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-4 TERMS: nterprise Associated Press Dispatches. Single copy, One month, One year, 1 eont 25 ecu ( $3.00 'VOL. 1. NO. 4. BAItllE, VT., TJIUItSEjAY, AP1UL 14, 1898. PI1ICE ONE CENT, Barre Evenipg i v THE BLUE STORE Is the Right Place to Buy Your Wants in CLOTlIIXCi, HATS, SHOES, LADIES' UENTS mill CIIILDHKN'S FUIt NISUIXU GOODS. SEGEL & BRADY, Prop'rs. DEIOT SQUARE. DARKE, VT. ATTENTION! Quarry Boys, Pure Leaf, L L Ponies, Royal Savage, ARE The Cigarsto Smoke For Sale Everywhere. L. Lewin, M'gr. 180 No. lain St. Barre, Vt. MFAH'S fjM Popular Restaurant Can bo found at No. Main Street. J 1 r' Jf .. itf Meals Served at ah iiouis. J4 We also carry a full line of mO fruit, confectionary, -1 . OBACCO and CIGARS. Drop in iuid see our Lunoh Counter. V fjrKSS MAKfNGH To save the Ladies' any Trouble, We will Furnish Trimmings, LiningSj , ana aiso 11 i i Bonnets and Hats to match the Suits. Before having any Dresses niatle please i "'i'' call on " 8 Elm Street, Kext door to (lie Enterprise t set their prices. ollice and fiamfiras At Cnst. - VMIIIWI V www.. ' Wo will close all last Seasons , Mock-Is at once. i IJNEW MODELS ARRIVE Vl IN A FEW DATS. A full line of Standard Dry Plates. H. L. AVERiLL, t 28 No. Main St. Tel. a 1-3 To Rent. On reiifomihle terms -a good stone shed with truvi'llnj; and boom derricks. Also some vcrv desiriihlc tenements : Inquire of W, A. BOYCE. For Sale. FOU SAI.K One House and l.t on lluwts Street, mid six liirne ltnililinK Lots on l'eirin Hill, ami one large Corner HiilMing Lot at tlis corner of iSeeond nnd Alain Sts. In ciiire at T. (I. Whitchill's, 617 No. Main St. Notice. The. Property Committee lias been author ized hv vote of the eitv eouneil of the City of Itui're'to receive sealed hid,-on or before 4 o'clock p. m., on the 10th day of April, A. 1). iww. for tnkliiK down of the brick walls of the old opera house whether on the ground or elsewhere, anil for piling the mine under the direction of the Property Committee. The ( oinmiltec reserves the riglit to reject any and all bills. Further particulars may be had of the Committee, o. ii. nritKKK. ,1. W. McI)tNALI, 1 1"ll'l':li' OASTOniA. w. tt.. j The Kind Von Have Always Bought Notice t I nni prepared to do first eia-s work in house painting, paper hiinciii" and cnlsoiniliill!''. Orders llirciigh the mail promptly attended to All my employees are experienced work ni'it. Xii niittrcntii'PS. J. (!. DoiuiE, Kit) Main St. The Weather. Boston, April U. Snows to-night anil Fri day South-Eiwterly winds. FAREWELL RE( 'KFTIOX. (ilVKN KKV. AXI MKS. W. It. DAVES I'OKT AT MKT1IODIST OIIUIU'II LAST EVKMN'U. A farewell reception was tendered Rev. "tid Mrs. V. K. Davenport at the nodding Methodist eliureh last evening, where a largo number of the church members and others had gathered to entertain their pastor for the' last time. The room was beautifully trimmed and decorated. In the center nnd the comers of the room tables were draped with the American flag and on the tables were potted plants. Rev, and Mrs. Davenport stood in the front part of the room where they re ceived their friends. Anonjr the local clergymen who were present were Rev. J. K. Sherburne, Rev. II. V. 11. Staf ford, Rev. Thomas Mitchell, Rev. M. V. Fuller and Rev. Ellle K. M.Jones. After a short reception, all adjourned to the auditorium where a inusieI pro gram was rendered, lie f ore the enter tainment, Mr. Davenport made a few remarks. He spoke briefly about the people of Barre. Ho regarded them as a stirring and ambitious set of people, lie was proud of tliein and the city. The members of the church the speaker saiil had always worked in harmony wilh him during his five years in Darre, He closed by saying that he would ir forget the people of llcdding M. E.' church and the people r T i- '-.lity of Darre. 'f The entertainment'S. ?. piuuo solo by Miss Gertnu'io i iybt r ,y a vocal solo by Miss rhiKui i Morse, both were well rendered. ?. Miss Mertie Parker gave) a rending; Mrs. Laing, a vocal solo ;Aliss Ethel Trow, a piano solo; violin solo, George Grant; Miss Gladys Deckler a vocal solo; piano solo by Master Vaughn and a piano duet by Misses White an J Clough. The ushers were MSs 's Kate Mott, Elizabeth Hanson, (;l:iilys and Georgie Deckley, Lillian Reiih, and Bessie Cave. i p ither Extra Sells like fot Cakes "The EvuxiMi ExTKUPMSfc" is not yet a week old, yet during the first three j'KKl'lsisn" lias issued three extras giving full account of the ashington proceed ings, last night the paper and sold like hot cakes. This is an indication of the manner in which the people of the city are indorsing of the efforts of this paper to give the latest news fron the seat of government. If hustle and diligent ef forts win we propose to be anion"; the newspapers of Vermont at the end of the year. The Associated Press Service was able to furnish ijs with a report of the "riot in Congress' last night which enabled us to issue the extra which sold at a rapid rate. One of the most im portant occurrences of the present debate over the matter, yet the Evexixc. Ex tekphisk" was the only Bane paper having a line on he event which the people, judging by the way they bought t'-e extra were anxious to read. If you want the latest news buy Hie paper which is connected with the clliciciit Associated Press and not use the "lmli tin board service". DOINGS IX CLAN GORDON. Clan Gordon is to make a big stride in the number of their members the first week in May when 11) new mem bers will be initiated. Their applica tions were voted upon at the meeting 'iucsilay. This is the largest uumber ever taken into the Clan in Bane at one time. The Royal Clan has put np as a prine a ."i0 silk ilag of the stars and stripes to be given to the CliMi who brings in the largest number of members from Jan. Is:, to July 1st. Seven were initiated here Tuesday imil it is thought that Clan Gordon will stand an execllend show for the. prize. The last applications were from the following: T. G. Carswell, William Ilust, W, K. Milne, William Milne, James Dickie, Peter Nevin. George Ross, Alex Ross, James Gibson, J. E. Smith, George Booth, Pct,cr Booth, George Petrie, James Cannon, James S. Black, William Will, James Downie, William Ross. Those whoso we're invited last Tues day v. ere: Charles Scott, John Paul, James MeAulcy, J in lies S. Milne, Geo. Williamson and James Davidson. There has been a new society of the la dies1 Clan Gordon organized and lliey are to elect officers Friday evening. The beipicalhmcnl due lo Mrs. Alexan der Counon, mother of the late John Column, was paid Tuesday. BASE BALL. As announced by the Esrr.itPitisE Monday, tin im is to be a hot game of b.ise lull on I tie ea npm at. the Somi n. try Saturday afternoon between God d ml and E.-ssex Junction. This will bo the first game of the season and it is hoped that there will be a good crowd in attendance. It Inn not been decided as lo who will constitute the baltorv, but Captain Ayer will catch. Tho Es. sex nine plays Mouipelier Seminary Fri day so Iherc will bo an excellent oppor tunity to compare the two Seminary teams at the beginning of the season Coach Wilder is of the opinion that the boys are putting up line work ni.d that they bid fair In place tliemsi Ives in the fronl before the end of the season. Let everybody turn out Saturday after- noon mid give the boys a lift SECOND EDITION. 5.00 P. M. Senate Resolution May Pre vail in the House. Vote Will Be Taken In The House To-morrow. WAsmxriTOX, Apr. 14 Some of the republicans of the House are already organizing a movement looking toward acceptance of the Senate resolutions when they pass the Senate. If the res olutions go to a conference "committee, concessions may be made and a delay follow. The Senate resolutions being vigo' jus they please many ra'dicals bet ter than the House resolutions. The House republicans came back from the Senate to-day jubilant over the prospect that tho Senate would be held in contin U" ,ssion until the vote is taken. it is believed that the motion to accept the Senate resolu Ions will prevail in the Iloiise by an overwhelming majority In the Senate, Mr. Hoar followed Tur ner and said : "If in the providence of God we are called upon lo do a great act of interrventive justice, let us do it in a sp Tit of justice, not of vengeance. If we depart from rules of international law we cannot blame other nations for sympathizing with Spain." Wahiiixcbtox, Apr., 14. The Senate will not vote on Cuban resolution before tonimorrow night. A dozen Senators still want to talk. Agreements. . WA.smx'iTox, Apr. 14. Tho repub lican members of the Ways and Means committee have agreed upon the gen eral scheme of the legislature to raise, additional revenue to prosecute war if it should come and are considering the advisability of calling on democrats in a few days to actually formulate meas ures to be presented. Spanish Minister to Depart From Washington. Wasiiixiitox, Apr. 14. The Spanish minister Polo Bern.ibe has made final preparations to leave Washington when Madrid instructs him to do so. French ambassabor w. ' look ofter Spanish interests. More Money for Spain. Madiiid, Apr., 14 Newspapers hero regard war as inevitable. The Official Gazelle tomorrow will publish a decree organizing a national subscription to in crease the strength of the navy. Let's Tf 'V It Over. Miss Sarah Low was in Monlpclier this morning. Miss Emma Lavilotte has commenced work for Mrs. J. M. Bond. Louis E. Dana, formerly employed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. has accepted a position wilh Messcr & Buruham, the grocers. The case of Crockett vs. Town of Barre which litis been pinding in tho Orange County Court tor almost year, has been settled. The city paid Crock ett !jCG0 and he is to ipiy his own costs. There was a rumor on tho street this noon to the effect that a Spanish Hag was flying on a certain stone shed. It is true tliat a number of Spaniards tire employed there but the rumor was with out foundation. Tho Way It Struclc Her. Ho referred in the casual way that is characteristic of members of bis profes sion to on operation at bis hospital that clay in which a man's rib had been re moved. "And why did they doit," said tho sweet girl. "Are there not enoug. women in the world as it is?" New York Son. . Harrowing Trouble. Ho I suppose you would scream and wake up everybody iu tho house if I were to kiss you. She Why is it that some folks can't help borrowing trouble? Chicago News. ., '' Senators 4 On Independence Resolution. Some Spanish Official Blew i SO THINKS LEE. Believed Senators Switzerland Will Not Interfere. Dekxe, Apr. 14.,The suggestion that the Bimdcralh should consider whether it could mediate between Spain and the United States was brought up this morning and immediately re jected. Demonstrations in Madrid. Maii:ii, Apr. 14. There was a big revolutionary demonstration in Valen cia last night, A red llagwas displayed nnd the Marseillaise was sung. The po dce captured the flag and dispersed the crowd. Lee's Testimony Says MaUyWa Blown up by Washington Apr. 14. The testi mony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs in regard to the relations of the United States to Cuba were pub lished to-day. The principle thing is Lee's testimony. Lee says Havana har bor was mined after the Main disaster. Up to that timo he said ihero was 110 reason to suppose anything of the kind. He is satisfied that the explosion was from the outside. He said he believed it was blown up by some ollieer 'vho had charge of the wires in the arsenal. It certainly was done well says Lee. He did not think Blanco had any knowledge of it as he was crying when Lee called to inform him of the disaster. No elee iric lights went out. There was a good deal of rejoicing amoung the Spanish officers and a great deal of champagne '-ank in celebration. A submarine in. ne might easily have been placed under the Maine after he r arrival and set off by contact. He paid : "Gomez hits fought the war in the best way pos sible. His Iniops were scattered. Armistice is absolutely no go. il For tix months Havana has had no provis ions except what were brought from the United States. If it was blockaded it would surrender, iu short, the popu lation of the island is l.fiOO.OOO, and only 9' ,000 are Spaniards. AjfS' Cu bans lire friendly to the insi.tenls. It would not be safe for the .Spaliish of ficers to go out with a flag of truce or attempt to buy the insurgents, the latter would kill them. Everyone in the city is living from hand to mouth. The in surgents have planted small patches of sweet potatoes and fruits. Every attempt made for peace terms wilh the Insurgents has met with sig nal failure. Condition of the Spanish soldier is very bad. Badly clothed, badly fed, not well dressed or organ, ized. Nobody ever saw SpnuNh soldiers drill. 1 do not believe Spain has up. preprinted anything for the sustenance of the reconcentrados They would not get any of it if there was a truce, 1 have no confidence in a settlement, and do not think there is the slightest possi bility of spain conquering tiu insurgents in any way. I said the same thing to President Cleveland two years ago. 1 never thought the insurgents had any more than the skcliton of a government movable capital, The insurgent army numbers !12.000 the Spanish army o.i.OOO Spain Defiant. M.t)i;ii), Abr. 14. A cabinet minis the said this morning that should Presi dent McKinlej,' notify Spain to evacuate fittiti tl,!d iYii4.ii.iiwmiI tt'tll ! mitwt. t ! (i I ..1 v.i.m. una '..'.I' m- ii...i..n.m ,j emphatic.! ',h to lake the c is prepared ;.;; se and it botftnences. Agreeing Up Maine Will Not Yield. Still Fighting in Cuba. Havana, Apr. 14. It is all ipiiet like a summer day. In spite of the suspen sion of hostilities, it is officially announced that several unimportant skir mishes have taken place in the prov inces of Santa (Mara and Santiago de Cuba. Veterans Advise War. CoxcoiiM, Apr., 14. The New Ilamp. shire Department of I he Grand Army, today adopted a resolution for iniinedi a'e intervention commending the rep resentatives vote for tlie same yester day and offering their services to the country when needed. Bram Creates Sensation. Boston, Apr., 14 Thomas Bram cre ates pjitmt sensation on the sta'id today by saying that ho believed from certain things he saw in Mrs. Nash's room that she was assaulted before she was mur dered. Nine. Senators For Indepen dence. Washington, Apr., 14. Nine Repub lican Senators have agreed lovote for the recognizing of the independence of the present Cuban government. Conserva tives expect tho House to stand firm lo its resolutions and if the Senate adopts the Davis resolution, they believe the Senate will have lo yield. Conservative Senators Urging House Resolutions. Washington, Apr. 14. Conservative Senators have decided to make a light for the House Cuban resolution and will net in concert to that effect. Senate Scene of War. Wasiiixiitox, Apr. 14. The Senate was a scene of war elements lo-ilay. There is an immense crowd. Turner began speech-making; criticized ad ministration for its vacillating policy as irresolute, cowardly and pusilaninious. Spanish Warships at Cape Verde. St. Vancent, Capo Verde Islands, Apr. 14. The Spanish armoured cruiser Christobi Colon and Mario Theresa have arrived here. Spanish torpedo flotilla still here. Shooting Affray in Berlin N. H., N. II. Apr. 14. Tt lcsphoro (jaynon proprietor of (he Androscoggin House was shot through the breast and also assistant City Marshall Youngcless was shot in the hand nnd foot this morn ing by John Picol: a desperate and drunken Canadian whom Gaynon refus ed to give any Pquor. Both the injur ed men will recover. Why We Recommend our White Pine Balsam and Tar For COUGHS and COLDS is because we make it ourselves; We know precisely what goes into every bottle. We use none but the very Purest, Freshest and most Reliable Drugs. We make it in small quantities. Whsn you buy it you get it as it ought to be, it hasn't lost all its virtues by standing aiound on the shelves, and in ware houses for months or years. It not only ougt to cure, It Postively Does Cure. We don't urge its sale because we make it ourselves. AVe recommend it because we are thoroughly convicned that it is the best Cough Syrup made. It has cured many severe cases that would not yield to any other remedy. We confi dently advise you to use it, because we know it has curd and will cure you. No Cure No Pay. KENDRICK & CO. 205 X. Main Street. Just Received! A Full and Complete line of Wheelwright Supplies INCLUDING Wheels, v Spokes, f. - 6. J. REYNOLDS & HARDWARE, BAKRE, SAMPLES OF Bicycle and Golf Suits, Hose, Caps, etc., Can be seen in our window and we would like 10 quote prices and have you inspect the goods. The Styles are Correct and Prices Right. Golf Suits will be worn more this season than ever be fore, and you will make no misUke in buying early before the assorimvnt is broken. Cafes, Austin M Co. Gents Furnishings, Books and Stationery. 20N. MAIN STREET. We can sell You a VICTOR BICYCLE '98 Model for $40.00. Who'sGotJieels? F. W. Nichols I111.1 11 line of DICyCI6Sj plctc of uny iu the city, nnd he will sell tliein at imy prieo you want. Prices n 1 1 1 i n r from 820 to M2o. A liirjo number id' si'ennd hnml wheels ittutonst yiveu iiwny, in the Basement of the Nichols Block. Come and see me. MUSI "J AT A BARGAIN. Knur full-"!;""! pli'eei" of Nl'.w tiiuMe printed inn lii'iivv pitier. worth 2.1111. will he enl lo I iinv iiddii'ss upon pwlplof live ti-ivnt Mump, j Yiiii i'iiii iiinlii' money elliny this musk'. Ad i res iin lit mice for tr-rni. I "KV'liV MONTH," t lOist20lhKt,,Now Vork. Opposite Depots. W "- CURE w . - Shafts, etc. VERMONT. BARRE, VT. barber shop pooiTroom In Coxnkctiox 487 N.BMain Street, Girden Hawes, Proprietor. The Commercial House IS K KPT 1Y Chas. Johnson AT '.V2'.) NORTH MAIN STKKKT, And lie. is prepared to meet the wants of the publie in an up to date milliner. One Minute Couk'-i Cur, cures. Thai la whM U wot Witft tut. SON 1 1 ft 1 1 J. Jlj . .-...-jiiV-v-c-, - .1,. :-v ,. . V -v .