Newspaper Page Text
,. ik\ »?. I ft' LJ 3*1' I i»' v" 5« a 1"*' 5 V •'••.* »••'.» i v* a. \\i tST WE gr may 'f K ft* not \,i. Main Street, STURGIS. SnODOBB HAAS. & ^'1 Wtoxrmlli, PERHAPS Yon hate noticed on 6ne side of our store— TEE TAIL END OP A STOCK OF Gents' Furnishings. WANT TO CLOSE OUT THE WHOLE LOT, And never bny any more. If yon-need a Hat, a Pair of Gloves, a Slicker, Shirts or Underwear, Comefend get them A/f ACTUAL COST. wha.t CERTAINLY SAVE M03STETY". Coma and see. you want, but if you do you will SPARKS & ALLEN. VOORHEBS & MILLER, Francis Blook, Sturgis, Oarry the Most Complete Stook of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS In the Black Hills, and if yon need Wagons, Plows, Harrows, Corn Planters, Seeders, Listing Plows, Riding and Walking Cultivators, should see us. SHOP-MADE WAGONS, CHARTER OAK, AND MOLINE TUBULAR AX, BEST IN THE COUNTRY. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. Agents for Buckeye Mowers, Harvesting Machinery of all kinds. Wind Mills and Repairs for all kinds of machinery. All goods sold at lowest prices. Parties wishing goods of any kind should call or correspond with them. MEATS! THE BEST OF ALL KINDS. Oysters, Fish & Game. Keep all kinds of Country Produce on Hand. Bneoessor to Maeller & Human, Druggist and Optician DBUGS, STATIONERY and FIELD GLASS!*. Prescriptions a Specialty. -7.-7 Open at all Hours. HAAS &. CO., (Sncoessors to H. Stein E. T. MARSHALL, Blacksmith and Wheelwright, Back of Ynlcan corner, on Junction Avenue. I am at the old stand ready to do work for each and all. I have reduced prices greatly end with long experience and superior facilities can discount anyone in the Hills at any work in my line STURGIS DAKOTA. E. O. KNIGHT, Harness,Saddles, Bridles, Whips HUTS, BLANKETS, COLLARS, ETO., Miain Street, Sturgis. •Jltanufdc toanything in the harness line to order, on short notice. Repairing promptly done. A. H. BOWMAN, President. W. N. BOWMAN, Secretary G. W. COBNWEJLL, Vice President. J. T. Ponm, Treasvar. Hack Hills Plaster Co. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Plaster Paris, Land Plaster, Etc. -—•OOKJRB8PONDENCE SOIilCFTED- fresh: A.2STXD Salted. W. W. STONE. CHARLES H. MUELLER, & Oo.) -JOBBERS AND DEALERS IH- Drugs, Chemicals, Proprietaries, Paints, Etc. TOIL.H3T ARTICLiHS AND SUNDRIES. Main Street, ... St/urgis. SB. W. O. SMITH v Si i ''S? WHO'S A LIABT w :-pay»» of je of Law- The .attention of the tax Meade county—and even those rence, who are interested—is called to the following transcripts of Lawrence county records and affidavits concerning the taxes of Woods, White & Woods over which the Lawrence county com missioners have gotten themselves into trouble. It will be noticed that there are several lies out somewhere. Is it Woods or Christ, or both? Probably the tax-payers can discover where the charge of perjury should be laid. First on the programme is the affidavit of J. M. Woods made on June 29, 1889, followed by that of S. B. Crist, ex-com missioner, made on the same date: Territory of Dakota, County of Law rence, ss: James M. Woods, of lawful age being first duly sworn, makes oath and says that he is a member of the firm of Woods, White & Woods, who are as sessed for a large amount of personal property, to-wit: Horses and cattle for the years A. D. 1886 and 1887, that in said years said firm had no such person al property in Lawrence county subject to assessment and taxation therein that on the 6th day of October, A. D. 1886, affiant made settlement as a member of the said firm of Woods, White & Woods, with the board of county commissioners of said county of Lawrence of the taxes assessed and levied for the years A. D. 1884 and 18S5, and that upon such set tlement and adjustment it was agreed upon by said board of county commis sioners that the sum of $1,200 should be accepted by said board in full settlement Of said taxes for the years A. D. 1884 and 1885, and that the said board should and would cancel the taxes levied and assessed against said firm for the year A. D. 1886, and that in consideration of such agreement the said firm did pay to the treasuaer of Lawrence county the said sum of $1,200. Affiant therefore prays your honorable board to remit said takes for said years. JAMES M. WOODS. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 29th day of June, A. D. 1889. E. H. DRIBCOI/L, County Auditor. Territory of Dakota, County of Law rence, ss: S. B. Crist, of lawful age, being duly ewom, makes oath and says that in the year A. D. 1886 he was a member of the board of county commissioners of Lawrence county, that he has read the affidavit of James M. Woods and that the statement therein made as to the settle ment made by said Woods for the firm of Woods, White & Woods for the years A. D. 1884 and 1885 and for the year A. D. 1886 is therein correctly stated and the payment therein stated was ac cepted as a settlement of all such taxes. S. B. CRIST. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 29th day of June, A. D. 1889. B. H. DBISCOLL, County Auditor. ENDORSEMENT. Upon reading and filing the within affidavit and the board being fully ad vised in the premises, it is ordered that the taxes assessed against Woods, White & Woods for the years 1886 and 1887 be remitted and stricken from the tax books of the county. D. A. MCPHERSON, Chairman. Filed June, 29, 1889. B. H. DBISOOIIII, Auditor. Territory of Dakota County of Law rence, ss: I, B. H. Driscoll, auditor in and for said county and territory do fcereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original on file in my office. Witness my hand and the seal at said county this 15th day of July A. D. 1889. B. H. DRISCOLL, Auditor. Following these sworn statements is the affidavit of J. M. Woods, dated Octo ber 6, 1886: Territory of Dakota, Coast/ of Law rence, as: James M. Woods makes oath and says jthat he is a member of the firm of Woods, White & Woods that for the purposes of taxation, the said firm of Woods, White & Woods was assessed by the assessor of Lawrence county, D. T., for the year 1884 on personal property in Viewfield precinct $3,630 in Deaa Vood precinct $15,200 for the year J885 in Viewfield §20,130. He further states that all his property for the year 1884 was subject to taxation in Viewfield precinct that the assessment Of $3,630 is a duplicate assessment of the assessment made in Deadwood pre cinct that the assessment made for the year 1885 is excessive. He therefore tihivK Y"Uf honorable body to pass an or iie: directing the county 1 rearm re to WTive fronj tint, affiiint 81,200 lo be in tuii^ fciu4 v-fijii® 18S4 and VOLUME 3, NO. 44. STURGIS, SOUTH DAKOTA, JULY 25, 1889. $2 PER ANNUM Having Determined to Reduce Stock We Shall Offer Unusual Inducements to yg CASH CUSTOMERS. 1 MEN'S From $6.00 Extra Bargains in Carpets and Household Furnishing Goods. Our Stock is Complete and Our Prices are Down to Bed Rock. POTTER & HAINES, 1885 of the firm of Woods, White & Woods, and James M. Woods, which amonnt he is ready and willing to pay on the passing of said orcfer. R. H. Dniscoub, County Auditor. Here are the proceedings of the board, concerning the case, on October 6, 1886. Proceedings of the board of county com missioners of Lawrence county rela tive to the tax matters of Woods, White k Woods. [The board at this time consisted of Samuel Boy, F. M. Allen and S. B. CBIST. ED.] An Blegant Stook.<p></p>CLOTHING of sl It. -Will iXR-y you. to see our line of goods before touylng elsewhet*#^ NEW STANDARD PRINTS AT 5c PER YARD. JAMBS M. WOODS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 6th day of October, 1886. JOHN BAKER, County Clerk. ENDORSEMENT. Affidavit of James M. Woods for the correction of the assessment of Woods, White & Woods for the years 1884 and 1885. Filed October 6, 1886. JOHN BAKER, Clerk. Petition granted by order of the board Oct. 6, 1886. S. B. CRIST, Chairman. Territory of Dakota County of Law rence, ss I, R. H. Driscoll, auditor in and for said county and territory do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original on file in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said county this 15th day of July, A. D. 1889. BBGULAB SESSION. October 0» 1886. The affidavit of J. Itt. Woods, for the correction of the assessment of Woods, White & Woods and J. M. Woods for the years 1884 and 1885 was taken up and the board being fully advised in the premises doth order that the county treasurer be and is hereby instructed to receive from said parties the sum of $1, 200 to be in full of all taxes for said years 1884 and 1885. Territory of Dakota County of Law rence, ss: I, B. H. Driscoll, auditor in and for said county and territory do hereby cer tify that the foregoing is a true and cor rect transcript as recorded on page 433 in book of proceedings of county commissioners of said county. Witness my hand and seal of said county this 15th day of July, 1889. B. H. DRISCOLL, County Auditor. Now comes the account of the pro ceedings of the Lawrence county board on June 29, 1889: SPECIAL SESSION. June 29, 1889. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, D. A. McPherson, Enos Lane and George Beemer, commissioners, and R. H. Driscoll, auditor. The petition and affidavit of James M. Woods, a member of the firm of Woods, White & Woods, for the abatement of taxes on personal property assessed against said firm for the years 1886 and 1887 on the ground that said personal property was not subject to assessment and taxation in Lawrence county, was taken up, Colonel Parker and Steele representing affiants, and upon reading and filkig said affidavit of J. M. Woods, also an affidavit of S. B. Crist corrobor ating the statement that the taxes of 1886 were included in a settlement had with Lawrence county by said firm of date the 6th day of October, 1886, and the board being fully advised it is or dered that taxes assessed against Woods, White & Woods for the years 1886 and 1887 be remitted and stricken from the tax books of the county. Territory of Dakota, County of Law rence, ss: I, R. H. Driscoll, auditor in and for said county and territory, do hereby cer tify that the foregoing is a true and cor rect transcript of the proceedings of the board of oounty commissioners of said county of reoord on page 337 in book C. Witness my hand and the seal of said oounty, this 15th day of July, A. D. 1889. R. H. DBISOOIIII, County Auditor. It will be noticed that not even Woods asked for the remitting of the taxes of 1887, but the board did it anyway. There are other discrepancies that can easily be discovered by a careful reader -yea, even he who runs may read. For the benefit of the Tilford Times the ADVERTISER will state that its bid for the county printing was one-half a cent per line less than its free trade, single-tax, democratic competitor. It is also worthy of note that the great re former Knowles charged the oounty of Meade for items in excess of the rates allowed by the territory and was paid by the commissioners in accordance with the bill ri-udeied. The editor of the agi tator is not as philanthropic as he pic tures himadf to be. TJjp. STURGIS, DAK. Constitutional Convention. Our delegates in convention assembled are doing their work as rapidly as possi ble. Some of their most interesting .actions are found following. The oommitte on compensation of pub lic officers gives salaries as follows: Governor, $2,500 secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, commissioners of school and public lands, and superin tendent of public instruction, each $1, 800 attorney-general, $1,000 judges of the supreme court, $2,500, and of the circuit court, $2,000. After the year 1890 authority is given the legislature to add $500 to the salaries of the governor and each of the judges. In this sec tion just one word was changed, and that was no officer should receive any fee or perquisite in addition to salary above mentioned. The word "fee" was substi tuted for salary. In regard to judicial districts, the state has been divided into eight giving the Black Hills, and several of the ad joining unorganized counties, two. The Seventh judicial district is' composed of Pennington, Ouster, Fall River, Shan non, Washabaugh, Ziebach, Nowlin, Sterling, Jackson, Lugenbeel, and all that portion south of the Big Cheyenne and west of the Missouri. The £ighth district contains Lawrence, Meade, Butte and all that portion of the state north of the Big Cheyenne, except a part of Ster ling, and that section west of the Mis souri river. The districts are very large in territory but it will be at onoe seen that the major portion of the counties named are unorganized. if J' CAPITAL $50,000. 0FFI0EES. H. E. Bailey, Pres. D. A. McPherson, T.P. J. J. Bavenport, Cashier. H. B. Perkins, Ass't Cashier. 3Do of In the minutes of the first the convention at Sioux Falls on July 4». the name of "John Scollard, of Law rence county," appeared. When they were read for approval at the following session John wouldn't stand it and in formed the secretary he was from Meade county, not Lawrence. The records were accordingly changed. John proposed to have Meade couuty recognized and lie had it. A letter received, from the war depart ment at Washington yesterday states that the post tradership at Ft. Meade has been discontinued. Judge Moody forwarded a petition from Sturgis to this effect some weeks ago to Secretary Proc tor with his recommendation that the re quest be granted. Sturgis merchants will receive great benefit from this order. Times. That's what the matter. The Pierre Press, in publishing an elaborate write-up of its city, includes a very fine and geographically correct( map of South Dakota, which shows every town in the Black Hills with the exception of Sturgis. Between the rail road company and these capital aspirants we have a hard time of it. Of oourse Pierre can expect no votes from a plaoe that does not exist. The rumor that Dr. Stewart and Fred Evans had trouble recently regarding the location of the soldiers' home build ing at Hot Springs is untrue in every particular. While the site selected for the building was not the doctor's first choice, he did not make any particular protest before the committee having charge of the work. The Indians at Cheyenne agency are signing slowly but the commissioners are confident that before they leave the necessary number will be scoured. The outlook grows brighter, but very slowly. The Daily Republican of Rapid City has increased itself to a 7-column folio. It is a muoh better paper than tonnexly and is worthy of patronage. The Fremont, Elkhorn k Missouri Valley R. R. and the Sioux City & Pa cifio R. R., "the Northwestern line" will sell tickets from all stations on their lines at one fare for the round trip for the National G. A. R. reunion at Milwaukee, Wis. Comrades and others desiring to charter sleepers should make their ar rangements at once. Through coaohes will run from important stations to Mil waukee via Chicago without change. Call on A. D. Wood, agent, Sturgis or write J. R. Buchanan, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb., for further information. Largest Stock oi Agricultn Sells the following Celebrated Goods and Many If we: Shnttler and Hunhford menntain and form wagons, fine carriages, open and top baggies Moline plows and cultivators and the "Flying Dutchman." General agent for Piano binders, Steele mowers, Massiloa threshers and engines, Minnesota chief threshers and engines. Bak er barbed wire and special brands of barbed wire. Money s "7 First National Bank, STURGIS, DAKOTA. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest. Fetid on Time Deposits. Yqu "Want, to 1 -CALL ON- WESTERN DAKOTA LOAN & TRUST CO. Sefore making arrangements elsewhere. •1 will make 70a a loan on the beet terms to be had. No (tabqr, HflMf on tmtrr1 Be Sure and 8oe Th»m. Syndicate Block, Deadwood, Dak. S. M. HOUGHTON, Sec. £0^Abstracts fnrnishH and s J. L. DENMAN, Wholesale and retail dealarht HEAVY HARDWARE Wagon Timber, Blacksmith's Goal, Iron, Steel, Nails, &c. 03 "o o 3 PH« GQ e3 S 09 O "5 bo 3 T3 1=1 PQ Loan and Investment Brokers. Farm Loans at Lowest Bates. Agents First-Class Fire Ins. Companies Notarial Work and Conveyancing a Specialty. Land Office Business Attended to Promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sturgis, Dakota -STURGIS1 Loan and Real Estate EXO H-AJSTGE. i ^-^-V ,. v' f' a, MaJsje I will continue to make the lowest ever offered this, far west. Take no onp'a* word for it, bnt eoow to Whttewood and I will Save Ton Money. tlie RANDOLPH READER. Davenport & Hoehn, i Lowest Terms ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. City and Farm Property for Sale. Land Office Business. Proprietor of McMillan's Southern Addition to Sturgis, Best part of the city for residence and speculation. Attorney it L»»OHA.S. O. iT£" *°Uqr Public. J. G. WENKE, FARM MACHINERY. -7 1, Glidden and Omaha Barb Wire a Specialty WINDOW GLASS, Saab* Doors, Mouldings/ Building mm 1 DIRECT0B8, 0. A. McPheraen, H. E. Bailey, Charles Francly,, R. C. Lake, W. E. Jones, J. T. Potter, J. J. Davenport'! Loan*? ral Implements in Dakota.. Careful Inspection Solicited. r( 4 -i st'1 w .•?' i. •.#•••»«• V-J 1 v i V A 8 *Jyt z-A SURPLUS 1 $2,500. 7 ~i\ -,4 & •K, r), 111 7i 7'€ :tr4 .Az i -f' 1 V1,'-* V 1 fl- 'n 1 ~'«S- 4 'i I I