Newspaper Page Text
STURGIS W. P. ADVERTISER, I. R. CROW, PROPRIETOR. THE ADVERTISES is entered weekly nt the Sturgis post olKoe second class matter. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1R88. F„ E. & M. V. TIKE TABLE. RxpnMfl going west loavea at 7 -M a. m. Going Mot, nt 3:53 p. mM for the east and a oath, making eloec connection*! and giving tho best accommo dation*. Freight from# weat leaves at 6:11 p. m., and Coins uonth at 7:32 a. m. A. D. WOOD, AgentA FITCH, General MANAGER, Sturgis. J. U. BUCHANAN, Gen. POSH. Agent, Omaha, Neb. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Royal owl bouquet cigars at Max Fiehel's. They are the beat brand iu the market. Fireman's ball tonight. Blue ribbon beer at Ammoa% Daugherty is still among the Hftisa &>g. Dr. Pratt visitwd Wbitewood J»y. Tues- Fresh fruits and confectionery at Max Fishel's. Attend the ball this evening at the new City hall. Peaslee's Ale on draught at Fritz Amnion's. Ladies and childrens shoes at Keffel er's. Morse's make. B. P. Smith, dentist. Office first door •oath of the bank, Sturgis. E. T. Marshall is doing grand jury service for the county this week. For an easy, clean shave or stylish hair cut there is no better plaoe in the world than at John Schnell's. Snow that fell here on the 15th dis appeared in a day or so, and the weather has been clear and pleasant ever since. On the, Christian B. Jordan and Miss Clina Scheuble, both of Deadwood, were married at Sturgis, .by Be v. P. Rosen.. s.. At its meeting Monday night the council discharged tho pound master aDd suspended the stools ordinance for thirty days. A meeting of the Grace Episcopal guild will be held next Monday after noon at 2 oclock at tho sore of Potter & Haines. There are nineteen prisoners in the county jail for the grand jury to take action upon. The train wreckers are in the gang. A union temperence meeting Sunday evening at the M. E. church, the Rev. Echols to speak.- "A general invitation is extended. Justus Sclmcll Tias another chair in operation in his shop, arid is therefore prepared to accommodate his patrons on chart notice. Onlv first-oliies tonsorial TOOK nageradn and son left Sunday with their teams for Little Sioux, Iowa, «y the overland route. Jack will return to Sturgis after the holidays, s MofEett's dray line. Beady for busi ness at any time or place. Light pack ages and parcels, as well as heavy goods, moved on the shortest possible notice with best of care. Rev. J. H. Monlincux held Episcopal services at Sturgis opera house Sunday evening. He had a large audience, and an were jileased with tho serraoD. A cutting scrape took place in town last Thursday night between Sergeant Jjanghlia of I troop and Albert Parich of troop, in which the former was quite seriously slashed in the short ribs. Mr. Andrews has completed the survey from Sturgis to a point on tho Home stake road, via Galena. He found a feasible route, and we expect., to eee a wad built over it no later, than next year. Mrs. Juliet Craig, mother of Mrs. Clay Lambert, died at the residence of her daughter in Deadwood, Sunday evening, with pneumonia, aged 55 years, The remains were shipped to Bockervillo, Indiana, for interment. We endeavor?d to give the official voto of the district and Lawrence county this week, for the reason that several counties have not made their official canvass of the returns. The board of the county began yesterday but did not complete its work in time for us to get the report. L. M. Bitney has concluded to remain at Cole's old stand on Lazelle street, where he invites his patrons to call when in need of the best livery rigs to be had in Sturgis. Stock boarded by the day or week at reasonable rates, and ranch men will find no better plaoe in town to pat up. Mr. A. E. Gammon returned Saturday from Chicago, where he had been with ilia cattle. He sold at very good figures, considering the number of beves being marketed—about 13,000 daily. Mr. Gammon left here before the election, and was in Chicago when the returns came in. He helped the republicans of the "sucker" state rejoice oyer the great riotory. The servioe# of the Episcopal church will be conducted in Sturgis every Sun day evening during the winter. These services will be held in some place made known from week to the local preiss. Services will be conducted by the Rev. John H. Molineux, who will be pleased to meet all those interested in the estab lishment of the church in Sturgis. On Sunday evening next servioea will, be J»eid in the Opera house. Smoke the Royal pwl bouquet cigars, for sale by Max Fishel only.. .One trial, And you will use no other, Mre. Kcffeler is convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. Haines were visitors from Rapid Monday. Tho steamer was out Tuesday even ing filling the cisterns. C. A. Wiegand is at Rapid assisting Potter 4 Haines while removing their goods to new quarters on Main street. Mr. A. J. Marohn of Lead and Miss Juliet McCluro of this place were mar ried at Sturgis on the 14th inst. The bride is well and favorably known in this vicinity, and her numerous friends join the ADVEitTiSEn in wishing her a life of happiness and prosperity. H, Contractor Grams finished the oarpen try work on the second floor of the City hall yesterday and in a few days will complete his work in the lower story, and turn the building over to the city. He has done an excellent job, and all are well plea sod with it. The ball will be held there tonight. J. W. Jones, chairman of the republi can central committee of Pall River county, in a communication to the Rapid City Journal, says the statement that Mr. Patton's name was not on the republican tickets in that county is false. He says the tickets were printed end circulated straight. The marriage of Mr. William Wald schmidt and Miss Lillian Rogers occur red at the residence of George Bews, Deadwood, on Thursday evening last. Several friends of the young couple were in attendance from Sturgis. The pres? ents were numerous and valuable, show ing that Mr. and Mrs. Waldsohmidt are held in high esteem. On Sunday morning there arrived at Rapid City Judge Pringle and Bev. A.J. Van Cleft of Norwich, New York, and J. G.. Stephens, and Captain David Cock of London, en route to Hill City and vicin ity to examine certain tin claims held un der bond by Mr. Stephns. Just who is represented by the strangers and the sig nificance 'of their visit cannot be learned. The first story of the school building is up and the furnaces are in place in the basement. Work is progressing farely well, considering tho force employed, and if the weather permits the indications now are that the building will bo com pleted early in January. The contract ors are doing a good piece of work, and would push it more rapidly were they able to secure more competent help. The report that Col. Tilford will re turn to Ft. Meade and succeed Col. Otis as commander of this post is not based upon good authority. While Col. Til ford would like to be re-stationed here, there is no probability that he. will, recora among tiie men, and we doubt if the Eighth cavalry will petition to have him take command of their brigade. Sturgis was the scene of another fire on Thursday evening last. About 7 o'clock p. m. the roof of tho Dfepot hotel was discovered to be on fire, and beforo assistance reached the house the whole upper story was in flames. The build ing and almost entire contents were dis troyed, entailing a total loss of over $5,000 to Mr, Schnell, the proprietor. There was $2,000 insurance on the build ing, ^1,000 in the Phoenix and $1,000 in the Watertown company. Do you want a good newspaper—• daily or weekly? If so subscribe for the St. Paul Globe, a paper with no super ior in the northwest. The Daily Globe is $8 per annuran, Sunday Globe $2, and weekly. $1. Subscriptions will be received at this office, and if parties wish to also take tho ADVEETISEB, a reduction will'be made on the rates for tho Globe. Tb e Globe Cook books will bo sent fvco to oil subscribers- to the Weekly Globe. «, ... James Blood died at his home in Gale na Wednesday evening, November 14, with pneumonia. Mr. Blood came to the Hills in 1876. He was a soldier of the civil war, having enlisted in the 21st New York regiment, April 23, 1861, and having servod with it until the great struggle was brought to a close by Lee's surrender at Appomattox. At the time of death he was a member in good stand ing of Keogh Post, G. A. R. Deceased was about fifty-four years of age and leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death. Sudden Death. A sudden death occurred on Spring creek Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. Simon Hellman being the person to answer Death's summons without warn ing. Deceased left the house at the usual hour to bring up his stock, and as he did not return at the proper time his wife gave the alarm and search was in stituted, About 10 oclook Thursday morning the remains of Mr. Hellman were found nearly one and a half miles from home, the body laying in acrampped position, as though deceased had fallen suddenly and expired without a strug gle. Mr. Hellman was a native of Prussia, and was about 38 years of age. He leaves a wife and young daughter, and a large acquaintance in the neighborhood to mourn bis loss. The widow and orphan are left in moderate circum stances. The remains were buried in Sturgis Saturday afternoon, the Rev. Lymer conducting the last sad rites over the one so highly esteemed while in life. Milwaukee Beer on draught at fritz Amnion's. The Hotnestake train wreckers-will perhaps be put on trial today. You can get a pound of good canc'jr for 25 cento at Chase's Variety store. Regular services next Sunday at the Methodist church at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tho freshest fruits and confectioneries and the finest brands of cigars at Achen bach's old reliable stand. Fresh corn meal and ground feed of all kinds at the Sturgis Planing mill. Custom work done promptly. Parties desiring to sell real estate can advertise the same all over the United States by applying to W. C. Buderus. Dan Mclver recovered his saddlo. haB The young man who took it, was glad to return the property and get off with a light penalty. A surprise party was given to Rev. Mr. Echols and wife Tuesday evening at tho parsonage. Quite a number were present and donations liberal. A gentleman 72 years old made a journey from Iowa to personally express liis gratitude for the benefit he had de rived from Dr. Fenner's cough honey, For sale by H. Stein & Co. J. G. McAuley has opened up a feed stable at L. M. Bitney's old stand and all those wanting teams or stock well taken care of, would dp well to oall on him. Free corral and camp bouse in connection. Business at Galena appears to be im proving every day, according to reports. More life and general activity aro shown in the camp than for months pact. The latest from there is to the effect that the Richmond mill sturts before long. About 100 bars of base bullion came down from the-smelter this week to be shipped east for refining. The Keystone at Deadwood has the biggest run of any hotel in the Hills. The reason everybody stops there is bo cause .the tables aro always supplied with everything to be had and the bods aro the best. Keith is popular with eve rybody, as he makes a special effort to please all who stop at the Keystone. Billy Crandall, a freighter, about 20 years of ago, met with a very pninfn^ ac cident, this Friday evening. His outfit was laaded with railroad iron, on top of which was a sack of oats. While at tempting to move the oats further back on his wagon the boy and oats fell to the ground and tho forward wheel of the wagon passed over his body, and for a time it was supposed he was fatally in jured. Dr. Smith of Sturgis was tele phoned for, and made an examination, which disclosed the fact that only ono rib was broken, and the boy will be as good as new in a week's time.-»-White wood Sentinel. Cathfilic Coir. The ladies of the Catholic 'church will give their annual fair this month, begin ning on tho 27th instant. It will con plnnA wifV ,n rrronrl dinrt* An -iliA For Sale. A complete barber outfit, new, consist ing of a Columbia revolving and reclin ing ohair, walnut washstand, large mir ror, etc. .TtJSXCa ScHNBLL. For Sale. The lease of tho Commercial hotel property, with or without the furniture.. Terms reasonable. A rare chance for a good hotel man. Call 'en or address JOHN FARLEY, Sturgis, Dakota. Taken Up, The undersigned has taken up. at his ranch three miles west of Sturgis, ono blue roan cow, 4 years old, branded' 5 on right hip. Jos. MERBITT. A Card. To the Editor: We desire through your Columns to thank aH the friends who made the friendly raid upon the mans© on hist Tuesday evening for their favors. Bo assured that your kindness is greatly appreciated by us. W. A. ECHoiiS, CABBIE C. A. H. Y. BOWMAN. SEELXGEK, R. M. W. When Colonel Higgins of FVedoma was buMding tho Louisiana ana XesnR railroad, nothing was found to prevent the effects of the malaria and ward off disease equal to Dr. Fenner'a capitol bitters. Use his Wood and liver remedy and nerve tonic in ell blood, skin and. nerve disorders, his cough honey in all cough, and his golden relief in all pains, stomach and bowel disorders. For sale by H. Stien & Co. Why embitter life by dragging about, with lame ba£k, diseased kidneys, drop sical swellings, fomale weakness, nervous debility, heart disease and rheumatic complaints, when Dr. Fenner's kidney and backache cure will so quickly cure? Rev. A. J. Merchant, presiding elder, writes: "It gave mo almost instant and entirely permanent relief." Superior to all known medicines in these diseases. I'or sale by H. Stein & Co. NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS. Notice is horeby given to the "owners and occupants of the lots hereinafter de scribed, to construct within 3p days from tho date of this notice, at their own cost and expense, sidewalks of the width and material prescribed by ordinance No. 6, of the City of Sturgis, Lawrence county, Dakota, in front of and along said de scribed lota, to-wit: OK FIRST STREET, IN OBIGISiAL TOWN OF STURGIS. Lots 12 and 13, block 14. Lot 12, block 1. And strip of land extremely ronttr of the last described lot to Howard street. By order of the city council. Dated Sturgis, Dak., November 14, 1888. FIREMEN'S BALL. To Be aiven Thursday Evening Hext Upon the Completion of City Hall. The executive committee appointed at the special meeting of the firemen, held Friday evening last, are: Henry Wyt tenbach, George Cole and Max Blatt. This committee in turn appointed the following sub-committec s to assist in making tho grand ball and supper, to be given November 22, a success. The "city hall will bo nearly completed by that date, at which time tho building will be dedicated. Tho committees are ., .. SOLICITATION. •Tames Mofiett, John McMillan, At C. Tippie. INVITATION. DeadWtood—Ben Baer, John Treber and J. G. Keith. Rapid City—John E. Brennan, Robt. Flormann, Felix Poannnsky. Sturgis—P. E. Sparks, J. J. Daven port, W. E. J.pnes, J. GL Wonke,.»J. T. Potter, Henry Monheim. RECEPTION. Pat Flavin, Henry Wyttenbaob, Win. Souter, Ed. Galvin, Max Hoelin, FLOOK. George Cole, Max Blatt, Jos. Arnold". (Firwt publication Nov. 15.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OITICE AT DEAD-WOOD, DAK., Novomber y, 1K^8. To Soorge H. White who made IJ, S. No. 2,MO, and to whom it may concern: Notice is hfireby given Hi':: 1he following lmmwl sottler liar, filed notice ot hia intention to make commutation roof in support of hiB claim, and that yaid proof will bo made before the vt*) :« and receiver at Deadwood, Dakota, on January 9, i' -'l, viz: Thomas W. Peppard, Hd. E. 2,154, for (lie n liE sw qr and hf nw qr sec' 85, town bl»in ti, noi'lli, rtnpe G, easit, B. li. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rosidence upon, and cultivation oit raid hind, viz: Charles 0. Wilson, Egbert L. Carl, of Fort Mende Joseph W. llouse, Hamuel A. Lewis, ox Bun-sis, JL. T. Any person who desiref to protest, npreinsfc the allowance of puch proof, or w ho know of any raliKtantial reason, under tho :uw and the regu lations of the interior department., why such proof fhonld not be allowed, will be given an Opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to croaR examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to of£«r evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. JOHN It. WHITESIDE, Register. DISSOLUTION. The firm heretofore czintin*? r.nd doint? linsi ncKB undei' tho firiii-iifuuo and style of Monhoim 'Eros., i« this dissolved by mutual consent, Henry Monheim letivin :. The business wilt horeafler bp conducted by John Monheim, who will col lect all outtftandiD# accounts md anytime nil ln- dobtednesa of fctiid firm. He.-ncctfnlly, Husky Monnrasi,. ,T»- HK MONUEIM. Bturgin, Dakota, November 7, CHAfi. C. POLK, ATTOBKEY. BUMKOHS, RELIEF. Territory of Dakota, First- Jodiaial District, 88. —In the District Court in aad for Lawrence county. William B. Ricc. 1'laintiif, vs. Lncinda Picrson, William N. Picrsom Heth iiuilook and Valentino M. Beaver, V n a n v Tho territory of Dakota sends Rrceting to the above-named defendant#: You are hereby wuiTimouefl and required to answer tho complaint of this action, which \va.s iilcd on the 25th dav of October, A. IX in tii® ofllce of the cleik of the diftrict- court within and for the county of Lawrence, territory of Da kota, nt the cprirt hout in the cit? of Deadwood, county of Lawrence, Dakota territory, IUKI to Kerve a copy your answer on the fcuhscriber at hit office on Main in the city of Htur^is, Dakota territory, within thuly days alter the f^rvico of t'i5H summons, excla^iv^ of the day of service. If you fail to answer tho complaint within that tune the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated at Si nrgia, D. X., this 25th day of Octo ber, A. D. OHAS. C\ POLK, 11-1-7 Plaintiff* Attorney. Money on Hand, Call on or address Easts, ss ECHOLS. A. o, u. w. Members of Key City lodge No. C6 are hereby notified that business of prime importance will come before tho next meeting, Nov. 22 inst., and it is of iin: portanco that every member should be in his seat. By order of .. .... CHOICE •,&••• i MAX HOEHX, Auditor. a POWDER Absolutely Pure. !Thif powder never varies. A marvel of pniita strength and wholeHonienes^. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be rold in competition with tho multitude of low tent, phort weight fUtim or phosphate powders. Bold onlv in can». KOYAL IJAKIJW POWDEII CO., 106 Wall Btreet, N. X. money xo Loan J. F. EDMONDS, Peaslee's Ate and Porter on Draught. ai' Will IS, 0^3 ,v' •'-"'v Stuigto, Dakota •Daily, in Connection withail Trains. Hreo Jwefor ply bct-woBn Dcodwood and Sturrfs, via T!6ulffer Park anil HaM Polio canyon. Oos hack leuvex tor D.faitwood ovpry morning uftor the arrivnl of inun from li.e e.iBt liac)£ leaves Deswlwood in tlpie to oouneot with tlie tntim olug east at 5M ui.. SMITH & SON, Props., Sturgis and Deadwood. MOWS RESTAURANT. 2^:©a.i3 v e i "y bx John LVnovnn, rrgor ruiekHhank. F.o?ooe Keene, Albert V. Evelett^aU of Ft. Meade, Dak. JOHN R. WHITKSIPE, Register. Dr. W. G. Smith cheerfully answers calls day or night. Olaco on First-st., oast of the bank. J. SIDMOISTIDS, -General Agent Western Loan i Trust Company $500,000. 3sro Delay," 4*,^ j. i IH'i i1 Db. A. H. BOWMAJf, PHYSICIAN AND SUU0EON, Office ot residence oil Sherman, street, halt block ea&t of Junction avenue. Sruuais, DAK. J. B. CHENEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUItOKON, Diseases of women and children a opeclalty. Office in Northwestern hotel btiildir.s, Stnrgifi. CHARLES C. POLK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT 1 AW. Money to loan on real estate. MAIN ST. STUHOIS. DANIEL T. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 23,©a.l instate Ss Loan Agent SPEARFISII, DAKOTA* Information on real estate and mining proper ty. ('orreHpondcnce solicited, G. W. PRATT, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON, Office at tho post office. Specialty Obstetrics and Diseases of Women- STUKGIS, DAK. (First publication October 18.) KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OSIICE AT DKADWOOD, D. T.,) October lo, 3 Notice is horeby given that the followins named settlor has filed notice of his intention to moke final proof in support of, that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Deadwood, Dak., on December 1H, lhoS.viz: Peter XffcSonald, Hd Enrty Ko. 1,534, for the ne or sec 22, twp 5, north, range 7. oast, B. H. M. He names the following witnesses tot provo his continuous re^idouco. upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: A W m- Lowest K,a.tes CH DEADWOOD. pai s si a 9 1 01,L'.Sl 1 3ia:QXJOs,s AHD mm, j&uii noioref Most Extensive Bill of Fare in the City. BSST KESTAUEANT IK THB HILLS. First door west of Rosebrougli & Tippie'a, Main street, Sturgis. 9: .. 1 ... I--'-. •ajstid I** .1 I 5 v LOOK AT OUR LADIES' SHOES: •fe.i?, The finest hand-turned shoes in the world," The finest hand-welt shoes in th© world, "A genuine India kid, worked holes, flexible, ..'""UiBses' fine shoes, 83, 2.75, %&Q said 2 Heavy school ahoMh,, ,1.75, 1.50,1.25 and 1 Children's 3.00, 1.50,1.25 and 1 "Menvy, 1.25. 1.00 and fouth's and boy's fine calf button and congress, at $3, 2 $2.50, 2.00, and 1.7o. Hoavy, $2.00, 1.50,1.25,1.0ft IMUBDNTS Hand-Made Lace and Congress In all widths and popular styles, button, lace and congress, at $7^9, 7.00, 6.50, 6.00, 5.75 and 5.50. MACHINE AND GOODYEAR WELTS, From the largest factories in the woild, At 3.50, 3.00, 2.75, 2.50,2.25. RUBBER BOOTS Men's, Youths', Boys', Ladies' and Misses. V GERMAN HOSE, Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes and Slippers, Ladies' Hand-Tumed, Opera French Kid, Oxford Ties and Newport Button, Finest in the Land. MENS From *4, 3.50,3, 2.50, 2,1.50,1.25, J, 750^ at Per Cent From regular prices. 500 Pairs of Men's California Gloves and Mitts. From 35c. to $2 for a fur-lined French kid mitt 20 dozen Men's fancy Percale Shirts, at half price to close out. v f' 85 50 50 50 50 00 65 40 0 0 00 00 vj 75 ', 5 v, An excellent flexible sole, dongola, .... .» An elegnnt kid, flexible sole, «,« An easy, wcll-fiUing shoe, i A nice, worked button-holo shoe, glove grain, I 75 r, s A/' OVER-SHOES WOOL BOOTS Discount v 20 dozen Wool Overshirts from $1 to per cent discount from regular price. -i Cardigan Jackets and Wool Underwear, -. closing out at half price. Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Suspenders, Etc. When you see my Men's Calf Boots for $2.5Q and $3, you will be surprised, MY TERMS. ^RE I will have no staad-offs. I will givo you cash values. The Largest Stock in the TO SELECT FJ2-OM. EOSOT'MOE'* "-'ORE I. E. MCMILLAN, STURGIS,j i CASH. Hills .^DAKOTA,