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ANADARKO MORNING DEMOCRAT Official Raoor of nada ko VOL XI NO. 33 ANADARKO, OKLAHOMA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1912 33 A YKAR .U. JTU." - FWi. I V j Caddo County Chat. (Iljilro llow. (VI. .'!.)' V. D. tinrrn sliippeil a enr of lij-'H and a oar of attic to Dkla liniim City. Sunday. Karl Lemon luft Sunda) morn ing fn (I rant, Now Mexico, whoio In1 hns ii position witli tla Santa Ke. A nicotine of tlui board of di. rectors of the fair nsFoointion ami every alio inlBroBtsd in t lie Hydro fair is enlled for H o'clock Friday eoniog, October. 11th. A county meeting ib called in Anndnrko for the 12ih, for tlm purpose of taking charge of a county fair. It is up tolldioto know the sentiment mid wiHli of tli pooplo hero before the coifnty mooting. (Cyril Advocate, U-t. .!.) I.iiat Tuesday, Dot. 1, was tho birthday of tlm (Jyril depot and tho arrival of Agent T. M. Wells. Since that tinro ho has not missed a single day or failed to moot a single train. A good locord. 'I'lu publishers of tho Advwntu Jlfivo purchased tho Cement Con ner nnd will conlinno tho publi cntion of that paper at that place. This will mnko no ditWenco in tho publication of tho Advocate, whioh will continue "under the same management t issue weekly at Dyril as heretofore. (Rrldgeport .Sentinel, Oct. 3.) Ilarvoy Harp left for Anndnrko Priilny preparatory to a term of teaching near there. J he unci; Island is InulUing a granotoid culvert at the bridge near tho section house. John White, who has been as sistant farmer to Cnpf. .1. 1'. ho- for n number of years, was IVjnoieu as r n position as.ageni ut rirvaiio. Whon the proposed bridgo across the South Canadian is built it will make th s burg of ours a' real Bridge-port. After yours of agitating tho tlroam of the foum ors of this town is at Inst about to materialize, but when tho finii constructive elements are in place and tho bridge is open to trallio we almll be fully repaid for all our eM'orls ami past disappointment. (Carnegie Herald, (VI. .X) By playing two-thirds of tho game in Hobart's territory and playing tho big hmdcy visitors oil" their feet in nil departments, tho Carnegie high school mot and de feated tho Hobart high school Inst Saturday in one of the prettiest foot ball games ever played here, by the score "of I'.i to H. lloyal nnd Olydo llnrger wero at the annual roping contest at Anndnrko Inst week and gave u Big Reduction ON Tungston Lamps We are glad to announce a big reduction on TunRston Lamps. With prices as quoted below you cannot afford to use the old style carbon lamps. IS Watt Tungstan 2 Watt Tungston 10 Watt Tungston 60 Watt Tungaton 100 Watt Tungston 150 Watt Tungston 250 Watt Tungston Our stock of Hardware, Electrical and Flumbing supply is complete. Do not for get our Tin Shop John Pf aff a Sons iThe Hardware Merchants uood account of' themselves in tho in lest. Hoy Burgor won first pri.o on Friday. His average time Wiu 40 seconds tying two steers. Clyde Burger Win second on Sat unlay, tying two stoors and aver aging .'15 see. mils. The hoys say thuy had a tine time and weio tronlod royally by tlm oiti.ens of Aimdnrko. Anndnrkn has four solid, well managed hanks to moot all liuaii. rial requirements for the handling of the large business centering here. There nro commodious and haiidfiomoly arranged stores with large and well selected stocks of goods. Thme, with 'tho gins, mills and railroad facilities iraKe this oily an exceptionally good trade center. No one thing can do more for a town or city than a commercial club that is idivo, and in this re spect Anndnrko is to bo congratu lated. Kwry business interest in AnadarlM should co-operate with the commercial club and aid in sustaining it. No greater return for the amount expended can be realized thtu that through' a live commercial club: liov. Wilson has been cam paigning in the extreme western stntes, where he has been preoted by great crowds nnd made n most b.vorable impression. At Lincoln, Nebraska, Mr. Bryan's home, the reception to (iov. Wilson was ex ceptionally cordial, and tho com- plimonts exchanged between WilJ son and Bryan wero very felici tous. Ton special trains wnro run to Lincoln to carry the thousands there to meet the democratic nom inee for president '- -Anndnrko hns nil "of the city convonioncos, including free mail delivery, which is more than most plnees of live or six thousand hnvo. Tho water works and electric pow or systems nro owned by tho city thereby assuring ronsonnble rntos for the service. Five miles or more of tho best asphalt paving; and moro than twenty miles of ce ment side wnlks ndd to the beauty mid comfort ot tho oitv. For Sale flood Smith Premier typowritor SflO; new Oliver ."--CiO, J. 10. Sidors, TJeal Uatato Co., Law-ton, Ok. r have $1 0,000. OOJprivate money to loan on improved Anndnrko city property. ' U. J. Scheot.. Mrs. L. F, Lallaiide, of Bir mingham, Ala., is in tho city vis it ing hor sister Airs. J. A, Rogers. Lamp .'15 Each Lamp A b Each Lamp .50 Each Lamp .65 Laeh Lamp .95 Each Lamp l.d 0 Each Lamp 2.30 Each A View by One Who was There, 4 v CadJ" crilinty lias won tho uroat. est victory nlong agricultural lines within the past few days that has o-ur ennio to any county in tho state of Dklnhomatho winning of tho capital pri.o or premium in county coutost at the Dklaho ma Stnte Fair. Wo sny tho uroat est, because the disjilays in the' competition were bettor and h.rg. and margin for victory closer. Xevor in the history of the fair hns the scoring renchnd no high n point nnd never wero the displays so woll represented. The highest score was HH iKiitits, awarded to Cnddo county. 'I ho next score was 8.), the third SI. Tho Cnddo county exhibit, on decoration, lncked only threo points of mak ing a perfect score, was awarded 22 points highor than any exhibit over inado at tho Oklahoma Statu Fnir. J hnil the iilensiirn,.pf)jttvliaitiig. this magnificent 'display. Jt was also viowed by hundreds of others from this county, nnd by thous ands from othor states. 1 took tho opportunity of gathering expres. sions from many who were in specting tno various exhibits and it wob the universal wmliot that Cnddo county had honestly and fairly won tho prize, and too jud- ges wore complimented upon their wisdom in awarding premiums', Tha cordiality with which the managers of exhibits from othor counties rocoived and nctpiiosnt in tho decision ol tho judges wnB very gratifying, especially to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Thawls, who wero in clmrgo of tho exhibit. While some wore disappointed, yet out of the 2(5 eontehts there was onl) one sero spot, Hint eininntcd from the county which failed to retain the silvoreup. It is reported that they had expended .s2."0 on ileco rations alone. But those few Restaurant For Sale Old established restaurant good businoss all year round rtargaiu for same. Apply nt fieorg's JMace, 122 West Alniu. The LaJies Aidof thoAlethod dsst Kpiscoiml Churoli will have their annual Bazaar tho second Saturday in Novombor. Notice By Publication State of Oklahoma I County of Caililo i Notice i hereby 'Ivon that tho tin ilcrsilHfnoil Wultor Gates will by 'his next litem!, L". I... (atc, lilo in the Illstrlct court In ami for I'nililo coiinty, stato of Clkla'.ioinu on .Monday, the 4th day of Novi mlicr. 1912, po tlllon anil apiihcatlon n-ajilng Urn court to confer upon him, the said Walter Gates, n minor, tho rights ot majority concerning contracts, and ein powednj,' hiiu, lite said Walter (iutcw, to transact business in general with the same elTcct as if done by' a pct-.ion above the ago of majority. Datd this, the 2nd da of October 1912. Walter Gitcs, Uy his next friend, Mr-.. K. L. Gtr W.H. Wheulor, Attorney for petitioner 1 i ' i JjJ knockers wore in a class by thorn, selves. Among some of the that Were awarded farmers of Caddo county are tho following: Any variety of whent, .1. I'. Wind. Hydro; second -rye, C. Ii. Willlnius, Hydro; first, castor beans Thralls Bros , Hydro; litst triumph potatoes--.John Jordan, Hydro: first; one bushol yellow corn Chas J. Phelps, Anndnrko; second, J K Dtinlap, Hydro: ,"th: ellow popcorn. Luciin Stnphm, Hydro, tallest stalk of corn, J. W. Tnylor, Hydro; first bnlo of nl Tnlfn, Thrnlls Bros, Hydro. It was froely ronuirkcci hy-visb tors to tho ngriculturnl building thnt the displny ot ngriculturnl ' products this yenr wns tho best over. No Oklnhomnn was nshnnu ed of tho exhibits nnd visitors front neighboring stntes gnzed with liiin'emniit and sunrise 'TfnUrfysninil'OirgnVfirnTiierit.1 demonstration work wns n mo9l intoresting'ienture. Other depnrtmonts of this gient fair wore equally progressive mid indicntori thnt Okhhoma is push ing to the front along nil lines nnd that the fair is improving each year. Tho displnys nre be coming so numerous nnd Amuse ments so nltrnctivo that ono muni put in every hour overy day ami every day during tho fair in ordur to see all thorn is to bo soon and make a thorough inspection if the entire fair, and then one is liable to overlook soiuo things. Wo heard no complaint from those seeking amusements this yenr. Tho fair as a whole was n grand Simeons. How could it have boon otherwise with thnt brainy man, John Fluids, at the head and in comiiinddy nssisted b) k corps of ollicers "who wero on to their jobs,'' nnd who command the re spect nnd confidence of tho fit i xoushipof tho mitiro stnte. L. M. Sjiivoy. A Hero in a Lichthouse. l-'or years .1. S. Donnliuo,jSoiith Ilnvon, Mich,, n civil war captain, as a light homio keeper, nverted awful wrecks, but n queer fnot is ho might have been nwrcok him solf, if Kleotriot Bitters had not prevented. They curoil mo of kiduoy trouble and chills," he writos, "nftor I hndtnken other so cnlled cures for years, without benefit and they also improved m siglyt. Now at sovonty I am feol ing line." For dyspepsin, imli all stomnch Hvor nnd kidney trou bles, thoy'ro without otpinli Try ttiom. Only o() centB ot the l'if uenr Drug Sto:e. Phifohialhic club will meet with Mrs. t'J B. Cnndlor, Tuesday, October 1st. Tho subject U 'America," it is one worthy ol the careful study of overy jnem ber of the club. Nice pleasant rooms for rent, heated "'by fuunace. See' Mto. W. M. l'liim, Sunday School Work The serico Sunday evening nt the Bnptikt chui-ch wero somewhat out of the ordinary, but none the Iob intoresling. l!ov, N. (5. Unit. Her, the pantor, wnii pnmnnt, nuil nclud as chairman of the moot ing, which vnt mninly the promo, tion of .Sunday School Work. Tito Bnptiitorohoitrn fttrniihod oimi ecolleiit miiiic, nnd nlto Hided tho choir. ,Mjbh .Mao lc h'ae sang a olo very 8weolly. 'Ih'i iniiuic was n must oiijoyablo fon. luni of I ho Mflrvicos, o. W. Diitlir rend from tho Bi blu a pnit ol a chnptur dHplctiug the lonohimr of llir Scrvplnroi In ancient timna. O. . WiUon mode an able ni drosH mi Knlhimitism and (.Irjpin. Jitiun in Sundny School Work, in win. -h hi- mi til n,ed a plnu foi i iiiilii.tug i siiccoiHfully. If l Lawrence made an inter Obtui. and iHiinted talk on tho ' Million of a chiiieh ineinber,' which mule a duoj) Impronaiou on 111 i Ill'UVI.i b'-.hri Wilson ami Lawrence nro mcmbfni of, ji ooiumiltoe np lointid Ii, tho Cnddo County Baptist Association to aid in pro iiiotiih' Hithlty and iutonmt in Sumla Schools jiml B. V. 1 U. won.-, and thoy niu thorough h, capuble, Lsdinj. Now i tho timo to gpenk to .Mine Smith to make your now fall suit coats, droes, shiit miiBia mm laiioroii siiirtn como early and nvold the rush. .'I doom west of Ahurnathy Boar( iV- Clov ulud. . Nearly nil tlm county' doinoijrnt f(lfilhltmcfifjlfl)' Sntunlny and had u lively Bpuuk-' iiifiT. "Thoy mo making tbingB hum. Win. leeco and wife hnvo re turned from their summor toilV. Whilo id n family ruitniou Mr. Itoeco met some of his brothers thnt he had not -feeli in thirty yo.t.r8. ' Thorn neor was a time whon people nppteelaloil the real iiierits of Chain liL'rlum'a Toutfh Kciaedy inoio than ni.w. 'J'hii is Rhnwn Uy the Increase in -lile3 anil voluntary lest liuoiilaln ftoin person who have been ctlrr.l by it. 1 1 ou nr your childrOn am troulilial wtth n cough or cold RIVe it a dial ami be come acfpiainted with its food ipuili ties. For xala hy all ilniiruixts. Take ISTotice. No more exouso to jiostpon painting, papering your houses, or (orient! oast fir-your mntorinl, Since I bought tio Strntton stoo iif imints niuLwnll paper at .0 c!b. on the dollar, I aiu onablud to innku youjiottur prices fcnui tho cheaptmt "nstorn houses. , Come in and be coi.vinced. Amularko Paint, ,Cilnss it Wijllpnper llotibo l2it.Kast Brindwny. Pliniio 2711 and 2&s. CCXOCOpCOCiCrOC,?OCC MRS. DORA STREIGHT POPEJOY MUSIO TEACHER 0S West Oklahoma. Avfi., Anndnrko, Okla. A pupil of Dr. Hugh A. C'lnrke and GilbortlRtiynolds Combs, of Philadelphia. Fifteen yoni-3 succosaful oaohiiifr experience Eight years Jin Anadnrko. Vupils! accepted for lcsgonsin" Piano, Harmony, L'ounterpoint and Composition. . Warning:. All partle owning dogs must not allow them to run looae on fl Hlmolswitlioiit Iminir miMlail. lor the next thirty ilnya. uth,.ri,rt thoy will Iw killetl. it. W Oomplmll. Anting Mayor. ' Mm. J. J. While and Mr. Paul .Monro trcntoil thn .oi.urenti.u of tho M. K. ohi.rch Soiiih, (o n Umutiful dwoi Sumlny morning. Boarders Wanted am nrfMwreil (j, tnkn n fi.w I more lKmrUera. First clnns . omiumhtiona gimrnuloed. ICIoc- trin lights, I with nnd rouifortable nHiiiis. J imt likeihome. .Mm L, Al. SIMVKV, 115 Iftwt Olilnhoimi Ave. KoprMonlnlivo Christian hero Monday, but loft for the west to aoo how Ihiuu's ,,ok in that di. rotition. o was in good compa ny us Mr. Willis enniliiliito f,,r Ironsurei h.ul him in olmrgo. Miss Myrtle Hubbard Piano Teacher Terms 5') cents per lesion or 9l.0Q pr uionty. Inquire ut Mrs. Chnnney Khodea Fast Broadway SILVER LEAF SHOE SHOP As 1 have purchased n Clmm pion Stitching and .finishing nw cliiuo. 1 am prepared to do ntj kinds of repair work, in a first m3inonno.r, triv-inu atrial. stdiHfnction guarnntoed. Ii N. Cesnr, proprietor, ."ith st., between BroaiKvny and Main. PJ8-- JPSEPII . .E. NANCE. Late Veterinary Inspector for U. S. Government. Office Phono 35 Residence 104 ANADAKKO, - OKLAHOMA rWVSMMV A MW'Ay The Hotel Main Hus ))iit. on our streets a cnb and team thnt would ben credit to any city, and all calls will receive prompt attention, lkggngo trans, forred day or ujidit. Phono I2ti. Hotel Main G. F. BRYAN Real Estate, Loans aid Iisiraice Phone 152. l IflUv in ieir of I'irst Stale Hanlv. B MM ; 'I VVVVWWSAAA .WAV $to J&'tWKJ"''V'V,' '