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Vermont phœnix. [volume] (Brattleboro, Vt.) 1834-1955, October 15, 1846, Image 2

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Blliii WWiir n 'i 7 riwtwwiwiwiwii
From tbo Camp.
Extract of a lottcr from the seat of war, (com
municated to the Union,) dated Camp Butler, (scv
cn milea west or Camargo,) September 4, 1840 :
We left camp Twiggs on tho 10th ultimo. On
the I61I1 took up tho lino of march for Camargo,
which place we reached on tho 21st, and marched
and encamped here on the Q7th ; and on the 0th,
da; after tomorrow, (Sunday ,) wo more forward to
Cerralro, a town some 70 milea from her;, at the
foot of the mountains, at, "which place it ia deemed
cur stay will be as short as has becit the case here.
Cerralro is now occupied by Gen, Worth's com
inand, and is probably the last depot we will estab
lish this side of the mountains. The country from
this point to Cerralro' is truly beautiful; water in
abundance, amf' tho inhabitants seem of a mucli
better class than thoso whom we havo met with on
our passing the frontier border.
Mier is about fifteen miles from here, occupied
by a portion of our troops.
Yesterday the first United States infantry, and
the battalion of volunteers from your city and Bal
timore passed up. They encamped with us during
the heat of tho day.
Company C of our regiment returned from Cer
ralro yesterday, having escorted a large train of
wagons to and from that place. Brigadier General
Twiggs and stair arrived at our camp on the 2d,
and Major General Taylor and staff is expected on
Saturday, the 5th, and will proceed next day to
It may not be uninteresting to inform you that
the troops at this camp are four companies of dra
goons, Ridgeley'a light artillery, Co. 3d, and
Co. K 1st artillery, the whols commanded by Cap
tain May. So you see we constitute the noisy (ar
tillery) portion of our army. Many of our men
have been taken sick, principally of fever, since
our arrival at Camargo and this camp; although
the number sick is certainly great, as yet no deaths
have occurred.
The news from the interior, military or political,
must be sought after in the papers of the Slates ;
lor here we know nothing of the movements of our
foe, except through the papers of the States, which
L .. -I rtfl I l. ,
reacu us in anotii u nays unner oroinary circum
stances. A thousand and one reports aro in circulation as
regards the state of the defences of Monterey and
Sahillo j in all of which I place no reliance. That
their means were greatly curtailed by the recent
losses of the battle of the 9th, and evacuation of the
several towns, cannot be doubted ; and if they did
reserve resources at Monterey, I will then give them
more credit than I am willing at present to admit
to be their due.
We must have another blizzard at them, I think
Sahillo will be the Rubicon ; for if they do not fighi
us there, as a great portion of the volunteer force
' 1 1 , 1 i- 1 . 1 : . 1 - , t .. 1
win, 111 nil iuuauiiuy, ue leu un uic line 01 oui
supplies, which I am inclined to believe, after en.
taring the passes of the mountains, will have to be
supplied by the country, else the expense of trans
portation, and, I might add, the limited means of
transportation, is such that tho government would
almost be compelled to make this a war 01 con'
quest, to come out anything like even from the fight,
Like two school boys, one received a black eye ; the
other, before his opponent can give him one, cries
enough; so that the lust, it will be admitted, al
though victor, suffered most by the conflict.
In a philanthropic point of view, this war must
be of advantage to Mexico. Many of the men,
particularly among the volunteers, will settle in this
country, aa mechanics or all classes have every in
ducement. The abort period our troops have been
in the country has convinced these poor devils that,
by a little exertion, they can belter their horrible
condition. Hundreds 01 them are employed by ou
different departments as laborers, muleteers. etc.
&C, for which they receivo fair compensation.
But to return to the subject. If we do not hare a
fight at Sahillo, the Dons may bid farewell to the
"halls of the Montezumas;" for then, after having
this atrong hold in our possession, it can be made a
uepot to supply almost any lorce ; therefore oui
inarch onward would not be retarded, by establish.
ing depots every CO or 100 miles, the country be
yond being sufficiently abundant of every thing to
supply me wants 01 ine army, ai least so lar as the
intormtion ol those who pretend to be acquainted
wun tnase tacts, can oe relied on.
Our difficulties but now commence. Instead n
wagons for the transportation of our supplies, we
use muies ; out 1 expect alter 11 is discovered that
the routes are practicable for wagons, they will
ue again supplied as soon as tney nave completed
naming stores 10 our new aepoi.
A Serere Operation upon a Countryman.
On Wednesday afternoon a middle aged person
from Westboro, in the employ of the Western Rail
Road Company, received a check at the denot on
the Roylston Bank for 9400, and as he wanted to
.wot it . - .1. ..1 r.. 1 : , L u - r. r.t 1 . . 1 .
b1- lutiiitvitii ue was lurmaiieu wun a 11010
to that effect to an officer in the bank. He then
went to ttio bank, and obtained the money, and
when he came out he found at the door, a cabman,
who must have overheard a conversation about go
ing to Charlestown, which he had been engaged in
at the depot, for lie at once said to him. " Hadn't
you better ride over to Charlestown in my cab ?"
rni- . . .. r. j 1.1 1 .
ine vuuh.ijiu.ii, iiki sumo umuur, cuucmuea to
ride; and, after stopping in Commercial street, to
make some purchases, he went to Charlestown, and
, was there induced by the cabman to drink a glass
of gin sling, the first drop of ardent spirits he had
tasted for four years. His recollection of events
after the visit to the tavern in Charlestown is very
vague. He remembers that at one time there were
a strange man and a wnman in the cab with him;
also, that ho visited with them a drinking place
near the city stables; and soon after the man and
woman left the cab, be was dropped in State street,
where he fell in with a watchman, about two, yes-
teruiy morning ; ana, upon looking lor his money,
he found a JUtlo roll of paper instead of his 9400.
Boston Pott.
Firing or the Mammoth Mortah Cannon.
1 no great gun lately cast at Alger's foundry, and
uekiiwu in me rosi, was nrea a lew times a
South Boston Point yesterday afternoon. Shells
12 inches in diamptpr. nnrl tHnnnnt.la ; ,.,a;ni,.
were thrown yarioua distances, according to the
wiiiKc, cicraiion, ana lengin 01 luse used. With
a charge of 20 pounds of powder, 20 seconds fuse,
at an elevation of 22 degrees, a shell was thrown
2 1-2 milea, and buried deep in the earth at Sonon
turn. A ricochet ahot was tried w ith a 10 seconds
fuse, 20 pounds powder charge, and 7 pounds in
the shell. It dashed through and over the water
.. mi awiui rati-., sou exploded at a distance of a,
bout two miles in the water, throwing the frag
ments several hundred varda in .1ii!nn
Next week the gun will be tried with higher
vii.igca ui putvuer. ine regular service charge
is 2S pounds, which, cl a due elevation, will pro
ject the sleH somewhere between 3 1-3 and 4 miles.
Thus 1 far all the previoua calculations of the pow
era of the gun have been verified by the experi
meuta. The fir.jr was under the direction of
Col. Domiord, the inventor or this tremendously
formidable apecies of ordnance, intended for har
bor defence. Post.
GTTlie water in Connecticut River, at this
time, is more than a foot below a spike that was
driven .'JO es ago at a point lower than tho water
had been for 30 yeara previous ; consequently the
River is now more than a foot lower than it haa
been during the past sixty years. Hartford Tints.
The Railroad. The rails are down and the
track ready for the cars, to "Old DeerfieM.' The
i,tone work of ine bridge at Chespside was com
pleted last Wednesday, and the superstructure ex
tends nearly or quite across the river. The proa
pect now is, that the cara will come to Greenfield
in the courts of a very few weeks Oretnfield
llojl, tvflbVis thfit si Hlrhmond, (Vs.) haa died
of Li wounds
Brnltlcboro, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1840.
Cattle Shoirand Fair of the Windham Co.
Agricultural Society, for 1810.
Wednesday and Thursday, October 7th and Blh.
The two days of tho Windham County Cattle
Show and Fair, held tho present year in thia vil
lage, will long be remembered in Old Windham
County. Nothing occurred to mar the pleasures
of the day, and the meeting was characterized by
groat harmony of feeling, increased zeal in the
great cause of Agriculture, and the best spirit
among all classes assembled to witness tho exhibi
tion. Tho committee of arrangements are entitled to
great credit for adopting and carrying out a ayslem
of measures which have mainly contributed to ef
fect these lortuiiato results. The arrangements
were mostly conducted under tho personal super
vision of the sble and indefatigable chairman of the
Committee, Chas. Chapin, Esq. to whose clTorls in
conjunction with his associates, in carrying out the
various arrangements, the public are greatly in
debted. The Farmera of Windham County have done
themselves great honor by the splendid exhibition
they have thus created; and the public apiritcd cit
izens of this village have shown even more than
their wonted liberality and zeal, in every good
work, in the promptness and extent to which they
responded tu the call of the managers, which the
location of the Fair at this village rendered neces
sary. A generous hospitality exhibited itself among
our citizens in throwing open their private man
sions to accommodate the immense multitudes who
poured in from all quarters to witness this great
annual Farmera' Festival, and which the public
Hotels were found utterly unable to accommodate.
Tho ground occupied by the Society for tho exhi
bition of stock was well located on the public com
mon, in the north part of the village, embracing an
cxtcniivc and picturesque view in Iho distance, of
rich bottom lands and aunny hill aides, just such a
view, indeed, as a farmei'a eye would delight to
rest upon.
The rush of citizen farmers with their wires and
daughters, was astonishing, and an unabated inter
est seemed to exist to the last. A number of dis
tinguished gentlemen were present from different
parts of the County, and the appearance and the in
terest taken by such men in the cause of Agricul
ture, added much to the influence of the exhibi
tion. Meetino or the Societv. The Society held
its annual meeting at the Unitarian Church at 0
o clock, A. M., where we understand the old offi
cers of the Society were all reelected, with one or
two exceptions.
Horses. The show of Horses was respectable
quite as good, indeed, as at any prerioua exhibi
tion of the Society. It was good both in numbers,
and the general excellence of the animals exhibit
ed. The Morgan Horae, owued by F. P. Sawyer,
of thia village, attracted much notice ; and we
regard his purchase as a great acquisition to the
farming community of this County. The rapid
action, spirited movements, and sprightly vigor of
the Barton Horse, so called, owned by John L. Sar-
geant, of West Brsttleboro, elicited much remark.
We were surprised that a premium was not award
ed to this Horse ; but hsve learned that it was in
consequence of a non compliance with some of the
regulations of the Society. There were several
pairs of beautiful matched Horses among which
we particularly noticed a splendid pair of Bays be
longing to Lovell Farr, Esq. of this village; also
another pair presented by Col. Hyde, of follows
Falls, and a pair of elegant horses owned by J. R,
Blake, Esq. of this village, and a splendid pair of'
bays oresenled bvThos. J. Holland. nfTmniba,,i !
But to our fancy, the most elegant creature upon
the ground was a bay, 3 years old medium sized
coll, owned by Jacob Dunklee, Jr. of Fayetteville.
The graceful movements of this colt attracted great
attention. We should suppose from his color,
form, and action, that he was of the Morgan breed.
Cattle. The ahow of Cattle was splendid, far
exceeding any thing before exhibited in the Coun
ty. 30 yoke of Working Oxen were entered for
premium, and we doubt whether a richer display
than these noble bullocks presented was ever wit
nessed in New England ; and in this we are sus
tained by the opinions of some of the best farmera
from Franklin County, Mass. Among these were
two yoke of red oxen, owned by James Joslyn, of
r ulney ; a team ore pairs, owned by the Sargeant
family, of West Brattleboro ; a pair presented by
mr t, u. uavis, 01 Whitingham; also 8 pairs or
more, presented by the Guilford farmers. Some
10 or 12 yoke of Fat Cattle were exhibited, and
their mammoth size, beautiful symmetry, and fine
proportions, excited great admiration. Old Deer
field has long carried off the palm in the fattening
of oxen ; but if the oxen which we saw furnished
a fair list of the skill of our farmers in the breeding
ana latteningol cattle, the laurels of our neighbor
will yet wither before the auperior efibrta of the
farmers of Old Windham. The display of steers,
both two years old and yearlings, was very fine
particularly the atcers presented by Messrs May,
01 Westminster, Abel Wilson, Jr. of Putney, Hi
ram Smith, of Guilford, Prr-sson Adams, of New
fane, Sumuel E. Wheat, of Putney, and Thos. J.
Holland, of Townshend ; the exhibition of these
animals, together with some two yeata old and
yearling heifers presented by Messrs Lawton
and Boyd of Wilmington, Chapin and Goodhue of
this village, Gen. Kimball of New fane, and Barnard
Lynde ofGuilford, furnished the most unerring er
idence that the influence of this Society had thua
far proved highly beneficial stimulating our far
mera to greater efforts in improving their stock.
Bulls. The show of Bulls wss not ao rrreat as
last year. A large native bull presented by Mr
Underwood, of Putney, took the first premium
there being no competition. The blooded 2 year
old bulls of Messrs Rand and Earl, were presented
again this year. These beautiful animals have lost
none of the favor with which they were viewed a
year ago, and so long as their superior symmetry
continues aa distinctly marked as at present, they
will erer secure the popular favor, Duke, a full
blooded, short horn, 20 months old, and weighing
about 1400 lbs , was exhibited by Messrs Kimball,
leld and Merr.field, of Fayetteville. The deep
masaive frame and compact form of this bull exci
ted universal admiration. His mottled color of
rod and white combined in endless variety, produc
ed a moat brilliant effect. In common with many
of the moat successful breeders in this county, we
regard thia bull aa furnishing the roost triumphant
illustration of the value of this breed, and we are
confident he presents a greater combination ofper-
lections than any other bull of his age in New
Cows, Tho ahow of Milch Cowa was by no
means superior. We saw two beautiful ahoit horn
cowa exhibited by Messrs Blake and Lawrence of
this village, but they were not presented for a pre
mium. Siieef. The display of Sheep was equal to any
we havo heretofore witnessed. Tho animals that
seemed to attract the most attention were 3 bucks
presented by Messrs Crawford of Putney, and
Campbell and Harlow of Westminster. We were
much pleased with the sppcarance of 3 pens of fine
woolled owes, exhibited by Messrs Harlow and
Campbell of Westminster, and Mr Samuel Wheal
of Putney. There were two splendid cosrso wool
led bucks presented by Messrs Adams of Marlboro,
and Moore of Dninmerston. Tho pens of cossets
presented by Messrs Sargeantof this town, Aldrich
of Westminster, and Kimball of Newfane, shew
very fine breeding, great beauty of head and eye,
with carcasses of Iho moat perfect symmetry, and
light bono and offal.
Swine. The exhibition of Swine was superiorho
any thing we have before witnessed in the County.
They were or the Suffolk breed, introduced into
this County by Mr Stickncy, of Boston ; and their
fine forms, connected with their well known good
quslities, elicited much admiration, We noticed
a sow with an interesting family of pigs, from the
Asylum, presented by Dr Rockwell.
Dairy. The samples of Butter and Cheese
which were presented for premium, were very
fine, but not so numerous as tho show of last year
particularly in the article of butter. Wc need
say nothing more in this paragraph than that any
one who witnessed the splendid display of cattle
upon the commou, and passed the thousands of in
telligent, courteous, healthy-looking, neatly attired
farmers' wires and daughters, who thronged our
atrcets thitday, would have been fully satisfied that
immense quantities of the richest cheese and sweet
est butter the world over, were annually manufac
tured in Old Windham County.
Ma?le Sugar. The exhibition of this article
was surpassingly fine exceeding by far any thing
of the kind we ever before witnessed in the Coun
ty. The improvements which have been made in
the manufacture of this article within a few yeara
have enabled our farmers to produce an article
equal to the most highly refined sugars we import
from abroad.
Horticulture and Gahdenino. Of Garden
Vegetables the show was respectable, but yet defi
cient. Mr Field of Fayetteville, was the only indi
vidual who presented a general variety of garden
products such as every farmer and householder of
Windham County ahould be ambilioua of growing,
It should be remembered that 110 man can be a
good liver without a good garden ; and no man can
hare a good garden without a great variety. We
noticed some gsrdcn vegetables from the garden of
Mr Denzil Boyd, of Wilmington, of extraordinary
growth; also a pumpkin of mammoth sire, grown
by Dr Tucker, of Marlboro. But wo were partic
ularly pleased wiih the specimens of white and pur.
pie Egg plants exhibited by Mr John Burnham of
this village. Thia is one of the most profitable
vegetables grown in the market gardens of our cit
ies. Sliced and properly fried wiih ham, it is deli,
cious. It is easily grown, requiring no extraordi
nary cultivation; and we hope thia notice will in.
duce all lovers of a good garden to attempt its
growth. The vegetables were good, but had the
season not been so uncomonly dry, better ones
would unquestionably have been exhibited. In the
department of fruits the exhibition exceeded our
expectations, and must hare satisfied the most in'
credulous that for all the ordinary cultivated fruits,
Old Windham County is after all the best in New
England. We shall not here attempt a description
of the different varieties at this time, but hope we
shall be able to furnish an extended notice of the
same hereafter.
Tools and Farming Implements. The ex,
hibition of these articles was exceedingly meagre:
we aaw however in this department, a Cultivator
made by Mr Bemis, of this village, which we re,
garded as a great improvement, and well worthy of
trial by our farmera ; also a Corn Sheller, presented
by Mr Haynes, of Wilmington. The harrows pre
sented by Mr Bemis are an imitation of the Eng
lish square harrows, and are said to be superior to
the old triangular harrows in general use,
Manufactures. The display of Manufactures
was very respectable not ao great indeed as could
be wished. We were by no means surprised at the
lack of manufactures which we witnessed, when no
reflected that the pursuits of our people are almost
exclusively agricultural. This in a great measure
accounts for the want of competition evinced in
this branch of industry.
We noticed however, a beautiful specimen of
black cassimere, made by Mr James Kcycs, of Put
ney; anil a atill more beautiful piece of blue black
cloth, manufactured by Mr A. N. Boyden ofGuil
ford ; also a piece of lion skin by the same. Highly
finished air tight atoves and copper tea kettles tvere
exhibited by J. H. &. W. H. Esierbrook or this Til
lage. A beautiful and highly finished harness by Col,
Miller of this village; also a superbly finished car
riage by Messrs Field & Atkins of West Brattleboro,
But we must confess we saw nothing which evinced
so much skill in workmanship and finish as two
sleighs exhibited by Mr Asa Miller of this village.
We think we can safely challenge all the shops or
New England to produce a more splendidly finish
ed article than the single sleigh the painting was
so brilliant as to eem almost dazzling. The finish
and embcllishmenta were rich without being showy
or tawdy they excited universal admiration ; and
we regret that a want of care on tho part of the
manufacturer in complying with the regulations of
the society should have prevented his obtaining a
premium. We understand that many, from this
cause, failed of receiving awards ; which is the more
to be regretted as the amount of the premiums
awarded for manufactures fell far short of the re
sources of the committee. Among the articles not
mentioned in the report of the committee, wenotic
ed two superior melodeons from the factory of
Messrs. S. II. Jones Sc Co. ; two viols, a Ijass and
double bass, mado by Woodbury &. Burditl, which
were oj course worthy or premiums; some beau
tiful specimens of ivory and box wood rules from
the ahop of E. A. Stearns &. Co. ; a caso of mur
derous looking pistols presented by S, Pike; a high
ly fin ished pump made by John Burnham ; boots
and ahoes from the shops of the Messrs. Frost ;
several specimens of book binding in our neighbor
Salisbury's best style ; and some elegant hats made
by Wm. Hyde. All these were the work of citizens
of this village, and certainly reflected great honor
upon our industrious mechanics. We were much
atruck with the beauty and finish or a case or har
ness trimmings manufactured by Mr Erastus A.
Holton or Westminster, which we think would com
pare favorably with the imported article. 'Wo saw
fine specimens of solo leather from tho shops of
Messrs. Goodhucs & Chapin, of this village, and
Harris 4i Scott, of Somerset.
Household Arts and Fancy Articles. In
the department of household arts tho display was by
no means so extensiro as last year however, it
was quite respectable. Our fair readers will ex.
cusous for not noticing in detail thojvarioua articles
which were exhibited. We cannut omit to mention
however, the silk quilts ol Mrs, Wlieclcrof this vil
lage, sml Mrs Shalter of Townhciid ; also, a cali
co quill of Mrs Lewis Lamb of Wilmington ; two
pieces of flannel, manufactured by Mrs lloraco
Gondhuo of Westminster, evincing great skill a
piece of floor carpeting made by Mrs J. 1.'. Iliglcy
of Wilmington, and a beautifully finished palm leaf
hat by MrsStilman Alvordof Wilmington ; a white
colton spread by Mrs Jonathan Smith of this town,
elicited much praiso but lu our fancy, nothing in
this department is deserving of more credit than
the several pieces or Trucking exhibited by Mrs
Roberts and Wheat of Putney, Mrs Hoyden of
Guilford, Mrs Harlow of Westminster, and Mrs
Lamb of Wilmington ; and last tho' not least, a
beautiful piece of Trucking manufactured and ex
hibited by Airs Anna Foster of Putney a lady 81
years of sge.
Or Fancy Articles, the di.play was much more
extensive and ahowy. The gothio chaira present
ed by Miss Ellen Barnard uf this village, were sur
passingly beautiful ; ao also the screen by Miss
Sarah F. Goodhue, who by the way, must be very
assiduous with her needle, for she oblsins a premi
um at every fair of the society. We were particu
larly pleased with two ottomsn covers by Miss Jane
Woodcock of thia village; also a specimen of rais
ed needlo work by Miss Julia Thomas. The
Misses Stebbins exhibited a great variety of arti
cles, but none more skillfully wrought than two ot
tomans. We cannot omit to mention the pleaaure
we derived from a view of sundry specimens of
drawing and painting exhibited by M astera John and
Larkin Mead of this village; they indicated great
tasleand a talent which if properly cultivated will yet
make them eminent in this particular art. In con
clusion, we cannot fail to nonce a purse and sun
dry small boxes wrought by Miss Newton of New
fane. We understand this young Isdy has been
confined to her bed for years, and that the boxes
were wrought with no other instrument than a pen
knife. Plouuiiino Match. This came off at 3 o'clock
piecisely, 011 the farm of Capt, Wells, about one
mile north of the village. There was much less com
petition in this department than we expected but
the manner in which the work was done was admi
rable. There were but Tour enteries Mr Caleb
Taft of Dummcraton, Mr Samuel Wheal of Put
ney, Mr Nath'l Samson and Mr Jacob Etteyoflhia
town. Mr Esley, after ploughing a few furrows,
finding his team too light, withdrew leaving only
three competitors. One fourth of an acre was al
lotted to each team and tno hours for the perform
ance, rtference being had rather to the excellence
of the work than the quickness of the time. No
driiers were allowed. The ploughmen entered
with a hearty good will upon their uork, and it
was soon apparent that the teams as well as the
ploughmen were familiar with their business. Gee
up I and Gee O ! were the words. steady, true,
and strong, moved the teams, and their progress
was watched with intense interest by tho immense
throng about them. The work was all beautifully
done up wiihin the allotted time, and all agreed that
finer specimens of ploughing had never tx.-fore
been witnessed. Aa soon as the ploughing match
closed, the immense crowd quietly dispersed ao'd the
exercises for the first day closed.
Second Day.
At 10 o'clock the second day, the society a ssem-
bled at the Unitarian Church, when the re porta
of the aeveral committees were read. Of cer
tain crops, the quantities grown, seemed to us utter
ly incredible; but we understsnd that in everj case
the prool furnished by the successful compel .ilors
was perfectly conclusive. To Mr Chester A-dams
of Marlboro, was awarded the first premium on
grass he satisfied the committee that he had gath
ered the past summer by one cutting (torn five
acres, 23 tons and 600 lbs of well cured En glisb
hay, and from one acre he cut 0 tons. This great
crop we learn was produced by top dressing ant I irri-
galion. five acres of corn were entered from d iffer
ent towns in the county the aggregate product of
wnicn was 010 bushels, the average to the acire be
ing 123 bushels,
Fire acrea of wheat were entered, whose iseere-
gate product was let I bushels averaging aba ulSO
ousnels to the .acre. Jt is worthy of remark that
much of this wheat, and if we mistake not 3 .acres
of it were raised upon land where premium crops
01 corn were grown last year, showing conclut lively
that good cultivation will produce good crops.
1 ne premium on rye was awarded to Col. Hvde
ui unions f ails, who raised J 00 bushels from 4
acres. Mr Tufts of Wardsboro, took the premium
again on Barley, and Mr Rugg of Wilmington,
look the first premium on oata. The report of the
- r 1 , .. - . . . '
committee on grain was highly interesting, and it
would gratify us exceedinijly it vie could be furn
ished with the statements of the successful compe
titions for premiums on grain : we would give them
publicity hereafter. We were gratified to Jearn
that manure the basis of all good farming is by
no means overlooked. The composting of sw amp
muck we learn is engaging the attention of a Uarce
number of our fanners, and we find their efforts are
attended wiih the happiest results. In the lansciare
of ihe committee we can say that the farmera are
beginning to learn the truth of the old proverb, that
11 Muck la the mother of money,"
and we hope our Tanner's wives will yet learn the
trulh of the Scotch proverb, that
11 Muck i the milhcr of the meal Kiat."
After the conclusion of tho several reports lli no
ddy proceeded to the Congregational church w' here
an address was delivered by tho Hon. Jacob 'Col
lamer of Woodstock. As we understand thi 1 ad
dress is to be published, wo will not attempt any
description. In the minds of all who heard it (as
lar as our Knowledge extends) it greatly incre ased
me mrciuj uruimiii reputation 01 me speaker, as a
scholar, an orator, and a man of extraordi inary
common sense. At the conclusion of tho ad
dress, the society proceeded to Wantast. iquet
Hall and partook of a sumptuous farmer'a dii iiict.
provided by our worthy friend Capt. Lord.
We should be gratified to add aundry notio :s of
many interesting matters which passed under our
observation during the several exhibitions and -exercises,
but the limits we have allotted to our lives
forbid. In conclusion, we cannot avoid cong ratu
lating our readers on the triumphant success .of the
Agricultural Society thusjar, and the proepi set of1
is long couunueu useiuiness, 1 ne best evil lence
of the interest it has awakened was furnished by
the thousands of farmers who crowded our atreetr
during tho fsir. It haa required time and expense to
place tho society in its present position and it will
require great patience and attention to sustain it.
In all its operations it has confined ilscir to its le
gitimate duties. It is diffusing a knowledge which
is valuable to all, and we sincerely hope it w.ll re
ceive that favor from tho public which la neccsasry
to its continuance and essential to its usefulness.
In conclusion we can say in relation to it, the past
is full of experience, the future fall of promise.
List of Premiums Awarded in 1846.
To lloawel
-II fJooJf nougb, Urattleboro, Beit falud I Jorte 5 00
in, Dummeriton, beit Breedinj Mare U"
loore, Newlane.iMbeit dJ j 00
.V llolton,
Ii..... M .
Alouao Dutton, Dummeralnn, Matched lloraee 6 00
U Lynde A. Son, Guilford, beat 3 years old Colt 2 00
Ir. Adaroa, Marlboro, 2d
Simon F. Ooodenoujli, Bral boro, beat 3 yeara old Coll I 00
I. Underwood, Dummeriton, beat 3 yeara old Bull
I). I), ftand.Tonnaliend, do 3 i do
J. Mmard, Weitininiler, 3d beat do
1'. T. Kimball, Nenrfarje, 3d do do
Meant Kimball, Field A. Merrifield, Newfane, beat
veailing Bull
Aia Melendr, Guilford, Wit Bull Calf
Samuel Carl, Jr. Brattleboro, 2d beat do
Kben Goodhue, Vealminater,3d do
Calvin Townaley, Brattleboro, 4 III do
James Joalyn, I'utney, beat pair Working Oien
Luther Sarueant, Jr. Brattleboro, 2d beat do
V fl ll.v.m. Whitlnffham. 3d do do
6 IK)
I 00
I Oil
1 00
1 00
6 00
6 011
3 00
lloraco Goodhue, VVeatminiter, beal pr3y'ra old Steers 4 00
William Arnia, l, uin.ua, xa Leal uo o v.
John May, Weatminaler, beat pair 3 yeara old Bleera 3 00
Pieiaon Adaine. Nexfane. 2d best do 3 00
Abel Wllaon, Jr. Putney, 3d do
Samuel E. Wheat, do beat pair yeariinf Steera
Hiram Smith, Guilford, 2d do
Thomaa J Holland, Tnwnahend. 3d do
Freaaon Adaina, rt'ewfane, 4lli do
Barnard Lynde, Guilford, beat pair ol Steer Calves
II. Gondenooeh, Brattleboro, 3d do
F r. Bawyer, do beat Milch Cow
F Simonda, do Si do
Che. Chapin, do beat 3 years old Heifer
lirael Lawton, Wilmington, br,t 2 years old Heifer
Joaeph Goodhue, Brattleboro, 3d do
Rufua 1'rtlt. do 3d do
B. Boyd, Wilmington, beat yearling Heifer
Charles Chapin, Brattleboro, 3d do
I). O. Rand, Townahend, beat Heifer Calf
jF F.Sawyer, Bratlleboro, 3d do
John Lvnde, Guilford, beat Fat Oi
If. W. Sergeant, Brattleboro, 3d do
ILuther Sergeant, Jr. do 3d do
.U ihn Lynd., Guilford, 4lhdo
ITardon T. Kimball, Newfane, beat Cow,
do do 2J do
Mar s; Crawford, Putney, beal Fine Wooled Buck
Oeorsr Campbell, Weatminater, 2d do
Cmallme Sl Harlow, do 3d do
E II Ha, low, do beit pen of Fino Wooled tlwes
tiam uel Wheat, Putney, 3d do
George Campbell, Weatminaler, 3d do
Sra Adama, Marlboro, beal Coarae Wooled Bock
JUartin Moore, Uommeratan, 3d do
C. W'. Sargeant, Brattleboro, beat pen of Coeaete
Janaa Aldrtcb, Weatminaler, 2d do
1 00
3 00
2 00
3 00
l on
4 00
4 00
3 011
I 00
4 OU
2 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
Jonas Aldrich, Weatminaler, beat Boar 3 00
W ll.olton. Dummeriton. 3d do 200
Wm. II. Itockwell, Bratllehoio, beat Breeding Sow 3 CO
W. IIoIiod, Dummeralon,3d do 2 CO
-Cheater Adami.Matiboro. beat 5 acrea of Graaa. vield,
mr 23 ton. andHKI lbi. ofF.ojI.ih Hay GOO
llora.ee llaalinri. Wilminrton. beat 3 acrea do. vield,
nr 13 lorn and one half 4 00
Jona. Hall. N'ewfane. beat acre do. VKldioe 4 tone
and 34G Iba. 3 00
Aaahel Ballou. Marlboro. bcatacre of Wheat. 30 buah
, ell 3 peckl S 00
Gideon Benne. Weetminiter. 2d beat do. 40 buihela
3 pecka. but of inftrioe quality 4 00
David Dealer, Jr Dover, 3d do 37 bnah 2 pecka 3 00
Gideon Bemte.Weettmneler.beslacleor Cornvield.
I2tt kuaheli 5 00
Benj Howe, Jr. Townaticnd, 3d beat do. eatimated
yield, ia Duaneia a uu
I lew a King, Marlboro, 3d do. actual yield, 1 1 1 buah. 3 00
Rueael Hyde. Bellowi Falls, beal acre ofRyr,2Sbuah. 4 00
M. F. Rugg, Wilmington, beal acre Oale, est buih. 4 00
John TutU, Wardaboro, beat acre Barley, CO bulb. 4 00
-Gu'ieon Bemia, Wealniiniter, Wat 100 Iba Butler C 00
Wi ndaor Goodrnough, Brattleboro, 2d beal do 4 00
J. Minard, Weilmimler, 3d do do 3 00
Da niel Dexter, Jr. Dover, beal 60 Iba of Butter 4 00
Be nl. Howe, Jr. Townahend,3d beal da 3 00
B. Jioyd, Wilmington, 3d beat do 2 00
Dr,niel B'xby, Halifax, beat eampl ol Cbeeee, 'GOO
l'biineaa Malber, Marlboro, 3d best do 4 00
Sherman Billing., Guilford, 3d do do 3 00
W indaor Goodenough, Bral'o, 4lh do do 100
Maple Sugar.
Jijdab Moore, Witming'n.beil aample unrefined Sogar600
Franklin Holbrook, Townahend, 3d do 5 00
J. L Nicholi, do 3d do 4 00
J Tulta. Wardaboro, 4lb do
J' jatua Knawlton, do beil iimple of re6ned Sugar 4 00
C totut Camnbell. Wealmlmter. 3d belt 3 00
J. C Roberta, Putney, 3d do 2 00
1 iraet Lawton, Wilmington, beat sera of Potatoes,
yielding 223 buahela 6 00
I tufua Clark, Brattleboro, beal eamplt of Fruit
J . C. Barney, Guilford, 3d do
ayrua Waahburn, Vernon, 3d do
J larnard Lynde, Guilfnrd, 4th do
i '.lijih Davia. Alhrna, Sth do
J ohn Dwinell, Glalton, 6th do
1 00
C 'aleb Tart, Dummeralnn, beat Ploughing 6 00
8 amuel Wheat, Putney, 3d do 0 00
JS 'athanict Samion, Brattleboro, 3d do 4 00
Q eorce Camnbell. Weatminaler. &S1 cart loads of 30
statute buihela each TOO
R ului Pralt, Brattleboro, 40fl do G 00
Jt tin Tulle, Wardaboro, 2-IG do 4 00
W illianl Wh'ilcoinb, Graflun, firaliiremium 3 00
Ti molhv Goodale, Jamaica, 2d do 2 00
Ai s Melendy, Guilford, beit acre of Hops 2 OU
Ai! aer Haynea, Wilmington, I Corn Sheller
Garden Vegetables.
C K. Field, Newlane, greateal variety,
Jl Boyd, Wilmii.gton, grealeat glowth,
Jol in Burnham, Brattleboro, beautiful specimeni of
i rhite snd purple Eggplmta, Squaahei,tVe
Kb. in Tucker, Marlboro, luoneirooe Pumpkin
2 00
1 00
Jarr iea Keyea. Putney, beal aample of Black CanimereS 00
Jae , II. Eetelbrook, llrallleboru, Air Tight Stores,
1 'e Ketllei, &c. 3 00
A N. Boyden, Guilford, blue black fulled Cloth I 00
Go odbuea &. Chapin, Bral'ro. Sole and Upper Leather 2 BO
... m. ...in., Kv,iinei, ouie i-eainer OU
x . i i uiuce, , umingion, beautilut specimen or Po-
t aloe Slarcli
Jl fl. Field, Braltleboro, 1 two liorao Carriage
Jia' Jian Miller, do I llaroeaa of auperiur finieh
Household Arts.
Sirs Horace Goodhue, Wealumiiler, Fancy Flannel
.Mrs Samutl Wheal, Putney, do do
-Mrs Horace Goodhue, Wealnilnater, Whilo Flannel
Aire A. N. Boyden, Guilford, Frocking
-Mra J. C. Roberta, Putney, do
-Mrs Sam'l E. When, do do
ill re E. II. Harlow, Weitminiler, do
-Mre. Lewie Lamb, Wilmington, do
-Mia- A. Dwinell, UrattlrWo, do
Jllr Anna Foeter, Putney, (aged HI years.) beautiful
plirco of Frocking
ftlra J. L Nichols, Townahend, Reg Carpet
.Mre O. C Lawrence, Brattleboro, do do
-Mre. Horace Goodliu., Weilroinater, do
Jllra. J. C Hnbeils, Putney, do
-Mr A. Bennett, j
4 00
I 00
1 GO
1 00
I 00
1 M
I &0
I 60
I 03
1 00
1 00
1 SO
I 00
jura o, Aivoro, Wilmington, do
I 60
1 GO
1 00
1 00
1 00
i.ii rf. r.. ingiey no ya
rn Carpet
r:1" ; "wninena, ao do
!.'. r U""'',1r. "hit" Cotlon Spread
Alias Sophia Clsrk, do Shawl
-Mrs J. Jl. Saigeani, Dummerilon, Shawl
m" Horace Goodhue, Weaimlnatir, Mittens,
5!" A" u,?d""?',.N'wlane1 Yarn
lra J. B, Hurley, Wilmington! Stair
Mra 8. Alvord, do Palm
Palm Leaf Hat.
n. rrouty. Urattleboro,
SlrsBolymsa Cune, do
urattleboro, Hearth Hug
Mra J. II Sargeant, Dummeriton, do du
Jllra Lewis Lamb, Wilmington, Calico Qui
mra l. it. IV Heeler. Brail ehr miil
do da do
Band Boxes
Fancy Articles.
Mines Tinny & Itiillet SlelAlne, llrilUelmro, Otlomln I m
Mill Jane Woodcock, Dratlle'ro, brioliftil Ottoman Co i X!
Mm Sarah F. Goodhue, do. Jjcreen !
Ml.i Julia Tlioraat, do. naked Needle, Work m
Mlasea Fanny i Harriet Sleliolni.lirifro, F.mbrold l m
Mln Kllen Barnard, IlratUeboro, 4 (lothlc Chain. IS
Ml.. An.ii.l. t'irr. do. Wonted Air... n..L.t
Mlaa i.ucy r. ijier, iwo,nonu, "uipim vua r,i,ta
Mlai F.mily Froil, BratuVboro, Table. Mate
Mlaa Walts, Weatminaler, Steel flag
Minre Fanny & Harriet Mebblnl, Brattleboro, Steel Bm
Mill Mary bikre, Brattleboro, Steel nag '
Mlaa 1'. fiamion. on. aieei l orae
Mialer l.ttVIn O. Mead, Jr. Brattleboro, Drawlnei
Mailer John N. Mead, do Oil I'llnunei
Mri C. H. Adama, Newfane, Oil Window shadei
Mrs A. W. Clapp, Brattleboro, Wrought Veil
Mra A. r;. irwntei, ao. enppere
Mre J. I'. Sargeant, Dummcraton, Wioughtr tp
MraH, Alvord. Wilmington, Indelible Ink Dramg
Mlii J. R. Wilder, Brattleboro, 1'aintinp
Ml" L. Itlflin.cn. do. Mini llnltt
Mm Sophia Clark, do. DitlrTidy
Iniana Aiylum, do. Bos of Finiy Article!
LlraT.l.r. do. SewlneSitk an P....
Mill Lucy Wbeeler, (8 Ji old) Brittle'ro, Small Needle Bonk
Mm Miry Holliater, Braltleboro, Small fir-lel ' 2
Mill Jewion, niTlinc, I one emi small BOOK Uolei, )
Prosecution of the Mar against )Inlto,
A letter fiom Washington to the New Voil lltr.
aid saysi
The new Christian warfare panned in Mexico i,
found too urodiiiiously expensive the Mexican.
sinp; five prices for every thing, and atill refuimc t,
. f . - ...... L1 . , I. . . Ti:,.!.:. .1 r .
lira, mi ,c4.i. . t,,c, ,,i,c, iiieiriure, reC'IIB.
mends the old system of plunder, snd tjutitts Vsiirl u
Ye understand mat nraera nave gone to the army b
begin the foraging upon ihe enemy fjnlmith, in the
hope Ihst thia will bring them to terms. General J
up csrriei the order. We approve Ihe proceeding u
decidedly more humane in ihe long run, than that ol
furnishing the enemy, as we go into hia coumrv. with
IIIC SlUCWO ui Wtmi. C HlU.t CIM1CI BUOpi me lOIII.
Ing ayatem or the Calico shirt currency, because it
long purse of Uncle Ssm is getting "migfiiy long irj
slim in the tvaisL"
The olficisl psperof Taesdsy night corroborslri He
above. The administration is beginning to cooct op
the enormous cost of this strange and unprofitable wir
The Union says:
There ran no longer he a question, thsl the rrlaul
nfthe Mexican government losecrpl our propoaitmni
mr peace, ineic-au ui leiaamg uur own meaiorrs, a;ti
stimulate nur government to a more rigorous prracco-
iiwn w, ii, c .. c I..,., unug ii. pimme notne to
Ihe people of Mexico. e must make them feel the
evils nf the war more strongly, in order that they ran
Pwsl to their own government for peace. Itcaanit
he denied nor concealed, that new energy ia to be in.
tuara into our uucraiiuue; anu inc sirengin Ol the Da
lional arm is to be put forth more efficiently thinrrrt
"Instead of the pillage nt the country and defesrlea
places, a custom haa been substituted (says Vttte)
more humane and more advantageous to the sovereign
making war. I mean that of contributions. Whoev
er carrier: nn t just war, has a right of maUm the en
emy's country coniriouie io ine support or (Ac amy,
and towards defraying all the charges ol the war."
It becomes high time for us to hailen the decithn
of Mexico. We must carry on the tvsr wiih vigor.
We must msle it more her interest to lerroiaite its
evils. We must compel her people to shareiliexpcs
sea wiih ns by levying eontrifafiona un her for
the support of our army. We want provisions, sad
ther must ns-tst in supplying us.
The private property or ihe Mexican people will le
religloualy respected, except what rasy be necewary
for the support ofour army. Their persons and prop
erly, with this exception, will be sacredly protected.
Their religion and their altars will be respected ai Ita
ly as il they were Americsns in the bosom ol oar orrs
In another article the Union has the follon-icg:
Major Gen. Jeaup, Quartermaster General, left the
city thia morning for the frontier of Mexico, to tale
upon himaelf the genersl direction nf bis affairs io thai
quarter, Thia slep has been taken with a view to
provide lor every exigency without delay snd incon
venience, which sometimes resultfromwsitingioilrae
lions from Washington, snd in order to secure the al
most efficiency and economy to the measures of that
We havo no doubt that this movement, deliberately
and duly taken, will conliibule essentially both iotte
efficiency and economy of the war.
We understand, also, that before Genersl Jesup led
Washington, he had recently purchased two rnoterl
cellent steamboats, on very moderate terms, for iheep
erations of the Itio Grande, in order Io save the high
freights which were demanded far Ihe tranipottaliosof
our stores. Other appliances have a'so been recently
adopted, which will save much expense, and contribute
most effectually to the transportation of the necessary
means Tor our army.
03" The aincerity of the leaders of the Liberty Party mi;
bo inferred from the fact thai they have put ia notniDatian
a candidate (Gen. A. Howe) for Coogreaa in oppoa.uon la
John Quincy Adaiua. What are we to tbink oi tbeie sun'
Pray, haa not John Qutncj Adama enough of toe pnoei
plea of liberty" in him, that they muat oppoee hia elec
tion? So in Ikit Diatrict, Mr Hudaon haa done in and oat ef
Congreaa, more efficient aervica againat the Southern drm
ocratic priuciplea which goeern thia country, than the
whole Liberty Parly combined ; and yet thev oppoee hii re
election. Will not people coniider tliia matter t
Iftrcultr ,u.
Tux Homc MiRSxv. The Providence Journal atatri,
among other facta for free tradera, that ,,(ieo kousts lariu
little eity ef Pretidtnesl told more Indian earn at avetiia,
Uit year, tAaa leas exported to aU foreign countries togtdtnt
and, notwithalanding the increaaed demand caoaed by till
failure of the potatoe crop, and the aequiaition of a nev
data of foreign consumer!, who have not hitherto been ac
quainted with Ihe article, our ithole exports, for inis year,
do not eoval tAa amount irAicA has itenitnporled into tits
city alone, not taking into the account the conaiderable ma
pliea which are received from our ow n atate, and from ouV
er parts of the intenur.
Uaioa Tha Whige and Democratic Tariff men of the
12th diatrict of Pennsylvania have united upon a candidate
in oppoaition to Mr Wilmat, the preaent incumbent, aod
tho only Peanaylrania Rerneaeutative who voted fcl tbo
new land".
WaTXR Crar at NomilrTo. We learn from aeorrta
pondent of the Sptiagfleld Republican, that a lirje ails of Knt
EaUle haa been made ia Northampton tho preaent week. Tai
whole of tha Hound Hill Eaule, formerly occupied by Mei
Coggiwell aad Bancroft, for tha Bound Hit) School, hei bees
aold to Samuel Whitmarah, Eii). and othera, for a Water Care
eitabllihment. It Ii laid that tha Intention of the purcbiitnn,
to make it the belt, snd moat eiteniiie eitabliihment of tie
kind fa tha world. E. E. Dennfiton, M. D-, a regularly educat
ed phjiician, and a skillful man in hia profeuioa, la to tn
charge of the ealabliahmeat.
Wasarin'e Dicviosaav. Wa learn from Oia Spnagneld re
publican, that the publiabera of Webiter'a Dictionary, Maim
G. la C. Marriman, or that town, are about gatnn; oat a ai'
edition of aeveral thouaaod wordi, and tha whole carefully ran
ed, under the euperviaton of Profcuor Chauncey A, Goodnck of
Vale College.
ID" Tho Whig Convention In Franklin County for the Domi
nation ofeandidatea Tot tha Mile Senate, la lobe held al Greie
field oa the 224 iniL,
Lamxa1 BuaTLLi A eoinmiitee (.rtha Kaee a county, Ne
Jeraey Fair, haa recommended to a faiorable nouca a certiia la
dia Rubber Ladiei Bulla, a new invention, intending Io aaiacr
tha double purpoie of an article of dren and a Life Freaerrer I
and they pronounce the affair in their opinion worthy of a di
ploma. Honia STni.ru. w. I..m ftnm ih. Keene rbllantbroput,
that Mr Wm. Klngabury, of Surry, had hia hone (ihe Mile! Bi
ker) etolen from hia atabla on T ueaday e'enln; laiU The tbi
ll lUOnO.Ml to hM Vnftwn lln J tran.l.nt n.r.OD br the BltM
ofBilei.whohadbeenatopplngintho neighborhood tors f"
daja put, where lie left an old hone of little nine. The Uin'
tin been punued, but hii purmeri were lereral houn behind-
Tho horiawaaaeeo.aa we learn, in Aahby.Maaa.oo WedncuJiJ
morning The Riker waa a valuable horae, and hiring "
well known, will be readily recognised by miny peraona at a 01
Laaoc ArrLaa. Mr Che.l.r t-nnrh of thia loan, brunt1'
lato our ofllea una di. la.i i.. nr Ih. Iireait ipplel '
hue Been this year, Ha Urgent one ineaiuriog U W ic',, ''
circumierence.ana weicbins 16 1-3 ouocei.
ToNawinrxa Ktaoias.-Stonl Corner' Rfl"'
upon what you aru doing 1 era yoo) a borrower or a J'
her? le the paper you hqld In your hand youra,
Ihe properly ofaome othet peraoo leas able than you are I
eubacribeforllf Ifyou aro a borrower, or have afpf
into aoine alora or liouee for lha expreaa purpaie of" J
It, let us entreat you to rid yourself of tha bei" ,l0' '
subscribe for It gl opep,
, . - .- .. ?,

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