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K if U"r K V-Vs u- \4 Provisions 3$ *, V "Main Street, STURGIS. CHBO&ORE HAAS. •«,. •4 & eturgls, ifc 3T\ %, J. -"Ajj *. Sparks & Allen STAPLE AND FANCY u i A»D sardpi SEEDS. and SULKY PLOW, THE OI_i!D ST^ITXDB-Si'. WIFVB GOT And every thing t«li» bright anl new in our line, and will offer y lay-We don't believe there is anything too good for you.«££| COME AND SEE OUR NEW GOODS, -AND— Save Money by Getting the Best in the Market. DENMAN & SPAULDING, Whitewood, i: Dakota. MEATS! THE BEST OF ALL KINDS. Oysters, Fish & Game. Keep all kinds of Country Produce on Hand. W. W. STONE. CHARLES H. MUELLER, Successor to Mueller & Hannan, Druggist and Optician DRUGS, STATIONERY and FIELD GLASSES. Prescriptions a Specialty. Open at all Hours. (Successors to H. Stein & Oo.) -JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN- Drugs, Chemicals, Proprietaries, Paints, Etc. TOILET ARTIOLBS AND SUNDRIES. 3VCa.1n Street, Sturgis. E. T. MARSHALL, Blacksmith and Wheelwright, Rack of Yolcan corner, on Junction Avenue. STURGIS DAKOTA. Having again taken possession of my shop I respectfully solicit a continuanoe ©f tlie liberal patronage the shop has always enjoyed. I have made a great reduc tion in prices, which will enable everyone to pay cash when work is done. With my superior facilities for doing general blacksmithing, I guarantee satisfaction in every respect. JU H. BOWMAN, President. O. W. COBKWKLL, Vice President. J.T. Black Hills Plaster Co. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Plaster Paris, Land Plaster, IJtc. i-r-i00RRE8P0NDEN0E SOUOITED.- ROSEBROUGH'S CLUB ROOM Main Street, Sturgia. Best Wines, Liquors and'Cigars tO BE IAD Jtm OUT OOUBTEQTJS ATTEVDAITC8. JFjt -V, Country Produce. The Flying Dutchman' "BIG BARGAINS." FRESH AND Salted. 'S DB. W. O. SMITH E. T. W. N. BOWMAN, Secretary POTTER, Treasurer. IDaJcota. A' WMaaMis pi i ,•• V •.-.»• .• i-, j. -J *"', :SEMI- VOLUME 3, NO. 15. STURGIS, SOUTH DAKOTA, SATURDAY, APRIL 0, 1889. jijy a WEEKLY THE MEADE COUNTY BAT. Be it enacted by the legislative assem bly of the territory of Dakota: SECTION 1. That all that portion of Lawrence county, in the territory of Da kota, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the southern boundary line of said Lawrence county where the range line between ranges five and six intersects said bound ary line, thence north along the range line between ranges five and six to the line between townships three and four thence west along said last men tioned township line to the range line between ranges four and five thence north along said range line between ranges four and five to the northern boundary line of Lawrence county thence east along the northern boundary of Lawrence county to the one hundred and third meridian of longitude west from Greenwich thence south along the said one hundred and third meridian to a point where said meridian intersects with the channel of the north fork of the Cheyenne or Belle Pourche river thenoe south-easterly along down said north fork of the Cheyenne or Belle Fourche river on the line of the Great Sioux reservation to its confluence with the south fork of the Big Cheyenne river thence up said south fork of the Big Cheyenne river along the line of the Great Sioux reservation to a point where it intersects with the boundary line of Pennington county thence west along the boundary lines of Bennington and Lawrence counties to the place of begin ning, be, and the same is hereby erected into a county, by the name of Meade, and the territory included within such boundaries shall be and constitute the county of Meade. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of pro viding for the organization of said coun ty of Meade are hereby appointed com missioners to perform the duties herein after designated, Max Hoehn. Daniel. P. Flood and W. C. Burton. Sec. 3. Said commissioners herein ap ointed shall, on or before .the first Mon ay in April, 1889, meet at the city of Sturgis, in Meade county, and shall qual ify by taking an oath to faithfully dis charge their duties as such appointees under this act, and shall then enter up on the discharge of their duties. They shall issue a notice of the election here inafter provided for, one of such notices at least to be posted in each of the pre cincts of said county as they shall be by said commissioners established, and by publishing the same in each of the news papers published in said county, at least twenty (20) days before election. Said commissioners shall, before issuing such notice, establish precincts in said county and polling places, and appoint for each three judges of election in the same manner as judges of election are appoint ed by county commissioners under the general law. Sec. 4. An election shall be held in said county of Meade on the seventh (7th) day of May, 1889, at which time all coun ty officers for said county, as provided by the general law, shall be elected, in cluding threo county commissioners, which officers having qualified shall hold their offices until the next general elec tion thereafter, and until their successors shall have been elected and qualified, and at said election the qualified electors of said county are empowered to vote for and select the place of county seat by ballot, the place receiving the highest number of votes shall be the county seat until otherwise changed under the visions of the laws of the territory. pro Sec. 5. The returns of said election shall be made to the commissioners here inbefore designated, who shall meet at the city of Sturgis in said Meade county on the 13th day of May, 1889, and shall canvass such returns and declare the re sult in the manner prescribed for county canvassing boards, and said commission ers shall issue their proclamation an nouncing who are elected to such county offices, and what place has been selected by the qualified voters as the county seat, and publish the same in a newspa per published in said county within ten days after said canvass. Sec. 0. On or before the first (1st) Monday of June, after said election the officers thus elected shall qualify and shall then enter upon their duties, and the commissioners hereinbefore appoint ed shall, after canvassing said returns of votes and issuing and publishing such proclamation, cease to exercise further power hereunder and said commission ers hereinbefore provided for shall be en titled to receive for their services, to be paid by said county of Meade, the same per diem as county commissioners are allowed, under the general law of the territory, but not to exceed ten (10) days services. Sec. 7. Said commissioners hereinbe fore provided for shall have the power*to provide ballot boxes and poll books for said election, and they may jxjst the no tices of such election or designate or em ploy some other person for that purpose the reasonable expense of which shall be audited by the county commissioners of Meade county and allowed as a charge against said county. Sec. 8. In case of a failure to qualify by either of the commissioners hereinbe fore appointed, or of a vacancy other wise occurring, the remaining commis sioners or commissioner shall have the power to fill such vacancy by designat ing same elector or electors of said Meade county to act, who shall qualify and take the oath herein prescribed. Sec. 9. "The election under this act conducted in the some manner **n- vv ""F*•'„•-*f -v t* ^^rsp^r*^ THE GOUNTY SEAT OF MEADE. It is universally conceded that for her efforts in behalf of Meade coun ty, Sturgis is entitled to the temporary location of the new county seat. The opening of the Sioux reservationHs now an assured fact and as morally certain as anything can be. With the opening of the reservation other railroads will cross the country west of the Missouri river other towns will spring up, and it is only a question of a very few years—two or three, at farthest—when there will be other aspiring towns nearer the geograph ical center of the new county and more convenient of access to those hav ing county business to transact. Let farmers all over the new county take this matter carefully into have been their friends in th are the ones to be relied on ers of Sturgis propose, first, last the erection of expensive buildings for county sole idea that by so doing the temporary location will be made the nent one. One of the most important matters to be considered is: Where is the best "all around" market for farmers? With the completion of the new railroad to Deadwood and the mining camps—now an assured fact— it is beyond peradventure that no other town in the new county can begin to compete with Sturgis in this respect. In addition to all these truths everyone should bear in mind the well-known fact that Potter & Haines are also located in Sturgis and they wish to remind all that their new Spring stock is now complete and ready for inspection. as required by law in general elections, and no refusal or neglect on the part of any commissioner or other person to per form his duties in connection therewith shall in anywise affect the validity of said election. Sec. 10. All justices of the peace and constables in office as such within the boundaries of the county organized un der this act, shall continue in office as such justices of the peace and constables in and for said county of Meade for the remainder of their term, and shall give bonds to the county organized under this act in the same amount and in the same manner as they had previously given to the county of Lawrence. Sec. 11. In all matters' not specially provided for in this act, the officers of said county of Meade shall be governed as to their duties and emoluments, and the said county shall be governed in -all its affairs by the laws of the territory ap plicable thereto. Sec. 12. The county commissioners of said county of Meade are hereby empow ered, and it is made tbeij^ duty, to pro effl-e transcript&jpf all records rence county (fttet in theii* judgment' be necessary for the use and their count}-, and it is hereby duty of all county officers h: custody of any books, pspers api to allow such commissioners or thorized person in their behalf, fa' free access to any and all such books, pa pers and records for the'objects and pur poses herein named, and for the comple tion thereof provided, however, that such books, papers and records shall not be removed from their proper place or custody. Sec. 13. The county of Meade organ ized under this act, shall assume and pay as hereinafter provided, a just pro portion of the indebtedness of Lawrence county from which it is segregated, based upon the assessed valuation of said Law rence county for the year 1888, and upon the proportion that the valuation within the county of Meade bears by the assess ment of 1888 to the valuation within the whole of Lawrence county, and it here by is mado the duty of the county com missioners of both the counties of Meade and Lawrence to meet together at the county seat of Lawrence county on the first day of July, 1889, and at said meet ing they shall ascertain as near as may be, the total outstanding indebtedness of Lawrence county on the first day of July, the date of the joint session pro vided for in this section, and from the total they shall make the following de ductions, to-wit: First, the amount of all sums due and payable to said Law rence county for rents. Second, the amount of outstanding bonds given for public property owned by and remaining within the limits of the county of Law rence. Third, the amount of public funds on hand belonging to the county of Lawrence on the day for which its outstanding indebtness is ascertained by the joint board of county commissioners as provided for in this section, and not belonging to the special funds hereinaf ter mentioned. The amount remaining after such deduction shall have been made, shall, tor the purpose and as a ba sis for the settlement herein provided, be the amount which the county organ ized under this act shall pay a propor tion of, in the proportion hereinbefore specified, and it shall be the duty of such commissioners to ascertain and fix the amount that Moade county shall assume and pay to Lawrence county. Sec. 14. All monoys on hand at the time of settlement provided for in the preceding section of this act, held by said Lawrence county, pertaining to special funds, such as fire, school, road funds, and others belonging to the dis tricts within the boundaries of Meade county, shall be turned over in full by the treasurer of Lawrence county to the treasurer of Meade county, and shall be duly receipted for by the latter, and shall by him be placed to the credit of the dis tricts within his county to which they properly belong. Sec. 15. The county commissioners of Lawrence county, immediately after this act shall take effect, shiill re. district their county into the districts provided for by the laws then existing, and shall fill the vacancies occasioned by such segregation in the manner provided by law for filling vacancies in the county, district or pre cinct offices. Sec. 16. School and road districts within said Meade and Lawrence coun ties shall be renumbered so as to make their numbers in each county run con secutively and the names of school dis tricts may when necessary be changed. Soc. 17. When the boundaries of any school district shall have been changed under and by virtue of this act, that por tion of such school district in which the school houses and other property remain shall be holden for the bonds, if any, is sued by such school district or such school township, and if such portion shall have been attached to another school dis trict, the school district to which such portion has been attached shall be holden for the bonds, if any, of the school dis trict to which such portion formerly be longed. Sec. 18. The validity of bonds issued by school districts prior to the division of Lawrcnce county, shall in no wise be affected by such division or by the re numbering or renaming of the school district that issued them. Sec. 19. The amount of indebtedness of Meade county organized under this act, as ascertained by the two boards of county commissioners in compliance with the provisions of the preceding section, shall be paid to Lawrence county in tUe *,! _-* *4. v„- jf -..'-, „-....* .» ... '.. «. *. ..?' ,-.*•». ....... S*-f. ."*.... ...."* ...""... ... new consideration, remembering who past, feeling assured that they the future. The property-hold and all the time, to fight against purposes, erected with the perma- bonds of Meade county, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 20. Such bonds shall be dated o* the first day of July, 1889, as provided for in section 13 of this act, and shall be issued for a period corresponding with the time or terms on which the obliga tions of the original county became due and payable, and shall be payable at the same place and shall be at the same rate of interest as the obligations of the orig inal county, said commissioners taking care to classify the liquidating bonds, is suing u due proportion of each in pro portion to oach of Lawrence county's obligations bearing different rates of in terest and places of payment, and said Lawrence county shall have authority to exchange such bonds for an equal amount of obligations of its own of the same class. Sec. 21. The county treasurer of Meade county issuing bonds under the provisions of this act, shall provide him self with a book to be called the "bond register," wherein he shall note the num ber and denomination of each bond is sued by Meade county, the date of issue, when and where payable, with suoh other facts as the county commissioners of Meaue county shall direct, which when completed, shall the clerk of the county missBS'ners of said Meade county, and 'ill be and remain a part of the records of the same. Ses. 22. The board of county commis sioners of Meade county are hereby em powered and directed to issue such liqui dating bonds in denominations as may be required by the county of Lawrence, not to exceed one thousand (1,000) dol lars each, and deliver the same to the county clerk of said Lawrence county, who shall receipt therefor, attaching the seal of his office to such receipts, and the county clerk of Meade county shall en ter such receipts at length upon the rec ords of the oounty commissioners, and note the same in the bond register of his county. Sec. 23. Tho board of county commis sioners of Meade county shall for each .year after the date of issue of such bonds levy and cause to be collected a tax suffi cient to pay the interest on said bonds as they shall become due, and also sueh linking funds as shall correspond with the laws under which the bonds of Law rence county were issued, sufficient to re deem said bonds at maturity and as fast as such sinking fund shall become avail able they shall redeem such bonds in the manner provided for redeeming bonds of Lawrence county provided, however, that public notice shall be given by such board of county commissioners in a news paper, if one be published within their county, setting forth that certain bonds, giving their number and otherwise de scribing them, will bo redeemed by their county, and naming the date of such re demption. Sec. 24. The money collected for the payment of the interest or principal of such bonds shall not be used for any other purpose until such bonds are re deemed any surplus thereafter shall lie placed in the general county fund. Sep. 25. The authority of Lawrence county for the collection of revenue within the boundaries of Meade county shall cease on July 1, A. D. 1889, and all assessments and levies made by the au thority of Lawrence county, by its offi cers in the lawful performance of their official duties, affecting any of the terri tory embraced in the boundaries of Meade county shall remain the same and shall be payable to and collectible by the lawful authorities of Meade county only. Sec. 26. Said Meade county shall, as soon as its organization shall have been completed, constitute and be created a judicial subdivision of the judicial dis trict to which it properly belongs at and before the time of its organization. Sec. 27. The judgo of the judicial dis trict in which Meade county is created a legal subdivision of his district under the provisions of the preceding section, shall appoint and hold terms of' the dis trict court at the county seat of said county, at least one term each year. Sec. 28. In all actions or proceedings, civil or criminal, the crime wherein was committed, or the disputed premises therein, be within the boundaries of the judicial subdivision credited under the provisions of this act, and which prop erly belong to such subdivision under the codes of civil and criminal procedure, tho venue thereof shall be changed to the county of Meade by the order of the court, or the judge thereof, upon the de mand of either party, which demand shall be served upon the opposite party, or his attorney, if either can be found in this territory, but if neither can conveni ently be found in this territory, then such change of venue may be made upon filing such demand with the clerk of the district court having thecase upon the ealander. Sec. 29. All process, writs, bonds, no tices, appeals, recognizances, papers an4 proceedings in actions, changed to the county of Meade under this act, and is sued and made returnable to the district court of the county of Lawrence prior to the creation of such legal subdivision of Meade county, shall be taken and con sidered as made, taken and returnable to the district court of Meade county, and such bonds, recognizances and obliga tions shall be payable to said Meade county, and all papers and certified copies of all proceedings had in such changed actions shall be transmitted by the clerk of the district court of Law rence county to t! clerk of tho ditt'ric* court of the coanty of Meade. Bee. SO. TIUH act shall take a force from ustl after lu eattenfe. CAPITAL $50,000. Legitimate Banking w: IN All Branches. ',. A. ,V_ D. A. M'PHKBSON, Vice-President. Crockery and Glass ware, Picture Frames and Window Shades. Money Attorney Stoves O. V. AYER8. 'V cxaoiqas WINES, Sturgis, yw-vw&t**. First National Bank, STURGIS, DAKOTA. Board of Directors. D. JL HcPhereon, B. C. Lake, H. V. Bailey, C. Francis, W. E. lomn, I. T. Potter, J. Davenport Offloera. H. E. BAILEY, President. XDo You Want -to a, Loetn? -GAJSL, ON- WESTEEN DAKOTA LOAN & TRUST CO. Before making arrangement# eleeWhere. Syndicate Block, Deadwood, Dak. S. M. HOUGHTON, Abstracts furnished and guaranteed. FUMITDRE G. W. CORNWELL, STURGIS. TREBER & GO. "Wliolesale LIQUOR DEALERS. ^la-in Street, Sturgis. Beet good* always kept in stock. Agents in the Hills for AnnheoMr flit., ., DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED ClOA&S. STURGIS Loan and Real Estate: EXOHANaE. i Lowest Terms ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. City and Farm Property for Sale. Land Office Business. Proprietor of McMillan's Southern Addition to Sturgiv Best part of the city for residence and speculation. at Lay "FT A O. t—'C J.G.WENKE, FARM MACHINERY. Glidden and Omaha Barb Wire a Specialty WINDOW GLASS, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Building Paper, &c., &c. AYERS & WARDMAN, HARDWARE -A.3STD Minixig S\x plies, DEADWOOD, DAKOTA E. O. KNIGHT, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whi^i SETS, BLANKETS) COLLARS, ETC., Main Street, Stvirgfis. Manufacture anything in the harness line to order, ca abmrt BQttee. B»pairing promptly dflwe. MILWAUKEEKEGBEER! Eeptef's and Porter on Draught ITRXTZ AUMON, ^^,,?fi 1 iL^rv. -Y 11 s«i/. r.'4/V* 'itj 2 2. $2 PER ANNUM SURPLUS $2,000. Interest Paid ON Time Deposits. I. 3. DAVENPORT, GaAien H. E. PERKINS, Ass't Cashier. ^Pbey will make yon a loan on the best terAs to be had. Mo delay. Mcmej on httd.—— ... Be Sure a.nci See Them. 3? 8M. aaos and Organ! ing Machines, and Undertal&tp. i"FT Botaxy P«Uio. .. foniraiHardware B. H. WA&DKUX. t- ^4 in V'H' X' LIQUORS mm AND Dakota