Newspaper Page Text
Ida . P. Biver Glacier. VOL HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 10, 1891. NO. 50. The liOOC f 3food Ivjver (a lacier. rim.iaiiitii iviur mtituhat moiikihu it The Glacier Publishing Company. I 'MM HIIMION I'ltlCK, On. yr , X iiiiutli. . ,, Tlum it Hit. . Mi I. ip . . ti . It W ... I ... m (. OKO. P. MOItOAN, Ut. (Jl.l.f ci. k l). Uni OHW 1-iiiinl :: I,iv :: KpoHnliHt. Ho,. in Nil. a, i,.ii omr. iiiiiiiimi, Til ItAI.I.KH, OM. O.D.TAYLOR, Real listatc Broker, Firr, Life and Aooldenl Iniuranci. Moucy Loaned on Real Estate Security Vthc i. Crpiirh a Co. 'I Bullilliif, TIIK liAM.M. OHMION. THE GLACIER Grant Evans, Propr. Boron.l St., n.'ur Ouk, . . Hood Hirer, Or. 8liftving kuil Hair cutting catly don. tlull (ilinulitrrd. PACIFIC COAST. Light Catch of 'Salmon in tho Columbia. MARIN GETS THE COLLEGE. o Umatilla Indians Want tho Pay Cor tho Improvements on Thoir Lands Without Delay. There arc now liT.'l patients in tin Ore gon iliHilllt' imy I it in . Crop reports from Oregon and Wash ington mi' very favorable. A rate war uii the Sound between rival HlwiiiilHiut companies is til k tit t to U in augurated. It in rumored at Hiitti', Mont., tluit the Anaconda mines have Ih'i'H Hold to tin Rothschilds of Europe. Sacramento is endeavoring to get Southern Pacific Company to lill China slough, mid Mr. 1 liintingtoh given promise favorably to consider the llllS the ll'(l j X IHl t lull . It. S. Gardner, United StatcH Inspector of Indian Agencies, has arrived at Col tini, Cal., fi'uiii the Kant, and will give the. Mission Indians n thorough investi gation. The Spokane City Council has decided to submit a bonding proposition. It in proposed to ismie if 1 ,''00,tM)() in blocks according to the pressing needs of the city. Of thin hu in half a niillion will he for the extension and improvement of the water system. A steamboat mail service has heen or dered established from Tacoina hv Me ridian, Long Branch, Vaughn and 1 c truil to Allyn, Wash., six times a week by a Hchedule satisfactory to the Poslof lieo Pepartnient, not to exceed live hours running lime each day. The Umatilla Indians want tho pay for the improvements on their lands without delay. They are very much hjjj itated over tho matter, and Homo of their leaders insist that unless Ihev get their pav before giving up their lands they will never hear of their money. Tho Madera Flume and Trading Com pany offered the government $4,417. (5 in settlement of chimin against it for the illegal cutting of timher. The govern ment declined the oiler, and a jury at Los Angeles awards the plaintiff $1,200, which is practically a defeat of the pros eeution. Tho Superior Court alMaryHville, Cal., in the county printing case decides that after Boards of Supervisors havo tixed the price for such printing each county officer mav procure such printing as his ollice hy law requires, at tho prices bo fixed, Irom any person he may elect to deal with, and that such work will be a legal charge against the county. Reports to the Spokane Chamber of Commerce from all parts of the grain belt of Washington indicate the greatest grain crop in the history of the country. In some places the seeding is already finished, and everywhere it is well along. Keports agree that tho condition of wheat is more favorable than a month ago. Nothing but the most unusual con ditions can prevent a great crop thin seaBon. Archbishop Riordan has selected the site in Mai in county for tho erection of the new college for tho education of young men who desire to take tho vows of priesthood. It is on a high blutr that overlooks a wide and deep creek, known as Corte Madera creek. The bluff com mands a beautiful view of Larkspur, nestling at tho foot of Mount Tanialpais to. the west, and the northern part of San Fvmcisco Bay (with Oakland and Berke ley on its farther shore) to the eaHt. Barber Shop THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Ul'IM-ml Hi IhiIIi-IiI 'I HI I ' I -.... I Willi llir Trillin'.. Mml.' In riill.lliiv Imlliin., In necking full and trustworthy Infor mation o( Ihi- sciil-lls het ii-H controversy Secretary Foster has selected J . S. I'.rowii of the geological linn uii as special agent to proceed to (he I'iiIiiIov IfIiiihIm and inula, an i; . ii in iinii ii hi of the condition of a I la i in. The Secretary of Agriculture in Mend ing out m a ut 1 1 ich of ( ieriiian and I'rein h heet Hiigar need to varioiiM pnilioiiH in Oregon uh ieiiiehted by UepreHentdtive 1 1 . -1 1 i n 1 1 1 1 In mipply perwniH having mo hi iled Mi eiU for expeiimeiital purposes ill ( liiyiin, AHHistiint Seeretury 'handler directed the Coiniiiiiisioiier of the general l.nel otlice to iiiake a tlinroiigh exinniniiiioii of the lists of land withdrawn for irriga tion reservoir! in California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, I'tali and New Mexico, Willi a view ol making these withdraw als ahs'iliilc. The llepartnient of the Interior de cides in the case of the Agriciill'iral Col lege of Orcyon that, while music and calihlhenies form a proper part of the curriculum of an agrieiiltinal college, the expenditilie for tiiem (11111101 Is' oli taiiied from the iiiiroiiiation provided bv the act of Congress approved August :io, l.siKt. There in gisid authority for saying the United Stales has nut had any negotia tions with France respecting' th Mole St. Nicholas. The squadron of evolution was Hi it sent to I'm t-uuT'l inee with the intention of creating a naval deinonslra (ion. An etl'ort was made by represcnt atives of the government to secure Mole St. Nicholas by purchase or otherwise, hut these efforts, it is learned, resulted unsuccessfully. The superintendent of the I'orter cen sus bureau has issued a bulletin on the subject of llni iciiltuie ill the t'llited Stales. There is a total of l. tiitl estab lishments and :!12 commercial llorirult ii re establishments ow lied and managed by women. The t.lti'i establishment bad in the census year .'!H,.Si;:!,V 17 Hiiare feet of glass, covering a nonce of more tliun h'.il acres of ground. The establish ments, including lixluies and heating apparatus, are valued at $;;!, :i''ti,iNHl ; tools and implements, ?f I ,.K,0(IO ; ami gave emploviiiciit to hi, 81" iin-n and l.l'oS women, who earned in the vear H,tM,00il. The products for the year readied a total value of fl'J,0:tii,(Hn"i for plants. Cut Mowers brought an addi tional income of ?U,I7.',(kH). Acting recreiary i nanoier lias over ruled the Surveyor-! ieneral of Washing ion anil tiie I oiiiuiiHsiouers ol tiie gen eral land othee and also a forinerdecisioii of the Interior I lepart nienl in ordering a survey of the 's-d of the meandered crab lake on sections 7 and 11, township '2'2, range ;ii, Olyinpia laud district. The decision was rendered upon the petition of .lumen I'opple, Charles A. Uesplaine, Andrew ,1. Finney, (ieorge W. Finney, Ziieharias FiNiiev, Henry Mitchell and ( ieorge I'npiile. i'hese men drained t he lake, sett led upon the hind and asked to lave it surveyed, which was refused. Secretary Chandler says, the bed of the lake having become dry, it is government land and the men are entitled to it. There are about l.tttKl acres of the land. CABLEGRAMS. I.h irli I'rnvnll Willi (iron) Heverllj lit tin- Nirv'Klioi ( Hiliitl. (iucen Victoria is back at Windsor palace. It is not believed that the Hurlliert lilK'l cane recent ly decided in London can Ik legally reopened. Advices received from Senegal state that Ailrien Mure, the French painter, died there from yellow fever. It is rumored that llerr von Hulow, the (iernian Minister in Switzerland, will be transferred to London or l'aris. (irand Puke Nicholas, undo of the Czar, is dead, lie b came insane last fall, and his health has since been failing. He was lit) years of age. Frit, von Kanlbach, the famous por trait painter, has resigned his position as head of the Munich Acadeinv of Art. l'rofessor Oll'ty succeeds biin. The exhibition of American art, which opens at Paris in Juno, promises to be a success. A score of leading American artists in Fiuropo will send exhibits. A Herman government proposal has lieen submitted to tho Hundesrath au thorising the acceptance of the invita tion to take part in the Chicago Fair. The British census shows, as did the last German, an increase of population in tho cities and a decrease in nearly all the rural districts. Some of the cities are growing very rapidly. JJonynge has ollered a reward of $5,000 for the arrest and conviction of the per son who, ho alleges, has circulated ma licious libels against his family, which is now residing in London. (irip prevails with great severity at Christiana, Norway, over 3,000 people being atllicted during the past fortnight. The spread of the disease has been rapid, and the death rate has increased 10 per cent. In French naval circles the blow ing-up of the Blanco Encalada by a torpedo is considered a very important fact in mili tary history. It is the tirst time that the effect of a torpedo has been demonstrated in war on an ironclad. The ungracious refusal of the Queen to open the forthcoming British naval ex hibition has piqued the officers of the navy, and has revived stories of her Majesty's well-known disinclination to give any encouragement to that branch of tho service. Last week several Berlin papers pub lished an advertisement by the Buda Pesth Chief of Police, is. which a fugitive from justice was described as the exact double of the ex-King of Milan. The Emperor at once ordered that the disre spectful sentence must disappear from the German prints. EASTERN ITEMS. Crusado Begun Against Tights at Now York. EXPORTS OF MERCHANDISE. The Mavomeyer Sugar Company to bo Prosecuted by Census Bureau for Refusal of Information. New York talks of a thirty-fotir-story place. Mexico h to have the continent's lonir- est tunnel. The New York State Fanners' Alliance has U'cii organized. A yellow -fever-infected steamer has arrived at New l ork from Itio Janeiro. Senator liriec will lie reiiuired to nav back taxes and pcnaltv on his Ohio proii- erty valued at fiOo.IMM). Laud Commissioner Carter has his pointed as bis private secretary (ieorge ' . Freeman of Montana. Representatives of Texas citiei recent ly met itt Waco to discuss ways and means for inducing immigration.' The Northern I'aciMc has ordered $HS0, (Hhl worth of new rolling stock to meet the increasing business of that road. The Supreme Court of the United States has postponed the hearing in the Say ward and lottery cases until October lit. It is stated n gigantic linnncial deal is in progress at Chicago, which involves a lirge expenditure of money near Salt ljike. The Governor of Tcxiih has appointed Mr. Chilton, a brilliant orator, United States Senator in place of Senator Heagan resigned. Week In'fore last more people died in Washington City than during any former week of the capital's history. Lit grippe is blamed. The Wisconsin House of Representa tives has indefinitely oHtjniied a bill re ducing passenger rates on railroads to '1 cents per mile. It is announced that the Haytian gov ernment has refused to grant the United States a lease for the proposed coaling station at the Mole St. Nicholas. The Havt -ver Su.-ar Company of New York will fie prosecuted bv the Cen sus Bureau for refusal of information. Other prosecutions are contemplated. It seems that Jose P. Macheca, the leading spirit of the Italians who were lynched at New Orleans, was the Consul for Bolivia at the time of his death. To reduce expenses the Pennsylvania Company is doing away with all unnec essary telephones. In" this direction a saving of flo.tioo per annum is expected. The International Convention of the Young Women's Christian Association in session at Sersnton. Pa., has elected Mrs. J. V. F'arwell of Chicago President. A track of 1,000 acres of land on the road leading from Millville to Dividing creek, Cumberland county, Pa., has lieen purchased for another Hebrew settle ment. The mysterious disappearance of Miss Lena Owen, a beautiful Hixteen-year-old orphan girl from the home of her aunt at Pes Arc, Ark., has caused a sensation in that section. Anthony Comstock has begun a cru sade at New York against tights. His aim is to prohibit the sale of pictures of scaftily attired actresses. He is seeking legislative action. Fourteen thousand dollars have been contributed and pledged toward the Sal vation Army memorial building to be erected in New York city in honor of the late Mrs. General Booth". A mammoth building, probably tho largest piece of warehouse property in the country, is being erected by the Ter minal Improvement Company in New York. Tw enty-six elevators will be used. It is understood at Ottawa the smug gling of Chinese from Canadian to Amer ican territory is at present a subject of diplomatic correspondence between the imperial and United States governments. A Union Pacific authority states that there will be no more periodical dis charges like those in vogue during the Adams regime, but that all departments would be increased and so maintained. A Chicago paper says that as a result of a conference in that city the oatmeal millers of the country have formed a combination to take the place of the oat meal trust, which went to pieces a year ago. The Treasury Department has awarded the contract for the public cartage of du tiable merchandise at the port of San Francisco to Max Popper, the lowest bid der. Mr. Popper is the present con tractor. The health-department officials of New York appear to be perfectly satis fied with the sanitary condition of the city despite the fact that the newspapers there print from three to five columns of death notices daily. It is said that the Secretary of the Navy contemplates seriously making a trip to the Coast this summer, and that he will do so about the time lie directs his attention to applying civil service to Mare Island yard. He has spent the last two summers inspecting the interests of the department on thu Atlantic, and it i3 thought he will set apart a few weeks this year for an inspection of naval af fairs on the Tacific. PERSONAL MENTION. Mm. Orovrr ( Iftvt-liitiil NmIiI to In- l.lli ml I'll i ItiiNer ut Hum Hook. The Archbishop of Frlau in Hungary has a yearly revenue which amounts to ..'70,1100. The most beautiful unmarried royal girl in (ill Europe is the Princess Alix'of llesse-paniisiadt. Major MeKinley has received a bar of American tin smelted ut the San Jacinto mine in Culifornia. Anna Pii kinson's declared purpose is to lecture through the country on the in iquities of State Insane asylums. Jean Paul Laurens was elected to the vacancy in the French Academy of Fine Arts caused by the death of Meissonier. Zola requires nine months to write a novel. He handles a pen as a lulsrer might a spade, and is a slow and painful toiler. Fred Remington, the artist of the Sioux campaign, is going to Mexico for a season of rest and to ifet the frostbite out of his pencil. The wife of Senator Stanford receives a large begging mail, among w hich the other day was a letter from a Texan gen tleman who wanted 1)0 to iret a new set of teeth. Mr. Nelieker. the new Treasurer of the United States, is a short, stout man. with a round and rather florid face. marked by a black mustache. He is alsitit 40 years old. I,otta has been on the statre since lH.'jo. w hen she appeared Is fore a San Fran cisco ainlieiice at the American theater. Her fortune is estimated at between II.- 000,000 and ff-'.0: 10,000. The questionable honor of havinir his bu-t displayed over the entrance to The Jolly Bacillus Cafe " in Benin has heen paid to Pr. Koch. This is having greatness thrust upon him. W. Burke Cochran, the great orator of Tammany Hall, now abroad, is a large and stout man, with a massive head and and commanding manner. I le was once a clerk in A. T. Stewart's store. George Francis Train is as agile and muscular us he was twenty years ago, and the recent Italian complications show that he can go through his mental acrobatics with as much eclat as ever. President Bahuueeda of Chili is a stern and arbitrary man, with cold gray eyes, thin lips and an angular chin. He pos sesses more education and ability than are usually found in a South American dictator. William H. Crane is said to have laid away f500,l;(K). Neil Burgess is credited with )0, and Francis Wilson's check would lie good for $ 7.3,000 over and above his liabilities if lie were foolish enough to draw it. Grant Allen, the English novelist and es.-ayist, is a thin and intellectual-looking man of 45. His eyes are light blue and his hair gray. He was born in Can ada, but has passed the greater part of his life in F'.ngland. F.mperor William is said to lie fond of playing Caliph llaroun al Kaschid by go ing aliout disguised at night to certain honor shops and music hails where his soldiers and sailors are to lie found in order to pick up criticisms on his army and navy. Prince Polgorouki, the perennial ad mirer of Mrs. J. C. Ayer and her mill ions, is now at Monte Carlo, dividing his time between the w idow and the board of green cloth, upon which, it is said, the crouniers are raking in big piles of his napoleons. Charles Stewart Parnell has a brother, John IL, living in West Point, Ga. It is surmised that his brother will be wanted by the warlike leader to stand for election to Parliament from one of the Irish constituencies before the next general election. Sir ProvoWallis, Fnglish Admiral, has completed the 100th year of his age and the eighty-seventh in the British naval service Americans feel a special inter est in him, because in ISFt he was a Sec ond Lieutenant on board the Shannon, which captured the Chesapeake oil' Bos ton harbor; and, his two superior officers having been killed in that action, it de volved on Wallis to take his prize to Halifax. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. An Kiiil7..IInif Kx-Sseretary of State Ketiiriis and Surri'iiders Himself. There are at present four persons in the Sacramento county jail accused of mur der, a limit probably never reached be fore. J. W. Smalling, who killed his brother-in-law near Bursin, Calaveras county, Cal. , has been sentenced to State's prison for life. A report is current in London that the unknown man who committed suicide at Wimbledon three weeks ago has been identified as "Jack the Ripper." Lizzie Bogard, an unmarried woman of Milan, Tenn., has been placed in jail at, Maytield for burying her child while it was yet alive. She acknowledged her crime. Eugene Piquet, who fled to Switzer land from New York in October last with $18,000 belonging to the Lancaster In surance Company, has pleaded guilty to grand larceny in the tirst degree. Ex-Secretary of State Strong, who walked out of the court room and disap peared many years ago while on trial for embezzlement, returned to Baton Rouge, La., the other day and surrendered. He said he had been 'in Mexico and had had a hard time. A terrible tragedy ccrurred at Roan oke, Va. Nick FTood, a son of Major Flood, a prominet citizen, and Charles L. Rose, who recently went there from Washington, engaged" in a duel. Rose was killed and FTood shot in the mouth and breast, but will probably recover. The shooting was the result of a quarrel at gambling a short time ago. FOREIGN NEWS. Buffalo Bill Exhibiting at Strasbui -r. ITALY OPPOSES EMIGRATION, Prince Bisrrfarck's Speech to a Deputa tion of Kiel Conservatives Shows Indomitable Opposition. Italy SecTfs t- check i " i Hon. Ijiidon has fbjO-M '"'.tti.Vl x-ople, England is transj-Ui.tai;; ,,ur oysters. Influenza has lx;e;i very deadly in Ja pan. Portugal is in a fever of excitement against England. Sweden and Norway sent to the United States 4",000 people in 18W. Children under ! have lieen prohil ited from working in India factories. The grip is spreading in the south of Russia, and many deaths are reported. A scheme for a Sunday theater is being promoted in Imdon, aiid is expected to succeed. A Salvation Army refuge in the Belle ville quarter of Paris lias licen closed by the police. Russia has ordered the closer protec tion of the seal rookeries on Copper and Bobbin Islands. Bremen is thronged with Russian em igrants, who expected to be carried to Brazil gratuitously. The Chilian envoy to Europe has not yet found any one who is willing to lend money to Balmaceda. The Spanish gunlxiat Canto has leen lost on a rock off Porto Plata, a seaport on the north of San lkimingo. Prince Bismarck's speech to the depu tation of Kiel Conservatives ij consid ered to presage his indomitable opposi tion to .he government. The longest bridge in the world istol-e built on the estate of Prince Radziwill in East Prussia. It will be of wood and four and three-fifths miles long. ! The ex-Emperor of P.razil is going to reside with the Puke of Nemours at Bushey Park in England this summer, lie is in good health and spirits. All along the coast of the African pos sessions of Germany gibbets are erected, and it is a common sight to see an Arab strung up as a warning to others. Russia is reaching out by w ay of Abys sinia for her slice of African territorial cake. Russia is apt to get territorial cake sooner or later everywhere she tries. Bulgaria has in curt language re quested the Turkish government to rec ognize Prince Ferdinand and warned the Sultan that in the event of refusal Bul garia would proclaim her independence. The Berlin Xarhrkhten says the re moval of the prohibitory restrictions on American pork has been arranged for as soon as the United States government issues regulations for carrying out the inspection law. It is said that Lord Randolph Church ill carries to Africa an ore-crushing ma chine, and that the mining engineer who accompanies linn represents the Roths childs, and that a search for gold is the real purpose of the trip. The otlicers and crews of the revolu tionary Chilian squadron are said to have signed a " round robin " binding them selves not to lay down their arms until they hang President Balmaceda in the principal square of Santiago. A dispatch from Rome says : Baron Fava in his report on the New Orleans affair expressed the belief that there is no way out of the situation, as the Fed eral government has no power to give Italy the satisfaction demanded. The condition of many of the refugees at Iquiqui, Chili, is declared to be hor rible. Provisions were so recently scarce in Iquique, owing to the blockade, that ffi'O were paid for a can of condensed milk, and beef sold at iflO a pound. Buffalo Bill is at Strasburg exhibiting twenty-six bucks and two squaws, just arrived via Antwerp, as his personal cap tures in the recent Indian war. He claims to have saved several of them from the gallows by his intercession. French naval officers are in a turmoil over the supposititious worthlessness of their torpedo boats. That some of the boats are quite useless was shown re cently by the experience of two of them built after the plans of Admiral Aube. Triple screws on war ships are being introduced by all the principal naval powers except England, the experience of engineers showing that 15,000-horse power is the maximum that can be ef fectively transmitted through one screw. A year ago the fastest train between London and Aberdeen, 542 miles, ran in in fourteen hours. Last fall it was re duced to twelve hours and fifty minutes. This year it will cover the 542 miles in twelve hours, or a little oyer forty-five miles an hor.r. The British troops have burned twelve villages occupied by the rebellious Mani puris. The latter retreated to the hills. The British then shelled the hills, killing and wounding a large number of the en emy. The latter is now believed to be completely subjugated. The Cardiff Joi7 says editorially that Mr. Stanley's contemptuous treatment of the later proposals made to honor him suggests the thought that the easiest way of showing admiration for him ia to leave him to the undisturbed enjoyment of the comparative Bolitude which he seems to prefer. MISCELLANEOUS. A Kciitiii kjr filrl KiTovrra tiiini-. from MeninliiiHt 'iiimihm7. Canadians are howlingagaiiiHtChineHe laW. A trust of the tack factories in New England is pending. It costs Rudini just 37j cents a word to fight Blaine by cable. Next summer another attempt will be made V) climb to the ton of Mount Sr. Klias. Colorado cattlemen w ill lose 11,500,000 if the Texas-fever miarnnfini lino in nr. changed. The annual report of the Mexican Cen tral shows a surplus for the wir. nvtr all charges, of 1415,779. Tweiltv national hnnlrn in k'anaaa n-ill denationalize and reorganize under the new Maie uanKing law. Baltimore. New York and Rfmtnn oro preparing to send samples of goods to Brazil to stimulate trade. The mioration nf Canadians in ih United States has grown so large as to Im? detrimental to the interests of the provinces. Philadelphia retail dealers in oleornar gerine are required to pay a special-revenue tax of 1S per year. There are more than fifty of them. A New York philanthropist has sub scribed (5,0(i0 to be used in establishing a kitchen where women may learn the art of economy in cooking. Congress at its last session passed an act increasing the salaries of the Judges of the District Courts of the United States to 5,000 per annum. Kentucky Masons have established a home for their widows and orphans. The home is located at Louisville, and is large enough for 200 inmates. A plan is nearly ready for presentation at Chicago for connecting the several merchants' exchanges of" the country by telephone for the exchanging of quota tions. Secretary F'oster has issued a circa !ar discontinuing the redemption of 4' per cent, lsonds, with a view of reserving the residue of the loan for adjustment within the fiscal year, which begins on the 1st day of July next. The Interstate Commerce Commission has issued an order compelling the Read ing Railroad Company to cease an unjust discrimination against certain coal com panies. Ibis will make a reduction in the cost of coal to consumers. T. B. Corey, formerly fiperintendent of mines fo,- the Oregon luiprovericnt Company at Seattle, has beea made gen eral superintendent of the Chief go, Wil mineton and V erniillion dial Pfimnaiir with headquarters at Chicago. ' It is reported that cars of an entirely new style will shortly be placed by the New York and New England on its" lim ited trains between New York and Bos ton. These coaches are to be nerfectlv white, with gold lettering and decora tions. It is officially reported bv a treasury agent stationed" near the Canadian bor der that between 20,000 and 30,000 Eu ropean immigrants have entered the United States through Canada thus far this year, and that among them were hundreds of "undesirables," who, if they had come by steamship to an Amer ican seaport, would have been debarred under the new immigration law. SPORTING NOTES. Oarsman O'Connor 'Will Probably Row Stansbury at Seattle. Frank Slavin will meet Jake Kilrain in Hoboken within six weeks for a purse of $10,000. Primrose Pay, winner of the Czaro witz stakes, has been sold for$12,00O to Lord Durham. In a fight at Norfolk, Va., between Billie Young of that city and Jack Bo land of Cincinnati the latter won on a foul. Al Johnson, the well-known baseball man, and Miss Kate Mitchell were mar ried in Louisville the other night. Both are of old Kentucky families. At London Nunce Valley knocked out George Camp in eighteen rounds in a glove fight for 500 and the feather weight championship of England. Dan Mahoney, the San Francisco bantam-weight pugilist, has challenged Abe Willis, the Australian bantam, to fight to a finish at 112 pounds for a suitable purse. Oarsman O'Connor said that his race with Stansbury would probably be rowed at Seattle, as that city has ottered $5,000. If Toronto raised that amount, he would row there. The rowing race over the Parametta river course between John McLean and James Stansbury. both of Australia, for flick u-rwbl'Q flia n-irwYicT. Iw orwl I.iv won by Stansbury. John E. Owens of Parkersburg, la., has purchased from H. L. and J. D. Stout of Dubuque their chestnut trottiner colt Eolian, 5 years old, by Nutwood out of Alpha, paying $7,500, which is said to be the highest price ever paid for so young a colt. Charley Snyder, the well-known old time ballplayer and now an umpire in the American Association, has been ap pointed manager of the Washington club, vice Sam Trott removed. Trott will test the right of the club in remov ing him. He says he has done his dutv and the club had no right to remove him". ilie bitter rivalry between St. Paul and Minneapolis over which should be the theater of the Ilall-Fitzsimmons mill has culminated in an agreement. The fight for the middle-weight champion ship will occur on the dividing line be tween the two cities in a building put up especially for the purpose and capable of seating u.uoo people. A circular build ing of wood with the ring in the center, two rows of boxes surrounding it and the rest of the seats slanting to the roof, will be put up in short order, and in it the fight will take plase.