Newspaper Page Text
i MISCELLANEOUS. "They never throw nny thing nvetij in NViv Kuglaml," r. U. AUli ich said to meoiietlay; "they always put it up in tno anie." c .YtrAo'avt. " lint, kl Tuozer, "do you uihik in u Ulan wln nwiii hU tailor Mil for years?" "Who i the tailorf A ftiifsouii sheriff wont homo in disguise in tho evniitrto see if his wife would scare. She- lired throe shots nt Mm so pioinplly ho dropiM'd hi pnimnt ami inan looking for the nil or ono of Ins finders. Z troit Fret Jrens. Door in the far West are fast pilng tho way of tho hnfl'alo. Due dealer in 'Jacksonville, Die., in two month iHnifjht thirteen hunilroiltleer skln, hid other dealers m Southern Oregon have nought a many. These were all kllleii for their skins only, contrary to law. AUout five 1iihi!ihI workmen nro employe,! nt Herlin in the production of lu hi rosettes. The sale amount to alnmt one million yearly, and tho ro- poue ai-e oxwtte. t all the Kuropean countries ami North ami South A mop. lea, A devil fish with seven arm, earl from nine hi thirteen feet, in length, was lately washed nMior at tho Oregon coast. Having iierh.un died of old asre. Those who cxamiiKMl the Ix!- wero of i no opinion that ho could have easily iiaiiiueti mree men in shallow water. -Smoar on the Printer's Ink. If you want to aneceed In a bustm-sj lino Smear on the printer Ink. If in pnitvhn you wish to shine, Smeur on tin printer' a Ink. Four not to toll w tint vou have to sells Adverliie, and do It writ; If you'd h tho ru-tUmier come pell molt. Smear on Uio (irioli-r i Ink. HrooMvn Citizen. Natural gas is by no moans a recent Uiseovery. tven it utilization for tho purposes of the nuch.nie arts was long ago successfully attempted in China, whore, ly pljes of Iwnlkw, it was con veyed from natural wells to suitable menaces, atul consumed hy moans of terra cot (,- hnrners. Very few hotels now keep old reg isters. Tliey aro cither luirnod, dis loso,l of U aut igrapU collector, or sold for waste paper. Tho trouble hotels have lieconie involved in. and tho unonvi'atilo prominence some got through regiters in court, is the reason for this action mi tho part of proprie torsA", r. Ihraht. A party of young ladies were in tho city recently who aro taking a trip to Washington on tho savings made ly eschewing eeiisive dresses o class day at their eolloge. The custom not only enables them to see the world, but will make them a preferred class of candidates for matrimony. HtUbMrqh Lomnwrcinl tiautli-. Profound philosophy is sometimes met with in unexpected places. A poor old man who was engago,l in out-of-door labor that evidently paid but a pitiful return for many weary hours of arduous work, was overheard to remark feelingly to a fcllow-lahorcr: "I wish I could live two lives, and have tho last one tirst." Vrocil ne Journal. The town tf Weatherstield. N. Y., has a freak in the person of a young girl, the daughter of a farmer. without any previous training, has de veloped a decided talent for literature and music. A few days ago she rose from a sick Iwd and wrote a book which is said to ho interesting, and since then she has composed several pieces for tho piano. Her "gift comes from an influ ence outside of her,' she pays. A careful compiler of statistics states that there are in New York only live hundred places of worship, on fifth being mission chapels. Their to tal seating eapacitv is not more than three hundred and tiftv thousand. The munlier of men in the city letween eighteen and forty-five years of age, ac cording to the most reliable informa tion, is :k"S, 107. THE POPE'S INCOM. Thro fteparate Nonrcea tVnin Yvlitch tha Kiiorimiu Papal ttevenua Is Derived, A foreign diplomatist accredited to Koine gives tho following account o tho present Polio's income and wlat he does with it. 1 ho Pontifical revenue I derived from three separate source The first Is the interest of an enormous sum left by Popo Plus IX. to tho Pupal treasury, which interest produces some fi.uu.uuo. The capital of this is in vested in English Uovcrnmctit funds, Contrary to what Homo persons migh imagine, l,eo AMI, is a great speeu- lator am subscribes to nil the Italian loans. When the latter rlso ho sells out and Invests tho profits In Knjrlisl consols. To tho revenue left by Pius i A. must he added , sum almost enim in amount furnished by tho Peter's Pence Fund, which, however, has fnllen oil of late years. This constitutes the ordinary budget of the Holy See us distinguished from tho extraordinary budget. The latter Is derived from a third source, and is supplied by tho re ceipts of tho Apostolic Chancellery. The collation of titles of nobility, dec orations, iiiessings in articula mortis. altar privileges, private chapels, eccle siastical titles such are a few of tho items which pi to make up the extra . . cmiiiiary nuugei. u amounts to nil average of f."tK),0tH per annum, and serve to make tip the private purse of mo sovereign Pontiff, and on which ho relies to exercise his generosity. It will be observed that tho pri vate budget of tho Popo is thus derived, in a great measure, from the satisfaction of human vanilv. The ordinary budget of the Holy Sec, w hich, as stated above, ynounts to l,'.Mu.(HiO per annum, is distributed by the major uomo of the ntican among the Cainli nals residing in Koine about ."i,XK i year each the prelates of the Papal court, the secretaries, the nuncios, the Pontitical ImhI v-guaisls, etc. It is denied that Loo XIII. Is avari cious. On the contrary, no Pone over . . . . a. gave inoiv, his Ilciiiness keeping noth ing for himself. As for his table, it re sembles that of a iMMr country curate. ins clothes cost him nothing, beinsr supplied by the faithful fit mi all parts ol tne world, and he scarcely keens i en ivy to enrich even his own family me dowry tie gave to his tavorite nephew, the handsome Camillc Pecei. did not reach fAMHH, while as for the presents he gave tho bride, they were of the poorest kind. On the other hand no spends a greai deal In raising tno piTslige of his court. In civating si-niviis, relieving tho poor and main taming the Catholic press. He gives large subMdies to papers which support his policy, but they must bo entirely subservient to him. As yet he has not touched a ionnv of tho annual allowance of fiioo.Ouo ac corded to tho Vatican under the' law Papal (iuarantces, passed when Victor l-.uisnuel tiok ixtssessioit of lbuio Tl. . I 1 - , no niiiuini incnue nas gone on ac- cmmilat ing throughout all these seven teen years, and now reaches tin enor mous mim. I he Italian IMsho and clergy are paid by the Italian (iovorn mont since the death of Pius IX. A. J". !u7 atnl A'jjrtA.. SEALING LETTERS. TWO LUCKY MEN. A JEarber and a Laborer Win a Big Frii in Tha Louisiana Statt Lottery. Zacharias Messingcr is a barber who has pursued his trade of scalping chins and clipping hair at 315 IJuh street foreometwoor three years past. He has during that time had the honor of cx ercistng his tonsonal art upon the caput and physiognomy of Boss Buck ley and in consequence has enjoyed the patronage of the followers of the great Bush street (.talesman. His trade was a good one and atForded him a good living, but nothiug more, and he has endeavored to increase his store of gold by wooing the fickle Goddess of J-ortune by investing in lottery tickets. He paid his addressee more particularly to the good dame who presides over the drawings of The Lioiusiana fetate Lottery and has held one or two coupons nearly every draw mg during the lat three years. As the gamblers say, he has played in good luck and has nearly al ways won enough to give him a small profit, so mat lately ne nas been " playing with the money of the bank." A few draw ings ago he came down town and as he passed the Chronicle oflice he saw by the bulletin board that ticket 07,060 had drawn the capital prize of $150,000. He knew that his ticket was 07,000 and something aod he rushed home to get it. ILs delight can be imagined when be lound that lie held a coupon of the winning ticket, which entitled him to $15,000. He went down to his shop, presented each of his assistants with a suit of clathes, made arrange for them to carry on the business and last week. he and his wife started on a tnp to Lurope. He expects to be gone aliout seven months and to epend from $3500 to flOOO on the trip. The remainder of the money be will invest in some safe security as a nestegg, and when he gets back will put it into some legitimate business. The other lucky man is a Sele named A. Monsson, who lives at 1364 Center street in Oakland. He . is a laboring man and has been living a hand-to-mouth existence such as usually falls to the lot of a toiler in the land. He bought a coujion from a peddler as a speculation. When he heard of his good luck lie could not believe it, and when convinced that he had won 15,000, turned white with nervous excitement.- He is a single ' man and is now much sought after by the young ladies of his acquaintance? San Francisco (Cal.) ChionkU,l.Uy4 I"ha Methods Snronwlvrly Kmployed From tha Itrmolnt Antiquity. How were letters sealed before the invention of gummed enveloiies? In one of tho last numliers of l.c Lirre. Mr. S. Illondel has an interesting arti cle upon this subject, iu which he de- son lies all the methods of sealing have been successively employed from the remotest antiiiuitv. The "tirst seals consisted of a ring that was affixed to clay or bole, and later to chalk or etfc adatica, a mixture of pilch, wax and plaster. The use of wax did not liegin to liooome general till the Middle Ages. Beeswax, nuidored yellow by time, was tho first ma'orial used. Then came seating wax mixed with a white substance. Ited wax logan with Louis VI., iu 1113; and gnnui wax made its appearance about tho year 11G3. Iu the thirteenth century, jellow, la-own, t oe, black and bine were added to the foregoing colors. Black wax is a rarity met with in tho seals of tho military religious orders. Among the ancient, ring seals were used not only for scaling letters, hut also, as small looks were not common, for sealing caskets and chests that con tained valuable objects; and they were even employed for sealing the doois of houses and apartments. Under the first empire, people liegan to make wafers, w hich wort; brought from Italy by tho soldiers and officers of ' the French a nny. These wafers were cut with a punch out of a thin leaf made of flour. Finally gummed enve lopes gradually began to replace seal ing wax and wafers nearly everywhere. The first envelojX'S, which were manu factured in England, date back to 1840. The machine for folding them was in vonted iu 18 1.1. by Mesrs. Edwin Hill and Warren do 1; Uue. and in 1819 was so improved by the latter that it was capable of folding and gumming 3,600 envelopes per hour. Since 1850 the production of envelopes has leon greatly increasing, and there are now being daily manufactured in Paris alone. 1.5O0.0OO. As regards the seals used by certain famous individuals when the use of wax was in vogue, Le Litre gives the fol lowing information: Goethe, after his return from Italy, almost always sealed his letters with an antique head, such as that of Socrates, Minerva or Lcda. The astronomer Ion ian's seal hod a ship engraved upon it. and Meyerbeer's had a lyre, with the legend, "Alwaj-s in tune." Victor Hugo had a very s'mple seal. At the sale of his effects in' 1852, Arsene IIo:is saye bought a seal with the initials V. IL so arranged that when inverted they formed the cipher A. IL La Sci ence en lannlie. ETRUSOAN RELICS. tleaurlptlon of a VUlt to tha Mntoutn at tha I iilvrrvlty of lcruila. The chief Interest of this museum Is iu the relies tsken from old Etruscan tombs that have been found just in the nelghlMii hood of Perugia. A vast num ber t f those were but cinerary nrus or chests, with soulptorod lids and sides, in which hail been treasured only tho ashes of the dead; for It would seem to have been I ho custom among this peo ple. In the ago when these tombs were prepared, to burn, rather than bury, l heir dead. This, however, could not have boon altogether tho custom, for there were here ulso a goo I many stone coffins, all found just about Pe rugia, which wits ono of the twelv cities of tho Etruscan confederation In several of these I lie skeleton of the entire liculy burled was yet remaining iSouio ot those wet-o evidently those gixtat ladies, Princesses, perhaps, win had boon buried in flue uttiro and adorned with abundant jewelrv Iheir mirrors, lamps, pans for food, and u kind of sain-er for s -tori lice oi incense, and especially their jier tumo bottle (doubt lost well filled nt I lie ti mo of their burial) were inclosed in the coffin with them and remain be side thcin, as they were interred, more than two thousand years ago. 1 saw in easis hero hundred and hundreds of those littlo perfuiuo bottles. They have noon caned lacramalorlcs, and h-tvo boon supposed to have contained the lour slie. on tho twoasion of the death of the ono iiitoinhod, and bottled up as an epitaph or everlasting testimony their virtue or the itfl'oe!io:i with whirl mey nave noon regarded, nut I iiavo been assured by those much more earnest in theso matters than . myself that theso were perfume bottles or deodorizers of tho close air of their small sleepli.g apartments to whi .hoy had been consigned. In one eollln tho immense gold ear-rings of most ele gant workmanship, which had dropped fixmi the ears, went lying a they had been found. treat numliers of such ornaments were to bo seen Pnsorvod in eases under glass. The head of tho Medusa with Its curls of snakes is tho one device which pre vails more than any other on theso old tombs, ami this is at present In tho fashionable jewelers' shops of Koine tho favorite design, the newest fashion for camel, oxidized silver cloak and Wit clasps, and various ornaments of ladies' wear. Europa missing the ltosphorus. us Tennyson describes her. with her mantle back from her shoulders iiorno." and her baud clasit- Ing the niild bull's golden horn" is another picture often it-iteated on theso old Etruscan tombs. Scriiotits, dragons, griffin and things inns horrid are oft-roioated symliol of Etruscan Ideas of death. 1 could not but. contrast, them with tl rude sculptures. yet swoot and simple inscription, on tho tombs of the cataeoinlts such as "The ftood Shepheitr' ticarihg on his shoul- lers a lamb over the river.of death, the love with an olive branch in its mouth. ometiinis on the back of a fish, swim ming smoothly over the water of the lark ocean to show that it is not to In feared but Is ns tho native element to the stud sot free from tho btslv norhans hy a cruel mart vrdoin. Then tho in scriptions to "My Sweet Mother." My S"weotest Sister Lives." "She Lives with (!," "She Lives with Us, let She Lives;' for this asseveraiion hat "Siio Lives is rotated four tunes on one inscription. Very dif ferent those symbols and epitaphs of he eataeomlM from those gorirons and Iragonj on these old Etruscan tombs (though" therm aits often sweet testl monies of affection on these), showing hat a new and sweeter thought had time Into tho world with the new re i irioti to which tno catacombs are a uost powerful and still existing wit less. Home Cor. IK-troit fW. PORT WINE MARKS. He was derided. It is not expedi ent in carrying on conversation with colored persons, to use words that are not clearly within their ntngo of com prehension. An Austin waiter told a Boston man at a hotel that in Eastern Texas a white man had married a negro woman. "Was he not derided?" asked the Bostonian. "He was. salt. Dov rided him out of town on a raiL" Texas Sitings. How Riprt Nura-eons Krmoft Throe Dlf rolnratlona Without Leaving a Scar. Iark discolorations, occurring in patches uxin tho face or nock, known ts "ort wino marks," aro very disfig uring, and require removal occasion al- These an present from birth ause unknown. v hen small they may be cut out or removed by the use f chemical coiTosivcs or by the cal- anie cautery. When large, the opera- ion devised by Dr. Squire, an English urgeon, is preferable. His method is o freeze the skin to lie operated upon y the spray of ether; then with a sharp nife, such as is used m tho oiieratton forcataract of tho eye. make parallel tiiperficial cuts or scratches thituigh the kin, about one-sixteenth of an inch part, then pressing a piece of blotting- paper over the part before it is thaw- si, in order to absorb the blood which will How slightly from each of tho cuts. Clots would form iu each if this were not done, and interfere with the heal ,ng pittccss. In about live minutes the flow of blood ceases. The scratches should not go through tho entire thickness of tho skin, and they heal without leaving any scar. N'oxtday he repeats the process, mak ing the second set of scratces diagon tlly to those tirst made. A third one may be required. The parts must be .veil frozen, so as to make the opera ion painless and to prevent tho tlovr of blood until the blotting paper can be applied. This must lie firmly pressed upon for about live minutes, and the pressure must be perpeiulioxdar to the surface. It should remain in position for at least half an hour, then thoroughly wetted so that it can be removed without exciting re newed bleeding. After a short time all blood still adhering should be removed by means of washing with a camel's hair pencil, then glycerine should be applied over the surface. Dr. Squire at first made his incisions perpendicu lar to tho surface, but has recently de vised an instrument that makes a num ber of ob'.jue incisio'is all at the sama time. When carefully done the dis coloration is completely removed and no scars remain. SL Louis Globe-Democrat. Rev. Win. I. Haven, son of the late Bishop Haven, has been selected super intendent of tho Bulgarian Mission by the authorities of his church. There Is mi uimrltton law that the President shall not go to tha thealroou Good Friday night. President Lincoln was shot on (lood Friday, and since then the J'resldeiit tins not, Ih'cu seen at the theatre on that Hy. TroublTahead. Whvn tin) aiH)llto fulli and tho lei grows restless and in refreshing, tlttre Is trutihlu ali'l. Tha digestive oruana. when limit hy, crave fond, I lie norvoiia aynteni. when vigorous and Iraiuiml. gives lta liosntsistir no unoimliiess at night. A Ion le. to lie eHVullve, should aot he mere apel liter, nor aro Mm nrrvt-a to tie streiigtliemul and soothed hy the tumlihid Mo tion of a aeilnllve or narcotic. What is ro i ii I if (I la a liipilichie tthlch Invigorates I lie kIoiiini-Ii, and iiriniiiile amlniilation of food hy I lie system, hy which menus the nervou eyxlKio, ua wi ll as oilier istiia f the iiIijhI. bI iiikhiiUiu. are Ii-ciikiIk-ih-iI. The ai lliu otltM-la of IltMtetter Hliiinncli lllllera, a mnill elnt. whom reputation Is fouinled II mi I y In lothlto cmilMi'iiif, anil which ili)xlclatta com mend tor lis tonli.. anil - bilious ami oilier irttierl le. II Is umil with the best ! tills In fever and aue, iliciiiimllsin, kidney and lili rnio weakness and other muladloa. lr. J. William While. Br., profoanor of phttdcal a lence at the lUilvemity of I'M), adelphla, has Issued an otdcr prohibiting, students from tiing ti -bare in any form, A LUCKY MAN. "A lucky man is rarer than a wld e cow," anya Juvcnnl, and wo think ho knew. However, we have heard of thous and of lucky ones and we propose to let Iho'r secret out. They were people broken down In health, toiflerliin with liver, blood and akin dlcae, scrofula, dropsy, and consumption, and were lucky enough to hear t f and wlso enough to u e llr. 1'ieifea "lt.'ihln Medical lllscov ery. tho aoveitlun blood purilhr, tonlt: and alterative of the age. Vincg r and salt will clean copper. ALWAYS UIP THE PPPIB If AND OF D18EA6F. Chaiie of tun; eraliire are apt to cause ilaiwroiis s'ekuess; iu the full blooded apoplexy Is to lie feared. When you have a pain tha head, feel dixsy, feverish, rheu malic or sick at the stomach lake at once three lo ten of IIhami&Tu'h I'ii.iji. Such alight alterlions aro only I he harbingers of diacAHM or Hodden prostration, ami the thing to do la to master tho trouble at onre. Never let a Utile a rknesa get tin better of you. Drive it out of doors im mediately. Let ttiete Iw no coin prom iHe, always have with you a box of IIhano iiktii s Pilij", and jrou are prepared to light tho worst lorui of sickness iu Us In clplcnrj. '0U1H OF JULY, '87. The four artreat and fineat, moat novel and lieat nianautd riixplaya of Jirruit ka ever produced w re I hoe at tha Centen nial at Newhut-Kh. New York, October 1, ls-3; the I'roMideiitlal luaugurat'oii at Washington. U. I , March t. IfkI; Him Hi Centennial at Albany, N. Y.July:, Ii-Hl, and the unveiling of the llartholdi Statue of Liberty bT the Cily of New York, Novemts r 1, I.smO, and writ, manufactured and fired by tne t'nexrelled l-'re works Co.. the largest iiianiifarturvra In the world. Hay fireworks, night fireworks and water lire works. William Heck A Son, atrvnts, iIWi and 107 Second street. Portland, Uro Ron, Send for catalogue No. 7. A LETTER From tha Mo'.ltT ol Miss Jasslf Bonesfettt. ltoclicster, N. Y., April 22. 18HM. Ornti.kmks! : Jt Is with pleasure I add my testimonial fo the many well-known cures w hich your most excellent remedy has effected. For more than twoyaarsl wai a jtreat suirerer with rheumatism, Iteing scarcely free from pain during the time. 1 found no relief until I procured Or. Pardee's remedy, and it cured mo completely. It la now two years since I discontinued its use and 1 have had no symptoms of tha disease since. 1 know from uiy own and from the experience of many others also, that it wiil cure any case of rheumatism or neuralgia. 1 am. very tmly yours, Mlta. IL H. bOnlstekle. Syracuse. N. Y. Obnts: 1 have lieen troubled with Eheumatistn for three years, at times very badly aflllcfed : was in that condi tion alsnit two weeks ago, when i got a bottle of lr. Pardee's ltbeumatie Item dy, and in three days time was greatly relieved, and have not lieen troubled with It since I finished this liottle. I feel like recommending it in the hiuhest terms, as 1 believe it will do all that is churned for it. Yours truly. JOHN 15LOIM5KTT, i2 Ma lison Ht. Locktiort, N. Y. Genti.kmen ! 1 think the medicine preiMtred bv the Pardee Medicine Com pany is in act the U-st rhetimatie mod Ici ne now on the market; its equal is not known. My lxy only six years old waa confined to bis lsd with rheuma tism i I gut a bottle of the medicine and 'n a lew days be was out of bed and playing around the bouse. I can cheer fully recommend this medicine to all rheumatic suilerets. J. K. PE11UY, Klioo Dealer. Ask your druggist for lr. Pardee's Remedy and take no other. Price fl per liotile; six bottloa, ". Pardee Modiciue Co., llotheslcr, N. Y. It la a? reed that the finest iork tea le in fie world is that of the Maderla Islands w here the a wine live principally on nuts. A BONANZA MINX of health Is to lie found In Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Favorite Preacriptlon," to the merits of which as a remedy for female weakness and kindred allV-ctious thous and testify . Ilrov na llrN lill 1'riu lies" are an eirertual Couh Itemed)-. Hold only in boj-rg. Price ti tents. Pnliaer A. Iter in a nit fact u re their own good., and ran Hell 25 jivr ce..t, lower inan any oilier noiise. TRT Gkhmka for breakfast. rT SKIN 8c SCALP CLEANSED PURIFIED and DEAUTIFIE0 BV CUTICURA. 'OTt CI.KANSIXO. Pt'lllFYINO AND beautitjIiiK ttietkhiof children and infania nd t-uriiiK toriuroiif. illNliunriiiK. Itclnim. m-nlr and limply di.eases of Hie nin. cal) and hloo.1. w 1th lorn of hair, from infancy toold ago, the Cnict KA Kkmkdikn are Infallible. CVTlcck. the ir-eat Hki I'i hk. and rtTl- Ct'MA -oe. an etuuiiiite tkin tteaiiUtler, pre pared front It. extemallr. ami I'CTIct'KA liK wiLvasT. the '.new lllood l'lirlflrr. inlemallr. invariably tuiccetHt when all other rcmetliea and the best phyriciaiia fail. t'l TK'I KA Kkskiiim are ahanlutelr nureanil the only infallible ttktn lieaiillllers and bluod puiiflera. free from poiitonous liiKredient. Holdevervwhere. iViee-t 'cticiha.SO,'.: Ho AO. tV.: Hrmoi.vknt. St. I'rvuaivd by Hie 1ottkh Ihco ami CiikuicaL Co., Homton. Mamh. trend for "How to Cnrefkln lilseaaea.- R 1 R V'?sii" ''S'U preserved and bra lit I DAD I 0 Si'd hy Ct'Tict na .MriiiiA-rni So AC LYDIA t. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE C0MP0UN0 VT1LX, HEU? ANY WOMAN SurTerlng from Kidney Dls nm or rrom troubiaa po cullarto her aox. . wiirate mma inr rru. rrf t H. t il .r. tlimt lo do, tknuantit . ,Wia tan .' ttitit r. Ilhu Mimlthe tntoftwetiiy yc.iniu n-licvinc tierkKli- Cat pain, pronuiting rcfnilariiy of ne ume., ar.d t ooOiilig weakness, backache aiul cattvcitK-iit ncrrtnn 'iutn-. Probably no. other wtMitan in di world nrcivn many "loiter, of llianki I.ydia lw I'mtham, ot I-ynn, Mu, Mrm. P .f Enfieltt. Ti. II., ay: "I will imply say that yrrnr VcfrlaUe Compound is nil you recommend it to be. Jbt Jimt me H'orl.h iw. Anotlicr lady wmei from Ouawa at CJWi: "l bavejuit to-day bought the ceventh botlleof your VcyD- o cwnpoww, nave iineu two Doxra ol 1 iH, ftnd ev- etal packagci of your Sanatira tVah, and think it hut Tight to tell you how much good I derived from your medi- ciiks. Thty art a rtfnUr CoJ-trn.l. All tha pain aod ache have alnxl disapicarcd, my ttoinach u much stronger too and I feel mynclf improved every way. m-rtom a awia ay ait irultt Kta. Hit ter Is the best polish to put s lurch. Into y mo I reiuhla. I'almer Sc. Iter manufacture iheir own tvoe, and having no freixhts to tum they Will not a trance ineir iricea, I'ntler I lie lro Kfono of the In terstate bill Palmer & Hey ran sell you tvpe, presses and rioting material lower than any oilier haute. WILLIAM BECK & SON, Wliotenle and Ktall h-al.-n In Guns and Sporting Goods, t'lne frlahlaiK Tarkle. A(rut I'D the I XKt'KLLr.l FIRE WORKS Company. FLAGS, BALLOONS TORPEDOES, Eire Crackers and Bombs. . Afruta StaUinsBiseBail Goods tgh.ti& f.,r C'ataluciw N. I. 165 & 107 Second St., Portlind, Cr. nas M nun, : ' l!lTrl.h-At K.kiKl W T. SMHl.o-Ht S-U.iu.Or V " '"" -. . It Is now possible to construct a com iiteto ae wfnx mat hliia In a minute, or sixty In one hour. Decline of man or woman, excesses or bad prematurely Induced by practices, speedily and radically cured. Hook (Illustrated). Ill rents lit atauipa. CoiihuILbI Ion free. World's illspeiisury Medical Association. Uullalo, N. V. Soda will clean tarnished tilt. When Baby waa rick we cave her Caaiotia, VV'hen abe waa a Child, aha cried for Can tori a, Wl en aha became Mlsa, aha clung to Caatorla, Wt t n ihe had Children. ahe ga va them ( aatorla. Plso'e Ileniedy for Catarrh la agreeable to uae. Jt la not a liquid or a snuff. GOc. READ THIS 'cAREFULLY. ttTery man Riid wHiian ymiif or oll, mt tht Vmt, thufc In aflhctaxl trtlii fcuy rtlmmmn, tut mtU-t mU, that tUoit fkvtuttff hrtcinn t(tr ttt a itirTiiitl, ttt eniHt rufti, Dbuli mtitm full tltuk-ritrtitm of Uilr tr to llr Kurt I tt i, nt tw fit Utu mtui limit htm Hn in m-t tM( With trjr iitntrimtrttt of mrgmf, tuul tit iae ortlicitif4 lo tm tf iniHt-r. 4iuitilttititii lrw. Htmtat itpitiUm nlvrh; rMmuli chmwmt. Ail err iMilxtUcfs ariHty ptrtittilfttiJfif. KicImH; tMti). A lf I rra W H roHUKN, M. J ; ..Hit-, , V iiU li, r'Urt tit UtMtl itavtik, 1'urU.uwl, ittvmtm. Rupture Permanently Cured. A.r-m lr. K HIKN ft l.l'TII KH. ici 8( i twtd 12, Kind Ntl.Hial Itiuik, l..ntnl. med Stab Ahmolntrlu JVea frn- Opiate, aVMre arut it(am. SAFE. SURL. PROMPT it lat 4IT AMU lA 250- flail n s GEnr,REiliiY a e Cure RKwimttltai. Nauralflla, i ni unin n.'K imus rDlrn II r.'n-ru I Wl Mill at CKtuoetrs en nintaa laa catai-sa a. twuu tuaiiiauaa,ai. CTba OLDEST MKDICIKX ia tha W0RLDT" la Probably Dr. Iiaa Thompaea'i LI ELEBRATED EYE WATEU Ttik tutlcHli mrrtnUf jprvpand'f er eripti)m, nc h In entet um for brff m ratury, wad mwttrat.vnt.iiff ttx mty oUmv riar tott thavt tui lieen ibtMltMwd Jiito thm mmtkri, Ut ati of Uil avrtlrW t nmmntlf lactumMtog U thm U rcsi.A are) fM.wai il vlll tali W prUe imtif terile hm avMawtiun of iAtykriim to It mr ritat John U Tbomfton, Ba 4 Co., TIWY N. CWlitft ttriilt ALL liit fAUle M Ornrli Krnin. T w'"t. in llm. rr lr,i IiIenCmI eWr&fHrrsDMU f tr akrttv tkrf (i ttt part fBa4 tM4 lkm m ktllhy motion. lm obfa-wtxt tBiawiu K)it1 tWita 4Tyitaa?4 la r all l tnsm bMltOla Ilafrtap3ia tywlftiprewn, Wmt ejUaatara fall Is. f taifioa. mi4r C Krf Kk. rim Betl Cx, Iws Wawtuct Bin. Cfciaac, HL (ya if 1 V V J i Absolutely Pure.' T Is pow'tet nerar nrt-A. A rammA o parity, fSswwreh and wMnMafwa ! eewooankal hma t oT'lmjury kUnto, ai d f-oo ba ail to eoajitx tutt ijita tia BiultitMda ol low fcwt, ahurt k -4a ptiOiiKaM paw'Smn. R-M ml la aasaj "tkntj. Bsnm av 0.- tut VW airwW K. T. Tb BVYEIUI' OVIDM la , each yrrnr. r 31 pavea, I 8'i ll1 tn-l,wltli -r ' 3,800 llartua' tol I-Vrture waiiery. UIVKS 'WboleaaJ Prieea dirrrt tm emuumrri mm all goU tat penoaual ar family ana. Telia how ( rocr, ana mkI coat ot ery Mac real ee. aat, drink, ),..(. wlO.. Tfceae IS VAIA'ABLB UOOKH eaalaUat lforatiiia R lea nod franm tHm aaarkcta the -worlat. Wa wtU auU a eopr VIIKR tm mmr attaa mpom elpe of 10 ct. to mrtrmf aapeaua maaUtaw. at mm &a rm. ReapeeWadly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. tkV at ICt Tarn-'- Aveaaa. CMraf, 111. MMarmriui; naviwa any Sfrvtrwi or S-t ISm-:iim-, V niiotural Iuhs. iJlai-les, irilit' MIST M AWIfOOE. Wvii In-tAMf, twrniiTba, av-fnlMt lir,l ial l rar, Miii"(t Memory, Wen Kyes, 1 i' Ic ,.f Knrfrx, aio ltliMjl mid htiil I'Menam.KvfiliilHi, Kriipflifttv, Jlnlr t-niiUiar. floa falaa. kpI1 tiijrt. H4,re'llirimt. l'i.ra. aLCfVla r WrrrT, Kk1m and M.vfcler TruiiiilMi, vvtJt IliM-k, ttumfiHC t'rfne,oiuirrba,ill.lUM iutt urutuvt rvlitt anl ciir- t-sr lite. E.aiifj. Tlr hi treatment m Mar. 1 7 fa ali. l4a, ii'. fruni linllu-wrtM-wi. tr'k t.-n. I'itM-k -ruetkja.fcr., brlliluMt ey aiel rw.rl.-el IikIUi. b Uiuh. WIim it iKim-.KiviWffil to wiw to tli f llv, by j.-a itiSiia )rmr iltx-, tsi rwipt trf i .ii, mwil clne will Ue sent yoo lr in m It t, U stilt tl twt. aj-'nilur ati-lriiM lr. K I'rlrate IHxtwuaary, 9i ) krara; Htreel, Hmm k'raaelae. ft Mt, ism 14 ta te.' i,. .n.f ha a;mv.t MiwUl Ulttli, , ;vr-rT aaost rTM. Trf Cfcti die tMt ot th 4 H ".I. -jw-.j( lh learficf 1 , U A. L.SMIIH. Pa. 6ul'tliInvna. Tho Van Monciscar DY8PEN8ARY. PORTLAND. OR. Tcmna, adddla-amd mat oM. atocic at nartM4 aaaa ai.d wbo MlfnT With LOST M1NBOODI Karna litHty, Bini inrrlwn. BeuiiaaJ LoacMW Waak I f-, Lack of frnw. mtrni lllond lao4 Hkla Iriaeaara, fcrytifliia. KrapliofM, Hair Vallioa Hoi Fataa, H velllzupa fin Tlroma, L'lem, El Ja tci of Mereorr, Kldaeya u.rf Iliad,! T . n h 1 m Wak Itark. Bnrntna Crhkti omonha, (iit BaiaV are trt nllel an4 dine lr life. Math Mrin a oaaalt 4'aaBtleaMalIy orncK-iiia a X84 third ht. N. P. N. U. No. 1S2-S. fTnTuTno. 2W. . jr Jr Para m Ej ari, vr . taaaaaujjTal LllEfi, BLOOD AMD LUNG DISEASES. Liver Oisease Heart Trou3ll HALL'S SARSAPARILLA Cures all Diseases orieinatine from a qisoraerea stato of tne BLOOD or LIVEH. Rheumatism, Neorale-ia, Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula, lumors, Salt Kheum and mercurial Fains readily yield to its purifyin? properties. It leaves the Blood pure, the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the Complexion bright and clear. J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors 417 Sanaome St., San Francisco. For Imperfect Digestion, Disordered Stomach. lA-t Travelers round this ti orl 1 of care Without delay themselves pit-pare. Ani--at the illH that limy arise From Ill-cooked meals ami lengthy rides, A sure defence is nt Mieir call. For TAKE A NT'S 8LTZEB conquers all. 'he only Drew Ktav iu thawnrld Alulni.l. , able, l'rlca. IS cuts i.r jar.1. Fol aalu cvurywlK-rv. Alao. jildt lirenarL-d fur thA nt.-irlr,.t ...- . I.uu... CorereU FeaLherbone, reaily for at:aohniK to the Hnet V. Price, 25 (will jw yarO. Culoni-. Black. White, Cardinal. Blue a.,d Ftnk. If yonr doalw has not aeoured it.auvauiount denirt-.l will hn a,.iit. lKwtnniil. on receipt of price. Aiiarm W.tKUEJI l.4THt'lt. KOtctuiiriM. Tlirre Onk. Mlrbluuu. STEIN WAY basich bach. Gablor. HnniHhln.nn; Hn. det Organs, band instruments. Largest stock of Sheet Music and Books. Bands supplied at Eastern prices. M. GRAY, ox von street. Ban Francisco. . Mrs. Mart A. McOwn, Cofumfou, KTd on.. wrius " 1 addraamid ou in Novintipr, l'V, in n-trard to my bt-aUtli. Ik-iikt afliu-u witli livi-r Uiouaari, htwrt ta-iullu,aucl f.-uiai weak niw. 1 was ailriM-d to uaH Ir. l"ivn-'s tiiildcn Mlical lioovery. Favorite l'ro w ni'tion and I'clleta. I unii ou bottlo of the rn-aerliitiOQ.' fh of tho T)iaiov. pry,' and four of the I'limwnt, FurintUve Pflks.' Jiy beiiltb lw ran tn iintmvn im.crll umof your nxdiriiie, and luy strrnrt h tinir Iwi-k. Mr ditlioolli.-a have all dusaptx-anil. 1 can work hard all ilny, or walk four or live mill's a day. and stand it well; and wlit-n 1 Im-kiui imiiitr tli imuciii I timid sutrocly walk arroas tbu room, niiMit of tin 1 1 m. and I did not think I oould rr frt well ajjrnin. 1 liiivi- a lull.- Uiliy a-lrl f itrht montlta oM. Aittaouab abe is alitUo di'lit in si and aiMwraiic, she Is hfalthy. i (rive your n-ino-du ail the crvdit for cunuir inn, aa I took no othtr tn-atinent alt-r iH'irinniiir ttu-ir ti. 1 aiu vrry gTatcful for your kludm-sa, and tliuiik UihI and tliuuk you thai I out as well u 1 tun alir years of sutli-ririir." Mrs. I. V. WritRKR, of Torkthire, Cattnrauau Co.. I ,rn IS.U wrin-s : " 1 wLh to any a few wort la In praise LIVLK I of r "Ooldi-n McuMoal lliaoovery ' and I'leasant i iirirmivo i-eiioix.- xor nve years previous to takiutr tbem 1 waa a rreat sufferer ; I had a at'Vere pain in my riirht side eontinuaJIv: wna aaaaaaaaaaaaJ llmililo t do my OWU Work. I am lllippy to Say 1 sin now well nixt stronir, thanks to jour medicines." riironle Diarrhea Cured. 1. Lazarkk. Ew., 175 and rrt Hrrtlnr Slrrri, Xrw ttrtrans, Iai writes: " 1 used three bottles of tbe 'Uolden Mitllial lliaeovery,' and it haa cured mo of curoulo diarrhea. My bowels are now regular." r Disease. I Mrs. pARafEtJA nRrvDAGC, of Kl Ixxh Strert, LAKkporU A", i'. wnu-: - 1 waa troubled with chills, nervous and general debility, witli frequent sore throat, and my tuouth waa badly cankered. a; uver waa inactive, ana l sunereu much from General Oebilut. wfmmm"wfw dyspepsia. 1 am pleased to aay that your 'Golden neaicat uisccvury and "FeileU1 bare cured tne of all these ailtutnta and 1 cannot say enough in their praise. I must also say a word in reference to your 'Favorite Prescription.' as it has proven iiaelf a most excellent medicine for weak females. It baa been used In uiy family with excellent results." ttyape pats. James I Colst, Esq.. of Tueatan, Jfnuxtnn Co mn writes: I was troubled with indirestion. mnrl wu,l.t nt Invigorates the System. tKiu-tily ami arrow Door at the same time, lrtwru-md K.i.,m sour Stomach, and many other disafrreeable symptoms common to iirnt uiwroer. l eommencea taking' your Oolden Medical Disoovery and ' Felkts,' and I am now entirely free from tbe dyspepsia, and am. In fact, healthier than I have been for five years. I weiih one hundred and seventy one and one-half pounds, and have done as mnel, work tlia, nost. m rrur - I k done In the same length of time in my life. I never took a inedjcine that seemed to tone up tbe musclea and invigorate the whole system equal to your 'Discovery " and 'Pellets.7" lyppal. TniRtsA A. Cash, of Sprinftid, 3fo, writes: I was troubled one y-ar with liver complaint, dyspepsia, and sleeplessness, but your 'Uolden Medical iiiaco very cured me,". Ch,,,i . Fea-erRev. H. E. Mofu.rr. Sfrmtmorenrt. S. C, writes: ljwt August I thought I would die with chills and fever. 1 took your Discovery ' and it stopped them ia a very abort time." I Blotches. A Terrible Affligtish. "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which Is tha fountain of health, by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diacovcrr. and good digeatinn. a fulr skin buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vigor will lie established. Jl a ooa Uolden Mediettl lliaeovery cures all humors, from tbe common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst 6crofula. or blood KdTweluf, BalurheumPo,P Tetter. Feverrea. DSeLulo,. ,--.- I Rev. F. Abrprt Howei.u pajttor of the AT. E. HQ IS I blotcbt-ai tM'Kan to arise on the eurfaco of the r-raa, aiaasv m. I pvisuult.-U aw h4MJTA 1111 I IK wllltl diillneMS. I began tho use of Dr. Fierce 'a (inlden Medical Discovery as directed by 1 him for such coiniilidiita. anil In ttn wk time I began tn f,4 like a niw man, and am now sound and well. Tlio ' lMeiwiint Purgative Pellets' are the best remedy for bilious or sick hed'lMclie. or IikIiI liens about the chest, and bad tasto 111 the mouth, tliat I have ever used. My wife could not walk across tho Hour when she liegun to tuko your-' Uolden Medical Discovery. Now she can w-itlk quite a littlo ways, aud do some light work.' Mrs. Ida M. Strono. of Ainmmrth, Tnd.. writes : "My littlo boy bud been troubled with hip-Joint disease lor two years. When he commenced the line of your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Pelleta, he was confined to his tied, and could not lie moved without suffeiinir Brent nain. Hut now, thanks to your Discovery,' he ia able to be up all the time. CONSUMPTION, VJEAK LUKGS, SPITTING OF BLOOD. Oor.rEN MrntOAt. Disoovtot cures Consiimptlon f which is Scrofula of the Lungs), by lta wonderful blood-purffving. Invigora ting nul nutritive imim-itii-s. lor Weak Lungs, Spitting of HIikhI, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis. Severe Coughs. AwlmuL 2nd purilio the' bin aovereigu remedy. W hiio It prompUy cures tbe severest Coughs it strengthens tie system It rapiilly builds up the system, and increases tho flesh and weight of those reduced below the usual standard of health hv wasting dieicusi'S. vj cal Discovery hag cured my daughter of a very had nicer located on the thigh. After trying almost everything wit bout success, we procured three bottles of your 'Discovery, which healed it ud perfectly." Mr. Downs continues: r Consumption and Heart Diseaae "I. also wish to thank you for the remarkable cure vou have effected in my case. for mree years I had suffered from that terri ble disease, consumption, and heart disease. Before consulting you I bad wasted away to a skeleton : could not sleep nor rest, and many times washed to die to be out of my misery I then consulted you. and vnu tM . 1 bones of curinir me tin r it wnnM ..i. . T took five months' treatment in all. Tbe first two months I . Hip-Joiht Disease. end can walk with the help of crotches. Be does not suffer any Pain, and can eat and sleep as well as any one. It has only been about three months since he commenced using your medicine. I cannot And words with which to express my gratitude for the benelit be has received through you." Sk In IHaease. The Democrat and News," of Cambridge, SlarylanA, says: "Mrs. Eliza Ash Poole, wire of Leonard Poole, of H'O luimtlmrg, VorchfMer Co., MdL. has been cored of a bad case of Eczema by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Tbe disease ap- peareu nm in ucr iwu extennea to tne anees, covering the whole of the lower limbs from feet to knees, then attacked tbe elbows and became so severe as to prostrate her. After being treated by several physicians for a year or two she commenced the use of the medicine named above. She soon began to mend and is now well and hearty. Mrs. Poole thinks the medicine has saved her life and prolonged her days." Mr. T. A. Atbes, of East A'eto Afartat, Jjurthater County, MdL, Touches for the above facts. I Given Up I I l Coiixnmptlou. Mrs. Edward Newton, of ITarrmnmith, Oj., writes: " You will ever bo praised by me for the remarka ble cure in my case. I wiis so reliieed tliat my friends had all given mo up, and I had also been given up by two doctors. I then went to the beit doctor in these parts. He told me that medicine was only a punishment in my case, and would not undertake to ii-i-ut nie. no said 1 might try tod liver oil if I liked, as that was tho ouly thing that could possi bly have any curative power over consumption so far advanced. I tried the Cod liver oil as a last treatment, but I was so weak I could not keep it on my stomach. My husband, not feeling satisfied to irive me nn vet. thmnrh hn hud iw ii i trt fn. mA everything he s iw advertised for my complaint, procured a quan tity of your ' Uolden Medical Discovery.' I took only four bottles, and. to surprt-te of everyxdy, ara to-dav doing my own work, and am entirely free from thnt teraible cough which harrassed me night and day. I have been alHicted with rheumatism for a number of years, and now feel so much better that I believe, with a con tinuation of your 'Golden Medical Discovery," I will be restored tp perfect health. I would sav to those who are falling a prey to that tcrnblo disease consumption, do not do as I did, take every thing else first; but take the 'Golden Medical Discovery' in the early stng-8 of tho disease, and thereby save a great deal of suf fering and be restored to heakh at once. Any person who is still in doubt, need but write me, inclosing a stamped, self addremed envelope for reply, when the foregoing statement will bo fully substantiated by me." ITloer Cored. Isaac E. Downs, Esq.. of Spring VaTtey, Rockland Co X. I". ( P. O. Box 88), writes: "The 'Golden Medi- I Wasted to I A Skeleton.! almost discouraired : could not n--r v - but the third month I began to pick up in flesh and strength. I cannot now recite how, step by step, the signs and realities of returning health gradually but surely developed themselves. h r,y B scales at one hundred and sixty, and am well P"r P"-?'?1 reliance in curing Mr. Downs' terrible disease was the Golden Medical Discovery." JUvscph V. McFaruutd. Athens, Ia, writes: My wife had frequent Weeding from the lungs before she commenced using your 'Golden Medical Discovery.' She has not bad any since its use. For some six months ahe iian dan fnaHnff"an .v.. 1 1 tw uVixi hu discontinued it." - Bleeoixs from lukss. Golden Medical Discovery is Sold by Druggists. Price $1.00 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5.00. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Proprietors, t o. 66.1 Slain Street, BIFFALO, IS. V.