Newspaper Page Text
r iver Glacier. VOL. 2. HOOD MVEK, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 1), 18M. NO. 40. The Hood E (' 3(ood liver Slacicr. A rlllll.llllKI) IVMIIT HATUHIIAT MOUSING T The Glacier Pub!bblng Company. mium icir-rio r it ice. Oti yw ft M Kt mm'IiIIii ,,, gr I'hrtt. iiioiitlit, , ,, Di'iil. i'(ijr ,. Cast OKO. P. MONO AN, Uu chief ni l, w n. uni oitw L.nnl :: I,iiw :: HpcciiiliHt. Room No, fl, Unit ('(Tl.i. Ilullillnf , TIIH DAM.KH, Oil. O. D. TAYLOR, Real Hstatc Broker, Fire, Life and Aooldent Iniurinci. Money Loaned on Real Estate Secnrity Ufflc, Pram-h 4 Co ' Rink flullitliif , TIIK HAI.I.M, OHKdON. THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. BmoixI St., nrar Cult. Hood Hirer, Or. Slikvlng mil Ituir rutting artly dun. ,vUfm tloli (iiirntoc(l. PACIFIC COAST. Tho British Tug Lorno Soizod and Fined. OREGON SHEEP NOT FOR SALE. Now Sugar Reflnory Started in San Francisco in Opposition to tho Two Old Roftnorios. A0 1 1 1j (trowi'M of Washington nre selling , Uiim season h (Tup iu id renin u miiiii. Spokane's land ollice is crowded daily with men seeking to make homestead entries. Surveyors uro lorutitiK n telephone line from Ellensburgh to .Sclah, Purge and lllKllllil. I Tacomu people uro building n steam- J lxiat, which they claim will lie the fast- I est on the Still ml. I A celebration of tin- tlint-t vory of Gray's liarlHr in 17112 iH proposed to le held at V r Gray's HarlHir city on July 4. J ' Brit sh Columbia wants an increase in thc Chinese head tax. It in now $50, nntl Victoria wants it made 1 1 KJ. Sulum la beginning to realize the im portance of the fact that she has a first elass Btont! tiiarry jiiHt outside her Minim. Twelve union miners at Wellington, 15. C, are under arrest for beating a non unitm ninn until his life waNilcHpaired of. The British tug Iirne Ihih liecn seized and lined M at Tort Angeles for towing vessel from that port to other American IortH. The Times says the expenditures in Ih Angeles thin year for street r.iilroads, Improvements and buildings will reach $5,000,000. E. llumason, a prominent cattle dealer at Spokane, convictetl of cattle dealing, has b."" sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. President Fultla reported at a meeting of the Directors of the California Ath letic Club at Sun Fianciaco the other night that he hud visited Peter J.ickson's quarters ami found Peter feeling well and able to walk about without crutches or even a cane. Jackson nsHiired Presi dent Fulda that he woultl be all right for his match with Corbet t in due time, lie 1h now Hollering no pain from his recent ly injured leg, and all inflammation bus disappeared. Oregon agricultural experiment station bus issued its April bulletin, which will be of more than usual interest to fruit growers and farmers, as it contains an account of practical work at tho Btation in experimenting on the codling moth with paris green and with a combined fungicide and insecticide ; also an article on the bop louse, giving a history of tho animal, remedies for it, etc. This bulle tin will be sent free to all residents of the State applying for it, and it is worthy of perusal by all who raise fruit or hops. A meeting of representatives from twenty irrigation districts of California was bold one day last week to take action toward promoting the eule of irrigation bonds. Isndor Jacobs presided, and said the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce would assist as far as possible in aid of the cause of irrigation, lie considered the liontls issued under the Wright irriga tion law, a good investment foreapitalists, they having been passed upon by the Su preme Court. Judge Hazen then read a paper holding the name of these bonds should be made as well known as those of other gilt-edge securities. Two hun dred thousand dollars worth had been bought by Sun Francisco bankers, and some of them had been sold abroad. It was decided to persuade the Sun Fran cisco bankers to indorse the irrigation bonds, so that a market for them might be found in the East. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. t.i'iii'tiil Nhi-riMiiii'i I'rlemlx Hnlirrll n ,11 mil III cut Hum for Ilia lill.lrfii. Tlie grip is it. lire fatal in New York (IiIn year than last, Tht dreaded typhus fever Ihih made it? appearance in New York city. Secretary Tracy is introducing civil nervier refoi m ill the navy yards. The Italians of Cincinnati are endeav oring to have Consul Kavogli removed (ruin ollice. The city of New Haven has decided to erect a building in w hich all its charities are to lie combined. St. Louis unions oppose the hill to give the poliee fund 111 per cent, of tlie lines and M per cent, of dog license. The President has recogni.ed Rafael (ill! legos IIS Colisill-I iellfllll of Costa R it'll for California at Sun Francisco. Mis. James K. Polk owes $2,000 taxes on her Nashville residence, and the bouse is advertised fur sale to meet tlieln. A comic opera company has cuneeletl lis dates in Minnesota on account of the anti-light lull passed by the Legislature. It iH reported that many national banks in Kaunas will surrender their charters and reorganize under the State system. Tin' Extositioii Committee of the Hoard of l ady MunagerH of the World's Fair says Miss Coii.ins' removal was im perative. Secretary Noble says that he will lay oil the Indian reservations, whim to Is' opened, in counties containing 70.) square miles eaeli. The President of the whisky trust does not believe Secretary (ilbsoii guilty of the charge of conspiring to destroy a distillery at Chicago, Major i. P. Heath of the F.ngineer Corp, U. S. A., is endeavoring to have LilsTtv's torch iu New York barlsir llameif with tho colors of the (lag of the country. Friends of the late I ieneral Sherman have ipiief y Mihst ri'oetl fTO.lKW to a (mid for the children, who have heretofore in sisted on their ability to take care of themselves. I he comer stone of the new building of tho great .Carmelite Convent in New Orleans was laid with imposing ceremo nies. Archbishop Jansseiis conducted the ceremonies. The President of the lnmaii line i hi authority for the statement that a sturdy American line for thirty Atlantic steam ships is to be built, to Is' manned by American sailors. " The Anticipators " is the name of u new religious sect just sprung up in Pike county, Pa. They believe the world w ill end lieforethi-u'enturyt'loHcs, The mem bership is increasing. Now that New Hampshire has enacted a bnllot-ref inn bill, the Senate having nnMmil without amendment the bill ore- viollsly adopted by the House, New l'ng land is solid for the secret ballot. The American Consul at Kingston, On tario, reports that the amount of fees collected at his ollice for exports was sma'ler last t)tiaiter than it ever wiih 1k' foru since he was stationed there. There w ill lie thirty-six new vessels in New York harbor in lK'.Kl to participate in what Secretary Tracy says will be the grandest naval tfenionstration ever wit nessed in the western hemisphere. Tht! negro colonization of Oklahoma seems to be going on with considerable system and persistence. The new "city" of Liiugrtton is exclusively a negro city. The clim ite seems suited to tlie colored people. Negotiations are going on for the pur chase of 100, (Hk) acres of pine timlcr land in Southeastern Arkansas by an English syndicate. The ileal is made through Chicago parties. The price agreed on is $5 an acre. A highly desirable site has been se lected by the Kansas committee which recently went to Chicago to secure space for an exhibit at the World's Fair. The lot decided upon is 120x170 feet, and has a frontage on two streets. As a result of the war talk the manu facturers at Pittsburg who have contracts with the government for the manufacture of iron and steel, to bo used in the con struction of naval vessels, have been or dered to hurry along the work. An official at Castle Garden, who in spects immigrants, is authority for the statement that nine-tenths of the Ital ians who come to this country expect to return to their peninsular home as soon as they gather a tidy sum here. Tho Kentucky Constitutional Conven tion has tinished its work after a session of 11)11 days. Tho proposed changes will lie voted upon next August. There are about 21,000 words in the new Constitu tion. Tho old one contained 12,580 words. It is stated at Minneapolis that the Canadian Pacific railroad intends to com plete the western extension of tho Soo route and make it the main line between Boston, Montreal and the Pacific Coast, making it a transcontinental short line. Thu United States District Court- at Omaha has decided that the South Omaha Live Stock Exchange has the right to prohibit parties not members of th ex change from selling stock at the yard. The life-saving service along tho New Jersey const has been crippled by the ill ness of many of the men on duty. The report along' the entire shore front from Cape May to Sandy Hook shows that the grin and rheumatism are general. The great horse Tenny is considered out of all danjer of a breakdown, and his lameness is fast disappearing. There is now little doubt that he will bo in racing condition this summer, and there is hope that he will be ablo to start in the suburban. The Canadian Pacific railroad has everything ready to commence the con struction of its new bridge across the Niagara river. The bridge will cost the company over $2,000,000, but it will be one of the most substantial structures in America. EASTERN ITEMS. Trunk Linos Boycott tho Chicago and Alton. NEW YORK'S DIVES CLOSED. Cumuli Studonts Elect Bob Ingorsoll to Mako the Annual Address, But the Faculty Vetoes It. A bath-tub combine is tint latest. Sugar is Is'ing smuggled into Canada. Teiiemi'iit-boiise inspection is now go ing on in Boston. The New Yolk olice have IsM'tl or dered to " close the dives." A big soldiers' reunion will he held at New York July 4 next. New Hampshire has adopted the Aus tralian ballot system of voting. A whole family has Is-cii urrcstfd at Topeka for mailing obscene letters. Many hoises have died at Hi'd Bank, N. J., of a disease similar to the grip. Anna Dickinson bus written to George Francis Train, who sympathizes with her. The steamer Olympia from Palermo has just landed -t.'iii Sicilians at New Or leans. At the close of its first year of high license Baltimore pronounces the system a success. Mexico w ill send the (Inest specimens of various kinds of wikhIs to the Chicago Exposition. A New York pisilsellt r has liecn sen tenced to pay $ 1,000 line and spend three months in jail. Mayor-elect Hose of Cleveland is said to Is' so nnnoved by olliceseekers that be has fled the city. Archbishop Kvan of Philadelphia has forbidden Catholics to bury relatives or friends on Sunday. In nearly every instance the women candidates for School Commissioners were defeated this spring in Missouri. A party of 110.) impoverished Central Kansas settlers have left for TojKilobam si, the Socialist colony on the west coast of Mexico. The Baltimore and Ohio road has se cured a number of new and powerful en gines, said to 1h- the llnest and swiftest ever built. Tennessee is growing a little restless over the thought that her legislature ad journed without appropriating for the I World's Fair. Five hundred immigrants have landed at Halifax, and are coming into the United States by rail to avoid the new immigration law. Delaware's new tram) lalior bill pro vides that all trumps in Delaware may Ik set to work for sixty days breaking stones and mending roads. There is a bill still pending in the Leg islature at Springfield providing for ap propriation of f"i00,000 for the Illinois exhibit at the World's Fair. Treasury locks are to lie placed on Ca nadian gootls in transit through the United States, and tho use of Consular seals is to bo done uwuy with. President Harrison has appointed Hall G. l'arker (colored) of Missouri to be an alternate Commissioner at large to the World's Columbian Exposition. The new Constitution of Kentucky, framed by the convention which has just adjourned, forbids members of the legis lature from accepting railroad pusses. A bill was reported in the Massachu setts Senate one day last week authoriz ing the city of Boston to borrow if 3,600, 000 outside of debt limit as a park loan. The officers of the Alton road profess to bo cheerful In 'the face of the trunk line boycott, but add that it may not be long before they will have to slash rates. Petitions have been filed at Ottawa to unseat Sir Adolphe Caron, Minister of Militia, and Sir Hector Langevin, Minis ter of Public Works, for corrupt prac tices. The captains of the various fire-engine houses in Cincinnati have received strict orders to put a stop to the custom fol lowed by policemen of sleeping in en gine houses. A sensational article in a New York imner snys Mrs. Leslie Carter and David Belasco have gone to Europe together. It is claimed by others the trip is only a business one. The Committee on Territories will probably not visit Alaska, as authorized to do by Congress. The question of the proper government to give Alaska has not yet been decided. The first official act of the new Mayor of Philadelphia, Mr. Stuart, was to give noticemen ten days in w hich to withdraw from all campaign and political commit tees of which they may be niembars. Hereafter they are to keep out of politics on pain of instant dismissal. The impeachment trial nf Judce Tle- arties ! inn how sleek lie not tho lands, ( sur 'u'ticul "ienee, 'ViU be to I was evota,) ck'k us Siility. fol re th tbi think how easily made is the ni ,rtthat he claimed the authorship for by staying over the winter in a si mself is a baseless absurdity, and then sell for $400 or o00 ai The Eari of Derby hna the question notuing. ' I should smile, ami le distinction of owning more drinking right by our noses. Wo have ull j ces than any other English Peer. He work hard for our proofs . KShStS thing we are hero to stay. We don)? the Earl of Bedford, with forty want to sell and we dont want to go to ' shops. The Duke of Devon- Missouri. We that have been lust seven or eiirht years want in Mood River. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Til Collector of I uloirm for A I uU M Will Ai),lnt mi A.IoiIhii hi 1 -1. ii t . A court of inquiry having found Lieu tenant Commander I'.ii knell ref ponsil.le for thestrandingof the Nina and Gulenu, a court-martial has been ordered. The exsrts of merchandise from the United States for the twelve months ended March T!l were H72,OlO,.'i77, and the inifxirts H:;'.,(i:51,4'.'0. During March the gold c. orts exceeded the imports by I,.VH ,.'iiii, and the silver exsirtn ex- eeedcij tin; imports liy J 1 ,I.1,.hZ. Commander C. C. Keiter has liceii or dered to command the United States steamship Thetis, relieving Commander C. II. SUsik-on, who is granted two moiitliH' leave. Commander Keiter wan in command of the Hanger at the time of the killing of General Barrundia, aftr which he was relieved from command ami placed on waiting orders. Under authority conferred by Congress the Secretary of tin.- Navy is making ar raiigements to ocn the Boston and League Island navy yards fur construc tion anil repair work. The docking of tht! Newark at League Wand one day last week was the first work of that sort done at Philadelphia on naval vessels under government auspices for six years. Edward T. 1aU'h, who was recently apiMiinted Cola-i'tor of Customs for the district of Alaska, has promised It) ap point as Deputy Collector at Juneau Frank A. Ward of Astoria, Or. The treasury officials believe that the present Deputy ut Juneau was implicated in the violation of the liquor law, for which Pracht was removed. It is believed that he allowed the entry of liquors, well knowing that they were intended for the use of saloons. It is said that in Juneau, a town of 1,500 people, there have leen forty-t ight saloons in full blast, and no attempt w hatever was made by the pub lic ollicials to suppress them. It is also understood at the Treasury Department that this deputy, as well as the District Attorney and Territorial Judge, are landsmen for several saloonkeepers. So far no other appointments have been agreed upon. Collector Hatch will Is? influenced by the Oregon delegation, all of whom are now in Washington, in choosing his deputies. Two additional deputies will be designated by him, to Is stationed at the new ports. " Senator Plumb is backing a Kansas man for one of the places, and Kepresentative Lind will secure one appointment from Min nesota. PERSONAL MENTION. Tin- Brazilian Minister Ha the Fluent Art Collection In WftMlilnirton. Emin Pasha has been honored by Ger man botanists. A new plant has been called Eminia Emmens. Mrs. Sarah Wainwright, the last sur viving granddaughter of Dr. Priestly, the discoverer of oxygen, recently died at Brighton, England. The ex-Emperor of Brazil is going to reside with the Duke de Nemours at Bushev Park in England this summer. He is in good health and spirits. Emperor William will mnke a tour of the fortresses in Alsace-Iiorraine at the end of the month. The prefecture of Metz is preparingtogivehimareeeption. General Albert Pike once told a citizen of Alexandria that he removed from that city to Washington because the people whistled so much they disturbed his lit erary labors. Lord Salisbury recently lost a favorite servant by diphtheria ut Hatfield House, and the next day he bad the whole cas tle drainage overhauled at the expense of several hundred pounds. Senor Mendonca, the Brazilian Minis ter, is credited with having the finest private art collection in Washington. If so, he did not have it selected for him by New York picture brokers. Jefferson B. Browne, the new Presi dent of the Florida Senate, is but 31 years ot age, and refers with pride to the fact that ho kept a Florida lighthouse to obtain money for an education in law. Dr. William I. Harris, the United States Commissioner of Education, is a tall, straight and rather thin man. His beard is short ami all gray. He speaks rapidly and easily, and is' a very enter taining talker. Sketches of Edwin Booth almost unan imously speak of Hartford county, Md., as his birthplace, and this basso wearied a fellow-countian of his that the latter has published a card, pointing out that the tragedian was born in Hartford coun ty in that State. General John A. Wiley, the well known National Guard man of Pennsyl vania, at one time drove a mule in a coal mine, and when he is trying to break in a squad of green guardsmen he doubt less wishes he was back at his old his business. Mayor Ashley of New Bedford will C--Tide the city deposits between the five banks in town, believing this to be the wisest course, rather than award tlie same to the highest bidder, as has been the custom. In a short time there will be some interesting financial news from New Bedford. Rev. J. W. Mendenhall, whom a Chi cago dispatch announced a few days ago as the self-confessed author of "The Bread Winners," has written to a New jork newspaper to say that, though he nows wno aia wrne tne dook, tne re here this . v e Denina tieatom, ana so to stay H. ign a usi oi 102 reers.who s where liquor is sold and Darkest England FOREIGN NEWS. Phylloxora Devastating Hungarian Vines. BRITISH STEAMER FIRED ON. Owing to Failure f.f the Wheat Crop, Franc Will Probably Suspend the Tariff on Cereals. The strike at Esen, Germany, affects fifteen collieries, employing 2,000 men. Lady Florence Dixey publishes a letter iifqieaiing for justice for Mrs. Maybrick. Petty thieves have been lately operat ing with much success at the hotels of Cannes. The French government will consent to the burial of Prince Napoleon's body at Ajaccio. Welsh tinplaters are obliged to shut down for a month on account of the Mc kinley bill. All idea of the transatlantic steamers landing at Milford haven appears to have been abandoned. An unusually large number of the po tentates of Europe are on the sick list at the present time. Queen Victoria has presented a richly caparisoned Indian elephant to the Em eror of Mofocco. Ireland is only visited now by people who are anxious for a fight or have im portant business to transact. The much-talked-of Siberian railway w ill soon lie begun, the condemnation of land for the first section having taken place. A petition against the employment of young girls as barmaids has been pre sented the King of Sw eden. The petition has 10,000 signatures. The Portuguese in Africa have fired upon the British steamer Agnes, convey ing the Willoughby expedition, arid seized the cargo of boats. Crop reports from Hungary say that phyl oxera is devastating the vineyards there. The price of Hungarian wine has risen one-third within a year. Revolutionary documents have been discovered baked in -mils sold by a St. Petersburg baker, whose customers are revolutionary. The baker has been ar rest ed. The first installation of electric trac tion in France is soon to take place at Marseilles, where a street railway com pany is about to introduce the overhead system. The census returns just completed show the population of the Indian em pire to be 2iS5,000,000, an increase of fully 80,000,000 since the last census taken in 1881. The pope has ordered 100 churches in Rome to be closed, they being unable to support themselves on account of the se questration of their goods by the govern ment. Referring to the New Orleans.lynching, the London papers print statistics show ing that the Italian murder returns ex ceed those of every other nation on the earth. A consignment of 183,000 francs in gold from the Bank of Genoa to a Venice firm has lieen stolen in transit. The po lice are as yet without a clew to the guilty parties. The Chilian men-of-war Imperial, Lynch and Condell are starting for the north under orders to attack the squad ron commanded by the officers who re volted against the government. The Berlin Po$l says that assurances have been given in the most authorita tive quarters that peace is less endan gered than ever, and that the relations of Germany and Russia are friendly. Fifty thousand francs have recently been given to the American charity fund in Paris. The management of the fund last year devoted 170,000 francs to send ing penniless American citizens borne. A serious riot has just occurred at Cerdu, Sicily, growing out of the opposi tion to the poll tax. Two thousand peas ants took part, and released a comrade from prison, lroops have been dis patched to the scene. The reported successes of the insur gents in Chili come in such shape that it requires considerable credulity to believe them. One thing seems to be assured, and that is there ia much suffering for the w ant of provisions. The British government has decided to strengthen the existing fortifications of the Thames and to erect a new heavy battery at Sheerness, and all the river forts are to be supplied with new guns of late and approved patterns. Signor Imbriani has given notice in the Italian House of Deputies that he intends to question Premier di Rudini in regard to the refusal of Inspector Byrnes of New York city to accept the decora tion sent to him by King Humbert. A lively encounter has just taken place between the gendarmes and brigands in the province of Foggia, about 100 miles from Naples. The bandits were dispersed after one had been killed and a number wounded. The leader of the outlaws was captured. Every telegraph pole in the remote country districts of Norway has to be continually watched on account of the bears, which have a mania for climbing the poles and sitting on the cross beams, swaying backward and forward until the pole finally falls. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. The Wlfa of Prominent Hioliaiie Man I'loU to Ilavs II I in Killed. Two men, who tried to swindle Levi Slusser of Mark West, Cal., out of $'), (XiO, are supposed to Iki the same who so cruelly murdered Mrs. Green wood of Napa. For every five miles of the Georgia, Carolina and Northern railroad a murder has been committed, with which the gangs at work tin the road have been connected. The accounts of T. O. Owens, Tax Col lector of the Modesto fCal.) irrigation district, are $2,21.) short. He left Mo desto on the 4th, and has not been heard from since. A startling disclosuie has leen made at Spokane, Wash., that the wife of F. A. P.ettis, a prominent citizen and ei city oflicial, had been dotting to bring alout bis murder. The woman is under arrest. II. AII?n has lx;en arrested at Tacoma for the reported wholesale robbery and sale of Northern Pacific property. He is said to le the head of a conspiracy of Tacoma, Seattle and Portland employes to rob the freight depots ami box cars and sell the plunder. Of the seventeen Georgia negroes who got life sentences for their shares in the Eastman riot nine years ago, only five are now living. Twelve have died in the Dade City mines. New York's opium dens were raided the other da v, and thirty-nine white girls were brought into the police station. One wag claimed by the husband, whom she left two months ago. In Sacramento the other day John Haggerty, 00 years of age, a tailor by trade, murdered his son, John Haggerty, Jr., 30 years of age, in cold blotsl by stabbing him to the heart with a pocket knife. ALONG THE COAST. The Common Council of San Diego Pasnen tlie 1'enlnnular Hall road Hill. The crowd of tourists entering Yosem ite Valley is unusually large for this sea son of the year. Tacoma has decided to take in much of the outlying country, and the district to be taken in has given its consent. San Diego has closed a contract by which it gains control of a water system for twenty years, thus insuring cheap and abundant water. The ship Enibleton from Androsan, Scotland, has reached Tacoma. after a voyage of 641 days. The trip is usually made in five months by a sailing vessel. The third annual bench show of the Southern California Kennel Club opened at Los Angeles one day last week with the best and largest list of entries in its history. The Washington State Board of Agri culture states that California packers shall relieve oranges of the scale before shipment or provisions will be taken to prevent the landing of the fruit at Wash ington ports. Agent Moorehouse of the Umatilla res ervation is in receipt of a letter from the department requesting his resignation, which has been forwarded to take effect May 31. The charge against him is that the Indians are retrograding under his management. There is great rejoicing at San Diego because its Common Council has passed its Peninsular railroad bill, which in sured the building of a first-clasa standard-gauge railroad from San Diego at least 300 miles southward and to Yuma. Work will be commenced at once. The other day the Trustees of the Ka weah colony appeared for sentence at Los Angeles, but a motion for a new trial had been interposed. The sec ond case, the one in which the real titles to the timber lands were involved, the government tried to postpone for the term. Counsel objected. The govern ment then dismissed the case, refusing to go to trial, and ordered the defendants discharged. This is regarded as a con fession of weakness on the government's part so far as the Kaweah titles are concerned. LATEST CABLEGRAMS. Pamphlet Addressed to the Emperor Requests Him to Pacify Bismarck. The Pope urges the founding of a Cath olic University in Ireland. The English papers all printed long editorial articles on the career and death of Barnum. Jewish emigration from Bessarabia is rapidly assuming the dimensions of a general exodus. Russia proposes to use her convicts in constructing the eastern end of the great Siberian railway. The quantity of wheat now atioat for European markets 36,480,000 bushels is the largest on record. " Young Mr. Vanderbilt " is said to have had extraordinary luck recently at the Monte Carlo gambling tables. It is believed in St. Petersburg that the Persian government had decided to give the English the privilege of coining their money. The President of Venezuela will make reciprocity with the United States the subject of a special message to the Ven ezuelan Congress. In the British House of Commons the bill making permanent the closing of public houses in Ireland on Sunday, in cluding in its scope the cities of Dublin, Cork, Belfast, Waterford and Limerick, has passed to second reading by a vote of 248 to 94. The Premier of New South Wales has announced that the government would introduce a bill providing for the enfran chisement of women. 1 v - . . . . . . , .