Newspaper Page Text
«.*• I i -S, •WBaiita Clans STURGIS ADVERTISER. I. B. CROW, PROPRIETOR. The ADVEBTXSKB is entered •weekly at the Sturgis pott office as sccond class matter. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, lgS8. the weather permits the new sshool boildlng will be enclosod this week Harry Atwater is again on duty at the postoffice, licking stamps for the pltblie. Rank Brown, cashbr of the Whito wood bank, was in tho city Tuesday, inching. Dr. W. G. Smith cheerfully calls day or night. Office ou Fiist-ot., east of the bank. Deadwood has been fall of Stargfeitee this week, mostly witnesses in the Tel ford case. Hie freshest fruits and confectioneries and tho finest brands of cigars at Achen boch's old reliable stand. Tslford was found gnilty as charged in (bo indictment The jury was out less than ten minutes. Fresh corn meal and ground feed of all kinds at tho Stnrgis Planing mill. Custom work- done promptly. Sherman street between Junction •route and First street is being graded in accordance with inatrnctitms bom the city council. W. C. Halsey, general superintendent of the F. E. & M. V. Ry., was in Stnrgis 8unday night, and put np at tho Sool laid house. i. W. Andrews returned from Fremont Tuesday morning, looking hale and hearty. He had no railroad news to giro the public through the press. There will be Christinas services at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath, both morning and evening. Good music will be an especial faatnre of both ser vices. All are cordially invited, MAXFISHEL'S W» respectfully invite you to ooll and «ouaipe our new stock of .. HOLIDAY GOODS, Selected diroct from the manufacturers, and -comprising the ohoicest selections in every department. Our, stock is now ready for inspec tion. Special attention is called to a few of the choicest goods below: Albums, Bisque Dolls, Toilet cases, Musical Dolls, "Work Boxes, Musical Toys, Glove Cases, Mechanical Toys, Handkerchief Cases, Music Boxes, Bisque Figures, Snaving Sets, Cigar Cases, Card Cases, Gift Books, Xmas Cards, Collar & Cuff Cases, For an easy, clean shave or stylish hair cut there is no better place in the world than at John Sebuell's. Mr. D. Sayre and Xmas Candy, Tree Ornaments, Fancy Baskets F., E. & M. V. TIME TABLE. jjoing west leaves at 7:152 a. m. Going east, at 3:53 p. in., for the east- and south, making close connoctions and giving the beat accommo dations. J£raif?hfc gcncE west leaves at 6:41 p. mM and 'going south at 7 £2 &. m. A. D. WOOD, Agent, H.CL BWEIT, General Manager, Stnrgis. BUCHANAN, Gen. Pasa. Agent, Omaha, Neb. 10CAL AND GENERAL NEWS. The holidays are fast approaching. Fresh crystalizod fniit at Max Fishol's. The weather continue® worm and clear. Just received a floe lot of fresh Cbriet mas candy at Max Fishsl's. Ale on cbttoght at X^itz Peaslee's Amnion's. Wedding and ball stationary at this Headquarters for Santa Clans at Max Isabel's. Ladies and childrens shoes'* a*'1 Kefflel el's. Morse's make. Milwaukee! Bear Trita Amnion's. Bon of Minnesela were brief visitors to Sturgis Monday evening. Thoy accompanied Mrs. Sayro this far on her trip to Chicago, where die goes on a visit for a few weeks with relatives. The "women of the town" should be Repeated to conduct themselves in a less conspicuous m.-inner. They are altogether too prominent on the public streets of Stnrgis during the day. The ball to be givou at Black Hawk, Jiup. 1, for the benefit of the comet band of that place promise to be a grand affair. They have a fine hall, and as 300 invitations have been issued, it is mCBe than likely a bi$ crowd will enjoy fti« festivities of tho occasion. at" Toys: for Fishel's. on dtstfgit at girls and boys at Max Deadwcstf street cart began" rtnhing Sunday. Bishop Hittfc has sent'the Episcopal church of St utgis a fine organ. Dr. Bowman is the prond father of a eon. The young? man- arrrved Sunday morning. B. J. Cuddihy, a 3(&W M. E. Sammis died yestswlay after noon at his home, five miles frwn -Eapidt His age was 60 years. Henry Achenbaoh was setting *p' tlife cigars this morning over tho late arrival of a very young man at his house. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs: It. S. Brigham Wednesday evening, tZ»* 12th, and there is much rejoicing in thaf household. You can got n pound of good candy for 25 cents at Chase's variety store. Marco Bozzaris lodge, K. of P., have issured invitations for a grand masquer ade ball to be given at the Opera house, Deadwood, on the 28th. The Rapid City fire department will give a ball at tho Harney hotel Christ mas evening, and it will be such an one as the boys are capable of giving. Mofictt's dray line. Ready for busi ness at any time or place. Light pack ages and parcels, as well as heavy, moved on the shortest possible iiotico with beet of care. Justus Schnell has another chair in operatic® in his shop, and is therefore prepared to accommodate his patrons on short notice. Only first-class tousorial work goes with him. Mr. Kenry Monhoim has leased the Springer house, Lead City, and took charge today. His many friends wish him success in his now venture. A special meeting of the Sturgis hook and ladder company will be held this ovening as business of importance is to be transacted, a lull attendance is earn estly desired. The hook and ladder company has authorized tho ADVEETISEE to state that each gentleman attending the m&3k ball will be entitled to bring only one lady on a single ticket. L. M. Bitssy has concluded to remain at Cole's old stand on Lnzelle street, M'he-ro he invites his patrons to call when in need of the best livery rigs to be' had in Sturgis. Stock boarded by tho day ox week at reasonable rates, and ranoh men will find no better place in town to put up.. If yon desire a fine holiday present in the jewelery line, visit tho King jeweler, Main street, Deadwood, ami make a se lection from his elegant assortment of Black Hills gold jewelery of every de scription. Mr. JSiog will manufacture anything you want, if it is not found in his stock. W. 0. Burdreus will forward to the commissioner of agriculture samples of the sugar beet raised in this vicinity during the past season, from, seed sent to Mr. Buderus last spring from the de partment-of agriculture. As soon as the commissioner's report is receiyed, it will be published, showing whether the ex periment has been a success here. When Colonel Higgius of Frcdonia was building the Louisiana and Texas railroad, nothing was found to prevent the effects of the malaria nnd ward off disease equal- to Dr. Fenner's capitol bitters. Use his blood and liver remedy ATM! nerve tonic in all blood, skin and nerve disci'dors, his conffh honey in all cough, nnd his golden relief in all pains, stomach nn.1 bowel dia$4efc For sale by H. Stien A: Co.. DEDUCTION SALE. Ctrsat Bargains in Winter Dry Hen's Clothing. It is our intention oarly in Ifee spiring of 1889 to erect a new and elegant brfck store, thereby largely increasing our fa cilities and doubling our already verj" Complete stock. We do not wish to Carry over a single article in the way of •inter goods, and we propose to offer everything in this line at such a reduc tion that it cannot fail to command a ready sale. The reduction applies es pecially to such goods as men's clothing, underwear for men, women and children, dress goods, flannels, Canton flannels, gloves, and hosiery, and many articles especially adapted for holiday gifts. We will not attempt to enumerate the many bargains which wo propose to Offer, suffice to say that we mean just What we say, and right here we will also say that this sale is for SPOT CASH, as wo shatt be too busy to make charges. POTTER & HAINBS, Bee Hive, Sturgis, Dfdc. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANE OF STURGIS, AT STURGIS, IN THETERRI TORY OF DAKOTA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 12, 1888 RESOURCES. Loans and diKConnta $ 51,241 60 Overdiafts, secured and unaeeured.... 841 80 U. S. bonds to Becuro circulation 12,500 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgagee agents.. ,062 65 7,182 59 15,257 72 13.800 00 53 46 859 88 2(5 60 Due from approved resorve agent Due from other national banks........ Beal estate, furniture and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid....... Premiums paid Checks and other cattU items. Bills of other banks 3,312 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 89 63 Specie 3,15100 •egal tender not9s..,nw%«...«. eoaraption fond with U. S.. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 5,000 00 Total.... (117,880 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund 1,500 00 Undivided profits **. ..:,.• 2,4*26 S4 National bank notes outftanain*Cv.-.11,240 00 Individual deposits subject to emjek 31,724 -12 Domand certificates of deposit......... 9,(W4 58 Time certificates of deposit ...i.. 11.005 65 Total fll7- S80 90 Territory of Dakota, C-ounty of Lnwrerrto, ss— I, J. J. Davenport-, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear (hat tiie above state ment is truo to the best of my knowledge* and belief. J. J. DAVENPOHT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of December, 1888. MAX HOKH.N Correct—Attest: Notary Public. WX'E. JONES, UAKI.ES FBANOIS, Directors. JOHN T. POTTSB, No. of bank, 8,730. York capitalist, was a visitor to Sturgjte' thia weiek, the guest of Mr. Hoehn. E. C. Lyman, well kn*)4fi:M' Stnrgis, has located in Denver, eHdopened a real estate office there. Bellglous. M. E. church—Sunday schooPiat^d ai m. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Catholic—Christmas eve, services at 7:30 midnight mass at 12 ocloek sec ond mass at Ft. Meade at 8 a. m., and late mass at Sturgis at 10:30 a. m. A Christmas trco at the church, and those intending to send presents should have them at the church by Sunday afternoon or Monday. The Presbyterian and M. B. churches will have trees Monday evening. Grand Masquerade BXIl. On December 31, 1888, the Sturgis Hook and Ladder company will give a masquerade ball at the City haUL Every effort will be used to make the oeoasion an enjoyable one. Music will be furnished by tiie Eighth cavalry band. Notice. The regular annual meetibg -of' stSwk fitrfders of the First National Bank? ot Sturgis will bo held at their banking house in Sturgis on Tuesday, Januaiy 8, 1889, at 2 oclock p. m. J. J. DAVKNPORT, Cashier. For.. Sale. A complete barber outfit, new, consist* ing of a Columbia revolving^ and reeling ing chair, walnut washstand, large mir ror, etc. The lease •OA'JSE saw, JUSTUS SCMRALII. For Sals. of the Commercial hotel* property, with or without the furtriture Terms reasonable. A rare chance for a- good hotel man. Call on or address JOHN FABLEY, Sturgis, Dakota- Tafion Up, The undersigned ha3 taken up. at- 'his ranch three miles west of Sturgis, one bluo roan cow, 4 years old, branded 5 on right hip. Jos. MESP.ITT. J. G. McAiriey has opened up a feed' stable at L. M. Bitney's old stand and all those wanting teams or stock well takon care of, would do well to call on him. Free corral and camp house in connection. Why embitter life by dragging about: with lamo back, diseased kidneys, drop sical swellings, female weakness, nervous debility, heart disease and rheumatic complaints, when Dr. Fenner's kidney and backache cure will so quickly cure? Hev. A. J. Merchant, presiding elder, writes: "It gave mo almost instant and entirely permanent relief." Superior to all known medicines in these diseases, l'or sale by H. Stein & Co. Bc-wchi t's'iO EtsJ?!?5cSje3 HIGH ABM A'-ti 55 rl-.n pa 5 t'u fci Tsar so* waot For :t sa*& bes.sjtifal wotls. Sarapte Khcfeisa ei Fac-lar* P?!«e EVERY KACE5* IA2SASTE3 FOE 5 YEASS. Apsis faalui in teesiiM Mory. IP MOmf'iSMt CO, BELViCSREi IUV POWDER Absolutely Pure. TMe powder never varipa. A marvel of parity strength and whole^omenoKB. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude o{ low test, Bhort weight alulli o¥ phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDEB CO., 106 Wall Street, N. Y. (First pnblication December 20.) NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. IJAND OPTICE AT DJSADWOOD, D. T. December 14,1888. S To- Fremont, Elkliorn and Missouri Valley Rail road, and to George H. Whiio, Walter H. Wil inarth, James G. McVicker, John IT. V?i!m* rth who made coal D. S. No. 2, ami whom' it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the following nimed settler has nled notica of his intention to make commutation proof in support of his claim, that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Deadwood. Dakota, on Feb: uary 23, 18KU, viz: wlllla 553 50 am H. Shaw, Hd. B. 2006, ,w n© ar sec 80, town 0, north, range 6, east, B. H. M. He named the following witnesses to prare his continuouR reoidenco upon and cultivation of naid land, viz: James Portemonth, Louis Abranm, Christ Smith, John P. floel, all of Sturgis, Dakota. Any person who deairee to protest against the allowance of such proof, or vpho knows of any substantial reason, under tho law and tho regula tions of tho interior department, why such proof should not!re nllowetl, will be ^iven an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and place to croafi-exaraino the witnesses of eaid claimant, and to offer evidence in *rebnttal of that sub mitted by claimant.- JBNN R. WHITESIDE, Register. (First pnblication December 20.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION^ LAND OFFICE AT DKADWOOD, D.T., I .j .- December 10,1888. Notice is hereby given that the following Earned settler ha» filed notice of his intention to make fin.'il proof in support of his claim,rana tlwt naid proof will be made before the register and receiver, at Deadwood, Dakota, on B'ebroaiy 20, 18SP. viz: Da7id E. Mendenhall^ D. J. 4300, ne or (5, ea*t H. H. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence tfron, and cultivation of, said land, viz: IjawHwi Peternon, John 5elt, Peter Felion, Louis Walter, all of Vale p?^feofHcft, Dakota. Any person wiio defiires to protest against the allownnc* of such proof, or w1«» knows of any substantia'! reason, under the JaW and the regula tions of the interior department, why such proof K.hould not be allowed, will bo an oppor tunity at tl.# above mentioned tir»jp and place to cross-exnmrao the witnessen of naid claimant, and to otter evidence in rebultfd of that sub mitted by claimant. JOHN R. WHITESII», Roister. (First publication t)ecembe?3fK) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATICftfv LAUD OFfrioz AT DEADWO«I), D. T., December 1,1888. To John Reber,. who madd 'D. S. 20K,. and to whom it may concern: Notice is horeky given that the fowbwing named settler heB filea notice of his infestxon to make final proof en support of his claim, and that said proof wfB be made before the rfcginter and receiver at Deadwood, Dakota, on February 13. 18b9, viz: Joseph Br2kk\7orth, Hd. E. 966r for the n hf no qr, bv qr no qr, nw or so qr see 9# township 1, north, "«nge ti, east, U. H. M. He namert the following witnesws to prove his continuous reai£fc*nce upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William J. Scott, I&ank I^amberton, Davi'fc J. Beaver, Christian Jordan, all of Sturgis, Dak. Any person who desires to jjrotest against tfce allowance of such proof, or who knows of any subbtantiHl reason, ur^er the law and th? refuta tions of the interior department, why such proof should not bt« allowed^will be given an oppor tunity al tho above mentioned time and place t» cros^-examine tho witmasKes of said claimant, and to olfer evidence in rebuttal of that surj&. mitted by claimant. JOHN IT WHITESIDE. Register. (First publication Dec. 20.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE: AT DEADWOOD, D. T.,} December 10,1888. Notice is iiereby giv®n that the following named settler has iilcd notice of his intention to make" commutntion proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before the register and receive? at Deadwood, Dakota, on February 10, 1SS9, v z: Josepli O'Neill -Hd. E. 2107, for the w hf so qr, ne qr or nw qr sec 9, twp 0, north, jange 0 eastv II. H. M. Ho nanses the followiniswitnesses to prove his p'ontinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said lund, viz: AloJizo Brown,John 32awley,Charles B. Stnr tnan, VViijiain Robinson, Jill of Sturgis, Dakota. Any person who desires to protest against the aliowanccof sUch proof, or who knows of any eubatHJilial reason, under iho law and the regula tions of tlit* interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will bo given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence' in rebuttal of that sub mittal by- vlaimant. JOUN R. WHITESIDE, Uegister. (First publication Nov. 15.) NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE ATDEADWOOD, DAK., November 9,1888. T6 George II. White who nade D. S. No. 2,549, and to whom it. may cortcern: Notice is liefceby given: that the following named settlor-has tiled notice of his intention to make commutation proof in support of his claim, and that said ymofc will be made before the register and receiver at Deadwood, Dakota, on January 1SK9, .viz: Thomas W. Petepard, Hd. E. 2,154, for the n hf sw qr nnd s b£ nw qr sec 35, town ship ft, north, range (, east, B. li. M. lie names t!te following witnesses to prove his continuous residence unon, and cultivation of, taid land, viz: Charles C. Wilson...E^)€rrt L. Carl, of Fort Meade Joseph W House, Samuel A. Lewis, of fetuj-gis, 1). 1. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proofi or wno knows of any substantial reason, und»r the law and the regu lations of the interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at tiie ahove mentioned time and place to cross examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of» that submitted by clr-Jnant. Joii^Jt. WmrasiDE, Register. DR. A. JL BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at revidewe on SjiArman street, haii block east of Juxs&tkm avenuo, .. STUEOIS, G. PBATT, M. D„ PUBKUN AND SURGEON,- Otlioe at tke post office. Specialty Obstetrics Wc and Diaeanee of Women. STUBOIS, Pas. DANIEL T, POTTEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, X&eaj, Etets-t© S Loan Agent SPEARFISII, DAKOTA. Information on real estate and mining proper ty. Correapondence bolicited. CHARLES C., POLK, AXSORNBY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Uoner to loan aa real estate. MAIN SJ. STUBGIS. J. B. CHENEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. i of women tuui ciuldroA a apeataltr. Office in Northwwtam hotel boHding* "NO MAN -KNOWETH The Hour"—Hundreds of Thousands cf Dollars Paid Annually by Life Insurance Companies Upon Losses Occurring During the Year in Which Policies Are Issued. The Prompt Settlement of tbe on the Polity Up Life of the Late Theodore H. Van Hoven. By the Hew York Life Insurance Company Issued In July, Died In August, Claim Paid in SeptemSsr—Open Letter. When approached upon the subject of life insurance bnBiness men will often ad Bait that tbey know not the day nor liour when tbey will bo called upon to sur render alt oartbly possessions to loved ones and claim their e'ernal inheritance, but few indeed realize how near at' hand that day and hour may be until, pei' chance, some young, healthy busy man is snatched from our midst by tho death messenger. The late Theodore H. Van Hoven, of the firm of Van Hovcn & Co., live stock commission merchants of this city, little thought when making appli cation for an insurance policy in the lat ter part ot July that within ten days ho would be taken sick never to re cover, and yet his action in taking in surance indicates that he realized death might come any time—must come some time—and that he could not delay mak ing a provision so wise and important to his family. Had he delayed so doing a few days' oven his estate would have been-' poorer by 85,000. Tho following open letter gives the facts in regard to his in- suranco with the New York Life taken through General Agent Gilbert A. Smith: OCTOBEH L, 1888. G. A. Smith, Esq., General Agent New York Life Insurance Company. DEAR SIB:—I beg to acknowledge re ceipt of your company's check on Chem ical National bank of New York for five thousand and seventy-three dollars and twenty-five cents($5,073.25) in payment of your policy No. 288,578 on the life of my deceased husband, Theodore' H: Van Hoven. It is due you and the T^ew York Life, as well as the public, that the exact circumstances connected with the settlement be made known.' Mr. Van Hoven applied to your company through you for $5,000 insurance on your five year plan on the 25th of last July, when in sound health and every reason to be lieve he would live to reap the benefits of the insurance himself at the maturity of the policy. The application was accept ed and your policy issued under date of August 3, and within the same month jfly husband was taken sick and died with typhoid fever. The necessary pa pers were made out under your supervis ion, without trouble or expense to my self, and forwarded to the company on September 22, the delay in signing pa pers being occasioned by the absence of one of the parties who bad to make a statement. On September 25, just two months' from the day my husband made' application for the policy, the company's check was drawn and sent me in pay ment of t&e claim. Such promptness and attention on your part and the part ot the company cannot be tao warmly commended. The one thirlg we do not vadforstand is why your check is for $73225 more than the face of the policy. Yon say it is a dividend of 50 per cent, of tbe prem ium my husband paid you, or one-half of his premium returned. We do not understand this, but we do apTJreciate the great liberality and fair dealing of the company, and will take pleaewro in' recommending the New York Life tfe toy friends and the friends of my late- hus band as the company in which to insure. We learn also that 'your company- has for many years written the largest in surance of any company in this state, and I now see the reason why. Yamrs respectfully, [Signed] CATHBBFITB VAN HOVES*.V The insurance companies of this coin try paid out nearly $1,000,000 last year in just such losses—death occurring the first year of the policy. The New Ysrk Life Insurance company alone paid d*r kjg the year 1887 $380,000 as death policies taken within twelve months praw to death. This company has for maay years done the largest and most success ful business in Iowa of all the companies under Gilbert A. Smith, its general agent writing during the last eight years ov»r 50 per cent, more business than any of its competitors. The following figures taken from Investigator life chart givws tiie facts: BY THE FOUR LEADING COMPANIES. New insurance written in the state of Towa during the eight year ending Jan uary 1, 1888: Hew York Life $8,700JM Sorthweotern 5,300JM Kquitable 5,300,000 Matual Life 3,5G0,ttX) The following table shows the won derful growth of the New York Life's premium income in this state as oomr pared with other leading companies (odd dollars and cents omitted): PREMIUMS BBtmsVBD IN IOWA. New York Life Equitable Northwestern rMutuid. Life. 188ft $ 34,000 04,000 16,000 1S8,0W 1887. $181,000 ...... 183,000 154,000 160,000 written Whde the New York Life has much more business during the past eight or more years in Iowa than* any other company, and as to premiun re ceipts has risen from the fourth plaea in 1880 to the first in 1887, it is very grati fying to the members of this company to note that it3 death rate has beent kept to the lowest possible point, as the fol lowing Ublo illustrates: Ratio uf death premiums re ceiarjwi. Death olaima claiui* paid to paid daring 1887. & Sew Hte $26,028.22 Equitable r,6,000.00 Mutual Life 6H.500.00 Northwestern 77,591.99 41.7 48.4 The large increase in the business of of the New York Life in Iowa is due to the history of unequal profits earned by that company and to ita payment of heavy dividends on its maturing tontine policies, which for years have exceeded the dividends paid on any other plan of insurance or by any other company, and to the efficient and ablft management of its general agent, who has been connect ed with the company for many years. Gilbert A. Smith has made Sioux City his headquarters foe- several years and his general offices are now located in this citv, through which business from Iowa, Nebraska and Dakota passes, and under his management in 1887 the New York Life wrote 16 per cent, more busi ness in Dakota, 50- per cent, more in Iowa and 15®-,per oent. more in Nebtat ka than any, cither company. J. J. DAVKNPOBT, &wal Agent, Stores, .AJSTD BS35S3 u ARTICS Cardigan Jackets and. out at half price. k V. LOOK AT OUR LADIES' SHOES: •-./ v- Jfw finest hand-turned shoes hi the worlds S3 B0 #ho finest hand-welt shoes in the world, :5 60:, An excellent flexible sole, dongola, :.t 3 50 An elegant kid, flexible s61e, 2 50 An easy# well-fitting shoe, 2 00 A nice, worked button-hole shoe, glove gnio, 1 65 -A genuine India kid/ worked holes, flexible, 1 40 Ittisses' fine shoes, $3, 2.75, 2.50 afid 2 00 Beavy school shoes, 1.75, 1.50, 1.25 nerd 1 00 Children's 100, 1.50, 1.25 and 1 00 Heavy, .v 1.25, 1.00 and 75 Xouth's and boy'irfih'e (SttfiTftntferi and congress, at $3, 75 $2.50, 2:OOr'aad 1.75. ]fteavy, $2.00, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 and 5- 90 Hand-Made Lace and Congress in all widths and popular styles, button, lace and congress, at $7.50,' 7.00,9J», 6.00, 6.76 sad fe60. MACHINE AND GOODYEAR WELTS, the largest factories in the world, at 3.50, 3^)0, 2.75, 2.50, 2.26. RUBBER BOOTS Mea'sr Youths', Boys', Ladies' and Misses. Ladies' Hand-Turned, Opera French Kid, Oxford Ties and Hewport Button, Finest in th& Land. 1000™H AT Si From $4, 8^0, «p2.S0, 1J50,1.2^j£76fc, at 25 Per Gent Discount From regular prioe»*. 500 Pafrs of Men's California Gloves and Mittai From 35c. to $2 for a ur-lined French kid mitti 20 doaen Men's fency Percale Shirts, at half price to close out. 20 dozen Wool Overshirts from $1 to $2.75^ SO per cent discount from, regular price. WQQI Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Suspenders, Etc. "v When you see my Men's Calf Boot& and $3, you will be surprised.. MY TERMS ARB CASH. I TO SB3UEQT 9 t? 3 '%y T*v ,|f 5^*5 .me OVER-SHOES WOOL BOOTS GERMAN HOSES, Of the best'makes and lowest prices. Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes and Slippers, I *iB gh» jen «*ah rahm *v| The Largest Stock in the Hills FROM. BOSTON SHOE STORED J. 0. linMTT.IiAW, Prtqaietct. STURGIS, i DAKOTA. ti I "*4? J:5 -Si" V. II 4 '«m i ^|ip v| 'v 1 w "J Underwear, closings -'J k V- 1." •t