OCR Interpretation

News and citizen. [volume] (Morrisville, Vt. ;) 1881-current, February 25, 1914, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn97067613/1914-02-25/ed-1/seq-8/

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Conic and see us. if only out of curiousitv.
BWe have a most complete line of Spring Samples
to show you in all wool materials, including the
swellest imported fabrics from the best mills of
England and Scotland.
When you see our new fabrics for Spring
you will be delighted with their harmonious
colors and their new striking weaves. But the
things that will appeal to you when your suit
is in your possession is the "Dignity" of the
style .and 'Durability" it will give you in the
Come and let us help you in selecting your
suit for spring. We guarantee the fit.
Morrisville, Vermont
Bgi'jw grass
Matter of FrtnrK
It is good to have a friend, but it is
better to be a friend. The gain of be
ing unselfishly loved and sympathiEed
with and helped and cheered, is not to
be compared with the gain of unself
ishly loving and sympathizing and
with helping and cheering another. No
lad incoming to one's heart from
(without can uplift and enlarge it like
?the expansive force of a generous and
elf-forgetting love outworking from
within. H. Clay Trumbull.
, ' Care of Phone.
The most scrupulous care should be
given the house telephone. House
keepers should remember that both
the transmitter and the receiver will
transmit dirt germs and odors. Un
screw the tops of both and sterilize
thoroughly. Warm water with weak
carbolic acid, or the suds of carbolic
acid soap. What care the public
phones need can readily be imagined.
Ill 1,0
DO YCU know of anyone
who is old enough to
read, who has not seen that
sign at a railroad crossing?
If everyone has seen it at some
time or other, then why doesn't
the railroad let the c:gn rot
way? Why does the railroad
company continue to keep
those signs at every crossing ?
Maybe you think, Mr. Merchant,
"Most everybody knows my
store, I don't have to advertise."
Your store and your goods reed
more advertising than the rail"
roads need do to warn people
to "Look Out for the Cars."
Nothing is ever completed in the
advertising world.
The Department Stores are
very good example they are
continually advertising and
they are continually doing
good businjss.
If it pays to run a few ads "round
about Christmas tun, it cer
tainly will pay you to run ad
vertisements about all the time.
It's just business, that's all, te
The Evangelistic Campaign
The Evangelistic Campaign, which be
gan Feb. 8 at the M. E. church conduct
ed by the Evangelistic Trio, Rob't 0.
Lewis and the Aylesworth sisters, is still
in progress. Up to this time there bas
been manifested a very marked interest
in these services and each meeting i3
proving that many .Christian people are
determined to make this campaign one
of the greatest in the quickening of the
church and the salvation of souls that
has ever been held in Morrisville. Nearly
75 have already confessed Christ as their
personal Savior and many Christians are
consecrating themselves anew: and are
finding a clearer understanding of the
Bible truths than they had ever had be
Surprised by God's Faithfulness.
Amazement and shame are often
among the emotion-experiences of even
cause of wonderfully answered prayer
. .1 .1 I nurntnAfl ftf mil. UAQVCtltff
H.I1U LUC piUI.UDt-a Ul VU. Mtanmj
Father, and shame because of this
amazement. Again and again the glo
rious surprises come, that ought not
to surprise us as revealings of God"s
love, and again and again the shame
because of the doubt of God that help
ed to make the blessing somewhat un
expected. Some of us are far more
ready to accept, without wonder, a
sending that we call a trial, than we
are to receive, without amazement, a
gift that more than fulfills a long
cherished desire. But God would have
us' count upon him to do more than we
can ask or think. Our surprise when
we get personal evidence that God is
as good as his word comes from doubts
that really make it harder than It
needs to be for God to fulfill his pur
poses for us and through us. May ev
ery one of us be set free from the
shame of surprise at God's faithful
ness! Sunday School Times.
Seeking a Religion?
In the New Patriotism we are be
ginning to recognize at last that "man
cannot live by bread alone, but by ev
ery word that proceedeth out of the
mouth of God." We realize that it
would not be sufficient to give, by le
gal decree, food and warmth and cer
tain material luxuries to our cold and
starving brothers; that discontent
and oplfish creed are not to be over
come by distribution. Of what sign!-1
ticance, otherwise, were the yearning
which pervades all elements of the na
tion today? Art, literature, science,
music and philosophy have their place
yes, and religion. Are we' not seek
ing for a religion? From "The Mod
ern Quest for a Religion," by Winston
Churchill in the "Century."
Mission School in Persia.
Miss Annie Stockwell, a missionary
in Persia, estimates that there are
now at least 1,000 Moslem boys and
girls attending 'the 13 Christian mis
sion schools in Persia. This, she says,
is twice as many as were attending
these schools five years ago. Of the
number given, 700 are paying tuition.
Queer English Duty.
Americana will be interested to
know that from 1660 it has been cus
tomary to take a duty as one of the
hereditary customs of the crown. In
1660 there was a duty of eight pence
a gallon on all the tea liquor sold In
all coffee houses a great inconveni
ence to tea drinkers, because It was
surveyed only' twice a day by the ex
cise officers, and so could only be
brewed twice a day. London MaiL
Evangelist Lewis preaches the plain,
straight Gospel with simplicity, yet with
great power. He uses much of the good
old Anglo-Saxon language plain words
to express plain truths, and attacks sociil
evils of the day with intrepidity and de
picts things as he finds and sees them
with a dauntless courage of spirit that is
rather disconcerting to those not ready
for the truth. A noted divine is quoted
as saying that he "did not approve of
the methods of the Salvation Army, but
that God seemed to." God's approval
reduces man's opposition to a minus
Last Friday evening the Boys' and
Girls' Sunshine chorus of about GO voices
occupied the platform and under Mr.
Lewis' direction pulled off some yery
clever stunts, yelU and songs. Every
one was pleased with the children they
will sing again this Friday night. Dou't
miss bearing them.
Last Sunday p. m. Evangelist Lewis
spoke to a large audience of men, taking
for his subject "A Lop-Sided Man " He
said some very plain things and moft
strenuously maintained that a fully sur
rendered life is one of purity of both mind
and body.
Next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Mr. Lewis
will speak to women and girls over 14
only. A plain straight message; subject,
"Why men go wrong." Every woman
in town should hear this message.
The exceptionally fine playing and
singing at each service by the trio is the
source ol much pleasure and enjoyment
to those that appreciate good liuisie.
You can't afford to miss hearing thej-e
people sing. A traveling man was hesird
to remark ' It was worth a great deal
just to hear Miss Aylesworth play the
Evangelist Lewis will give one of his
strongest messages; subject, "How much
do you weigh?" The subject for Thurs
day night will be "Is there a Hell, if so,
what, where and bow long?" Besure to
hear this message. Friday night the
Sunshine chorus will sing and Mr. Lewis'
subject will be "From Rubbish to Dia
monds" a great message. Saturday
night subject, "la there a personal devil?"
Sunday morning at 10:30 subject, "Are
you full?" Sunday at 2:30 p. m. wo
men only "Why men go wrong."
The date for closing the campaign has
notleen definitely settled upon but other
fields are urging the Evangelists to begin
work with them. The closing service will
be a very-impressive one and the chorus
has begun practice upon music fr this
great "Pink Rose Service," taking its
name from the true story how' Mrs. Iv.
M. Whittemore, a wealthy New York so
ciety woman, by the use of a pink rose,
rescued "Delia," one of the worst char
acters from the sub-cellars of New York
slums. The choir for this service is
dressed in white and wear pink roses.
Every detail of arrangements for the ser
vice is in harmony with the beautiful
theme. Watch for a special announce
ment of this set vice. B.
Mrs. Mamie Grout has finished work
at the Depot Restaurant and Mrs. Boyn
ton is again at the head of the culinary
Clarence Albert, two-months old sonof
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Denton, -ho reside
on the Stowell farm, died Sunday about
noon, after a four days' illness fromjaun
dice and convulsions. Funeral services
were held from the home Tuesday at 1
o'clock, Rev. V. T. Best officiating. In
terment was made in the cemr ter in the
Small neighborhood. The afflicted par
ents and little sisters, Ena and Pearl,
have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.
World's Wasted Wealth.
Experts have estimated that if the
forests of the world were scientifical
ly operated they would yield the j
equivalent of from thirty to one bun-'
dred and twenty times the present con
sumption of wood annually. I
County F. D. Meeting
The Lamoille County Rural Letter Car
Tiers' Association held its annual meeting
at Johnson Monday. In the morning ses
sion the following olBners, were elected:
President, Frank E. Brown, Hyde Park;
vice-president, P. W. Bickford, Jefferson
ville; secretary and treasurer, R, M. Far
laud, Hardwiok; executive committee,
A. C. Hooker, Hard wick, E.8. Robinson,
Morrisville; delegates to State convention,
H. A. Parker, Wolcott, R. F. Atchinsod,
An invitation was extended and accept
ed to hold the next meeting at Morris
ville. Dinner was served in the hall bv
the ladies.
Alter dinner an interesting program
was givHD, music, for the occasion being
furnished by Uri Chaffee, violinist; Miss
Florence nitchcock, pianist, Miss Gladys
Atwell, vocal soloist, all of Johnson.
An address of welcome was given the
carriers by Carrier P. W. Saxby of John
son, which was responded to by E. S
Robinson of Morrisville.
Ladies' Night Observed
Ladies' Night was observed by the
Pastime Club at their rooms in the
Drowne block, Tuesday evenfng, Feb. 17
The event was largely attended and the
laaies were royany lniertaiuecl. A pro
gram of varied numbers on the new Edi
son Diamond Disc phonograph was given,
which was much 'enjoyed. Cards, bil
liards.pooland other amusements afford
ed enteitainment for the evening, after
which vasious delicious refreshments ,
consisting of sandwiches, cake, wafers
and ice cream were served. The rooms
occupied by Dr. J. F. Jackson across the
hall were utilized as dressing rooms and
the hall provided room for dancing fol
lowing the entertainment.
Pentecostal Church
At the Sunday morning service, the
message brought by Miss Custance was
from words found in Jer. 23:23. And he
that bath my word, let him speak my
word faithfully. What is the chaff to
the wbeat? Saith the Lord.
The evening service which was well
attended, was conducted by Miss Allen,
who spoke on "Repentance."
Miss Custance and Miss Allen went to
Johnson last Friday night to assist Rev.
C. A, Reney, who is holding revival ser
vices in his church in that place.
Our services next; Sabbath will be as
Rev. W. E. Baker was in Burlington
Gentlemen'sNrght was observed bv the
Woman's Club last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fisk and daughter,
Hazel, took in the "Kake Walk" at Bur
lington Monday night.
Horace Powers of the U. V. M. was a
recent guest at the home of his parents,
Judge and Mrs. G. M. Powers.
Among those from this section to at
tend the banquet of the Greater Vermont
Association at Burlington last evening
were C. L. McMabon. II. E. Shaw. L. H.
Lewis, S. B. Waite and F. W. Mould.
News has been received by friends here
of the death of A. W. Davis of Minne
apolis, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Davis, who forme'ly resided in
the south part of town. Mr. Davis was
a graduate of Peoples Academy and will
be remembered by many in this vicinity. '
Whom Does the Saloon Help ?
Not the Workman It hurts him.
Not the Merchant He loes biiiiies.
Not the Mauufaciurer His workers lose time.
Not the Schools The children are kept out.
N Not the Church The drinkers stay away.
Not the Drinker's Family They suffer want. v.
It Only Helps - .
the man who makes the fctuff and the man who sells it; they
are at work for their own pockets all the time.
Voters Do you want to be partcrs in this business ? Of
course not !
Tno jscvr-v.v, Store
Congregational Church
Last Sunday morning the pastor spoke
on "The Judgment Day," a large con
gregation listening attentively to the ex
position of this important theme. Mr.
Baker clearly showed that each day is a
Day or Judgment. We can never tell
when the real test is coming, and not al
ways when it has come. If each day
passes inspection under the scrutinizing
eye of Conscience, which is God's senti
nel within, we need have no fear of any
Judgment Day which the future may
bold for us. We are tried and sentence
is passed upon us each day according to
the way we use or abuse the opportuni
ties which Life holds out to us.
Prayer meeting will be held on Thurs
day evening at 7 o'clock.
There will be a Get-t(Vgether of the
men of the church ou Friday evening.
Mr. Baker will be the speaker.
The subject for next Sunday's sermon
is "Unconscious Influence." Robert Gor
don will sing a solo at the morning ser
There will be a Tompnrance Mass
meeting in the Methodist chnrch Sunday
Advent Church
V. A. Ober of Johnson supplied the
desk last Sunday morning. The text of
a yery helpful sermon was 1 John 1:7,
"If we walk In the light, as he is in the
light, we have fellowship one with an
other, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his
Son cleanseth us from Ml sin." The
"Walk" is our daily conduct, manner of
life. "Light" i- that which makes mani
fest. There is physical, intellectual and
spiritual light. Jesus and Tlio Word are
tights. Are we walking iu spiritual il
lumination, in the twilight, or in the
The Bible Question course was an in
teresting pirt of the Sunday School.
In the evening Rev. G. W. Tabor ex
pounded the 4rh chapter of Ephasians,
and was followed by an excellent social
Miss Kitty E. Boynton is spending
a few days with her friend, Mrs. B. A.
Palmer, in Wilder.
V. W. Thomas went Saturday to
Whitefield, N. II., to visit his son, B. W.
Thomas, and family.
Extension School
The University of Vermont, College of
Agriculture, Extension School to be held
at this place from Feb. 24, 28, inclusive,
opened at the Grange Hall yesterday,
forty two registering at the first session.
The tentative program is as follows:
1 :30 Registration
2:00 What the Cow Does with What
She Eats, Mr. Deuel
3:00 The Babcock Test, Mr. Moran
,9:!0 MixinK and Balancing Rations,
Mr. Deuel
10:30 The Corn Crop. Mr. Dodge
11:30 Composition and Properties of
Milk, Mr. Moran
1:30 Bookkeeping on a Dairy Farm,
Mr. Loveland
2:30 Clover and Alfalfa, Director
7 : 30 Educational Butter Scoring, Mr.
8 15 The Sanitary Barn (Lantern)
Mr. Deuel
9:30 How to Know Soil Needs, Direc
tor liradlee
10:30 Butter Making on the Farm,
Mr. Moran
11:30 Calf Raising, Mr. Deuel
1:30 Weeds, Mr. Dodge
2:30 Principles of Land Drainage,
Mr. Director Bradlee
7:30 Cooperative Creameries, Mr.
8 . 15 Orchard Insects, Director Bradlee
-Roughages for
Vermont, Mr.
and Liming, Director
Cream or Butter? Mr.
10:30 Limes
11:30 Milk,
1:30 Forestry for Profit. Mr. Chand
ler 2:30 The Principles of Breeding, Mr.
7:30 Farm Manures, Director Bradlee
8:15 General Forestry (Lantern),
Mr. Chandler
9:30 What Feeds Shall Farmers Buyf
Mr. Deuel ,
10:30 Commercial Fertilisers, Direc
tor Bradlee
11:30 What the Cow Test Associa
tion does for its (Members, Mr. Moran
1:30 Herd Management, Mr. Deuel
2:30 Maintaining Soil Fertility, Di
rector Bradlee
Is this your paper ? Don't sponge.
The place to buy Sewing Machines is where they
have them. Our specialties New Home and Stand
ard Rotary. Prices from $14.50 to $40.00.-
No matter what others mar say relative to sewing machines, do not be induced to purchase one of un
known value. If jon purchase the New Home you will ha?e the one KNOWN value, and a life asset at the
price jou pay for it. You will not ha ve an endless chain of repairs, which is the reason for the New Home being
the cheapest machine in the end to bu j. ,
The New Home has becu relieving the burdens of the housewife for the past half centurv and has proven '
itself to be the greatest sewing machine Talue to be had, The reason why it is better than any other is because
it is of superior construction It bas the fewest working parts oossible, conductive to the making of perfect
stitches, 6ne or course, in all kinds of material in a perfect manner.
The construction of this machine has been thought out and tried out to the limit. In fact they have pnt so
much thought into the working parts to obtain desired results and durable qualities that, the purchaser need
not thiLk of repairs. This uiatkfne is built for a lifetime of service. It possesses every improvement that im
proves, and is kept free from useless parts, and nun-essentials to be used only as tulking points.
The New Home machine has bill bearing drive wheel of the roost apprc red t.tyle. The woodwork is en
tirely new, has four side drawers and large center drawer. It is perfectly automatic, the head comes into place
with belt on ready for sewing when the top table leaf is lifted and turned into place. Semi for circulars.
Time payments can be arranged if desired.

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