OCR Interpretation

The southern news. [volume] (Asheville, N.C.) 1936-19??, July 10, 1943, Section 1, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98058951/1943-07-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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Released by U. S. War Department Bureau of Public Relations
SOMEWHERE OVERSEAS—Steif Sergeant Dee W. Andus,
Carbondale, Illinois, has a double-barreled reason for that smile. Mail
came from home while he was being decorated with the Purple Heart
for wounds suffered when his camp was bombed. Sergeant Andus
had just received the medal and entered the orderly room to show
it to his company commander when the mail came in and Andus got
his batch. “Never mind the medal, sir,” he said, grinning. “Here’s
just what I’ve been looking for—mail from home.”
5k- udvice ON the

S. H. C.: My son bought out a
boot black stand. He is not able
to look after it but has another
man looking after it for him.
Now, my husband has a job but I
he wants to quit and look after
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! this stand. Would it pay him to
i give up his job to take this over?
I Answer: A regula rincome from
I a permanent job is far better than
I depending on little dribbles of
change from a stand. If he were
to give up his job and take over
the stand, he would have good
days and days that would barely
net him a thing. As long as he's
in good physical condition, he
should hold on to hie regular
M. R.: I am doing all that I
can to live a good life for Jesus.
My husband makes good money
but he doesn’t give me but 4 or
4 dollars a week. Now I love him
and want him to live right too but
he won’t. What must I do?
Answer: You and your husband
need to strike a happy medium
by sharing in each other's joys
and pleasures. The work you are
doing in the church is very fine
work . . . but you need to try to
correct your domestic difficulties
too if possible. Therefore, do not
neglect your home to do your
church work. You will be doing
a wonderful deed if you can break
your husband from drinking and
throwing away hi smoney and you
can't do it unless you show him
more love, consideration and un
derstanding in the home.
E. L. C.: I am a youn ggirl and
have loved a boy friend for over
4 years. He is over seas now. Does
he love me or am I hte tool?
Answer: This young soldier,
like thousands of others, has no
time to think of love and mar
riage right now. He has a defin
ite job to do and he intends to
do it beofre he can allow his
mind to dwell wholly on the mar
riage subject. You aren’t foolish
. . . it’s your duty to continue to
believe in him until you have
reason to believe otherwise. He
loved you when he left but he
didn’t want to marry you as he
realized that you were too young.
C. W.: I am writing to you
about my husband. He’s running
around after every womna he can.
There is one married woman that
he’s running after and he is tell
ing that she is going to take him
away from me. Must I walk out
and leave them or what?
Answer: Never. Thia would be
entirely too convenient for them
both. If she’s going to get him
... let her fight for him. oG
about your job as usual, but
strive to come to a more peace
able understanding in regards to
your husband. Go out with him
more often. Fix up and get out
more even if he doesn’t care to
join you. It will boost your spir
its and make him notice you.
Show him that you can look just
as attractive, be just as sweet and
pleasing as the other women. A
little effort on your part will
probably have a tendency to make
him change his mind about quit
ing you.
T. J. H.: I am dissatisfied with
my present Job and wages. I am
working as a night watchman and
I know that I am qualified to do
better. Should I return to my
former home like I plan apd try
to mpke a better eonCact?
Answer: Get back into your old
line of work as you haven’t been
satisfied at all since you have
had the watchman’s job. There’s
a demand for your services and
it will be very easy for you to
get employment with good pay.
You are much too active to be
content doing work that requires
no exertion physically or mental
W. C.: I finish two years of
college work in June. My plans
are to go to summer school and
takqe up typing and shorthand so
that I can get in government
work. Would this be a wise step
on my part?
Answer: Yee, if you have made
up your mind that you want a
business course, now is the time
to take it. If you study hard, you
may possibly finish by fall. Get
ting a job won't be any difficulty
at all.
Pat Yom SußTosiTTioM Now
All types of beauty service for
women wlio care. Trained op
erators and attendants.
For Appointment
PHONE 3578
123 Southside Avenue
28 South Market St.
A Portarit Lives Forever
Your Photographer
Licensed Embalmers and
Funeral Directors
Friendly Sympathetic and
Courteous Service
125 Southside Ave. Phone 7814
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Released oy U. S. War Department Bureau of Public Relations
FORT F. E. WARREN, WYOMING —One hundred and 39 years of accumulated service for the
U. S. Army is the remarkable record attained by these five Negro non-commissioned officers now on
duty at this famous old western post. Left to right, they are; First Sergeant Earnest A. Fearn, of
Chattanooga, Tenn.; Sergeant Mack Demumbran of College Grove, Tenn.; Staff Sergeant Haskell
Separs, of Union, South Carolina; Staff Sergeant Arthur E. Mills,’of Spartanburg, South Carolina, and
Sergeant James Larket of St. Paul, Minnesota. All these soldiers, true to the record of Negro fighting
men throughout the Army’s history, are performing important duties at Fort Warren and their long
years of experience are valuable to Uncle Sam.
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' Het-anal hv 0 S War Department Bureau of Public Relations
FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA—These men from the 16th Battalion Field Artillery Replace
ment Training Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, are preparing to tire the 105-mm howitzer for the
first time during their basic training. The crew m mbers are left to right: Gunner, Private Melvin
Neal, 852 Dawson Street, Bronx, New York : No. 7, Private Bernard Roberts, 426 North West 10th Street
Miami, Florida; No. 6, Private Game! Purcell, I4i Edgecombe Avenue, New York City; No. 3, Private
James Mitchell, Yulee. Florida; No. 5, Private Coiunbus Smith, 331 Park Street, Jacksonville, Florida;
No. 4, Private Harry Showard, 56 Highland Avenu?, Sebring, Florida; (standing) No. 1, Private Leon
Murray. 924 East Waslungton Street, Lake City, Flo.ida, and No. 2, Private Bienville Smith, Many
Ecusta Paper Corp.

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