Newspaper Page Text
|7" -^•r^y^r' jpC" —•SSJ-L STURGIS ADVERTISER. The ABVEBTXSER is entered at the Stofgia post office as second-class matter. I. R. OROW, PROPRIETOR. THUKSDAY, JUNE 11,1891. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Legal blanks at the ADVERTISBB office. Show lis tbe man that says it rains too mnch! Sparks for groceries, provisions and table luxuries. A baby's white flannel Can be had at this office. shawl found. Henry Williams, the artistic painter, will leave this afternoon for Seattle. Quite a number of recruits arrived yesterday morning for the Eighth cav alry. Meyer can always be relied upon as having the best of everything, and sells cheaper than anyone. Wilbur Bowman was down Monday, after his household good?. He is com fortably located in Deadwood. Ask for Sturgis flour. Second to none. Brands, Triumph, Pure Patent and fill* reka. For sale by all grocers. J. T. Potter is at Watertowu attending tbe annual session of the grand lodge, A. F. & A. M. He will return Sunday. Felton, the man shot by young Oli phant, is not dead, as reported by the Journal of Friday, but is in a fair way of recovery. John Eccles has another boy, born Sunday. This is the third young man in the family, all of whom are as happy as their father. City Auditor Mttlbeims is acting dep uty clerk of the courts this week during .the absence of Clerk McMichael, who is cultivating his crop of saw logs. *Mra Charles Bates -of Yankton ar riveA yesterday morning and will spend the- summer visiting relatives in Sturgis.. She w a-xlaughter of Judge Ash. Prof. Salmonf state superintendent "of puplie instruction, arrived in the Hills Saturday morning on official business, and returned yesterday afternoon. Hounds,, the photographer, will visit SfcurgiB June 15, and remain ten days. Itead local advertisement in another column.. Mrs. H. Hubbert of Chicago arrived this morning aud will spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. A. D. Wood. Mrs, HL visited Sturgis in the summer of 18SCL Mrs* L. Campbell, who has been vis itiag her sister, Mrs. Subin, since Oc tober, left Monday on the Elkhorn for Florence^. Kansas,• where her parents re side. Tlie latest styles and fabrics, the best ladies' and children's shoes and the best all-round stock of dry goods ia the city, at KeffeLer's. Knight has- a fib© assortment of the world-renowned Cheyenne saddles. In fact his stock is complete in horse furn ishing goods. See- his fine line of trunks and valises. Huffman A Taddekia's cattle, direct from Texas, were unloaded at Brennan Friday and driven to their range on Al kali. There are about 500 head and a good grade of steers. The Elkhorn recently issued a very attractive pamphlet descriptive .of Hot Springs. It is illustrated and as full of information regarding the famous health resort as an egg is of meat. The array of counsel for the defense in the Few Tails case has been aug mented with the addition of Messrs Kirk & Stuart and Col. Parker. Polk and Harvey have charge of the case. You will always be happy if you trade with Sparks. He sells the best of every thing in the grocery line lot the least money. Stock is in excellent condition, owing to the heavy growth of fine grass that that covers the entire range—and every body that trades with Meyer is fat and happy, because he sells the best goods fpr the least money. Luke Comstock picked up a gold nugget in Gold Run last Sunday, worth about $3. .It is a little beauty. A few days previously some one found a $38 nugget pi Deadwood creek, opposite Bogy's barn, Deadwood. Mr. Zoll returned Friday from De troit, where he went to represent the Sturgis church at the annual national meeting of the Presbyterian church. He reports the session as having been quite interesting, and that he had a pleasant trip. It is a doll day when Sparks does not make some home happy by selling a large bill of groceries for a small amount of money. Jpr. Sanderson returned Friday from Sir extended trip east. He visited Bos ton, New York and other places of note, spending several days at Niagara Falls and vicinity, where he enjoyed himself with old acquaintances viewing the beauties of nature and the many arti ficial sights to be seen in eastern cities. The doctor's health was greatly im proved by the trip. This office is in receipt of -an adder, an ingenius little devioe for making the labors of the accountant light and yet ^apid. The machine will add any num ber of columns of figures with absolute ator from all strain or confusion. It re quires but little space, and saves so much time that it will pay for itself in a few days. Call at the ADVERTISER office and see it, or order one from Webb's Adder .Co., whose advertisement appears elsewhere in these columns. T. O.' Cook swore out a complaint Monday morning before Justice Murray for the arrest of parties who had taken his tent that had been pitched at the post, where he was delivering building stone. The papers were placed in Sheriff Beaver's hands, who overtook the sus pected thief near Whitewood. The property was found in possession of the accused, but he claimed that he bought it of someone at the post. He gave up the tent and paid all costs and was al lowed to go on his way. The man was the one who passed through town early Monday morning with a small bunch of milch cows. Later the same day a Til fordite issued papers against the same individual, charging him with stealing a wagon. Mr. Beaver caught bis game near Sundance and got pay tor the wagon and all costs. Gardening is usually a profitable bus ness and healthful exercise in any coun try, and it is especially a lucrative vo cation in the Hills. There is always a demand for the products of the garden and the beauty of it is that such pro ducts invaribly command handsome figures. A ranchman near Sturgis who devotes much of his time to gardening has sold over $100 worth of asparagus this spring to Carpenter, to say nothing of his income from the many other veg etables heflkas sold. If we had more di versified farming it is the belief of the ADVERTISER that the country would be in a more prosperous condition. Try it. As will be noticed in the advertising columns of today's paper, the chief quartermaster of the department of Da* kota call for sealed proposals for furnish ing oats and bran at several of the posts in his district. Local contractors re ceived notice a feSV days since that their contracts awarded upon bids submitted April 30, for supplying oats, corn and bran were annulled. The flattering prospects at the present time for big crops throughout the northwest perhaps led the quartermaster to the conclusion that lower prices' might be secured by calling for new bids. S. D. Tayre wrote Mr. Dunham that he found his mother somewhaS better upon his arrival but it was not probable that she would recover. The old lady is troubled with heart disease, and is a very sick woman. Mr. Tayre experienced some difficulty in reaching home, miss ing connections twice, finally arriving at a small station, about midnight, eight miles from, where his people reside, from which point he walked by the light of the stars. W. O. Chamberlin of Minneapolis and A. A. Craadall of Merriam Park, Minn., were in the city yesterday. They rep resent tbe Niagara Insurance and West ern Assurance companies, respectively, and were looking over the business here with their local agent, Mr. Hoehn. These gentlemen were at Hot Springs Sunday during the hail storm, aud they report it as being one of unusual sever ity—and do not .ease to witness gjjy more of that sort. The annualreunion of the soldiers «ind sailors of the Hills will take place on the 17th aud 18th at Lead City, and a splendid time is anticipated. To add to the interest of the occasion, it is ex pected all the troops of Ft. Meade will turn out, except B, which will remain in charge of the post. The Eighth cavalry band has been engaged. Uncle Wicher recently bought a quan tity of blue grass seed from Johu Eccles and the late rains have produced a fine stand of "grass," and if the yield is any thing like it promiEes to be, the old gentleman will have several hundred bushels of turnips to sell. Eccles is willing to make. 09th, though, that 1m sold grass seed. Yesterday, Dentist Smith's 2-year-old daughter fell from the landing at the head of the outdoor stairway, that leads to his residence over the meat market, to the ground, a distance of about twelve feet. TjUe little one was seriously bruised on the forehead, though not dangerously hurt. Parties from Sturgis who attended the town lot sale at Belle Fourche Tues day report no real estate sold at auction, and only abont twenty horses disposed of, bringing prices ranging from $50 to $275. At the close of the sale yesterday about seventy head of horses bad been sold. There w^re 425 itf the herd. Rev. Mr. Nelson and family and Mrs. H. O. Anderson have been at Spearflsh this week attending the commencement exercises of the state normal school. Mr. Nelson delivered the annual ^sermon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Sparks went over yesterday. Schnell is always at his place of bos ness, and as he has the only first-class shop in the city, it is the only place where a bath and good fonsorial work can be had. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sly visited their son, Edgar L., at Chadron Sunday. The young man is train dispatcher at that place for the Elkhorn. Louis St. Croix, a young man in the empioy of W. G. Fletcher, was thrown from a horse Tuesday and broke cue trf relieving the mind of the oper- his legs near the ankle joint., i A general court martial met at Fort Meade Monday for the trial of such per sons as may be brought before it. The following-named officers compose the court: Capt. A. B. Welle, president Capt. A. G. Hennisee, Capt. E. A. Good win, Capt. J. B. Hickey, First Lieut. J. A. Gaston, Second Lieut. U. G. "Kemp, Second Lieut. F. G. Marshall, members Second Lieut. J. C. Byron, judge advo cate. All belong to the Eighth cavalry. Times: Contracts have been awarded at Washington for surveying ninety-four townships of land north of the Black Hills in South Dakota. Little of the land is in civilized communities and it is the policy of the department to not sur vey land except for settlement. But Governor Mellette and the state superin tendent of public instruction urged the survey at this time so that the state can select from it the school lands to which the state is entitled. Council Proceedings. City council of Sturgis, S. D., met on June 3, 1891. Present: All members. Minutes of previous meeting approved. A petition was presented praying council that the filling of ditch near M. E. church be taken out and a bridge built. Granted. Filling near Flavin'® Ordered taken out and bridge built. Report of treasurer for May, 1891, read and referred to auditor. Reports of police justice and chief of police for May, 1891, ordered filed. Report of J. T. Potter, delegate to the world's fair convention at Yankton, ac cepted and ordered filed. Thein asked permission to dig a ditch along lots 12, 13,14 and 15 in block 21, in McMillan's eastern addition. Granted. Bills allowed: P. Mulheimfl, auditor II. E. Perkins, treasurer. J. E. ('ofl'ey, chief of polic^. T. H. fjmciair, policeman...... O. Helwcft. engineer 0. W. .Tewett, engineer B. F. Rollins, jtmticefeee Chan. Francis, rent. J. T. Potter, experjHPB to world's fur con vention 1. 1{. Crow, printing J. I). Hart man, judge of election 2 00 R. EickholT, four kinases for lantem...... 1 40 ('.('.Moody, printing 1H 2(5 L. S. Bri^ham, lumber 13 78 M. D. Kpafford, ditch 10 00 H. A. McDonald, cleaning street S 50 P. Mullieims, express paid and envelopes. 2 65 (ilensoTi A Bailey, handle foT truck 8 €0 Daniel McCntckon, assisting city engineer and barying carcasn li 00 Adjourned. "S.J4 ,-HT Jj't $20 00 10 00 92 no (50 00 10 00 11 50 5 ?5 50 00 25 40 18 80 J. T. Potter was requested to file bill against county for half tbe expenses to and from Yankton convention and pay into city treasury. N. A. Hall was awarded contract for building sidewalks and crosswalks for the ensuing year. Contract, for printing awarded to the ADVERTISER. Street commissioners insfirncted to have the side and crosswalks, washed away by tbe flood, put in their proper places. Street commissioner first ward or dered to have ditch near railroad bridge cleaned. Lumber contract with L. S. Brigham aeoepted. Oaths of office of G. W. Ladd, as sessor, and H. A. McDonald, pound master, filed. Following persons nominated by the mayor and confirmed by council to be officers of ti&e city: Chief of police, J. E. Coffey* Policeman, T. H. Sinclair. City engineer, Olaf Helweg. City attorney, T. E. Harvey. P. E. Sparks elected president and Jacob Ke&eler elected vice-president of the council. POTTER MULHEIMS, If you want a slice Of something real nice Daily use Hart man's ice. Auditor. Ice cream next Saturday afternoon at tbe old billiard hall, Main street. The present outlook for big crops were never so bright in the Hills, but this fact does not induce Sparks to raise the price of groceries. A Good Hotel. The Belle Fourche Bee contains tbe following good words, endorsing the Minnekahta hotel at Hot Springs and it is with pleasure the paragraph is given space in tbe ADVERTISER:' The leading hotel at the present time is the Miunekahta, presided over by that prince of western hotel men, Don H. Porter, whose very name is a synonym for everything good to eat or drink, whose record as a hotel manager is known to every man, woman and child ths side of the Mississippi. The Minno knhta, owing to the popularity of its host, is always crowded and draws the lion's share of the patronage. Those en tertaining the idea of visiting the Springs should stop at the Minnekahta, for in so doing their cup of joy will be filled to overflowing. V An Artist President Grabill of the portrait and view company which bears his name, re turned a few days ago from a visit to' Newcastle, Hot Springs and Fort Robin son, iu all of which places he has ar ranged for the opening of branch stud ios. At tbe Springs he will occupy the present bank building, in the rear of which a large operating room has been erected by the photo company. Both it and the reception room will be fitted up in a rich and handsome manner. At Newcastle Mr. Grabill purchased the old Presbyterian church, which is now being remodeled. At Fort Robinson a very desirable building was secured, and is now being fitted np by the company. The business of the corupauy has been built up from a very beginning by its enterprising president, who is as every one knows, an efficient aud first class ar tist in his profession. Tbe reputation of the Grabill Portrait and View company for fine artistic work has certainly been well earned. Their studio in the Nye block on Main street, is filled to repletion with specimens of ability and skill. Not alone iu photo graphs, but as woll in pastiles aud cray on. Some of the best artists in the country are now employed iu the various departments of the gallery, which will .soon have to be enlarged to accommo date the increasing patronage which seems to grow in correspondence with the increase of cheap opposition. The largest day's business of the month was on 1:^1 Timi'.'isiv, Ijio •(•yt W of the gallery on Sherman street, where photos are being made for $2.5Q pet dozen.—Deadwood Times. Religious. One Fare for Bound Trip. The tenth annual international con vention of the Young People's Society Christian Endeavor will be held at Min neapolis July 9 to 12, inclusive. The F., E. & M. Y. Ry. will sell tickets at one fare—$26.55—for the round trip to parties wishing to attend this meeting, July 7 and 8, good returning on the 17th. Those wishing to remain for a longer period can get the tickets extended until August 26, 1891, by calling upon the agent of the Northwestern at Minneap olis before July 17. For further infor mation call on A. D. WOOD, Bids Wanted. Sealed proposals will be received a M. E. church, next Sunday Sermon to children in the morning. Children's day exercises in the evening. Presbyterian church, preachittg next Sunday morning by Rev. Nelson. Sub^ ject: "The Church, the Parent and th$ Child." Children's day exercises in thd evening. Rev. G. G. Ware will hold Episcopal services at the M. E. church Tuesday evening next, June 16. All invited. The trial of the men indicted for kill ing Few Tails will begin on the 22d instant. Our customeis all speak highly in praise of St. Patrick's pills. They are the best—Berry Bros., Carroll, Nebraska. For sale by Mueller the druggist-opti oian. Deadwood, S. D. Notice. Commencing May 2 and continuing until and including the last Saturday in October, 1891, the F., E. & M. V. railroad will sell excursion tickets to Hot Springs, every Saturday, good return ing the following Monday, at $5.50 for the ro«nd trip. A. D. WOOD, Agent. Sure Closing Out Sale Of millinery goods, commencing Sat urday, June 6, and continuing until July 4, on account of Mrs. Wright's poor health. Stock will be sold regardless of cost—for spot cash. Fixtures also for sale. 6-4-2. J. L. WRIGHT. Return Your Guns. All persons having in charge any of the Springfield rifles issued by the coun ty auditor will please return the same to the auditor's office at once. By order of Governor Mellette. M. M. COOPER, Colonel. Photographic Work. Rounds, the photographer, will be in Sturgis on June 15 to remain for ten days. Remember the date, its this will be your only chance to get the best pho tographic work done in the Hills. Do not stop for cloudy weather but come early in the day, aud we will guarentee our work in all cases. J$G*JNDS, LOCKE Sr MCBRIDI, Photographed, Snellen's Arnica Salve. The best salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively uures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by T. Haas & Co. Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, aud mourning because tliey find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be bad by all. We guarantee that electric bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted ia, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon dyspepsia and install instead eu pepsy. We recommend electric bitters for dyspepsia aud all diseases of the liver stomach and kidneys. Sold at 50 and fl by Haas & Co. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. JVom a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on •my lungs, cough set. in and finally ter minated in consumption. Four doctors Rave me up saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones alove. My husband was advised to get. I)r. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles it lias cured me'aud thank God I am now a well aud hearty woman." Trial lxittles free at T. Haas A- Co's drug il• »i y, rag uht U',N •'!.! 1.00. B0"AI by the undersigned for furnishing fifty cords of green winter wood, delivered at the school house, in Sturgis, S. D., until June 26, 1891. 6-11-3. H. L. CONTEB, Clerk of Board of Education. Notice. STURGIS, June 4,1891. A special communication of Olive Branch Lodge No. 47, A. F. & A. M., is hereby called for Wedneaday, June 24, 1891, at 7 oclock p. m. Work in E. A. and M. M. degrees. All M. M. in good standing are cordially invited. By order W. M. HENRY MURRAY, Secretary. A Costly Gift. That great paper, the St. Paul Globe, isr offering a five-dollar Houghton new reversible political map and Rand, Mc Nally & Co.'s admirable map of the United States—tbe two maps being combined in oue—to every new subscriber to the daily, Sunday or weekly Globe. It is a great offer and a liberal one. For details, read the Globe Publishing Co.'s displayed announce ment. Flwst Trader's Buildings for Sale. All of the frame buildings occupied by the late post trader at Ft. Meade, con sisting of store building, mess house, soldiers bar, ice house, stable, cellar, fen ces and all miscellaneous lumber about the premises. Buildings to be moved as soon as practicable after sale. Best off er takes the lot. Terms cash or ap proved securety. For further particu lars apply to: JORDAN B. COTTLE POWDER Absolute^ Pure. A cream of larinr baking all leavening Btrength.—! ment, Food Report. Agent. Notice to Tax-payers. Under the provisions of law I shall, after July 1, 1891, proceed to collect all uncollected personal property taxes by distress and sale. D. P. FLOOD, Treasurer of Meade county, S. D. powdnr. Hifghaot of ^ateet U. S. Govern- A Fine ion. L. M. Bitney has rgfecived a fine im ported Percheon-Nomiau stallion from the stables of Walker & Watts, of Mel bourne, Iowa. The horse is one of the finest thoroughbred animals ever brought to the Hills, and will be of great value to this branch of the live stock industry, if the horsemen and ranchmen will avail 'themselves of this opportunity to grade up their horses. The pedigree of this valuable stallion is as follows: Bellwood, 1994 ("922), gray, foaled 1882, imported 1886 by M. W. Dunham, Wayne, Illinois got by Vladinier 786 (748), ho by Vidocq 483 (732), he by Coco EL (714), he by Yiens Chaslin (713), he by Coco 712, he by Vignore (715). he by Jean C. Blanch 729, who was a direct descendant of the famous Arab stallion, Gallipole, dam by French Monarch 285 (734), sold in 1887 to Walker & Watts, Melbourne, Ia. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup hae been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It sooths the child, softens the gums," allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup" and take no other kind. PROPOSALS FOR MILITARY SUPPLIES.- Offtei' of Chief (Jiiartenmistpr, Department of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn.. JUNK 2, 1MH— SEALED PtJOPOSALH will be received at thin office, or at the following named pouts, and at Helena, Mont., until li ocloak M., on July 1, 1891 and opened immodiatrT.v after in presence of bidders, for farnlshirtj? KQtl delivery of Mich OATH and HliAN dui intc tlte fiscal year com mencing .lofe,- 1st, l*?ll. sis may be reouired at St. Panl and Fort Hnellinir. Minn.: Forte Abraham Lincoln, lJuford, Pembina awl Yales, North Da kota Forts iJwmett. J.leade and Sully, South Dakota: Helena and Forts As*inniboine, Custer, Keotfh, Missoula, Shaw and Camp Poplar River, Mont., aiul Fort Yellowstone 1 late Camp Sher idan*, W.vo.: and HAY at Helena and Forts Cus ter, Keojrli, and Shaw, Mont.: and Fort Yellow stone. W.vo., as called for'in requirements of this date. Preference will he iiivcn to articles of home production or manufacture, conditions of juality and price I'includin* foreign productions or manufacture, the duty thereon) beinjr equal. Blank forms of propos als and full instructions to bidders will be fur nished on application to this office, or to the Quartermasters at the various points named.- .JOHN V. FUHl-'Y, Quartermaster, U. 8. Army, CliMif Quartermaster. (-11-3 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFUCK AT HAPID CITY, S. Benj. C. Hnrris, Sidney Johnson, Charles Snyder and Henry Pen-in.ail'of Sturgis. 5-14 P. LUSE, lie John LeClair, D. 3:7104. for the ne qr se qr, s hf se «r, HIC 33, twp 5, n. rag 5, e. B. H. M. He names the following v,itaessesto prove hi? continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Benj. C. Harris, Sidney Johnson, Charles Snyder and Henry Perrin all of Sturgis. 5-14 J. Take notice that the complaint in said action was tiled in the office of the clerk of the county court of South Dakota in and for Meade county, at the court house in Sturgis, South Dakota, on thie, a$th day of April, 1891. County. r^ THE ADDER Is a Most Remarkable Invention. It will add any number of columns of figures one, two or three columns at a time, with abso lute accuracy. It gives in the price of It D.,) May r, 1800. To Henry Smith who made D. 8. MXili. Notice irt hereby giveB that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to makf commutation litml proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the clerk of the circuit coUTt of Meade county, at Sturgis, S. D.. on .Tune '2., 1S1H, viz: Thomas LeClair. H. E. 2972, for the n hf n\v (jr. sec :i5, mv qr, sec 26, Office one door east of Sturgis, South Dakota. RALPH H. KIBK. sister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT HAPID CITY, S. D.) Slay 5, lrt'l. Notice is hereby give-a that, tl," following named settler han filed noticc-of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he vnude before the clerk of the circuit court of .MeadRLCOUnty, at Sturgis, 8. I)., on June 2:!, 1M)1, viz: P. LUBK, Register SUMMONS. State of Sonth Dakota, Eighth Judicial Circuit, in County Court for Meatft County, 88. Roy KUerman and John Skailinder, co-partners, trading as ELfenniUi & Skailinder, Plaintills, !-Summons, vs. I Nels M. Lunden, Defendant. The state of South Dakota, to the above-named defendant. Yon, Nels M. Lunden, are- hereby summoned and require to answer to the complaint in the above entitled action, which will be tiled in the office of the clerk of the county court of Meada comity at the court at Sturgis, and to serve a copy of your tnswihr to the said com plaint on the subscriber at his office in Sturgis, in the ronnty of Mottle and state aforesaid, with in thirty days after tin* service of this summons upon you exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the- compliant within the said time aforesaid tho plaintiffs in this ac tion will take judgment against you for the sum of two hundred and twelve dollars and forty nine cants. M. MCMAHON, Plaintiffs' Attorney. Dated at Stores, S. D., April 27,1891. To Nels 1. Lunden, defendant in the above en titled action: M. MCMAHON, 4-30-7 Pk.intiffs' Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. Btate of Booth Dakota, Eighth Judicial Circuit, —sa. In the Circuit Court withta for Meade Frank It. Davis, plaintiff, 1 vs. I The Tilford Milling company, a corpor-1 ation organized and existing under tho laws of Dakota Territory, tho Des I Moines Manufacturing & Supply com pany, a corporation organised and ex isting under the laws of the state of I Iowa, and Samuel B. Miller, defend- I ants. Notice is hereby given thatfay virtue of a judg ment of foreclosure and sale in tho above en titled action 011 the 23d day of April. A. D. 1891, and an execution issued upon said judgment, the subscriber. V. M. Beaver, sheriff of Meade county, utate of South Dakota, for that purpose appointed will sell at public kuction, at the front door of the court house in Sturgis in tho county of Meade, state of South Dakota, on lie 20tl^ day of June, A. D. 1«W1, at two oclock in the after* noon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises situate in the countyof Meade, and state of South Dakota, and directed in said judgment and execution to be sold, and therein described as follows: A tract of land described as follows, towit: Situated in the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section seventeen (17), in township four t.4), north, ranrfe^ix (til. east. B. M., described as follows, towit: commencing at a point tiHO feet due north of northwest corner of block one (1) in the town of Tilford, thence due north to the intersection of the rigtit of way of the Fremont, Elkhorn and iiiiRHouri Valley rail way, thence south, variation Fast along the lim its of saiil right of way due east of point of be ginning thence wtjst to point ef beginning, con taining two acrt'.s more or lots, together with one roller flouring mill, complete, situated on the above land, aud the machinery therein con sisting of one KMiorse power stationary engine and boiler, complete, tnrv' sets double rollep nulls, seven tlour dressing machines, two wheat cleaning machines, one ran of burhs, 1 corn antl feed, all elevators, shafting, pulleys, belting* complete, with all appurteiMlices and improve ments thereunto belongiiK. or no 111 ucli thereof as may h* sufficient to sat»s?v said judgment and costs, amounting in all to twelve hundred and seven dollar and fift v chills, v ith interest thereon front the date of said juftgu:*ut, and all accruing crisis of sale. Dated at Sturyis, South T)akota, May ft, 1891. V, M. UKAVKH, Shecifi of Moade County. William Gardner, and -Clw*iks W. Brown i'lEUjttitTs AU^uitjj*, j-7-1^ Having determined to close out my business in Sturgis by July 15, a golden opportunity is presented for all to •sup] DRY GOODS AT CLOSING OUT PRICES. THIS IS NO FAKE 1 But a Genuine Closing Out Sal#» to enable me to engage in otter bnsin«j IMMENSE REDUCTIONS Overalls and Jumpers, Underwear, Etc., at CLOSING PRICES. Dress Goods, Ladies' Cloths and Prints, Satteens, Cash meres, Muslin Underwear, Hoisery, and in fact ever* thing at LESS THAN EASTERN PRICES. 4 Remember the Best Bargains Go £irst. JOHN T. POTTER, Sturgis, So. Dak.' Terms: To Insure, $15. Special terms for two or more mares. Mares will be pastured free of charge during the season. Will make the season at my ranch. instantaneous results sad make* no mistakes. It saves an immense amount of time. prevents brain exhaustion.. The following is one many high KIRK & STUART,. PATTOltNKYS AND ne qr ne qr, sec twp r, u, nig 5. e, K. H. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continnous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: endorsements: U UNITED STATES SIONAL OFFICE, WAKHINOTON. Several Webb Adders have been in constant use in this office anrl have recommended themselvea by their accuracy and rapidity' GEN. A. W. KEEI.Y. ('hief Signal Office. Any man or woman who has much to-do with figures cannot aSord to be without one. The adder saves both time and money. Price, $1. Sent by mail tat customer's risk) on receipt of price and 15 cents postage or by ex press (at customer's charge). Send for a circular, with full-size cut, riescrintion, and testimonials from nsers in all parts of the country. COUNSELORS- Knight's hamew shop, Wkblky A. BTUABT. F., E. & M. V. E. E, Fremont, Elkhorr & Mo. Valley Railroad, between STURGIS, S. 3D. -AND- OMAHA, SIOUX CITY, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL AND ALL POINTS— East, West, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked to Destination. Through palace sleepers* Sturgis to Missouri Valley. TRAINS DEPART: OOING SOUTH: GOING NORTH. ChioojiQ Ex,. .4:57 n, m. BVkHiUsEx. 7*48 a. ra. Freifpti...... 10:45 a. m. i Freight 6:4 For farther information call on .0^5 p. m. A. D. WOOD, Agent, Sturgis, Dakota. H. G. BURT, J. R. BUCHANAN, Gen. Manager, Gen. Pass. Agent, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. EDWARD J. SEXTON, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AH calls promptly attended to day or night. Office Corner of l^azallo and Second streets, north of Monheim's store. QHABLE8 O. POLS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Money to Loan on Real Ketatc. MAIN STREET* STURGIS. yAR CISE WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT ZtAW. DEADWOOD, SOUTH DAKOTA* T. COAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKQTA Imported A A 2-y«&r-old iit 1887. ttSNRI a coal black, weight 1,400, and stands 16 hand? high. Fdll pedigree can be sfeen at my r&nch.- H. C. WILSON. Yale. Webb's Adder Company, 58 Cedar Street, New York. PENSIONS. THE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled. Dependent widows and parents, now depend ent, whose sons died from ellVet of army terrice are included. If you wish your claim speedily and successfully prosecuted, address, i V. JAMES TANNER, WASHINGTON, D. late Commissioner of Pensions. W. FOWLEB, V.4 I2ST ALL. DEPARTMENTS HENRI French Coach Stallion C. ATTORNEY AT liAW. RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA* MOTEL HARNEY. JOHN B. BRENNAN, Proprlata* RAPID CITY. W Best appointed hoot* in tb« Black Hill* Snupr liulc ftirlunr* hurt been mad*it work for us, by Anna I'ngv. Austin* Tt'x.i*, and: .Inn. ToU'5, hlo. cut. Giber*iin*l«-m|rnss\pn. Why ut you? Some ciivu over $500.00 ft nrnth. Y«u tlx* woik mid )ivft home, wlu'r»'v«-r y«.n «r«». I .shq ritun'rs ore i»ily c-nrnin^ #5 $10a (for. All U'i* t»hc\v ou how ml start ymi. ran work iu lim# or ail thr lime. Hip itivify Mr work-* cis. I'GHuir unknown them, MOW mwf wonderful. I'arti wturs fr««» ll.IiailsttC'V.fKox I*urtlaB«l|ll«iiM THE FIGURE "O." The figure 9 in our dates will make a long stay. No man or woman now living will ever date a document without using the figure 9. It standa in the third placo in 1860, where it will remain ten years and then move np to second place in J9(XJt where it will rest for one hundred years. There is another "9" which has also come toistay. It is unlike tiie figure 9 in our dates in the respect that it lias already moved up to first plaoe, where It will permanently jemain. It is called the "No. y High Arm \Vneeier & Wilson Sewing Machine, The "No. 9" was endorsed for first place by the experts of Europe at tho Paris Exposition of I8b^ where, after a severe contest with the leading ma chines of the world, it was awnrded the onljr Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, aft: others on exhibit having received lower awardii of gold medals, eto. The French Government also recognized its.superiority by the decoration of Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, Presidentof the company with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an old machine improvcu upon, but is an entirely new machine, and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the gr°,nd est advance in sewing machine mechanism oI th6 age. Those who buy it can rest assured, than, tore, of having the very latest and beet. WHEELER. & WILSON M'F'O 00., 185 aud 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago? Sold hy MAX FISHEL, Sturgis. T)|^(lwpot -«r v.* •X" A