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BANG VOL. I. LEBANON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY .7, 1887. NO. 10. rm (ISSrlD EVtBY SJATVaDAV.) J. H. STINB & CO. . . . Publishers TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year 8.x M u.ths Time Muoth. (Payable in adrauoe.1 ... 1 ... 65 TERMS OF ADVERTISING. (lkoal) One aquam. first Insertion $5 CO Each adiU.kinal insertion...... . .. . 150 (locax..) p Local Notices, per line 15 cents Regular adrertiseinents inserted trpon liberal terms. JOB PRINTING. All rescrrptions of Job Priiclnir done cm short notlca. Legal Klaiks, l ircuiars. Business l l ds. Kill Hcits, Letter lieas. Posier-s etc.. executed ia good style and at Invest lit in price. SOCIETY NOTICES. LEBANON topr.E, NO. . A. T k A. M : M -eta at their new bail In Maaouic KkKk, uu Stu,viay .renins;, on or before the iull moon. J WASSOX, V. M. LEBANON IXJTKJK, SO. 47. TL O. O. F.: Msets Sat urday evening of ea.-h w-rt at Odd fellow's 1111, Min street; Tisitlng brethren cn?U.UIy invited to attend. J. J. lUAKlToS, 5. G. HOSOS LOIXSK SO. 38. A o. r. W.. I tanon. reton: Meets every first and third T!mrUT even ings in the momh. F. M. RoStuE M. W. J. S. COURTNEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON, LEBANON OREGON, f?" Office fa Dr. PjweTTs Reience. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT- LAW N tary Public and General Insurance Agt. LEBANON. OREGOS. Collections and other bcsiiteas promptly attended to. Ortioe on Main street. DR. A. H. PETERSON, SURGICAL. DENTIST, Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty. LEBAX. X, OREGON. Office in residence, on M Tin street, next d-ior jinrth nf O. B M-mtasroe's new residence. & 1 wor k warranted. Charjes reasonable. C. H. HARMON, BARBER & HAIRDRESSER, LEBANON, OREGOX. Shaving, Hiir Catting and Shampooing in the latest and BEST STYLES. jty Patronage respectfully solicited. ST. CHAELES HOTEL, LEBANjX. OREGOX, X. W. Coiner Main and Sherman Streets, two Blocks East ul E K. Depot. J. NIXON. Prop'r. Tables Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Sample Rooms and the Best Aceommcdatiorjs for Oonmierciai men. &GeneraI Stage OAS e. J. O. ROLAND, 9 Lebanon, Oregon, MANrrACTCRKE A5D DEALER IS Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, .AXD ALL. Goods in the Saddlery Lone. Harness and Sadd'es Repaired Promptly and at LOW PRICES. Heat Market WM. WERT II, Prsp-r. Fresh and Salted Beef and Pork, MUTTON, PORK, SAUSACE, BOLOCNA and ' HAM. Bacon ani Lard always en Hand. Main Street, Lebanon, Or. "-r". MEAD'S Harness Shop! Manufacturer and Dwaler m HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, SPURS, ....And a full line of.... H fid cilery Goods. All work work warranted Hand-made and California leather. 1. ' Agents for STAVEK a WALKER Agricultural Implements And (he Celebrated STUDEBAKER WAGON. Miiu Street, - Lebanon, Qkekojt, ff. w. smith; Lebanon, Oregon, DEALER SI i ..MAXrFACTVSEK OF. Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware, All kinds of Repairing Also keep X'lie WOVE1V T. S. PILLSBURY, Brownsville, Oregon. Practical . Watchmaker. .DEALER Watches, Jewelry, HS H HK X UWULM I 0 JEWELRY, Rings, Bracelets ROGERS & BROS.' SILVERWARE. All (ds tiuaranterd. first Dxr M of as CUT HalL Mala Sir,3:!. MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., Limited. Factory: Rarlar, M l. II ranch : Portia nd. Or MAXrFACTVRtRS OF THE MITCHELL FARM THE MITCHELL WAGON. Loer. Header and Trucks; Dump, Hand and Road Carts; Open and Top Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Buckboards, and General Afrents for Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows. Cultivators. Road Hera per, Gale Chilled Plows. Ideal Feed Mills and Wind Mil;, Knowl ton Hay Rakes, Horse Powers, Wod Saws. Feed Cutters, ete. We carry the largest and beet assorted stork of Vehicles on the Northwest Coast. All our work is bnilt especially for this trade and fully warranted. Send for new 1S87 catalogue, Mitchell & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Our Roods are sold by F. II. ROSCOE &. CO., Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or. A JU JM. Watchmaker-", ...DKALER IK.... Watches, Cloch, Jewelry, Silver AGENT ROCEuwyFORD o o o o o o o Repairing' a Specialty. Qaick-TrainWvflTCHES - HOW' tun the IT. ft. Coast Stir- I ver. tn O 1 a Nvaj ob i wn atnrv o o o o o : iCnt7inam C'nn , U&uiway tuea. I to' y ... ALSO Uie- fek fca. ' II J? h The Hew Noble Sewing Machine and Machine Supplies. LEBANON OREGON. IX Tiine,Iroi,Piisic. Done at Short Notice. in stock WIRE 131I2I. IX... Optical Coods. ' mTTTlrrtT Tin iniiviuijiio, LADIES' Cuff and Collar SETS, Chain, Pins, Etc. All W ork Warranted. IJrowiis ville, Or AND SPRING WAGONS. "fc 1 sl I 1 a JLji. AV J Jk and ."-Jeweler- Plate. Ware and Optical Goods. KOR o o o o o o o All Work ' 1 - SERVICE mai Guaranteed BKST. B,)id n prlnrlDJil Ait TH K citieftit towns o o o o o o o Jw lem), with Fail Warnat?. j AOINT TOR.... ttst5 NATURE IN RUINS. An Unexplored Itefrlbii In the Wonderland of the Far W est. There is one p:ut of the United States of which but little Is known, although it is not far rtmiorud from lo calities which have been settled for a long time. This undiscovered country lies near our own doors. It borders upon our own State, and yet Colorado people are, as a rulo. as iguorant of it as are the inhabitants of the East. The country to which we refer is that stranjje region deeply cut with canyons, and, by repute, dry and bar run, which constitutes the northeastern part of Arizona and the southeastern part of Utah. . A few cattleman have lu'en in part of that portion of the country lying within the boundaries of Utah, but after goin;; one hundred miles west of the Colorado or the New Mexico line it becomes so strange that we know the country only by rumor. This is particularly true of the part Included within the boundaries of Arizona. Indians and canyons have combined to keep the white man out. The first drive him back, and the second would impede his progress into this strange region. The great Colorado river of the West flows through canyons made famous by the Government report ,of the ex plorations conducted by Major PowclL At some points the cliffs rise not per pendicularly, but in benches, to the height of more than a mile above the river. A mile on level ground ap pears to be but a short distance. But when we think of sitting near the edge of a cliff and looking down intoa narrow canyon, not for a mile only, but for more than 6.0X) feet, the very thought ite!f assumes the shape of a horror. B:it this is what may be done at the Grand canon of the Colorado river. The de scent is not sheer, straight down, but it is sufflcientlv near the perpendicular ; to enable one who will dare approach the dizzy summit of the cliff to see the narrow ban I of silver which is the foaming river, as it appears from the summit of th gorge. Into this m'gHtv, vawning canon the San Juan ami the Ivttle Colorado flow. Thev, tiw. have cano is but little less fearful th in that of the chief stream. and it Is these and similar chasms which impede the exploration of the country, rsesiues. it is t-aul to be a desert rejrio!!. and that the immigrant would find but little there to reward hiin for the pain ami the toil of forcing his wav into it. Rut rumors imucate that whatever niav le its condition now it was once inhabited. Stories com of the di seovery of immense and won derful ruin seatten-d over the plains or concealed in Ihe canvons. H e know of the ruins in the Plaucos canyon, of th if possible, mire wonderful ruins in the C'haco canvon of New Mexico, but if reports be true the grandest of all the ruins left by the original inhabitants of tfct'se mountains are to be found in the unknown region which we have de scri!ed. Whoever may be seeking adventure, and who has the requisite time and money, may find a field in the canyon country which lies in North eastern Arizona, between the Rio San Juan and the Little Colorado. Whether he would find any ruins of man's work we do not know, but we are sure that the country itself would present the ap pearance of nature in ruins. Denver (Col.) L'fp'tblican. THE VANDERBILTS. Interesting Oosslp About the 1. 1 Tins; Rep resentative of the Family. The Vanderbilt family have done a full share toward both the useful ami the ornamental style of architecture. The old Commodore began the Grand Union depot, then William built his palace and his son Cornelius followed I his example. Then Cornelius began . the Railroad Club-house, which will be the finest institution for this class in the whole world, a'nl to these is added the Lincoln National Bulk, which is really a Vanderbilt institution. All these structures are in clos j vicinity, and in this manner the family has centralized power in the most perminent manner. A good walker, indeed, can go the rounds of all these buildings in fifteen minutes. The old Commodore had no idea of such a result when he built the Grand depot. H. then lived down in Washington placo, more than a m Vi distant, and used to drive up in his carriage. William, however, determined to gather his sons near the placo where the chief wealth was centered, and the above mentioned locality may now be called the "Van derbilt district." One of the most important features in this district is the Lincoln National Bank, whose stock is chiefly held by the Vanderbilts. This bank now has the full patronage of the family. In former times the tdd Commodore deposited his money in the Bank of New York, but the family funds are all deposited in the Lincoln, and the balance in their favor is rarely less than two millions. At present, it is estimated that the exe cutors of William II. Vanderbilt have :v dozen millions on deposit at the same place. The lxinds and stocks deposited here by William II. Vanderbilt were es timated at $250,000..0 ), and, although they are now divided, they have never been removed. The daughters also had a handsome share, which of course benefits their husbands, and this gives distinction to the Vanderbilt sons-in-law. William Sloane (or, rather, his wife) has the largest share. Ho is the most exten sive carpet dealer in the country, and ought to be worth a million independ ent of his wife's property. The Sloanes are Scotch, and the firm was formed torty years ago by the father of its present members. They began small, but their present ware'house is one of the grand ust buildings in Broad war. Th next son-in-law is Elliott Shep herd, who Is a rich and well-established member of the New York bar. The third is Twombly. This is not a New- York name, and he is the o.dy one of the g ns-iii-law that was not a resident of this city prior to marriage. The Twomblvs. however, are a lead ing family in B ston. whence the present son-in-law came to win the l.ride. The fath -r of the latter de termined to keep her at home, and therefora gave Twombly a profitable freighting job in connection with the railroad. Thi youngest soti-iu-law is Si?ward Webb. He was born about the time his father, Juiikm Watson Webb, was under s uiteneo for violating the anti-dwelling law, and as Governor Seward interposed executive clemencv. the nam-? was given as an act of grati tude. Dr. Web!) had not. made much progress in the medical profession at the time of his marriage, and be soon discontinued it in favor of a rich berth in a sleeping-car company. A". 1'. Cor. uosion iraveiter. INTELLIGENT ANTS. the r.lTty ltsrrd Which Th-y !!. played for Kich Other' Welfare. The Bible his m-tdi a'lts famous for industry and . foresigV, and modern naturalists tin. I few ani mals more wor.hy of study. These insects not onlv are snrprisiuglr intelligent, but manifest a lively regard f.r each other's welfare, a the f Mov ing incident well illustrates. It i taken from Mr. B.dt's "Naturalist in Nicaragua:" day, while watching a small column if these for.igin ; a-its, I placed alittle stone on on.? of th n to s:-cure it. l it next that approached, as sio:i as it discovere I its s'tuat-o-i. ran back i-i an agitated manner I icnii muuicnte th intelligence to tha others. They rulrd to the at the stone. a'J I others s-?:Zi'd thj legs, and tugged re sen Po:n bit tried to rs ve I?: prisoner by " tb with such that I th vight the legs would b p-illed off. but they persevered tili th"y got. th captive fre . I next cov ered one up with a piece of da v. l-av-i ig o ily the ends of his atte iure pro j -cling. It w is soo l d's -.ivered by ivs fellow, which s -t t- work iiiim fd'ate !y, and. by biting off p'eees of thclay. soon lilnrated it. Another t:me I found a very few of th.-m passing a!oti' at intervals. I co iline I o le of the under a pi ce of clay, at a little dis tance from the line, with its heal pro jecting. Several ants pissed ii. hut at last one discovered it, and tried to pull it out, but could not. It inrneliatdy set o!T at a "Teat rate, and I thought it had deserted its emirade: but it had onlv gone for assistance, for in a short time almut a dozen ants came hurrying up, evidentlv fully inform d of th cir cumstances of the case, for they made directly for their imprisoned comrade, and s-Hn set him fiee. The excite ment and ardor with which their car ried on " their unflagging exertions coui. I not nave neen greater u inev had been human beings. Youth's Com panion. The Way of Women. She came around the corner the other evening with tears in her eyes and a shawl over her head to tell a patrolman that her husband had been Iteati ig her ajriin. "Well, you must go to the police court and get a warrant,' he re plied. "Yes. I'll go the first thing in the morning. Don't you think I also have grounds for divorce?"' "Why, certainly. Go to some law yer and tell him what a loafer and brute your husband is and you'll have no trouble." "Did yon say loafer and brute?" "Yes, ma'am. H-; ought to be tarred and feathered and rode ou a rail." "Don't you say that, sir!" she hotly exclaimed, "and don't yon dare call mv husband a loafer and a brute!" '"But isn't he?" "No, sir. He's one of the kindest and best husbands in Detroit, and if you talk alxnit hint I'll have yon up for slander. The idea! Don't you never dare to speak to me again never!" Detroit Free Vest. The Girl's Toilet, A girl's every -day toilet is part of her character. 1 he maiden who is slovenly in the morning is not to be trusted, how ever line r-he may look the remainder of the day. No matter how humble a led ronm may be there are eight things it should contain: A mirror, washstand, water, soup, towels, hair, nail and tooth brushes. These are as essentia! ns one's breakfast and should be made o-ood use of bcfore4hat is taken. Look tidv in the morning and after the dinner work is over the toilet can be in proved. Make it a rule to dresB up for the afternoon, even if in no better ma terial than calico. With it clean and fresh, a riblnm or somo bit of orna ment, one can enjoy that feclingof self respect and satisfaction that invariably comes from being well dressed. A troit Tribune.' S" New Definition of Bore. DeKaggs I don't like Jupkins; he is a confounded bore. DeBaggs I never knew he was talka tive. . DeKaggs You don't know him. talked to him about three hours last night, and he interrupted me at least four times. Philadelphia Call. Now, which one of its authors will f.mulate Tennyson and write "B-'auti ful Snow Sixty Years After." Pills Ourjh Chronicle. MOORISH PALACES. An Elegant Group of Oriental Building In a Florida Town. There came to St. Augustine, Fla., a few years ago, after years spent in for- eigi countries, a slender, mild-man- net-bd, gray-haired man, whose talent found there the material and proper surroundings for its exercise. From sketches of the most elaborate detail)- of ihe Alhamhra and other Moorish palaces in Soain. Tanciers ami Aln-iurK. he erected a residence that is emphat- lenllv viirt if rofinml lli-iuti t .,1 rt I The material nsed is a beautiful con crete, of a light gray color, durable as granite, made from beach sand anil small shells and cement. These in- retnents were mixea witu water in a mass, carried in hods and poured into the matrix of the raising walls. Above the entrance is the Arabic inscription: Wa la ghalib il-Allah" "There is no conqueror but God." Villa Zoravda is the name of this unique creation, and so graceful, airy and elegant is it that 4 has been called the most beautiful residence in America. Utner bunding!' in the same style are in progress; but they do not seem like innovations. o well do they harmonize with the mellow tone of that style of Spanish buildings, its narrow streets and its generally quaint : appearance. Most notable of these new creations is a ver-' itable Spanish palace, which its owner aesijn tor a notei. ltie work is Hearing completion. It is to be in three parts, one the Ponce de Leon, separated from the Alcazar and the Casu Monica bv the elcjrant promenade Alameda. The Ponce de Leon is the I nam bnil!mr. measurinff 3w bv 460 m . . feet, with sleeping accommodations rl 000 guests and a spacious dininjr-h.T.l :hat will accommodate 700. The archi tect ure is pure! j Moorish from the t:l towers and over-hanging tile roof to the court and arcades. The interior is Hch with terra-cota ornaments, niches, 'igurcs. shields, caps and balntrades. u title in tue center a IM leet square is ompletely enclosed by an arcade of ;rnate-eolimined arches stretching from -ring to wing. The facade of the Vlcazar directly opposite will be repro- iuced from the Alcazar-of Seville and will be occupied chiefly with bazaars. restaurants, reading and billiard rooms, tc, with sleeping apartments above tor use in case of an overflow from the Ponce de Leon, next door ; on the ! Alameda will be the Casa Monica the house-mother of the St. Augustine, also" elegant in its Moorish design. This entire group of buildings will be un-i equaled in any country as a successful mltation of a foreign architectural ityle. Cor. Uozton Transcript. UGLY MR. BOWSER. iria Patient Wife Relatra How Re Abased Her at s llanket Ftrnlc "We'll go!" suddenly exclaimed Mr. Bowser one evening last summer as be i.-it reading his paper. "G where?" "On this basket picnic to an island up the river." "Hut we went on one last summer tnd you vowed never to be caught oa such a tiip asrain." "I did. eh?" "Don't yon remember that vou called .ill the people hogs, scolded about the seat and got mad at me because I got-a 4 j in my eye?" "Nothing of the sort, Mrs. Bowser. I came home greatly refreshed, and -hy we didn't go again is a puzzler to ne. I want you to le ready to start at line o'clock in the morning. " "I'm afraid vou won't enjoy your- -elf." Oh! you are! Thank yon, Mrs. Bow- er, but it 1 uoii t it won t be your fault. 1 11 make out a list of the eat- ibles to be taken along, and they'd K'tter be put up to-night. I was really delighted to go, and A-hile Mr. Bowser smoked his cigar and rested his feet on the back of a chair. Mik and I hustled around and got the unch ready. We were up betimes in he morning, but although we reached he boat half an hour ahead of her time ve found a great crowd on board. We nished and pulled and squeezed onr--xdves along until we finally found a ouple of camp stools which were suf 'ering with spinal complaint and hrentening to give out at any moment. "Didn't I tell you how it would be?" growled Bowser, as we got sandwiched n at last and felt the temperature go ip to one hundred. "Yes, I expected there'd be a crowd." "Of course yon did, and yet you in sisted on dragging me along? Mrs. dowser, this is simply abominable!" We had it a little better after every nniy got settled and the boat started. but it wasn't half an hour before Mr. Bowser mortally offended a fat woman who shut off his view; called a church deacon a liar for sa3'ing that it was a pleasnnt day; put his foot into some- !wdy's lunch basket, and looked so fierce at a year old baby that its mother thought it was a case of sunstroke. "I wish we hadn t have come," I inally ventured to abserve. "Yes, I suppose so! You probably begrudge me the little comfort I'm taking. That's the way with some women!" "But yoa are not taking a bit of comfort," "Ain't I! Mrs. Bowser, if you will pay more attention to keeping your No. 8 feet out of sight and less to watching me, you'll get along a great deal bet ter!" We didn't speak again until we got off at the island. Then Mr. Bowser looked around at the scenery, turned up his nose, and observed: "Nice place this is for a pic-nic! I can smell chills and fever in the air. and here's a thundering big mosquito on my hand. "You seemed so anxious last night to come tbat x hoped you would thor oughly enjoy yourself." . "I anxious to come? Have yon lost your senses? Y hat on earth could bring a sane man on such an excursion as this, except a desire to please his wife! Don't make deliberate misstate ments, Mrs. Bowser!" We finally found a shady place and sat down to luncheon. I had scarcely arranged the provisions when Mr. Bowser glanced over them and ex- t - UllIIieI. "Boiled eggs and cold corned beef! Is that some of your work?" " hy, you had them on your list." "Never! I haven't eaten of either in a whole year, and tou know it! Yon deliberately planned to disgust me!" 'Here is the list, Mr. Bowser, and you fcan see for yourself!" "11 m! They are down there, bnt you know I dashed it off in a hurry. Such dinner to bring on an excur sion!" He ate heartilv, however, and was greatly enjoying his cigar when a mos- (uito stung him on the back of the neck, antl as he scranmbled up he got some ashes in his eves. 'I knew it knew just how this in fernal thing would terminate!" he howled, as he danced around. "Can't I help you?" "Help Halifax! Yon saw that mos quito and never ;aid a word!" "Mr. Bowser, I." "Don't Mr. Bowser me! I believe Jon aISO threw pepper in my eyes! You we" determined from the very outset a r I ii ? JI M " P" "s uaj ior me: We'll go aboard the boat!" e went aown ana sat ior two Honrs and a half in the heat- Mr. Bowser blowing me np regular every ten min utes, and the boat finally started for home. Some of the machinery broke down after awhile, detaining us for an hour, and Mr. Bow?er laid it to me. We came very nenr having a collision. and he put it on my shoulders. - We didn't get home until an hour after midnight, and he made me walk thir teen blocks as a '.reward. When we finally entered ou- door Mr. Bowser gave the luneh basket a terrible kick, flnng his hat across the room and turned on me with: - - - "Mrs. Bowser, don't never dare make a fool of me again!" "But who first proposed going?" 'Who did? Will vou stand there and ask me snch a question as that? "If yon hadn t read the notice I shouldn't have known any thing about it, and if yon hadn't urged me to go I should certainly hare remained at home. I warned you at the start that we should be disgusted with the trip." He regarded me for a moment with looks of pity and Hntempt and then re marked: "I was warned before onr marriage hat insanity ran in your family, anil I have no one to blame but myself. Poor wife poor Mrs. Bowser!" Detroit Free Press. i THE LONGEST TUNNEL. Completion of an Engineering Work That' Was Be;as in 1183. An engineering work that has taken aver a century to construct can hardly fail to offer some points of interest in its history, and illustrate the march of events during the years of its progress. An instance of this kind is to be found in a tunnel not long since completed, but which was commenced over 100 years ago. This turnel, or adit, as it should be more strictly termed, is at Schemnitz. in Hungary. -Its construc tion was agreed upon in 1782, the jbject being to carry off the water from the Schemnitz mines to the lowest part of the Gran Valley. The work is now complete, and it forms the longest tnnnel in the world, being 10.27 miles long, or about one mile longer than St. Gothard, and two d one-half miles longer than Mont tenis. lneneighth is i teet 10 inches ad the breadth 5 feet S inches. This tunnel, which has taken so long in making, has cost nearly a million ster ling, but the money appears to have been well spent; at least the present reneration has no reason to grumble, for the saying for being able to do away with water-raising appliances amounts to 15,000 a year. There is one further point, however. worth notice, for if we have the advan tage of our great-grandfathers in the matter of mechanical appliances, they certainly were better off in the price of labor. The original contract for the tunnel, made in 1782, was that it should be completed in thirty years and should cost 7 per yard run. For eleven years the work was done at this price, but the French revolution enhanced the cost of labor and materials to such an ex tent that for thirty years little progress was made. Ior ten years following much progress was made, and then the work dropped for twenty years more, until the water threatened to drown the mines out altogether. Finally the tunnel was completed in 1878, the re maining part costing 22 a yard, or more than three times as much as the original contract rate. Engineering. The Vera Cruz railway, savs the Mexican financier,- began using steel ties in 18S4, and now has some 20,000 in use. Forty thousand have been ordered from England, where they cost $1.25 in gold each, and chartering its own vessels the Vera Crnz Com pany can lay them down at a cost not to exceed f2, Mexican silver. The wooden ties, displaced, cost from nine ty cents to f 1.62 in silver. The life of the steel tie it is believed will be from thirty to fifty years. In India steel is being used in place of teak, one of the best woods. .