A ;
VOL. 29. NO. G.
Little Business, Aside From
Auditing Claims Circuit
Court Monday.
Commissioners' court convened
for the May term on Wednesday
last, with full board present, and
remained in session three days.
Little business was transacted
outside the auditing of numerous
claims against the county, and
we give here a brief summary of
all that transpired
Report of viewers and survey
or on county road near Cecil was
accepted and the road established
A. M. Slocum was awarded the
contract to furnish 70 cords
slab wood at the court house, at
$4.90 per cord.
Petition of Dr. J. J. Murray
vetrinarian, to be appointed
county stock inspector, was re
ceived and continued for term.
City of Heppner granted fran
chise to dig and maintain a we
on the county road at the mouth
of Donaldson canyon, and also to
dig and maintain ditch for pipe
line leading to Heppner from
such well where same lies within
the boundaries of county road
Petition to vacate a part of the
Wayne Howard road, continued
for term because of failure to file
affidavit of posting of notice
The following is the list in ful
of miscellaneous claims audited
and allowed
C C Patterson, judge, sal. .$200 00
W O Hill, clerk 333 33
A M Mallory, deputy 150 00
J C Hayes, sheriff 333 33
J O Rasmus, deputy 150 00
S ENotson, supt 200 00
J J Wells, assessor 200 00
Sylvia Wells, deputy. .... 70 00
Frank Gilliam, treasurer. 83 3
F E Boyden, co. physician 66 66
Wm Ayers, janitor
R B Rice, election account
120 00
12 00
W B Finley,
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
J R Ashinhurst "
J W Sibley
B S Clark
Jack Hynd
H S Ewing
Peter Nash
M V Logan
Geo N Ely
J A Troedson "
WWBechdolt "
C A Repass
J B Adams
Clyde G Wright "
Geo McDuffee "
J W Stevens
TW Morgan
G MAkers
II R Smith
R F Fraser
E G Sutton
J N King
Frank Anderson "
ER Huston
Mose Ashbaugh "
C R Peterson "
S A Barlow
A Missildine "
Geo J Currin
E G Noble
Robert Young "
R W Turner
Leroy Jones "
W A Richardson"
BB Kelly
WPScrivner "
H C Githens
John H Bush "
W H Herren
L B Kicker
Peter Sausbaur "
J L Egbert
II Walpole
W G Corey
Geo Rand
Jos M Hayes "
John Brosnan
W E Straight "
Chas B Cox
W EWiglesworth
I C Cox
Samuel Devine "
Andrew Reaney "
E S Duran
LA Palmer
W F Barnett "
W A Pointer
W O Bayless
S A Wright
II C Gay
A S Akers
Hanson Hughes "
C N Jones
W T Campbell "
J II Frad
J L Yeager
6 00
6 00
6 00
12 00
6 00
6 00
10 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
11 60
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
10 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
20 60
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
10 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
7 80
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
0 00
G 00
6 00
MESmead fi 50
W C McCarty " 00
M T Hughes " (i 00
Paul Reitman " 9 (JO
F H Wilson " G 00
A B Grover " (i 00
John S Johnson " 0 00
W T McNabb " (i 00
John Nolan (1 00
RF Wiglesworth" 11 00
J T Ayers " G 00
EONeill , " G 00
II C Robertson " 6 00
W L Vincent " (! 00
W W Howard " fi 00
I L Howard " 0 00
W L Barlow " fi 00
Archer Rice " G 00
A W Lundell " 9 GO
B F Morgan " fi 00
John Mills " fi 00
Ed McDaid " .12 00
Henry Stender " fi 00
Johannas Troedson 0 00
Carl F Troedson " G 00
Phil Doherty " fi 00
John Troedson " fi 00
M A Bates " 8 m
J P Williams " 3 00
IdaWarnock " 2 50!
J C Haves, current expense G G5
S E Notson. do 5 85
S E Notson, supt. ac 27 50
Chas Williams, poor ac 3 50
W H Ayers, roads 23 56
Walter Garner, roads 2 75
Hudson Land Co., assess
ment account 5 00
A B Rogers, do 1 90
Glass & Prudhomme, cur.
expense account 4 05
Pacific Stationery & Print
ing Co., do 2G 75
Bushong& Co., do 53 50
Irwin, Hodson Co., do 12 98
Mike Healy, fruit in. ac. . . G 00
J L Kirk, roads 11 25
Vaughan & Sons, do 3 40
W P McMillan, election ac. 12 70
WHDobvns. do 80
L D Rowland, irrigation.. 128 (5
Cox & Beamer. cur. ex . . . 6 35
J L Yeager, poor ac 12 50
W E Pointer, roads 44 00
LonBooher, do 22 75
John Sprouls, do 4 00
Chas Williams, do 2 00
FM Bay less, do 2 00
R F Wilmot, election 6 00
Mose Ashbaugh, do 2 30
Wm Ayers, do 3 00
C Ayers, do 22 0b
F M Bayless, poor 311 00
Patterson & Son, do 46 20
R Hogeland. roads 34 25
AD Homeland, do 3 00
L E Hogeland, do 4 00
Wate Crawford, do 3G 00
Geo. N Ely, do 50 00
F M Parker, do 52 00
M A Bates, do 24 00
W J Blake, do 132 00
Sam Hughes, do 19 50
Ieppner Sanitonum, poor. 32 50
John Bellenbrock, roads... 40 80
J S Young, do 82 00
Ben Moore, do 45 00
Mrs Allen, do ..... 50 20
G E Fuller, do 6 00
L Ayers, do 28 75
Thomson Bros, ct hse ac" ' 4 00
Gontv Bros, poorac 3 40
W J McCraw, rdacct 1 50
Heppner Gazet, elec ac...l4i lb
Slocum Drug Co, do 3 25
J Humphreys, ct hse.... 21 05
I L & W Co, ct hse 78 05
W O Hill, miscellaneous... 50 00
W H Herren, assessor.... 72 00
Bushong & Co. cur ex. . . . 12 90
E Musgrave, road ac . . . . 22 00
Wm Severance, do 4
M Hastings, do 2
M Hastings, do " 2
M W M Co, do-'" 54 35
Minor & Co, do 59 80
A O Burch, do 10 25
Gilliam & Bisbee, do 40 85
Gilliam & Bisbee, ct hse... 69 40
D V S Reid, rd red & srvy. 82 50
WOsborn, rdac 5 20
i L Ben ere, do 15 40
D VSReid, do 30 20
W P Reed, do 2 50
W W Ewing, do 2 50
M Reed, do 2 50
City Meat Market, cthse.. 8 90
L Berrv. ct hse 4 00
Eugene Kelsav, rd ac 6 75
McRoberts & Evans, do -. . 6 00
E Van Vactor, cur ex. . . 22 00
City of Heppner, poor ac. . 82 15
Dr F E Boyden, do 28
P G Balsiger, miscel 56 90
Glass & Prudhomme, elec. 53 50
Halvorsen & Mason, poor. 18 00
M J Devin, co ct ac. 10
J S Young, do 10
Irlpa A Judge In Had tlx.
Justice Eli Cherry, of Gillis Mills.
Tenn. was plainly worried. A bad
sore on his leg had baffled several
doctors and long resisted all remedies,
"though it was a cancer," he wrote.
"At last I used Bucklin's Arnica
salve, and was completely cured."
Cures bums, boils, ulcers, braieea
and piles. 25 cents at Slocum Drug
Progressive Policy Adopted
By City Fathers Results in
Needed Improvements.
Regardless of th fact that it was
show day, and all the wild animals
were in town, besides lots of other
yer ple, tha city fa hers were able to
gather themnelves tci'ether on Mon
day evening for a regular meeting of
the council, with a goodly attendance.
Mayor Van Vactor presided, and
Ccuncilmen W. O. Minor, Uornett
Bariatt, Currin and Kirk present.
The presentation of bills for the
month took up the fore part of the
meeting. These were a little in ex
cess of the usual budget, owing to the
extra amount of strret work that has
been done the p.ist couple of weeks,
and in detail were as follows:
A. J. Stevenson, labor - - $ 10.75
Henry Bejjlow, labor with
teitn - - - 32.00
Vernou Jones, labor - - 2.00
Latwicht Blahm. labor - - 2.50
Alonzn Wright and .las. Gentry,
12 days labor on streets, 2 men
and 18 horses - - - 180 00
Roy P. Campbell, labor - - 4.75
George Moore, labor, - - 7.50
J. Frank Smith, labor - - 2.00
Minor and Co. , sundries - - 64.70
Vaughn & Sons, shovel - - 1.00
Gilliam & Bisbee, sundries - 20.50
G. E. Hedde, labor - - 3.50
L. Grover, labor - - - 4.25
E. L. Berry, painting ani -
papering, - - -
10. (!5
Mack Smith, salary,
J. P. Williams, salary,
L. W. Briggs, salary - -H.
L. & W. Co , current -Mack
Smith, killing three
dogs, -Mack
Smith, repsirs on stove
The committee on streets and pub
lic property reported to the council
that they are progress. ng with the
work of the new well which they are
digging to furnish water for street
sptinkling purposes; that they had
already reached a suffinicnt flow of
water and would go no deeper at the
present, waiting until the diy season
corned on, and thfn if the well should
show a depreciation iu the flow, to dig
deeper.. This committee also made
its report as to the work they had
already preformed in the grading of
the stretes and reported tho grading
of the north end of Main to the
bridge, the street leading to the depot
and beyond and Chase street out to
beyond the properly of Arthur Smith.
They will not likely proceed with any
work on other streets at this time, as
th.y fear it may turn a little too dry
to d i a successful job.
Councilman Currin is keeping the
matter of hard-mrf jcing alive in the
council, and does not iuil to have
something of note to offer on the sub
ject at each meetiug.
As stated before in these columns
the council is fully wise to the fact
that such woik as has been done is
only of a temporary nature, and just
as fast as they cau get shaped up to
do go, they will undertake the work
of hard-surfacing the principal streets
of the town, to say nothing of the
other streets that will recieve their
attention in due course of time.
A motion was made and earned
that the city construct a 30,000 gallon
reservoir of concrete for the holding
of water for street sprinkling pur
poses. The site for this reservoir has
not vet betn chosen, but the commit
tee on streets and publio property are
empowered to arrange for this and
secute a suitable location somewhere
in the vicinity of the power bouse.
Upon moticn, the same committee
was empowered to immediately locate
pipe line, secure right of way for
same, and ascertain the size of pipe
required and ordei the same in suffi
cient quantity to connect the well
with the reservoir, and also to adver
tise for bids for building reservoir
and diggiug ditch.
The committee on fire and water
was instructed to see to the extending
of the water main on Alkali street for
distance of at least three hundred feet
westward and have a hydrant put in.
(t seems that ad order was entered up
moie than a year ago to have this done
and it is understood that the water
company agreed to do it but the job
remains undone. This is necessary
to protect property on the west end of
this street that it ia impossible to
reach from the point of the nearest
hydrant at the present.
On motion, the committee on streets
and public property were instructed
to contract with Mr. 1. Jj. price for
the construction of a concrete crossing
on Center street, connecting the
pavements abuting the DroDtrtyof the
Christian church and that of J. P.
Conder. It is understood that this
crossing is to be built at a cost of
lone and Heppner mixed in two
games of baseball on Heppner grounds
last Saturday afternoon. The first
game was between the nines of the
grammar schools, resulting in a vic
tory for the home boys by a score of
10 to 8. The game bptween the High
School teams was a splenid contest,
Heppner winning '6 to 1. Errors in
the first inning by lone, let Heppner
have two tallies they were not in
titled to and up to the eighth it looke
like a ehut-out garre for lone
ueponer a pattery was jones an
Young and Ione's was O. Rietman
and A. Cochtan. You will seldom
see a better game played.
The Demons of I lie Swamp
are mof qui toes. As they sting they
put deadly malaria germs iu the blood,
Then follow the icy chills and the
fires of fever. The appetite flies an
the srengtli fails : also malaria paves
the way for deadly typhoid. Bu
Electric Bitters kill and cast out, the
malaria germs from tha blood; give
yon it hne appetite and renew your
strength. "After long suffering, '
wrot Wm. Fret well, of Lucama, N,
O., "three bottles drove all the mal
aria from my system, and I've had
good health ever since." Best for
all stomach, liver and kidney ills. 50
cts. at Slocnm Drus Co.
Circuit Court.
The regular May term of the
Circuit Court convenes at the
court house on Monday. The
docket is short and the session
promises to be a short one. The
o)' ;:rand jury meet tomorrow to
finish up any business that may
be called to their attention. The
Mills case will come up for trial
again, and there are a few civil
suits to settle. Should the grand
jury find no new business, the
May term will soon be over. The
jury list is as follows:
Lotus Rnbioson, Millmsn
S. lone
G tn try
M. E. Devore
John Byland
A. A MOabe
J. G. Doherty
D. S. Bartow
Victor L. Cirlson
Jas. T. Ayers
rine City
Howard W. Anderson Farmer 8-Mile
Chas.O. Borchell Farmer Lexington
Fank Ward Merchant Dairy
A. G. Devore Stcckm&n Matteson
R.F. Wiglesworth Stockman PineCity
A. B. Grover
Nelse H. Justus
J. W. Craddick
W. E. Brown
Fermtr N. lone
Stockmau Heppner
8 Mile
S. lone
Dry Fork
James M. Hayes
C. E. Carlson
Jack Hynd
E. H. Andrews
A. S. Burch
G. M. Akers
F D. Cox
Theo Anderson
B. R. Patterson
E. G. Noble
Claude Coats
Clive Huston
Shreman Wakefild
Geo. W. Chapen
Merchant Heppner
Merchant Gentry
Farmer Matteson
Farnvr 8-Mile
Farmer Matteson
Farmer Dairy
There never was a time when peo
ple appreciated the real merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more
than now. This is shown by the in
crease in sales and voluntary tesli-!
monials from persons who have been
cured by it. If you or your children
are troubled with couch or cold give
it a trial and become acquainted witb
its good qualities. For sale by Pat
terson & Son.
Loyal Workers Meet.
Last Fridav night. 24 of the Loyal
Workers of Eightmile met at the
home of Henry Gay snd a most enjoy
able evening was spent. Mr. Bert
Gay and Grandpa Bennett furnished
the music to the delight of all. These
young people meet once a month.
Mr. Leo Gsy discovered a gold
mine a few day ago in the craw of
an old hen. He found two nuggeta
worth about $1.50. Whu sfcjs there
is no money in a chicken?
13 C.llTlLu O C
wit ggaqys
In looking over our Spring- stock which
has just been received, we believe we
have the best assortment of goods that
has ever been shown here.
A Splendid Line
of Ladies' Waists, Collars, jab
ots, etc. They are snappy
just the style you want.
Here are a few of our standbys:
Banner Brand Waists, Underskirts & Dresses;
Xemo and It. & G. Corsets; .Simpson's Prints
Amoskeaor A. F.
C. Ginghams,
Galateas. Red Goose Shoes for Children, Pa
cific and Swell Shoes for Ladies, Atlantic and
Senate Shoes for Men and Boys, Hansen
Gloves, Conqueror Hats, Standard Shirts,
Collegian Clothes, Boss-of-the-Road Overalls.
Royal Club Canned Goods, M. J. B. Coffee,
Crystal "White Soap, Fuller's Sheep Marking-
Paint, Criseo, Easy Jell, etc. '
Our Hat
Last year we were the
Heppner, and you all
bit poison caused.
It is sold under a money
We have yet the first complaint to hear from.
Now is the time to do effective work
in ridding the farm of these little
pests, the squirrels.
25c - The Can - 25c
The Grocer
Ripplettes and
Is Also In
it is for the
onlv store handling it
know the sensation a two
back guarantee, if not