Newspaper Page Text
''' VOL. 29. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR. NO. 6. HErrJNlUIi, UKUUUN. TllUlvoJJA Y, MAI 2, iyi2 I, 11 I GOUITYS OFFICIAL VOTE Returns Show a Total of 419 Republican and 118 Dem ocratic Votes Cast primary electors turning The offiolal count of the vote of Morrow county at the recent primar- ies was finished during the week by Clerk Hill, assisted by Justloes Will iams and M. A. Bates. We will not give a detailed vote by precincts, but have tabulated the total -vote received hv the various candi- .daets on the republican and democratic tickets. There was qoite a large number of scattering votes for various officos and these were duly counted in 'making up the summary of the vote tcast ana appear on ire reeuius ui wo Joflioial count, but our figures here are .'those received bv tha candidates duly '.printed upon the ballot and also for (one or two offices written in. A total 'of 419 republican and 118 democratic votes were cast or less than half of the registered vote at the time. the primary was held. Ihis illustrates Uo a decree, the interest that tho .'electorate eenerally takes in the nam imr of candidates for office. As time : goes on, however, the direct iwill grow in favor and the will take more interest in , out a full vote. ,! ' REPUBLICAN. " President. Lu Follette 59 ! Roosevelt . . .160 Taft , .181 "-' Delegate! to National Convention. s'Ackerson .5G Aoplegate V 6 Boyd ' 25 ' Bynon i .' 48 : Cauiobell. . . .". . . .'. .7 uarey 14 i Ooe 38 Hail ...' 29 .Harris. 3 Huston; ......... 6 Jones 4 McCusker 10 Metsclian 61 Minto .1 Smith .39 Swift 25 Presidential Elector.. .McMahon... . 186 United States Senator. Bourne 38 Lowell t 188 Morton 6 k Selling !..165 Representative Cochran... 62 .11 ID .. I. I Roosevelt 25 Ruak 59 Sinnott 121 Secretary of State. Fields -...246 Olcott 11? Justice Supreme Court. Eakin 300 Dairy and Food Commissioner. Cottell... ....103 Edwards 60 Lea 59 Mickle 112 Railroad Commissioner. Aitchison 211 Soholderman 66 Stay ton 6l Circuit Judge. Phelps ' 310 District Attorney. Neal 183 Steiwer 184 Representative. Stanfleld 313 Judge. Briggs 219 Clerk. Hill 375 Sheriff. Evans 339 Superintendent. Notson. 368 Treasurer. Gilliam 359 Surveyor. Torner 338 Coroner. Chick 51 Winnard 19 Commissioner. t Bate 179 Kilkenny 186 DEMOCRATIC President. Clark 6? Harmon 8 Wilson 29 Delegates to National Convention. Bennett. .". 47 Burke 4 Cola 1 Edmunson 1 Gobs 1 Holman 2 Holmes 6 Kadderly 1 Kinfg. 2 Maloney. .26 Mosei 2 Shehan ' "....23 Stevenson 1 Wise ...'.3 Presidential Electors. MoLain 12 Peterson.... .61 Wall 9 Watson -.' 10 Whiten... 8 United States Senator. Coshow 13 Lan .....37 Miller .6 Pieice J. 42 Representative. Oovey 63 Graham ; i .50 Secretary of State. Ryan .91 Railroad Commissioner Anderson 77 County Judge. Patterson .99 Sheriff. Haves 100 Surveyor. Reid... 10 Commissioner. McElligott ,80 Justice, Sixth District. 1 Williams ,38 On the Demccartio county ticket there were no nominees fur the offices of district attorney, circuit judge, clerk, suparintendent. treasurer or coroner. It is rumored that Ed Hus ton, of Eightmile. will present his name for the office of clerk- and will appose W. O. Hill at the Fall election but just how true this is, we cannot say. Ed is a good man. and quite nopular in his precinct, and should make a strong candidate. Whether other places will be filled by petition we do not know, but there will doubt less be much more interest in the general election, local lv, than was manifested at the primaries. To Handle Rusell Machinery E. L. Berry, of Heppner has just closed a contract with the Averill Machinery Co.. of Portland, whereby he is to have the sale of the Russell engines and the new RusBell threshers and repairs during the season in Heppner. Any orders intrusted ,to his care will receive his prompt at tention, and any information desired concerning the line uf machinery they handle will be cheerfully furnished by him. The A. II. Averill Machin ery Co. have the entire sale of the Russell line of goods on the Pacific Coast and have established an evitable repuattion for fair and honest dealing with their customers and do doubt they intend to secure their pari of the machinery trade in this country. They have shown excellent judgment in selecting E. L. Berry as the local representative, and the Russell ma chinery can speak lor itself as it is a line quite extensively used in this county. The special traveling sales- msn, Mr. Oliffoid Haroll, of Porland, who was in Heppner a couple of days last week, will be here from time to time introducing the new Russell it erator, a machine especially adapted to this section. SECOND DEGREE VERDIGT OF JURY John Irvin of Whitney, Found Guilty of Murder by Baker County Jury. The trial of John Irvine' for the murder of Jacob Allen McCraw, end ed at Baker on last Tuesday , by the inrv bringing in a verdict of second degree murder. , , Concerning the trial and conviction, the morning Democrat of Wednesday, April 24, says: "Guilty of murder in the second degree," was the verdict returned by the jury in the case of John Irvine, on trial for killing Jacoh Allen Mc- Praw. the report being made to the court a few minutes after midnisht, or about six and one-half hours after retiring The verdict was a surprise to all who have followed the case, a disagreement being predicted by manv after the first few hours.' The jury reported about midnight that they had agreed and Judge bmitb was lm mediatey called to the court house, hearing their report and discharging them shortly after. What Triani Aslnilre is hearty, vigorous life, according to Hugh Tallman. of San Antonio. "We find," be writes, "that Dr. Kings New Life Pills surely put new life and energy into a person. Wife and believe they are the best made." Excellent for stomach, liver or kid ney troubles. 25 cents at Slocum Drug Co. Church Announcements. M. E. CHURCH. Sunday school at 9:45 a. ui. Morn ing worship at 11:00 a. m. ; subject of sermon, 1 lie pice m ine uospei in the religious world. " Epworth Lea gue 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30. Subjoct of evening sermon, "Tha Great Wrestling Match." Mid week prayer meeting, Thursday-night at 7:30. Everybody cordially invit ed to all our services. W. A. PRATT Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH. Bible school, 10 a. m. Preaching at Eight Mile school house, 11 a. m. Preaching at Heppner. 7:30 p. m. The public is invited to all of oui serv ices. johx McAllister, Pastor. Lame back is usually cauied by rheumatism of the muscles of the back for which you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment For sale by Patterson & Son. The end of the trial and conviction of the prisoner almost establishes a local record for speed, in a murder trial, for the case was taken up only Moaday morning. The state's case was concluded yesteiday tfiorning, and the defense finished in the mid dle of the afternoon. Judge M. D. Clifford summed up first for the state and John L. Rand and A. A. Smith for the defense.. District Attorney Levens concluded for the prosecution and the instructions of the court fol lowed imraediatey, the jury retiring at 5:30. . Eight witnesses, including Irvin, who took the stand as the last wit ness for the defense, testified yester day. Hardly any two of them gave the details of the crime alike. The testimony of Guy Lockhart was made the most of by the prosecution' as it was he who was the only wit ness to the shooting who had - not been carousing all night the night before. The self-defense theory was held of no aocount by the state's attorneys, in view of the fact that McCraw made no attack on the mur derer. , On the other hand the de fense showed that McCraw had threatened to prepare himself, and Said he would return, with these words: "I'll get yon or you'll get me. Testimony diners on tois point. Some say that both of McCraw 'a hands were above the bar when the fhtal shots were fired ; tome say that his right hand was on his hip pocket, as if reaching for a gun. ' In the lat ter event the defense held that Irvin was justified in shooting in self de fense. As a matter of fact, a logical deduction from the many stories was next to an impossibility. Irvin on the satnd proved an in different witness. He testified and was corroborated by others that he had asked his victim to go away and leuve him alone, and .had even gone down cellar to avoid him. District Attorney Levens in summing up in timated that the witnesses were pre judiced in favor of the prisoner and against the dead man. they having hnown the former a long time, and the latter coming only a short time before the crime in a capacity that made him unpopular from the very beginning of his residence in Whit ney. Attorney John L. Rand, in pre senting the case to the jury, dwelt at length on the premises, that having threatened Irvin and coming back, according to his threat, his hand be ing in the position of a man to, draw a gun, the logical conclusion of pris oner was that he was about to draw, and that in purely self-defeuse he had tired himself. Effort was made to show the good character of the murderer and the bad reputation of McCraw, it beina repeatedly stated that the latter had been drunk all night, had abused all with whom he cam" in contact, and had insulted women at a danca the night before. During both days of the trial the court room was crowded all the time and the interest in the case was in tense, especially among the people from Whitney aud vicinity, where the murderer had lived for a number of years, and had many friends. While it was freely predicted that DISCOVERED DEAD AFTER II DAYS Tim Townsend, an Old-Timer of Eastern Oregon, Expires Alone In His Cabin. After having been dead for at least two days, if oot longer the remains of Tim Townsend, an old-timer of Eastern Oregon, were discovered ly ing on the bed in his cabin just across the creek south of the depot late Fri day afternoon. It is hard to say just how long he had been dead, but the body Was in a bad state at the time of discovery, and it is known that he must have been dead for at least two days, probably passing , off shortly after retiring on Wednesday evening. Some a'e of the opinion however that he was last seen alive on Tues day evening, but from what we are aEle to learn he was up town on Wed necday and was also over to the depot the same evening at about the time the train arrived.. He. was missed at any rate after a couple of days, by those who were in the habit of notic ing him about the premises, and his horses bad not been fed or, watered so Dennis SniHans- decided to visit the cabin and see if there was not some thing wrong, when the discovery was made that the old man was dead and the body in a bad state of decomposi tion. The report was sent up town and District Attorney Van Vactor and some others went down to investigate the premises. 'Coroner Chick was also in Heppner at the time and upon mak- intr an "'investication decided that death resulted from natural causes and that an inquest was not necessary, so the body was turned over to the undertaker and interment was had on Saturday in the Masonio cemetery. Mr. Townsend had no relatives in this immediate vicinity, but has rel atives residing near Pendleton and in other parts of Umatilla county. He has. been a resident of Heppner for about five years oat, living some of the time with the family of Percy Hushes, with whom he had been acquainted for a number of years. He came here from Grant county. He was .an Indian war veteran, a pioneer of Eastern Oregon, and known to many .of the old-timers here. Hav- ng met .with a good many reverses in life ha was not possessed of much of this world's eoods at the time of his demise, but at one time was quite prosperous in the cattle busires. He was given to drink quite freely of late years, suffered inucn from chron ic rheumatism, aud as he bad not been feeling wfll for s-me time prior to his death it is thought that this was the cause of his taking off at this time. He was about 65 years of age, and the most .of his life was spent in this section of Eastern Oregon.' r, t o )Oc) the jury would either bring in a ver dict in favor of the defendant or dis agree, in view of the results it seems reasonable to believe that it was ' not the innocence or guilt of Irvin that bothered the jury, but the degree of the crime. In the indictment re turned by the granl jury he was charged with "murder in the first dearee," and the verdict "of "guilty in the second degree" gives rise to the presumption that the long session of the jurymen was taken up in fixing the degree of the crime. Helps A Judge In II a si III, Justice Eli Cherry, of Gillis Mills, Tenn. was plainly worried. . A bad sore on his leg had baffled several doctors and long resisted all remedies, "though it wag a cancer," he wrote. "At last I used Bucklin's Arnica salve, and was completely cured." Cures burns, boils, ulcers, bruises and piles. Co. 25 cents at Slocum Dru E. Nordyke, prosperous farmer of Lexington, was in Heppner, Monday, and inoidenally poured a little oil on i the G-T machinery. Mr. Nordyke j was one of the early settlers of Mor- row county and reports this the best, spring of any during his residence, here. J Poor appetite is sign of impaired digestion. A few doses of Chamber- i Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will ' strengthen your digestion and improve your appetite. Thousands have been benetfied by taxing these Tablets. ! Sold by Tatterson & Son Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kosppenberg, ' of lone, are visiting in Heppner this week. I Win GBauys f TOdO (E(D)(D)2iS In looking over our Spring stock which has just been received, we believe we have the best assortment of goods that has ever been shown here. A Splendid Line of Ladies Waists, Collars, jab ots, etc. They are snappy just the style you want. - Here are a few of our standbys: Banner Brand Waists, Underskirts & Dresses; - Nemo and II. & G. Corsets; Simpson's Prints Amoskeag A. F, C. Ginghams, Hipplettes and Galateas. Bed Goose Shoes for Children", Pa cific and Swell Shoes for Ladies, Atlantic and . Senate Shoes for Men and Boys, Hansen Gloves, Conqueror Hats, Standard Shirts, Collegian Clothes, Boss-of-the-Boad Overalls. Boyal Club Canned Goods, M. J. B. Coffee, Crystal White - Soap, Fuller's Sheep Mark ingr Paint, Crisccy -Easy Jell, etc." Thomson Bros. I30 C 3QC 3CJ 'ur Hat Is Also In the Ri This time it is for the Co & Wo Squirrel Poison Last year we were the only store handling; it in Heppner, and you all know the sensation a two-' - bit poison caused. . . It is sold under a money back guarantee, if not satisfactory. We have yet the first complaint to hear from. Now is the time to do effective work in ridding the farm of these little pests, the squirrels. 25c - The Can - 25c A. M. PHELPS The Grocer