Newspaper Page Text
Barre . - Associated nSCo Press Dispatches. Single copy, One inoiitli. One year, 1 cent 25 AJits VOL. 1. NO, 33. BAliRE, VT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1898. PltlCE ONE CENT. TERMS: Evening Eeterp The Blue Store By the Depot, Barre,Vt. IS THE PLACE TO 1IU Men's, Boy's andlChildren's Clothing, Men's, Women's and Child ren's Shoes. Men's, Women's and Child ren's Furnishings at Rock Bottom Prices. Yur infection is invited. Satisfaction l:lr:iiiteed or your money bac k. ' , lines of straw hats are coming in daily. ;iu. u a call. V ,.ivn-stais tenement to rent. Inquire at ilu'-t'iif. vmir suburban tickets here at Oca trip. SEGEL & BRADY, Prop'rs. ,,..;!( )T syUAUK. BAKUK, VT. ATTENTION I h i milium Quarry Boys, Pure Leaf, L L Ponies, Royal Savage, ARE The Cigars to Smoke For Sale Everywhere. L. Lewin, M'gr. ISO No. main St. Barre, Vt DEWEY ! Fine Kngraving of Admiral Dewey, ltx-21), with Mats, ready for framing 25 Cents Each. H. L. AVERILL, 2S X.. Main St. Tel. 31-3 DON'T BE LURED Into paving Drug Store Profits on Cream ol Tartar or Soda. We will sell yen Strictly Pure Cream of T r tar at 35c a pound, and Strictly Pure Soda at 5c. a pound. We will give $10 for proofs that the above are not strictly pure. And fur ther, any Snices we sell you arePL'RK. We L'ive "you our guarantee of 27 years lupines reputation that our foods are as represented. L M. AVERILL We Are on Guard Km- your interests as well as ur own. It means business for us. hvery man, hoy and child needs a new suit tor spring, and we carry the best line in the City at the lowest prices. We have just received a fine line of Men's! Hoys' and Children's Clothing Whieh we w ill sell cheaper than any store in Barre or vicinity ever sold them. We will oiler for the next 10 days 100 boys' suits with sailor collars, sizes from 4 to 13 years, at 81.00 a suit ; sold elseweere for $2.00. Bring your boy along and get one at the Standard Clothing Co.'s Store Payette, HenMslioo k Co, IITrs Why sutler with Corns when y" cm have them removed without pain by Miis. S. M. Yduk, I-' Kim St. .... Null, i.! I am prepared to 1 lirst 'lav. wm-k in house painting, paper liaiiin anil calsouiining. Orders tlireu-h the mail promptly attended to. All my employees are experienced work men. No apprentices. ,1. C. Ddpok, U'.0 Main fct The Weather. Boston. May 18.: Thursday ; warmer; -Fair tonight and southerly winds. To The Public. The Evening Enterprise Under New Management. Whitaker and Ross Succeed Scott and Wife. The most important change in Ver- mont newspaper circles for some time is the change of owners which wu an nounce today. For 17 years W. F. Scott and wife have toiled at the ease in this city in the publication of the Hahisk ExTKitritisK, and for the past few weeks in the publication of the Evkxixo Estem'Uise. Today they re- limuish the work in this city, and the new owners of both papers are Henry C. Whitaker and George A. Ross. Mr. Whitaker has been for some weeks one of the owners of this paper, and piior to that time was connected with the other Uurre naner. Mr. Ross for eitrht years has been employed at the Extek- itisr. office as general workman, and has filled various - positions in the me chanical department. With Thursday's issue of this paper the name of the daily will be changed to the IUhuk Evkxixo Tei.eokam. This announce ment is made in order that those who hear the boys calling "Evkxixo Tei.e- ouam" vi 1 understand what paper is for sale. We have no long story to tell of what we nronosc to do. All we ask is the Riimn wnerous Datronairo which has I- J . been given this paper both weekly and daily in the past, and we will endeavor to imnrove with aire, loung men are rapidly entering tlio newspaper circle on every hand and we shall exert every effort to merit the support which we expect to receive from the good people of Barre and . viriniJr. .SswtniLjJew features will bo added to the daily and weekly papers at an early date, which we feel sure will be cordially appreciat ed by the public. If the "Lvexixg Exteiiphise" nml "Hah he Weekly Extekpkisk" lias ever merited support, we ask you to watch the Hauke Evkx ixo Tei.eckam and the Weekly Extkk- pkise for additional evidence that we arc not to be outdone in the publishing of clean and fresh up-to-uate news. The firm name of the publishers will be The Harre Press Company. The entire plant, goodwill and business of both the "Evkxixo Extekpkisk" and Haiihe Extekpkisk are owned by the Press Company publishers and owners of the Hvkku Evkxixo Tki.kokam and the Bakke Weekly Extekpkisk. Buy a Tki.kokam tomorrow if you want the latest and most reliable war news and local happenings. The "Evkxixo Ex-teupkise-' says goodbye, and asks you ,n , an old friend with a new and mora up-to-date title the -Bakke Evex- IXIi TKI.KOKAM." News From Camp Olympia. The bovs all recognize the business aspect things are now taking. Camp life is now changed from the old er style We began to eat hardtack today and "the powers that be" have shutdown on giving us anv ...on, luxuries as ...Ilk. butter and ugar. Wo shall probably enjoy this kind of board after verv nine, n" ; vt lJ . . , ....ili nir after one fuvo b"e . very kind in sending boxes vitl. articles from their home Luchens so that atprescut we are living 'Safnuu... rejoicing in the company tonight when the to fcS friendship arrived in the shape of he new agate plates and cups, and the very useful bugs to carry them .... We thank y.m nil fro... ! bottom . V assure you we uppre- Z: .he Mndness and that we were m wire need of the articles. h Torn 1 unban, has a. last reached the .i,rl of his youthful ambition, for he heignt oi UK ) ,l0 Wlg lakrm' today. .orderly for Captain 15U;Ulay I. lay ' tr.he , forward with eager eyes foi the lutiM"r A3 cents a day. W'n.i-oner onco mi . from each company was deluded to l.dl '"fl! that Mrs.C. S. Meaker V m' '('ico. Tilde, will accompany Srhulwlicn the regiment moves "f'sad accident occured here today i;J ms .eg out near the nuMo. Kl) OX KOt'KTII l'AOK.) I (CONTINf To Cut Off Blanco. Great Battleshib The Alabama Battle Reported Place-No News of Spnish Fleet Since Sunday. Philippines Must Change Hands. Must Cut off Blanco. Washington, May 18. The com plete isolation of Blanco from the out side world is the next most essential move on the part of the United States and it will be executed at the earliest possible moment. It is known that there has been a communication by cable with Madrid and also with the Admiral of the Spanish Squadron. It was all done through three cables leaving Santiago. Active steps to cut these cables are now being taken, and if they succeed Spain will receive the hardest blow yet strnek in Cuba. Blanco will then be cut off from the whole world and can be starv ed iuto submission, and the first notice he will have of the approaching Ameri can licet will be a hurricane of shot and shell that will drive him from Havana into the greedy arms of the Cuban pa triots. New Battleship. Philadelphia, May 18. The battle ship Alabama lias been completed and was launched at the Cramps navy yard at 1 o'clock today. She is larger than the Oregon and it is expected she will be fully as effective. She mounts four 13-inch guns, eight 8-inch guns and four 6-inch, The displacement is 11,000 tons. It will be remembered that the const ruction of this huge battle-ship has been delayed a whole year by the fail ure of Congress to provide for the pur chase of her armor. Pennsylvania Regiment to Philippines. Washington. May 18. (t;ii. Miles said today that the 10th Pennsylvania regiment would be ordered to San Fran cisco soon to be in readiness for the ex pediton to the Philippines. This state ment conflicts with the heretofore prev alent belief that only the regiments from the Pacific coast would have an opportunity to be a part, of the expedi tion. Volunteers on the Way. Xkw Yoiik. May 18. The First reg iment of New Hampshire volunteers passed through Jersey City this morn ing en route for Chicaniauga. One man de'scrtcd by dropping from the car at West Point. His absence was not dis covered for some time so that he has not been captured. Battle off Santa Clara. London, May 18. According to a special despatch from Havana there has been an engagement off the port of the Carribean province of Suiita Clara, and it is alleged that the American landing ..rtv was repulsed. Nothing definite was "known at the timo of the despatch n to tlio extent of the battle or Us mi i l.i.t It is thought the inforiiia- tion was correct. M. Launched. to Have Taken Must Keep Secret. New Yoiik, May 18. The Commer cial Cable Co. to-day sent out the fol lowing notice : "The United States au thorities declare all messages contain ing any information of the prospective movements of the current military onerations as inimical to the United States and is consequently forbidden Newspaper correspondents are request er! not to include such matter in their messages, and if Jmi-h. is found it will be stricken out by a censor." Arsenal Shops Open. PlTTSiit no, Pa., May 18. After an idleness of 30 years the shops at the Al eghany arsenal started today with a large force of men to mane leather goods for the volunteer army. Off For Manila., Oil., May 18. The cruiser Charleston will probably leave today for the Philippines. The coal, ammu nition and supplies are all aboard. Otis Arrives. San Fkancisoo, May 18. -Major General Otis, second in command to Mcnitt in the Phillipines, has arrived with his staff. Gladstone Nearer Death. IIawahpkx, May 18. At 10 o'clock this morning Gladstone was in a coma tose condition bordering on the brink of death. His family believe that it is now only a question of hours. His condition at noon was slightly weaker. The Oregon is Safe. Washington, May 18. The Ore gon is believed to he safe and probably now a part of Sampson's fleet. Spain Must Leave Philippines Victoiua, B. C, May 18 J.. Stu art Jones the Mauila sugar king and merchant priuee arrived here today en route for Loudon on an alleged mission of rcpresent'ng to the British Foreign ollice the hopes and wishes of the Phil ippine commercial community. He says "that all business in the island must remain at a standstill until assur ances are given that some foreign power will assume the destinies of the island. Many of the successful resi dents are in favor of throwing oft the yoke of Spain as too iueompetaut and tiustab'e for an effective self govern ment. A strong party iu Japan is said to be trymg to force the Premier into the athWj He declines. William Steele Indicted. 1 iiiladelphia, May 18. The grand jury of the United States District Court has found a true bill of indictment against William Steele, formerly cash ier of the Chestnut Street National Bank, covering 122 counts. He was charged with aiding and abetting W. M. Sinjrerley in misapplying fu nils embezzling and mailing false orders. Alger Pike Wedding. Wasiiin'GTox, May 18. Frances Al ger, daughter of the secretary ot war, an 1 Ciiarles Burrill Pike were married today at the home of the secretary. The President and Vice President and their wives were present. Second New York Leaves. New Yop.k. May 18. The Second New York provisioned regiment under Col. Hardin left Canin Black today for the south. The Columbia at Delaware. Delawake Bkeakwateii, May 18. The cruiser Columbia arrived here at noon today. No News of Spanish Fleet. Port At: PisixtE, May 18. Nothing is known here of the report that the Spanish Cape Verde fleet is now at San Juan. The last news of them was Sun day, when they left Curacoa. Real Estate Agents , . . - - 1 " Dan Beard, A. B. Frost. We have opened a Heal Estate Oflice in rooms i) and 10, Holster's Block, where we should lie pleased to see all persons having Heal Estate ot any kind to sell or those wish ing to buy. We have several building lots for sale ut prices from tlOO and upwards. Also, one house with barn connected, nearly new, on Eastern avenue; one house on hast street, just completed; one new house on Cunip street with line lot. Any of the houses would make tine homes. Heal Estate investments arc always safe. We should he pleased to see anyone having houses or rooms to rent; nml to assist those seeking for tenements, Hents looked after and collections made on reasonable terms. ISy honorable dealings we hope to receive vou'r patronage. Kespectfuliy yours. FAY & HANSON, BAKKE, ---- YEliMOXT. PURE ICE. F.URMOUXT ICE is clear and pure. It is cut from sprint? water less than 40 rods from where it rises, thus avoiding all contam ination which must enter river ice. The ser vile will he efficient In every respect. We so licit your patronage. Prices that suit. Our team will he around regular. "4 E. E. SANDERS, Mag'r. The Commercial House IS KEPT BY Chas. Johnson AT 323 NOliTU MAIN STHEET, And he is prepared to meet the wants of the public in an up to date manner. BARBER SHOP AND POOL ROOM In Comnkotion 487 N. Main Street, Girden Hawes, Proprietor. The Williams Typewriter The best Machine made, Strong est Manifolder, Visible Writing, Direct Inker, no Ribbon to get out of order, the greatest speed. For sale by H. ARTHUR CAMP, 4(i Washington St., City Agent Call .Mid see oue or drop a card the mail. app HOUSE - What to use to polish. We have a lot of method we find the best cleansing water this takes Ammonia, isc. a bottle. and finally polish with a Chamois Skin. KENDRICK & CO., Pharmacists. 205 X. Main Street. Eclipse Automatic COASTER BRAKE Is the Greatest Improvement in 98 WHEELS. ECLIPSE BICYCLES Stand the Test. 6. J. REYNOLDS & SON, HARDWARE, BARRE, We are Agents victor Cates, Austin J& Co. k ntCTliB lU'bUtr XllU, ' ' . J I A , A..crandschopi?s(ltolosanl rnr-ornrtioranHonn n recnfrnlwa ever 20N. MAIN STREET. Ask for Trading Stamp With every Cash purchase that you make with us. If the use of them has not been explained to you call and -we will gladly, do so. We have just received a new line of Jams in five pound pails and Jellies ot all kinds that we can fully guarantee. Do not forget our Telephone Call, Xo. 128-4. Yours, fUiesser 10 Depot Square, UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR, W. K. WHEATLEY, , 62 No. Main Street, - All Orders will Receive Mv Personal Attention. Night Calls will be Promptly Attended lo Telephone call at Residence 141-0. At office 26-3 OSTEOPATHY In Vermont. DR. E. E. BEEMAN, Osteopathist, Graduate of American School ot Osteopathy, Kirks ville, Mo. Montpelier, Vermont. OFKIOB 1IOUUS. 8 a. m., to 12 m. p. in. to 4 p. in. Office (54 State St. SIBLEY'S Mea Market NO. BARRE. Full line of Meats, Veg etables and Canned Snecialtv ox in ; Fork Products. CLEANING. clean windows and give them a nice glass to keep clean ; here is the and easiest. Use ammonia in the on" the grease and dirt. Strong Use a Sponge and wash thoroughly, Sponges all sizes and prices. Opposite JJepots. and VERMONT, for the Bicycle. BARRE, YT. urn ham, The Best Grocers. - arrc, ermoni. Who's Got Wheels? m ' F. W. Nichols has a line of Bicycles, the most com plete of any in the cily, and he will sell them at any nrice vim want. Trices ranging from s cily, and lie wilt ce you want, l'rii $20 to $125. A large number of second hand wheels al.nonst given away, in the Basement of the Nichols Block. Come and see me. WILLIAMS COLLECTION AGENCY, JACK MAN BLOCK, Bane, Vt. Debt Collected, Personal Demand made in all cases, Condition of Claims reported fre quently, Suits prosecuted vigorously, Rapid, yet cautions handling of at tachments and trustee proceedings. No work delayed. A live active ollice. ADV1CK FKKK.