Newspaper Page Text
-) 'Anadarko Detil emoorat. Volume 1 . Anadarko, Oklahoma, September 30, 1901 Number 18. FOR THE NEATEST WORK AND MOST REASONABLE PRICES, HAVE YOUR WORK DONE AT THE DEMOCRAT. . D y V ,,' Election Ordered is For Anadarko, Lawton and I lobar t VJjHUliiSDAY, UUT. Z4iH for two years and had vainly i They ni. Doolnrotl to Do Cltloo ' thu first CIs-Ju(tKancl Clerks Appointed Itiithrio. Ok.. Sept. i!8 Gover nor Jenkins issued proclamations to day deelarinjr the towns of Anadar jco', Lawton and Hobart to he cities of the Hint elans and ordering elect ions for eitv oflieors Oetoher, '-' t. The petitions show the population of the towns to he: I.awton, ,&f; Anadarko. si,7M3; llohart, 'J,r50. , A cit of the lii-nt class must have .1 population of of not loss than '-',-)U0. liacii town is divided into lour wards and the ollieeiHto he el eeted as follow.: Mayor, police judge, eitv marshal, street commis sioner attornej, elrrk, oity treasttr or of school hoard, two members of council from each ward, two mem bers of school hoard from each ward, two justices of the pence and two constables. The otliccrs will hold until the regular election in April. Two of the judges of election in each ward will he Republican while the third wj.M he a Democrat. There will he 4ine Republican and one Demo cratic clerk in each ward. Tho judges and .clerks by wards ill tho .different tmviis were appointed by (tOAcrnor .Tonkins n follows: Lawton First ward: Judges, A. JL tobb, (.'. W, Hohannan, by I Dixn; clerks, J. l Cummins, L. .1. A. Vollers. Second ward; Judges, I'. M. Fnglish, .1. C. Eekii'n, .1. F. I'niil: Hoiks, A. .1. Toster. It. 1L Coltiu-y. Third ward: A. If. Morgan, J. C. Tous ley, J J. Nelson; clerk, L. J. Kalklosch, L. J. Golf. Fourth . ward; M. if. Duncan, G. W. Broe, George D. Bailey; elorks, II. II. " il.ox. II . Crawford. Anadarko First Ward: Judges, lenimoro 15. Xoedham, Arthur K. Haldwin. C. L: Kirkp.'ilriek: clerks, 11 Hoots. Fred McCahuu. T-ecowl ward: Judges, Cioorgo W. Hngg. W S. Foster, Farnost Tow' lor: dorks. John '. Ilcudryx, Karl ).is. Third ward: Judges, Allien Slein, Fredrick J fa IV, II. . Hugo; clerks. Win, T. Housli, John Lane. Fourth ward: Judges, U alter F. Dikens. W. II. Meyer, II 15. Mitchell; clerks, Dennis Brown, Randall Livosuv. Illolurt Mist warn: .iiumes. .i II Herald, J V llrinton,.! V Morris; o'erks, Edward Durban, George 'Jurnham. Second ward: Judges, D S Walllngcr, S A Whittingt n, H H Hadlock; clerks, J P Evans. W B Paul. Third ward: judges, (j D Moixe, J it Laws, v" t judkimv, clerks, o Wfthittaker, L. . Ity der. Fourth ward; judges, j A Uurr, G 13 (Jordon, J H Crump"; elerks, F E watson, w h Robbins. The result of the elections is -waited with interest by Oklahoma Yolilicians. rlie Republican party 'TW that it is in the minority in It J new country althongh it is po- meVjlt tlmt Hobart may be perina- nently Republican. The Republi ,:uw claim Lawton upon u late poll but the accuracy. of the poll, A residence of six months is nereis nary before a person can vote, in Oklahoma. This will disfranchise a largo number of Democrats from Texas and Indian Territory, uiuu ' the April electioii. Should the Democrats he defeated in October, .'I but bv a narrow margin, Republican j WWeat next spring wilMie alraota irertntiii). me '""""-''"ffla'yy" next month will be f'mghtfltrwyj along party lim. ARMOUR DEAD Kansas Oity Packer-His Life 1:iiim:im City, Mo.. Sept. 27 IC. . Armour, the pucker, died at his residence heto at 0 o'clock this af tor noon. 31 r. Armour suffered with liright's disease and a weak heart; and had been sinking gradually fr lliicc dnvs. Mr. Anuor hud been nought nnprovenieiit at various health roortK in the east and south Last summer he went to Glen Falls, X. Y., hut he sulYeied n relapieand was sent homo there weeks a?" on a special train to die. He showed improvement until Thursday when he took a serious turn for the worse. Ivirkland 1L Aimour was born at Stockbridge. X. V., in 18fil. He was the son of Andrew WaUon Ar mour, who was for many years con spicuously indent if icd with tho Ar inour interests in Kausasl'ityaud entered the packing house firm in 187'J. After the death of his father, he was made i'-e president and gen eral manager of tho Kansas City branch and upon the death in 18U8, of S. Ii. Armour, he succeeded to the presidency, lie was in the dneetor ies of half a doeu Kansas City con cerns. .Mr. Aimour -has hem for yeari a breeder of blooded heifers and on his farm nonr Kansas City had sonic of the finest stock in the I'uitcd States, included among them I'oiug many importations from the iMiglieh roI herd. lie was twice president of the llerford Breeders asocial on. ii r. Armour leaves a wife and thee children. Tinklehaugh Hfirthvnro Uo-. to build a Now Storo ou B Btr08t. The itout met was let Saturday 'or a new g&vlul) store building on 15 Street to be oucupind by the Tiukle augh Hardware Co. Kensit JJros., contractors were awaided the build ing cgiitruct the lumber will be fur iiislad by the wide awake linn ot J, S. Ma Held Lumber Co. Mr. McKciuion the enterprising Mana ger of the Muylichl Lumber Co., is a gieal hustler and the amount of l.ijnibcr nou being furnished in dif ferent pails of the ejty Speaks well lor the company ninljts manage ment. Verde V. IJnrdo.islle left last night for Anadarko. in the now country, where he expects to make his future homo. .Mr. Iiaidoat!e goes to engage in the pra'-tite of his prof ession, law, and will no doubt soon take a front position in the new city He has been a losidcut of Oklahoma City for the past throe yeais, and leaesinany friends, both business and social, who regret his departure He is at present chairman the dem ocratic city central committee, and is also secretary of the democratic territorial committee. He 1 as always hern an active paitisnn and we shall eipeel to hear from him, both politically and professionally, in his new home Oklahoma City Da Iv Ol.lahoman, ATTENTION, The Commercial Club will meet tonight in the Millc.- building at eight o'clook sharp. All members are urged to be presontas important business matters will come up. By Order of Committee. Look out for the Illinois Grocery Cp. We have cut loose at both ends. Special sales this week; IC lbs. of 8iigar,.nnd 8 pounds of coffee for onlv 81.00. Divers & Co. ere certainly there LWJtht.tliii.goodB, nml It iiat no mis- lalSwheHTStTdonietpainMiKiand MtwSantrmf '"d wainrwperndjgarded as the best trainer of hunt LOCALS. V . F. Smith for food and llour. Hi in the maker and holder in prices. Went C street. IwlJt Siil Barrett has left Anadarko for Knid, Oklahoma where ho will ou ter the employment of Divers ib Co., the painters. See the good things to eat in the Florence Hotel's .Menu in another Loliiimi of this issue. Hnx')ke tt Austin have two car Toads of iiiiillnri) im the i-o.ul to Anmlurko. One fnim St. Louts and one from Kan sas City. It Is ulljiew, swell uml strict I up to date. Miss Gwendolcna Williams who for the past two weeks has been stopping at the Hotel Florence leav es this afternoon for her home in Granite, Oklti. 'Palace Market. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Frank Manning. Guarantee Loan and Building Co., a building; Loan and Savings Bank of Dallas, Texas, with plenty of money to make loans. C. L. Heath, agent, Anadarko, 4,Ed" one of the members of the popular firm of "Bill and Ed's" is rapidly improving and will doubt less be out again this week. His family came from Oklahoma city last Friday. Brooke V Austin, the undertaker's cai vy a complete assortment of adults' ami childrens' robes and shoe. They aro prepared to attend calls at all hours, day and night. Youngheim Clothing Co. have just received a line lino of men's and hoys' shoes. Xorth of square. The Anadarko Steam , Laundry will be open in about a week with a thorough steam equipment and our work will be equal to any in the country. Wait and watch for us. Wilcox, Agent for Anheuser BukcIi beer in this city spent Sunday in Lawton, returning today. George Sutton, traveling circu lation agent for the Kansas City Star spent Sunday in Anadarko as the guest of Fred R. Zillar. J. O. Lewis left Sunday for Kan sas City. He made many warm friendsheroand wo regret that he did make Anadarko his home. Jed' rnnnlngham the genial ag out for Vnl Blatz beer is visiting with his family in Paula Kansas. He will return this week accompan ied by his wife and child. The olayion.eafe has secured the services of Jess R( no of If not one of the best short order eooks in the west. We understand that a rival lunch house offered him fc7G per month, but clayton smilea and sayB: "They did not oome quite high enough. An Indian by the name of Haglett started for Washington, D. C. to day to request the Secretary of the Interior to set aside his allotment, whioh is near Fort Cobb, for a townsite. He has influential back ers who are interested in the scheme. - A. J. Kelley and family will leave Mound City, ilo., the first of this week for Anadarko. They will bring all their household goods and make our city their hpme. Several other families will move here from Mo., shortly, among others the fam-l ily of Mr. Joe Conley. Mr. Cobb, a noted and expert dog trainer passed through Anadar ko this morning enroute for Law- ton where he files on claim number 5080 tomorrow. lie has about 20 dogs in training, among thtin a line i dent line setter puppy, owned by Presi- Roosevelt. Mr. Cobb isre- J. II. Keck, a on Hi; man about J.i yojti-s of age, stout and Inntj. made n brutal nud unprooked at tack upon V.. Austin of the tirni ot Austin it Sigrist hint Friday night Mr. Austin had burned some trash upon his lot in the rem- of his sltojt Friday morning and it seemed to iiiceusu Keck who lodges two doors from AiiBtius. He came into Aus tin's shop Friday night and told him he must not burn any more trash without his (Keek's), pt-rmiMsiou. Austin politelj, resented hiii-Ii a fool ussuinption of authority whereupon Keek sir tick him in the breast knocking him down. Austin is a very delicate iimu and to defend himself in an attack from ns strong a man as Keek. He has hem l trouble and about thirty minutes after the assault he fainted. Dr. C. O. Cnuitoii was called and stated that if the blow had been two inches lower it would have killed him. A warrant is oit for Keck but hr cannot be found. We give Kooks initials as J. II. , but We may have them wrong, if so we would bo pleased to have Keck correct us as wo are anxious to have him well and rightly known. Jiut received, by the Youngheim Clothing Co., a fine line of men's and boys' shoe. Xorth of sqnurc. Palace ilurktn, 0sters, Celery, and Dressed Poultrj a specialty. Orders taken and goods delivered to any part of thocitv. The A. O. IT. AV., one of the lar gest and best fraternal orders in the United States will shortly organize a lodge in tint city. It is useless to mention the stability and respon sibility of this staid old order , Thev urge all who would lik alliliate thPnts(lvwJii.rdnrf to attend. Mr. T. Vl)r.iMUll, the o'-gani.or, roporteitood lodge in Lawton.- lie is u uongonial gun tleman. Watch for duto of meeting later. The W. II. Edward, handsome two story building on south side square and A street will Ik? iead for occupancy Oct. 1st with elegant furnished rooms upsUim, and a so loot line of boots and shoes down stairs. The Owl is all it represents -wide-awake and alwnvs ready to treat its friends ijprdially. Call and see us ou the north fia. udaw Fred Uurnsiile. is'liyUil in Okar idle .I()linTlurtisibl the senior mem ber of the populmHirm of Riirnside i!,.,.ii,,.,- : ,..,:... :n v wii'tiirin, irt iitini' ilia ", J. A. Ku'igjit, W. IJ. Townseiid, Walt Renvois, Harry Hurt, Hop Cloud and Art Pettijohn. of Chick asha, spent Stindny in Anadarko. For jakoB of all kinds go to th. Anadarko Baking Co. Nnrsory Stook for Sale I am agent for the IToiue Nur sery, Lawrenco, Ivan. My home is here among you. An thirty years in this country and know what fruit will do. Leave orders at Pfnff's hardwaro store or at lot o', block 2 I will sell stock to tho end of this month for fall delivery. J. A. Bkckrh. Inference: T. F. Woodan), Pros. Fi.rst Nat. bank; Judgo Crutit LIQUOlt NOTICE. Notice Is lioroby given that Benj. Johnson has tiled hi the office of the county elerk his petition for liquor 11 criiic to sell malt, hpirituou,and inmis liquors at retnll upon lot 1. block HW, in the town oUOadilo, Oenln county, Oklahoma, anil ihut- iinn-.. k mon strance or protost 1 tiled inn otiico on or before October i, JU'II, nn,' cation will be jfi-anted npd Issued. Given undor my hand this .'I of September, 1001. I)KK HAT-UNUlUt. CoUt. s lUTtBMI Aneic!eirlo Tailor Shop 'Austin & Sigrist, Prop'rs. ' leniiinir. lt imiriiig, Dyeing Oontlemon's Clothing. Work executed by exnei i need tailor. onto uml see us. Clothing called for and roturnd it iii,uneil l m of 1 , m ion Track, olTC Street. Pafost Beer is Bhe Best Made. BEWARE of IMITATIONS. Do yoi iced CooJ? See M0NAGHAN . CO. West of Depot On Right of Way. They will Treat You Right- FRESH BREAD. TWIN BROS. BAKERY Ih now prepared to de liver to ony purl of the city. Bakery on I) Street north of Depot. HeHtaurant in Conneetion. See Wagon on Street. II. Bcrg-dorf & Son. WANT? JV"V 'Jtl&A JL Jm Advertise your Want, For J tent, FbVftklo, In fact nmlu your wants koownln the DmtooitAT tlioy hrlug quick result. A goort lady compositor wanted at the Democrat office. Cull at once. W itiiled Buyers for a carload of horses, ou Tuesday, Oct 1. To bo sold at private sale. Position wanted by a competent man Any kind of honest work. Address A, care Doiuoemt. Wauted a good milch cow. Call at Hon Ton restaurant. C street nunr Fourth. A good saddle pony and saddle. kAddroes H. in cure Democrat. tsoisale , Bliu- I'tiint IlestniTiniiV fixture for sale or lease liKieTwisiiing a bargain call at ,,m'fc"jbSjA l.l'.)liiU NOXIOK. Not in is lioroby glveiif that- Franl: WiiLius h m Jllad In tho olllco of the ( omit i i ivlits petition for license to sell in iii, -.wrttuotis and vinous liquors nt re i. ul in thiJ town of Apacho, Caddo .oint. , OklatuJliia, on lots 21 and 22 In Mock 1. H.W. TJWIslon, town of Caddo, I Hid Unit unlcMifci'amortRtr.uico or protest is Uli-d in uiy'p()$Ce7o'h or buforo October itu. 1UOI, ysul tUdUloii will bo granted and license tsSurate; Given uiHlSt Jvfiand this 2lst day of Sttptamber, ;jJ01',ir Dvkr B.?i,t?ioBn, County Clerk. w .LIQUOB l)TIOE. Notld is horohy given that Louis L. Mnrkfwrt, hht flfod his petition in the CIoikflofllae of Caddo County, Oklaho ma Twvttsrj, lot a Uconso to sell at retail, Mt splrltous aiul vlnouillquors upon the 8." W.. of tho S. W. of aoc' tionS, 'JfqwjiM(hp7 0aniQ8 Wost, I. M. Jn mlA fikjWity and Territory and thitt uhltNW proTust or objection to the ijame llleU'uu or before tho 8th daj ofOcUthur lOpls-Hld petition will bo mnld. Vntjes my hand and seal this the 23rd clay of tieptmnher 1001 Dyke BuUinor, County Clerk. I)W,jfQV -visit the ICloudyke .and mlrJiiU. of their iinn ojd whis- W ,(X J0j hniullo i wines d oigjirrt unil they artj jirep'Srjd to fet Maa'n GRAND OPENING! ft Miss Cassidy announces her Millinery Opening on Saturday, Sept. 28, 1901 Ladies are especially invited to be present. Cray's Store, South Side of B St., near 5th J. M. SchoeAheit Attorneyac-Law. to Year's Praotloa. Anadarko, OkUhomt. CHET HIBBS. " Plasterer and Bricklayer. Guarantees satisfaction. Price low tt tho lowost. Leave orders at Black- smith shop north of stock yards, Anadarko. CENTRAL MEAT MARKE'i.' Choice Line of FreU and Cured Meats. Goods 'Delivered to any part ! City. H. K. ADAMS, Prp. B Street between 5th and ath. m & GROCERS. Fresb. Stodk at LoweatPricei Your Patronage Solicited Cor. A and 7th Street. Hotel Florence Miss Florence Rodman, Proprietress. Best Accommodations In Anadarko For The Commercial Trade, Bus Line to a.nd from S.U For All Train's. Rates $2 Per Dy. Good Meals ' Good Servicer C Street Near (tk. 1 XiVl-tiKfm " rJ.l -'.'" iW ru ft ' W.. Tl - ' f , mMHPiJii'y tJT i"3 "PBHBs?1'' Mm$$ n- JUfIJl;L Jtfi s- K ym?1 4 d m ?' f - m , fv .' ,s sr JKrt . ii 'lW' 'X I Mtf. rsA.MuL" n.-cS'iySS?' W -r Erss'tas. TBfci : -.- ifWr mg ri" tuKukmuurnlltuHrakf w gat you hospitably, 'Jwdtt Ik M 'a k9c9HHB 'II '1