NO. 13.
r f
J. H. 8TINB St CO.
. riubilshers
TVKMS, OF subscription.
One Year....; : M 08
Biz Month , 1 5
Three Mouttui ... 65
I Payable in xlvutoe.l
On. equare. flint iiiterttiw . .
Kmeh aditt.tonal ituertion
(LOCAL.) '
Local Rotlcea, pet lin
.. t 80
..........15 tnta
Regular advertlMinenta InwrUd upon liberal term.
Al! lfcrIptioDs of Jb JMn'ittf done on short nttc.
I-egJ lflauka, tlrctilars. BuMhnw VaiUa, ' Bill HmmI.
Letwr H rails. Poster, euu cuecuted In (oott st)'l ami
at lowaru hviug ittlCBA.
LEBAKOX IODOE. NO. 44, A F a A. St : Meeta
at their new hall in Mauiic Block, on Saturdajr
v vonlng, on or bet are the full moon.
J WASipoX, W. M.
LEBANON LODGE, NO. r. 1. O. O. F.: M?ta Sat
nnUy arming of ea.:h week, at Odd Frll'( Hall,
Main nnMj vMUnc brethren enidiallT invited to
attend. J. t, CHARLTON, 9. O.
HONOR LODGE NO. SR. A. -O. IT. W , Lahannn,
Ore(: Mtteta every nrt and third Thnnular .ren
ins, to the month. F. H KortlDK M. W.
tF(W In Dr. Powell a Reaidansa.
Nstary Public and General Insurance Agt.
Collection, and other bnauiaat promptly attended Wx
Office oa Main (tree.
Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
Oftce In residence, on Main etreet. next door north
of O. K. Mitntacue a new reaidenee. Ad wora warranted.
Charree reaaunabte.
Sharinc, Hair Cnttlnc and Shampooinc in the
kateat and
... ... i- ..... .
ay Patronac reapeetfutly aollcitcd.
' N. W. Corner Main and Sherman Street., two Block.
Eaat of R R. Depot.
J. NIXON. Propr.
Table Supplied with the Best toe Market
" - ' ' a
ample Room, and th Beat 1 Aeoommodatlona for
Commercial men.
VX.Ueneral Stage OfH .
Letnaaom, Orr(,a,
Harness, " Saddles, Bridles,
Whips, Spurs,
-....ASD ALL ...
Goods in the Saddlery Line.
Harness and Saddle Repaired Promptly
. and at -
Heat Marlset
" Pr.prlet.ra.
' Fresh and Salted Beef and
' ' ' HAtWti
Bacon and Lard always on Hand.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Harness Shop!
- ' Mjuiofacturer ad DtvW la
And a full Una of....
Sclllei-y Goods.
All mirk work wuranted Haxxl-fMd and
Ciif urniik Leather.
Asoata for STAVES a WAXKER
Agricultural Implements
And the Celebrated
Main. Stretst, sos, C reoon.
StoTBs aui Tinware, Irou, PnniBs, &c.
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
KVK HlOUT, Ktc. .
All kinds of Repairing
Also keep
Brownsville, Oregon.
Practical . Watchmaker.
Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods.
Lafliss ana Gents'
ls, Bracelets,
jit -.V!.., . n . -
All (da tWaaranteed. .411 Wark Warranted.
first Hxr Horti of me Citj Hill. Mala str.:L iiitwiiviii, or.
. MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., Limited.
etsryt Raelae. tVla. Uraaeh: Prlla ltd. C
LOST. Header and Trucks; Dump, Hand and Road Carts; Open and Top
Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Buckboarda, and
General A (fonts for Canton Clipper Plows. Harrows, Cultivator. Road
k Hcrapers. Gale Chilled Plows, Ideal Feed Mills and Wind Mills, Knowl-
)on Hay Rakes, Horse Powers, VosdSawa. Feed Cutters, etc. We
carry tbe largest and best assorted stock of Vehicles on the Northwest
Coast. All our wor is built especially for this trade and fully warranted.
r ' Bend for new 1887 catalogue.
Mitcheil & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
-Our goods are sold by F. H. HOSCOE & CO.. Hardware Dealers. Lebanon, Or.
Watchmaker.", and .".Jeweler.
... .DF.ALKR iX..,.
Watches, Clocks. Jswelry, Silyer
. aoi:m
o o. o o o o
- Oulck-Train
CPatAAAAlg in
tbe I
Coast 8tir-
wey. in u
a Naval Ot
v o a a h n a LoromuifiTtA
1 nsrintBn Con
dactorm and othr
ulway wen. . Tory
The New .Noble Sewi ig Machine and Machine Su pplies.
Done at Short Notice..
in stock
Cuff and Collar
Chain, Pins, Etc.
Plated Ware and Optical Goods.
o o o o o o o
sEtvicE iiii worK
BEST. Sold
n Drlnrtnal
aa T H K
Aient. flMHti..
ezdu.1T O A A t ft A A
Jewt-leial. Titnai
full Warranty.
Afi int ros..
ar i
Brightly wit the movi ttiolinlm
, I) tr hxr hni'vaiii')lil tiixir;
ftwnet w. n'Ktit ti ilwr -ihinltiff:
Vet she yt-anied for aotiiei hlug more.
Prrtitnn. were her sciwi'. atenptuy
lii a rntnt -! MihUt tlitf:
Frnprnnt liri'Uth of rose n'.ut'ptn
lAft httr.ltll niiaaUtleiL
'Mfd the lllnra, n lnmenMix.
Jrltv il tin- phtmtive nii'htlngalst
Y' ntip ct!IH hHlf ri'Mciii-ug,
IiU-tifU lintlr to hlKtula.
Thoncti n nlaht siii-h m-nce tnwrSHlnf
8htultt nil t'-ijttim.m, flivirm.
Vmt iti' fMiHit li'THelt ronlrts.ljiif
!juiiirf nnliiw tatlHi tacliann.
Dlil the tmmn sin!le down 1fn hriahtlyf
live tiird wear' with htn nillr
II n c!i 1 lie ilr to lli."htl,rJ -
- Whitl iih'. nhut a, huliiiiu .llllt
A he p''"h'rt'd th't in .iHnnaa,
Stic hi-r lv r fr.un th il ir.
Cluiwil hr to hN h'trt in Tla lma..
Tunn tbe nifrht 1 knl noibinit mm-!
Tbelr Anolent History and
of Manufacture.
"Yoti afpgiitiy to tin Spain!
Ton niintl litnittsr me a real
This fnun a yo-iii'j ifh-lt.r fileml,
whole apartment in New York ttrw f
full of hrir-ti-brnc tlt:tt 1 ilivntl visiting:
him It-.ot mi ut)rtirwtli-l ntovfiuont in an
itiisruititlwl nionietit sioull tHit me a
f.-tlttilous stun to n-ohu-e a broken
trinket. -
1 tinilortook the roniuiNsioit. tronl-r.
Inr. a. I .liilso. n hi-rethe "trttly stfcl"
tvonhl ftml a i liiiif-pl.te". Tin-t'eiiitta
set iti.tl to p Hie ottlv nvitilaltlK w.t.
lint a stvnl of Il.tiiuH-le ort-r one's
litad! U-rli!
Sunny Spa'ti! Land of Don Quixote
ami Dlllrina lel ToImxo; of Maiilitlas
ml Mttfillo: tif ilurkx-vcl senoritas ami
hauahly hiilalos; of ohl Witiivhes ami
McH.iirh nioipH-a; of bull fijrlil Stlil
Ulftt: of fa-is ami i-iarttlf: f lo
ttilas anil bri-jraml": f parli- ntnl gnt
cini of mountain an l in ititno Spnin. j
the pun-kis-l! Tin-re aiv but two
flae of Irav.'h-rs t.i lie met within
Spain luoiowho ro for t-lintate ami
those who po for plettatire; th magnifi
cent i-litnate tiftlie Eolith ami east coast
tempt inx tht; one. the t'lznrre wins of
faded iplenbir ami Old W.irld imlolenee
tempting the other. Kverj- IkmIv pruni
bha at Spanish tlisi-oinfort; bltt every
Ivxly leaves Spain with i-erret and benr
lnT souvenirs never to Ik- forgotten,
Inli"ession never tn lie erasetl, rUrie
nevir to he divined.
The most quaint, the most tttmlb
tlown. the most haughty, the most iu-t.-ivstinr,
the mst eharmin. the most
selilftive. the ntiwt Old-World eity in
attntty Spain Is Toledo. Tltere nrw few
it ie whtfh ran Utast ao ancient an
oriti. or II n History of which have
Ih-cii mailt' the protindworfc f so many
nlsiird trafiitiotis. Some writers pre
tend that; the Jew seitliil here nfjer
the cnpt,i ily of 11 -ihyloit: otlicrs attrih
nto its foundation to H T tihs. to Ju
Iml. rr.tmlson of Cain, who established
himself on its cite one hundred and
forty-three years after the D'-lne.
Tifitt which is most accurately known
comsjrnitijr the rfntipiity of Tobslo Is,
that it existed two liuiiilrcil years lie
fore Christ, the Pro-eoitstd. Marcus
II.viti. having besiejreil it in Iheyeur
t'.nl II. C. taken it. itml plaeisl it under
Koiiiau jurisdiction.
Since then the city has had a varied
history. Captured by the barbarian
of the North, a residence of .the Kings
of the Visigoths, the H yal City" .of
trpain. then taken bv the Moors, it
reached the summit of grenlues in the
xtrcnth ccnturv, when it was as pol-
i.Vtl and tilneatisl a citv as Seville or
Sa I ! ea-
Siuv ilio thirtiM'tith 'oontnry, Toleilo
Iwast.s tVe reputation of speaking the
purest tfanitilian a reputation which
alio still Maintains. Hut. although To
ledo ha. f.illetj Is) to the sere and yellow
leaf, she is dill tttHcieutly rich in moni-
ories, and in jnounajents of the past, to
console her for having lost her position
In the front rank. T Uere is not a cil v
In the world tji :it responds so neour-
itatelx lo a cttv of the Middle Aires.
;She if the picttiresqito ad roniantte
cite exreltenrrt and she is proud.
amorist her other titles to nobility, of
beirng. Tike the Eternal City, built upon
seven hills.
But we have to bitv a Toledo blade.
and must proceed to the grimy factory
iV the side of the ellow, brawling
Tvgu. Thu ftwonl ami .poinard of
Sti.in have been renowned in autntuitr
NuirntiHts historians miir'tt bo piotol
who have test i tied their faith in them,
even as hntg ago as the time of Cicero,
who imikcs honorable mention of the
little Snanish sword.
It is robabl that thi manufacture
of swm!s continiaiHl at Toledo till the
ixK-li ai the Goth kins, and It 13
.(ci-taiii tiut it was in full vigor in the
ninth century. These swords -.orved.
without doubt, as a patter j r the
weapons used by the Moors o. '.pain in
the Mi. Idle Ages, which are seen repro-
rvutcxl in the pictures at the Alhambra.
Ttm manufacture of swords was not
formerly confided to a single establish
ment as o-dav, J hu esjxitlcros, or
.word-maker., worked at their own
lu.uies. alone, or with a certain number
of irfpreutices. Like all commercial
crafts; they wore bound together in a
aremio. or guild.
Many of lo kings of Castile nc
corded 'to - the luicst sword-makers of
Toledo certafv trivilo';es -such as ex
emption from ilU'crse imposts and duties
appertaining to the sale of swords, the
purchase of iron ana eteei, anu ouier
M.rinwrv material. These privileges ex
tended to certain craftsmen attached to
lie manufacture of blades, such as the
attrrtladorts. or furbishers. and vmneros,
.... rM.A n,,.l Milrta ft fsr.:.tn
n or litiers. iiic ii" ."v. ... t ...
were renowned in I rauce in the Mia
Ancient records m:il mention of the
"fi r W Exii'i'in, ," ami Froissart speaks
of it short Spanish blaib . Misliva re
lates that Francis III., returning to
Madrid, hchi-hl young unbearded
youths, who carried swords by their
sides, tvjHin which the king said: )
thrice happy Spain! wherein are born
children mid men ready armed." The
Toledo blades are highly esteemed iu
Knirland, as .,wn by several passages
in Hen Jonson, Butler and SliakesMiiit .
It is scarcely necessary to say that the
exHulns TolrtltiHttx were n t less iru.-il
In Spain.
The author of th "Vida il ?,aarillo
de Torties," who wrote in t'fl't, thrt
causi-s a Toled.tn sipiin. wh'i served
his hero, to speak of it sword: "it. if
thou only knewest. boy. what a we.ain
I have here! Not for all the yellow gold
in the world would I sell it; for in all
the hladi-s thai Antonio hath .wrought,
none oqualcth this one."
The ttec used bv the- xi'froS of
Madrid was obtained lit nn iron mine,
situated about three miles from M.n
dragon, in the Basque provinces.
Victorious sword! Thv blade Is of
Mandragon, and thon WHt teinp'rcl at
According to F.ilotneu, a Tolel.-ui
word-maker of ho last century, it is an
error to suppose that the Tobilan pre
served particular syrct for the temper
ing of their arms. They were eom-m-11ih
to it., the water of the Tagtls, as
well as the line while sand that the
river contain in il bed. The sand, to
the e.TMM-ts, served f.r the operation ol
what they tcrim-d rrf're.irtir l-t mfd t, to
iv Mil the heat; for when the metal Ito
canie red. and commenced to throw oil
spark, t lie r' instantly sprinkhil
it with this stud. The blade forifiiil,
they pr M-cdt-d t temp'T it in the fol
lowing m inner:. P.itl of the middle of
the lire wa holiow.il oi,t. and in the
hollow was placet I the blade, so that
fotir-liflhs of it only was exposed to the
fire, the tongue and hilt re tingoutside.
The blade having liecoine .jhorry ret.
iiey pltttlgtNl the v.iut tttt.t a WotHlen
escrvoir, full of the water of the Tagtis;
a td liavingoneeirtioleil it. they stratirht
'eucd it as 'much as . desirable. Thev
hen snlijifteil such of the blade as had
not hitherto lieen exjw.sotl to the fire;
and when it commenced to retblen,
thev look it bv the tirhfne with red-hot
ilicher. and dnngeil it into slu-ep suet
until it CMiled. an operation which im"
tartinl teurer to it.
The nt: Ml ancient Tohnlan espndern.
ir sword-iuaker, ol whom mention n
math1, is Julian, fiiruamed el Morn. Or
the JVIoor. on acetiiint of his coming
from (Jraiiada. wiere he worked toward
the end of the liftwtith century for King
B ialdil. Thev also stirnametl him
Julian del Hiy, because unn bis con
version to Christianity, had for a g'd
f.ither no less illustrious a persona '
ban Ferdinand, the Catholic, '
Having hired aconrevatn-e drawn bv
a pair of galy oapariontsl mules, tie-
driver wearing a iwirk-pie-hat and a
dixid-red sah. I was driven out to the
FuJirii-n tie .lrt i, which is situates!
he right bank tif the Tagil, alwmt a
mile and a half outside of the city, waits.
This sole manufactory otToleda:i blades
s a vert" unpretentious building of rec
tangular form, complett.il, as tho in
scription over the entrance informed
me, in 17-S;l. Charles III., who made
so many efforts to encourage Spanish
manufacture, resolved upon revivifving
the ancient craft of the fj;ifrfT0, and
const meted the factory. So low had
the reputation of the Tobslan etpiforo
fallen, that the king was compelled to
send to Valencia for a maker of swor.ls.
LuisCalisto, whom ho appointed di
rector of the works.
A very polite, inultoii-ehop whiskerttl
ofllcial escorted me over the woVks
for this manufactory is to-day used in
th fabriivition of arms for the army
and explained the process for sword-
making In use at present. The ancient
m-nle of manufacture has been aban-
tlined. both as reganls forging al
tempering, whilst the iron nowoniployed
comes from (icrinauy. The sand of the
Tagil i no longer used, and the sheep
suet is replaced by sonp. However, the
arm still turned ont are of excellent
tjualKy, and In the saa de prwnlas, or
roof-rooin. I h;ul the satisfaction o
testing blades that rolled themselves
several times upon themselves like ser
pents, and that sprang into straightnesi.
in a flash .
But that which has been lost is the
form and elegance. I invested in a
blade, as in duty lound, paving, there
for, about twentv-threa dollars, but it
is no longer in -Toledo that the good
blades are found; they are snapped up
bv museums and by collectors, the
rillo fetching tin to two hundred and
fifty dollars. My bachelor friend is en
chanted with his blade. He has.sas
pended It from the ceiling, and I care
fully avoid that portion of the room over
which, like the sword of Damocles, it so
threateningly hangs. XunciU Robin-
ton, in Youth's Companion.
... , . -m v
Gold leaf Is cut by phwing it on a
flat clean leather pad, presing it very
gently and sawing with a perfectly
st might-edged clean knife or split cane.
The best Diitch metal may replace the
gold leaf if perfectly smooth. Tao Dutch
metal may be cut between paper by
elose-shearing scissors with such long
blades that each cut is made with one
oh n Ilarrigan and his rope have
become famous in San Francisco. With
the same piece of rope John has pulled
twenty-eight people out of the water in!
the last three years. His best day s
work in this line was done about a year
ago, when he fished three children and
a tramp out of the water.
. e ' "
, All modern high explosives are now
almost universally exploded by th.
agency of electricity.
T. Aneedotea Kerr.lin- the ftlploroatU
Career of lit. Kama a. Editor.
Henry Laltouuhere, M. P., editor of
Loudon. Truth, was. for many yeart
after the war, secretary of the Eaglish
legation In Washington, lie is remem
bered here as rery wild young man.
He knew everybody and figured in so
ciety of all grades.
His Abounding humor frequently de
veloped into practical jokes.
One day a rut her
Congress called at
green member of I
the legation and
asked ff he could sen the Minister.
"Yon can see me, lam his secretary,"
said Lattoitchcre.
' But want tt see the Minister,"
suit! the Omgressman.
'The Minister is tiot In."
AH right. I II wait for him."
'Ortainly, sir; have a seat."
" The Cngressinan bxik a chair and a
newspajwi-, lighted a eigar and settled
down for a coih fort able, time of it. He
turned to L-ilK.:jchere. who sat reading
novel-ami nske.1:
"Iiyoukuow when he will be back?
I do not.' was th curt reply. The
Congressman lighted another cigar and
strolled about the oflice until another
hour was gone.
"Do you think h will be back this
evening?" "
T'-mi.ATtw ?"
. . "1 goes not." ,. -
"Well, when will he probably be
K ally. sir. I can nt tell yon. Tbe
Minister s.-tibl for E igland ' yesterday
ami ditl not indicate wuen be intended
tti n'tu'rii." replied Lilouchere, with
out lifting Irs eyes fresu his ixxik.
was known as the liveliest Hritoa at the
court, and many ar 'the tales that are
told of his reckless es siprvdtM. Once,
on his way to Loudon on leave of
sbseiu-e.lie stoppedat Mihm-i and Utgi
his last cnny at roub-tV. Hi did not
blow his brains out. as the victims of
that f:t-norn establishment so often
do, but retired to his elegant rooTi j
and entertained like a lord until h-
could get a rm?ttanc- frvn sura'
frieinl in Eigl.iuJ. At .:n a- is
came u Drew itttowi o tan gamin;'
table, doiibhil five or sl ti.ues, paid b
bills and set out for home. Tolt'
lll.i-lc. .
Head, of O.erlllma Wh. KloartsLd Ior
al.. lraiM-trai.. Wmr.
Btween Laon ami Rheims. I passe 1
through Chalons and Epernay, at whit-k
places I saw, for the first tune, tar
Franca Tireurs. r f ree-shootcrs a cot -
to which I must devote a few lines bv
waj' of description. The eorjrs was, in
the most comprehensible xrssib!e mean
ing of the word, irregular. The nea
w hocompostl it were not only irregular
in every thing they did, but pjeared to
glory in thcir.irrcgiilarily. They sccnied
to have very few oftieers, and the 5-w
they hail were seldom, if ever, to 1h seen
on duty with the men. The latter had
evidently souls alx.veolKtlience. for I lie v
did very much what they liked, and in
the manner they liked. They evidently
halcd the regular itrhiv, and the tatter
reftirned the compliiiient with intciest.
W'nn at EjH'rnay I witnessed a skirmish
Isdween a battalion of regular infantry
ami a small party of German Uhlans.
who w ere evidently feeling their way.
and frying to find out what was the
strength tf the trench troops there-
Tho ofiicer commanding the French out
post behaved with great judgment, try
ing by retiring his men to draw on the
Uhlans, yn.1 find out their numbers. He
had almost succeeded in enticing the
enemy to advance, ami had managed to
hide the. strength of his detachment.
when all at once a body of Franc
Tirenrscame up, and without waiting, or
even asking for order, they began at
once to hi axe away at the Geniifins,
causing the latter to retreat. The of
ficer commanding was very angry, and
sent orders to the irrcgnlars that thej
were to cease firing forthwith; but they
took no notice of what was said, many
of them declaring in a lond voice that
the regulars were playing tire game ol
the enemy, and did not want any of the
latter to be defeated or killed. When
an attcnrit was ma le to find out who
was in command of the Franc Tireut
no such licrson could be fount!, and on
an order being given th.-tt the command
ing officer would cause an official in
quiry to be m tde into lii'! conduct of the
irregulars the whole corps, not less than
lilioneliere was iirooiotH I from trie I
ivtanshipof thelegatirtn in Wash- t1hau "TO,,, ? 1W thn.ngh tne
Ington to a similar" iK.sition with the d""- roasting n.Mnim, water, its
English leg ttion at Vienna. Tliere he U!UM?S of PV"'g r,k-
five hundred strong, vanished and dis- I words spoken along the wire as dis
persed, so that they could no more l tinctlyas the telephone now in use, and
found. All (he Year Hound.
Microcosm of a Lunatic
Some lunntics seem to live in a world
of their o.va.
A:i ol.l l.i-ly once aston-
ished and amused us by exclaiming.
without aay warning or provocation.
Twocata and the bird of paradise are
waiting to convey you to your heavenly
home, anil you are to sit for nine days
lad ween the cats and the bird of para-
disc." Thrtii she stopped and forgot
that slut had said any thing. It was
like an alarm cbck suddenly going off.
startling every one going on,. and cas-
ing just as quietly and surprisingly. A
patient lived in the bath-room and
made friends with the rats, for whom
shs hail a great affection. They would
actually do what they were told. Some
one else thought she was the wife of
President BnHiamtn. and had the hal
lucination that her husband frequently.
ran a lteomotive through Washington
avenue, Philadelphia, with a big Iwmnet
in front of it, to remind her .of the an
noying fact that in her young days she
had been a milliner. North American
Tbe laea to Whlrh Mattmsrtne lloats Mmf
lie 1'ut In Future Mtrucelea. ,
Even when sit anchor a vessel will m
likely to bu protected by a crinirlinekand
eneindetl by small floating mines with
which the submarine Ixmt might come
iu contact, says E. L. Zaliiiski. writing
of submarine vessels. Should the lont '
trust for its means of aggression to
locomotive torpedoes, puch as the
Whiteheiid, the pttdcctiug crinoline
r ... ...:n .:,u .1 , at . i it.
- r.. ........ ...........
!" ' U MH inei.tsaiOH. nave snown
mat wire netting snortis ciisiiieraijn
protct;tion against attacks of this kind,
unless the charges are much larger
than are carried in such self-'iropelling
iorjiedocs as are now in ns-, r the first
torjedo is i-los-ly folbtwf by a setbud.
The last may then be able to make
its way through the rent made iu the
netting by the first. Besides jirot?e"tMm
by a crinoline ami outlying mines
against surf:ree and submarine torjiedo
ltoats, a vessel may be equipped, with
rapid-firing pneumatic guns, whose
shcfls earning from ten to twpDty
pounds of dynamite or other high ex-
plosive, can be fired so as to penetrate
the water any. desired numlwr of fe-t
l..fore exploding. In this way, if per
ceived, the sulnnariiie boat may not
have fully its own way in the attack.
The Nordenfcldt experiments have
shown that, miles tbe boat is rery
deeply submerged, it is likely to be de
scried from the mastheads, when it
has approached sufliciently near to
make an attack with such an appliance
as the Whitehead torpedo.
On the other hand, if the submarine
lioat is armed with pneumatic guns
ca pa bl c of t h ro w i n g 1 a rge orped o sh el 1 s
through the air much frreatcr distance
mg distance unobserved are Tery
ninch increased. It has also a far
wider range of choice of pttsition from
whence to make an attack. In fact.
its chances are increased Terr much
more than the square of the distance
from which it attack. For not alone
is the area in which it can choose its
point of approach increased directly as
the square of the distance or effective
ranks of its armament, but its chance,
of escape from the counter operation
of the enemy are also fully equal to
that ratio.
As submarine boats become more
generally used, men-of-war will doubt
less be provided with small ones for
submarine picket duty, and for remov
ing the submarine mining uefenses of a
harbor about to be attacked. It does
not require the. imagination of Jules
Verne to see. 'in tbe future, submarine'
conflicts between the boata-of antagon
ists who are also fighting on the sur
face. Ordinary surface-going torpedo
hosts must approach to within three or
four hundred yards to enable theru to
launch their self-nroiieUing torpedoes
with any chance af success. In coming
within striking distance they will lie
subject to a Very severe fire from the
large number of machine and rapid-
firing shell guns with which modern
war vessels are . equipped.. Their
chances of Tunning the gauntlet "of
such fire with success are comparative
ly small.' It would seem, theiefore.
to lie certain that submarine boats will
be used for this purpose. They will al
so lie employed by an attacking force
to remove the mines of the defense.
"' hJ the defense in replacing mines
which have been exploded in theeonrse
of an action or removed by the enemy.
The Wonderfully In-enfca Invention ot a
I'Htsharsh fienlBS.
A few favored gentlemen who were
gathered in the private office of Mr.
George Wcstingbonei the other after
noon witnessed a test of a new tele
phonic appliance which is far more
wonderful than the telephone now in
use. It was being exhibited by Mr.
Lowth, the inventor. One of those
who were present gave a description of
it without going into technicalities.
Jt is a very simple contrivance and
may not inappropriately be termed a
dumb telephone, as it has no transmit
ter, proierly speaking, the conversa
tion being carried on by means of a
receiver alone. Attached to the receiv
ing tube, which is shaped somewhat
different from those now in use. is a
single wire to the end of which is a sen
sitive little appliance which presses
against the larynx and glands of the
nccE. ana as ine laws -are ninred in
conversation the motion "sends the
it is claimed even more distinctly.
There is no necessity for yelling at the
man at the other end of the line, and.
no nse for it, as there is no receiver to
I shout into, jtnd, as will be seen by the
I above description of the contrivance.
1 the sound and words are conveyed by
the gentlest motion of the jaws.
I The operation of the new telephone
js, wonderful in the extreme,"and all
1 who saw it express their astonishment.
To on t of these, the inventor turned
and said that it was far less wonderf ul
than the mode of conversation he had
witnessed in a New England town sev
eral years since. This conversation,
he stated, had given htm the idea
which led to the invention, and it took
place between a man who was - deaf,
dumb and blind and one of his rela
tives. These two conversed he said,
by placing the'fips of their lingers on
each other's neck in the prese locality
where the little instrument in use on
his telephone touches," and by this
means the two would converse as intel
ligbly, so far as they were concerned,
as persons in ordinary conversation.
Pittsburgh VottiMtrcial-Gaztlti.