OCR Interpretation

The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 17, 1906, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn97071110/1906-05-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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Barrawed Mllliarr Term From th
' Arabia the Saaaiah.
In ibear)y days the rank of mlHiln.?
T.tti Aiujpgwn. The chief officer of a
qua4rob was called veoustnble or jus
tice The term admiral as now nsed
It derived from the Arabic "amir," or
"air," commander (aa In "amlr-al-tahr,"
conmiaudof of the sea). The
early English form waa "auilrul" uad
U itlll; preserved ai such by th
French. The Spanish and Fortnguem
t rms are "almlr.uitc," the Italian
"aiunilragllo." The t.tle captain is not
nival but a military one. Under the
older organization the real captain of
a ship aras a master, but a military of
ficer was placed on board, though ho
knew nothing about nautical affairs,
A the captain became bigger and big
ger r the master became smaller and
smaller until at the present day he
fills -a subordinate, position, which Is
gradually becoming obsolete, being re
placed by an officer under the title of
a navigating lieutenant.
Commodore comes from the Spanish
"eommendador." The title lieutenant,
borrowed directly from the l'rench, is
more modern and Is meant us a place
holder or one who took the place of
the captain when absent Sublieuten
ant Is still more modern and at the
sara time a misnomer, as he never
wa a sublieutenant, but merely a
mate, or one who assisted. In former
days we bad no cadets, but volun
teers. However, with the gradual ad'
vance of polltness, the more seemly
term of cadets was borrowed from the
French and adopted as the title of the
yong gentlemen in our navy.
In place of paymasters the ships of
old ad pursers, who looked after the
provisions. The naval purser did more.
He had charge of the stores of the
ship and the money chest. Surgeons
and surgeons' mutes fulfilled the duties
of the doctors. Chaplains are of mod
ern Introduction. Naval Instructors
and schoolmasters ruled In their stead.
The term mate was gather a universal
on and applied to all branches.
Taa Circle He Drew From Which
Grew a Famaaa Paraac.
Giotto was a famous painter, sculp
tor -and architect of the latter purt of
the thirteenth century. lie was a son
of a poor shepherd, but the attention
of the great master, Clmabue, having
been attracted to the boy by, a draw
lug the lad bad made on- a fragment of
slate, the young artist's fame spread
rapidly throughout southern Europe.
In -those days it was customary for
th! popes to send for the noted seen
of their realm, more for the purpose of
gratifying .'their desires to see such
celebrities than anything else. Giotto
was no exception to the rule. No
sooner had, the young Tuscan become
famous than Pope Boniface VIII. In
vited him fo Florence. When young
Giotto, arrived at the gates of the
pope's private grounds, according to
-tbfe account, the -guard halted him and
vTKjlwjulned concerning his mission.
iwm J1" 'tlst mnt,e the mntter Pta'n. but
the guard was not satisfied with 'the
explanation, frequently Interrupting
lotto's ejplnnatpry remarks with, "J
fknowtbe must be a much larger and
distinguished looking person than your
self," and "Giotto, too, Is a famous
painter. By your walk I wonld take
you to be a shepherd." Finally., upon
demanding evidence of the artist's
skill, the latter stooped and traced a
perfect O In the dust of the path with
his linger. Any one who has ever at
tempted the feat of drawing a perfect
elrcle "offhand" well knows how diffi
cult It Is.
It Is needless to add that the artist
was forthwith ushered Into the pres-
ence of the supreme pontiff, and that
since that time "Rounder than Giotto's
O" has been a favorite hyperbole to In
dlcate "Impossible perfection."
Sarataaeltr la a Neeennnrr lnaredl
ea of Ena-aa-tnic Talk.
"What I wish," says an essayist lu
Cornhlll Magazine, "is that people
would apply the same sort of serious
ness to talk that they apply to golf;
that they should desire to Improve their
game, brood over their mistakes, try
to do better. Why is it that so many
people would think It priggish and ef
feminate to try to Improve their talk
and yet think, It mauly.and rational to
try to shoot better? Of course it must
be done with a natural zest and en
joyment or It Is useless.
."What a. ghastly .picture one gets of
the old fashioned talkers and wits,
committing a number of subjects to
memory when they are dressing for
dinner and then turning over a com
monplace book for apposite anecdotes
and Jests, adding dates to those select
ad that they may not tell the same
story again too aoon, learning up a list
of "epigrams, stuck In a shaving glass,
allying forth primed to bursting with
conversation I
K"It,la,fllyary well to know before
hand "the kind of line you would wish
to take,? but spontaneity is a necessary
Ingredient of talk,, and to make up
one's' mind to get certain stories In Is
to deprive talk of its fortuitous charm."
The Placid, Well Bora Girl 'of the
' "f .. Little Greea tale.
"The Irishwomen never worry," said
a woman who has mixed much in the
uipr circles of the little green isle;
"therefore they preserve their youth
-better than the women of any other na
tion. A peculiar type of personality
has been left' in Ireland. England and
" America have drained off the progress
ive and hustling Epglaud from the
miwir rlaaaea. America from the lower.
Those who are left are of a placid,.
contented type,rom whom the resi
."aaanejs. of present day civilization
ems far removed, me auiiuess oi
th. ntm, ud bv the .average well born
Irian, girl .would be pathetic If it were
Eat that she seems to thrive so wen on
tt .Tear after year she follows the
; eaifta monotonUis round, meeting the
an people at tennis In summer or
n&4rtKaa in vintpr. If her home
la m" a nhtlng district, no matter at
how low an ebb the family finances may
be, they will manage to give her a
goad mount, but for the girls who do
not hunt the long, wet winter, with
fw neighbors and few books, passes
ri as drearily aa In a mediaeval
ttfaWKrv Xork Tribune. i
The Thins For Which He Should ar
Should Not Be raid.
A correspondent of Lloyd's Weekly
has expressed the views of a ship doc
tor In the following words: "Many
travelers are In doubt as to the po
sition of the ship's doctor in regard to
bis remuneration from passengers for
services rendered. The merchant ship
ping act enacts that every foreign go
ing vessel having a hundred persons on
board or upward shall carry on board
as part of her complement a duly
qualified medical practloner. Further
more, an emigrant ship 1. e., a foreign
going vessel which carries fifty or
more steerago passengers must have
a medical man, irrespective of the
number of crew or of other passengers
carried. The salary of the doctor on
board is commensurate with these du
ties to his ship. To any passengers
who are suffering from ordinary forms
of seasickness and its concomitant
evils or who receives Injuries which
are in any way due to the ship the
doctor's services are free. For any
sickness contracted before sailing or
during a voyage which is not connected
with the above named conditions he is
entitled to a remuneration at the same
rate as he would receive on shore. Ob
viously it would be as unfair to ex
pect that bis services to passengers
should be rendered gratis as it would
be for any visitor in a hotel or travel
ing on a railway to expect to have
medical attention free In any illness
for which the hotel or railway authori
ties could not bo held responsible."
The writer of a letter to the Loudon
Lancet says that the case of the ship's
surgeon is stated with accuracy In the
above sentences nnd adds that ship's
surgeons are of two kinds first, those
who after they have qualified take
such a position either for health or for
pleasure, and, second, those who elect
to make sea life a permanency.
The pay of the ship's doctor varies
from $30 to $50 a month. This Is for
duties to officers and crew. As regards
passengers in relation to the surgeon
the following groups will Include all:
First, the passenger who takes the
Initiative by remunerating the surgeon,
perhaps handsomely, for any services
rendered; second, the passenger who
asks for his bill and pays It if reason
able; third, the passenger who, travel-
lag for the first time, does not know
whether to ask for his bill or wait for
It to be delivered, but is pleased to be
enlightened on the matter; fourth, the
passenger who clings to the old time
notion that the surgeon is there soieiy
for the benefit of passengers, and, fifth,
the passenger who never intends to
pay the surgeon. Medical Record.
Marriage of the Adriatic.
"The marriage of the Adriatic" was
instituted In commemoration of a na
val victory won by Sebastian Ziavl,
doge of Venice, over Otto, son of Fred
crick BarbarosBa, 1174. In consequence
of this victory Pope Alexander III.,
who had been driven to take refuge In
Venice, gave to the doge the sovereign
ty of the sea, and every year the doge
used to go iu grand procession in his
state barge and throw a gold ring Into
the Adriatic, saying, "With this riug I
thee wed." Flowers were then thrown
into the sea, and the procession re
turned. The sentence delivered by the
doge on the occasion was literally,
"Despousamus te mare nostrum lu slg
num verl pcrpotuique domiul."
Bible Arithmetic.
Ezeklel's reed was nearly eleven feet;
a cubit was nearly twenty-two Inches;
a hand's breadth Is equal to three and
five-eighths Inches; a finger's breadth
Is equal to a little less than an inch; a
shekel of silver was about 2s.. 8d.; a
shekel of gold was 2; a talent of sil
ver was 400; a talent of gold was
nearly 6,000; a piece of silver, or a
penny, was 8',id.; a farthing was equal
to halfpence; a mite was less than a
farthing; a gerah was ld.; an ephah,
or bath, contained four gallons and
five pints; a bin was three quarts und
three pints; an omer was six pints; a
cab was five pints. London Globe.
Romance of a Sons-.
"I'll Hang My Harp on a Willow
Tree" has attached to it a bit of royal
romance. It was written by a young
nobleman who became deeply enamor
ed of Queen Victoria a year or so be
fore she ascended the English throne,
which event destroyed his hopes of
winning her hand. The words first ap
peared in an English magazine and
were set to music by Wellington
Thla aa the Mtat.
Scene, a town In the north on a very
misty day.
Sandy McKay (coming out of a pub
lic bouse and meeting his minister face
to face) Losh, sir, it's an awful de
celvln' thing, this mist D'ye ken (Im
pressively), I wandered In there the
noo, thlnkin' it was the grocer's? Lon
don Telegraph.
"John, I simply must have another
"For what occasion?"
The new cook is coming tomorrow,
and I have nothing decent to receive
ber In." Cleveland Leader.
Not Overetady.
Lowe Comerdy Yes, Starman, the
tragedian, is hopelessly mad. Hi Trag.
cdy-Overstmly? Lowe Comerdy No,
his understudy, lie made a bigger hit
In the part than Starman. Philadel
phia Fress.
A Larue Fraction.
"I see that Johnstone is advertising
bis goods for sale for a 'fraction of
their real value.' "
"Tea. about eight-fifths, I UiIbH."
White Salmon-Hood Hivcr
Two big pail boats, two
big jierfirtly wife gasoline
launches and two big ferry
scows. Expert sailors in
charge. Hoats leave at all
Licensed Ferrymen.
A Heavy Load to Carry;
Alongwlth dyspepsia comes nervous
ness and general lll-nealth. Why? Be
cause a disordered guimach docs not per
mit the food to tie properly digested, and
Its products asoimilaUHi by trio system.
The blood is charged with poisons which
eomo from this disordered digestion, and
In turn the nerves are not led on good,
red blood, and we see symptoms of nerv
ousness, sleeplessness and general break
down. It is not head work, nor over phy
sical exertion that does it. but poor stom
ach work. With poor, thin Wood the
body is not prompted against the attack
of germs ot grip, bronchitis and consump
tion. Fortify the body at once with Dr.
Pierce's (ioliicn Medical Discovery a
rare combination of native medicinal
roots without a particle of alcohol or
dangerous habit-forming drugs,
A little book of extracts, from promi
nent medical authorities extolling every
Ingredient contained In Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery will be mailed
free to anv address on request by postal
card or letter. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Many years of active practice convinced
Dr. Pierce of the valuo of many native
roots as medicinal agents and he went to
great expense!, both In time and in money,
to perfect his own peculiar processes for
rendering them both efiicicnt and safe for
tonic, alterative and rebuilding agents.
The enormous popularity of "Golden
Medical Discovery " is duo both to its
scientific compounding and to the actual
medicinal value of its Ingredients. The
publication of the lunnci of the tngmll
eiiU on tho wrapper of every bottle sold,
gives full assurance of Its non-alcoholic
character and remove! all objection to
the use of an unknown or secret remedy.
It is not a patent medicine nor a secret
one either, This fact puts it in a cUm
all by Uelf, hearing as it does upon every
bottle wrapper The Badge of Honesty, In
the full list of Its Ingredients.
The "Golden Medical Discovery cures,
weal: stomach, Indigestion, or dyspepsia,
torpid liver and billouancss, ulceration of
stomach and bowles and all catarrhal af
fections no matter what parts or organs
may be affected with It. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets are the original little
liver pills, first put up 40 years ago. They
regulate and invigorate, stomach, liver
and bowels. Much imitated but never
equaled. Sugar-coated and easy to taka
as candy. One to three a dose.
Nature's Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
Castle (lute, Canon of the (irsml,
Hlack Ciinosi, Mar-lull and Ten
nese."e V"-ri. rml tlie World
KauiMiM Kofli t.c.igf.
KordcHrr'ti l'..' :.n1 'lhiti:Ue;l paniph
iitw, v. l ite w
W. C. McBRlDE, Genera! Agent
ISlTl.ti-i mii. cI, roHl'LANU, (IK.
S: i i hI ! a: I i i c I ".ail.
I! Ill V Kit.
i t,.. . ..uii.im. . n rt tl t-tVf.n 8 a. ni
. U, Irilttl I'.'lI I It'l'iiM-b Viull.
l.,rll K -l H II a) i mi., SKI III. Hlld
v in. i. A '!, nl 2: "."l Mini p. III.
I :;, r ' -' - h '. K. I iil lH N:i. I UIMl V
.up i i. ni . iii a ;m . m. .Mm! liuvfs-
, ,i Mi. ;i I. liiiil) ii' ii in.; nrrl vin 10.3
Kill' I'll'l' i 11, V:ISli.. il.lllV rXl'Cllt Sun
i'ii . h ' )'! 'ii.. '" rl1 d. hi 11 ii. in.
('v VI hilr Siillililll. illl.. IH V HI 12 111.
urrivo hi 1 1 h. in.
Wlil'J'K KU.MO.V.
Iii II. mil KUir.diiib ul 9 v. in.; arrives ul
v '"
Kit I! tiMim, Trout l.nKe una uuier, wumi
IUtl HI i . 1 H. III.; HTI IVI'H ft p. in.
Ki t- i.i. .u.iiiil, Kulilit iinii Ullnier, Wauli
L .i ' l...'.. l-'ii.t 'lii.il tlii.iuili.n Wuuh nl I h
..i '1 ...... ;.,.-u .....I U.i I it nl i uu arriviut uuiiw
d:V nl l III.
Km llbiKHii. dully ul 4.to p. m.: arrives al
8.45 it. m.
Kit -i I'liiinrt
.No 2, ( iiicmko pectin, n:-iu a. m.
Nil 4, piikmie Flyer, 8::I6 p. in.
Nil , Mull und KxpreHH, 10:42 p. m.
Nil. 24, Way Krelullt, 12:15 p. III.
No. '22. KuM Krelglit, 4:05 a. m.
M ort bound
N'i. 1, I'm llHIKl HlieolHl, 2:5"i p. m.
N.i. 3, l iirllunil b Iyer, b-M n. m.
No. 5, Mall und KxprenH, 4:42 a. m.
Mo. 'A Way Freight, mi a. in.
No. oft, Fasl Freight, 1:06 p. in.
and Union Pacific
3 Trains to the East Daily
Thioimh I'liMmiin miiniiunla anil tourist
leenlnir curs dully to omnhH. Chicago, Hpo-
knne; tourlNt Bleeping earn dally to Kanwig
City: through I'nllmmi tourist Bleeping ear
(nerwwsally conducted) weekly to Chlrago.
declining chair cam Heuis iree) 10 me bam
Portlind, Or.
Chicago ftalt lAkft, DenTflr.
fnnlHtid I Ft Worth, ODiaha,
Bvecitl Kamu CUT, ft.
1:16 . m. ' Uiuii.Chlc.Moanil
tla 1 kt-
At autla
1:15 p m.
Salt Lake, DeriTer,
Kt Worth, Omaha,
Kama City, Rt.
lxtil,l btcatfoand
Walla Walta. Utwla-
Ft. Paul
Fart Mall
t:ISp. m.
toti. npiAana.w aU
laoe, I'ullman,
Xlnuearxilii, Ht.
Paul, Iiuluth. Mil
waukea, Chicago
and Eait.
River Schedule.
urT ARTOK f A anr'l 1:00 lf M 1
wnv point, cnnnecllni' Daily,
with Kleiner for II ac except
and North lleachateain-l Hunilay,
er HaMnlo, A(h atreetl atnritav.
dock iwaUr per. '0:00 P. M
FOR Davton, Oreiton A. M.
nty anil Yamhill Klv Dally
r pointa. Ann street j except
lock (water per.) Sunday.
5:30 P. M
FOR I. K W IS TO N. 4-nn A. M.i Alxint
Idaho, and wav pointa, Monday. 5-00 H. M.
from Riparla, Wanh. , Wedn'd'y i Toeaday,
, Friday. :Thnrday,
i ! Sunday.
Frelirhl I lira an a m. to 12 noon: I to S D.
ni. No freight received or delivered after &
p. m.
I'a-wenirer Iiepot Hou re for delivery of ex
preaa and baggage will be 6 a. in. till p. m.
Ueneral Paaaenger Agent, Portland, Or.
W. H. BOYLE, At ent. Hood River.
Llvjo & Mo
vXnt Apples
From now on we
look for a better
market in Portland
Pioneer Fruit and Produce Dealers
Wood For 8ale
All Kinds at o'vest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay.
Best line of Cigars in
the City
Also handle line of
Pipes, Tobaccos and
Fishing Tackle
Hunts Faint (&
j Wall Paper Co.
Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH
Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilts
and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room
molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of
novi llies in Framed Pictures. CAIX'IMO, the
latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order.
Fainting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc.
Phone 071. First and Oak Streets.
Increase Your Profits
What', th. ua. of rolnr to all th. xpnM of aprayinc and thn havt poor
fruit? Th. aecrct of accurlnf clcaa, fancy fruit I. in apiayins thoroughly with
hlh, pnuar. Th. hind men hav. aaldom don. thla bacauit th.
pump, ran ae
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Stock Qrowri on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will hare and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry. Pear,AprIcot,Peach& Plum Trees.
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitiea
berg and J onathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
tSSSSSm 50c, 60c, 75c $1.00, $1.50
Men's w 50c.
Mount Hood Brand
tas:e notice
Wood consumers will find it to their advantage to
call on us. Have on hand
1500 Cords of Dry Slab Wood
Prices have not been advanced.
Oregon Lumber Co.
Hood River, Oregon.
naru, out wiy vu it aawijr
By Using Bean
Magic Spray Pumps
bacaua tkty . Jm.l .third th. lafc.r.
In the Spring Rests the Secret
Th. Incrcaa. in profit from ..curing fancy fruit will
alon. pay for thaoutftt, and the aay-running, no troubl.
featuraa found .Kluaivaly in th. two aim of Ban
Magic pump, merit your immadlat. inveatlfatlon.
It aama almoat too good to be true that all th. new
improvementa can b. had In on. pump, but it i. true
and you will underataad why whan you ace a Matflo
to operation.
W. kav. aaEaplM af the, paate. la tt.ek
aad will k platM I. k.w tmm u It.
Oil LL-
R. II. WEBER, Trop.
Evergreen. Roses and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation.
Coe's Addition
Cheap for Cash or on
your own terms.
Now is the Time to Buy.
Phone Farmers 1233.
H. C. COE.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties. Cordwood,
Froe Delivery. Phone 931
..Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry GoocIh Ammunition Roots nnd Shoes
I lard ware
Hay Grain Flour
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
We have just received a car load of
Direct from the factory. We
prices. We can save you money. Also have a full line of
fittings and the largest stock of garden hose in the city.
Flies, Flies, Flies
It will soon be Fly-time and then you will want
Screenes in a Hurry
Place your order now and le sure to have them in time.
I will make any kind of screen you want, painted any color
you want, and hung any way you want. Prices are
all right, (-'all at shop or phone 571.
F. G. COE, Carpentering
and Lots
Lumber and Cedar Posts
G raniteware
Feed Full line of Groceries
ater Pipe
are wiling it at wholesale

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