last, dining at the Sheridan during their lay over. Mr. Parker is cashier of the Oel richs bank and formerly was register of the land office at Valentine, Nebraska. "Cheap John," tbe notion peddler, started his show and sale of goods at £ha corner of Main and First streets last night. If he has the luck here he had in the upper camps he will take in a wa gon load of nicklee, dimes and quarters. It is estimated that 13,000 head of cattle will be loaded this season at Whitewood, 5,000 at Tilford, 25,000 at Brennan, and about 20,000 at Oelrichs, for the east. These shipments are said to aggregate $252,000, in value.—Re publican. Grabill, the photographer, wishes bis Sturgis patrons to bear in mind the fact that he is in his Sturgis gallery on Mon days and Tuesdays only, of each week. Anyone desiring to avail themselves of his serviees should prepare to call on him on those days. It is said that the democratic oentral committee have decided to nominate a straight ticket and will ignoro all at tempts made by the soreheads to patoh up a fusion ticket. If this is so the "demmies" are sensible—but' they will bear watching, however. "Occasional" of Deadwood, in a long letter to the Belt Herald of Lead, pulls aside the curtain covering Deadwood's sins and iniquities and exposes them to the glow of the noonday sun. AVhoever the writer is, he tells the truth, and plen ty of food for thought can be found therein. The new time card on the railroad went into effect Monday morning and it is a great improvement over the old one. The eastern train arrives at this city at 7:32 a. m., while the east bound train leaves at 3.53 p. m., thus giving business men plenty of time to answer eastern correspondents an the same day their mail is received. On Friday evening next a Chatauqoa reading circle will be organised at the Preebyterian church by Bev. W. A Echols. All those interested in devoting a portion of the time of the long winter evenings, which will soon be here, are cordially invited to be present. The reitdings will consist of researches in the fields of history, science, art, poetry, etc., and can be made highly interesting and profitable. A goodly number of the young people of this city should attend and become members of the circle. Reports oome in of rich dry diggings between Bear Gulch and the Bear Lodge. Gold is found from grass roots down, in quantities ranging from a few colors to 75 oents a pan. Hauling the dirt a mile and a half to water, $7 to $20 a day to the man have been made. The diggings are spotted, however, and, as the water in the vicinity has all dried up, work is practically suspended for the season. Bill Burns has been out and seen the oonutry and results, bringing in reports tiiiit old j,/{jtipocto -s sack to go and try their hands and luok once more.— JUgister. rraiiirif"iiininii*-iiii(i-riiiw»i Lead -City is to have a new Catholic church. Mayor Potter is expected hopae in about ten days! y Camp meot will begin in Lead City in about one week. Do not forget that you can get the best cigars at Chase's variety store. Mayor Potter is erecting a barn on his premises adjoining his residence. The city dads are busy with the ap propriation bill for the ensuing year. George Packard is building a resi dence near the property of Ed. Lane. The county commissioners have made a tax levy for the year 1888 of 32.1 mills. Charles Mixer, formerly of this city, is at present visiting friends in Hermosa. The Wenke block, opposte the AD VEBTISEII office, is rapidly approaching completion. Grabill, the photographer, was down from Deadwood Monday to photograph the incoming Eighth. John Schnell is kept busy shaving his large army of customers. They know where to go for a good shave. H. E. Bailey of Rapid, on his way to Deadwood Saturday, dined with mine host Scollard at the Sheridan. First street will soon be graded from the city hall site to Main street, the grade stakes already having been set. That there should be a scarcity of lo cal news in this city seems strange yet nevertheless it is true, this week at We cannot understand how Sapid City dropped a game of ball to the Eighth cavalry. Is there not a mistake somewhere? Rolla, the running horse of Smith Bros., of this city won the quarter-mile and repeat at Omaha Monday. Juno of Spearfish, second. Several contractors are already figur ing on the plans and specifications of the new school building. More are anxious ly awaiting the chance. Tbe cistern under the city hall leaked so badly the services of the engine were needed to empty it in order that it might be re-caulked by the contractors. Landlord Scollard of the Sheridan has so much to do that he has to do two things at once to keep even. His hostel ry is receiving a large patronage. It is to be sincerely hoped that the Methodists of this city will be sent a first class pastor, as under proper guidance a thoroughly live and healthy church or ganization can be effected. Hon. Edwin VanCSse, formerly of Deadwood, reoently of fyatertown, dined at tbe Sheridan Saturday afternoon be fore returning up-gulch. He goea home to square himself with his political con stituents. It would be a wise scheme for the board of education to have a hand-rail placed on the stairs leading up to the schoolrooms in the Francis block. Yes terday two children fell down and nar rowly escaped broken necks. For warm and pleasant—we are almost inclined to say hot—days and cool nights the Black Kills takes the banner. It is a oold night, to use an expression that may appear paradoxical, when a man cannot sleep under a blanket in this country. F. B. Smith now has the only line of hacks between Sturgis and Deadwood. He has put on several hacks, that leave Sturgis and the upper camp at the most convenient time for the passengers pat ronizing the line. Sec his advertise ment in another column. Frits Amnion, not content with al ready having one of the finest club-rooms in the city, has further improved his place by covering the door completely with linoleum. He has now one of the neatest places in the Hills, Frits is an old Eighth cavalryman. The democrats of Pennington eounty are talking of Judge Nowlin as a candi date for the oouncQ. He made an excel lent record as a member a few years ago, and should his party be able to elect him again, he would make an efficient repre sentative for the Hills.—Pioneer. Wilbur Smith wears tbe neatest cam paign badge yet displayed in the city. It was received yesterday from L. F. Whitbeck, now at Gooperstown, N. T. The badge pinnwl to the iappel of the coat shows the phrase: "He's all right a gentle puD and it unrolls, displaying republican oolors and Harrison's name. •Pioneer. The school boose bonds have been suc oes fully placed at 94 cents. This gives the board $7,520 net deduct from that the standing indebtedness, leaves $6,020 for the new building, furniture, eta Not half enough to put up such a struc ture as we ought to have, but the beet that can be done.—Spearfish Register. In order that the fire department of this city can reap the benefits to be de rived from the territorial fire tax, every business man in this town should plaoe their insurance with Sturgis agents and not with those in Deadwood. It is about time to stop the practice of assist-1 ing to build up the Deadwood fire de partment to the detriment of our own. Just as good rates can be given here as at Deadwood and there is absolutely no necessity of going there to plaoe the riaka. Think of this, Slight showers this afternoon. L. E. Decker intends building a houso in the city as soon as the location is de cided upon. D. L. Beobe will soon (wumenoe the erection of a fine residence on his prop erty in the southern portion of the city. William Burns of Spearfish went out fishing with giant powder and returned minus his left hand. A severe penalty. Mrs. E. M. Bishop, principal of the Bapid City schools, has been engaged to teach the Delaarte system of gymnastics at the Chatanqua assembly. James Whitney, of Say villa, patentee of a rotary engine, is now in Chicago building an engine of larger dimensions than ever before in order to make a prac tical test. Moffett's dray line. Beady for busi ness at any time or place. light pack ages and parcels, as well as heavy goods, moved on the shortest possible notice with best of care. Miss Maude Warner and Miss Lulu Kingsley spent several days of the past week visiting with Mrs. C. C. Moody of this city. They returned to their homes on Monday. Tom. Tucker, a driver for Cooper and Bartlett, was kicked in the face by a horse on Thursday last, and had his jaw crushed and face mangled terribly. He is slowly recovering. Bev. E. C. Warren has been moved by "the powers that be" from this city to the pastorate of the M. El ohurches of Lead and Central. This city has beat left vacant for the time being, but will shortly be supplied by the bishop. In our last issue we made an inexcus able error in stating that the city coun cil had reduced the assessment on the National bank property to correspond with that made by the county commis sioners. They have not done so, and the chanoee are they will not. A minister from Indiana—so we are informed—has been appointed superin tendent of the Black Hills mission of the M. E. church, in place o^ Rev. Williams who has occupied that position for the last four years. Mr. Williams will have charge of church affairs at Spearfish and Minnanria A great deal of complaint is being made by property owners because the railroad company has fenced up all the streets and alleys crossing the track in several additions of this tity.^ Some even say that they will not pay their taxes until they are opened. It is a matter for the city boards to look after. TLe cavalry Comes. The Eighth Cavalry arriv«t~*at Fort Meade Monday morning about 9 oclock A large number of people drove out from the city to meet the incoming sol diers and watch the assignment to quar ters. The troops were dusty and be grimed, and men and animals plainly showed evidenoe of their long march of over 1,800 miles in the saddle. Twelve companies compose this regiment, six of which will remain at this post, while the remainder will proceed to various Mon tana poets. Those which have been as signed to duty in the northwest will leave tomorrow. Fort Meade will be regi mental headquarters, and as a result tbe superb band of the regiment will remain and be one of the many attractions of this post. Lieutenant-Colonel Meisner is commander of the Eighth at present, Colonel Otis, former commander, being about to enter on the retired list. The rank and file of the Eighth look more like soldiers than did the Seventh, whether it was owing to their hard looks caused by so much travel, or be cause they are veterans, we do not know, but from appearances they look mora like fighters than did their predecessors. The -citizens of Sturgis welcome this regiment to their new poet of duty and sincerely hope that offioers and men alike, will be pleased with their surroundings and that the acquaintances formed may be mutually pleasurable and profitable. DIED. Mojrami—On Monday morning, September i, 1KX8, of canvalBions, the infant sun «1 Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Monheim, aged 5 dsya. The entire city was inexpressibly shocked at the sad news mentioned above and all extend their sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents in their hour of affliction. There is some consolation in tbe fact that baby has gone out of this world of sin, and suffering, pain and death, escaped from the trials and tur moils that surround poor human beings from the cradle to the grave, and has flown away, back to the Great Spirit who gave it life, to rest iu peace and security for all eternity. The funeral services wen held at the Catholic church Monday afternoon by Bev. Father Boeen. Card of Tbanka. To oar many friends who so kindly sisted us during our late bereavement, the death of our little darling baby, we extend our sincere thanks for their many kindneses, and desire them to know they are doubly appreciated. Gratefully yoxum, MB, and MBS. HENBY MONHXIX. Letter Lilt. list of letters remaining in tbe poetoffioe at Stnrgis, Dakota, for the two weeks ending Sept. 1, liiSH. Those uncalled for after thirty day* fifooi this date will be otfice: Baum Frank Daakward Otto Dougherty Jfune« Johu I) sent to the dead letter Lodge William Miller ('harlen id & "VVaik!ia*r Willy 1'bfiu,.zzliizsic: ifcs absro rriH please mr 1849. 1888. The New York Life Ins, Co. In its forty-third annuel report pre sents cn array of facts, showing a rccord unsurpassed in the annals of Life Insur ance, and the thorough confidence of the public in this company is fully justified by an experience of Forty-three Tears. The company is prompt in the pay ment of Death Losses, and its policies are issued in greater variety, and are freer from restrictions as to resi dence, travel and occupation than those of any other company. BUSINESS OF X*r cent.) 11,8*3,703 Oti Policies in force Insurance in force......*.. 00 PKOGEES8 Dated at Deadwood, D. T., this 14th day 6f August, lfefet. ANDREW J. KNIGHT, Cfcae. .. /r 1887. Premiums 7S Interest, rente, Me iu Total income 22^02,787 12 Death claims and endow in Ml to 4,861.1^6 S3 Divitleiic!*. annnitiee is snd purchased insurances 6*1^6*3 ft* Total to policy holders New policies iMixed Xew insurance written 9,585,210 79 28,632 ....106,749.295 00 CONDITION JAH. 1,1688. 0««h furata 85 *piv8ibl* snrplus.Co'e new standard 6,ft5Lr80 11 fTontine surplus 3,£lft,?20 83 liabilities. New state standard (4 percent.) 70,650,560 fil Surplus by new state standard (4 113.523 IN 2887. Increase In income 2£22,378 84 Iaei-eaw in net 8,ttr2,tM3 Inerwjse in in.suraucc written 21.571,001 00 inereaw in innamiice in force 00 •Exclusive of the amount specially reserved a« a contingent liability to Tontine Dividend fnnd. tOrer and above a 4 yer cent, reserve on exist iak policies of that CIBKH. GILBERT A. SMITH, General A*?ent. gioox City, Iowa. J. J. DAVENPORT, Agent, Ktar^ie, (First publication August 15.) 90TICE FOE PUBLICATION. LAND OFKCI AT DFCADWOOE. D. T., Ausnrtt 7, 1H88. Notice if* hereby *iven that the following named settler has filed notice of hi* intention to make final proof in support of Ids claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Deadwood, Dak., on September 25, 1888, viz: Ardle Handlon, Hd. E. No. 960, for the e hf aw qr and lota 3 and 4. see 15, town ship 5, north, itrnge 5, east-, B. U. m. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, TIZ: Peter Ostium, Thomas O'Brien, Andrew Peter son, Geogre Woods, all of Bturian City P. Dak. JOHN K. WHITESIDE, Register. CHA8. C. POLK, PLAINTIFF'S ATTOFLNEY. SHERIFF'S SALE. lathe District ('onrt, First Judicial District, Territory of Dakota, within and for Lawrence ,onnty. Jolins II. Seymour, as administrator of the e» tSSAS of Henry E. fteyimmr, deceased, plaintiff, Tft. Charles C. Wilson, Nellie Wilson and Milan g, Harmon, defendants. Notice is hnreby given that by virtue of a meet of foreclosure and sale in the above tied action, on the 7th day of Au^n«t. A. D. 1SK8, and an execution indued on wui jn«!*nrtent, the subscriber, Andrew J. Knijrht, sheriff of Law rence county, Dakota territory, for that purpose appointed, will sell at public- auction-' at the front door of the court bouee in the city of Deadwood, eounty of Lawrence and territory of Dakota on the 27th day of September, A. D. 1888, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day the real estate and mortgaged premises situate in tlie county of Lawrence, territory of Dakota, and directed in nnid judgment and execution to be sold, and therein described as follows: The southwest quarter (HW1*) of t-ect*on two (2), in township five ("), north, ranae six (6), east. Black Hills meridinu, containing one hun dred and sixty acres, or so much thereof as may be sufficient-to satisfy saitl judgment and cost*, amounting in all to nine hundred and forty-six dollars and thirty cents i fcJIlJi.SO), with interest from the date of said judgment, axul all accruing costs of sale. Sheriff of Lawrence County JX T. C. Polk, Plaintiff's Attorney. (First publication August 1.) NOTICE FOIL PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT DEAOWOOD, D. T.,) July 1H88. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support, of his claim, and tliat said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Deadwood, Dakota, on Septem ber 21, 1888, viz: Patrick Kelly, Hd. E. No. 890, for the se qr nw qr. sw qr ne qr, nw qr se qr ne sw qr gee IB, township 5, north, range 6, east. K He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz C-liarles Bierer, John J. Folklutrd, John Heb erding, K. B. Zoll, all of Ft. Meade, P. Ov Dak. JOHN R. WHITESIDE, liegister. (First publication July 2T».) NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT DRADWOOD, D. T., William D. Holdrec. Hd. E. 459, for the s hf se qr see 29, Jif ne qr sec 8, n, rang 0 e, B. H. M, He names the following witnesses to prove fcis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Andrew Rosander, Thomas Brown, (paries C. TopliiX, Klbis Young, all of Vide P. O., Dakota. JOHN R. WHITESSDK. Register. (Firs»t publication A tin, 2'1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT DILADWGOD, D. T„ i Augast IS, 1888. NoUce is hereby given that the following* named settler has filed notice of his intention to make ikiHl pf*jof in supjort of his claim, and that taiitl pr*o? will be made before the l-egister aad receiver at Deadwood, Dakota, on Octo ber 8. 188H, viz: Fredrick G. Borsch, D. 8. No. 4613. for thes hf se qr sec 31, twp 6 n, range 5 e, B, H« and lots 1 and 2, sec 8, twp 5 n, range 5 e, ti. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of gaid land, viz: Harman 8pilk«r, Henry A, Sargeant, Patrick Murphy, Martin Miller, all of Sturgis, Dakota. JOHN it. WUITESUHS. Register. N ffcee* July 17,1888. Notice ie hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of Ids intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Deadwood, Dakota, on Septem ber 5. 1888, viz: Je&n Molitor, D. S. No. 4.489, for the s hf sw qr section 14, and n hf nw sec tion 23, tov.-ushp*), north, range 8, east, B. H. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sj id land, viz: John P. Kelleier, Joseph May,, Dominic Kef feler, Anton Btrothe, of bturgis City P. O., Da kota. JOHN H. WHITESIDE. Register. (First publication July 25.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OPFICE AT DEADWOOD, DAK., July 17, lMtf. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his election, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver, at Deadwood, Dakota, on Septem ber 7, 18KS, viz: Benjamin F. Ferris, Hd. No. 1,938, for the qr section 2T, towns' tp 5, norih, range 4, east 11. 11. SI. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: Walter Glass, Jacob Hook. Edwnrd W. Ball, of Sturgis. Dakota Alexander J. Roberts, of Dead wood, Dakota. v i JOHN R. WHITESIDE, Register. (First publication Aug. 212.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, LIAHD OFFICE AT DEADWOOD, B, T* I .-"v August %), 1888. Notice 1s hereby Riven that the following nam ed settlor has filed notice of his intention to make final prv»of in support of bis claim, and that said proof will he made before the register and receiver at Deadwood. on October 10, 1888, viz: Sturgis, ,, .i. uai'TJiR.qs-ie STunoxa, Dakota,^ August l», 1888. To Im K Sanderson, who made D. 8- &)1S and to Benjamin Fowler, who made D. B. 4855 and to wh iin it may cosoem. Notice is heraby given that the following named settler has fiied notice of his intention to make commutation prmif in support of his claim, and tii&f said proof will be made before the roister and receiver at Deadwood, Dakota, on October 1JW\ vis: George W. Hubbard, Hd. E. No. 2152. for lot 3 and ne qr se qr, sec 27, and iot 4 arid sw qr hw qr sec 23, twp 5 ft, mnge 5 e, B. H. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his eontiniuMis residence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: Hirbs^lorner, iixiward O. Knight, Henry 8. Pamn. Joseph Miller, all of Sturgis, Dakota. JoasH, Wklxe&DE, it 'J Loan and Real E& Late ^EXCHANGE-#'^ Money [Lowest Terms ON CITY AND FARM PROPE&TY.^V FARM & CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE I_j£LncL Office Businesa Proprietor ot McMillan's Southern Additioji -to Sturgi^ B«t port of the city (or residence and speculation. Attorney at LawQTT A Pi O. POLK Notary Pablifc SPARKS&ALLEN 0rass, Field and Garden DEADWOOD & STU RG1S HACK LIKE Daily, in Connection with all Tram leaves for Deadwood every morning arrival of train from the leaves Deadwood time to connect wita tbe train going east at fc53 zn. F. B. SMITH, Prop., Sturgis and Deadwood. MILWAUKEEKEGBEER! Peaslee's Ale and Porter on Draught. fyOUU NEVER H. STEIN & CO., —JOBBERS AND DEALERS IK—* DRUGS. CHEMICALS, PROPRIETARIES, FAINTS* Oil*, Toilet Articles, Sundries, Etc, '4 -it XCaga s i' SEEDS AT.T TGrOODS -f .. V.VXI'. n kr ns,tE0Ti CAPITOL, GKADY & TIPPIE, elebrated St Louis Keg Brer ALWAYS ON DMUGHT. Choice Wines, Liquors and y "v?' Bare Butte 7$' V i 1 a i Dakota V= T. ft 3-