Newspaper Page Text
, ... . lfjn AlgLj WELL FOUGHT BATTLES. (fcp-Our Armyagain Victorious. Storming of Montcrcy-.Forts taken by tho AmcrlcangEncmy's Guns turn ed upon hlmoolf Tho Bishop's Palace Stormed. Caiiitnliition of Aniiinlia-.An Armistice. Unity .Uomotnnd.i ol operations or tho Amcricnn Army hcfoio Monterey, from the lvili toimhHepl. Corrc.(ioiiilciice of the Kxpress. Wasiiiniitun, Sunday L'rcning. On the I9th, Gen. Taylor arrived before Aluiitc rey ith a force of about tiUOU men. After recoiinoitcritig tho city at about 1600 or ltiOO yards from the Cathedral Fort, during which lime he vas fired upon from its batteries, his force as encamped at the Walnut Springs, three miles short of the city. This was the nearest position at which the army could obtain a supply of water, and beyond the ene mv's batteries, The remainder ol the Mill was occupird by tho Engineers in making reeonnoisanccs of the city batteries commanding the heights On Ihe 10th, Gen. Worth was ordered with his illusion to move by a circuitous route to the right, to gain the Sallillo road, beyond the west of the toun, and to storm the heights aboie the Bishop's Palace, which vital point to the enemy appears to hav been strangely neglected. Circumstances caused his halt on the night of the 20llt, short of the intended operation. On Ihe morning of tho 21st inst., he continued his route, and alter an encounter with a large body ofthe enemy's cavalry and infantry, supported by artillery from the heights, he repulsed them, with loss, and finally encamped, covering the passage ofthe Saltil lo rond. It as hero discovered, that besides the fort at tha Bishop's I'alace, and Ihe occupation ofthe heights above it, two forts, on commanding emi nences on the opposite side of the San Juan river, nail been fortified and occupied. These two latter heights were then stormed and carried, the guns of the last fort that was carried being immediately turned with a plunging fire upon the Bishop's Palace. On the same morning, the 21st, the first division of regular troops, under Gen. Worth, and the vol nntecr division, under Gen. Butler, were ordered under arms to make a diversion to the left of the town in favor ofthe important operations of Gen. Worth. The 10 inch mortars and two 24 pound howitzers had been put in battery the night ofthe 20th, on a ravine, MOO yards distant from the ca thedral fort, or citadel, and were supported by the lourih regimentof infanfry. At 8 A. M., on the 21st, the order was given for this battery to open upon the citadel and town. And immediately after the first division with Ihe 3d and -llli infantry in advance, under Col. Garland, ucre ordered to reconnoitre, and skirmish with the enemy on the extreme left of the city, and, should pro.pcct of success oiler, to carry tho most advanc ed battery. Tho attack was directed by .Major Mansfield, engineer, Capt. Williams, topographical engineer, and Maj. Kinney, Quarter Master to the Texas illusion. A heavy fire from the first battery was immedi ate! v opened upon the advance, but the troops soon turned it, entering and engaging with the enemy in the streets from the city, having passed through an incessant cross fire from the citadel and the first and second batteries, and often from the infantry who lined the parapets, streets and house tops of the city. The rear of the first battery was soon turned, and the reverse fire of the troops through the gorge of the works, killed or dislodged Ihe artillery and infantry, and tho building occupied by the infantry immediately in its rear. The first division was fullowcd and supported by the Mississippi, Tennessee and first Ohio regi ments. The two former regiments being the first to scale and occupy the fort, the success of the day stopped. The Mississippi, Tennessee and Ohio, regiments, though warmly engaged in ihe streets ofthe city fur some time after the capture ofthe first battery, aud its adjoining defences, were unable, from ex haustion, and the loss they had sustained, to gain more advantage. A heavy shower of rain also camo up to cause a suspension ofthe hostilities before the close ofthe day. The 3d, Ith and 1st infantry and the Bal timore battalion, remained as the garrison of the captured position tinder Col. Garland, assisted by the Ridgler batteries. Two 12 pounders, one -1 pounder, and 1 how itzer, were captured in this fort, and 3 officers and some 20 or 30 men taken prisoners. One ofthe 12 pounders was serted against the second fort, and defended with captured ammunition during the remainder ofthe day by Captain Kidgley. Four pieces of artillery, with a good supply of ammunition, were captured in the Bishop's palace this day, some ot which were immediately turned upon the enemy's defences in the city. Early on the morning ofthe 24th, a communica tion was sent to Gen. Taylor from Gen, Ampudia, under a flag, making an offer of capitulation, to which the former refused to accede, as it asked more than the American Commander would under any consideration grant. At tho same time a demand to surrender was in reply made upon Gen. Ampudia, and 12 o'clock at noon was the hour at wnicn tne acceptance or non acceptance was to be communicated to the Ameri can General. At 11 A. M.. the Mexican General requested a personal conference with Gen. Taylor, which was granted, the principal officers of rank on either side accompanying their Generals. After several offers in relution to the capitulation of the cilv made on either side, and refused, at half passt 4 P. M. General Taylor arose, and say ing he would give General Ampudia oue hour to cuttsider. to accent or refuse, left the conferenco with his officers. At tho expiration of the hours, the discharge of me moriar was to uo me signal wr mc ici,wm,,icin.i. nient of hostilities. Before the expiration ofthe hour, however, an officer was sent on the part of Gen.Ampudia to in form the American General that, to prevent the further efiusion of blood, ho had decided to capita late, accepting the offer ofGen, T. Tim IP-ma ni canitulation were in effect as fol Inus t Tint tho Mexican officers should be allow cd to inarch out with their side arms ; that the cavalry and infantry be allowed to march out with tli -i r Brnm nnd accoutrements: that the artillery hnnM Im nllnned to march out with one battel v of i nieces nitd (21 rounds of ammunition ; that all nthftr munitions of war and supplies aliould be turn- .1 Aa tn n Imaril nf American officers annotated m nr.Phn them i tho Mexican army should be al lowed seven days to evacuate the city, and thai the American troops should not occupy it until evacuat ed : that Ihe cathedral fort, or citadel should be evacuated at 10 A. M. next day, SMth; tno Mexi cani then inarching out, the American garrison innrr.hiiifT tn : thai ihe Mexicans be allowed to sa luio their flag, wlien hauled down i that there he an armistice ol elglil weens, uuring which m" m i If I.. r... m ll.i liter army snouiu pass a lino ruimiug " Rnnrnnnils. throunh Linares and San Fernando. This lenient offer of the American General was li dated with the concurrence or his ncnernli, and by rnotiiresof good policy. This consideration was lue o tne goon ueience 01 itieir city oy tno tucr can srmv. T.Se above is from the New Orleans Picayune Eur. listed Sunday tnornine. Oct. 4. tho Intelli gence having been received there by the steamer James U- Ut, Irom roint isaoei CO- J odge Williams, It appears, retires from the VERMONT PUCENIX POSTCRIPT. Later Kcounti Indicmte that Itie LitlUi bsfor Monterey were btoodj onei, 500 Atnerlcini are reported to lm been ltUlei and wounded anil a much larger number of Jieiicatn. Among the former were lewal briTo and gallant office rt, and whose lots Ihe count 17 will greatly mourn, Tur ClarcKsoR'a Mtttuot. We hare receded and rev) Got. Eaton'a firit annual menage, and hall lijr U before oar readers next week. It la abort, Whig to the core, and written with the author' chiricteriitic candor and common nenie. Juit aa our paper in going to pnn we havo received n comrnunicaliun from our Motitpelivr corri'ijiondent, but hare onl time for the following i Bunda.Oct. 11. A moil melancholy and dietreiaing event occur ted at the Pavillion ttouie thta morning, about 7 1-2 o'clock. Dr. Wm. Cullen Warner, Krpmenlatire from Driitol, in Ad diifin County, came to hia death In a most shocking and audden manner. He took, by mistake, a quantity of a prep aration of Yot Vomica, commonly known aa Stryekntn; a most violent and deadly poiann, and died In ten or twrlvn ininutra after. A proceMton was formed at I o'clock, con sisling of the Governor, Lieut Governor, the two brancliew of the Legislature, Judges ofthe Supreme Court, members ot Congress, Ac, and proceeded to the Stale House, when? a prayer waa msde by the Ilev. Mr Gridley, and immedi ately atler a number of gentlemen started with the body far Bristol. Yours, Ac, The General Assembly We are unable, from the crowded state of our columns, to gin -a full report of the proceeding! of the Legiiliture a brief iu tu rn try must suffice. Both Houses met in their respective rooms on Thursday, Oc tober 8lh, at 10 o'clock. In the Sen arc. lion. Ceo. T. Hodges wm elected President pro. tempore, (Hodges 23, Vilss C, Brsd ley 1,) and D. W. C. Chrkc, Esq- wis chosen Secretary. The Hoc it wss called to order by J. McM. Shatter, Secret ry of Sttte, and after a short discussion on the right of certain members to setts, proceeded to the election of Speaker, with the follow! a g results Whole number of rotes, 190 Necessary to a choice, $d E. N. Onggs,(Whi) had 112andwsselected. C, 11 llnntineton, (Loco) had 63 W. 11. French, (Third Party) 1 1 Scattering, I Ferrand F. Merrill was then elected Clerk pro. tempore. In the afternoon a Joint Auembly waa held, when the com mtttee to eirmis the votes for State officers reported as follow,; For (Jorernor, Whole number of votes, Necessary for a choice, J1.703 7,1 IS 61 Horace Luton. John Smith, Lawrence UriinsrJ, Scattering, For Lifut. fiortrnor. Leonard Ssri-ent, Trumin D. Ifamtom, Jtcob Scott, Scattering, For Trtaiurtr. Whole number of votes, Necessary for a choice, r.liah-, I'. Jewett, Daniel Baldwin, Zenas Wood, Scattering, 7,081 21,171 23.3U 17.M7 6,978 IK At four o'clock mother Joint Assembly was held, and the fol lowing elections made Tor the jeir ensuing: HORACE EATON. Governor. LEONARD S RGENT, Lieut. Govtrnor. EL1SHA P. JEWETTi learurer. For Governor, Horace Eaton, Joba Smith, Lawrence Urainard, 1 75 It 133 73 i: 133 74 IS For Lieut. Cor., Leonard Sareent, Truman It. Ramson, Jacob Scott, For Treasurer, Eliaha P. Jewett, Daniel Baldwin, Zen as Wood, FruniT.Ott. 9. The Scute elected their standing com mittees, chote Dr.Thoe. F Powers ot Woodstock assistant Sec retiry,snd Rev Geo. It. Manser of Montpelier, Chaplain. The Gov. etee. sent In a communication announeini? the anooint ment of Frederick Dillings Fq. ot Woodstock, as Secretary of Civil ana military amirs, and inai at Z o'clock, t'. iM. he would take the oath of olGce, and at 10 o'clock, A. M. to-morrow, trans mit his annual message. In the House. F F. Merrill was elected Clerk, and Norman Durant, Engroaing Clerk. Petitions were presented from mer chants of several towns, prating for further restrictions on Ped dlers. The Senate came in and the followioj appointment were made - Silas H. Modoes o( Hutlaad, Auditor of accounts, (Mr Hodffetiai. ra Dtvis ra8.iciterio.rfi.. Peter T. Waahburn of Woodstock, Reportor of Decisions of the Supreme Court,(Mr Waabbura 133, E. V. Barber 68.) Saturday, Oct. 10. In tho Senate the following appoint menu were made : Chas. J. Loomis, Messenger j Moses Hawks, DoorKeeper t Wm. A. Dodge, Assistant Door-Keeper. The Gov communicsted his annual Message, which was read and 300 copies ordered to be printed, In the House 00 copies ofthe Message were ordered to be printed. The Senate csme la and the Joint Assembly elected Count officers for Bennington. Windham, Windsor, Rutland, Addison, Orange, Orleans, Lamoille, Essex, and Grand I ale Counties. The appointments for this County are JameY H pVelpV' ( A,,UUnt JudSe of Coua1' Court" Timothy II. Hall! Westminster, Sheriff. P.rrfon T. Kimball. Huh Bailiff. Royal Tyler, Judio orProbite for the Distaiet of Marlboro. Ellery Albee, Judtre ol Probate for tha District of Westminster. ii nam Adams, uonjauun irnuuce,nauuui Miiiiu vuw missioners. The remainder we mutt defer till our neit. The Legislature seems tobe driving business to some purpose. tXThe Concert gienby Messrs. Bckmtts & SawTiR.tbe evening of Wednesday the 7th lnst,was crowded by a highly re soectable sudience. whose frequent and hearty applause ev idenced thtir estimation of the performance. We have seldom heard belter sioging than from these homt musicians, and are happy to see their merits appreciated. Especially we song oi The Maniac" by Mr J. 11. Uuiiditt, was executed in a maa- lerly manner. The neat day, at the meeting of the Agricultural Society at the Congregational Church, the Club added greatly to the Interest ofthe exercises by their appropriate songs. Verily, In soma cases, at any rate, "a prophet is not without honor," even M in his own country and nis own nouse. Elections. MiiiL-h la at lenath ascertained that Williams, the Loco foco candidato for Congress in the 7th District, Is elected by om.thinir less than 200 majority- The toco majority laai year waa about 1500. The House of Representative as far aa heard from, stands Whig S3, Loco W, and the result still doabtru. Maryland ' The Whiea have achieved a glorious victory Baltimore which In 1811 gave a Polk msjorityo! 493 votes, ha Wtd Whlir Senator and two Whiz Delegates. There has been a corresponding gstn urougnoui uic omv, and the result is this Loco. 8 S3 Senate. House, U Majority Utt year, 37 II Whig gain, 18 r.ioKoia. Whatf.w return, wo hat., are hiehlr favorable. The Ibre. Whig nt.mbera of Coogr.a. are doubtleaa re-elected by locteaaed majorities from the DiatrlcU now repreaenud vj Locofocoa, we baa. no dectaive relume. The Weithir .TWaoViy niiW, Oct. 13 r-To all human ap pearance our long continued drought la at an end let Ihe riaere rejoice and the little brooka clap their handa. For two or three dava the elemenu hare been preparing for a drencher, and here it ia without any tnlalaxe. w can only nop. inai n " w, doing ao," till there la aomethlngbeaidea mud In oar well thai i all. AtTORsiy Gksirai.. The Portland Argu. .eye that thu appointment of Attorney General of the United Slates, in. place of Mr Maaon, wlto la appotntea to in. nayy aepan ment, ha. been offered to Hon. Nathan Clifford, of Maine. Orro Sdtxr. the man who attempted to murder the cashier ofthe Lancaater Rank, waa sentenced in the Court of Common Pleas, at ll'orcealer, Iritlay, lo two days soma . -j .i.i.i... ..... I....I lakne In the Statal prison. JVetes from Oen. Tavhr'i Camp. In addition to the Intimation received via Net Orleans, we hsvo hsd the plessuie or seeine Csplsin Eaton, who ha brouaht dcspalchea Irom Oen. Taylor to tho War rv...r. . n nnr Minn it Man. AJCpaitincm. u.pmiii uwu .v r - teiey on the eveninc or the 25th or September. lie. j-.-, rtt fa. tf.H aUeritv and enertrv whicl uroci.t.ii....-.v-...-. .... M. he haa exltihiiea in reacning vaaningiuu nuu. .u.. leiey in sixteen daysl The armistice, in lhe id.i-e. does not embrace our other linea ol opera- lions! and, accondly, it is subject, in express terms, to. the order and Inatructlons ol the two governments. w mnet reserve, until to-morrow, the official delatw oP this brilliant achievement. Union. ir-Tn.ev Mr GiTcitcLi.. will deliver a Temperance! Lecture next Saturday evening, at i past 8 o'clock, At the V.rmonl llou.e.Oct. 13, by IU J. II. WII1ii,Mr Simon Smith ot Warwick. Ms... to Mi., nosit U. Mttlin ofM.tlboro.N. II. I In V.rnon.Oct 7th, by Utenio Brown, E.n.. Mr II. nry lly llir ami. Auioit 1 Slh, Mr Inr'n Arm, of Snulli Urnliriii, to JWim I'n.ln Wilhama, orSprinelleld, Maa,, tlr the satnf , t5 lmbf r 16tli, Mr Jonathan Riehatdann, ot vrl Ultati-y, n Y., to Miaa Electa tl. llalr,orUernarda ton, Maa. At N.wfanf , on (lie 4lli inat , by Nalittm Houghton, Ean. Mr Kdtvard Ailama, of Marlboro, tu Aliaa Hannah Marian Orvia, orrewfane. In Nw(ne, Auj 13th, by Rsr. F. llitlw.ll, Mr Leon ard J Timaon, to Miaa Barah F.. Davia, both ofN. At I'areltrville, by the aame.Stfth oil., Mr LdVi- B. Oa- f tmd, or lleloil, Wiaoonain, to Miaa Cynthia Jonea, ol tocklngham. men, III Duill lirr.tin, on the Uth mat , nl conaltinptlon, C'alh arine D . dauchter tifBamurl and Svlvla Miller, ased 3ti. in uuilloril, tsept V3tn, r.lixaoetn maer, uaugnterori William llider. aired veara. Dunns: a eonftneii.ent of I SOniontha, with a diaeaae of the hip, she endured much ullering, Willi chtiilian patience and teaignation. "In the niid.tol hie, wearelndealh of whom may we aeek lor uiewjur,uinui mew v i'"" us ttlenif ciidt tn On tinners ton, on tlie&lh inst., Mr Hlijab Ilfown.sged 67 years a Hefolutionsry pensioner. I't inters in Mssa. ptesse notice. In Greenfield, Oct. 10, Mrs M sty, wife of Col Assph Bmead, sjed &9, Mrs Sineid hsd been Into the til Inge of Greenfield snd wis on tier ntr home, wben feeling unwell be stopped at the huuse of Mr Nims, and died fn a very few mnments. ln Springfield, Oct 5, Almira, wife of A polios Monn, editor ol the Blitesman, aged 31. Al the house ol Mr Uinion Lu wards, tn uemsruston, on I In Montague, on the 3d inat., Elua 1J., daughter of Mr rhili0.M.nrn..KdSvear.. In Coleraine.Beol. IB. Mr. Mary Tinkham. wile of Cant f. J. I inanain. In Warren, N. Y , on the 19th nit., Doct Ilerca Cans, for mane veara t'oatmaater of that town, aaed 72 yeara. Ur C. waa lormerly one of the Judge, nl the Cuunty Court and waa one ofthe Elector, of Preaidentand Vice Preaident ofthe United Statea in CO-PARTNERSHIP. rpHE subsctiber would inlorm the public that he has I connected wilh him in trade, Mr H, M. Wrath. riber. The buainewi will hereafter be conducted un- der the name and firm of Thompson & Wealherbee. I S. P. THOMl'SON.1 r,hnilHSnll X WontllOl'llPf X llUIIipSUH Ok. I T UclLIICl ULLj WOULD aay lo their friend, and the public, that TV they ,e now andopenine the &r?7S-. saT asTaal Bjt hv gaT IX 9 W AM J3 EVER OITEIlEl) IN THE CENTRE or WINDHAM COUNTY. For proofof this an examination isaolicited. Good Miltens, and all kinds of baiter taken In exchange for Goods. THOMPSON & WEATHEIIBEE. Townsltend, Oct. 8, 1846. SivisS X.IBERATION. rilHIS crlifirslht I luve thi dty given tomy boo, Jau ouiUIIliiii ii.. if audi, in uui-juuihhj iii-o i cut Bin- erofhis minority, with liberty to trsnssct business tfo r himself. From this date I shall pay none of his debts, nor claim any oflna earnings, JOTI1A.M WARREN. Oct. 12, 1846. Sw8 CTNEW GOODS.XU THE aubsenber has just returned from market, I where he has selected a rzeneral assortment of! IGOOUS suitable for the season, which will be aold as How as the lowist. K7I'lcase csll and are, II. E. BAKER. Fayetteville, Oct. 12, 1846. J1L.ACKS3HTHS. ANTED to hire six good Illscksmilhs for aix or v T twelve months, xjood workmen. Good wages will be psid for RUSSELL & CO. Greenfield, Mass., Oct., 1846. SwS BL.ACKSMITHING. THE subscriber would Inlorm thepeopleol Guilford and vicinity, that he has returned to the aid stsnd in East GuiXurd, to temain permanent, where he hopes bf nunctoal attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. v f " HIRAM PIERCE, Jr. East Guilford. Oct. IS. 1846. 3tv8' CoiiiniiKsioiicrs' IV'olicc "TlfE the aubscribers, being appointed by the Hon, v v probate Court for the Dtatrict of Marlboro, Commissioners to receive, examtno and adjust all latms and demand of all persons sgalnst the eatale of uJl Vlu Jti t rjujijv, nf nm!ilehoro. in aaid diattict. deceased; and also. all claima and demanda exhibited In otTset thereto, and aix months from the II Ih day ol Sept. A. U. isau, tie - six tiiuiitiis itum .i'0 i..i v 1 . r . ' ... ng a owed by ssid court or inst purpose, ncrcu give notice that we will attend to the business ol our p(oinimeni ii mc inn oi uuiwcu uuvucuuuku, iu Mmi)lllliclA..UU., i... rM:VM"V anJ Kfbruarv next, from I O'Ciocn 10 4 r, jja.aneacn aanfvltii.l diva. .... ' BAM'L UOOT, ) Comm'ra SAM'L UUTTON, J Comm Brattleboro, Ocl. 12, 1846. CommisaioucvH' JVollce. WE Ihe .ubscribcrs. beine .ppointed by the Hon. uuiiini'"'" ,"; . 7l i f claims snd demsnds of all tiersons sgatnst tho estate of cnnrrrn iViT.IMn. ov ... . .. lato or l'umey in aald district, deceased: ana aiso, an 1. t.:- .1 Jt - n . I u t.k.l A In lli.r.lrt irnll tun claims mm lcihiuuhcaiiiumih ... w..-. .......... -uu . .t--e .l. .i j... rn.. a n tatit Kix ntontiis truiii mo .ju usv hi w.. ...w. w-w, unfi .aitowea oy aaiu cuura tin nisi uui)w, uu mnuj notice that we will attend to the business of our said .appointment at the late dwelline house nf ssid decess ed, in Putney, on Ihe 2d Sslurday of November next, jrom 1 o'clock; to a r. m. DAVID ALLEN, ) 1'. It. CHANDLER, Comm'ra. JAMES KEYES. J Tutney. Oct. 6. 1846. 8 STATE OF VEIWIONT. Probate District of Marlboro, as. In FrcUu Court. Oa. 0, 1 BIG. -OOMES Harriet A. Cook and Alsnaon Kanisdell,! administrator upon Ihe eatateol LLUnAllU K COOIC, late of Ward.boro, In aid district, deceased, and move Ihe CoulUlictr, for an extenalon ofthe time linrrtofore allowed them to aettle aaid estate, and liav the debla of aaid deceaaed. Whereupon, it is ordered, that a hearing be had on i nurnoae or noli line all persons therein or the time nnd place nl hearing, aald aJmlnia tratora are directed to publish a cony ofthe record or I thi order three week surcesslvcly in the Vermont Phoenix, nrinted at lirattleboro ill aald district, previ ous lo aaiu iiuioui ucnim);. A true ennv front the Record. 8 LEMUEL WHITNEY, Judge of Probate. Uighton Jlalict Monday, Oct. 5. At Market 1400 Beef Cattle, 1550 Stores, 3300 Sheep and 050 Swine. . . lBir.c..f7i!r railfaJTr.e nrlees obtained last week for . like mi. lit nt.t sn.t.ined. A few heller Cattle were at matket. We nuote extra S5.50 1 firat duality, a. $5,25; eecond $4,S5 1 ftfio (third $3 and $1. it. uowiano, rti AiDion, uri.sns (bounty, n. x., to miai I.ocinda C. Bolt, r( tho foim.r place. , ""PP1. J"' " "P" l n..,ii-.4 i.i....k t.. n n r-u. i r . it. fh..t.. " '"""I" ny olh.r li.lnntnla. of th. It Ind In th ln pnilf.rd. J.iI!Blh,b N.P.Ch.Dln.E.q MrUtsrlrs c r Kw y Tfc , k ; ,d purcbs.ct ll0rnl..,n,rl ri.. lfrd, to Mia, Sarah b. Jolt.,.on, of Ur- ' , ,0 ,oi, ,, wln of M,rchlnl, ln ,utPDorln , said application before the probate court, at a apeclal oily for cnmpenaation for his serf ices, a collection will be .ession thereof to be holden at the probate office in taken st the close of each lecturMor that purpoM, Diattleboro, on tbe first Monday of November next. w ,mU.,hRT ' 6 And for tierson. Inleresled Westminster, Sept. AJ, 1846. 6 woyroiiiuana5u, mreo ji5' price. In such case the iie orth sheet may be eome 1.8' .... what reduced. After thia. and nerhapa the second wn'01' rt $,iMi 'ra - ', Siein.LoUto peJdle. 3 l-2c for Sows, snd 5 L4o at u,0wa i old lloga 3 1-2, 3 3-4, and 4c. At retail from I New York JJusiu ;?s Card. TO MERCK.. ;TS. ( - uttIIIS iiiit anh put it i vit-n pnrirfT CUTT",SOUT ANt) rUT 1T l,nu IOCKET. ' " ' ?" tx tnrif d tuuiia the coiintty, and nothing shall be naming on their pan tn pleaae both old and new cuatomrrs. oErTKHSBit iv, tsro. IIAI.LOCK. hii.l & CO., Wlioleaate dealerafn Fureiifnand Dotne.tte Unr Ooona, 17J I'earl street nne dn.if ahn.e I'lne alrtft Chatlc. Ilallock. Henry Hill. C. H.Coi. LabanA While. TUB HOPE MILLS. MUSTARD. CHOCOLATE and COCOA, roa.lerl or ground COFFEE and SPICES, riey nura, eaiefullr pre. pared family uae. AI..I, COCOA SIIKLLS, IlICK L,uuti,aiia t t.AllbUAKl.t.v, at7l ruiton street, or 47 r loin aireet. none genuine nniea. taoeiea llope .Mill.. II. II. & J. O. 18IIAM. dii i:sh noons. UOOTIl Si. TUTTl.E. So. 8i Cedar at.. Invite the at. Itentionor dealer. tt ttielrezti'nalre aloek or CaaimtRaa, Da Lata sa, M Rftiaos. Ac., which they otTer fir sale at the luweat market prices tur caah. CIIAUI.KB Dlfltl'UlJ, & CO. 183 Pearl alreel, oner great inducement lo Ca J atert um, l,y,Ti, in HII.KB, BHAWI.S, IIKESB GOODS. uL.uvtio , iAt,vc. urciisnu wm ssse motw by ri sininin; their stock. JOHN ANDKItSO.V & CO., No Q Wsll. VI3 and 315 Dusne strrrti. ImDorlert of CItOlCC SEG.mS.ind minaracttirrri of fine cut chewintr snd smoking Tobscco, SoulTs, Ao Ililirst premium or tlir Aiucncsn Institute Tor Ib43, 44 and 45. Pi. U. All the joods ol our manufacture art? old on the mtrtl rrssonabU (rnns, and wsrrs tiled supcnorr or thrj cm be rrlurned and (lie money refunded. J, UltOU'KU Ac CO., M'k?" and Importers ol Dvubtc.i SiyU M '""f ?l,LB'.M,K'" .0:. U"f P'i'"i - lo "m- "'"" l4Campltene Solltl Ilottom Glasa Fountain Lnmpa" Cannot corrode or become heated they are .uperior to all oiner tmpa. tManuiaciurea tvnoieaaie anil lletail, by J. O. FAY, 1W Fultnn alreet. Alao, HOWE'8,the beat article olCAMl'llEHE. I.OtrTItllL, 01 WILLIAM ST. IMPOIUT.R3 0F Fnr.NCIlANI) ENGLISH FAN. CV AND STAPLE STATION Ell Y Copying, Ti.aue Hlrrl Pen., Ink Powde and letter t apera, ttatrra, oeating was, inka, tluioa, na, jnaalanua, buttery, rortlulioa India Itubber, der.Tape Memorandum Hooka. Tableta. Pareh ment. Twine. loldera. Sheat. Envelope.. Motto Wafers. Pounce, Guyot'a Carmine Ink, Gum Tiekele, Tracing, fncr colored Gold and I'rilotatrd Paper., PaUnt Pump tnaaunua, Ck.e at.nut.nltir.ta .nit ll.ler. In Arenut flaitli .ni 1'.... "f " kin)'' Gold r"" P-1" Treaae., Seal p,-,M M..,Wd Writera. Ilomeatic Sutk.nery, nf every b' SUU"" u' JT Ti f, POSSIBLE PniCES. ID douj. fre.l? aliown, pric.a low CI William atreet. J.mea V. ftieh William M. Loulrel. j. a. SHAW, Mafactvrtr and WhotuvU aealtr in Blank Bvoki. 110 Jnnn atreet. uealere .applied with every description or iriemoranauma ana uians unoas ai very reduced price.. LOOKING GI.ASSEH. JOHN II. WILLIAMS, SON CO., Importer, and Manufacturer nf LooUnir Glassu, Looking GUtt PUttt. Ac, tie., No. 315 Peatl atreet, (oppoaite Peek Slip.) KOWAllI) IIAACK, .Manufacturer and Importer of MUSICAL I.NSTRU MENTS. and DeiutofllllONZE POWDEIl. nf.ll colore a 1U,"',M, f''m m.,",,':c,u",'."',"-u' "J"rZ",mJr " """" Street, corner of Gold. All kindaof Muaical Merchandiai conalantly on hand I.ITIIOGItAI'IIIC ritl.VTS N. CURRIER. No 33 Soruce alieel. after lit Not. atbla I old stand, r. llyi rtaaaau, comer or spruce, nearly oppo .:..... 11.11 N n i. n..n....l In n.t... fi I hi. ograpkic VtUu from 1 to 'JoO.000 al SI hmira notice. Ilia ...nriment la the moit eitenaive in Ihe United Staler, and constat, alruoal eicloeively of original drawings eiecuted by the beet arti.U in the ounlry. Agents supplied al small advance on tha coat or publication. PETEIISON, IIUMriinKY Ac KOSS, Ilmpnrtera and dealer, in Carptting, Od Ctotks, ll'imdow SAntfca, DruggtU, TutU and fiaaa Ctreer., No. 4XJ Pearl '""J- G. V. Pelerann. G. 8 tlomnhtey, O H Ho.. C. V. A. IIINIUCIIS, (Socceaaor to M. W'erckmetater.) Importer and Dealer In German. French, and Eueliah FANCV GOODS, IM Broadway, and 75 Liberty btreet. Ilielt Boltemian Glaea ware, Ornaments, French Proeelaio, V.aea, etc Toya of all deacriplione. Logravinga, AlxDery ana urtcarl impie menta, etc. etc xxioar safe ware house. SILAS C. HERRING. 139 Water etreel. Manufacturer or if ildtr t t'altnt UoutH and dingf. dadmanifar Aaju, and dealer in all klnda ol new and eecond band oaju, ircm Carta, Ifank rautlt.voart. ac Iirowa'a CoOco Iloase and Dining Saloon, 71 Pearl at. Centrally situated in the buaineae Dart of Ihe cilv. ffacin? r. 1 1: l ... ii k: I 1 1 .A ., brt ,,tabhah'ment in the city for country merchants and others lo gel their meala. UaAJllur. iitltjtvri,iate ot Irfivejoy . iiotet, uivr.niiEi.iiAS jclthh pahacols . GEORGE J. 1IYRD. Manufacturer and wholesale deal. er, IBO Pturl slrrel, cppmiit Cidtr. htt alway. on band an 1 extensive aaaottmeni ot u.iiucl.uao, i niuinuw, iiinioniina ..j iniMQiunrq c ..lM n it. . . ... ... moat liberal term, for Cash or .pprncd ered.t. JJJNOTC GOOSS . J I. n..1 ... .nrl ""P"'". "M" 7;x.., irriTai iPii 5p i Itimin I'ANI I IsUUUB. IUJIIID. UIIUOIiLUi I Il.' m MF.RY. Aa. Manufacturer of Portable Writing Pfikl, ... e ' ik f I ar II...L. IIaaL .a Utalli lillUUM (aUli, ilU. - Wl-l n mini ttiEsl t tv ttl tl f WETMOUE Si CO. 70 and 81 ."'i" Sledires. Cut snu ivrouant netts, .vo. D" "' i ! SAMUEL 8. WM. WOOD, nnoKSELLEUB AND STATIONERS. No. Wil Pearl , ,, , ror i. , i,r . seeortment ol BOOKS, panic- .. ... .. .. .......... . . ui.r - tjenool ana ttieatcst, lo wntcit toej invits) iub siteu' . . n. i;i i . ..on C country iiiercnanis. aernis iiucisi. , rnnrt nnd Tobacco Mnnufactorer. FZSTSIl X.OXIXX.X.AXID, JH., PETEIl ic GEORGE LORILLARD, No. 1 Chatli.m-.lreel. Tt.. rnn.tanllr on hand a eeneral aeaorlment of SnuS. and Fine Cut Chewme and Stnokinir Tobacco, warranted of aupertor quality. Temperance Lectures. ITer. 11. D. Moreen. nf the Vt. Annual Conference, and late Temperance Aeent for Windsor County, will leetare at the followine limes and place, in tbi. County. The friemla st each sppointment will pleas, to be so kind a. to make the neceaaary arrangemenle, I Brattleboro, " " 10th, Jackaonyllle, " eaat, "Kith, Wbitingham, Onilford, " J7th, Wilioinaton, " 28th, ' 89th, 30lh. I Lecture to commence each evening at half peat 6 o'clock As Mr M. wtiiuepena upon tne liberality or ine comrnu. The Green Mountain Spring. pooled to DUcuuion and Information ronttrning Ikt Pop. utar and Medical Uia of ll'altr ; to a rtport of tout of M or.Lra ntalmtntl to nurture ana x.usuiie1 oy VniUrtn j to uut and llanth. Medical and ritllosophlcel Communications BY UODERT IVESSELI10EFT,M. D. Edited and Published Monthly at Dralllcboro, Vt. Ily D. MACK. I HinfrU Mnlee fttKix coolea for &. $5 If aiiffirient number of. ubacriber bo obtained, we Intend to publish aenii-monthly without Increaaing tho - 75ibc:Vr,,wi.. Tor or esch month. be Issued punctually oy tne 1st 4 1 KT Subierhttontrteetvtd iw IA Editor, I Brattleboro, Vt. Jan. 14, 1846. tfil GROCERIES. G. C. HAUL, Ji Stilehnn TRfls. V. 1,' S3TSJSi ami Powchnni) do.; 50 llagi Old Java and Rio COF- rv.Tu, . miT.7nr;:j. 'XXZ tcus; also, nurni ana urounddo.) 10 Uoxes Drown lt...k. atfnilia I n.l n...k . j n , . dn.j 10 Bunes superior TOHACCOt 8plces or all kln.l., rtire, nauins, UUk Currants, Cftron,8perm and Tallow Candles, t,etitoii, and Oranges, he. die. UCI. 7, 7 I 3KTew Hat Store. rill IK subacnbrrs woul.l respectfully inform the In JL habllanls "f Ilrattlehorn and vicinity, that they have fitted up Rooms opposite Major Smith's Stage House for the sale of Hats, Caps, Furs, &c, One of Ihc patlners having been (or years connected with a large Manufacturing establishment ol this kind, tney will be enabled to give the public a soriatoa ar ,e public a soptaioa ar- cs. A ahare ol public nets ana si antoniBLt rate patronage is respectfully solicited CO The (Justness will be c conducted under the firm or W. C. Sroaa & Co. wm. c. srurtn, 1IKNKY POND. riraltlcborn, Oct. 6, 1846. U7 m-Rubbers ! Rubbers ! ! TIIEaubieriber It just received direct from the) manufacturers, a largo lot or Ladies' and Gen tlemen's PATENT HUBBUB. SHOES ofrtrious patterns, vie.: Gentlemen' cloth alrapied leather bottom Rubber uver onoes; do. Klastie Rubber do. do.; Ladtea' do. do. do. do.; do. Duskin do. do. do.; JE5 The above Shoes will be sold at Wholeiile or UtTalL at the r.otrcir market ratccs. Those wishing to Gt out wilh Rubber lor the coming Win ter win do wen to csu anu examine my lot ol shoes belore purchasing elsewhere. PERRIN SI.MOND3. Brattlcboro, Oct. 3, 1846. tf7 P. SIMONDS, MlStrrACtUBCR ASD UCALIR IV Ladies'. Gentlemen's, Misses' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS, II A LL'g II UILD I N O, NEAtlLV OPPOSITE SMITH'S STAGE IIOUSE. L.1ST OF LETTERS Remaining in the foal Office at Eaat ilralllcbaro, Vt., uct. 1, IBSO. II Sarah W Urackett, Cltariea I' BancroR, Delia S Uacon, L II Bradford, Vutanthy Demi., Bewail T Belknap, Mesaer Barker, Samuel G Ittancbard, Silas Barrett, C G II Chapman, Caliata y Covey, CelindaM Colburn, Cromwell Carpenter, llev Eraalua Curti.., Humphrey Carpenter, David T Cuabtog, Kben'r Crandall, ftrlinda Cook, K Q Collin., D Mra Wm Dean, Leonerd Decker, Phosbe Dennieno, S Dickenaoo, Emon Dsiley, laaao Deniela, Wm Evelilh, Elliot, Well. C Fowler, John M Forbes, Ch.tles Fisher, G Wm Guilliw, Elisabeth Gill, Thomas A Gold, K P Goodwin, Gen DuCTGieen II J Harris. Matilda R Ilalliday, S Uoritls lladley, Wm Hanacotn, Truman Howard, Olirer Haatinga, Jr. 3 Dr C Herring, WmHarria, E W Ham., Mary A lladley, A llolcoinb, Elixa Johnaon, Benson Jonea, K Geo W Kendall, L Thomaa W Laws, A II Laflin, a Amanda Learned, M Moses Morse, L L Miller, Wlnlhrop E Musxey, Wm Marahall, Cyrus C Murtay, P Daniel Packer, Caroline Pickett, Maria A Powvra, Anna Phtppen, Wm Patker. Jannette II 1'ike, R Thomas Raymond, S Ansel Sladden, George V Swan, Barah M Sperling, Rev Edmund II Sears Wm 8 Saliibury, Ira II Stewart, T 11 V Tilden, Mary T Thayer, Aaron A Thayer, J W Vincent, 3 W Nancy Warner, Wm W.rner, T W W.lker, Lemuel Woo-ter, Fanny A While, John Winchett, Alonio Wellmao, Priaailla Ward, Geo W Williams, A II Wsabburn, Julia Ann Willie, Wm N Whaites, James G Wtlaon. F. N. PALMER, P. M. Caution to Stove Manufac turers and others. mllE United Stales Courts tiaiinz repeatedly rranted X temporary and perpetual injunctiona, with coats snd damages, sgainet infringers of "Orr's Patent on the A?r Tight Stove," Una ia to caution you .gainat manufacturing, aelling or uaing the Slove without license, sa infringement, snd sttemoted evasion, of .aid Patent will be prosecuted at once. Platea with the Patentee's nsme snd the dale ofthe I Pstent stamped upon them will be faatened to all the I Cloves mace ny sumorteeu person. ; iney win aiso oe ac companied with printed directions, signed by the Pslenlee or Agent al itoslon. &7Tbese I'lates with the right or making the Slove can be purehaw-d ofm Genrral Agent, 70 Suio Street, Uoa - too. and ofJ, II. & V. 11. Eitcrbrook, Brattleboro, ivtforo, r MATILDA K. ORK, Administratrix of laaao Orr. J U. Persons using Stores made without autJiority ar teuallu liabie loilX tie wnaktrs of the same. Brattleboro and Boston EXPRESS K. WHITE, HAVING established an Express from Brattleboro, Vt. to Boston, via Fitchburg Railroad, ia ready to transact all buafnesa entrusted to his cste. Packages of Goods, Bandies, &c, trill be called Tor at any patt or the City, and forward- ea ia uraiucooro, or any inictuicutaui tuwu, iui iw sonable charge. Dratls, IVoteH, Hills, &c. Collected, AND ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ITS-The Exnress leave Brattleboro every Monday and Thursday at 6 o'clock, A. M. passing through the lonowinc towns : Jlinsiiale, fVtncuster, llunmtma, ritzwmtam, Winchcndon, Ashburnham lo Fitchburg. Relurninir. tvill leave Boston every Tuesday and Friday at 12 1-2 o'clock, f. M. OFFICE At J, St ten's Bookstore, Vrattltboro. ORDER BOXES At T, C. Lord's Vermont House, Drattltboro ; J. F. Couant's, No. 3 Fememl Hall, and Vutler, Day V Co., No. I Jntiia Street, Hasten. rr- Particular attention will be paid to selline all I kinds or Produce, and will convey to the amount ol I 700 lbs. on the Express. D5" AU Bundles should be marled WHITE'S EXPRESS." 0 MRS. FISK WOULD respectfully inlorm the Ladle or thi village and vicinity, that she has opened a Fancy and Dress Goods Sto e, In the hulLlinc fnrmerlv neeunted bv I.. G. Mead. Kaa. on the corner, below ll. Smith' Slsire House, where she will be bapny to wall on all those who may pleaae to lavor her with a call. The moods have lust been elected in Boston, wilh the greatest care, and at the most reduced prices. Alan. Miaa Sarah CuAUgcaLitir. who has recently tsturned Trom Boston, will carry on MILLINERY & D It ESS MAKING, In the same building, where she will be happy to see her old friend and customer, and will please them with tho litest faehlons. Dry Goods for Cash. BAXTER BROTHERS TTAV? Hd ?nd are now offering an extend. " enol" variety or Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Tor the Ftfl,!, TRADE, nrnptiatntT the mct erf ta "n,n.t 'SHAWLS, DRESS atsd ANCY GOODS, lo be found In the market, wotUty t'' a.iciiiiwi, ui puibiwaoi. riai.i.i( .iivvt.jf tiiu arc invtiea 10 can ana eiermne ior inemseim, NO. C4 MILK STREET, Onno.itB Pearl Street TMNTON. Rent. A " ' !. 1 VVTIB9 From Boston and New Yerk. NEW FAM, GOODS. TOWNSIiETiT c SONS jtaVE Ittal received a large and complete aaaortment r XX FALL GOODS, consieting In part of U Mknrinf articles Caehmeres, Ombra Cashmeres snd M. de Laines, Bilk, Linen and Cotton warp Alpacas, ofstl colors! Raw Silk Plaid.. Thibet clolh. and Alpines ; Rnb Roy and Gala Plaid, j a large assortment of Scotch and American Ginghams j rinis, r urnitures, ate. a Arte sfvr. nhndid Wrought Collars. Lfnea Edrlnea. ax rcry lew prices, beaatlful style Ribtns, Ac. A large assortment of uisca, utue ittaex sna r sncy bngnsra, t rencb snd Gerrnsn Brosdclolbe ; dr.. do. do. Caeetmeree snd Doeskins ; do. do. do. Silk snd Satin Vestings ; Caehmere Veatlngs,8carf., CravaU, Merino Shirts. Drawers. &e. A nevrsopply of CROCKEUY, GLASS HARDWARE, lyMkingOliMet, Paper IltAfiQi. 1O00 Jt- frim Ufe Geeae FfalhtM. CouQUrDinetsB cai Silk aod Far Hit., and Cant. Ilarinir had the adraoUire of two marketa. we o&r tha tbove good at txtrtmtly leie print. 0Pleaa call and w. otrpt w, iwu. 6 GENTLEMEN WANTING Clothing; of any kind, can find roll assortment at oar store adapted to the season. nne ana supernne, ihscx utrman oroaatiomi, i Brown " " Engliih and American Clolki, all colors and shades) desirable. Sunerb Fitrurtd Silk Vttlnrt. heavv Boiled Sat. ins. Fancy Cashmere, Valencia, velvet and many oth er klnda Veilinrt. Alao. super lilaek Uerman and f rencti Uoesktni. nik Kner. Casaimerefl. Fancv Csnaimeres and Ticm akins, Cravats, Scarfs, Hats, Cape, 4c. DIUKINSUrt. UAI ec uu. Sept. 29, 1846. 6 New Boot and Shoe Store. GEO. CUTLER fc CO. am VI OULUrespeeirully give notice to ft I v v their friends and the public, that atv.UB they have just opened BOOT AND ML. SHOE STORE at No. 3 Dries: Row. tvherA thev will keen ennst.ntlv nn hand nrim ks. nriment of DOOTS and SHOES, manufactured by experienced workmen and of the beat material. Also, r lull stock ot India Rubbers, which wilt be aold a low as the lowest. G. C. dc CO.. hone by strict attention to business. and eelltng a good article, to obtain a ahare of patron age. ra. Ii. All kinds ol uoots and Shoes made lo order, and repairing done at ahort notice. GEO. CUTLER CO. Brattleboro, Sept. SO, 1848. 6 REST AU RATEUR m- OYSTER SALOON. S. K. STODDARD HAS taken room in the basement ol Hall' Long Uuildin?. neatly ODDosite the Since House. where he will keep constantly on band, Fruit, Confectionary, lYuts, Fiea, jaues, fjusiarus, not ajouce, vcs OYSTERS served up in every variety of cookery. in the best possible manner, and at all times or tha day. He hope to make his room an agreeable retorts and thereby aecure a portion of tbe public patronag. uratueDoro, sepu sv, imo. o FOR SAIsE, TWO SMALL DWELLING HOUSES, with suitable Barn and ; out-houses, and one acre of LAND.situst- .ed in the Ksil Village ol lirattleboro, near i hf. Vermont Aavlum. For terms and a more narticu. lar description of the premises, apply to L. G. Mxad, xusq. tiAinAiiibunnviiJiiuii. lirattleboro, Sept. 35. 184C. 6 INSURANCE. The Itna Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN.. WILL insure every specie or property usually In ured in the Country, from ton or damage by fire, on tbe most reasonable terms. 00 Thi Company haa been In operation lor many I years, and its reputation Tor lair dealing too mil csituiisncu waa opprcciaim u 1 741111 v muj piwk,; iwi It lulure course. im Person residioe In tbeConnlyor W Indium and its vicinity, desirous ol obtainioe Insurance or thi Company, are rererred to Am g. JXX2AU, lisq. Agcni, uraiuoevro. THOMAS K. BRACE, President. S. S. Looms, Secretary. Hertford, Oct. 1,1846. U7 Leather and Hides. Til E aubcribera have for sale, Whous-ilc or Retail, First quality Slaughter Sole Leather; do. do. Dry Hide do.s do. do. Upper do.; do. do. Patney do.; do. do. Ilsmeaa do.; do. do. Band do.; do. do. Calfskins do.; All of which will be sold rjitcaoii.LT low Tor Cisar, Hidis, Bars: or good Caxotr. IOUA011 paid lor siaognter jnacs ana uati hum. r OOODHUES. CHAPIN & CO. Brattleboro, Oct. 6, 1846. 7 1 flfa ROLLS new and beantiUtl patterns rJS- PER HANGINGS, at very low price. just received from New Yor. by iUUI NSLEY &. SONS. OcL 8, 1846. 'White Ash Lumber. THE subscriber wishes to purchase 15.000 (eet MC ond growth Aah Lumber, clear stuff, l 1-8 lath In thickness, and 7 or IS feet in length; part to bo d 1IVC1CU mis l.ll, auu wiv uw uo. epiiuu. U. J. . HALL. Brallleboro, Oct. 1, 1846. DOUBLE SOLEl THICK BOOTS, for sale cheap at DltKlNBON, DAY & CO Sept. 84, '46. 4r0 PALM IiBAF HATS. ALL persons braiding Hata Tor us are requested to bring them in immediately. DICKINSON, DAY it CO. Sept. 80. '40. 4wC FRENCH Qoilts, Coverleds and Blanket, lust re ceived, by TO.WNSLEYix.SON3. Oet. e, 1846, . I WANTED, IMMEDIATELY by the (ubacriber, one or tno Journeymen Boot and Shoe maker. , . P. SIMONDS. Brattleboro, Oct. 6, 11)46. tf I the Universalist Chapel. ' "" bench of Uw Supreme lou it, mSf" .'rnrrr . --Tram- -j. i . miA ji '1 LBaTtl1 w.n a IT A V