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Alabama Court Denies New Hearing Special Correspondents Over North and South Chralta* FIRST IN NEWS AND PICTURES. THE MOUTHPIECE OF THE PEOPLE VOLUME 7 NUMBER 9 HOW TO X ALA COURT DENIES NEW TRIAL JO PAIR I MOBILE, Ala. The state su preme court overruled this week la motion for re-hearlng of the lease of Henry Daniels and Curtis ■ Robinson, sentenced to death here Ifor allegedly raping a white wom lan. The re-hearing was sought by IJ. L. LeFlore, chairman, of the ■regional conference of southern [branches of the NAACP, I Robinson and Daniels are sen- Itenced to die on March 26th. The [re-hearing was sought on the [grounds that the prosecuting at torney in making the opening [statement to the jury did not con iine himself to statements which |werc- based on facts admissable in [evidence and that prosecuting [counsel asked witnesses many 11- [legal questions at the trial. I . ON THE AGRICULTURAL FRONT tr-SBOR PLEDGES | The department of agriculture has announced that a labor re cruitment program will be start ed immediately tn all major coun ties producing perishable fruits and vegetables for canning to help assure farmers at planting time that workers will be available at harvesting and processing time'. Extension service agents in co operation with the U. S. Employ ment service, the office of civilian defense, and local operators of canning plants will immediately launch a campaign to canvass the available labor in canning plant areas. Churches, civic clubs, bus jiness and school groups, and farm workers who have some spare time are called on to pledge them selves to help get in the crops [and get them processed. I State extension directors are discussing the recruitment and placement of non-farm youth for summer work. legg price support The department of agriculture has announced minimum support [prices which will be paid pro iducers for eggs bought by the food distribution administration under the 10-case Southern Egg Marketing program in 12 southern states. The prices effective now at buying stations ins the 12 states range from 33 to 35 cents per dozen for grade A, large eggs, in 10-case lots. ' NOTICE The public is invited to be pres ent Sunday evening, 3:30 p. m., February 28th, at Wilson Chapel [Methodist Church, Burton Street, at which time the West Asheville Branch of the NAACP will spon sor a program. I The Rev. Johnson, pastor of [Hopkins Chapel Church, Ashe [ville, N. C., will be the principal [speaker. | On Monday night, the Rev. T. |o. Lunsford of Asheville, (White), [will speak at 8 p. m.. The Rev. [Lunsford is an outstanding, spir- Btual minister. Come and enjoy |a spiritual treat. E. M FELDER ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY, FEBRUArT 8771943“ SAVE SHOES ... jE ... ’’xwSa A - - J • fe • 1 ; • W vjlbk. CIVILIAN AIDE—The War Department has announced the appointment of Truman K. Gibson, Jr., of Chicago 111., as acting civilian aide to the Secretary of War. Mr. Gibson succeeds Judge William H. Hastie, whose resignation became effective February L 1943. Mr. Gibson has been serving as assistant to Judge Hastie, Be was born at Atlanta Georgia, in 1912 and was graduated from the University of Chicago School of Law in 1935, being awarded a degree •f Doctor of Jurisprudence. He engaged in the practice of law ia Chicago until his appointment to the War Department in 1940. He ••rved as executive director of the American Negro Exposition is Chicago until its conclusion in September, 1940. PICKENS IS CAST OUT BY HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES NEW YORK The recent vote of 66 northern and border state congressmen backing the attempt ed ouster of William Pickens, treasury department employe and Dies target, prompted the NAACP this week to warm Negro voters throughout the country to keep a close check on the records of their representatives and remem ber those records when the repre sentatives come up for re-elec tion. The NAACP pointed out that in the total of 136 votes against Pickens, 6JO h’pMJ 1 pq 'lwflf Pickens, 50 of the 66 cast by the northern and border state con gressmen were Republican votes. Illinois' 17 Republican congress men voted solidly for the dismiss al of Pickens from the war sav ings staff of the treasury depart ment on charges of subversive ac tivity, made by the Dies commit tee. In a protest sent to the House of Representatives before the fi nal vote of 267 against 136 which brought about the reinstatement, the NAACP outlined the career of Mr. Pickens who since his grad uation from Yale in 1904 had been zealous in the fight to rthe rights |of Negroes and other minorities. [For 21 years he was an executive [officer in the NAACP. I “Mr. Pickens and other offi cials are being persecuted on false and malicious charges of un ■tmerlcan activity, without fair or Competent investigation, and with out opportunity to be heard,” the B.AACP said. "The conduct of the Bien responsible for this attack Bould be more becoming to agents ■f th# G##tapo than It la to those acting in the name of the Ameri can congress.” BRICKER ASKED TO AID OHIO BILL BARRING EMPLOYMENT JIM CROW COLUMBUS, Ohio Governor John Bricker, Speaker William McCullough and Representative Jackson Betts, chairman of the houes judiciary committee, were asked this week by the NAACP to lend their support to H. B. No. 11, a bill which would make it unlawful to refuse employment to any person "on account of race, color, creed, religion, or national origin” in the “production, manu facture or distribution of mili tary or naval material, equipment or supplies for the State of Ohio, or for the federal government.” The bill, sponsored by Repre sentative Chester K. Gillespie of Cleveland, and Messrs. Turpeau and Ray, is now before the house judiciary committee, but it is re ported on good authority that the committee does not intend even to hold hearings on the bill. The NAACP expressed belief that the bill is in line with the spirit of the times and with the war aims of our nation in its fight against the Axis powers.” and should be enacted. WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.—More than 850 persons were lost in the North Atlantic early this month, the navy announced today, when enemy submarines torpedoed two American paasenger-cargo ship# taking military personnel and #4- viltan work#ra ov#r##oo SOLID FRONT AGAINST DOOMING OF FEPCIS PRESENTED TO M C NUTT WASHINGTON A solid front against any weakening of the Committee on Fair Employment Practice (FEPC) was presented to Manpower Chief Paul V. Mc- Nutt here February 19 by a con ference of 20 or more leaders of organizations and movements which had protested against the sudden cancellation on January 9 of the scheduled hearings of the committee into racial discrimi nation In employment on rail roads. Speaker after speaker at the conference urged (1) restoring FEPC to its Independent status under the White House and re moving It from the War Manpow er commission; (2) an Immediate re-scheduling of the cancelled railroad hearings and also the cancelled hearings on discrimin ation against Latln-Americans in the Southwest; (3) giving the committee sanctions in the form not onl yot public hearings, but -of :i:6ney penalties and liquidat ed damages; (4) giving the com mittee an adequate staff and bud get; (5) keeping in service the members of the present commit tee who have not resigned. The entire group was against a paid committee such as has been sug gested from time to time by gov ernment spokesmen. In urging Independent status for the committee, the conferees said such status should be "sufficient to protect it from the veto power of government officials, other jhan the chief executive." "The committee should be set up in the office of emergency management of the executive of fice of the president,” they said. "This would give the committee stature as a ‘president’s commit tee' and independence from veto power of other government offi cials. The difficulty with the pres ent organizational arrangement of the committee in War Manpower commission is that the committee is subject to the direction and su pervision of the chairman of the War Manpower commission. In actual practice this has meant that the committee's activities are subject to direction, supervision and review by the whole heir archy of War Manpower com mission officials." Going on record for a re-sched uling of the railroad hearings, and the Latin-American hearings, the conferees said: "ON reason has yet been given for the preemptory postponement of the railroad hearings. Similarly, no valid rea son has been given for postpon ing the hearings in the southwest. HASTIE MAKES STATEMENT ABOUT SEGREGATION IN ARMY (EDITOR'S NOTE: In the fol lowing statement, William H. Hastie, who recently resigned as civilian aide to the secretary of war, in protest aganlnst the short comings of the military aviation program as it affects Negroes, discusses some additional aspects of racial discrimination and seg regation in the army air forces.) There is not now and never has been any good reason for the seg regated training of Negro flyers at Tuskegee. There are two stages in the training of a soldier to be an army flyer. The first stage teach es the new cadet to fly, using small light aircraft adapted to the trainin gos a beginner. This part of the program is carried out by private operators who contract with the army to give preliminary flying instruction to aviation ca dets. The private contractor fur nishes the field and the instruc tors, while the army selects and assigns the cadets, prescribes the •gnres tygtriMtl#!* aM super. Only by their rescheduling can the administration demonstrate ite good faith. The members of the committee who have had charge of the preparation for these hear ings should complete the work to which they have devoted much o fthefr time, energy and effort (Continued on iwure six) TRAINED MEN WILL BE IN DEMAND AFTER WAR SAYS LAWLAH ATLANTA, Ga. Morehouse students were urged by Dr. Clyde A. Lawlah today to remain in school just as long as possible and to return after the war if they fail to finish before they are called. Dr. Lawlah was speaking at special Founders Day exercises In Sale Hall chapel commemorat ing the 76th anniversary of the college. Continuing he stated. .that grad uates who are* prepared will be In great demand when the war is over because large numbers will die in the conwlict and those for tunate enough to survive will be needed to offer their leadership to the' masses. It will be the col lege-trained man, said the speak er, who will be a great factor In determining whether this will be a forward or backward step for our race, and he challenged the young men to emulate some of the great Morehouse men of the past Inasmuch as they would be filling a great responsibility not only to Morehouse but to the Ne gro race the world over. Dr. Lawlah cited achievements of Morehouse alumni, and stated that in spite of all that has been accomplished, there are contribu tions still to be made in medicine, religion, law, business, industry and the arts. And even greater opportunities will be awaiting stu dents in the years o fthe post war world. The speaker was introduced by his former teacher, President Ben jamin E. Mays. Dr. Lloyd O. Lewis read the Scriptures and of fered prayer. Music was furnish ed by the Morehouse glee club and by two violinists, Luritz Cre jue, '45, and John Anderson, '44. Other speakers on the program included Mr. Kendall Weisiger, chairman of the board of trustees, who paid tribute to the great leaders of the college, and who told the students they should be come fine citizens because they have had opportunities which have been denied to many. An- Continued On Page Six vises training. There are a great many such contract schools scat tered in various sections of the country. The cadet who successfully com pletes the elementary flying course at such a school is next assigned to an army field for fur ther basic and advanced training. From this point on, the army takes complete charge of the training program. There was no need to segregate Negro cadets in either stage of training. Newly appointed Negro cadets could have been assigned to beginning classes at any one of the many contract schools just as white cadets are assigned. In fact one or two Negro cadets were so assigned by mistake. But when they arrived for training, ar rangements were quickly made to reassign them to Tuskegee. Sim ilarly in the more advanced train ing, Negroes who had completed the primary course could have been sent to the various army flying training center*. But the (•oMtsiMd on poet sts) THE LEADING NEGRO NEWSPAPER OF THE TWO CAROLINAS PRICE FIVE CENTS COPY HERE’S HOW YOU CAN SAVE YOUR SHOES With shoes now being rationed, you are probably interested in ways to make those you have last. But before we get into that let’s take a look at the Nation’s war time leather needs. About a year ago the War Production Board ordered 80 per cent of best grade leather soles set aside for the manufacture and repair of foot wear for our armed forces. Our fighting men must have good shoes. Each soldier gets three pairs of shoes when in ducted, and two pairs more dur ing his first year in service. The number of men in our army is a military secret, but let’s take an army of five million men, that means 25 million pairs of shoes a year. Why that’s enough to fill a three-tier household shoo bag 1500 miles wide, or campar able to the distance from Boston to Miami. Os course, shoe rationing is designed to save leather. And shoes aren't the only leather items in a soldier's wardrobe. There are belts, straps, gloves, scabbards for guns and bayonets, and in the cavalry there are saddles and bridles and other leather para phernalia. Besides the Army, thera’a the Nevy, and >e must not forget the WaAcs, the WAVES and the SPARs? Now that you see where the leather is going, here are some tips, compiled by Department of Agriculture chemists, on how to care for your shoes and make them last. (1) Keep your shoes soft and pliant, and strong by greasing and polishing them often. For dress shoes, use a little castor oil; and be sure to grease the soles as well a sthe uppers. (2) Never let mud dry on your shoes; always wipe it off as soon as pos sible. (3) When your shoes get wet never dry them near a hot fire, a stove, or a radiator; grease them carefully, working the grease in thoroughly w’here the sole is fastened to the upper; then let dry in a warm, dry place. Do not put them on again until they are thoroughly dried. Use plenty of grease on your heavy work shoes, especially when you use them for farming or gardening. You may use sev eral different oils—neat’s foot oil, castor oil, cod oil, tallow, wool grease, or a mixture o fthese. Have the oil slightly warm, and apply it wit ha soft cloth. Then rub it in thoroughly with the palm of your hand. This will pro tect your shoes against mud, weather, drying, heat, dirt, and perspiration. Here's another important sug gestion: have your shoes repaired promptly when they need it. This not only assures longer wear, but I it also makes for proper support ' of the body, and often prevents foot oilments. HARLEM LEADERS HOLD CONFERENCE ON CRIME NEW YORK More than 30 civic leaders met on February 20, at the 135th street YMCA to dis cuss the prevalence of crime and juvenile delinquency in the Har lem area. Walter White, executive secre tary of the NAACP at whose call the leaders met, said, “We all know that part of this reputation is due to certain newspapers which feature crime in Harlem and the race of persons charged with crime. We also know that the present situation is the prod uct of the depression years and of the denial of jobs and of hope. But even after giving full allow ance for these handicaps, we who live in Harlem do not appear to me to be doing what we can lo cally.” ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 23.—Hurl ed back in one sector and stalled in another, the German armored units of Marshal Erwin Rommel relaxed their pressure along the Tunisian front today, giving the stubborn allied defense forces their first rest of the bitter, three day struggle to keep Nazi spear heads tram crooking their lines.