Newspaper Page Text
The Lebanon Express. ST I N E, 1 . .. .i " i Editor. Ltaa County Prohibitory Amendment conTenuon. All TiiThict Prohibitory Auuml nro hervby ivowixtiil to li?tniirt nvnil t'U'pMt! or niproHiituiIvj to the county convention to Ih held in tlu court house nt AHwnv, on Tucmtitv June Hth, at 1 o'clock 1 M.. foi- tho purjKW of HiW'tlug more jH-rfrt orKnnuaUons Hint orsimiEinpr ilins for inmiiicuiis uu commir tuniaiirti in Litin county. Iho various nivrhifta atv ntiilud to the following niiiuher of convention: i;t.t AHmny, West Albany, 7: Urownsvlllo. 7: Brush Civck, 2; Craw rortlnvi lie, ; Center, 3; Vox vttltey, 2; Franklin Butte, 4; ilnr ruthurR, ti; llaly, tt, Liberty, 2: non, t; Diablo, I; OrtcuiK-, 3: Kwwt J tome, 8; f?c io. 6; Suntbtni, 4; SlutlJ. 4; Esymcuse, 2; Vnterl 4. lu nil pre- viiivin wnere no K-titrue nan n vol item urtiaMetl nil lKittons In favor of tho Hdopiion of the rtropetl prohibitory iiiin-Mumoni o me eotiHtituuon or the wiate or Oregon arts hwby ivomiuetl fo meet Ht their respective plaoes of tm up in toton precinct on Tuemiav Juno 7th,. 1SS7, ht 1 o'clock l M., ft ml orgftniro precinct league, and elect tlelt-guteti to uttcml will convention. T. J. Vhx, Mom. of State Com. for Lltm Co. To-Jny we publish the call for a County Prohibitory Amendment Con vention, to lie held Ht Albany on Tues day, June Hth, 187, with the ap rorttuunient of delegate allowed ty the various amendment leugue throughout the county. The ohjeot of this convention Is a good one, in every renrteet, as It will lie the means of more thorough organization and 'through which the wanta of thenever a! precincts In the way or literature, rpeakurs etc., may lie Biipplied. Y would urge all leagues to respond to this cdl, by electing delegates who will attend. While the liquor dealers are attempting with money and mani festoes, and newspaper bought up by . earnings which fchould be ex landed for footl and clothing for destitute wo men and children, to defeat the good Will of the people, it becomes the duty of all friends of tempera nee, humanity, . law, order and economy, to devise the liest means for currying on a sueeiWfnl campaign and proclaim to the world in November next that fair Oregon, through the ballot box, has free. I her elf from the oppression of a traffic which is condusive only of jioverty, crime and misery of evcrv conceivable form. IteraeniWr that high license and low lKvnsc und all license are nothing but practical free whiskey not to mention the strychnine, arseuie and Ainll oil and tobacco juice that are thrown m gratis; that high license and low li cence and all license I a scheme chiefly advocated by the rich to shirk their taxes upon the laljorcrs and farmers; that all license In proportion to its amount Is merely a premium upon vice to purchase the support of the community. Jin old Babylon they used to sell the young women publicly for wives. The fair handsome ghl commanded a good price. The ugly one fetched nothing, but thev threw in" with her the price paid for the pretty me, and a man covetous enough of the money was found to be willing to take the girl along with it. In like manner we modern Babylonians having the dangling lure of gold over the hideous ugliness of the saloon, and a covetous willing to take her for his deformed' bride. The following from the Atlanta 0m ttitution evidently hows that the (South favors protection. It says: We arc iu favor of taritTrcvUiou and re ve nue reform, but we are not willing that this revision and reform should Ite inaugurated and, earrk-d out by the free traders. The whole question is go closely related to the business and in dustrial interests of the country that the democratic party cannot aflbrd to make a mistake. The secretary of the treasury has is sued the 149th call for the redemption of bonds. ' The amount of the call is $I9,717,oO0, being the last of the 3 per cent bonds. No more Kinds are re deemable until 1891, at which time fiV),0(10,oao of 4 per cents become due. After which no more tall due until 1907. when $737,797,5(10 4 per cents be come due. It is only in the United States tnat the government is obliged to wrestle with the problem of how to prevent unneeded money from piling up in the treasury. In every other great country the question with which they have to deal i how to avoid or meet a deficit. The former, though troublesome at times, is the more pleasant occupation. Hon. llocky P. Earthart, of Salem, has received a commission from the most eminent grand master of the jrrand encampment. Knights Templar of the United States, to act as his dep uty on the occasion of the organization f the grand commandcry of Washing ton territory. The pope has sent a letter' to Dr. MeGlynn, ofCsew York, saying if he does not come to Rome in 40 days the extreme penalty of the church excom munication, will be visited upon hinw It will be rememliered that the Dr. en dorses Henry George's land theory. Prohibition at Astoria is U-ing push ed with-vigor. CJeo. Johnson, Secretary of the Columbia River Fisherman's Union, seems to be the leader of the movement. Sceretarv Lamar has restored to set tlement by actual settlers lands hereto fore withdrawn from markets in the in terest of railroads, amounting to 2.",000 FARM NOTES. Every fanner should plan dcllUra tel v for a supply of small fruit for fam ily use. If a sheep Is chilled so ns to give It colder fewr, the HUr or the wool Is lujured. Poor hind produce milk that Is dell dent In fatty matters and therefore U t ter mitt pied for checsu than for butter making. Pull tltc collars a wnv from (hefdmuM- ers wiuie resting the hores in the Held, so that the air can puss freely between them. Marketing the produce Is half Ihe name. . farmer should use as imieli Judgement on thUisiint as any other. If the grape vines have Ish ii neglect ed until now don't try to trim them. It is too lnte and dangerous to their vitali ty. . It will pay to take pains and plant all large, tlat seeds like squash, melon and Lima beans edgewise. Keep the plows well shnrpened. This will not only insure U tter work but more of it, as it will save the strength of the teams. This Is a good season for feeding roots to stock; s.ieh diet is an excellent pre taratii for the green grass It will ssm be turned into. Iletter Is; late in seeding than to plow when land is too wet, for that ma v Injure condition so that years will be n-qulred to e fleet restoration. A grindstone conveniently pi need ready for use leaves no excuse for work ing with a dull ax or other cutting In strument thst never dies good work. An exchange says that a new, cheap and ctlecilve limi t killer is comssed of one isirt of muriate of xtuh to one thousand parts of water. For spring reeding to les, honey is more stimulating than sugar syrup, but Is more liable to cause robbing. Warm food Is mon effective. A poor tool on the farm Impost a tax upon the user every day It icmplovcd, often greater in the year than the whole pri.-e of a good tool. Potatoes that are cut should not le covered quite as deep as thru inches; whole Miatoca 'require to lie deciier to prevent too many- stalks. It does not matter how o get earlv swarms provided we get them, for in them Js the profit of the year, or at least its foundation. Sometimes a delay of a u w days, In getting the il prepared and the 'seeds plant d, will make a dill'erence Iu the harvest of at least one half. A Vcituont famiM plants a sunflower seed instead of a (sle to each hill of beans. The stt rdy stalk answers for a pole, and the seeds supply an excellent feed for isailtry. - If the wool ofheep Iwcunes wet It dries very slowly and onlv bv chilling the animal through. Slu-lter from ralii and snow esHcIaliy the former, is there fore more lm, ortant than protection . .... i. iruiu win. Hen. lVrley lsresavs that If farmers would thrive they must change their pouey. -iney must concentrate their labor, they must give to a.few a-r-s the care now usually bestowed on many, ami If necessary to do this they must diminish their farms. For growing in Iters. souiuln. vr Niiuuar pianis, ta sawaut or rot ton wihsI alsiut them. Those who have never tritl emtimtwrs on stromr. buMhv stakes like pea sticks will lie mirnrtxtd to note how they enjoy It. Toiuntoes do Utter train d to stout btlcks than any other wav. In t he skct ion of tiMilsaiwl ninililiun lightne-H U too often ovt rlskil. A prejr design, strength and good milter is I are if.-enthd; but to the projHr work ing oi i tie tool, tightness is equally Im portant. An over-weighty Implement is a rliiiiwv m - lwiii ii innbu. slower ami more laborious. F-eonomv -- , - -. . - ..... rx. i. vJ IV i energy in ttie exe-ution of wor mum U- aimel at and it cannot I at tained with uselessly henvv tools. It is a risky practice to kp cattle, esx- v:ihiv iiuk-ii i-iwh, siaoieu an spring, and then without warning or prepant tion turn them Intoa full suture. The change front winter diet to suiumer IceU ought to te a gradual one. clue the animals may sutler. The Xxt way, ikt- ihv i m turn mem eariy into an old pasture lot and at the same time eon tinue the regular nttions of irool hav and mixvHl meal, esMclally wheat bran. .Auerwams tney may ie given new pasture grounds wit h lsTfcct nafet v. 1 f staoiou until later in tlM? seam, green r ., ft ... . I iko Kirouiu oe ieo in me staides or yari for some time before it will lie safe to turn cows into rank pastures. THE O. A. R. Commander-in-Chief FalrchUd Uiuc Canar- I Ordr No. 14. MawAt-KKr, May 19. a spec ial from Madison, ts, to the laming H tucotwA says: Commander-in-Chief Fairchild issued general orvler No. 14 to day, in which he commends the liene ficient work being done by the Women's Itelief Corps among veterans and their families in distress. He heartilv en- dosses the isons of Veterans, organized with a view to render the declinius .vearaot t. j. n. veterans more enjoy able, and to aid widows and orphans of martyrs; apiwints W. U. Veasev t Hut lam t, t., member of tne Jrani memoral con m fit toe, vice tHs. W iiooker of lirattlelioro, Vt. nxigncl; cans upon survivors 01 the 1 liirtivnth corps to meet Sptembcr 27, at the time of the national encampment, to select a suitable corps badge; advises all ve terans desiring to learn the wherentKiiit. of comrades to address the commission- ersof pensions at Washington; declares that the Grand Army has known no such day as "Decoration day." but that it loves and reveres Memorial day; re quests the state departments to send copies of the pniceedings of their en- cam pmen ts to t he national headquarters oi uic tiranu .-rniy lor preservation; anounueeh that all railroads have fixed upon one fare for the round trip to the nationa4 etieamnmont. ami aonoints the following additional aides-de-camp on his national staff: Alliert Moore, Pittsburg; W. W. reenland. Clarton, Pa.; Christian Young and C. W. Houghton.Phlladelphia; Thomas Mini, roc, Gallitziu, Pa., and 8. V. (Jooper, Metlia, Pa. Fresh Fish.. Fresh Fish. I am now prepared to furnish all kinds of FRESH PISH, RECEIVED PACKED IN ICE, Which will be served to customers on Wednesdays & Saturdays, OF EACH WEEK. Coll Oiirlx- at the Depot. -V. r. JIKAItX. C R JljOTAG I J K S COIX'M N. , The Ladles are taking advanta'gtt of these lovely evenings to go to Montague's and. sup ply themselves with tluHtu eltvgnut spring and sarnmer fabrics, at prices so much lower than Inferior are priced to thi'in elsiwhere, that they go away astonished and delighted carrying thefr purchases home, making glad tho hearts of the old folks, when they hear of the trilling outlay. Old men, Young men. Hoy and children are being fitted out this week by jVontague, in those ele gant and durable Oregon City woolen suittfi Io shoddy alsiut them. If you need anything lu the clothing line go ami lok over his sts k. If you want to buy, you cannot fail to be suited. The Weather Will Now Permit The wearing of jiwn ami other light fabric. Moiitiiguc, M iih his usual en ergy, Is ntb-rlngan elegant line of sum mc dres goods, organdies, cable cortls, etc. Ills stock of Nirnsos etitiipriss many clcptnt shncs, and tifsplemlid quality. These s well its Ids Inereiiscd stH'k of giueral merchandise were bought for Cash ami will lie sold at popular prices as Inaugurated by .Mon tague." I am Sole Proprietor of " hoe" for men's wear. Fverylssly pr.fers them to any outer in me mtiikti. ii not buy any others until you have win them. The Farming Ccmmunlty Have tieen annmiil with i,ris tiwta snt them wherein apparent bargains are ofl'erel. The unwary are some time cauchtwlth this kind of t hatt'. Montague propose to wU ns low as the lowest of lists, and give 5 n-t cent oiFfor the cash lesldes. lluvyour goods of Montague. He Is tlemoiistrat- ing in a practical manner what low prices will do. Montague Buys all Kinds Of merchantable produce and will give you the highest market price either in cash or merchandise, at his rcmarkablv low prices. Montague Has a Large Stock Of men' and 1hvs hats and caps. Many of the st vies are something en tirely new in Lebanou. Go and see them. Montague Does not. Import His good from any eastern village. His stock Is fresh and new. and he pro mmcs to wit them at such moderatt prices as to defy competition. He promises the public here ami now that he will enter into no combination to keep up alleged prices." He will al ways use his liest endeavors to buy goods at their very lowest cash value, and he will invariabl v give the buyer Ihe hciiefitof thin, which, coupled with bis long experience and biwi news capac ity, will make his mammoth cumIi store the place for man, woman and child to trade at. He will not be undersold by any merchant In Linn count v, and he cordially invites buyers who'think they are lutylng too much for good at 6ther. itoint tf call and examine bis stock and prices. It will wry iom bin. It Is Said Straws Show which wav the wind blows. Montague never comnlains of dul'timcM. His mammoth cash store is crowded with close buyers every day. Xo long faces about his establishment. . The Wool Clip of 1887 Will soon be coming in. Montague Is fully prepared to pay the hitrhest nrices as usual in cas-h. for all wool oriered. Wool growers of Unn county generally know that Montairue pays a'little more than any one else for srood wools. Drop iu and see him Itfore vou It will be to your pecuniary advantage to do so. Go and See Montague's $2.00 shoe for men,s wear. It will com pare favorably with any $3.00 shoe in the market. When you can save $1.00 on a pair of shoes do it ami you can in vest it in something cNc to Conrad van-tag'-. Churchill & MoritelU's Spacp, Churchill At Montelth Conn to the front this week with the 11 1 test, line of Infants' imd-clilldicuV spring heel shoes, Mlttse-i'tie slipper, and Infanta bronze kill sandals, that has ever been curried in Is lmuou. It has bean Said Jtvlhe ladies of Ts l.iinon that a good khl glove could not Is' bought lu town, and such hug been the case till the last week. Among the other gotsls lm ported during tho pest week from foreign villages, by Chuiclilll Mon telth, there was an elegant line of those celebrated "P. Ceiitemerl'' kid glove. They have them In five but ton in black, and ail the latest suiu mer shades. It I Currently Reported On the street that C. & M. are selling all the line ladles parasols this spring,' They have a elegant line. Friends. Romans, Countrymen, ' liCnd us your ear. We came not, here for our health, but to make glad your heart by selling you a pair f f those full stock plow shoe. Every pair gives satisfaction. Wpol, Wool. We want iVl.OOO tts. of wool and will pay more than any other Iniyer in the market. Come and see us' before selling. DON'T KAIL. TO Aak you rcU!W for th Original 3 Pfcee. nrwu of Imitation. Kni(ltl.(llm ba.rlagthlate JAMES MEANS 3 SHOE. 1 VailHR Huttnn.eonnom ft faro. IHM CkV. vnesiwlwvl lit jmtronii. A pot Al canl M tit M, urn witi nnuff jou iiiionna- imh nw fto fi I I it I ft nu(N J.Ueans&Cix, Thl 9hnm ttund MivhH In th Mttmtitlmi of F-arm than mnr rtlw la th worto, TltuMtnts Churchill & Monteith SOLE AGENTS. Leiiaxon, Orhhw. W. C. IVtcrstin's Space. The World Type-Writer WHAT IS IT? Thi Machine Answers for Itself. A Machine to do the Work of the Pen. If you write much or little, you need Tye, Writer, costing you but $IO that will do your work much better than a machine for which you will pay fliW.Od. IVn writing Is slow and tiresome. It wastes time, and time Is money, no matter what your occupation. The continued use of the icn exhausts Issly and mind. The pen cannot keen pace with thouehtH. Often the 14. are hint. The mind liccomes clogged, the power of rapid eomiMnlti" n retuaiiiM uiidevelnt. el, and your written proiluctions lack tho brilliancy of extern Mraueotis sieeeh. Time, health ami the highest capabilities are ts valuable to lie wast ed. J lence I Ih tlemand for a rapid and easy .writing machine. After many attempts success has U'cu attaiuctl ih flic World Type-Writer, which cmlsMlies the fundamental nrln- ! eiples of writing machines, and em braces patented device wlich are be lieved to be essential to the const ruc tion of u successful ami practical tyiic wrlter. It is the result of cistly cxh rlmcntlng, and Is the nearest approach to perl'eelion for the money it costs, which luiM yet been nrKlutstl. It nue cessfully meets tlie demaud, and WALT-' C. PETERSON, The Jeweler, Is ready to supply that demand and prove to the asiplu that the World J'tfl Writer is mightier than the pen, as the "pen Is ""mightier than the sword." Vou can buy one from me for Ten JMlnn; (flO.on) and make your self and family happy. Call and see them work, if you do not wish to buy one. They are on exhibition at my Jewelry store, LEBAX0X, OREGON. . Vl IF II lis 1 . V i er a n aA crt - . You -:- Certainly WANT A NOW of Clothes SUIT THIB Hl'IHNO. Why don't you go to I1LAIK, the leader in Clothing. . AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL GRADES, -From Kustcin Factories.-. Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap. BARGAINS IX KVKRY OK- PARTMKNT. We are confident of I'leaslng j ou. All we ack Is the opvoitutilly of shouting you Through our Stock. WE AbWJ Kl-KP IS STOCK The Celebrated Erowcsville Goods. L. E. BLAIN, le ading Clothier and Merchant Tailor, At.ltaNV, Oitw;tN. J. L. ITIWAS. J. M. RAl-STtiX. J. YT CtSIt K. BANK of LEBANON, I.ebfinoit, Oictfon. Transact a General Bank ing Business. Account Kept Subject to Check. KXCIIANUK ISOLD OX ' Kei Tort, San Francisco, Portland and Albany, Oregon. Ct)LI.i:CI IONS MADE On Knvornblu 'I'oriTiH. yuuuuuiiiuutuuuiuiuuiiuu( I 11 11 MONTAGUE, J HKA1.EI1 IV Stationery OF AM. KIMiS AtCI Foreign and Domestio Periodicals f l.KIIAXoX, OltKflOX. Andrews & Ilackleman, W.LDOUGLAS'r-7 UOOSlMi, SHOE 4 'OKI 6V vSOLE AG ENTS, LEBANON. OREGON. WALLACE & THOHPSOS, nir Loading Grocers LINN COUNTY. SOLE AGENTS I FOK nir CjleLr.ntoIJ ft Geyserite Soaps, i AI.n.VNY. ORRWN. t WILSON & WKSTFALL, pbophi i-rrons SodavillE Livery and Feed Stable; Dally Hack to Lebanon. Faro Each Way, SO Cts. GOOD TUKXOUTS AND OTHER ACCOMMODATIONS At KenMonable Katets GIVE USA CALL. WOOL WANTED! SMITH & HAMMACK, Lebanon Junetion. Oregon, ' ARE PAYIXO TXIK Highest CASH Price FOR WOOI ff-S" Sacks Furnished on Npr'lication. , G. T. COTTON, Dealer In" . ' Groceries & Provisions TOBACCO AND CIGAR8, 8MOKEI18' AUTICLUS. Foreign and Domestic Fruits. C ONFECTIONER.Y Quoenswaro and Glassware, LASirrf AND LAMP EIXTURES. Main M.t Lebanon, Qrtyon. -t Lebanon & Sweet Home Slajre Line. - H. Y. GIBSON, - Proprietor. Carrying U. 8. Mail. j ltrt 1'wki on Muixlits-t), Wednet-s and KK:tinlaj. Ketumluy niae day. RATES OF FARE i Ix lmniin to fkulttrllle at Wa.erltM...........0ru." lbttuoa to Bttet't Home .......... ,.1W Good New H nek and other Ac commodatlOns Fimtclass. TartU Aertxing to iro to ny nt tw ahore nauyd point, oil Intervening daya trill be lUTowituo datl by apj)l me at toy recklvucc la Lt bauoil. II. Y. ClIKBfJN. Harkncss & Mayers Bros, -Blacksmiths,- Lp.nAXox, Okixiox. Horse Shoeing- and Cen eral Repairing. ALL WOHK WAKH ANTED TO GIVE BATISFACTION. AT Prices to Suit the Times. GIVE ISA CALL. ANOTHER CUT IN RATES! - - .. , , . I fog loavo t annotinoo tt tho r;inoorn of Iinn t-onnty, that I am etill in buHint-MM at tho Old fnnd, and lnvr jiwt rs?lvd frotn the lirt a Large Stock of Wagon Timber, Daring t&e Cat in Freight Rates, And l am m illiiu; tho funncnt and ptf ile gvntrally nhould havo the Muirn. Any out w khliijr Wagon K- jal ring done, will Ictw notievnty PRICES: Filling nil UlticlH f whocds, jkt i-tc-t - - i oo wht-fl . s to - co Hot of WllOfc-lN - - - - S(J fjtj I3tjl.stoi m, SnndlKjardH ntif.l Tongncis, qncl j oo I Ilclcory clM, ccli - - . - . - a ex Sllnlo iSrKjlcH oruJ I'ellows. oncli - ao Everything else In Proportion. All work Warranted. Itcnvmbrr tho plae one not.Ut of Arthur A. DIshopV blacksmith Shop A. C. HAUSMAN. - - NORTH UROWNSVILLK, OREGON. M.A.MILLER, IX Dhigs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, & Glass, ALSO A Complete Stock of Stationery, D - LADIE TOILET ARTICLES. Prescriptions a Speciality. NEXT IXOIt TO W. B. DONACA. - - LEBANON, OREGON. J. A. BEARD, Drjjggist and Apothecary, . PEA I,tK IN Drugs -:- am -:- 3Iedicines . -BSPainlsf Oils and Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc. And Fancy Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED- Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon. 5E. . G Manufacturer -:- -AND DCALKR IN- Coffins, Caskets, Trimmings and Buying Robes. -ALS( Doors, Window Blinds, Locks, Hanging-Nails, Etc. Mais STFrrr, BLACKSM1THINQ. Horse Shoeing a Speciality -iiy- R. C. Walkins, CWKKTIIUME, - - UIlKMOy. REpalrlnjr of All Kinds at Rea sonable Prices. C'HAlUJEfi! Shoeing all aromnl, new uhoit, fl.75 Having loco led lo tay I auk a ohare of the jjubllc jif rouag4. it C. WATKINH. nLF7cONN, Contractor, Carpenter and Builder. Plans &l Specifications FUII.SI8HE OX SI IORT NOTICE All Kind of Carpenter Work Done and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices Very Ketmontiblo. ALBANY It 1.KBASOK. OREGON. Saw IVIill ' FOR SALE. A Dpuble Circular Water Power Saw Mill, NEAR LEBANON, OR. Cnnaclljr alwut C0(0 Lit r day. Aluo 10 ares of land on which the saw mill Is located. PRICE, $2,500. Aluo la-c a large etock of First Quality Lumber At lotTt markt-t rt- for caeh. G. W. WHEELER, Lebasoo, Oregon. O A N,h of -:- Furniture, J.rBAyoy, Obeoojt.