Newspaper Page Text
hi? I. KY & JONJ-S, oiui or Tin iver Glacier. (i 1 VOL HOOD IUVKK, OREGON; SATURDAY. I KHKUAUV 21, 181)1. NO. an. The ITooc - 1 1 J Hi f lt ti 2Xood Iftver Slacicr. ' rvuututtt ivmr uTi'itoat oini n The Glacier relishing Company. 1 n inr rion rnic& On. ymr ,, (it tnuiith. Ti. . II.. t . ... hii'hiiii, . ............., WW ltl. ooy; ICaa GEO. P. MORGAN, um Chi.f r,, v. a, und om Iand :: Law :: ypcinliat. Room ho, It Uini Oflo. BulMIng, TIH PAIXPI, 01 O. D. TAYLOR, Real Estate Broker, Firf, Lire end Aocldrnt MmrMCl. Money Loaned ob Real Estate Security OITV. Franca 4 Ce 'i Ruk rluildlin, . TIIK Pal.l.W, OKKOON. nooD'o Liveftj, Feed and pale 8couJ Stroet, Th. DaUaa, Or. Im.ft.fpcoi.lly of Lirlnf horn ul mrrtcm tit hi. torn, ul th. bnl tthlriw m4 4rtfii linrM. tn th. city, (onil. ai4 nltatl, mltoht. tar UtTiM fJid ir.aUwu.a. tuft II IL B. HOOD Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. Bwuml St., m-ur Ouk. Hixxl Turn, Or. Sharing and lUir rutting atly done. Satisfaction Cuaraiitred. FROM - I UK . NORTHERN v PACIFIC RAILROAD -IK TIIK I.I N K TO TAKK TO- All Points East ail Sootti. It In Hie I'ININd CAK KOITK. It run tliriMIKh VKKIIIIt I.KD'I SHINS K V K K V lU Y I.N TIIK Yih In ST. PAUw AND CHICAGO w in im.i; or i!4HSi, CmiiifM'f1 o flln hk chia iniMiiriHs.Ml, I'nll linei iliHivliiK room Mlii-iirMof liitrst cliiinifut, trill rlfot hIpi'!II( I'M- Im-nI 1 1 1.1 1 CHII 111' ('on riM-t..-l mill in n liit-n Hi-fiiiiiiiiiitititiinmNrt' tioltl f nt' himI fiiniKlinl fur liiihlci'N nt llrnt hii'I hi.-I! ruts., lli-lo!. hihI flii.inl ilny i-hhi-Io'. A roiilliMiniiN line nniiirrt lim tvllli n 1 1 line, HlViir'lliu ilim-l iiml i In riiiii'il nrrvii'e. rulliiiini hIii-i r n-MrrvHi Idiih run In wcurt'il in Hihmiri' hiiv hui'IiI ul tin rnml. 'I IiihiikIi tii ki i tu h 1 1 I (ruin nil nl iiIh ii A merlon. I: i i k I ii i i I iiml Kurnir run Im iilrt'liniil atnuv tirki'i unlet of thin i'iiniiiny. Full liifiiiiiiiilinn I'oiiciTiiliiK rH!iH, titnrof 1 1 a i dm. rniiii'N hii'I oilier ili'liill. f imiiKlii'il mi hi iillmtiiiii iii miy UKi'iit, nr .... A. II. I IIAKI.TON. A NRInI till I Ol'llellil l'llN.f 111,'er AlC'Ilt, Nil. K I if I ul i.-t, corner of h-IiIiikIiiii, I'ortluiKl Ohioii Ha .Mixed III. I'roverb.. "A seclusion und n dare," futitl young MaliipropoHptTfl ho kisMtd hv.r undijr tlie friiudly wiiliision of u Liif tree. Hut lie wiy he'll never get that quotation wrorifj nguin; tta "a doJu nion and u Ktiure," und ho t'U.u prove it. Detroit IVei' VrcM. Wliilo Mr. WilliitniH, cf Montezuma, Oa., wiiH driving wider an onlc. tree at duiik tlie other d;iy he was, amazed to find liin leavo tho ground and re--main in the air. Investigation proved tJiat the afl.tir wan not Hiiprrnatnral, as tlie animal got caught in a Bvying hang ing from a h'n','li of Iho tree. Hn l. Il.-roi iitnl. Two dogs Imve been docomted for bravery und (idelily by (lie Society for the Prevention of ( riii liy lo Aniiualu In Piiris. One suvediis 11: it.t i'i-:, from a burgliir.aud the ot ln-r iiw mi hi'T s child from drown ing. Now Vork Sun (iernmn foot Koluiers mo deriving bene. Ct from ditieurding t.oi-kinr;s mid Leeping the feet well oiled. Wlmt mankind wunt U mercy. .Tnsliru would ruin moht of them. Uucle lk. riii; PACIFIC COAST. riioCoininon S. hool HillTassis the New Mexico Lislaturc. A Rumor Afloat the Siti;tttt'rs u the Nicr Trail Near lanmi.t Arc to he h'vlrti'd. The I'ppcr and Lower IIimihcm of the Idiihii Let. iriliiture have puxHcd a hi'h lieeliHe hill. Taei'liia him voted to inHiie ImiiiN t the iiiiiiiiint of H.rit,lXK t. cover tho pro Moot iliih bti'illiiHH and lllild( the i ilv hall. The moiinuro onrried by a vole n( :i,(khi to :;, Sun I'edtii, N M., a iniuiiiir emup thul hud ipiito a ImhiIii two veins ilv.", i h " k -ill (ul' Mlii l tier I'UhIi, oooiit iliMi'uVel'ii-H of very rii h rin k huvo ii4iiin ullnii ted iitleutioti to the oanip. The 1'iiulin iiimiiih'Ii win ml bill hut Ihlltllv pilH"od Imlh limine nt the Ni'tt Mexico Territorial l oui-dutinc, mill in now in the hundinf the lioveninr, who luiH proiuiHed to uilix his hiuniituro ii. J. T. Hamilton Spi.kuue I-'uIIh, who recent Iv lo-t H VllllHe onliluiniln,' ISii.OOl) on II feriV-lKiut lietweeli Sew Yolk ami New Jet-Key, bus received u leli-yrum slulinj; that his pruiietlv bus been ncov ere. I. SlUllleV l". I'liHim, bile lUllll'ihlte for Stiitc Surveyor-' ieiieral in Ni vinlu, ap plied for admission lo pruclice before the Siiiicrior I 'nlllt of l.lllekll counlv, iind the couiiiiitlee UMioiiitrd to examine him reported adversely mi bis ujiplieu li.m. ' A timely oxiimimtl ion of the Sucru meiilo tail has revealed thai many pri soners bud pocket knives und razors, n bole in the Willi WHs used to smilille opium, und a liinm l in the buck brick wall had so fur proirresscl (but u jail de I1 .y would have Ix-m pnssiblo wiihin II lew days. At Seattle, It Unit black , W us M-iteiicd to one year in the peiiitt-ntiarv for us saullim; l.eoiiaiil M. I '.nice with a liut.-li-et on January 15. Pinec rims u bain sandw ich und peunut -land on .lack -mi street, und so enraged Hccket by cullini.' him vile iiuiues that the littler tried to tomahawk him. JiiiL'c. Mi'llutloii of Silver How county has iippeared before the Supreme t'oiirt of .Mouluua, nt Helena, to show cuuc whvhe sboiiltl liot bo prohibited frmu trviiikf the Puvis ease on the grounds that the jury was not fairly drawn and was prejudiced. This is the millionaire puvis eslute eiiHe. A ilesperado w ho joes by the name of Ward N irk i n is under arrest at t'olfax, Wash., and is supposed to be one of the old Jeijse James crowd of outlaws. He shot at tho ('hie. of I'oliceal ndistuiiceof six feet iiml missed him. This is one Hiint against the prisoner U'im; one of the James gntiji. as they were all k"m"I shooters. Tiiooiuu'h busebull team of lHill is eouipletvtl, except the second baseman. I'. J. liiitelille whs the last man signed. Ho is from Oswego, N. Y., and is said to be one of tho best left-lielders in the country, a sure batter ami cood runlet tor. Hilly Karl, of lust year's tenia, whs not ro-ennuned, his terms Ind ng too hih fl50 a month. The uiissim; rej;istereil miiil buif from Vietoria, 15. ('., for Port To nseml w hich was lost January 5th, has been found in the harbor at Victoria, out open und rilled of its contents, Kverytliinjr of value was taken and the letters returned to the butf. A piece of iron was plueed therein anil the lmi: whs thrown into tho water. The thief secured about $50, ami is supposed tn have been an employe of the steamer Olympian, who had access to tho mail-roolii. . At a recent meeting of army ollicers ami several prominent, citizens, Colonel Meudoll stated that tho Hchome of hur lior defense for Sun Francisco uuuiped out by the engineer corps contomplntod the placing of il battery of six twelve inch rilled cannon upon the verge of the bluff north of Sill in Heights, und the construction of two mortar lotteries of sixteen mortars each in the swales buck of and on either Hide of the orolnou tory. Such mi armament in such a posi tion, ho added, would give the city eoin mund over any war vessels w hich might desire to lie in the oiling und shell San Francisco. The laud selected by the colonel is fifty-live acres of the southwest corner of the city cemetery, which would have to be condemned, but which is considered by the engineer corps essen tial to the proper defense of tho city. The wpuitterH on the "Nigger" tract near Taeoma are excited over the rumor Mint they are about to lie' evicted. ' The rumor is based upon the fact 'that uii ordei bus boMi iHsnod by tlu I'nitod States Circuit Court, by Iloii.'ll.'C. Huii fortl, appointing United Slates Marshal Thomas H. Krown receiver to collect rent from the persons in por-'Hiwjon of the land. Several meetings haw been held of late in order to prepare Home lino of defense, and it is reported that defense committees have been appointed for the purpose of resisting eviction. .The Hquat ters to the number of liOO or 700 have gone on the tract and taken peaceable possession in good faith, in hojie of secur ing title thereto, though, unlike the squatters, on tho ( 'iirr-Smith eoiiteste.d property, they have taken no steps- to protect 'their supposed rights, unilor tlie t'nited States land laws, ami do not appear in the eime as parties to the liti gation. They are there, however, in the belief that the government will event ually recognize their chimin and entali liuh tneir rights, I'ASTIiKN HUMS. A Malhtnics' Institute to lie listab lisheil in Kichmoiiil. A lilll Intrudum! In Hit' Indiana l.i'nls latino to Che Wllcdlfatcrs Sonic ot Their Own Medic Inc. The Portuguese have recently eplah Hsbcd cololiicN In Connecticut and Mas sachusetts. For the tlrst time the United Stale" lat year produced moio pig iron llian (iicat I'rituiu. The Health IVpiirtincnl of Milwaukee is uhmil to establish a "disinfecting patrol service." The Nebraska limine has passed it bill pi'uhibitini; the operation of bucket shops in Nebraska, A new temperance league in Maine Is proposing to wage an unrelenting wur 1Ihi liilo drillers, The Missouri Senate bus passed a bill allow ing chics, towns ami villages to work prisoners who do not pay their lines. The impression is growing at Wash ington that tho present session of Con-gp-rs w ill end w ithiiul any silver legis lation. A protruded tight is expected over Iho amendment to tho till ill act, which is intended to prcscn e the treaty with Hawaii. A machine has been invented, and is now in opi-rMtii'ii in Chicagn, by widt h binding mine can bo made lit one -fourth the pit sent cost. Senator Stanford has introduced a bill ill I be Somite pro iding ft it- Hale of a tor tin n of the I, hue Point reservation, ad joining Suiisulilo, ( 'al. Negot iut ions are sunl to be ponding for Iho purchase bv Iho Vuiidei bills of the Northern Michigan iron mines now con trolled by the Schlc.-inger M'lidieale. Twenty-nine States have parsed laws restricting tho sale of cigarettes. I'.ut Ibe cigarette business increases' every i year in volume and proiit. J The sbipnit nls of ore frnln the I .eke I Superior mines in js:ti reached theenor I on ins sum of !M,0.'S,u:l'.l tons, an increase i of T,!ll ,-ls5 gross tons over Iksii. . 1 Texus bus no luw rcgulul im; railroads, jlillt it el i ti ll hist full II l'gislutllli- w huso members are instructed to euuel such laws, and that Legislature is now ' in seHsi.iti, The New York ( 'urn mrrr ill I .lifififonT ; says that the three-inonth notes given by i the Union Pacific for part of the limiting j debt are beginning to trouble the com I puny as they mature. lr, IgiiHcio Marline,, at one time a (ieneral in tho Mexican army, but a political exile, was waylaid and ussiissi tutted at Laredo, Texas, while making tho rounds among his patients. A mechanics' institute is to bo estab lished at Richmond by a number of wealthy citizens of that cilv. They will devolo'f.'fi.iHM for a, silo, 50,0IK) ' for a building and $i5,(KHl for a library. As usual, there ill Is- n pipe-lino bill considered during tin1 present Legisla ture at Huryshurg. The bill will ho in the interest of oil producers, as against the interest of the Standard Oil Com pany. , Twelve or fifteen of tho students lit Cornell ( 'ollego, in Mount Vernon, Mich., have boon before the (irund Jury, ami gave testimony concerning the gambling engaged in nt the college tinting the lust term. Tho Pacific Mail Ktcumship Colon 'had a biistcroU voyage to Panama on the last trip from New York. She wiih bad ly battered by the heavy seas, ami the pasmmgors were kept helow for forty eight hours. (iovernor Jones of Alabama has ar ranged with the State CoinuiisHioner of Agriculture to procure for him trees from till the most noted batlle-liehls of Vir ginia, to bo transplanted to the capitol grounds at Montgomery. An effort is being made bv the Mis souri Legislature to enact a law requir ing foreign corporations tiding business in the State to establish ollices in its jurisdiction, and to comply with the laws as do the homo companies. A Columbian memorial, designed by; J. Allen Whyte of Chicago, for the Im position, Would have a star-shaped build ing surmounted by a dome 400 foot high, and that in turn' surmounted bv a tower whose top should be l,4i2 feet from the base. 'A bill bus been introduced into the Legislature of Indiana, , providing that any man who shall ho proven guilty of 'wliipiiing his wife shall himself receive fifty lashes, und thiit .the public shall he admitted to the jail-yard to see him whipped. .The ahnouiicoinont is made that the Soda Lukes of Natrona county, at Cas per, AA'vo., hit-vo been sold to an English syndicate; for (hev sum of $2,000,000. These lakes form circular- basins where sulphate of soda has filled iii toil depth of twenty foot of s.lid soda. ' , i f " ' ' ' ' ' ' , Tho State Hoard of Arbitration and and Mediation of New York has made a special report on the strike which took place on tho New York .Central railroad in August last. The report recommends that the relations of the rail row I toward their employes be regulated by a general law and in a quasi-military fashion. ' HJRHK.N NliWS. Relations Between I'oitiiil ami (.teat Britain Strained. Prut. Ilcnsch ul tin: llcilln dilvciiity Re ports I'lilavurubly Tlcalineiit With Lymph. ('buries Chiipiu, the French painter, id deed. - . The American saddle Is biting used by tho I '.nt ndi mounted iufaniny, Italy's governmenlul expenses for 1 Ml 1 1 Will be uIniiiI flL'itKKI.IMXI greater t till II her I'CW'litlcs, Tho ierioau celihUS shows nil Increase of m arly :i,H0ii,i'l)il in the popululioii of tho empire since IH5.I, The nullmrilies of Cologne huvo re solved lo furnish employment to l.'l.'KHi idle men in. that city al IS pence pn day. The American claims I., dig at liclhlii are n fued, and Franco will probably gel I he coiices-ioii on I he Island of Milv leno. I'lesidelit Clltliol Is-liev.-s ill the powtn of peace. He contemplates the entire th uiolil ion of all the foiti Iicat imis around I'm is. The In in h on tbc stork mat hi t are liow attacking the credit of very llll vc holt s supposed lo IlllVe LlMbecs rotations w i!b Chili. ' Il is reported (he Chilian insurgents have I M-i -1 1 obliged to abandon l a Serena in ' 'Hmmba, and the hurlmr of bU"Mii Ini" been It opened. shares in bit wcries arc In Id by I went v six member" of Ibe Lngln-h House of l ords and bv f. .rty--tM ii mciiiccrsnf tbc I !o'io of t 'miniums. The coal fields of Tompiin Hie turning toil siiwell that il is thought (but M, I errv may In icMond lo isipulur favor upon that l.-Mlr alone. leposi(sof mica have been discovered in Ibe northern pifrt of South Australia, and a shipment ol aUml one tmi has Im i ii made to Port Adelaide. It is uid that in Paris twice as many crimes are committed bv persons be- t W ecu Ibe llgt S of fifteen ami Iwellly 11 H by those between twenty and fori v. War between I loniluras ami iuutc mala is iiit.ii it-ntiii 1 1 v ex M-ctci act ording to a message from Honduras from a high olli t ial to a business firm in New York. l'ol bid. it'll to biild public meetiiurs in ' ieriniiny, the liii'siengers of the Salva tion Army in that country are visiting the public houses ami singing ami pray ing in them. The physicians of Iterlin assert that their practice has fallen oil' 15 per cent, siilce Koch's operations began, ami con sequently ihey demand from Iho govern ment free lymph. The municipal authorities j.f Cuhors buying expressed a ilesiii to have the re mains of (iamhclta conveyed to that town, it is thought likely that President Carnol will accede to the request. (Jocon Vietoria is taking great interest in the promotion of a large whisky dis tillery in Wales. She has bad Ibe plans and photographs sent to her ami agreed lo take a cask of the creature itself. The eommitlee appointed by the Ital ioii government to-invesligateimd report a plan to connect the city of Koine by a ship canal with the sea has reported that tho project would cost 80,000,000 lire. A London firm of engineers bus re eeived a concession for the building of an electric railway, live miles in length, be tween Naples iiml Capo di Monte. The work must he linishct! within nine mouths. The new magazine rillo and the man ner by wnich it was introduced into the liritish army huvo become subjects of investigation by Parliament. One offi cial is said to hold ten out of thirteen patents on the gun. A recent survey has established the number of glaciers in tho Alps at 1,155, of which 210 huvo a length ol more than four and three-fourths miles. The French Alps contain HI glaciers; those of Italy, 7H; Switzerland, 471 ; Austria, 402. Some one has summed up the Stanley expedition as follows: The distance traveled by him in the interior is esti mated at "5,400 miles, of whieh nil but 1,000 were on foot. The expedition oc cupied three years, ami rescued HOD per sons at a cost of less than 1)0,000. At an open-air meeting of thouiiem nlovetl in the Fast Kntl a speaker, who hud worked in (ieneral Month's work shops, denounced tho General us a "sweater," pure ami simple. He hud discharged men earning (.i pence an hour to make room for, those who would work for il pence tin hour. Russian merchants in Central Asia are demanding that the Jews he expelled from that region. The stile pretext for the demand is that the Jews outwit the Unssians in trade and are monopolizing tho trallic of Asiatic markets. It is be lieved that the desired order for he ex pulsion of Jews will he issued, if indeed it has not, already bee ft sent quietly to the Czar's representatives in Central Asia. Professor llenseh of the medical fac ulty of the University of Iterlin, a dis tinguished authority on diseases of chil dren, reports unfavorably the treatment w ith lymph in his department, lie ad ministered lymph to twenty-two chil dren, only one of whom seemed to im prove, and the improvement in that case was only temporarily, while many of the children became worse under the treat ment, lie therefore stopned exneri- nients with the lymph, PORTLAND MAKKIiT Win' at The Market Is quiet, but hleinly. Shipper are generally well sup I lied for present und near 'future re qiiiicmculH, mill the inmiiil Is not of tin uigeiil character. (Junta: Valley, $1.26 i"l.2il'V ; Walla Walla, $1.15. Fi.ooii Tim market Is Mli'iuly. The demand hero Is fair, w hile the supply is very good, (Junto,; Standard, fXHO; Walla Walla, ;( 70 per barrel. Oaih Th" tear ct is steady nt present piifCH, ami s in Hymjiiithy with Iho de cline in Han Fiauclsen. The demand iiml supply a iv very Kood. djuoto; liOi: per bushel. Mii-wivm The market Is nleiuly ; do muni! mi. I supply are very gutsl. (Junte: !han, 121; Shorts, $22.50; ilrouud liar .y. ;W.Ml Chop Food, $2M per ton; Hurley, $l.25w I.IM per cental. Hav The inai ket is steady ond the supply loops up with the demand. (Junto; $ I ikk 17 per ton. VKuitruii.KH I he market is weak nnd 'lull. Pi. tuloeH und Cnhlhige lire very plentiful, more than the demuud culls I r. Onions and other vegetables lire ill lair supply, but keep up with the tlc muinl (Junto; Cabbage, 11.251.50 per ceiitul ; Ciiulillow.-r, $1 per dozen; Celery, 5oc per dozen ; Onions, 2.c 2'.,c per otlt. ; 1'unots, $ per sack; Hoots, $1.50 per sack; Turnips, $1 per ruck; Pol iloos, 75m sou per cental; Squash, $2 per cental. I- iii'irs The market Is rleiidy, nnd is well slot ketr with Oruiigos, which are a drug in tho market, lemons are lirmer, and pr -hahly an advance w ill Is. made in a fniv days. Apples, Pears ami Hummus are scarce. There Hro no (Juinces in the market. (Junto; Uiverside ' Irilliges, $.1.00 in :t 2; Navels, $l.75i5.O0 per box; Sic ily l.eiiioiin, $.'i.50i'M).(io per eae; Pours, I 'jo per H)iiii'l ; Apples, iF0.((s,5e per Ikjx ; I'iuiihiihs, $! 4 per bunch. Hen enThe market is sternly, w ith a gisid demand. Choice is scarce, w hile common im id f-tir supply. (Junto; Ore gon fancy creamery, 40ii42li.e; funcy dairy, :;7'o ; fair to gtHsl'ainiJiie; com mon, 20i25ej choice California, y7jjC per pound. Ciikksk The market issteaily. (Juote: Oregon, Llnfllc; ('HlLoruia, U'u'tdoc; Young America, 1Im15c per ismud. Ncis The market is (Juote; Oilif. irniii Walnuts, 17,'bC; other vari eties, Lie; Peanuts, 12o; Almonds, 17c; Hi Herts, HftM5e; new Hraz.ils, 20e per pound; CiH-oamits, $1 per dozen. Funs The maiktt in linn, with a stoutly dcmuinl. (Juote; Oregon, 2.V per dozen. Pool ittv Tho market is firm, w ith a good demand. (Juote: Chickens. $5.00 '-'5.5); thicks, ) it 10; (iecse, $ilut 10 per low ii ; Turkeys, 14. 15c per smnd. Hoes The market is dull, with nom inal prices. (Junto; !!V :(.' per pound. Wool. The nun ket is tiuiot. (Juote Willuimtte Valley, l(i(i20c; Walla Walla, 10. a Ilk' per Miiiid. Ilinrs The market is weak. (Juote: lry Hides, solectod prime, SciK'.jc, ie less for culls; green, selected, ovur 55 pouiitls, 4c; uiiiler 55 pounds, lit". Sheep Pelts, short wisil, SOfioMie; in -ilium, (tt'dfSlic ; long, UOcia $1,25; sheai lings, Il)(tt2tk'; Tallo, good to choice, UlSt IP ije per iKiiiml. lli Mnrliitiiill.f Miirkot. The markets are nl1 steiidv; busines is active ; demuud and supply are very good. Coai, On. (Juote: $2.20 fiercsso. Kick (Juote: ir5)per cental. ITiki.ks (Juote: Jd.3J.1-t; $1.50.'8. Cka MiKititiKH (Juote : Cape Cod, $11 K'r barrel. SAi.rtJuote: Liverpool, $17, $18,$1Q; stts k, $ll(tf 12 per ton in onrloml lots. Cokkkic (Jimte; Costa Kiea, 22'.Jc; Kin, Slfi.'n'c; Arbucklo'H, roasted, Uo.'c leriK)untl. Hkans The market Is firm. Quota: Small Whites, 3l,e; Pink, 3c; Hnyos. 4'.,e; llutter, 3Jac; Linias, 4 1 Jt? per pound. Si'hahs The market is firm. Quote; Golden 0, 47gf ; exu a 0, B.'e ; drv gran ulated, ti'iic; ciiIki crushed and pow dered, (P,je per pound. Diiikij Fiii its The market is firm. Quote: Italian Pnius, 12'uc; Pe tite and (iorman Pruirns, 10c per pound; Raisins, $2.50 per Ikix: Phinuuer-dried Pears, KKitllc; sun-dried antl factory Pliinis, ll(u l2n; evP,; oratel Peaches. 1ST 20c; Smyrna Figa, 20c; California Figs, Be nor pound. Cann mi Uoons Market stoutly. (Juote: Table fruits, $2.00, 2'. is; Peaches, $, Hartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.05; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $2(2.50; Hlaek berries, $2; Unspberries, 2.55; Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2 00. Pie fruit: Assorted, $1.50 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50: Plums, $1.25; Hlacklierriea, $1.(15 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, . $1.25 'if 1.50. according to quality; Toniatoes. $1.15(t?3.50; Sugar Pens, $1. 10(a l.OO; Sir iigHeaus, $1.10 pertlozen. Fish: Sal mo i, $1.25(,tl.50; snnlins, 80c(i$l.(i0 lobMers, $2(3; oysters, $1.50ii3.25 pei dozen. Condensed milk : F'.ngle brand $rt.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75. Champion, $11 per case. Naii.s Ihise qnotationa: Iron, $3.20. Steel, $3.30; Wire, $3.00 per kes?. Shot Quote: $1.75 per sack., The Mont Market. The market is firm ; business is very ood; demand and supply are also good. - jnoitt: Beef I.ive, SJjjfJiMe; drepsed, 7.'. Mutton Live, 4.14' (tH4!jjc; dressed, 8 Hogs Live, 4li (tii-tc ; dressed, Oo. . Veal 5(i)8e per pound. KUOKKD MKATS AND LAUD. The market is firm. Quotations : East ern llama, 12'v(tf:13c; Breakfast Ba con, 10aCllc; Bides, 010c; Lard, 8i(ti lie per pound. It is reported that Villard bad sold all his holdings of Edison electric stock and the stock had been bought by the Van derbilts. The report is denied by Vil lard, who states he is the largest indi vidual stockholder. Part ies long identi fied with the Edison interests, however, confirmed the report that Vantlerbilt hiui acquired a verv largo block of the stock, and said II. JfcK. Twombley will enter the directorship as their representative. DILL NYE AND Mio. LANQTRY. A K.w rUniisrlt. AIm. u Hli lllnnnr wllb llll. .Ii lm y l.lly. It wa my blitwil 1 .1-1 v 1 ! g,n in. I .iiiiiiii'T at Ixmii llrmicli, In eniiipiiiiy mi ll mivond ntlii-r sipl priiiuliii'iit In art iiu.l litoniturn, to Iuii.'Ii Willi Mr., binary, at Inimirii n ciiiivcnui with lior 111 low, piiutlimuto inwnu hniit I11T fill 111.' an. I to -f p int. I Iiml nut In-l"i..-. In iii.ikn I Im i..ig,liUul chat public ct flrst, for ni-itli.-r nt us earn to Im bruulit prtmiliiKiill)' bef.ini Hn. puhllo, klirlnkliiK u tin frniii put. In it v nt nil Mini nnd only caring to tin ri;;lit wldlu pln in tlm back ground 11s inui'li iih puvih',... Hut tlm gtii(iral Inti'i'iMt Tilt In ir. binary loivla 1110 to burnt IIh-h.) reairiiiiit. Mr, .iiugtry, on Hun! ty 1 s.nk of, wor now tin MH.if In v.-ii.. r I. -r.i;;o Iriininsd with tblTi-ri'iit. color nr. .11.1 1 ilm Lollnin. Him wor nt 1 if a hiinrn i . ,nr im h ni, nnd hnr hair win. il. ai. 1 up in a Ii 1 1 J 1. in. 1 nt tin. buck of hur lifiiil. Iter h.'iir In u brown in color and qillUi llli'O tn look lit. Kin- hat it cllllll, litiliott rytn, ami lu liiivi il hint 11 i rfect linly nil tha Ui'ir. 1 Hut mi h.'i rir;il at Inlilo, nlwi 011 tha etlgo of lu-r ilre". by imtiiko. Wlimi woro3 from llitt tnt.l.. kIh-ium. U foio I did, fur 1 hud lout my plain im llio nil-nil, gently ilriftinK buck to i im of la mh u iili mint dolagi onto It, a dixh of "Im nl urn very fmnl nml on which wt, rarely p t 11' huiini. 1 wan outing 011111 tiinro of llic 'on-1 :tn- r.-.l. had ri'iwlio.1 th iloxnlny, iiml I 1 1. 1 no I not n-o Unit Mra. lunglry w.ii Iryin,; inri-n. Hut .lis kopt her touiier lik-11 ft ! l -' t lady, waiting choer fully until I hud Hi,: -ii .1 my meal und put a few raisins in my p ... t In rat 011 my woy boiua. Tin'ii Kim In ; .el my panfui, and would 1 pleiiH. take my cliairnir her drwot. Why of coin I ivnnl.l. I'm-, u a umllt-r of fio't, it wiih in v f nut. 1 wiii ilretv I pin .niy in n unlet yellow and black hhtZ"!', uuh a Il ium I ilnrtof aotno in flaiuoil tint, cniij'hi n,;;. iin i- at lhathront with n liirgit knot of b!;i.i iolkii tint .ilk. 1 wore 110 mi pemieiM. hut In-M my kiiickir-Ixckt-r. In pl.n-u by ini-iiiH of 11 lini'ii and while silk stomit -ci-r "reiiieii, u hicliuttrucUsl much uttcnliuti r-ca i..u uml nil. That In 0110 thing, 1 hi.n nisnit inn. I can dres. guy bii.I (YiviiI.hi.,, m- I cm ho grava ml taciturn iih 1 ii 1 e alio prof or it Hill IS'ya In Nuw York Win Id. Tho litm. uml tlm Janitor. Wronger (to shabby individual) Are you the J ilulnrof thin budding! "Nn, vir; that well 1 tressed gontlemau with tho plug hut is t!u janitor." "Who are you'" "I am t ho proprietor hero." Nebraska State Journal. Cruelty to l altier. Ono of Jom,' iN'culiuritica is never to ad mit thut ho is finding well. No mutter what Sieoioi of Buffering you aro undergoing, the for 111 his sympathy invariably tukes is this: "I've f. It just so." . . Tlie other day ho cimio homo sick too ick to go dow n to his supper. So it was sent up to his room by Mrs. Jones, who hud prepared, it herself. Among oilier delicacies wore six now tiiid eggs, boilotl to suit him. One of tha children stayed with him and watched the egg eating with interest. As Jones took up tiio sixth nnd last egg, the lutlo follow reached out his hand. , "Let 1110 have it, papa." Joiiiis glared at tho child, then ho said huskily: "Take it, eat it, unnatural child, and let your uxr sick father stnrvol" Tommy ato tho egg. Detroit Free Press. An t'nklnil Cut. IIo looked sadly at tho pie 011 the boarding houso table nnd seemed to bo much affected, Tho landlady at first thought ho was mnd ami was prepared for some remonstrance. But ho Kit id nothing, only looked sad. "What is the mutter, Air. Jones" "Minium, this touches 1110." "WlmtC "This pio. It looks so liko one of tho pies my mother made for 1110 thirty years nso." "Well, Mr. Jones, I'm sure 1 appreciate the compliment." "Yes, madam, I believe this is one of tho pies my mother nindo thialy years ugo." Sho raised his rent tho next month. San Francisco Chronicle. Rules for r.nioliiiitlon. ' In a Boston newspaper olilee not long ago tho chief proof reader had been greatly an noyed by nn extraordinary uso of commas that cropped out in occasional "lakes" on his proofs, anil finding that they occurred regu larly under a certain "slug" he went to "slug fifteen's" frame to expostulate with him. lie found that the man was a new "sub," who saitl he canto lately from Nova, Scotia, ami had learned his trade in a first class office In Halifax. "For pity sake," exclaimed the proo f reader, "what sort of a system of punc tuation do thoy employ in Halifax?" "The rulo in our office," replied tho compositor, -with a patronizing air, "was to put about three commas to a line." Lottery Mall Matter Seized. Camden, K. J., Jim. 21. Postmaster Browning made his third seizure to-dav of lottery mail matter addressed to resi dents of' this city. The matter consisted of about- seventy-five circulars of tho Louisiana Lottery Company, stating that a drawing of the lottery would be held on the 17th day of February, and that all tickets drawing less than $1,000 would be cashed at nn address in Boston, dnd those drawing over that amount would be cashed nt New Orleans. In accordance with the instructions he has received from Washington, Post master Browning bus forwarded the en tire lot to Postmaster General Wana maker. ir. Y. Sun, January 22, 1 m mm CT " I. ' 7 1 1 i' 1 f , i 1 t ' jm