Newspaper Page Text
sorie of hie GLAD FOLKS By FRANK L. STANTON. 1 reckon the folka'a enjoy the Thankagtvin1 . Bo many of 'em are glad that they're livln. ' Here, In a world that's eo happy, no skies Beam any brighter than Love's sparklin. eyes. Day time or night time, They're findin' the bright time, An' any time Love comes is always the right time. TKLLnra you bttlTj, SO COMB TO THE TABUS BY VALLEY AXD With the fields sayin' Plenty," an' tellin' you still To 'come to the table, by valley and hill. . An the winds slngin' Joy as they're . sweepin along, . Z reckon we're here fer a Thanks givin' song. 80, day time or night time. We're reapin' the bright time. An any time Ixve comes is always the right time. -.Atlanta Constitution. - Not Essentially American. , Our American Than kaglvlng is usual ly. considered our one native contribu-, tlon to the holidays of nations, as its observance originated with the- New England fathers. Perhaps the fathers themselves liked to think of It in this originative way and so wished it per petuatedas something that had flow ered on the bleak rock of their per sonal struggle. It was to be peculiar ly their day, peculiarly a heroic New Cngland day. an American day. 80 in a sense it is; so in a to not Essentially our American Thanksgiv ing is least American of our holidays, for, the simple reason jthat it is too human to be merely American. There were no most human things left, for the New England fathers to originate. They are lmmemorlally older Jhan this country. There are no original ways of expressing gratitude.' All the path ways of thanksgiving are very old paths. James Lane Allen in Munsey's Magazine. 1 THANK THEE, LORD." T THANK thee, Lord, for ev ', exy moment dropped Into my life that - had tome iweetnew; For all the gulden hours when friendship met -And pave np heart for heart and thought for thought; 'For all the lore that faithful hearts let fall To drop into mine own; for ev- ery look From loving1 eyes ; for erery smile or word That gladdened me; for subtle . influence : That made me strong, dear Lord, I thank thee. I thank thee, Lord; I thank " thee for the hours When flowed my tears r When fell those 'grief wrung drops-'. On lips that murmured, "Lord,. . thou knoweit best." For all the love born sorrow, 1 . hidden pain; For all the cares and burdens of my life (For, glad or sad, thou givest for the best) ; For all the strength thou gay est me to bear, Deaf Lord, I thank thee. . .Rose' Pastor. KEWYORICKIDS" Oil THANKSGIVING ON' Thanksgiving day the visitor to New York city, especially if he extends his observations to the poorer districts of the city, is much amused and interested by the ragamuffins who form a quaint and distinctive part of the city's celebration of the day. These ragamuffins are youngsters of both sexes who dress In all sorts of queer and elaborate costumes and parade the streets. There Is no concerted general parade, but merely local assemblages, seldom over ten os twenty in number. Most of the groups are smaller. To "dress ing up" the ragamuffins often add beg ging for small coins, fruit, candy, etc., and it is this feature of the annual masquerading that has led in recent years to a demand for its suppression. Often New York parents will give per mission to their children to masquer ade, but they add strict injunctions against begging. They are willing to let Johnny or Jennie enjoythe day in the ancient, time honored manner, but they set their faces against mendican cy. "You may dress up and go out, but you mustn't do any begging," Is the order. Many of the young ragamuffins find their greatest Joy in arraying them selves in. the clothing of the opposite sex. Half grown boys trail long skirts behind them or imitate the fashion when it calls for snort skirts. And the hats they wear are wonderful and fear ful creations. The little girls like to don trousers and discarded men's hats. Often the boys and girls black their faces, but not many masks are seen. Well known characters are frequently imitated, and in the recent past a cer tain "movie" comedian with a funny a rcNNi ragamuffin. walk and a laughable little mustache has been much in evidence 611 Thanks giving day in the New York streets. This Thanksgiving mummery In New York, which Is not. found in any other 'city. Is a local custom, dating back sev eral decades to the old target compa pics which UHed to shoot for prizes. They were ward bodlex In the days before the districts known ax -wards were abolished. Ou Thanksgiving day these target companies assembled and paraded from house to house, visiting the prominent men of each ward. These men, city official. Judges, poli ticians, etc., gave prize which were shot for later in the day. and the day's festivities wound up with a ball. The target companies were succeeded by, companies of men called "ragamuffins" or vfantastlcals." who dressed In fan tastic garb ou Thanksgiving day. These adult ragamuffins have now been succeeded by the youngsters who "dress up." In a recent letter nn old New Yorker writes thus of the ragamuffins: "I was Interested In reading your article on the subject of the Thanks giving day mummers, and I am rather surprised that some ancient person In the Greenwich village could not give you some information as to the origin of the custom, which, as far as I know, is local to New York. "In my boyhood in the early seven ties there used to parade through the streets on Thanksgiving day bands of grown men, some . on foot, some on horseback and others In the two wheel ed butcher carts of the day, clad In eccentric and fantastic clothes. These bands or companies tailed themselves the fantas'tleals and were called by the people of the street the raga muffins They paraded In a spuit'of more or less glee and were , received with good nature and amusement "I used to be told by my elders that the fantastlcals paraded In derision and mockery of the mllltla parades of the time, but their humor was- proba bly leveled against the mllltla of an earlier date and possibly In memory of the general muster and training of a still earlier daf." . , WW r i r fell ABOOT THE BIRD OF THANKSGIVING THE bronze turkey, that variety which today holds the place of honor in the North American group of turkeys, Is outdone by none when it comes to beauty or sizo. Black, beautifully shaded with a rich bronze, the breast plumage being dark bronze illuminated with a lustrous tin Ish of coppery gold, gives full warrant for the name by which this bird Is known. The full grown, healthy bird Is a beautiful picture of bronze, black, cop pur und gold und sometimes weighs forty or more pounds. Other varieties known In the barnyard and even rec ognized among dealers as having dis tinctive markings are in reality only highly developed fowls with preserved peculiarities. Under this classification comes the white turkey. in the United States there are six standard varieties recognized and grown. These are the bronze, Narra gansett, buff, slate, white and black. The chief differences ure In size and color of plumage. The bronze and Narragansett are the largest, the buff and slate medium, while the white and black are the smallest Within late years, however, the white variety has reached such a point of popularity that It has increas ed in size until with some dealers it occupies third place. Whatever the turkey may have miss ed through failing to secure that place of honor suggested for it by Benjamin Franklin as the national bird It has nevertheless found a place in the re gard of the American people which is held by no other fowL Time was when a turkey, or as many us could be curried, might be had ul most for asking. Then came the period when CO cents would buy a plump young fowL Even so short a, time as ten years ago turkeys could be pur chased for from 8 to 20 cents a pound, dressed. Some Interesting figures were at one time compiled by the department of agriculture in connection with the tur key. In 1S0G the census showed the turkey population in the United States to be 12.000.000. Four years later the department found there were but G.500. 000. Such a discrepancy needed lnves tigation. It was made, and the answer was soon forthcoming. In the year 1S90 the breeders had lit erally counted their eggs before they were hatched, and the consequent total included all poults, eggs In the nest and birds expected as well as the grown turkeys. With the latter figure only birds of three months or more were included. That figure, therefore. Is the true estimate of the average annual turkey supply at that time, while today the supply has increased with the ris lug demand each year. But even with the Increase that has come with the passing years the sup ply is not sufficient or the price low enough for every person In this coun try to Include It In the list of Thanks giving features. And so the picture which Cray painted cannot hold true, lie wrote. "From the low peasant to the lord, the turkey smokes on every board." New York Sun. Origin of Thanksgiving. In colonial days It was customary to appoint days of fasting or feasting, of prayer or thanksgiving, when public events seemed to warrant this recognl Uon. In 17S9 Washington ordered a day of tbanksglviug for the adoption of the Federal constitution. Subse quently various days in November were recommepded by presidents and governors until, in 1803. the regular observance of a national Thanksgiving day was Instituted through a' procla mation of President Lincoln. The president's proclamation does not make it a national holiday. It applies legal ly only to the District of Columbia aud the territories. It Is the governors' proclamations that affect the states The day is observed lu all states, but In some it is not a statutory holiday. Thursday was originally selected by the Puritans probably because, being near the 'middle of the week. It gave opportunity for the scattered members of the family to come together and to return without desecrating the Sab bath by travel. November was xe lected as the month when the fall bar vests were all gathered. Other conn tries have Thanksgiving days for spe cial occasions, such as success in battle or the deliverance of the people from a national calamity, but the fixed an nual Thanksgiving day if a custom be longing to America alone. "Harvest Horns" and Thanksgiving. The harvest home of the Saxons and Celts, the cerealla of the Romans, the Israelltlsh feast of tabernacles and. for all that we know to the contrary, the first harvest celebration of pre adamlte man were the actual pre cursors of our Thanksgiving. Even among the American Indians there was held on autumnal festival which might not unjustly clAlm precedence as the true aboriginal Thanksgiving of the western world. Modern observances of Thanksgiving, with their sporting features, are denounced In certain quarters as Kudly at variance from the Ideas of the Plymouth colonists during their first golden autumn on the const of Cape Cod bay. indications are not altogether wanting, however, that the manner of celebrating has changed In nonessentials only. - llo longer Is a whole week devoted to Thanksgiving, as In the days of (ioter nor' Bradford A single day suffices. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COMMISSION . . OwuiHO, Nov. 20, 10)6. Regular meetlot of the Commission, Mayor DeYoung presiding. Members present, De Young, Iltnacom, Rosevear. The minutes of tbe last regular meeting were read and approved as printed. PETITIONS Thi following petition wan presented and referred to ther department of public improve ments: Petition No. 843. To tbe Commission of tbe City of Owoaao, Gentlemen: We, tbe undersigned prop' rty owners residing: on S. Saginaw street between South and Stew art streets, petition for the grading ti said S. Saginaw street between Kidge and Stewart streets. Signed: F. E. ileebe and five others. Tbe following petition was presented and referred to tbe department of publio utilities: Petition No. 844. To the Commission of tbe City of Owosto: The undersigned taxpayers respectfully peti tion your honorable body to cause a street l'ght to be placed on South Cbipman street near tbe Grand Trunk tracks. .. Signed: John II. Dlbean and three other.. REPORTS FROM CITY OFFICERS The following report was presented and ordered printed: Owosso, Mich., Nov. 20. 1910 To tbe Honorable Mayor and Commission cf tbe City of Owosso, Michigan. Below la a statement of tbe receipts and aikbursementa cf tbe City Treasurer's omoe tor tbe month of October, 1910, with a detail ed statement of the balanoes in the various funds Nov. 1, 1910. Balance on hand Oct. 1, 1910 t 07 957 80 - CKCE1PT8 Contingent Fund Justice fees aud fines Int. on deposits City Clerk's coll Sidewalk fund Loan OwossoSav Bank Interest and sinking Jn crest on bonds 00 35 133 t2 211 27 K03 00 23 00 404 14 1000 (0 25 (0 1C00 00 25 8702 4) 3S1 71 8200 00 Sprinkling Fund Loan, State Savings Bank 1000 00 Fire. Dent fund City Clerk's coll 85 Water works City Clerk a coll 8703 47 W Main St Pavment No. 2 Summer tax coll 88171 So Wash St far Nol BoDd loan, Htate Sav Bank 2500 00 Bond loan, Slate Say Bank 1000 00 Library Fund City Clerk's coll 8 00 Store- ft Def Fund City Clerk's coll 64 90 8 00 64 (0 19770 47 DISBURSEMENTS Contingent Fund 209 02 Police Department 7d 93 Siaewaia 978 81 General Sidewalk Kit VO General Street KM 09 Int. and Sinking 2913 67 Refunded Park Bonds ltOS 95 Fire Dept (lot ana Sinking) 72a 45 W. Mala St Paving Kepalr 723 45 Refunded paving fund 73 45 Sprinkling 7870 Fire 924 W Water Works 2759 c 8 Central bewer 60 94 Health 30 Light 730 44 Curunns road Sewer No 8 15 V0 Howell & Lynn Sta sewer 18 00 W Main St PvmvNo. S 919 24 Oliver & Wash Pav 27 50 S Waeb St Pvmt No. 1 830t) 00 Library 183 15 Park ' 36 00 balary 824 97 Store and deficiency 89 0J 19529 50 FOMD BALANCES Contingent I 8268 18 Police . 75l 00 Sidewalk 754 30 Genera) aldewalk 1502 14 General street 8134 48 Paving 1461 80 Int and 81nking fund 376 70 O & W Sta paving bond (St Improvement) 5482 65 Ref Atmory bond 4718 08 Bridge bonds. 2nd tstue 1123 00 Washington & Main St. paving akg 460 91 Ref Gen'l Improvement 7X3 45 Paving 723 45 " due 1917 2173 93 Fire Hydrant 3302 fc water woraa v w General Water Works 110 75 suu Dial Hiehwav 994 M General Sewer- J79 00 Health Light ' It Aboott St sewer 100 Ada Jannett St eewer t nnd 01 Adams St. Sewer No. 5 H 84 Adama St sewer No. 139 91 Ball St. Sewer No. 8 03 21 ODO&MSti aewer i 50 Cbipman St. Sewer No. 3 49 80 rvimiiiuk Rt. Harer 18 71 Comstook St. Pewer No. 4 5ft 87 Corunna Road isewer no.i 1 si Corunna- Ave. West Diet 1 ui Corunna Ave Lateral (0 S Dewev St sewer 18 74 Division St Lat sewer 10 7ft llrrn.. Nt mT 8 33 Glenwood Ave aewer - 33 80 Howell & Lynn st sewer os vz King & Ada Ht sewer 18 1 8 Lansing St. Sewer 77 83 w Main St sewer 80 U 'Maple Ave aewer 15 20 Mulberry St. Lat Sewer No. 3 7 M M ich Ave aewer No. I "8 67 NOwoseo Sewer '. 803 10 oiU wood & Main St. Sewer ' 217 47 Park Ht Lat Nw 13 83 73 Pine St. sewer IS 4b Railroad St Grand Ave Sewer 81 00 Sailnaw M. Sewer 13 93 Saginaw St. Sewer No. 14 84 5( Snlawassee Ht aewer 33 06 E Dl v. S Owosso Sewer 863 31 Wash St. Sewer No. 0 8i 04 Wasn St. sewer No. 10 138 93 Water St Sewer No. 7 10 04 wiuiams ft Oak St. Sewer 80 10 Water Sc. Lat No. 41 75 Water St. Sewer Ext 85 05 Woodlawn, RHfc Alger Ave fewer 167 8ft Wash & Ridge St aewer 27 80 W Main Ht. Pav. No.2 E Main St Pav. 42 28 repair 7 8 O &W St Pavement 284 88 W at M st. tr avement 1 70 So Wash St Pav No 1 . 1721 17 UriAom 44S 511 Comstook Creek Drain 17 43 Henry St opening ISM Liiorary 1 Liability h87 76 Trk 679 61 Bentley Park 268 34 Salary 3047 10 More ana uer. mv 70 Wesson Dram . 81 78 Br 11 Drain Ext No. 1 1 81 Adama St. Curb 29 2ft Clark Ave curb 31 48 Exchange St curb 61 69 Haglnaw Ht. Curb No. 1 60 13 Suta. A Williams St curb 14 14 Water St. Curb . 13 99 f e2Y7 15 84 88 Balance Nov 1st, 1910, l'8:04 27 BANK STATEMENTS For tbe month of Ootber. 1910. rit'cena' Savings Bank Owi'uo Savings Bank tt te Savlnga Bank 178X4 89 16567 78 17820 80 52039 47 6062 2) Cash on hand City Bonds 67101 79 4500 10 61C0I 72 1397 4i I titOi 87 Respectfully submitted. A. T. WRIGHT. City Treasurer. NEW BUSINESS The following resolution was presented and on motion of Mr. Kosevear same was adopted, ayes De Young, Hanscom, Roseveur: 1 November SO, 191ft. Resolved by the Commission of the City of Owohho that tbe claims and accounts hereto attached be approved and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby Instructed to issue warrants on the City Treasurer against the various funds for amounts shown: THOU COSTING INT FUND P R Forster Kelly & Douglass ' 1 on ChioagoFlagA Decorating Co 136ft L H McDowell 2 hU Jesse Clark ," j q FROM POLICB DEPARTMENT FCMO Phillips & Taylor Townsend Fulmer Co F Scotleld Union Telephone Co W S Patterson G J D nyes W S Fuller .., A Gerard MKerby.... ..".' 1 M 90 50 10 17 50 10 75 10 75 16 75 10 75 FROM SIDEWALK 'FUND Fred Welch ... J Frlschke .... Fred Burbans. Wm Burton ... Arthur Kirby . J Hutchings... R HauHwlth... J CCollard .... 8 68 3 75 2 08 0 4 2 75 2 60 2 ft' 4 95 ' FROM GENERAL STREET FUND- J Frlschke Fred Welch O W Fishbeok , Southard A Densmore , Owosso Store account Sam Plant , Mike Manzor HertMartz , Wm King , K Hauswith .., F Myers Store & Def. Fund...., ! J C Collard PDeVoe M Manzor Bert Martz Store & Def fund WmKing Wm Burton , Arthur Kirby , R Hauswith F Mters WKing H Peterson J as Nelson Sam Plant J Mitts C Lewis , Dave Cope J S Warren . D Speck E Hesse J Helt C.Giffei FROM FIRS DEPARTMENT FCND HADudeck . Hughes & Son Blair & Gay lord Sturtevantot Blood Co W D Allen Mfg Co 17 81 7 51 2 60 15 6 50 3 75 1 25 1 25 8 00 5 10 4'1 6 31 0 75 3 75 6 60 6 50 13 50 2 25 0 00 2 75 2 75 2 75 10 to 10 10 6 0 0 88 1 38 5 00 0 00 8 25 12 25 12 25 12 26 12 25 10 29 1 50 30 55 4 95 FROM WATER WORKSj FUND Sturtevant & Blood Co.. Expense account Kelly & Douglass W D Allen Mfg Co H S McKeeby Public Improvement Dept Detroit Lead Pipe Works Cr sbv Steam Gage & Valve Co.. W Collard J Collard F M llspaugh O Henderson H Keves W J Hall J Porter R D Dutcher ; FROM HEALTH FUND Union Tel. Co.... 6 60 10 13 60 1 75 1 61 26 27 47 80 4 00 21 12 6 21 9 00 7 87 13 50 6(1 75 1 to 50 From the Corunna Koad Sewer. No. 3 Fund WKing... v... 160 feam Plant 1 25 j warren 2 60 R Hauswirtb 1 26 Store and Def fund..... 8 oj From the S. Washington St. Pavement No. 1 Fund Metropolitan Paving II rick Co. Standard Oil Co . ...., Mich. Cent. R R Co...... Fred Burbans .................... E 1 pense account Ann Arbor R K Co EC Hall Will King Sam Plant Dave Cope C Lewis JS Warren M Mansor Bert Martz A Kirby Store and Def. fund .1000 00 . 7 65 2 86 .. 4 27 ,. 9 97 .. 0 03 60 .. 3 00 .. I 88 ,.- 1 25 ,. I 25 .. 2 75 .. 1 38 . 1 38 . 1 38 M 4 6J From the Liability Fund A M Hume 8 75 FROM LIDRART FTJKD M DeYoung 00 Chic go Flag & Decorating Co 0 77 Earl Patterson 12 to FROM BENTLEY PARK FCND J CCollard 4 60 ' STORa & DEFICIENCY FUND H S McKeeby 4 00 Geo Freet 15 00 The following ordinance was presented and on motion of Mr. Hanscom same was adopted, ayea DeYoung, Hanscom, Rosevear: An Ordinance nmendine Section 27 of nn ordinuuee entitled, "An Ordinance regulut- ig vehicles in nnd trnrnc- on the streets, highways and nubile u laces In the City of Owosso, and to prescribe a penalty for violation thereof, passed and approved May 15, 191U. The City of Owosso Ordains: Section 1. That Section 21 of an ordi nance entitled, "An Ordinance regulating vehicles In and traffic on tbe streets, high ways and tiubllc d luces of the t'ltv of Owosso, und to nrescrlbe a penalty for the violation thereof," passed and approved May 15, 11)10, be and the same Is hereby amended to read as follows: Sect. 27. Every m tr vehicle " perated and driven on any of the public highways In tbe City of Owosso shall be Drovlded with adequate brakes sufficient to control the vehicle at all times, and a suitable ana adequate bell, born, or other device for signaling and shall during the period of froirl one hour after sunset to one hour bcror sunrise display at least one lighted lamp on tbe front and one on tbe rear of such vehicle, which shall also display h red light visible from the rear. The white rays of, said such rear lamp shall shine npon tne nuinuer plate carried upon me rear 01 Mich vehicle. The light from the front lump shall be visible at least 100 feet In the direction In which the motor vehicle Is proceeding. The light from the rear lamp shall be vlsable at least 100 feet to the rear of said vehicle, and such rear lamp shall be kept reasonably clean so as not to in terfere with the throwing of the light from the same. Every motor vehicle shall be provided nnd equipped with some prac tical ond efficient device or devices where by the forward light or lights of scuh ve hicle may be dimmed or lessened to such nn ettent that ucli light will not Inter fere with the sight nor emporarlly Mind be vision of the driver of nn approaching vehicle or pedestrian; and it shall he tin duty of every chauffeur or driver of such motor vehicle or other vehicle equipped with such lights to effectually apply such dimmers to the forward light or lights of the vehicle being driven by him nnd came such light or lights to be dimmed und lessened so as not to Interfere with th ilght or temporarily blind the vision cf the driver of any approaching vehicle and shnll apply such dimmer to the forward light or lights of the vehicle bclug drlvn by hi in nnd cause such light or lights 'to be dimmed and lessened at all times while snld vehicle Is operating upon the paved slreets of the City of Owosso. Provided, that motor bicycles or motorcycles r hit 1 1 be required to dlspluy during the tlnte above mentioned but one lighted lump In Unpaid Cbecka Ba'ance Nov. Ut, 1910. the front of stieh vehicle, the rays of which shall be visible 100 fwt In the di rection lu which the motor vehicle is pro-' cwdlng aud one lighted lamp In tu rear, the llKht from which shull bu vlhihla at IcuNt 100 feet to the rear of kucIi vehicle 11 nd provided further that nil bicycles Khali be- required to display durlug the time abov. mentioned one lighted lamp In tlio ro,;t t said bicycle, the rays of which vhall be ylslblH 100 feet In the direction Which Hillri ltlrv'lu ii ii-..ull.... . .1... ...i.k nn udequate boll. Section a. This Ordinance shall takw f feet duys ufter Its adoption und publl- I'UHMed and nnnrovoil Mnvainim, on, k 15)10.. JAM its riiivntivn Attest : Mavor ARTHUR II. DUMOND. ' . City Clerk. The bill of Elbert Pnrtmna tnr k' 1 Ml no In the Surnvmn ourt In thw pjiu nt Aim. . General vs. Sadie Woodard was presented and nn mnltnnnf Ur llanhn m camA n... n 1 1 ayes, De Young, Hanscom, Rcsevear. On motion of Mr. Rosevear the Commission adjourned, ayes De Young, Hanscom, Rosevear. JAS. DE YOUNG. ARTHUR n. DUMOND Mayor. city cierk. Advertised letter at tbe Ojvohro roat office for tbe wetk ending Nov. 18, 1916: Mlea L A. Babfock". Barrv Hoanital. Marion Bitte, O C Pipes, Cbarlea Reid, J. J. Rob, F. H. Smith, Clyde Waid, Geo. W. Willis. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ears of &$fM&fa the Signature Commissioners' Notio. In tbe matter of the estate of Mar Mer- chart. deceased. We. tbencderxlcned. h vlnar been annninted bj tbe Hon. Mattbew Hmb Judge or Probate in and for the Pnunty of Sbiawt'sre, S'ai of Michigan. Commissioner to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all per sons against said estate, do berebv give notice that we will meet at tbe Owosso Savit us Bank. in tbe City of Owooso, 1o said Coumy. on niooaay. toe sin any or January, A D. 1917. and on Thursday, tbe 8th davof March, A. D 1917, at tn o'clock In the forenoon of each of said dajs. for the purpose of receiving and aojusung an claims against said esta'e and that four month' from the 0th day of November, A. D. 1916, are allowed to eredltora to oreseet their claims to said Commissioners for ad justment and allowance. Dated, the 6th day of November. A. D. 1910. WORTHY 8. COPPER, ARTHUR ALLITON. Commissioners, NOTICE OF PUBLIC IMPROVE MENT and of special assessment number 136 for the construction of a sewer along Mason street from Dewey street to Gilbert street and upon Gilbert street from Mason street to the south line of lot 1, block 7 of City Assessor's Plat No. 1. To All Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to a resolution of the Commission of the City of Owosso adopted at a session held upon the 30th day of October, A. D. 1916, no tice is hereby given that the City of Owosso proposes to make the follow ing improvement, viz: To contsruct a sewer along Mason street from Dewey street to Gilbert street and along Gilbert street from Mason street to the south line of lot 1, block 7, of City Assessor's Plat No. 1. That the plans and specifications and estimates of cost are on file in ray olFice for public inspection; that the Commission have designated as the special assessment district upon which the special assessment for said improvement shall be levied the fol lowing: Commencing at the north west corner of lot three of block seven of the City Assessor's Plat number one; thence east to the north east corner of said lot; thence south to the southeast corner of lot six of block two of G. R. Lyon's Addition to the City of Owosso ; thence west to the northwest corner of lot one of said addition; thence south to the southeast corner of said lot ; thence west to the southwest corner of said lot ; thence south to the northeast cor ner of lot seven, block one of said addition; thence south to the south- cast corner of said lot; thence west to the southwest corner of lot five of said block one; thence north to the northeast corner of lot three of said block one; thence west to the north west corner of said lot; thence north to the northwest corner of ot one of block three of G. R. Lyon's Addition to the City of Owosso; thence cast to the northeast corner of said lot; thence north to the northwest corner of lot three of block six of the City Assessor s Plat number one of the City of Owosso; thence east to the plae of beginning; the same to be assessed according to benefits. The Commission of the City of Owosso will meet at its regular ses sion on Monday, the 4th day of De cember, A. D. 1916, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon when it will hear ob jections to the improvement as afore said and to the district to be assessed. Notice is also hereby given that the special assessment heretofore made by the City Assessor for the purpose of defraying that portion of the costs which the Commission decided should be paid and borne by special assess ment for the improvement as afore said is now on file in my office for public inspection. The Commission of the City of Owosso will meet at its regular session on Monday, December 4th, A.. D. 1916, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon to review the special assessment and hear any objections to any assessment which may be made by any person deeming himself ag grieved thereby. Dated November 16th, 1916. ARTHUR II. DUMOND, , 2vke f City Clerk,