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The gazette-times. [volume] (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 30, 1912, Image 1

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UittloiUal Society
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VOL. 29. NO. 9.
Committees Busy Preparing
For the Celebration.
The financial committee having in
charge the matter of raising funds
for the coming fourth of July celebra
tion at Heppner have finished their
labor, and report splendid success.
The celebration iJ now assured, and
two days of good time is to be arran
ged for the people of the entire oounty.
The executive committee is now
busy, they have already secured the
services of the lone band of twelve
pieces, and are figuring on other at
tractions but it is too early yet to
make any definite announcements as to
what some of the leading features
will be. Just as fast as matters can
be settled upon, and definitely arran
ged for, a program will be published
and fall and complete announcements
In the meatime, be preparing your
self to come to Heppner to spend July
3 and 4, being assured that a good
time is awaiting yon.
Prizes For Our Farmers.
The following prizes have been
offered by implement dealers of Port
land, Oregon, for the best five acres of
either spring or fall-sown wheat, to
be grown upon typical wheat land,
piecipitation of locality iu which the
wheat is grown to be considered in
awarding the prizes:
CLASS-G. Morrow Oounty.
1st Prize-No. 1 New Superior Fan
ning Mill and "Bagger, donated by
the Foott-Titna Machinery House,
Portland, Oregon.
2nd Prize Deep well Pump, donated
by the Beierson Machinery Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
3rd Prize $25 in cash by Beall & Co. ,
Portland. Oregon.
In Class G it is expected that com
petitors will give cultural methods
and furnish a detailed records a to cost
of preparing the ground, yield, variety
of wheat crown, date of seeding and
amount of seed sown per acre.
All those who deisre to compete for
prizes should notify the Traveling
Agricultural Advisor. Mr. Orren
Beaty, Moro, Oregon. 2t.
Address of Hon. J. H. Acker
man a Striking Feature.
Program Interesting.
says a wise philosopher
YES. And he is also how he eats, and
when, and WHERE.
He is a better man in several ways for
sitting down regularly to an attractive
well-ordered table.
The Palace Hotel solicits your business.
Bert Bowker, Prop.
Automobile for hire. Repair work of all kinds
done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed,
cleaned and oiled.
Agent for the 1912 Cadillac
2 Are You Boosting Mor
row County ?
Are You Patronizing
Mome Dndustry ?
superior to any .imported article. If you
are not using our products call at our
office on Main Street and get a testing sample.
Our flour is made exclusively from selected
Morrow County Bluestem Wheat.
Seed Grain, Rolled Feed,
Alfalfa Seed.
We Solicit the Storage of your Wool
The class of 1912 of Heppner High
have finished their work and received
their diplomas, the commencement
exerciess at the Christian church on
Fridav evenina last being the end of
the labors of the young men and young
ladies with the local school.
The clans consisted of five boys and
three girls, these being Minnalena
Cameron, Arthur R. Crawford. Marie
Jeanette Haeer, Sidney Hallock, Bar
old A. Cohn, TenaL. Devio, Marshall
Phelps and Harry Rood.
Messrs Crawford, Phelps and Cohn
were the class orators. Crawford
spoke from the theme, "The Old Or
der Changeth," drawing his thoughts
from the history of onr country and
setting out some of the various
changes that had taken place, all
pointing to greatly Improved condi
tions. Great achievements have been
made and wonderful has been the
progress in government, in science, in
mechanics, in agriculture and in ed
ucation, and vest improvement made
over the old order. A good lesson
was drawn and made applicable to
our present day and generation, and
more especially to those just launch
ing out into new fields of life from
the High School. The oration was
well prepared. ' Phepla drew good
lessons from his subject, "The Re
ward of Perseverance," gathering his
inspiration from the history of the
constrcution of the Panama canal
perhaps the greatest achievement in
all modern history. His address was
full of eood historical facts, showing
that he had to wotk out much of the
detailed events of the building of this
connecting link between the two great
oceans by studious research, but not
withstanding he kept his data in mind
and did not fail to reach a fitting cli
max in tne good lessons arawn.
Colin had for his subject, "Beyond
the Alps Lies Italy," and he certainly
is entitled to credit for the literary
and oratorical ability displayed. In
this address the class motto: "Suc
cess Depends On How Haid We Try,"
was Btrikingly illustrated, and Harold
delivered his part in a very acceptable
manner, indfcd. Hannibal could net
reach Rome without crossing the Alps,
almost impassible barriers, but Rome
was the object and aim of his efforts,
and he succeeded. So it is with the
young men and women just entering
upon the responsibilities of life; they
should have an object, an aim. and
this should be attained although there
be seemingly impassible barriers in
the way.
Misses Cameron and Hager filled
the musical part of the program for
the class and delivered well prepared
vccal and instrumental selections; the
vocal duet by these two young ladies
being deserving of special mention.
Miss Funk also favored the aud
ience with a vocal solo which was well
reoeived and graoiously responded to
an encore. Prof. Otto's orchestra
played selections at the opening and
the closing of the program.
The class address was by Hon. J.
H. Ackerman, of Monmouth, presi
dent of the State Normal School, and
for twelve years superintendent of
public instruction for Oregon. Mr.
Ackerman has appeared a number of
times before Heppner audiences and
the people here are always glad to
bear him. His address on this occa
sion was fully up to the expectations
of his audience something good was
looked for and they were not in the
least disappointed. He accused the
speakers of the class of "stealing his
thunder" in that the stress of their
thought was along the same line he
wished to sptak, but being possessed
of a fund of experience, Prof. Acker
man was not at a loss to entertain the
people with a splendid address. In
the course of his remarks he took
occasion to commend very highly the
proposed new school building for
Heppner, and it was gratifying to
note the spirit in which his words on
this subject were received. People
of Heppner hope to have Mr. Acker,
man with them manv times in the
The diplomas were presented to the
class by Vawter Urawford, clerk of
the school board.
It is gratifying to know that the
majority of this class are contempla
ting entering higher schools of learn
ing this Fall and pursue their studies
determined to gain lor themseves a
fuller measure of education and be
better prepared to make their way
in life. Heppner is proud of this
class, is proud of their school, and
there will certainly be no hindrance
to future betterment.
The Demon ! tne Swamp
are mosquitoes. As they stiug they
put deadly malaria germs iu the blood.
Then follow the icy chills and the
fires of fever. The appetite flies and
the srength fails: also malaria paves
the way for deadly typhoid. But
Electric Bitters kill and cast out the
malaria germs from the blood; give
you a fine appetite and renew your
strength. "After long suffering,"
wrote Wm. Fret well, of Lucama, N.
0., "three bottles drove all the mal
aria from my system, and I've had
good health ever since. " Best for
all stomach, liver and kidney ills. 60
cts. at Slocum Drug Co.
Mrs. Goff Passes.
Mrs. Clara A. Goff, a highly re
spected citizen of Heppner, where she
has resided for a number of years,
passed away at her home rn Sunday
morning. May 26, 1912, and was laid
to rest in Heppner oemetery on Mon
day forenoon, Rev. W. A. Pratt,
Methodist minister, cordncting the
seivices which were held at the resi
dence. She was 60 years of age.
Mrs. Goff had been a sufferer for
months with cancer of the stomach.
She leaves a husband, three sons, and
one daughter, 'all of whom, excepting
one son, were at her bedside when
death called. During all her months
of severe pain and suffering she was
patient and uncomplaining, trusting
that she might be able to receive
treatment that would bring reliel.
but to no purpose, and was gald at
the end to weclome death as a sweet
release from the burden of suffering.
In this sad bereavement the family
have the sympathy of the community.
Mrs. Clara Ann Goff was born in
Benton County, Oregon, June 8, 1852.
There sue spent several of her early
years. She was married July 2, 18-
68 to Stephen Taylor Goff. her maiden
name being Patterson. They were
married in Humbolt County, Calif.,
nd of thia there are now living fonr
sons, and one daughter whose home
is in San Francisco, a number of other
children having passed over the river.
Mr. and Mrs. Goff moved to Oregon
again in 1882, and into what is now
Morrow county in 1883. Clifornia
was their residence again for eeveral
years, and they moved back to Hepp
ner in 1&02, where Mrs. Goff has re
sided ever since.
dfl dxdxiOs
In looking over our Spring stock which
has just been received, we believe we
have the best assortment of goods that
has ever been shown here.
A Splendid Line
of Ladies' Waists, Collars, jab
ots, etc. They are snappy
just the style you want.
u r . i ii nr
ncic arc a tew ui uui sumuuys;
Banner Brand Waists, Underskirts & Dress e
Nemo and II. & G. Corsets; Simpson's Prints
Amoskeag A. F. C. Ginghams, Ripplettes and
Galateas. Bed Goose Shoes for Children, Pa-
r -i fi ii ni. t t i . f
cine ana oweii enoes ior iacnes, Atlantic ana i a
Senate Shoes for Men and Boys, Hansen
. v
Gloves, Conqueror Hatfc, Et-aud&rd Shirts, fHi
y Collegian Clothes, Bssa-cf -the Road Q?mii,
Royal Club Canned Goods, 'M. J. B. Coffee
Cry staL White . Soap, , Fuller's . Sheep Mark..
ivg Paint, Crisco, Easy Jell, etc.
Poor appetite is sien of impaired
digestion. A few doses of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will
strengthen vour digestion -and improve
your appetite. Thousands have been
benetfied by teeing these Tablets.
Sold by Patterson & Son.
No New Trial.
John Irvin, who was recently con
victed of murder in the second degree
for the killing of J. A. McCraw at
Whitney, will not have a new trial
in the local court, as a motion filed
some time ago by bis attorneys, J.
L. Rand and A. A. Sjiith, asking for
a retrial, was denied Tuesday by Cir
cuit Judge Smith, savs the Democrat.
The motion asking for a new trail
contained some essential features, in
one instance alleging that one of the
jurors was prejudiced against the
prisoner and stated before the trial
that he deserved to be hung. In view
of the denial of a motion for another
trial in the local courts the case will
be appealed.--Sumpter Amerian.
There never was a time when peo
ple appreciated the real merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more
than now. This is shown by the in
crease in sales and voluntary testi
monials from persons who have been
cured by it. If you or your children
are troubled with cough or cold give
it a trial and become acquainted with
its good qualities. For sale by Pat
terson & Son.
Thomson Bros.
m3 nl
' 0
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Robert, of Toll
Rock, Bpent Saturday and Sunday at
Heppner. Stacy is driving one of the
finest spans of mares in Morrow coun
ty and drove out of town Monday
morning with a new buggy, prepared
to enjoy some of the pleasures of life.
Extensive improvements are being
made to the flouring mill by the Mor
row Warehouse Milling Co. Much of
the old machinery is being supplanted
by new and the Internal arrangments
of the mill is being changed ard made
more convenient. It will require all
summer to complete the work when
the mill will be in position to turn
out a product second to none on the
Pacific slope.
Fruits and Vegetables
always to be found
The Grocer

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