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lie Hood River Glacier. VOL. 2. HOOD RIVER. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20. lSDO. NO. 2D. A ' ft- 3ood Ixjver Slarier. rCBLISUED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING BT The Glacier Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Ona year Six monthi. .., 'Three months. &ile copy ... oc ... 1 or .... 60 .4 Cent CEO. P. MORGAN, tate Chkf Cle.k 0. S. Land Office. Land :: Law :: Specialist. Room No. 9, Und Office Building, TIIH DALLES, OH. O.D.TAYLOR, Real Estate Broker; Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Money Loaned on Real Estate Security Office, French ft Co.'s Bank Building, THE DALLFS, OREGON. HOOD'S Livertf, Feed and $ale 8TABjE3. Second Street, The Dalles, Or. I make a specialty o( hiring horses and carriage - ... ,, , u uesI veniciel aid driving borses in the city, gcntU and reliable, suitable fur ladies and irentlenien. di29'U IL B. HOOD THE GLACIER Barber Shop ' Grant Evans, Propr. Second St., near Oak. Hood River, Or. Shaying and Hair-cutting neatly done. ';- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Removal Noticel Wm.Michell, UNDERTAKER,-. Wishes to inform hi. many friend, and the publii generally that he has removed hi. undertaking room, to MCKELSEN'S NEW BUILDING Corner Third and Washington, Where he carries a full dock of everything ooeded in that business. Order, by dispatch, express, mall or Id person romptlj attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Can he seen anvhourof thodayornightathlsr'il. !us!0nrCOrnlr Fourth nd WMbingtoii, or placs of FROM or iimw NORTHERN v PACIFIC RAILROAD IS TilE LINE TO TAKE TO- All Points East aiifl Sontl). j It It. trim ,mnvl1ltt & - - Is ir .ttir..nitth' V l- . 'i, Y 1MB' to ..." DIMXK CAR KOl'TK. It runs riBCI.KIlTHAISK EVKKV AX IS THI ST. PAU AND CHICAGO ., . (! I'II;H AKS, " . ' ' ' - ;' . - - . . ' " .Jf'imi1 ot Tin tm uiiMirea-M-1. Pall- ' .'-mari trnuOui room slei-oerHof lattM rqiiipmeur, -tiiirit w!e.-i'li earv-A-st th-it can tie t'ou- structed and m wliiriririM-omitio.lHt'onKnr1 tHitti -.".fr.e mid frtniilit-l for-htaM-r! ot nrsl and sve , -ywl -!h tii-ketx. and eitp-.nt 1mv oohcIii-. , A eotitimi-iu tine wiuk-i-iOh; wiili h!1 lines, ,;' arfWtdmi; dirvi'l ami n li tei rupU'd rtire. t- : i:'ti! tin mi hitter r res.rvatt'tnn ran be Kcured - Ou t.ivmuv lliroiifcli at(V aircnr of ibe nad. 'lbrOMuh tit'licis to and froin all points 'n AlnerrTa, Eii"ia;id and Ejirn( chu tiepurcbaiHj a: any tirkei Vfitr of tlii -oinpany. -F Knil inluriiiKtioii f-onrniiiti; ates, timcof "tramH. ronti'S auilTlu'r ilftails fnrnistifd ou ap" J plication to any atjfnt.'or V A. I). CfTAKLTOV. Assistant Geuera! PssAni;t-r Agent, No. l'il Fi -t Ktreet, coruer of Wajihiiiglou, Portland Oregon. TIIH PACIFIC COAST. An Alleged "Destroying Angel" on Trial at OgJen. The Congressional Committee on Immigra' tion at Work Taking Testimony on Labor Questions, Seattle find Taeoma are now clearance porta. Silver City, X. M., is has been bavin? h liaiiv show and incidentally a not in consequence of it.. An old miner worked out $5 worth of line gold from the Band of the Los An geles river recently. The United States Conmlar Agency at Vancouver, 15. C, is to be changed into a commercial agency. The merchant? of Portland are to in vestigate the discriminations against that city by the railroads. The people of Seattle talk of ra'sing $'200,000 toward establishing a sugar re- hnerv. rarties in Hawaii promise to raise the other $300,000 necessary. The teachers of Spokane Falls are on a s'rike. Thev have resolved that no po sition shall be accepted for le-s than $50 per month. The present average ta $30 Mrs. Elizabeth Hollenbeck, widow of J. E. Hollenbeck, Bt Los Angeles has deeded in trust about $750,000 worth of property to found a home for indigent women and homeless children. Editor Gill of the I'luenix (A. T.) Re publican has to answi r an indictment for libeling ex-Chief-Ju tiee Wright, be sides four indictments on charges pre' ferred bv ex-Governor Zulick of the same character. Judeg Kibbey of the District Court lias deemed the three suits of Bryan against Brosius, Pinney and Kales for the possession of tracts of land in and about the city of Fhienix, A. T., against the plaintiff. i lie i restivterv has erased the name of Rev. 1). L. Mnnro, the Stockton min ister, who made a sensational confession a few bundays ago, from roll of the unn istry and dissolved his relations with the Stockton church. In the case of S. Mattingly against the estate of the late Thomas II. Blythe to recover $125,000 for commission on an arranged sale oi Mock of the Blue Jacket Mining Company the jury found a ver diet for the plaintiff for his claim in full m. it. irggins ot Lrs Angeles, a na tive of Ohio, 37 years cf age, has been appointed secretary to Governor-elect Markliam, and it is stated he will con- tinue in that position after Colonel Markham assumes the duties of his of fice. Governor Waterman has pardoned II Gallagher, sentenced from Placer county in February, 1880, to the State prison for life for the crime of murder, and also Dennis O'Neil, sentenced from San Fran co in November, 1883. for twenty veara lor me crime ot murder. The Salt Lake Tribune has been sued or $15,000 damages on account of an al leged libel on rather Gatien, who went to Salt Lake and sold town-lot certificates in Spokane Falls. He was said by some Catholics to be a fraud, and the Tribune mentioned this. Dr. C. C. O'Donnell has filed an appli cation praying for a special session of the Superior Court to count the vote cast for Mavor of San Francisco at late election O'Donnell, who ran as an independent candidate, claims that he, and not the Republican candidate, is entitled to the certificate of election. The case will be heard on the loth instant. Harold Jensen and four other seamen have filed libel suits in the United States District Court at San Francisco against the American schooner Edward E. Web fter. They shipped from that port for Alaska, but were put ashore at (Joal Har bor because they refused to go on a seal poaching expedition to liehring sea i hey now demand their wages. The Congressional Committee on Im migration took the testimony on the Chi nese ana lalior questions last week of th leading citizens of Tacoma. All of the testimony was against the Chinese. A' inn iorit v. nf fhrM miOh.tirinm! Viv 4l committee expressed the belief that more than 1 per cent, of the Population ot lacoma a re now out oi woj It is reported at Portland, Or., that Iluntitigtori'boiigbt the Oregonian rail way lines for the Southern Pacinv, but that some of the Directors would not take the property, whereupon he beiian extending the rond with the intention of mak ng it a transcontinental line, when th Southern Pacific concluded to take the property off Huntington's handij.. .- During the ' month' of November the Northern Pacific freight 'department at Tacotna receiveil 105.707 .titi'J pounds of freig: t i:ndfirwarded 17,984,078, increase over last year for same month of 61,012, 275. The cash receipts on shipments were for November, 18SI0, $5(),819.3;, and on freight received, $2i;2,(ii)3.44, an in- crease of lfj,-73.07 over last year's busi j ne.-:s. ' ' I There are six miles of the roadtol of ! the Xai'om and Eastern railway graded '. from t tie head of Com nencement bav southward to the heavy timber. The will lie complete I within sixty days, as c iarje portion of the rails arenowon hoard tliH Henry Villard at Seattle. Early next year a logging business will , lie couniinced on a large scale, loiter p ssenger trai:i wiii 1 added to a -co n mbdate the small settlements growing up along the line. EASTERN ITEMS. Vermont's Legislature Passes the Australian Ballot Bill. The Farmers' Movement in Nebraska is Said to Have Swept Like a ' Wave of Fire. Jay Go Id's stock purchases during a few weeks are over $1 ',000,0t'0. Uncertain State legislation is affect wig business enterprises in Nebraska. Seats upon the New York Stock Ex change can be bought cheaper than ever l)efoie. The penitentiaries of Texas have con tributed $71,000 to the State treasury the past year. Sehaefer defeated Slosson in the Lill ian! match at New York, the score stand ing 800 to 009. August Pielmont's stud of racing horses is to to sold to comply with the banker's will. Shares of stock in the Louisiana lot tery have fallen from $1,400 to a little less than $400. . The report of the Commissioner of Pensions shows that 21,000 pensioners died last year. Henry George's newspaper, the New York Standard, is likely to go under for want of patronage. The police census of Baltimore makes the population 455,427, or 21,276 more than the Federal census. At Texarkana, Tex., a large number of colored voters, it is said, were auctioned off at a county-seat election. Internai-revenue receipts for the fiscal year 1890 amounted to over $142,0:10,000, against $132,000,000 for 1889. The addition to" our currency since August 13 by the issue of silver certifi cates is something over $10,000,000. An English syndicate offers to estab lish a big cannon foundry in Alabama if the government will guarantee business. The Board of Managers o' the Swarth more (Pa.) College has elected William Dudley Field to the Presidency of the college. The United States has paid off fOPO, 000,000 of its debt -since 1880, or more than one-half. The nation now owes $923,000,000. A monument to the Confederate dead is to be erected at Pensacola, Fla. It will cost upward of J5.000. and will be about forty-six feet high. In Eastern Montana, South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota heavy snows are re- j destructive tires in small towns and vil-iio-ted, with the temperature ranging ! lages. , from 6 to 28 degrees above zero. t It is proposed to consult the Toronto ratepayers as to the disposal of the street-railway franchise, plant and prop erty at the next niunicii al elections. An order cutting down expenses will throw 100 more men at Omaha in the Union Pacific office out of employment. The reduction in the past few days has been 290 men. A son of the late General E. O. C. Ord has recently been promoted from the ranks in the United States army to be a Second Lieutenant, and some dissatis faction is expressed. Representative Vandever has 'intro duced a bill making an appropriation of $70J,000 for the purchase of land and the erection of suitable buildings for a mili tary post at ban Diego, Lai. Not only have the Kansas Farmers' Alliance people elected a Judge who never studie i law. but thev have also elected four Prosecuting Attorneys who a e not members of the bar. "A number of St. Louis wholesale liq uor-dealing and compounding firms have combined against the trust and formed the Central Distilling Company, and will go into the distilling business. Representatives of the'princ.ipal smelt ers of the country met in Chicago re cently to form a combination to prevent such wide and rapid fluctuations ' in prices as the business is subject to. . -' The President has directed the removal of Joseph H. Wilson, United States Dis trict Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas on the ground of his neglect of d ty and inattention to public interests. C. P. Il'intington expresses himself as well satisfied with the changes made in the Pacific Mail Board of Directors. . He also looks upon Gould's control of the Lmon Pacific as favorable to his inter ests. - " In the will' of the late millionaire leather merchant, I. H. Faverwealher, whudied at Ithaca; N. Y.l $100,000 out right and $100,000 provisionally are be lieved to have toen left to the Cornell University. '' , ; The records show that i from July 4, 1776. to June 30, 1880, the Indians cost the government .$929,239,000, or about $1,0:) for every one of that rac in the country at the time of thf? first white settlement. " ' . . There is a project to construct a shin canal across N pw Jersey fro m the Dela ware river to the Atlantic. The scheme was first suggested by merchants of Philadelphia, who desire a shorter water route to New York. ' : The intnxlutrtion of complicated weap ons on. sailless men-of-war demands a change in the training of crt we, aud the subject promirtdg to show gtvt t diversity of opirn n beVween naval offi cers, many of whom thiuk there is no fti ther need of rews of faiiors. FOREIGN NEWS. Americans Buying Grazing Lands in Mexico. A Paris Newspaper Says That the Pope is in Favor of a Union ot Church and State. v Americans nave nought oou.UOO acres of grazing land on the Rio Grande, State of Coahuila, Mexico. The small-pox epidemic is raging all over Salvador. N. w cemeteries are be ing provided in which to burv the dead. . Le Soir of Paris states that the Pope will shortly make a definite statement in favor of Cardinal Lavigerie's policy of the union of church and state. The Papal Nuncio has request d Bishop f reppei to cease lus extreme opposition to i ne itepuime. England's military garrison in Ireland is numerically larger than the regular army oi the United Mates. On and after January 1 next Callao win ue the only port through which opium will be allowed to be imported lino rem. Tlie great money lottery of the city of iiamourg, uermany, is bidding to le t he successor in this count ry of the great Liouit-iana lottery. Advices from the Congo Free State report the natives are still rebelliousand lighting is going on between them and the forces of the State. Yearling prices have risen in England to the point that a Mr. Marshall coolly ads'erises a yearling filly by Ormonde, from Serene by Hermit, for 4, IKK) guineas, A dispatch says that an English war vessel has gone to New Hebrides to punish natives for an act of cannibalism, two men, an English trader and his son, having been killed and eaten on one of the islands. The police of Amsterdam have made another raid on the Socialists and seized i hundreds of revolutionary manifestoes I and posters. It is believed a widespread 'conspiracy against the government has been checked. , To hundred and sixty-seven barrels of gold, worth altogether $7,140,000, re- 1 i ii 'i. i- i i t remiy passed i nrougii rvienigsinirg irom St. Petersburg for Ixindon. The money was packed in three ars, and was at tended by a military escort. The Russian Minister of the Interior lias issued an edict making compulsory for every householder in villages to have two rows of trees planted around his house. This is to prevent the numerous President Carnot has signed the bill granting to Greece the benefits of the most favored nation clause until Febru ary, 1895, on condition that Greece re ciprocates by admitting Frunch wines free and reducing the duties on laces 75 per cent, and on velvets 50 per cent. The Spanish government has ordered the erection of a new and first-class lighthouse at Cape Villano in order to prevent frequent wrecks that occur off that coast. The present light is of an inferior class, and the loss of II. M. S. Serpent is ascribed to' the dimness of a beacon. . The Earl of Lathotn is building in the Isle of Man a tower ten stor es high, each story of which will be consecrated to a special usage. One will lie a thea ter, another a restaurant, still another a concert room, and the tops orv an obser vatory, capped by a light house.he whole edifice will cost $109,000. Two persons in ' the disguise of peas ants, who were arrested for loitering in the vicinity of Annitchkoff palace, in St. Petersburg, proved to to secretly armed, and one of tliem is suspected of being the Nihilist conspirator Kalchkoff, who recently escaped from prison. t Josef de Navarro, the ,ex-millionaire builder of the Navarro Flats and the father-in-law of Mary Anderson, was taxed recently upon ' $10,000 personal property. Thin was remitted by the court at New York on his statement that he is not worth a dollar and had $50,000 in iiidgments against him. , An official census h.i ertablish d the fact that there existed in Russia, in E -rope, in Poland and in Caucasus 189,872 blind persons of Ixith sexes 94,500 males and 95,810 females whereas there are only 188,812 blind persons in the whole of Western Europe and' 22,401 in the New World. Sir Mackenzie Wallace, 'chief of -the British staff accompanying the C.aro witz on his Indian tour, ha arrived in Egypt on Ids way to Bombay. Sir Mac kenzie will act as the tieeri's represent ative in introducing the Czarowitz to the native Princes, and will accompany him on all occasions. t . The North Metropolitan Tramway of Imdon has completed the organisation of a society for the benefit of its thousands of employes. The company bears all the office ex'jM'nses. Each member of the society subscribes H pence weekly. If one is'siek or disabled, 2 shillings and 0 pence a day for thirteen weeks, and half that amount for thirteen weeks follow ing, with free medical attendance, is given. The company has given the so ciety a start with a contribution of XI,-1 COO. Membership is not compulsory. I PORTLAND MARKET Wheat Dull and unchanged. Quote: Valley, 1.20(.rl.228 j Walla Walla, $1.10 (til.PJS;. The foreign cargo market rules iiuiet but steady. Liverpool futures are tinner. , Fi-ocr The market is steady. Quote: Standard, 3.90(.?4.00; Walla Walla, $8.00 ? 3.80 per barrel. Oats The .-market is firm. Quote: White, (iOc; grav, 58c per bushel. Mn.Lsrt'KFS The market is steady and quiet, with, light shipping- demand. Quote : - Bran, $21; Shorts, $24 ; Ground Barley, $32.50; Chop Feed, $25 per ton. Hay The market is steady. Quote: $l(i((il8 pertoh. Vkuktahi.ks The market is firm. Quote: Cabbage, $1.25ui 1.50 per cental; Cauliflower, $1 per dozen; Cekn.. , 5iV per dozen ; Onions- 2s (if 3c per pound; CBrrots, $1 per snck; Beets, $1.50 per sack ; Turnips, $1 per sack ; Tomatoes, 50c per liox; Potatoes, $1((1.10 per cental ; Sweet Potatoes, 2'aO per pound ; squash, $2 per cental, Fiu'its The market is steady. Quote: Tahiti Oranges, $3 per box ; Sicily Lem ons, $7. 50(u 8 per case; Pears, l.c per pound ; Apples, 00(cf 85e per box ; G rapes, $1.25 per Ihx; Pineapples, $3.50(u!4.00 per dozen; Bananas, $3(if4 per bunch; Quinces, $1.25 per box. Nuts Quote: California Walnuts, 1 7 1 u c ; other varieties, l ie; Peanuts, 12c; Almond's. 17c; Filberts, 14(i?15c; new Brazils, 20c per pound ; Cocoanuts, $1 per dozen. Ciikksk The market is steady. Quota : Oregon, 13(D14c; California, 0l8(?10cj Young America, 14(d) 15c per pound. lit'TTKR Market is firm, with steady prices. Quote:' Oregon fancy cream ery, 40(rt42'.jC; fancy dairy, 87 Sic; fair to good, i, (u("3iic; common. 2zlawi'5c; choice California, 37lac per pound. Koqs The market is firm. Quote: Oregon, 30(u32 ,,cj Eastern, 2,")((i27.laC per dozen. Poi'lthy Ducks ara steady, while Turkevs and Geese are rather weak. Quote: Old Chickens, 3.r0(4.00i young, $2.50ui4.0O; old Ducks, 0i0.5o; voung, 1(7; Geese, $9((i' 10 per dozen; Turkeys, 12' 3c per pound. Naii.s Base quotations; Iron, t-.-l.20; Steel, $3.30; Wire, $3.90 per keg. Shot Quote: $1 .85 per sack. The MeroliniKllan Marknt. Sugars have advanced. Canned goods, Peaches, Apricots, String Beans and Sar dines have advanced. Costa Rica Coffee and Coffee have advanced. Scoaks The market is firm. Quote; Golden 0, 6J8'c, ; exits C, O'ao ; dry gran ulated, 7'mc; cube crushed and pow dered, 7?nC per pound. Dkikd hitiHTB Ihe market is firm. Quote: Italian Prunes, 12!-l4e; Pe- titH and German Prunes, 10c per pound; Raisins, $2.75 per box; I'lummer-drieil Pears, 11 12'a'c ; sun-dried anil factory Plums, 11 (it 12c: evaporated Peaches. 21c; Smyrna Figs, 14il0c; California Figs, 9c per pound. Chans ihe market is ttrtn. Uuote. Small Whites, Sca-lc; Pink, 3Vc; Bayos, 4Vc; Butter, 3,'c; Limas, 6,'c per pound. Oannkd Goods Market Is firm. Quote; Table fruits, $2.25, 2'-o's; Peaches, $2.51, Bartlett Pears, $2.25; riums, $1.05, Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, ?2(d'2 50; Blackberries, $2; Uasplierries, 't.m Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2 00. Pie fruit: Assorted J4.00 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50; Plums, $1.25; Black tomes, $1.05 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.20 (ml. 50. according to quality; Tomatoes, $1.15(83.50; Sugar Peas, fl.40Ml.tH); String Beans, $1.10perdozen. Fish: Sal mon, $l.251.50; sardines, 80c($1.50; lobsters, $-'3; oysters, $2(rf2.75 per doz Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $(1.75; Champion, $(i per case. PickiiKs Quote: fl.ioc 3s; fl.zo rs. Salt -Quote : Liverpool, $17, $18, $19; stock, $lKa!2 per ton in carload lots. Coal Oil Quote: fZ.ilo per case. CiiAMiKuaiKs Quote; Wisconsin, $9.50 ; Cape Cod, $10.50 per barrel Coffkk Quote: Costa Rica. 23c; Rio, 25,te; Arbuckle's, roasted, 204,,'c per pound. Rick Quote : $0.60 per sack or 100 pounds. Hoi's-i-I he market is dull and easier for inferior products. The markets at home and abroad show no change. Qnot6: Nominally, 30f33c per pound. Hipks Quote: Dry Hides, selected prime, HfitBWi:, VjC less for culls; green. selected,. over 65 pounds, 4c; under 65 pounds, dc; nneep l ens, snori wool, m (350c; medium, OOfriiSOc: long, 90ci) $1.25, shearlings, 10(t20e; Tallow, good to choice, 3i?t3)c. . Wool, Ihe market is steady and de mands slow. Quote: Valley, 10(it20c; Eastern Oregon, 10(16c'por pound. Tlie Mat Market. : The meat market is firm. Quote: - Peef Live, 2'(a!l3c; dressed, 0c. Mutton Live, 3'e; dressed, tt,!g7':. Hogs Live, 46'c; dressed, !:. Veal 5Voc8c per pound. Lambs $2.50 each. SMOKED MKATB AND I.AKD. The market is firm. Quotations: Eastr em Uams, Ktolk:; Breaklast Ba con, ll(tllgc; Hides, 9ialJc; Lard, iu4e per pound. The I-relv,-d Cinii-liiriuD. A Family Coacbmau, who was Driving tbe Master nnil Mirtrew on his first trip, shaved tbo wheel off of two Private Carriages, ul). bed a Grocer's horse, and tr. -wiled several Vehicles to the Curbstone to Escae him. Ho was rbout to run over a Pohu-k with 10,000 feet 6! Lumber on his bank when a 1'olieemun Arrested him for Reckless Driving, and tbe Master observed that it Kerved blm -right "Cut it is your Fault I" Protested tbe Driver. "Why, I have not Said a Word" "That is truo, but )ou failwl to Inform me as we starter! out that you did nut own tbe Wbolo Earth, and 1 have beeo Driving Ac cordingly." MORAL; It Is a Mean Trick to Decolve Coachman in tbat Manner. Detroit Free Pre. Waiting to llo Eaten. Of the natives of New Georgia or Rubiana, Capt. Cheyno avers that human flesh forms their chief articleof diet. The doctor observes: -It is ditHcult to specu late on the reflections of the victim, as he livc9 from day to day in constant expec tation of his fate." There- is reason to believe that this expectation does not produce the agonizing terror which most EuroiH?an8 under the circumstances would exierienco. In tho time not very far distant, when cannibalism prevailed in New Zealand, it was occasionally, at all events, tho custom of a chief when starting on a war cxpeilition to take with him, fastened together, a number of men whom he already held as cap tives; these men served as a living larder. Each of them knew that his turn to bo killed and eaten would come; nevertheless with the certainty of this doom lieforo him he pnnook of each of his fellows whose death preceded his own; and dipt. Wilkes, in his account of his exploring expedition, stated that King Thekaiubeau appropriated one of the small islands of the Fiji group as a human preserve. Every man imprisoned there knew that he would ultimately serve as a food for his majesty, and such alike were the loyalty and indifference as to death of these victims that, when questioned by Capt. Wilkes as to their feelings on tho matter, they expressed a kind of acquiescence in their fate, and used words to tho effect that it was quite proper that the king should be thus pro vided for. Westminister Review. Evolution ot the Colored Race. The negro is changing m appearance end losing some of the birthmarks pecul iar to the African race. The now gen eration is showing the effects of a higher culture. Es)e:ially is this noticeable in the towns where Contact with ihe whites shows Its effect. The flat nosed, kinky headed negro is passing away and be coming an unknown race. All the col ored children, no matter how dusky in hue, show the change. Among the females, long hair or that peculiar woolly appearance, hangs in long braids or curls down their hacks. Aquiline noses and smaller mouths with thinner lips are the rule. For years, and in - fact ever since their freedom, tho negresses have en deavored to do away with theshori kinky hair bestowed upon them by their ances tors. Much of their spare change is in vested in various tonics and invigorators, and the long attention and care bestowed npou it is shown in their descendants. The South Georgia negro is an evidence of evolution, the survival of the fittest. Atlanta Constitution. To Vrrvent "Black Eyes." To prevent the blood from settling under a bruise there is nothing to com pare with tho tincture, of a strong in fusion of ctins'-jum iihtitiuin mixed with nn equal bulk of iniicilago of gum ara ble, and with tbo addition of a few drops' of glycerine. This .Lotild be painted nil over the surface with a camel's hair pencil and allowed to dry on, a second or third coating bolng ui pliod as soon as tho first is dry, if done as soon ns tho injury is Inflicted this treatment will invariably prevent the blackening of the bruised tissue The samo remedy bus no equal In rheu matic stiff neck. A simpler way still is tho instant application of hot water, or by using a littlo dry starch or arrow root merely moistened witli cold water and placed on the injured part. New York Journal. A Diniinlt Literary Performance. Young Auth r (to friend) 1 say, Fred, did you read my last article in The Every Other Monthly? Friend (enthusiastically) Yes, Indeed, old boy; 1 read it through twiee! Young Author Oh, then you must have found It vers- tereating? .Friend Weii er no, not so much that; but Fred Smith bet me $11) that 1 couldn't read it through tw ice, and I bet him $10 that I could. Life. What We May Eifirnt, Out In California they wrap fruit trees with clotli to keep tliem from being sun burned. The next thing we know they will be putting veils on the oranges to keep off freckles. Burlington Free Press. (ooil ftetullnif. First Iloti I Man (lot a good cook nowf Second Hotel llati N'o; but I've secured the services of one of tho most talented liter ary Bohemians in the. city to edit tbe bill of fare Puiiadelr'hto Record. A RcHsonuhle I It-ni anil. 'She N'o I ilr Harding, It can never be. But I will always be a sister He (rising) Oh, that's the deal. Is Itl Well, tlieu, sinter, if you've got your th.mble bandy 1 wish you would sew up the knees of oiy trousers that I have sacrificed lu finding out our rehtiouship. Life. Mi I i ---- -- j a tlj vi-j w