Newspaper Page Text
Sxpres VOLUME 1. LEBANON, LINN CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1887. NUMBER 4. .Lebanon How tn Make Pofm. "Pray, tell me truly. I aaid tr ange, Ti- maso-r of mt iei I- a mm Who hud rva-l every p m wjr Br No mm tr by wti hi . i . .r wb.; "Pray, tell m ony. h'W po m an- made. (I knew thii. tuil many .i .hue Toe Mr In thy grove of lb? Mu had 8rayel, And h tl clothed fcU bright fanoKH i t rhym-). "Let ur K-iiius, tny son," he replied, "bava lis ajr. In apl . In defiance of "nse; But aov.-m riiiht w-si lis ayjitneitcil play" On number and (render and tens ' For, know J' u. hi liuv-s the hISI t us divine K-d a Hi" in a at-natble way. Jui as many a b nnd of most deiteate wine N in a relsl i to r o il bouquet. Vrl, ihotifrh -ii8 iM tku touxin are oft to demand To hc.p iho rliyme-: avl nb!m out, That rbym is tue rudder of veiae, under-amn-u To is not a aciiitlla of . uub. 8o ihiw. tf yi ti'd e 'tint on tu Muse a yout frlemi. And wou.d never in poetry fail, Gufcie the acnaw of y.)ur lines ly the rhymes attbuei.d. Just as lu chera steer oalves by the tail. It "a he jt ia tmit p raf-s tne .1 v mgtf uar The music of rhyti m and tbyiio-; Keep tbia well In nitmt, and. my son, never fear But you'll rank aa a poet In time. G:ith Brittle. JOHN IIAUVP.VS MISTAKE. A life wit pnssiug away, softly and gently it was gliding into eternity. No eminent physician watched its decay; i no wealtn eased its pnintul joitinrs j alone the road to death; yet no word passed Clara Lester's lips; no traitorous cry that her burden was greater than sue could bear csnw lrom iier loyal I heart. Tain had traced many a wrinkle on ber fair forehead, but her brows bad 1 never been drawn together in angry i impatience. Bel Urmson. loving her sister devoted-J ly, and tending her daily, was kept in j ignorance of her d inger, and never sus- ! pected the slenderness of her hold on J life. Bel omy saw that Clara was young, anu ueauttiui. nnu ueiicate. xes, she was delicate; but then Clara had been delicate from her chitdtiood, and in-e that dreadful morning when news came to tiit tn that the steamship Cawn pore had been wrecked off the African coast, aud Capt Lester's name had ap peared among the passengers drowned ir missing, his young bride Clara Les ter had. a Margaret expressed it, never raised ber head. Death and her sister were, however, never associated in Bel Urmson' mind. Ciara was delicate and that was all. Three years had run their course since the wreck- of tbeCawnpore and (.apt. Leeter had never come back to his wife; and now. she wbisjiereJ to herself, she was going to him. Before Bel had attained her 18th year she was engaged to be married to Lieut. Hey wood, a young officer iu the tn Hussars; but a misunderstanding had arisen between them, nnd tbej parted. Clara used to say to her, "1 am sure there is only some foolish mistake be tween you. and some day Lieut. Hey wood will come back to you and every thing will be explained." But Bel had laughed scornfully at Clara's prophecy and refused to place any onfidence in iu Her disappoint ment had shaken her confidence in hu man goodness and integrity, aud she became suspicious, reticent, and sar castic. But gradually Clara Lester's in fluence efle -ted a change, and two years later Bel Urmson had learned to love again and was once more engaged to be married. One morning Bel was seated on a low stool by her sister's couch, her chin resting on her hand and her eyes gaz ing vacantlr on the floor. She had been silent for a long time, when denly she Kjxjke. "I thought ought to know I had loved before, and so I told sud- that him the story of my love. Was I right?" and she turned her dark, handsome face to her sister, while her glorious brown eyes seem to repeat Jier question. 'Was 1 riht?" Quite ritrhl." Clara answered; "you have only tor. staiteil the advice 1 in tended to give you to-day. And he, Bel what did Air." Harvey say?" A blush crept np the girl's cheeks, and her eyelids drooped for an instant as she said: 1 don't think he liked it. Clara, he looked so disappointed; but he said very little. But I do love him. and he has no cause for jealousy. But he is jealous jealous as Othello" and with a light. careless laugh she turneit away. "I'm sure Bel does not love him." the sister murmured, squeezing her fingers ' together in agony at the thought. I have come earlier than usual." said John Harvey, who now entered. The fact is. I have received a telegram from my father informing me of his ar rival in'Eugland and requesting my im mediate presence in Southampton, be cause, as he expresses it, he is not so well. I do not suppose it is anything serious; nevertheless. 1 am obliged to leave Sutton to-night." I am sorry," Clara said. "1 hope yon will find him better. John," she continued, leaning over and laying her hand in his. "my life is so uncertain. I may never see you again. Don't start the thought is not new to me. Prom ise me I will not ask you to swear it, for a man's word should be binding as his oath but promise me now, before I die, to be always kind to Bel." Startled and surprised though he was, without a moment's hesitation he an swered: I promise. To the utmost of mv power I will be good to your darling' Thank you. she murmured as her sister and the nurse made their appear ance. "And now. if you will take Bel away. Margaret shall help me go to my room. Good-by. John." He shook hands with her, expressing hope that when he returned he should find her stronger. Then he and Bel walked to Uie email iron gate which divided Mr. Lester's miniature garden from Sution Common, and pausing there he as-Wed: "Bel. will you write to me while I am away?" They had been engasred only a month, and this was their first reparation; nev ertheless, she answered with, warm de cision: "Xo; you will live on my letters and be in no harry to come back to me." That same "night, Cian Lesier found the release for which she had so long waited. "I will neer listen to auv of Bel's road projects again," was John Har ver's mental resolution as he stepoed out upon the platform of Sutton Sta tion. "I have been away only a fort night, and it seems an age since I bade her good-by at the gate." As be approached the cottage his at tention was attracted by the figure of a gentleman walking before him he was the stranger who had spoken to the porters at Sutton Station. He was several yards in advance of John Harvey, not walking in the desul tory, purposeless manner of a stranger, but like one who, having an object to accomplish, was already in view of the goal for its attainment -A fine fellow!" was John's soliloquy. "But 1 wonder who be is and where he is going." Almost in answer to the query the stranger pushed open the gate of the cottage, and, eutering, closed it behind him. In a few seconds more John Harvey gained the gate and, pausing outside, looked once more on the dear familiar scene. The fine old chestuut spread out its branches in the sunlight, and yield ed the same cool shelter under its leaves which it had yielded a fortnight before, but Clara's coach was no longer there. Only the small, rustic table and wide garden-seat were there, and on a low cnair beside the table, her face buried on her crossed arms, was Bel Urtuson. The stranger had walked silently and unnoticed across the greensward, aud. standing within a few yardsof her, was attentively regarding her. The girl raised her head and looked at him. then, grasping the back of her chair, slow ly rose to her feet. With a little cry of joy she ran to him aud he folded her in his arms and kissed her. She did not shrink from his ca resses; on the contrary, she put her arms around bis neck and kissed him. Gently and tenderly he led her to the earden"seat; and. seated there, their voices became an indistinct murmur to John Harvey, aud he heard no more. "1 know him now," he muttered be tween his clenched teeth; "Lieutenant Heywood the old lover." With an imprecation still on his lips he turned his back on the scene of his happiest hours. Ten o'clock was striking when John Harvey returned to "The Griffin," and half an hour later be had left Sutton forever. Two days after his departure Bel Urmson held in her hands a letter from him bidding her farewell and telling her that, though be could not but grate fully appreciate her endeavor to love him. yet knowing as he did know that she had never forgotten her first love he had decided to adopt the only course left open to him and go away. With a pale face aud trembling fin gers Bel read the letter, then she folded it up and laid it away in her desk. At ten minutes to 8 o'clock on the morning of the 30th of June, five years after Mrs. Lester's death, the bell over the porch of the Tillage school at Cuip dendale rang out its summons. Ding dong, ding-dong, pealed along High street from end to end. over the play ground rolled the lusty tones and the children stopped their play as they re cognized the familiar "iron tongue" and with one accord hastened to the door. Boys and girls rushed together, push ing, laughing, shouting, striking out at each other as oue or the other gained a momentary advantage in the race to be first at school. Good morning, children. The voice was full and pleasant and the smile broadened into a grin on the little faces as the speaker left her desk and came toward them. She had a word ant! a smile for each, for it was the opening day of school after the mid summer holidays and rules were re laxed and a little license permitted by even so strict a disciplinarian as Bel Urmson. Yes. she was Miss Urmson still Dot quite the same Bel of live years before, for sorrow and care had washed the roses from her cheeks; but uo one gaz ing on the pale, beautiful face ever doubted the fact that ber spinsterhood was maintained from her own choice. She was standing up, the children gathered around her preparatory to their dismissal at noon, when the door opened aud the Vicar of Chippendale entered, followed by a gentleman. Good morning. "Miss Urmson," he said, shaking hands with her and nod ding to the children. "I am glad you have not dismissed your scholars, as I wished my friend to see them. 1 can not myself ttay to give him any infor mation about them; but if you will kindly tell him about them 1 shall feel very much obliged. Mr. Harvey, Miss Urmson." Startling and uncxected as the meet ing was, Bel did not lose her self-possession. The coldest, stillest inclination of her head acknowledged the introduc tion, then she turned aside and remain ed silent, with a ringing in her ears that alii'ost deafened her. and a mist before her eyes which blinded her to everything save the face of John Har vey. But presently she saw by the children's movements that the vicar was leaving; she heard his retreating footsteps and. after a pause, she raised her head anil said: "Children, yon may go." Quietly and decorously they trooped out of the room, but not until their foot steps had died away did she turn to John Harvey. "Why did you come here?" she asked. 1 certainly did not come with any idea that I should see you." he replied. 1 need hardly assure you that had 1 known of your presence here I should have avoided coining to Chippendale altogether." "ihen you would still shun me?" "1 would. It is the wisest, the omy course I can pursue," Sue was silent, debating within her self whether to bid him go and pursne the same ccurse again or to detain him and ask for an explanation of the letter still locked away in her desk. It was more dignified, more consonant with her self-esteem to eend him away, but ber weak, loving, womanly nature re belled against the putting aside of probable happiness. "You sent a letter some years ago." she began, hesitating and blushing like a guilty child. "1 never understood it; will you explain it to me now?' He looked at her and smiled. What coquets all women are! And Bel. beau tiful Bel. was as tickle as the rest She had wavered between the old and the new love years ago, when he bad gone away and left her to be true and now be found her still unmarried, working, struggling for her daily bread, and de siring to win him back a desire as despicable as It was futile. "Bygones are best left to slumber," he said. "1 will wish you good morn ing." "Don't go," she said gently. "Tell me what you meant?" "When Lieut. Heywood came back to claim his own what could 1 do but ab dicate?" "Lieut Heywood?" she repeated, knitting her brows in petplexity. "I have not Seen him." Perhaps uot lately." he said and laughed. Then, becoming suddenly grave, he continued: "1 wish you would try to understand me without forcing me lo be more explicit" 'Speak plainly. I have nothing to fear in any revelation you can make." Proudly, fearlessly her eyes met his, and for the first time there dawned on him the possibility that be had been mistaken in tho identity of Lieut Hey. wood; but no, that was not possible! Nevertheless hia manner softened as he aid: "Then listen. The Thursday that 1 proposed to return to Sutton I did re turn. At The Griffin' 1 heard of Mrs. Lester's death, tilled with tenderness aud love for you; but some one preced ed me thither a young, good-looking man, with the unmistakable military stamp upou him. He went to you and 1 paused at the gate and saw you meet him. 1 did not blame you. child; to be true to him you had to be false lo me; but" with a flickering smile, "perhaps you know I was Very jealous, eveu from the first of Lieut Hey wood." It was long since Bel Urmson's face had worn so happy and blissful a snide. "It was not Lieut. Heywood who came to me that evening, but my brother-in-law, Capt Lester." Capt Lester! He was drowned be fore 1 met you." "So we thought, but we were mis taken. He was picked up by an African coasting vessel and carried to Loan ;o, and thence to several places on the Con go. He was kept a prisoner for several years, and," with a little shudder. i cannot tell you all the cruelties ihiy nia-le him sutler. Finally he effected bis escnK5 and lauded in Ivigland a fortnight after Clara died." Her voice shook a little and she paus ed. "Do you biame me hot," she ked. and then broke down in a waiting. Eiteous cry. "John, forgive me. for I ave been true iu my love for yon." "My poor love!" he whispered. Tobicco-GruwinT In England. In reply to an inquiry as to the result of his experiment in tobacco-growing. Lord Harris, writing from Huntingtield, Faversham. says: '"My experiment has been so far less elaborate than Mr. De Laune's that an account of it would lack the interest raised, and justly so. in his attempt to prove the feasibility of growing and drying tobacco in En gland. 1 planted about ten rods in a garden at Belmont with two sorts (the broad leaf and long leaf), but the inter vals two feet by three feet were not sufficient to allow of passage between the plants when in full growth, and consequently many suckers which should have been nipped out on ap pearance, shot up and robbed the leaves that formed the crop. They also knock ed each other about a good deal in high winds, the land was not man ured, but it is good land, and the plantation grew so vigorously as to resemble a tropical jungle. 1 "cut very late in September, after there had been two or three slight frosts, but the plants seemed in no war affected. In harvest ing 1 strictly followed printed instruct ions and split the stems from the top to within a few inches of the base. The crop cut was made an inch or two lower, and the plants straddled over laths, which were removed by the wagon-load to a green-house and rest ed on a temporary structure. i e found the stem of the long-leaved varietv fur more woody than that of the broad leaved. My intention had been to pro duce the yellow or golden-colored tobac co, but 1 found I could not get the bouse above 110 degrees in the middle of the day, bo I had to be contented with gradual drying, resulting only in a brown tobacco. I have had uo one in the trade down as yet to see my crop, so it is impossible for me to say whether my experiment has been so successful as Mr. De Lauue's, but to my inexperi enced eye there is little difference as to appearance and texture between the two crops. I should imagine that it is im possible as yet to draw any comparison between our samples aud any imported, say American tobacco, because it is evident that the latter, wnatever the process of packing may be, must under go some pressure, whereby fermenta tion is set up. and I am inclined to think that it has been the omission of this last process which has induced poople who have surreptitiously smoked English-grown tobacco to declare that it was flavorless." Lord Harris adds that no difficulties whatever have been thrown in the way by the excise officers. London Tunis. A New Way to Oet an Appetite. This morning a dyspeptic-looking man entered a blacksmith shop at Koinl out lie waited until the blacksmith put a hot shoe to the foot of the horse that was being shod, when he bent down and drew in with his nostrils sev eral draughts of smoke that rose from the burning hoof. After the man left the shop a rexrter of the A'rerm'tt ask ed the blacksmith if the man who hail just taken his departure was crazy. 0, no," responded the blacksmith, "he is onlv working up an appetite. Strange as it may appear to you, vet the fact is true that inhalation into the lungs of smoke from a horse's hoof when it is being shod is the best appetizer in the world. That man you saw here will now go home aud eat a good square meat lie came into the shop for an appetite and went away hungry. I have on an average five patients a day who visit my shop for an appetizer. Kings ton ( x.) Jfrteman. A TURKISH WEDDING. 1, . Marrlaa-e Cuntoma Among the Faithful - Servant of tlie Saltan. All weddings in Turkey, among Turks, w hether in provinces or cities, are arranged by old women and are complicated, tedious affairs. The bride groom holds .fete several days at his home for his men friends, and the prosjiective bride at her home with her youug friends girls, of course. The night before the wedding the married women of her acquaintance come and eat the married woman's dinner with her. which consists principally, as Sam Weller would say, of a "swarry' of leg of mutton aud trimmings. The next day the bride is taken to the bridegroom's house in a sedan chair, with a retinue of slaves carrying her wedding presenta on trays on their heads, covered with colored tarlatan. The procession is Bometiroes quite imposing. The bride's female relatives are also there in the new harem until nightfall, and they re tire to their homes, leaving the bride sitting on a sort of throne, veiled. The bridegroom Is then admitted, and he is to throw himself at the bride's feet and offer her his wedding present of some hnmbwnie jewelry and beg her to raise her veil and strike him blind by her beauty. Sometimes he is struck dumb by her ugliness, for he never looks on her face until after the wedding. When a babe is born in any house there is great rejoicing if it be a boy, less if a girl. The wife is proud for a mhile, but Turkish women are not good wothers. They are too child-like them selves. When'a girl is born to a Sultan tiiey tire seven guns; when a boy. twenty-one. The bovs die early; the girls are more apt to live. This is supposed to be a divine interposition of Provi dence to prevent too many claimants to the throne. Babies are dressed like mummies iu swaddling clothes for six months; then the boys are put in trous ers, sometimes iu generals' or colonels' uniforms, regularly made. When the Sultan takes a wife no cere mony is considered necessary more than to present his bride. The new Sultan inherits all the widows and slaves of his predecessor, and every rear of his reign, at the feast of tne Itamazan, he receives a new one from his mother and takes any other gui or woman to his harem who happens to strike his faucy. Slaves who become mothers are instantly promoted to the rank of Sultana. Six months before the feast of Hatnazan the Valide Sultana orders that all the young candidates be brought lo her, and she chooses fifteen and sometimes more of the lot These are immediately put under diet and training, and at the beginning of the great feast she again chooses, and thif time the choice is fiuaL At the evening of the appointed day the Sultan, upon retiring, finds his new bride standing nude, with folded hands and lowered eves at the foot of his bed. After, he has retired she must lilt the bed-clothe at the foot nnd crawl into bed in thai way as a sign of pubjection. Girls arrive at legal majority at 9 rears of age and are frequently married at 10. Children of 12 and 13are often seen with babies of their own. They are old nt 25. The old Turkish women have a hard lot of it Beyond a respect lor nee which they contrive to inspire by tooth and nail among other wivet younger than they, their lives are not happy. Slid they are provided for. am' as long as a man lives he feeds hit family, one and all alike. Brooklyn ilagaztne. Polite Diction In Rochester. Despite tho most careful training on the part of parents nnd teachers the bovs nnd girls of the present day. and esjecially tho former, persist in using forcible expressions. lesterday a lady and her young son were seated in a street car near the Four Corners. The lad was the pink of propriety, and to all npearance. he would as soon have thought of eating pie with a knife as using lang. He wore a fashionable niit nnd held a tennis racket in his neatly gloved hand. His fond mother was speaking in an undertone to a friend of the remarkable docility and lHiliteness of her son and especially of his training so far as the street vernacu lar was concerned. Said she: "Chawles would not deviate from the cowwect fawm of expression uiulah any circuiu atawnces." Just then a newsboy poked his head through the car door and yell ed: "Paer only 2 ceuts." The juve nile dude did not raise his eyes, but he gave the intruder a vicious poke with the racket all the same. The gamin burst out with "Cheese that, or I'll give you a smack in the puss." "Oh, rats," aid the pink of propriety, "you ain't big enough. Go soak your head and get the bugs out" The expression on the face of the horrified mother was a study. As soon us she could catch her breath she gently observed: "Just wait till I get vou home, youug man, and I'll at tend to your case." liochester Post-Express. How Germany Treats Spies. The Faris Matin gives its readers the following information respecting the treatment to which persons arrested as spies are subjected in Germany: "Some five or six years ago a Belgian subject was arrested in Germany on suspicion of being a spy in the pay of the French government. No trustworthy evidence against him was forthcoming, and the charge was sustaiued merely by tho tes timony of an entirely irresponsible in dividual. Nevertheless, the accused was condemned to ten years' imprison ment after having already suffered eight months' confinement on suspi cion. He has since becu to all intents aud purposes as one dead to his family. It has only been with the greatest difficulty that he has succeeded in ob taining permission from the authorities to write a few lines every quarter. In this epistle, moreover, ho is compelled, under threats, to sing the praises of the regime of which he is the innocent victim. He has to herd with thieves and assassins, and. although suffering from a most painful physical illness, is on no account permitted to see a physi cian. The Belgian government has, it is said, repeatedly made efforts to ob tain, if not the release, at all events the better treatment of this unhappy man; bat in vain." BIRDS OF PARADISE. Male Attractive by Their Adorn ment and Their Voice. Tha Mr. Darwin has said: "Birds appear to be the most testhetic of all animals, excepting of course, man, and they have nearly the same taste for the beauti ful as we have. This is shown by our enjoyment of the singing of birds, and by our women, both civilized and sav age, decking their heads with borrowed plumes and using gems which are hard ly more brilliantly colored than the naked skin and wattles of certain birds." With civilized men, at least, the rule of personal adornment is the re verse of that followed by nature in the decoration of birds. Among civilized people it is the female who is elaborate ly ornamented, but with birds the male wears the most gorgeous plumage, the most elegant ear tufts, the most brilliant wattles, the most splendid topknots, and even the iris of the eye is some times more highly colored in the male than in the female. The object of this is, without doubt, to attraet the female. In other cases the male, deprived of beautiful adornment, is otherwise pro vided. He is. as a rule, the sweetest songster, and when he has neither vocal powers nor attractive piuinage, he is provided with formidable weapons with which to win his bride (or brides) from his antagonist Thus the males of gal linaceous birds are provided with spurs, and some even have single and doable sets of spurs upon their wings, as is the case with the palamadea. Male birds of paradise are, without question, the most highly favored by way of adornment of alL The elongat ed and golden orange plumes that spring from beneath the wings of the parauisea a pod a (and which is not the most beautiful of the species), when vertically erected and made to vibrate, are described as forming a sort of halo, in the center of which the head "looks like a litde emerald sun, with its rays formed by the two plumes." In an other most beautiful species the head is bald, and of a rich cobalt bine, crossed bv several lines of black. velvety feathers. Many birds of elegant plumage, such as egrets and herons, retain their nuptial plumes only during the summer; birds of paradise, the peacock, and Angus pheasant do not can their plumes dur inff the winter. Whether it is the re sult of their surpassing beauty, or to other causes, can not be said, but birds of paradise are great polygamista, the male having generally fifteen wives There was formerly a superstition that these birds lived solely in the air. but that has long since been exploded, in common with the mediaeval notion that a certain species of the goose grew upon trees. New Orleans t'icayune. Would Hat her Hun the Risk. There is a law which compels hotel proprietors to have some sort of tire eseape in every upper-storv room in their bouse. In the Girard House the style of escape used consists of a huge rope with hooks to clasp the window ledge and a sliding arrangement by which the guest may lower himself at whatever speed be wilL One of these is placed in every apartment directly un der one of the windows, and. aa they are for use rather than ornament their apearance does not enhance the beauty of the interior. The other day a lady who wished a room was shown to one of the most elegantly furnished in the hotel. As soon as her eye rested on the fire escape she turned to the clerk: "I will not have that thing there." she said. "It is hideous." "But it is re quired by law." he replied. '-Can't vou put it in the trunk room at the end of the ball?" she asked. "No. madam, it must be where you can utilize it at a moment's notice." "Well, then," con cluded the lady. "I won't take the room. I'll go where they don't have lire escares where i he law is evaded rather than have that u;rlv tiling there to remind me all the time that I may have to swing nivseif out of the window to save inv life." And she departed in disgust I'h t'ldetjih a llutiettii. Women Customers. I hate women customers," replied a saleswoman iu a dry-gowis store. She had been asked plumply whether she preferred waiting on men, and this was her plump answer. "Why do you prefer men'" Because they know what they want. and do not care to keep you standing an hour while they fumble over and rumple up the goods on the counter. Why, only to-day I was showing a lady black stockings. Ur course, they were all the same size and quality, yet she dragged every pair out of that box and then wanted lo see more. 1 handed down two more boxes just like this one, aud then asked if we had any more. 1 told her no, aud then situ said 1 might wrap up one pair for her. The lady uexi to me made nine different sales to gentlemen while 1 was fooling with the one woman. 1 am going lo try to get a place in a hardware-store, or some place where womeu do not have to deal with women." t'Utsburg Dispatch. A curious lawsuit is in progress in a small town in Saxony. A man caught a rat. tied a small bell round its neck, and let it go again, as he bad heard that such a rat would scare every other rat out of the house. The plan succeed ed, and his house in a few days was clear of the plague. A few nights later, however, his neighbor's family were nearly frightened out of their wits by hearing the mysterious sound of a bell in various parts of the house. They came to the conclusion that the house was haun:ed, until the servant girl accident ally heard of their neighbor's doings, who now is to be fined, if he loses the suit, for creating a nuisance. On the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea a curious change is in progress. The Kara Bobhaz is an estuary nearly separated from the main body of the sea by a bank through which there is an inlet. The evaporation from this gulf is so great that a current continual ly sets iu from lite Caspian, and as there is no return current, the gulf be comes more and more saliferous, and a deposit of salt is in course of formation. In time this gulf will be cut off from the Caspiau, aud will then be dried up and buome an extensive salt bed. MRS. rOTTEKS VIEWS. HER CONTEMPLATED TRIP TO PARIS, a Interview with New Vork's Favorite Al"ateur Actress A Jiew American I'oem. MRS. JAMES BROWH POTTEB- "Tes," said Mrs. James Brown Potter, a few days ago, "I am going to France for the winter." She had just returned from a six-mile walk around Tuxedo Lake, and as she sat in the pretty parlor of her cottage her cheeks flushed with exercise, ber eyes bright with health, her stately figure clad in a yachting suit which had pleased the taste ot the Prince of Wales at Cowes last Summer, she seemed more than worthy of all the praise which has been accorded her re markable beauty. "It is not," she con tinued, '"from any disloyalty to my" na tive land that I hurry back to Europe. An American is always an American. But my uncle, you know, is at present our Minister to France, and I shall take advantage of that fact to spend the win ter in Paris. 1 want to study the French language and literature and French art at the very fountain heads. You see I have been a good deal of a traveler and wanderins about is a habit which grows on one. 1 have been, to the Holy Land. Mr. Potter and I spent a Fourth of July two years aero just across the Arctic Cir cle in Norway. We were looking for the midnight sun and found starvation. We were snowed up for a long time and had nothing to eat for thirty-six hours. I shall leave New York for France on the Gascoigne on the 6th of November. Meanwhile I have a great many duties engaging my attention. You know I am publishing a book of recitations for the use of amateurs. It will contain about seventy-five pieces which are, in my opinion, especially fitted to interest an audience. An sudience doesn't care to listen to lonir descriptions. .No matter how well a jwiet may paint the beauties of nature, hi verse will never be popu lar for recitations unless he has the dra matic instinct. An audience grows rest less if you do not talk to them of people, of human life, of something besides land scapes and metaphysics. An audience demands from a reciter a story of every day existence, something which every man and woman within hearing knows to be true in conception if not in fact." "And "Ostler Jo," you have him on the list?" was asked. "Oh, yes: and a few poems which have never yet challenged public criticism. Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, who, by the way, is a charming lady, came out here to see me and said, before she left, that she would write me a pem adapted to recitation. She has sent it to me and I am delighted with it. It is destined to be very popular. It is called 'Two Sin ners," and illustrates the tendency of so ciety to forgive a man who goes wrong while it remains unrelenting towards a woman who errs. The poem is both musical and dramatic and will be one of the striking features of my book. The Lippincotts. of Philadelphia, will bring out the little volume about the 1st of December. I have had to write to the American authors whose pcems I use for permission to publish their verses. I am in receipt of some delightful letters. Whittier, Saxe and John Hay are among those who have written me. lhe latter sent me a most charming note. His 'Jim Bludsoe 1 am very fond of, as 1 am a Southerner, you know. The Prince of Wales never tired of this piece and often asked me to recite it. Jlr. llay, apaong other things, wrote that when he beard Charlotte Cushman recite 'Jim Bludsoe' he wondered who wrote it. Mr. Gilder's "After Sorrow's Night' was also very popular in tngland. It was surprising to me to find the English so enthusiastic about mv simple method of delivery They seem to admire a quiet and sub dued mauner in an elocutionist much more than do my own countrymen. A peculiar thing happened to me not long ago. A Mrs. Runcie, from somewhere out West, called on me one day and said that she had traveled 2,000 miles to ask ne to use her poems in mv recitations have chosen for my book a poem by her called 'To My Love, which I think will please the public. I think my col lection ousrht to be very useful to ama teur elocutionists, as it is the result of years of siftintr from hundreds of recita tive poems. The Prince of Wales has written to me asking for the first copy. which shall be sent him. I am going to dedicate the little volume to Browning. I am very fond of Browning. In reply to my letter asking him if I might dedi cate my book to him I received to-day a most charming note. He savs: "Y'onr pleasant piece of kindness finds me away from home, but I make haste to answer that I shall be honored and (what is bet ter) gratified by the proof you propose to give me that I have not wholly drop ped from out that admirable memory of yours.' I was much- amused at the inter est Mr. Browning took in Chicago. He piled me with questions at a dinner one evening about Chicago, aud seemed to feel that his poetry was more fully ap preciated in that city than anywhere else in America. Mr. Browning is a charm ing man. Of all my mementos of En gland 1 value his letters and the pins given me by the Irmce of ales the hiarhest." "What do vou think of Wilson Bar rett. Mrs. Potter?" "Oh. 1 admire him very much. He was out here to see ns Sunday night and had to wait three hours at the station as the train was late. I thiuk he is a very remarkable actor. He has a peculiar magnetism which always wins an audi ence, l es, f am very fond of Irving also. I was speaking to him one niirbt of the great exhaustion caused by an evening devoted to recitations. Y"es,' he said. the strain on an elocutionist is much greater than on an actor. An elocution- st has to paint his own scenery, portray various characters and bear the whole load of the eveninsr'sentertainment. An actor has none of these disadvantages and does not feel at the end of a long piece the exhaustion which comes of necessity to the elocutionist.' His words. 1 remember, recalled to my mind some remarks of Jliss Mary Anderson regard- ug amateur theatricals, bhe said: Have nothing to do with them. They are a tremendous strain cm the nerves and do not pay one who has a high ideal of dra matic art.' " 'But what am I to dot" continued Mrs. Potter. "It is almost impossible to say no, when you are asked to play or recite for some deserving charity. In- eane asylums, hospitals, &a are con tinually asking for my services. I have sometimes recited at three or four differ ent institutions in one evening. The physical strain is very great." l ou do uot look as thonsh yon had received any permanent injury from your career as an elocutionist." "No; 1 don't think I have. I possess a very elastic temperament. By the way. Munziff. a very brilliant artist, who was originally from Boston, but who has spent most of his time in Europe, has reached New York with a partially fin- shed portrait of me, which is, from an artistic standiioint, a very remarkable production. It is in the Van Dvke man ner, and I am in Henri Quatre costume. The artist has taken a studio in Wash ington square. I am very willine to eo down to posterity as this man has paint ed me." Have you any special plans for yonr season in Pans? 'No. none at all. I shall devote the winter to study and sieht-seewe. My tittle daughter goes with me. She has forgotten all the French she used to know and I want her to recall it." "There is a general impression. Mrs. Potter, that you are going on the stage. Lo yon care to say anything about ltr "No. I am in receint continually of large offers from managers, but. as f said before. I have no plans for the future be yond a few months' study in Paris." W ill you not rive me some ol your impressions of English society f "1 do not care to. ion seel was re ceived there with somnch cordiality that I do not feel at liberty to make public the impressions I derived. I can frankly say, however, that English society has many delightful features. The Princess of Wales is the most gracious woman I ever met. She is both beautiful in per son and sweet in disposition. London is so different from New Tork. In Lon don I felt all the time as though I were at a g-reat pleasure resort. There was none" of that bustle and excitement which pervades social life in New York. Every body seemt-dto have time to amuse them selves. I here is something fascinating in the restfuJness of London society life. The same dolee far nient. which adds a charm to Newport and Lenox influences on a large scale the social atmosphere of London." A1 T. World. HOW ANTS LIVE. Tfaetr Love of Cleanliness nd Their Mode of Burial. In spite of the multifarious duties and tasks that are imposed on these tiny burglars, they still find time to clean and adorn their worthy little persons. says a writer in the Cosmopolitan. No spot, no atom of dost or anything else uncleanly will they tolerate on their bodies. They get rfd of the dirt with the brushy tufts on their feet or with their tongue. They act, for all the world, like domestic cats when they clean and lick themselves; and they as sist one another at the toilet precisely like monkey a Their sense of cleanli ness goes so far that the naturalist often finds, to his unpleasant surprise, the colored marks that he had applied with so much care on his "trial ants" re moved by their dirt-hating friends. They keep their dwelling just as cleanly. But the conveying away of their de ceased brethren, whose dead bodies they appear to regard with the greatest anti pathy, gives them more trouble than anything else. When some members of an ant community, which Mr. Cook kept imprisoned, died and could not be removed, those remaining seemed af fected with the greatest horror. For days the insects ran about seeking a way out, and ceased only when com pletely exhausted. The ants belonging to the componotus species seized the dead and threw them into a water-pail, which they converted into a sepnlcher. Ordinarily, though, the ants are said to treat their dead with more reverence. They even possess their own graveyards, which lie in the vicinity of their nests. They convey their deceased companions thither, where they lay them down in orderly little heaps or in rows. It is only the corpses of their fellows, however, that they treat in this man ner. Dead strangers they throw oat like something unclean, or tear the body in pieces. Even between the master and slaves of the same com munity Miss Treat says she has observ ed a dissimiliar mode of burial. While the masters find their last repose in a special graveyard, side by side, the slaves lie like heaped-np refuse near the nest, despised equally in death as in life. The ant cemeteries are often thickly populated, for their life is short. The male lives only through one summer; the females live somewhat longer, and the workers die of old age in the 8th or 10th year. The American Exposition Building in London is to be 210 feet wide and 1,000 feet long. There are are to be several smaller structures, including an art gallery capable of holding 3,000 pic tures. The main building will cover five acres, and is to be constructed of steel rads and corrugated iron. The use of steel rails in structures of this kind is a new idea, but has received the approval of eminent engineers. It enables the builders to put np or take down a building so constructed in a very Bhort time. King Menilek of Shoa, a vassal ot King John of Abyssinia, makes all the priests at his capital wear the uni form of Italian grenadiers, and his favorite amusement is playing with paper balloons and blowing penny trumpets.