Newspaper Page Text
ood River Glacier. VOL MOOD MWVAU OIUWON, SATURDAY. MARCH 7, I8D1. NO. 40. Tie i i'- , 1- I ... : 3food Iiver Glacier. ri'UI.UIIkll RVIHT RATI'llDAT MOKNINCl tlT The Glacier Publishing Company. m list itiriio.v i'iikt. On. rr ., 11 00 fi iiumtln 1 Tlnfi' month , fc' tiniilu tv I C.I GEO. Pi MORGAN, UIk Ohlil ('l.rk U. H Jmt cm,- Tunnel :: I,nw :: Specialist Kuum No, 0, Un,l Offl.'a lliilldiiif, TlIM PAI.I.KS. OH. O. D. TAYLOR, Real Hstate Broker, Firr, Lire and Accident Insurnno. Honey Loaned en Real Estate Security OIIW, Kmifh Co.". PmiV Hull, ling, TIIK H.M.I.I-a. OltKOO.V. nooD'a LivefiJ, Feed and $ale Second Street, Tli. Dallea, Or. I link. 1 -cialty of hirlnf hir" uJ KmrrltgM nil hv. lorn. u( th. bo.t ln..- til drituf horm in Ih. city, gi nil. ami lYlialil. tuiUMt fur UJiMknil r.iiUom.ii. ml U IL B UoOl) THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. Eocoiul St., near Oak. Uiver, Or. Shaving and ll.iir cutting nrntly dons. Satisfaction (iuam.ii tied. FROM Tenia! or Interior Poiuls TIIK NORTHERN v PACIFIC RAILROAD -IN TIIK LINK TO TA K IC TO All Points East anil Mi. ii Ih line 4HNINTI CAR ItOI'TK. It run. tlirowili Vktiiu ;,kiTkinm Kvkkv im v in run Year Id' ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (N n,i;i; ot' ;. it , ' CoinpllKltll ( (tilling CHI 1 1 1 1 HI1 1 1iIISci I . I'llll mwii drnwIiiK romn ulecperHof Idlest i tuliiiiciil, , tourist hk'i'piiiK ftu Ij.-nt tlmt din 1st 1:011 , ntriH'tcil mil Hi whlrh mroiri iti i n I n 1 1 on i H rir both free anil fiirnlln'il for holders ot II rut awl we ', owl class tli ki-tH, mill HkhuI "Iny eoiirlii'". I, ... A f'OllllllllllllH II IK- OUIIIIITlllIK Willi llll lllK'H, rW.Hbrilliii dlrwt hihI niil"tt!irli.l''l iwrvlce. 1 I'nlliniiii hlccpi-r rcNcrviitloiiH emi hu woureil v Jit advance tlirniiith Hiiy hkimiI of tin- road. '. j ' ThroiiKli tK'kctA to mid from nil pnlntH 'n i' ' .America, KiikImihI und Knrojic can ho purchased ?' at hiiv ticket iillliw of this company. ,'': Kull liiformiitloii concerning raleH, thiifot trains, route Hint other details furnished on aj i , plication to any exi-iit, or .. ,J , A. I). CIIAUI.TON. jkBul.Hlant Ucimral PaHnetincr Audit, No. 121 Kltstslreet, corner of Washington, Portland Oregon. , Mixed In Her Line. . A' friend's little 4-year-old daughter Went to Sunday school a fciw Sundays ago, and was very much impressed ly the exercises. She remembered bits of Home of the hymns, and for boiiio days never tired of singing thorn over and over again. She was a triilo irregular in some of her "linen," however; one well known hymn she began: There'll ft lam! Unit Is fairer by 'lay, And by faith w inuy sue it uflre. Her father, who is a Wall street num. but a good churchman withal, hopes she is mistaken. New York Star. How a Ilypocrlto Got Cotto.i HandM. One of our Fork farmers was so anx ious to get his cotton picked that after riding around the neighborhood several times hunting hands without success he went to a negro camp meeting and ap pealed to them m many ways, but with-1 out success. At last ho went up to be j prayed for, put a nickel in the mission ary box, and afterward got plenty of I pickers. Orangeburg (S. C.) Enterprise. ' 1111! PACIFIC COAST. A Oiincsc- l:clnsion Hill litiotc the California Innslatine. Tlic Cn'.itr.u't let for tin' lIulMInu 'A tin SoliliuV lloinr at Ortlng Other IV.i.t News. Sim Picno In tiilkin hImuiI titiildiiiK a ruiirund to Vuinii. New Mexlin In o t'Htiltillxh llll iliNiUH li h y 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill t .mm N i'tiac. The citpiliil ork of the SMkiuu Street t.iiiUvtiv I'miipniiv lui" I'li'ii liuTfiiMi'tl frimi 'itl,IHi.l l.i fiiHMhM. 'l'lir Nmlli Viikitnii t'ily ('mniell Iiiih nuIiI $:!0,tl;Hi wnil Ii of city lonl to il linn of Cliii'iipi lumkei'M fur '7,'HHI. Tin' I'uviilliip opi'iii liniiw, runt injf .', Iuih lii'i'ii I'linipli'li'il mid turned over In the o hern I y the riiiitrili'tnin. TiU'toim iickiHiwIecli.'i'H that it li:ti it verv on f'tiil i.iiliee, innl it in hlrivinu for n reiuivuliuii nf llie police department. The (V iinly ('mill ( linker county, r., Iiiih ili-r.ivcl'i il almiit lt.H),MH iicich of IiiipI Ihiit ic:ipi'. liiMilioli U'i'iillMc llie iliM ilt. vwie not'il. The Scittlc r.o;inl of AMermeii has ili-lVnti'd the pioMit.iiion of the I'.onril of I c!t'v'iilc.t to incrcue llie liipiot-IiceiiHe fee fr ilil flit HI to f I.IMH) ii year. 1'y iirriineineiit coiiipletcd u few iIiivh hi!o (lie Sun -riini'ixco HteainerH m ill not cull lit Victoria, P.. ('., except w hen cpe ciiil freight iH invaitinn Kliipluent. A dii iwiiin nyaiiiHt M. HnrrM, n mer chant of l.'arsnii, New, w ho tl ied to avoid pnyitij; Iiim ilehlH, is I'Xtiected to have a lieiit'licitil ell'ci't tliroilliout the Stale. The contract him Iwen let for the con ytrtictioii of the Sil.liem' Home ut Or tiiiif. Wiifh.. uml work will Im'lmii on it ux s. inn us poH.iilile and 1' pushed to cotiiplelifin. llniiilreils of hoiiHcH are K'"'Ok' up " the i;overiimetit rcHervatioii near Port Aii'eleH, Wiikh., in unticipatioii of foil- rcMs pa-Miiij; a lawiti t:iviii Hipiniiers priilr rlits. The Seattle ("itv Council Iiiih decided to discard the life of the name White- chapel in that city. Police ollicern are lint allowi I to tine the word, and iicwh pnpers lire nsked to ili-curd it ill no. The heir of persoiiH killed and whom' propitv was Hwept away bv the Walnut i iruve tfiim disaster near t'lueiiix, A. T., htled the re.-ervoir eomimnv furilaiiiUKeH, hut the comiany Hectired the verdict. A Salem capitalist has a ccheme to build a wooden railroad from that city to the timber, about twenty-live miles distant. Ih; thinks a suitable road to brinjj; loirs to the city can lie constructed for u bout tfii'.i.nno. The l.os AneleH Council has ordered that the new City I lull be overhauled mid put in a safe condition. The l.r)trt says: San Francisco is not the only place that bus a w hite, raw-lmiied ele phant on its lu'inls. P.rndst reel's mercantile aueiM-y reports twenty-live failunH in Pacilie Const States mid Territories for the past week, as com pared with twenty-six for the pre vious we k and nineteen for the corre sponding week of IS!i(). The rains in the South and in Arizona are very heavy, and the Hi reams are i;et tiiitf in a dangerous condition. In Ari zona the suspension biidjre at Clifton has been swept away, and people living near the river are llccinjj. A compromise has been effected lc tween the San hiego Land an I Town Company and (icorge Neale, by which the company is enabled to take posses sion of all llie Sweet water reservoir and thereby avoid any future waste of water. A number of Kipiatt' rs on unsurveyed lands on the Upper Skvkoinish, who lo cated upon what litis since been ascer tained to be school and railroad indem nity lands, have abandoned their claims, thinking that they would bo unable to obtain title to tin in. Dan I'emmerly, w ho was convicted of the murder of Matt I''aiih! in Yolo coun ty, (Jul., nearly t wo years ago, and who was sentenced to seventeen years in the State prison, has been admitted to bail in the sum of f2"i,(IOII, pending an ap peal, by Judge P.iiehlerof Solano county. The people of Woodland are dissatislied with the action of the Judge. The Taeoiua and Koehe I arlior Lime Company of San Juan county, Wash., nre shipping large quantities of lime to San Francisco and Hawaiian Islands. Heretofore the lime has been taken to Seattle and Tacomii for transshipment, but arrangements have now been made for steamers to come direct from San Francisco and load at Roche Harbor. A bill has been introduced in both Houses of the Legislature to exclude Chinece from California and compel those who remain to register, so that it may be known what becomes of them. The bill is said to have sanction of the Federal officials at Washington, and has been passed upon as constitutional by the Attorney-Ueiieral of the State. The bill will come up within a few days for action by the Legislature. The long-pending litigation between the I'.eliini.'hani Hay and Nook suck boom companies has been settled. AH suits pro and con. pending in the Superior Court of Whatcom county and the Su preme Court of the State of Washington nave been withdrawn, and the entire stock and franchise of tne Nooksack boom company has passed to the owner ship of the individual stockholders 01 the Bollinglmm Bay boom company, liASTIiKN 1TBIS. Chicago's Mayor Points Out a Liw to PivsLk'iit (law. New York City Troubled Willi llluhw.iy lioMirrs St. I.mils Caplt.illbts Oppose I'ri'i' Collide. UlinoiN rniUuy emoves will oriiui.o against I it linger legislation. Heal estate nine miles from the center of Chicnpi sells for f l,tH)t an acre. Hihwav robbery is ipiiti iiiiuou In freiilenteil street 4 of New Yolk of late, MitiucapoliH has received 2,lH)ll,IKH) bushels ol wheat from Washington this year. The deinits In the savings bunk of the I . 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 declined f :l,'JOII,IHKI lust year. The Alabama State Senate has appro l'i iuti'.l .1IUMI In reoreseiit Alubamii ut the World's I'uir. Kill of forty-three roads ivMirtiliir Jan uary I'liruiiis tbirlyciht hIiow t ial Kains over last year. It Ik slated that the Yauderhitts have eivell 5,IKM),OiMI (or iron mines ill (he M.ii'pictte (Mich.) region. The CI ui 111 1 xt i if I 'oinmerce of A tin nt a, in., hits iiiiiinimoiinly indorsed Secretary lilaine's reciprocity with r-rail The Texas Senate lias under coify'ider lllder eoltaider- ry in the schools lldiHiiut, ' at ii .ii a bill lo teach historv from the Confederate stand) ieiieials MrU'lo and Hancock "ill have monuments on the iettysluirK but tle field, to U- erected by the Stale, .MeichnlltM Hint other hunillcNH men of Si. baiis, representing $(Ml,otHl,ihKl cap ital, have protected against free coinage. The appeal of Curdiliut (iihholiH for funds to relieve dist revs in the familie stricken district of Ireland has drought to him f.'i.txKi. Albiiipieripie, N, M., has ii large sur plus of unmarried vming men, uinl un inllilx of New Fngi.ind girls would Is gladly welcomed. I luring the month of .Lmunrv (he pull lax on Chinese arriving at Victoria, II. C, was f:',S17, an increase of fMtll over January last year. Ilull'alo is threatened with a water famine because "porridge" ice in the Niagara river has nearly stopped the wutcr-works pumps. All the saloons in I'.ismarck, N. P., nre closed on un account of an original-package decision by the State Su preme Court, ii'nl not a drink of liquor is said to be obtainable. Chicago will soon have the largest 10 ceiit lodging-house in the world. The building w ill be seven stories high, will cost f-Ci,(MMl and he heated by steam and lighted by electricity. The revised estimates show that the delicieiicv for the pension ollice is fL'S, 7K,:i:W. The estimate llrst presented to Congress was for $I0,(MIII,()IHI. The pres ent estimate is a reduction of f5,:ii;l,(i(iS. Howdoin College will send a scientific ami collecting expedition to Labrador and Iceland next summer. It will be in charge of Prof. L. A. Lee, and nliout llf teen students will make up the party. The (ieorgiu Legislature is considering a bill to punish doctors and druggists who become drunk. For llrst conviction a line of fOO is proposed, and for the second the license to practice is revoked. It is reported to the Land Pepurtment at Washington that some of the timlicr lands in the Coast States are being in vaded by lumbermen, and the depart ment has decided to investigate the mat ter. An Alliance Representative has intro duced a bill in the Kansas House which provides that anv person who will tile a petition in the Pislrict Court, staling tlmt fie or she is of good moral ehaructorshall be permitted to practice law. There is a slrong belief that Hrazil will not ratify the agreement Ihat Hlaine has made with representatives of that coun try. F.nglish commercial representatives, in Hrazil are doinglheir ulniost to pre vent the agi cement holding good. The Connecticut Railroad Commis sioners pronounce the grade-crossing law in that, State a virtual failure. At the close of the last year there were 1,11)3 grade crossings in the State, and of these only twenty-nine were abolished during the year. The South Dakota House bus passed the Senate bill for a fence law to the ef fect that stock may range in all unorgan ized counties. It also passed a bill that no counties are to be organized in the future until a majority of voters decide otherwise. The will of the late J. N. McCulloiigh, Vice-President of the Pennsylvania, has been filed for probate. The estate is valued from $7,000,000 to $10,000,000. The will gives his wife and daughter each one-fourth of the estate, the re mainder being left in trust. Mayor Crcigor of Chicago in his reply to a letter from President (Sage of the World's Fair asking for police protection for the men at work at Jackson Park makes the following point among others while declining to comply with the re quest: If the report is true that the Italians employed are aliens, they are not entitled to protection, as under an act passed by the State Legislature in 1889 it is made unlawful for any board, commission, officer or contractor, acting for or under any municipality, to employ aliens. l'MHICN Ni;vs. Ijnjvmr William Saiil to lie 15c coming Mori Cranky. King; Iltimlicit to Arbitrate llctwccn the I'nltcdjStati's ami l-'iiLiiul on the lii'hilnu Sea Controversy. Pliotogrnplihig in colors is the Intent 1 reiich Invention. The Purls Inhibition cleared over H.tKKI.IKHI frillies net. French inilroiids have reduced pnssen ger uml freight rates. The Jliisniun heut crop Is liowesli mated al' P.l.i.OiKI.IKkl bushels. ierinany Is" said to coutcmpluti' tin sale of Piimuralaiid toiirent I'.ntuin. The bullion in the Hank of Liiglund decrein-eil H,iHKI,IMKI week before last. Medicul men In Herlin have limillv dilbbed the Koch lymph " tuberculide. ' Uruguay has reduced lor standing army to one foinlh its former strength. It is proposed to renew the charter of tin- Hunk ol l innce lor twenty-three years. Iteilin is now iilmost empty of the for eign doctors w ho in rived ill the early days of .he Koch cure. Distress is apparently widespread in Hamburg, and a relief committee is dis tributing I H, meals daily. ( iold veins rich enough to be worked at u profit by u new process have Im-cii discovered ill I he French Alps, (Jticfii Victoria will probably go for l.aster to li.iuiliurg, where r.mprcss Frederick is to p.ius the spring. lird Salisbury's reply to lllai lie's dis patch un the Itehriug Sea question has tieen forwarded to Washington. Four-liflh of t he l iceman West Africa Company's territory has been acquired by the Aiiglo-l iermuii Company. The South Australian wheat returns shows that I'.'.l'nlO.IHHI bushels were reaped mid that i,()no,ooo are available for ex port. The development of smokeless coal mines in Touquiu shows much larger desisils than were at lirst believed to lie Hissible, The population of Tokio, the capital of .In pn n, is rapidly increasing, w bile that of other cities and towns in the empire is decreasing. Terrible storms are reported on the coast of (ireece. Several shipping disas ters have been heard of, with loss of twenty or more lives. In (iront Ilritain during 1K1M), it is com puted, the consumption of tea for each person averaged fi.UH pounds, " exceed ing that of any previous year." Kmpernr William's vagaries have be come more mid more marked, and his abrupt restlessness, excesses ol irritabil ity and uncertain moods occasion much solicitation. The Sultan of Turkey has approvud the project of the Hritish embassy for providing homes for freed negroes, and will assist in the aliolition of the Turk ish slave trade. The Viilemimli of Moscow regards with apprehension the steady increase of the lioummiian urmy and imvy. That little kingdom spent last year 47,OOi),000 francs on its military force. The Herlin I'olilirnl ('orrffpondfiur publishes a rumor that the F.nglish mid United States governments have agreed to submit the Itehriug Sen question to the arbitration of King Humbert of Italy. Though every effort has been made fo conceal the fact, it is now stated that O'P.rien and Dillon are divided on the question of Parnell's position. O'Hrien is in Parnell's favor, while Dillon is op posed to him. Among tin; inanv world's fairs pro posed for this year Is a world's labor ex hibition to. bit held in London. It is pianned that, at this exhibition opera tives of every denomination might lie seen actually at work. The vegetarian fad scorns to bespread ing. A foreign note says the London Vegetarian Society reports a member ship of 541, but the movement is said to have spread throughout Flngland, Con tinental Kurnpo and the colonies. The London World says a battle be tween homeopathy and allopathy has raged over the sick bed of Princess llon lietta of Flanders similar to that which occurred at Disraeli's last illness. An eminent hoine qiathistwns called in con sultation, but the eminent orthodox doc tors refused to meet him. A voting mil itary doctor was, therefore, summoned from the country. A company has been formed in Tiflis and Odessa to exploit the vast fields of natural cement ot "New Russia" (West Siberia). That cement is of a quality which neither Western Europe or Amer ica can supply. It requires no artificial preparation but burning in a furnace. The new company is building shops in Novorossiysk, Anapa and other points, where the cement will be gathered for exportation. 1 he Imperial Cabinet has resolved to put the armies of all the vassal provinces of Central Asia under the command of Russian oflicers and sub-offleers. The Russian military drill is used at present in the armies of the Afghan, Persian, Tartar and other provinces, and under the command of Russian officers they will form a strong opposition against the military forces of Bokhara, Cjunj and other Asiatic powers, PORTLAND MARKlsT. Flour, niillstiills, outs and liny lire plentiful, w bile the demand is fair. I'o lalocs are very plentiful, and some are now being shipped to un Francisco. Other vegetables are in fair supply. On ions have advanced. Fruits are in good supply. Poultry is in fair sopplv. He ci Ipls of I Iregou eggs lire lih-ral, while the ib'uiund is very good local I and from outside points, w hich keep prices steady. Hotter mid cl scare still scarce. Ore gon cheese bus ml vniiivil. Hops and hides nre weuk mid dull, while the de mand is slow . Wool is ii tit In the uicrchmnli-.e markets dried fruits are in fair supply, w hiU olher conimislities are in good supply mid demand. Meats are in g Hi I supply, W in r mich I trading is of fair pro portions at steady prices, (jipie: Val ley. l.:,.,(,i.'.'7l.J; Walla Walla, 1.17',. Fi.oi n guote: Standard, flt.KO; Walla Wiilln, :l.7U per barrel. I Ia is Canute: oliiiHilc per bushel. M111.NTI kks Ojiotc: Itran, tLllmSI; Shorts, :Miii I!-'; liroimd I'.ailev, flHM IlL'.iO; Cboji Feed. fLT. per oi;' Hurley, f I. L'.'io I.IIil percental. llAY(Jiiotii: f I out 17 per ton. Vkoki'uiuis (Juote: 'Cabbage, fl.fii) ' 1.7ft per cental; Cmilillower, f I 1 It.'i per dozen; Celery, tHlc per dozen; On Ions, ,'Ini ,V ,c per pound ; Carrots, f 1.00 per sack ; F.ccis, f l.ftll jier sack ; Turnips, fl per stick ; Potatoes, 7o'"Wic percental. I' an i s I Jiioie : is A iigcles Oianges, f'.'m .''5; Riverside, f.7.',i.i :t.ou ; Navels, l.fto per lix; Sicily Lemons, f.'i. 501.1 (1.0(1 per case; Pciiim, I '..e per pound ; Apples, liicnif I.L'.'i er Uix ; I'.amiuas, fildi I per bunch. Nils (Joule; California Walnuts, ll'.c; Hickory, K'..c; Brazils. 211c: Almonds, Itiiifl'c; ImIIh-iIs, I tint 11c; Pine Nuts, I7f"lse; Pecans, 17oi lHc; ( tN'ouniits, He per pound. Hi 1 1 Kit (Juote : Oregon fancy cream ery, lOt.i IJ'j.e ; taiicy dairy, "ivf, lair to gissl, 2T't.t'!l'c; common, itlh" Uic ; choice California, :7'..i(";!!c per pound, CumsK ltioic; Oregon, Hn."c; ('al ifornin, Iftdi lllc per pound. Fi.os tuotn: Oregon, L'5c per dozen, I'ori.iiiv Quote; Chickens. fft.UOnt .'i.r0; Ducks. .Mini 10; Oeese, flint II) per dozen ; Turkeys, 1 In l.ric per pound. Iloi-s (Junto; Nominally, ItSc per pound. Wool (Junto; Willilliu tte Valley, 10 (iiL'Oe; Walla Walla, I4irl7cper pound. IIikkh (Juote : Dry Hides, M'leeted prime, HniH'.jC, c less lor culls; green, elected, over W pounds, -1c ; under W) IMiuuds, '.if. Sheep Pelto, short wool. .'10 dCiOc; medium, tiiini 80c; long.lHicwf l.2f; 'hiarlings, lOnfLMc; Tallow, gtssl to choice, ;tr :)'( per )hiuiiI, Tli MnrrliMiiilUit Mnrknt, Com. On. (Juote: fll.'JO tier case. Rick (J.iote: 15.50(116.75 per cental. Picki.ks (Juote; ft., Was; ft..'U.'D. CiiAMiKiiiiiKs (Juote; Cape Cod, ftl s-r barrel. Salt (Junto: Liverpool, f 17, fl, f 19; took, filer Hi per ton in carload lots. Cokkkk (Juote : Costa Rica, '.2'jc; Rio, Lft'jc; Arbuckle's, roasted, 2o4c Mr isiiind. P.kans The market is firm. (Juote: Small Whites, H:,.,c; Pink, ile; Bayos, 414c; Butter, !0tfc; Limns, 4'ac per pound. Kro Aiis (Juole : Golden C, 41.'c ; exi ra l- fie; dry granulated, ('hc ; culs crushed and powdered, (i'n'o per pound. I'uiKi) rue its llie market is linn. (Juote: ' Italian Prunes, I2'cj Pe tite and (iernian Prunes, 10c per pound; Raisins, f 2.50 per Imix: Pliimmer-drieii Pears, lOotllc; sun-dried and factory Plums, I pit 12c: evaporated Peaches. IS (it. 20c; Smyrna Fign, 20c; California Figs, Oc per pound. i;annk( toons Market stead v. (Juote: Table fruits, $2.00, 2'aS; Peaches, $2.60; Hart let t Pears, $2.25; Plums, fl.05; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, f2(if2.50; Itlack berries, f2; tiaspberries, t2.55; Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2 00. Pie Irtnt: Assorted, fl.5o per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50; Plums, $1.25; Hlackls'rries, $1.05 per tlozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.25 'it 1.5(1. according to quality; Tomatoes, fl.U(i:i,50; Sugar Peas, $I.IO(ul.(iO; String lleans, $1.10 per dozen. Fish: Sal mon, $1.26(irl.fi0; sardines, K0c(if$l.li0; lobsters, f2(n3; ovsters, $l.50m 3.25 per dozen. Condensed milk : F.agle brand, :fH.2.r; Crown, $7; IliglUand. $0.75; Champion, $0 per case. IIonuy (Juote: One-pound frames, 17c. Naii.s Base quotations: Iron, $11.00 ; Steel, $:!.!(); Wire, $:.!! per keg. Miot (Juote: fl.70 per suck. The Aluat IMiiiket. The market is steady. Beef Live, SftMe; dressed, 7c. Mutton Live, 414(it'4luc; dressed, 8c. I Jogs Live, 4,'!!(!r4:,.,'c; dressed, 0c, Veal 5ry 8e por pound. SMOKKO MKATS AND LAIU). (iuote; Hams, 10c; Breakfast Bacon, t)(illc; Sides, UttflOc; Lard, l)3.C per pound. It is understood the Senate Finance Commit tee's adverse report on Stanford's land bill was prepared bv Morrill, the venerable Chairman of the committee, who is upward of 80 vears of age, but who retains his mental vigor to a sur prising degree. His report is regarded by the Senators as an extremely able production. The lace factories of Kursk and Orlov are receiving more orders from France than they 1 an fill.-- At the Into exhibi tion in Paris the Russian lace was bought with avidity by the F'rench ladies. Since then that lace has become fashionable throughout France. Two physicians of Havana are success fully inoculating new arrivals in Cuba against yellow fever through mosquitoes that have contaminated themselves by stinging yellow-fever patients. Fifty two cases of mosquito inoculation have been followed up. Of them only about x per cent, subsequently contracted the disease, with a mortality of less than 2 percent. i A BARGAIN IN CRABS. How Or. Toinplilii Found Unit Rnrnifli to rinli for Ilium All III I.lfn. "I liko to do a little black buns fwh lng now und then," said Dr. Tompkins, of Peim Vun, "but Pin not ono of thoso enthusiastic, js'oplo who can't get along withont it. The other day, though, a friend of initio came in with a fino catch of bass, and the sight of them rather put niu in the humor of going out und getting a lot myself. "What did you eaten 'cm withT I asked, my friend. "Crnljs," he said. "Wo call crawfish 'crabs' In Pnna Van. I hud heard before that craba were good bait for block bass, and think ing tint I might get some fun out of them as well as anybody else I went over to Lake Kctika outlet to bait. I banged around in the creek for three hours turning up stones and slopping about in tlm water knoo deep, and suc ceeded in rupturing fivo little crabs. " 'Well,' I said to myself, 'that isn't a very big lot of bait to start on a day's fishing with, but I guess I won't have any trouble getting two or three nico taws, anyhow.' "I was about leaving the creek when I met a small boy. He was a Peuu Yuri small boy and ho had nerve, and hu hailed me familiarly ami said: " Hullo, mister. What you after? "I told iiini I was gathering crabs for bait, but tliut they were powerful soiree. " 'What'll you give ine to get you Borne:' inquired tho small boy. "I thought it would be a nice thing to have u couple of down or so of crabs, for I'd want to be going out after more bass the next day, and knowing what a tough and tedious time I'd hud getting oniy five, I thought I'd make it worth the boy's while sjM'uding a day tugging and sweat ing among the stones, and so I said I'd give him live cents apieco for crabs. " 'How many '11 1 git yon? ho asked. " 'Oh, all you can,' I replied, fettling tlmt all ho could get would certainly be few enough. " 'All right!' he said, and I went up the lake a mile or so with iny five crabs to get some bass for my supper. I fished all tho rest of the day and never got as much as a bite. It was supper time when I pulled for homo. " 'The next man that says crabs to me, I said to myself, 'it won't go well with.' "After supir I was sitting in my office, feeling a littlo sore jet over my day's fishing, when a knock camo to the dixjr. I oM iied it, and there stood the small boy I had hired to gather crabs for me. I had forgotten all about him. 'Hullo, mister!" he Baid. 'I got Borne!' "Crabs were the very last thing I was hankering after just then, but of course a bargain was a bargain. " 'All right,' I said. 'Fetch 'em in.' "Tho small boy stepped aside and im mediately appeared again, accompanied by another small boy. Each boy lugged in a big tobacco pail. Each pail was filled with crabs. " 'Great heavens!' I exclaimed. 'How many haye you got?' " 'There's two thousan', mister,' said the small boy I had bargained with. 'But we'd 'a' got a lot more if the pails had been bigger.' "Two thousand crabst If you'll take tho trouble to figure on that you'll find that nt fivo cents apiece 2,000 crabs will coino to just an even $100, and that was tho price per crab I had bound myself to pay. While those bbys had nerve Tve an idea that their ideas of financiering were crude, for after 6ome exceedingly anxious and apprehensive argument with them I induced them to compromise on a basis of labor by the day, and even then they made such a good thing out of me that the next man who mentions crabs to mo will stand an excellent chance of having the price of that day's work taken out of bus hide. I returned thoso crabs to Kenka outlet, and any ono who wants to may go there and catch them -if they can." Louisville Fost. An I'litfiiiocr Who Slept. The writer asked an old engineer the other day if ho had ever while running a locomotive yielded to sleep. "No well, yes." ho answered. "That is, it wasn't a sleep, just a nod ; a suddeu stop ping of everything and then an awaken ing with a start. I was so dead beat that it seemed to me ns if a thousand pound weight was pulling my eyelids down. Of courso I fought it off, but for just one second I gave in once. I was looking ahead when suddenly I felt my head go down with a jerk. I don't think that that sleep lasted one-tenth of a second, but every Sensation left my brain. . It was as if it flashed out and then back again. It is a sorry thing," he added grimly, "when engineers go to sleep in their cabs." New York Tribune. Dow It Got Its Name. It is said that the town of Howland, Me., derived its name from the exclama tion made by an adventurous white mau who fell in love with and stole awry from her father's wigwam a young and beautiful squaw. He was pursued down the Piscataquis, where he took his sweet heart into his canoe and boldly paddled out into the foaming water. In hot pur suit came the dusky sons of the forest, and, reaching the banks of the swift flowing waters, they saw the white eanup nearing the shore. They set up cries of rage, w hich continued through tho night. When these came to his ears he proudly lifted his head e;ich time and in classical English cried lack, "Howl tad be durned! Boston Traveller.