Newspaper Page Text
iver Glacier. VOL. 2. HOOD KIVKK, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 23, 1891. NO. 51. The looc 7 Stood Tivcr (Slacicr. ri'lll llllHII IVIIlT HATUUHAT MORNlKtf T Ttio Glacier rubllsblng Company. HI UIPTION IMIICK. r ft oe S IIIMlllll. , DC 1 lirrt, Ili'llltli. Nil. I. hij.j (. GF.O. P. MOHOAN, Ul. CM. I II, a. Unil OITIp IjmihI :: Iaw :: Hpi-ciuliHt. Kikjiii Nil. Un.l Offlr. Ilull.llin, Tim HAM.K.), OH. O. D. TAYLOR, Real Hstate Broker, Fire, Llfo tnd Aocldrnt Iniurtnca. OITWti, r'rnirli k Co R.uli ftullillii, THK HAI.I.KH, OHKOON. THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. Bocoii.I Si., iifr Onk. Hood Kly.r, Or. fO.iviiij; and Huir rutting irntly don. Sat infii. t iim (.iiftraiitvetl. PACIFIC COAST. Nevada Piutos Attacked With La Grippo. ALASKAN EXPLORERS SAFE. Stock of All Kinds in Now Mexico Has linivoJ tho Sovoro Win tor, and is in Fair Condition. Tin' Umatilla liiiliitn liui'ls sold for about $200,000. Morn Units are running on Puget Sound (linn there iH paying business for. Gold WIIM discovered II feW dllVH llgO Oil Hangman creek, only three miles from Spokane. Boise City, Idaho, has vote! $100,00;) in Umds to build it system of sewerage and h Ciiy Hull. A fi'v l ri in pH have thin season made ' t In i r appearance in Baker's Bay, a very unusual occurrence. Port Angeles has extended lit'r city limili, ami in now eight miles long by three Hint a half wide. Tlic liody of Ioiiin MtuiHon, Into editor of the Banning llcrttltl, wiih cremated at Rosedalo cemetery at Ioh Angeles. The Jararrillos in New Mexico are tak ing to the government plan of allotting to the lndiaiiH their lands in severalty. Mock of all kinds in New Mexico linn braved the Severn winter excellently, and w ill no into the spring in fair condi tion. Eureka, Cnl., iH to extend the city limits to include the outlying districts, which contain about one-third of the population of the place,. The Tintes of Mason and SmitJi Val leys, New, are attacked by hi grippe, and th'eie is scarcely a a buck, squaw or pap poose that is not down with it. An Indian known as Joe committed suicide by eating wild parsnip at Reno. The cause of his shiillling oil' was that a white mail had interfered with his do mestic relations. It is stilted at Taconia upon authentic information that the Ureat Northern railroad bus decided to cross the Cascade Mountains through Natchez Pass in building to the Coast. , The late warm weather lias melted the snow and caused a large rise in the Mo keluinne river, which threalens to over llow grain lands along the river bottoms. No heavy damage is feared. A depositor $150,000 hasTeen made in Victoria, TV C., as the first payment of a total sum of $1,500,000 offered for the purchase of the Silver King mine on Load Mountain, West Kootenai. Monterey has originated a movement to present the cruiser Monterey with a sil ver service as a token of the appreciation of the great honor conferred upon the town in the naming of tho cruiser. Tho ollicial count of the following cities of the Pacific Coast has just been completed, and is now made public for the first time: Albany, Or., 3,071); Pres cott, A. T., 1,759; Spokane, Wash.f 10, S22. -' Acting Secretary Willard of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce reports that 100,000 persons visited the orange exhibition in Chicago. The gross re ceipts were $12,500, but the expenses had been large. Tho Altoknn explorers, Wells and party, are safe. They have arrived at Port Townsend from Sitka on the steam ship Mexico. Their experiences have been of '. thrilling character, and will appear in the New York journal which Bent the party out. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Mt-rrHnrr Punier M III MiikIhIm Hi" AiIIoii of I. mil.'. In Oiiallnn MU t'oiirliia. Tin" Treasury Department ha not vet received the April vouchers of f imm Coiizins ii h Secretary of the Hoard of l.ndy Managers of the W orld's Fair. All the vouchers of the mule members of the coiniiiicMion have been received, but the Vouchers for the lady coiiiiiii-sioneis are wanting J'hc treasury ollicials are in formed that Misx Column refused In sign her voucher for lifteen days, holding that she Is entitled to a full month's salary. She says she w ill send a brief to Secre tary l uster w ith her account, showing that she is still Secretiry. Secretary llickeliwill will, it is said, send ill Miss ('oii.iiis' account no to April 15, the date on which she was displaced as Secretary of the Board of Lady Managers, 't his will raise the ipii'sl ion of the legality of the action of the Hoard of Lady Mana gers before Secretary Foster. No doubt is expressed (hat lie will sustain the board. The Hills- intciidclil of the ceie us has issued H bulletin on t he subject of asy lums for the insane in the Uniled Slates. The total number of insine persons treated in both public and private iiinti tiltions during lhH',1 was 07. 5X1, while liming IKH there were 50,l.''i:i treated, showiln? an increase in nine years of 41, 3.'M, or 73.53 per cent. This percentage d increase, computed with percentages of increase of population, namely 1'I.Ho. does not indicate iin increase in the pro portion of insane persons to the popula tion, but rather a great increase in the amount of avlum accomm tdation pro yided and w illingness on the part of the public to make use of the facilities pro vided. The actual number of insane in the United States cannot Is- ascertained until the work of eliminating all cases has been completed. The number of in sane in each geographical division were: North Atlantic division, '!ll,5'.lti ; South Atlantic division, 11.2H3; North Central, L'S.iiiiil; South Central. 7,7511. and West ern division, li.H'.M. Of the li.K'.M in the Western division 4,5','H, ori7.4J percent., are in California, leaving but 'Jt,'J?J?2, or .'I-.5K per cent., for the remaining States i'oinK)sing the Western division. CABLEGRAMS. Ilrhriw of l.imtliiit rrotcnt Auiilnst Hie IC.itliNi'lillil. I tiic tdnotln Minify. The rush to Luropo is unprecedented this spring. The trade of American ls'ef continues to Ikioiii in (ermany. Kinin Pasha is marching on Kihiro to recover the money i.e left. Koch's lympli is now on sale in the apothecary shops of (iennanv under se vere regulations. Italy is cutting down expenses, and will not lie lepresented ollicially at the World's Fair at Chicago. The Irish fund bill has ls'en given preference in the British House of Com mons over every other ineasutf. II. M. S. Kuirrald has received per emptory orders to proceed at once to the scene of the ditliculty in New foundland. Mr. (irillin, United States Consul at Sydney, says that the people in Australia have lieguu to discourage immigration. Imbriaiii has apologized for the row he created in the Italian Chambers, lie said he was simply inquiring concerning rumors. Another Russian volunteer transport has been stopped at the ltosporus, and the act brings forth another protest from the Russian Minister at Constantinople. Advices from the city of Bogota, Co lombia, state that Montserrat and tiua dalupe Hills threaten to slide down upon the city, ami the citizens are greatly alarmed. Tho St. Petersburg Xoroxli, (lie only Russian paper which defends the .lews against their calumniators, has received tho " second warning " from the Minis try of the Interior. Business circles of (ienoaare startled by news of the suicide of Signor A, (iia nello of .Montevideo, ow ner of one of tho largest warehouses in Cienoa and largely interested in the South American trade. One million tubes for Koch's lymph is the work which is at present engaging the attention of a (.Senium glass works. Tho tulies are made of a tine quality of glass, and are closed with a glass stop per. A meeting of Hebrews is in prepara tion at Ijondon, the object of which is to protest against the floating of Russian loans 'by the Rothschilds and other wealthy'banking houses associated with them. Prof. Bryce of London in an article on the New Orleans all'air holds that Italy is entitled to redress for the punishment inflicted on its subjects whether the treaty grants it or not. Count Herbert Bismarck has been " severely reprimanded " by the ex Chancellor for losing 200,000 francs at Monte Carlo. Bismarck the elder is too shrewd a man to believe in losing. The lteichstag Budgot Committee has approved the giant of $25,000 to defray the cost of steps to be taken to enable (Sermaiiv to make a suitable participa tion in the World's Fair at Chicago. United States Minister Lincoln at a meeting of tho British and Foreign Sail ors' Aid Society at London incidentally remarked that he felt sure that the Behi ing Sea dispute would be settled amica bly and honorably and in a manner sat isfactory to both countries. The Transafrican railroad has been completed from Loanda to Ambaca, 100 miles in the interior. It is the only rail road in operation in Equatorial Africa. It has been built by native workmen, and daily trains are run over the line. Four years have elapsed since the line was started. The Portuguese govern ment guarantees the interest on its cost. The road is to be pushed several hundred miles farther into the interior. EASTERN ITEMS. Irish Heirs After A. T. Stowart's Millions. LAND COMMISSIONER CARTER Surpisod That Surveyor-Generals of tho Coast Are Not Rushing the Work of State Surveys. The Washington arch fund in New York city amounts to tH,tV.l, and $17, .'170 are still needed Incomplete the work. By the volunt iry act of the ollicihls of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad all the trackmen on the line have ls'en given an increase of wages. C. P. Huntington is charged with dis-ols-ying a subs na in a New York court, and may Is- placed in arrest when he returns to that city. Notwithstanding the McKinley bill the exports trom the Pominion of Can ada for the (nisi nine months show an increase of over $50,1,000. The reported discovery of a twenty- acie gold iiehl on sage creek in the Bad Lands near Rapid City, S. is not be lieved by the Black Hills miners. Secretary Foster has lixed the maxi mum numbur of seals which the Com mercial Company w ill be allowed to take during U:e coming season at 00,000. A Washington correspondent says the President will probably give three or four of the nine .ludgi'N to Ik' appointed to the new ('irtuiit Courts to thelieino crats. Alxiut UM) society women of Memphis have organized a company, and will build a tree hospital for women and children, to be know n as the Women's Hospital of Memphis. A Kansas authority says the total amount of farm-mortgage indebtedness in Kansas does not exceed $50,000,000, and it is Is'ing paid oil' at the rate of $!, 000,0110 a month. Owing to the action of the Legislature in cutting down the State World's Fair appropriation to $05,000, all the Wiscon sin Commissioners mid the Board of Women Managers will resign. A disastrous split in the ranks of the Farmers' Alliance organization in Mis sissippi is rcHrted. Within the last few months the membership in that State has shrunk from 25,000 to 15,000. After three successive failures at farm ing the Winnebago Indians made up their minds to abandon farming, and will make no further effort to raise any thing this year on their reservation. The contest for the A. T. Stewart mill ions is Is'ing renewed. Many heirs of Stewart are reported to have turned up in Belfast notwithstanding Hilton's dep osition that the deceased had no living relatives. Tho Chicago and Erie railroad refuses to permit the Standard Oil Company to parallel its pipe from Lima, ()., to Chi cago, and the Standard has been put to enormous expense securing right of way oil' railroad territory. Statistics furnished by the Iowa Board of Hwalth show that insanity is increas ing in that prohibition State at an alarm ing rate, especially in the rural districts. The total number of cases increased from 1,;S2U in 18SH to 1,040 in 1800. The census bureau has issued a bulle tin on t he subject of floriculture through out the country. California stands third in the list of States in the total value of plant sales, New York and Pennsylvania alone excelling her in that particular. Under the provisions of the McKinley tariff act all special taxes imposed upon dealers in leaf tobacco, dealers in manu factured tobacco, manufacturers of t. bacco and peddlers are repealed. The law went into effect on the 1st instant. Acting Secretary Chandler has certi fied to the Secretary of the Treasury that in compliance with the act of Con gress of August 150, 1890, $10,000 is due to the State of Oregon, to lie used in the maintenance of an agricultural college. At the Agricultural Department at Washington there has been received a collection of animals, such as rats, liz ards and the like, found by the agents of the government sent to explore Death Valley, Cal. It will be properly arranged for exhibition. Assistant Secretary Spanlding of the Treasury Department has written to the Collector of Customs at San Francisco, requesting at the instance of the Nica raguan government that W. L. Merry be recognized there as Consul-General of that government. The members of the Italian colony at New Orleans liave quit quarreling with the American population, and having in a measure recovered from the effect caused by tho summary action of the citizens of that city, they have begun to quarrel among themselves. The architect of New York's Grant monument will be John II. Duncan of that city, who designed the soldiers' and sailors' memorial arch in Brooklyn. The Grant memorial will cost $500,000, and the mausoleum up to the first story may be finished for half the sum. Land Commissioner Carter is very much surprised that the Surveyor-Generals of the Coast States are not rushing the work of State surveys. The general fund appropriated to be used for making the various surveys, setting aside school lands and sectionizing public lands where settlements have been iwv'e, was divid ed among the States by the Land Com missioner according to the ratio the de mand would require. ... a PERSONAL MENTION. Home. ( Mltoii I. tli rlmt Nallm-Hon Tcian I lilted Sutra Hrimtur. Jerry Simpson, the Kansas Congress man, owns a farm of 01)0 acres, and has eighty acres in wheat. Joseph Pulitzer has a fad. It is hi commence whatever he has to do of im tfirtaiice on the 10th day of the month Baron Rothschild, who recently lost $10,000,000 in speculation, told a friend that his opinion of himself could not be put into words. Mrs. Nathaniel Williams of Crockett, Tenn., is the mother of twelve children, and has twenty great great granchildren. She is 94 years of age. Horace Chilton, whom Governor Hogg hai appointed United States Senator in Mr. Reagan's place, is the first native Texan to hold that office. General Haw ley of Connecticut is to be orator and Miss Imise Imogen Guiney jKjeiess on tlie occasion of the Sherman memorial exercises in Boston June 4. Christopher P. ("ranch, the Boston jxiet, has w ritten his biography for the is-nelit of his children and grandchil dren, w hich doubtless some day may lie piioiisned in isiok form. Ward McAllister, who met a Waterloo in attempting to write a book about the doings of the 400, is now drumming the sale of liquors, and his present literary efforts are e.ypended in pulling certain nranus oi wines. The yonilg King Alexander of Servia will, if all goes well, travel considerably this summer and visit the various courts of Fjirope, but he will need a shrewd, conservative and refined gentleman as companion and guardian. Hon. John Lathrop a menilxT of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, has laid aside the gown for a time, and is making a tour of the Southern battlefields, upon which he fought as a Captain of the Thirty-fifth Massachusetts. The late Prince Jerome Bonaparte for various reasons always refused to lie pre sented to ex-Premier Crispi of Italy. By a strange decree of fate Crispi was one of the two witnesses to the oflicial an nouncement of the Prince's death. Justice L. (2. C. Lamar has aged per ceptibly in the last few years, and is now a thin, stoop-shouldered man, with tlesh less cheeks, to which the skin hangs in folds; long, thin gray hair, claw-like hands and a general air of feebleness. (ieneral Bragg tells a good story of his first meeting with Oliver P. Morton, the great war Governor. " I've heard a great deal of you, sir," said Bragg. " Yes," said Morton ; " w hat's the use of lieing a feller unless you're a hell of a feller?" Rev. Francis Bellamy, a brother of " Iwking Backward " Bellamy, has re signed his Boston pastorate to" take an editorial position upon the Youth's Com panion. He informed his congregation that he would give place to a "fresher man." M. Larnliert, who was married into the Rothschild familv a few years ago, is to liecome the head of the' Paris house of that famous firm upon the death of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild. M. Lambert is now known as Albert de Rothschild. A fund to provide for General Banks in his old age will be collected in Massa chusetts, the movement having been Btarted by Senators Hoar and Dawes and having tlie support of two Democratic members of Congress, Messrs. O'Neil and Andrew. Rev. Philip S. Moxom informs the Ministerial Union of Boston that "the pulpit has been superseded by nothing," and that "there are clergymen living to day who have a wider and greater influ ence on the conduct of men than any newspaper in the world." CRIME AND CRIMINALS. An Epitome of the Hebdomadal Doings of the Wicked. Two members of a gang of green-goods men have been captured at Chicago. A negro girl has been sentenced at Rome, Ga., to ninety-nine years' service in the convict camp for arson. Edward M. Grant, Western agent of the carriage-manufacturing firm of B. Manville it Co. of New Haven, Conn., is under arrest for swindling the firm out of about $20,000. The knife used to kill the old woman, Carrie Brown, at New York has been identified as one stolen by " French No. 1," now in arrest, while imprisoned in the Queen's county jail. Mine. Achet, the young widow who was tried at Moulins, France, for the murder of a notary named Lapine, has been found guilty and sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment. Cattle thieves are at work around Ja mul in Southern California. The other night they killed eight steers, stripped off their liides and left the carcasses ly ing in a ravine near the cement works. It has been learned definitely that J. S. Dunn, who is under arrest at Atlanta, Ga., for forging a bill of lading for cotton which enabled him to secure $12,500, is Thomas F. Libbv, who on March 17 last swindled Wood Bros, of Chicago out of $5,200 with forged bills of lading on a shipment of wheat supposed to be in transit at the time. At Del Rio, Tex., a Mexican "Jack the Ripper " visited the house of a Mexican woman named Sanchez, killed her and cut her body in pieces. After the butch ery he wrote upon the wall with her blood " Fresh beef for sale." At Dresden Herr Mehiert, a well known Socialist, failed in killing a money-order poetman, whom he attempted to rob. The alarm being given, three gendarmes appeared, and two were shot as they mounted the stairs after him. Seeing his chances for escape were hope less, the would-be murderer hanged him self, and life was extinct before his body waa reached. FOREIGN NEWS. Electric Launches Pop ular on the Thames. NAVAL OFFICERS IN TURMOIL The Suppression of thi Opium Trade in India Will Provoke a Revolt Among Warlike Tribes. London will have a ntw Thames tun nel. , A Lomhn firm published 77,000,000 tracts in a year. J Havre guns fire nine" times in three quarters of a minute. The Miners' CoT.' Jntion at Paris resented 1,000,000 m.n. rep- The law business in Scottish courts shows a steady decrease. King Humbert has 2,000 blood horses in his three stables near Pisa. Gladstone says labor organization has saved FIngland from revolution. A large number of the members of the British Parliament are ill of la gripjie. The Eiffel tower at Paris has been opened to the public for its third season. Telephone connection between Chris tiana and Stockholm will soon be estab lished. The Pope has established the Bishop ric of Zanzibar, and will shortly appoint a Bishop. The Austro-German treaty has been signed for a period of twelve years, be ginning in February, 1892. Queen Victoria has commanded strict enforcement of the new regulations lim iting presentations at court. French naval officers are in a turmoil over tlie supposititious worthlessness of many oi uieir lorpwao ooaw. A strong war feeling has been aroused in Berlin by the proposed maneuvers of the French near the German frontier. Five fnglish Generals were retired week before last through non-employment, and not one under the age clause. The movement of the German and Austrian governments to isolate France commercially begins to alarm the French Ministers. To accommodate the forthcoming Eis teddfod a large oval building capable of holding 15,000 will be erected at Swan sea, Wales. It is semi-officially announced in Cal cutta that the suppression of the opium trade in India will provoke a revolt among the warlike races. The interment of Baron Drais, who died thirty years ago, and who, when living, claimed to be the inventor oi the bicycle, took place at Carlsruhe the other day. Riotous and revolutionary meetings have been held at Warsaw. They were the occasion of doing honor to the dead Russian political economist, Schelgou noro. A vast opposition is being developed in London to the increase in the size and number of tall buildings on the sanitary ground that they shut out air and sun light. The Spanish government's deficit of 62,000,000 pesetas in the current budget is only half that of last year. In two years ft is expected it will have entirely disappeared. So popular have electric launches be come on the Thames that a London firm will erect a charging station, where boats of all sizes will be supplied with elec tricity at a moderate fee. Fourteen young Turks have been sent to Germany by the Sultan to study agri culture. Upon their return they will conduct model agricultural establish ments for the instruction of Turkish farmers. The latest canal project is one to con nect the Black Sea with the Sea of Azov. The total length will be seventy-five miles, the breadth about seventy-three feet and the depth from thirteen to six teen feet. In Altorf, Switzerland, the Tell Monu ment Committee is making every effort to press forward its work. Four prizes of $625, $375, $250 and $100 have been offered for the four best plans for the monument. Joseph Chamberlain proposes a na tional insurance for the Biipport of the aged. He suggests that the parish should contribute a certain sum for every child born and put that to the credit of the child in a national insurance fund. Emperor William at a banquet at Dus seldorf said when speaking of a com mercial treaty with Austria : "As to my home policy, which is becoming estab lished, I shall not deviate a hair's breadth from the course I have adopted. I alone am master of this country and nobody else." After the fight at Pozo Almonte, Chili, the victorious troops became disorderly and sacked the town. Women and girls were abused and some murdered. Once fired with drink, rioting commenced among the men, and soon the torch was applied, and three blocks were destroyed. Officers lost complete control of the men. An effort to have the Knutsford coer cive bill dropped in the British Parlia ment was unsuccessful. Salisbury said the government had entered into serious international obligations with France, which must be carried out. The bill is intended to force Newfoundland to re spect the treaty of the home government with Franca. PORTLAND MARKET. Prlrl of lient HUH Continue Too IIIkIi for Kljxirt furpoxeii, Wiikat The market remains in a dor mant condition. A lew pan-els are offer ing, but prices asked are considerably above an export basis, and purchases, only made when urgent wants must be supplied, are few and far between. Ship pers generally have sufficient on hand to meet present anil near future require ments, and evince no disposition to op erate unless at concessions, which sellers are apparently unwilling to grant. Quo tations under existing circumstances are imponhible. tuji-K Quote: Standard, $5 25; Walla Walla, 5.n0 per barrel. 0T8 Quote: (iwiKic per bushel. Hay Quote: $1617 per ton. MiLUtTL-rra Quote: Bran, $2l22; Shorts, $24'i25; Ground Barley, $3.'J.00r 34.00; Chop Feed, $25W20 per ton ; Bar ley, $1.25 1.30 percental. BcttivH Quote : Oregon fancy cream ery. 27 lancv dairv. tl-lKir f.-iir tn ifood, 17! 2 'a 20c; common, loft lfjc; Cali- lornia, itnzic per pound. Ciikksk Quote: Oregon, 1415c; Cal ifornia, 12 1 3c per pound. Ki.os Quote: Oregon, 17c per dozen. Poi i.TRV -Quote: Old Chickens, $0.50 eT7.00; young chickens, $3.003.50; Ducks, $10tl2; Geese, nominal, $12 per dozen; Turkeys, loYil7c per pound. Vegetables Quote: Cabbage, $1.50 per cental; Early York, $2.00; Cauli flower, $1 00 per dozen; Celery, 90c per dozen ; Onions, 4H,c per pound ; Carrots, $1.00 per sack; Beets, $1.60per sack; Tur nips, $1.75 per eack; Potatoes, 50aoOc per cental; New Potatoes, l?2c per pound; Tomatoes, $2.00t2.50 per box; Asparagus, 4(ii 5c per pound; Parsnips, $1.00; per sack; Lettuce, 15(S20c per dozen; Squash, 2'8f(2,c per pound; Green Peas, 5Bc per pound; String Beans, 15c per pound ; Rhubarb, 4c per pound ; Artichokes, 40c per dozen ; Pars ley, 25c per dozen ; Radishes, 20c per dozen bunches ; young Onions, 20c per dozen bunches. Fkcits Quote: Los Angeles Oranges, $2.25(22.50; Riverside, $3.003.25; Na vels. H4.hlliii.Vnl) ner Imr- Kieilv T mnni $0.5O(g7; California, $4.505 per box; App;es, f i.uijiul'.ou per uox; Bananas, $2.50 3.50 per bunch; Pineapples, $5.00 (U8.00 per dozen; Strawberries, 15c per pound; Cherries, 25c per pound. Nuts Quote: California Walnuts.ll1 12)ac; Hickory, 8l.c; Brazils, 12c; Almonds, 10(3 18c; Filberts, i;!14c; Pine Nuts, 1718c; Pecans, 17l8c; Oocoanuts, 8c; Hazel, 8c; Peanuts, 8c per pound. Fimi Salmon, 8c per pound ; Halibut, 12)2c; Cod, 10c; Soles, 10c; F'lounders, 10c; Shad, 12c; Carp and Cattish, 5c; Canned Salmon, Standard No. 1, $1.35 per case ; No. '2, $2.55. Hops Nominal. (Juote; 2i)e r pound. ool tjuote : Ulamette Valley, 13 20c; Eastern Oregon, I3f3jl9c per pound, according to conditions and shrinkage. Hides Quote: Dry Hides, selected prime, 8l2(o9c, Hc Isss lor culls; green, selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 55 pounds. 3e! Sheen Peltfl nhnrt wnnl 311 50c; medium,0080c; long,90c$1.25; shearlings, 10id20c; Tallow, good to choice, 3it3Jfcc per pound. HAILS Base quotations: Iron, J3.00; Steel, $3.10; Wire, $3,75 per keg. The Merchandise Market. Coal Oil Quote : $1.95 per case. Rice Quote: $6.000.75 per cental. Honey Quote : 16 18c. Salt Gnnfft! T.ivernrvil 1Rf) -v . J , $1 ; stock, $11 per ton in carload lota. Voftke yuote: uosta Kica, 22c; Rio, 23c; Mocha, 30c; Java, 25c; Ar buckle's, roasted, 2634'27e per pound. Beans Quote: Small Wrhites, 3'c; Pink, 3l43sc; Bayos, 4c; Butter, 43c; Limas, 4c per pound. Sugars Quote : Golden C, 51bC ; extra C. Se: drv crrannlnted. H'ioe; en he ' ' " . ' ' O I crushed and powdered, 6?4C per pound ; contectieners' A, ol-4c per pound. Sykci's Eastern, in barrels, 4755c; half barrels, 5058c; in cases, 55(ff80c per gallon; $2.252.50 per keg; Califor nia, in barrels, 40c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg. Dried Fruits The market is firm. Quote: Italian Prunes, 1012c; Pe tite and German Prunes, 10c per pound ; Raisins, $2.25 per box: Plummer-dried Pears, 10llc; sun-dried and factory Plums, 11 12c : evaporated Peaches,18 20c ; Smyrna Figs, 20c ; California Figi, 9c per pound. Canned Goods Marketsteady. Quote : Table fruits. $2.25, 2s; Peaches, $2.50; Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.65; Strawberries, $2.50 ; Cherries, $22.50 ; Blackberries, $2.25; Rappberries, $2.75; Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.40. Pie fruit : Assorted, $1.50 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.65: Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.65 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.35 1.65, according to quality; Tomatoes, $1.153.50; Sugar Peas, $1.401.60; String Beans, $l.l0perdozen. Fish: Sal mon, $1.251.50; sardines, 85c$1.65; 1-1 i. A,) nf-j,n nf . i. A. . looaiera, , oiaja.o ; oyBiers, 1.0U(tg 3.25 per dozen. Condensed milk : Eagle Dranu, it-a.zo; urown, $7; Highland. $6.75; Champion, $6.00; Monroe, $6.75 per case. Shot Quote : $1.75 per sack. The Meat Market. Beef Live, 44l2c; dressed, 78n. Mutton Live, 4V5c; dressed. 10c. Hogs Live, bibic, dresseJ, 78c. Veal 58o per pound. SMOKED MEATS AND LARD. Quote: Eastern Hams, 12?413c; Oregon, 1012bc; Breakfast rfaeon, 1213o; other varieties, 8llc; Lard, 94ll?40 per pound. Rev. Father Sherman, now at St. Louis, wishes it understood he ;s to have nothing to do with editing any future biographical matter about his father, the great General, but that his brother, Te cumseh, will have charge of all Sherman publications prepared for the public,