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Anadarko IT" Democrat. 1 H -a J V A VOf . L J ANADARKO, CADDO CO. .KL.A. FIU Di:C. .) 1001 NO. 87. & iwrwamoai $2,00 PerGaJlcm $2.00 Per Gallon WHISKEY WHISKEY! . From TKe Kentucky Distillery, Just received one carload of Whiskey, and I am going; to sell it to you at a reduced price, so if you want a quart, onehalf gallon or gallon it will not take a farm to buy it. I will sell you good Whiskey for $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gallon. You can come and sample my goods before you buy, and see for yourself. I expect to stay in Anadarko and I want your trade. Wines, Brandies, Gins9 Rtim5 Apple and Peach Brandy fjiiawrita wti hmumuwiw And everything to be had at a first class bar. Tom and Jerry, Hot Drinks. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year will soon be here, so leave your order and it will be promptly filled. City Orders delivered Quick Salesandsmall profits, jsniy njpjiq ;.- 1 iiMiihi it - HfriiiAtiMiirii 'iL m hMWih r , ""H5r- f tf North East Corner of Court House Squaro Phone 31. ANADARKO DISTRICT COURT NEWS A Brief Outline ot Cases On Trial, For Busy Readers. fTho examination ot witness Stokes begun Wednesday even- in nnd occunving most of tho -day yoslorday, Mr. Speed hav ing taken all morning and the most gl the evening in the cross examination of the witness. The evidence has developed that Stokes has dravn Bomo 30 to 40 fhmiHfind dollars tor-bridge -piers tliatwero built and for piers that were never built. Instead of this'.court being insossionjin and for the oounty of Caddo, it seems to bo a court sotting in and for Kiowa couty. The two cases of Poolo and Stokes have now oc cupied nearly two weeks, and still there are more cases against Poole, one more against Stokes id two against Ryan, The case of Territory vs Rus- .1 has been on chango of anuo from Comanoho county to this county and is sot for trial on Dec. 10. This caso is esti mated to consumo a week. So there will be but little time for Caddo county cases. The cross examination of the defendant in the United States vs Stokes caso was finished this morning at half r"8 n clock after an examination lasting more than a day. At 10:15 o'clock, court took a recess to a wait the coming morning train from Ilobart, which was to bring additional evidonco for the gov ernmont. The Grand Jury entered at 40:25 and make a report. They retired for further delibera tions. Birdie Thompson vs Chas. C. Thompson, decree of divorce for plaintiff in Judge Kerr's court, Bauy and Venablo of Uhickasna, attorneys for plaintiff. Judge Gillotto a few days past in case of Glitsch vs Byrne order ed J. L. Byrne to sorvo Glitsch with the original or a copy ot a certain contraot named in the disbarrmont procoodings against Byrne. Mr. Byrne was cited be fore the court this morning for failure to comply with the order (if the court and was suspended until such timo as he did comply with the rules. Judgo Kerr's court was turned over to the Indians this morning, the divorce mill grinding briskly. Eck-o -rsn-ah-nip-por vs Com anche Tom on ground of adultery J. F. Vaughan attorney for plaintiff. Decree granted. Clyde Cocoa vs Sadio Cocoa, I on graund of adultery. Decreo ' granted. L. E. McKnight at I tornoy for plaintiff. Both woro default cases. The long protracted case of United States vs Stoke closed at noon today and went to tho Jury. Horace Speed addressed the Jury for about one hour on be half of United States and J, II. Cllno on behalf of defondunt. The evidence seemed to show that defendant had drawn pay for five sets of bridge riers that woro not built. FordWells Gro. Co. Handler of Everything to Eat. & W 2ZZ. HIGH GRADE COFFEE Cnflee In the morning Is ' oesi Kneniruilelromoneoi Chase & Sanborn fl nizli art lie Coffees. r very care is ui from the 6clec flnnnf l'w!rrv m me placing in ine nackaee ufiirh vmi Imv If vnu inralil. fin coffeccoflceof clearcolor ana ueucate aroma iwns but Chase & Sanborn'. . WW ft suit 1 R vou. Monarch Lint' of Bottlo Goodn, Preserves, Kraut, Dill Sour and Sweet Pickles. WHAT IRRIGATION WILL DO Greer County Man Has Samples of His Produce i Will Sell for $1.00. 7 bars Silk or Clairette Soap for .25 5 pounds best Head Rice for .25 5 pounds best Michigan Navy Beiins for .25 5 pounds Granulated Sugar for .25 All for $1.00 from now and including Saturday. OUR MOTTO. Good Goods, Low Prices, Quick Delivery. FordWelIs Gro. Co. Phone 17. Guthrie. Okla., Deo. 7 A box of produce grownon the Fullor ton Irrigation farm, in Greer county, shows what irrigation will do in this Territory. It contains samplos of r.'co, Louis iana cane, and swoet potatoes. Tho rice was good, tho cano wus planted late and therefore not a fair sample, and tho potatoes out class anything of tho kind ever grown in the territory. Tho largest potato weighed 10 pounds anu ine next luryusi x-t puuiiut y Struck Bv A Train. , Lawton, Okla., Dec. 7. Wil liam Duncan a drayman of Dun can, who is well known by a number of persons in this city was fatally injured in anncoidont at that place yesterday afternoon his team killed and his wagon was demolished. Duncan was driving over the railroad track just in front of a freight train. In giving his at tention to this train in order to cloar his route, ho was not awaro of tho moving of tho southbound I ironnnnn fr imnfli.ilt 4 rtlr TTf was therefore caught in a tpap m cCcr NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR HOLIDA Y SHOPPING Bofore tho assortments are broken. You have tho choice of all tho good things in tho storo by buying early. Of courso our stock of Christmas Novelties is largor this year than over bofore, and in a fow days our ' storo will havo a Fairy Palaco ap " ' nearunco and will bear tho closest Inspection. Quality and prico con sidered, wo havo tho bust stock tho Markets afford. Seeing is Belieinjg COME AND SEE IT NOW DINKLER BROS. THE DRUGGISTS 'Brick Store, Second Door of The Post Office. nn I J New West (nL from which there was no epcape. The passongor train ran into the wagon, completely demolishing it, killing tho team, and throw ing the driver fifteon feot into tho air. In falling ho utruck the ground on tho head, fracturing tho skull and causing internal injuries, from which at this hour has probably suooumbod. Prof. Hatfield, of Hydro, was a business isitor in th city today. Notice Tho ladies of First Methodist ISpiBcopal church of Anadarko will, on Saturday, Deo. 17, hold a bazaar, serv.o a chicken pie dinner, and havo a box suppor at tho new storo room one door west of tho post office. The money to bo applied to the church dobt. II. O. Moore, rastor. P. S. Let every lady bring a x r n Uiiung supper for two.