Newspaper Page Text
w.i glfltltttUtUMl SCJliTVtWCUt. Bnck Wheat. Many farmers, from not being acquainted with tho maitagcmenl of this grain, often permit It to remain too long in the field. In some, cases it is not cut till so much of it is ripened that tho process of mowing and getting in is necessarily attended " with heavy loss. As a general should be cut when two-thirds of tho grain is fully ripoj and, ,whcn practicable, before I ho advent of severe frosts. By following this rule, e not only economize a large amount of tho heaviest and besl developed grain, which the action of severe frost would "shat. tcr," but wo also save, in addition, a very consider able proportion nf that which is iininatureil, and which, it exposed to the direct and powerful action of this principle, would bo u total loss. When cut at the period above specified, tho succulent and juicy slate of the haulm will cause the unripened gram to till almost if not quite as rapidly after b ids cui, as, unuer tne most lavorable and aun cious circumstances, it could possibly have don before that operation. This assertion we are aware will aouear naradoi ical to many, yet it is nevertheless ttrickly true. As the grain stands in the field, a heavy frost nee cmrily affects every nrt and fibre : but when cui and raked into heaps or small bundles, only the outer surface is exposed ; consequently a very large proportion of the entire mass remains unimpaired, and will finally ripen and become good and perfect grain. And this result is experienced even where I hero is exposure to many and severe frosts for many successive nights. Should the haulm be extraordinarily heavy and succuieni, u may oe proper trequeniljr to turn In heaps. This operation should be performed with careful hand, as rough ussge will inevitably be at tended with considerable loss. After remainitio several days in this condition, it should be pitched into a cart, and taken to the barn to be thrashed; or, should tho farmer profer it, this operation may be performed in the field. Maine Farmer. Preservation of Apples. The Agriculturist recommends that "Annies in tended to be preserved for winter and enrtno- use. should remain upon the trees until quite ripc,which usually takes place at the coming of tho first heavy frosts. They should then be plucked from the trees by nand, in a lair clay, and packed up iuime' diatcly in casks, in alternate lavers of dry aand. plaster, chafi", saw-dust, or bran, and conveyed to a cooi, ury piacc, as soon as possible. Tho sane or stw-dust may be dried in the heat of summer, o may be baked in an oven at the time reauired to bi used. The peculiar advantages arising from naek, ing apples in sand, are explained and commented upon as loilorrs, by the late Mr Webster, author ol tho "American Dictionary of tho Enelish Lan guage." "1st, The sand keeps tho apples from the air, which is essential to their preservation : 3d. The sand checks the evaporation or perspiration of appies, tnus preserving in them their lull favor at the same time any moisture yielded by the apples is aDsoroeu oy me sanu so mat the apples are Kept ury, ana an mustiness is prevented. Aty pip pins, in May and June, are as fresh as when first picked. Even the ends of the stems look as if just separated from the twigs ; 3d, The sand is equally a preservative from frost, rats, Sec. But after the extreme heat of June takes place, all apples speed ily lose their flavor, and become insipid." Ntu J one Fanner. Dip Your Shingles in Oil. Mr B. Nason, o this town, showed us tho other day a few nine ahin lLL . t ... r -t ' . . gics wuicn ne iook on mo euge 01 tno root ol hi: house while makinz some alterations'. These shin gles had been on the house over twenty-seven years. and are now as sound as when first put on. What ,is the cause of this wonderful nreservalion. in th instance, while in other cases shingles hare ofte rouea so much in live or eight years as to make necessary to re-shinslo the roof! The cause this : When these shingles were put on, they were simply dipped in hot oil. It will be well for builders to note this fact. iVa'ne Cultivator. Ne FltiTlitino. An srliisn of Baltimore hae Invent' ed a material lor plastering walls which resembles, when wiupicicu, nigniy ponaned granite. (RASKXMOVED TO HILL'S LOSO BllttDISa, ORE DOOR. SOUTn or tue roiT orrtcx, vr stairs,) BRA'IXIiEBORO, VT. ROBERT WESSELIIOEFT, M. D Homeopathic & Hydropathic Physician, Elliot Street, Brattleboro, Vt. E. HART, FASHIONABLE TAILOR cyiro. 8 oitANiTB now.j) BKATTLEBORO, Vt. (13) S. PIKE, GUNSMITH, OPPOSITE THE PIICENIX HOUSE, BRATUEBORO, Vt. E. W. PROUTY, For Adams' Worcester Dye House. Drattleboro, April 16, 1845. 34 State of Vermont. Marlboro, es h Prolate Court, October 2, 1840. "10MES Frsncis Barber and Stephen P. Flagg, ad iVn51?Dtr,alor'i'P.0,!,.,he cst"10 of LUTHER II, late ofwi mlnrrlnn.Hiiu.l .n.l 111. ik..-. administration account for exsminnllnn .nrl llmirBn... Whereupon, it is ordered that said administrator uuuiy aii persons interested, that this court will exam ine and decide upon the allowance of said account, and also maldistribution or the estate found remaining in their hands among the heirs or said deceased, at the session thereof to be holden at the probate office in lirattleboro. in aiM iliRinVt . in t-i 1... r !h?l0beI' n?. ,nt by Publishing B copy of the record of Ek j i .. "UMeiveiy m the Vermont ""cu oibbio, iirouieDoro, previous to sa d VICTIM nl h.lrlnn ' ' " A true copy of Record, Attest, ROYALL TYLER, Ileg'r. STATS OP VUnXHONT. District of Wisimimstik, ss, int Hon. the Probate Court for the Viitriet of. i . cwcer7ci m tne e. GacxTino. WHEREAS, Preston W. Taft, Executor of the v v said deceased, proppses rendering an account Sff.iort.1. . "',""?"' Sai PreMnllnS h "count 51!??- Id","i pr allowance, at session nl said .Id at 'uhc ,nn ,,rjDhn AVn ,n G"1, A. D, mel n Wednesday of November, Therefore. VOU BM ftereliv nnllRaA lA ... L- aid court, at the lime snd place aforessid, and show in. ik i "a'.'a nvei 1118 account should ,.1 nV.Bkt WM,ra,n,,Miin "!d diatrlct, this 3d day ol October, A. D. 1846, ' mi pnv at t no" v..j JPIUE FRAME. O Mcond h""J F're frame, for aale low. bv Oct. 8.1848. TOWOTLEY SOUS. CFTOR SAI,E.C8 2 VFiiEss A- Inquire of r ' V A. CAPEN. uiaiuoooro, oept. 30. G. C. HAIili "T7ILL receive this week, a lame nmnln nf NRW nnnnafp3' c.nmP'i8in! cve' variety of DUY " . ' ' wtcnc, KfrocKcry. ltaraware, ramie i "H' "u7il,u":nse(iai ine present exiraoruina ry low prices. IO Particulars next week. Sept. SO, 1846. STOVES, AT THi: STO.K EtUir.DIIVtt (Old Stand of A. llH'ItllNSOX.) Ii. D. PROUTY HAS just icceivnl, and offers for Bale, on the low etl fermi, a large variety of the latest and mint approved patterns of COOKING STOVSS, among which are 'Duck's Patent,' highly approved manufactured at Schsghticoke, N. Y.; 'Pierce's Pstenl' American Air Tight, do.j 'Johnson U Cox' Improved Double Oven do., large size; 'Culvcr'a' Hartford, do. do.; L. Curtis' Dorset, Elevated Oven, do.; 'Chollar & Jones' Empire, do. a new article 'Conants' Improved Yankee Notion; 'Uuckland's Patent' Improved Railway; 'A. T. Dunham & Co.' Priam, Air Tight; 'Ceer U Doaworth'4 Telegrsph,do.; 'Atwood 4. Coles' Empire do.; 'Johnson ft Cox,' and olhers; a variety of patterns and sixes, Parlur Cooks. A large assortment FARZOR STOVES, comnrUIng a variety ofAir Tight of the latest patterns. Also, Fancy llox Stotet ol cew and improved pal terns, and all sizes. Copper, Brass and Tin STOfE FUltSlTUIlK, Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, Russia Sheet Iron, Ssp Pans, kc, tic. 5TOVK PIPE at wholesale and retail. JOH WORK done to order, In the beat manner and at low prices. llrattleboro, Aug. 22, 1840. 4ml HARTFORD, PHILADELPHIA AND sffiisiisa ipiBCDiPiEajniiaiB ansrisa Vu Delaware and Uariti.i Cihai.. THE NEW J. It. Tnoxrio. dpt. HVeox, " " " Cot. J UrtTisi, Capt.Dmickxm LESVIXQ E.1CII rOIlT WEEKLY. Running limarein Hertford to Philadelphia, 40 Art ; isri Arrsngemenls are made to forward (roods to Pitts burg via. Philadelphia, and lo Wheeling via. Haiti. more, also to all other placet West, Werchandire Iniured ol the foteeif rales of I'remiur M. W. CIIA il'IN k CO. Hartford, August, 1810. 49 DENTAL SURGERY. A. D. PUTNAM, --Surgeon Dentist. WOULD inform (lit ciliiona untie rillajeof lliattle tioro, and its vicmilj, that he lias located liiiiiKell in laid Tillage null the especlalion of making It Ins permanent residency liere lie will hold himirlf" l readioeaa to perform, in the moat akillful manner, all ojr stions in the Iioe of Dental Surgtry. Ha will promiae entire aatiafaclton to those vho maj em ploy him, be vrarrantinjr the aueceaa of hia operations. lie would also inform the citixena of the neighboring towns, which he hasAarrlDoreriatted, that he will continue hia viaila to them periodically, aa uiualy. O" Office oter the 1' Office, llrattleboro, .May 26, H0. tfl STATE Ol' VEI13IONT. Prnbale Diatrict ofMarlboro, as. In 1'robaH Court, Off. fi, IW6. COMES Cynthia Gainea, widow ol LEONARD GAINES, lata of llratlleboro in aaid district, deceased, and moves tha Court here for an eatignment to her of a portion of the personal property ol the decesaed ; Where upon it ia ordered that a hearing be had on said application before the Trobale Court of aaid diatrict, at the alated sea. aion thereof to be holden at the Probate Office in aaid dis trict, ou the last Thursday of October, inst ; And for the purpoas ol notifying alt persona interested therein of the time and place of hearing, aaid applicant ia directed to pub. Itab a copy of the reeoid of thia order three wceka aucceas ively In the Vermont l'ha-nii, priotej st Brattleboro in said district, presioua to aaid time of hearing, A true copy from the llecord. LEMUEL WHITNEY, 1 Judge of Probate. STATE OP VEIUIONT. Probate District of Marlboro, ss. In Probate Court, October lit, 1840. THE following petition is presented, to wit! To the Hon. the Probste Couit for the district or Marlboro. The undcraigned, Joshua N. llrown, of v intiiigiiBiri, in sam prnnaie aistriet, one Ol the hein to the estate of JOSEPH BKOWN. lata of ingham, deceased, lo wit: that nart ofaaid ntale net out inaower to oaran llrown, widow ol said deceased, and your petitioner respecllullv renrrsents. that severs piecea or parcels ofland being situated in said town of vvnuingnam, part ol tne estate ol Joseph llrown, de ceased, was set out by the Commissioners of dower to Sarah llrown, widow of said deceased, for a particular utebiipuvn, micicui. occ ino rccorua oi ine probale court lor said district of Marlboro, nnrl th.t ih. ..I I Sarah, widow as aforessid. deceased. In ih, mnnii. r rc.,.t. A r. ' ' " Therefore, your petitioner prays that ssid real es. Brown, Joshua N. llrown. luor bci nui mu uivineii nmnnfr . nt,nh v el P. Urown, Putty Toby, and Sarah M. Fuller, heirs a. m.y in huiu ucceaseu. nv uornmuEinnir in jwinted by the court for lhat purpose, according to w.-.wv ss imvii (,ao uiauc biju iiiuviuru. JOSHUA n. n fin vw uaicu ai vnumffnnm, inis nin day oracpl. 1646! Whereunon. It la order ml that ni:rAn. tr ail bersons fntereiled. lhat ihia rnnrt nriti aa said application st the session thereof, to be holden at I YfS. uroiueboro in said district, on ihi last, a iiuiBuuv ui wcioiier. initr. nv ininiistiinn n . ...u ,bwiu w, oaiu pcuiiun, wiui mis oraer tnereou, lurco weens successively in tne Vermont Phcenix.prln u .isnu uiouicuuru, previous 10 ssia time ol hearing j ,iuoi.ujiyui urcnra, Al'eal, HOVALL TYLEtl, Iteg'r, STATU OP VEIHWONT. Probste Diatrict of Marlboro, ss. In Probate Court. October "J. I84G. AN Instrument, purporlintr to be the Isst Will and , .f"!'1"""! f SALLY HUNT, late of Vernon, In aaid District, deceased, waa presenied for Probale, by Koswell Hunt, the Eiecutor therein named. i nrA.. thai n. , -, .---.w.vw ...B. a.m (nail uiurii, ik iirmu ana eiaminrii, neloie I lie frnbale Cnurl of said uiainci, ui ine stated session Ihereor, In bo holden at Ihe 1 robate Ofllce in Ilrattlelxiro, on the last Thursday ol Uctober. Instant. And for the nnn,.. r .,,.,;rin;. .11 persons Interested therein, of the lime and place of - uij appear nnu contesttne rrnbate ...tiwi. 1 1 iey see cause, tne said named Execu. tor U directed to publish a copy of ihe record of this u uer, inreo weena successively in the Vermont Phm nlx, printed at llrattleboro In aaid district, previous to said time ol hearing. A true copy from Ihe Record, LEMUEL WHITNEY, 7 Jodje of Probate. INSURANCE. rpHE aubscrlber havlnr; been appointed by the Di rectors of the Windham County Inaursnee Com. panir, their Atrent for this place and vlcinily, will at tend to the Insuring 0' property in said Compsny, on application. ' " pplicatlon, IIENUY CLARK, 4wS0 Brattleboro, Jan. 6, me. BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS SI'MJM; OVV I'D It CASH!! rilftU uUoflbcr hn reccired Lsrcc find Rich mott X tnentofAVia I till Goodt, whicli Willi hit former Hock flake hid nortment vttj Complete. Ai lie It driirou ol clling oiriiii enlirn tlock he inlnndi (onlTer hit good l i) cli pticctfor tntk it will mtkn ft in object for til who wisli (o jiurch aso lo call Mid examine conna-tipa it rinr or Hlcli new itytc M. dc line. Hep Caalunerr, Cailimrrc de UcnM. I'latn and irp'd Bilk Warp Alpacti, UUck and blue black Alii pmei, Marine Ulut and pnntrd Orleana u jo inn. A large tuftrlmenl- Scot"h and American Cinhtmi, ritrniinre rairne, o WOOICIIH. Urond UInlh, 1'ltiri and twill'd Hearer dt Plain and unc uaaiimrres, Hatincu-.!-, 4-1, aim & I white r Ian nela, vrrjr cheap- Uratijj?, green and oarltt di. j Rob Knjr i mat. Iloac and lUlh lUintteti Vfftinj ; Rich Bilk, Velvet, and other new U. Carpets, IiOoUiii ;I.tsij Ten Trayn, Tnll u(lciy9 filvc Uccnc FE A THE US; IArt it 1 1 AKoiRof . llrown and ltlearhrd OUnnt.Cantnn rlanneli. Tirkinfffl. Table Ltnen. lluiaia and Scotch Dla ertta4me extra line. Craih, Ilurlapt, truh Ltneni and uuicii our u ii oiunz iinrn IIUKII , rij Ciirmp hit trial Quilli, hinbofted Tablo Ctivirti, Ladiea' Traveling White, milt, clouded and drab Woolen Varn of a nice iuaiitv , Mali, lilavn, llnaterjr, UtnbreHaf, I'hm and figured Cambric. Muslin and Lacea ; Linen Uoaorna and Collars Ulck Italian and Kane isi ii t luirncv anu t mazy oiraw nonnn men uon lift and Cap Ilibini, FluHrit and Tabt. A verjr largo aamrlrnent or rich Cashmere; Imitation ditto; New ityle net Woolen and fine Plaid do, ; Ulaek diir, rape. .Mous. tie Mine, Stridill d Araa L.uii. tier mma, I'arla Net. Super Mard, Alpaca, llonejr Comb, V. lencia, and Edeuborodo. Crockery, China and Gins Ware. A very large and nice aasortmcnt or Ulan Lamps ; Q-ZIOOCIIXCS good aaaortment A. K. DWINHLL. Brattteborn, Fept. tlht I 10. & NEW GOODS At iVo. G f.rnnilc Hon. CUNE & GOODHUE A HE this week receivinrj their Fall Block of Ilich J-- and fashionable Goods, connstiog or tho follow ing articles: ltTCNfi ttooiNniii lonI. SIuIIs. Itieh IMaid, Slnped ind Changeable Silks ; Mew alvles Caalimere. Reo Caahmere. .V Detainea i New atylea (llnghaina and Printa ; Silk, Linen snd Cotton Warp Alpaceaa; Orleans and Indiana Clolha; Alpines, Paraaeena, and African Clotha , New atyle Wool Plaid. SHAWIS. Rich Caahmere snd Silk Uhaivla , New styles Kabyle and Urocba do. Nice wrought Wool do.; Plaid Woolen do. A variety or new atylea Fall and Winter do. IVOOICII (aOOtlg, lllsck snd Olue Ulack 1IROAU CLOTHS ; Illue, llrown, Olive Green, and Iloltle Green do. Tweeda, Batineta, Plain and Fsucy Caaaimerea; Newstylea Fall and Winter Veatinga. Doutcxtic fiootN. Uleacbed and Rtown Hhretingssnd (Shirtings; Tickinga, Uiillinji, flurlapa, Linen Sheetings, Russia Diapers, Crashea, Table Liren ; Linen, Cotton and Wool Table Upresds ; Cotton snd Wool Flannels, Ac , Ac. .llilliiicry Goods. Florence Ronneta, Rutland do.; Ilich Velvets snd Bilks for Bonnets; French Flowers, French Tsbe, Ribins, ic. ariclt and Itugs. 50 piecea Wool and Cotton Carpels; Oil Floor Cloths; Hemp Carpeting; Btrsw and Btatr do , Ruga of all kindaand pricea; Manilla Mils, Sheepskin do , A Leant do. HARDWARE. Knives snd Forks, Dessert do. Carving Knives, Hated Table Spoons Tes do , German Silver d. , Tea Trays, Snuffers and Trays, Ilraaa Candlealicka, Rraas Aodirnns, Ilraas headed Shovel and Tongt, Britannia Coffee and Tea Pole, Lamps, Castors, Sad lrona snd II ras Ketllea. Crockery. A large aaaortment or Flowing Illue ; Imitation do ; China do , Raised Ag'd and White do ; A good aaaortment ol Glaas Wsre. Looking- Glasses, Paper IlniiKiiigg, l,Ivc Gcesc JFE.lTJIjnilSy A Good Artsoi'liiM tit of Groceries, Ilnls and Caps, Boots iV Shoes, Trunks aV Valises, varpct Nags anil Satchels. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Hosiery snd Glovee, Cravats and Scarfs. Linen hrlkf. Bilk do , Lacea, Lace Edging, Swias, Hook snd Mull Mm. lins, Biahop Uti, White Cambric. Colored Cambric p.. per do .,Sileaianat Curtain Cambrics and Muilins, Counter, panes. Cotton Fringes, Green Harage, Zephyr Worateda A j j li , . -" "ii, urao moreen. White and . -, v-.a i.m wr.ll LiinVn tlOSOma snd Coll.,., ShirU, Wool do ,nd Dr.wera, Whitney snd Rom Blankets, Batting and Wadding. ' The above Good, will be shown freely to all who wish to t sminji lhairn ssnrt aanlil a tlia Imi.i lav . iwiuro purcnaairg, aatianed lha1 we can preaent many very DrclDin HaRoaiss. CUNEcOODIlUE FALL JxOODS. BZXIGHAXID fit SAWYER Glasses, Croclfcry and China Wares, snd other FURNISHING GOODS, Is very large and com. plele ; all which they will offer at the loweat prices. tCT WANTED IN EXCHANGE Butter, Cheese. ris-sai.. n 1 iu 1 v 11 .. A. . . Irockinf.FUnnH, Flrece Wool, rilm UtflUU, &c. Ate. r... ii.-lll. a. a is.1 inif ' WANTED. Q TONS rtry nic iliced DHW1PPLE. for which a fair A. E. DWl.NELL. ursitisaoro, Hept. 18th, 1HI0. 5 MEIsODEONS. THE subscribers haying formed a roparlnershiii under Ihe firm otS. II. JONES k CO., for Ihe manufacture or .JUefoaVoni, Seraphxnet, tee , would respectfully infiirm the public, that they will be happy to supply all oiders lor Instruments in their line, wholesale and retail, at as low pricea as can be procur ed in thecounlry. Qualily of Instruments warrauted equal to any other manufacture. S. II. JONKS, WOODBURY & BUIIDITT. OO-AII orders received at Ihe stole or Woodbury t. Durditt. opposite Hall and Tnwnslei's. where may bo lound a general assortment of Musical Instruments. In struction Books, Slrings, kn.. Sic. WUUUUURY k BURDITT. Brattleboro, June 23,1340. 44 DENTISTRY. DOCT. SPAlLilJIIffG Af10NTINUES at his old aland, mi-.lnn,. i,i V. Dullnn it Clark's store. In neiform all nr....ii,. in Dental Surgery, on the most improved principles o? tv"r", ' "priiciicn 01 1 1 yesrs in bis business, he feels confident he can a.iLru n ,.k desire lo preserve their teeth, or those who require aril ficisl teeth, from one to a fu l set. Iln .ur,.n.. .11 1.1. operaiionson tne teem logiveaatisiacllon, and he would express his gratitude to those who have for the last 8 ears given mm tneir patronage, and assure all that he hall continue to operate unon the teeth mill, ik. t . of materials, and In a manner which he would invite 111 10 Bcruuniso ana compare nun the besl work done n our country. His charges are far more reaaonshln th.n ik mon charges of Dentists. Drattleboro, June 1st, 1346. 6m4l HAVE ju.t received a full supply of A'CC GOODS, comprising almost every variety of t'ssbionable Arli' clea fur Ladiea' and Oent'emen's wesrinif apparel, Ac, Their atock ofnAnTiPTiTWrtc IV.iU,. ii... NEW FALL GOODS. DIC(KINSOivrAY & CO., HAVK and arc receiving, sn elegant menl of Good., among which msy he Tound, Rich Cashmere de Kcoase, " Rep Caahmere, rich Caalimere do Laines, " I. alnes, I'riitfs, in Great variety. French and Snitch Olnghams, Alpacea Lustre., Plain and Watered, " Graduated Kobe., Gala I'laid., SILKH, SHAWLS, MILL1.YEIIV OUODS, t,-e , t,-t. Super French and Oerman BROADCLOTH, " " Blk. Doeakina, lllk. snd Fsney Casaimeres Av ' Rich 1'jner Silk Vealings, Heavy Hoiled Hllin Fancy Velvet " Caslnnero 41 Scarfs antt CravalH. Tailor's Trimmings of all kinds, Together with a great variety ofmher Dry Good., adapt ed to the preaent and annfoacliilitf .eaaoti CHINA. CROCKF.RY fi. GLASS WARK, HARD WARE, GROCKRIKS, Ac , Ac. Our Assortment is complete. Our old stock hsviliir been worked down to the loweat extremity, (preparatory fur New GckmI.,) therefore, we can offer a beitrr a nd by tar rkeiptr stock than tan be round elsewhere in this Vicinity Our are Irerly .hnwn lo all, end we pledge nor artvra not to be oill.d'ine eillifr in variety, vt, lr or price., tr c.ll and eiamine for yourselves DICKINSON, DAY .t CO llrattleboro, Sept. 25, '40. Iil STAGE NOTICE. ON and after Monday, May 11, an accommodation blaze (Till leave Rutland every Monday. Wednes day and Friday, at 5 A. .M., and arrive at Kecne, S P. M., ssme uav. ItUTURNING. Leave Kecne, every TuesJay, 'I'hurcday and f?st- urdsv, at 5 A. M., ami strive at Ilulland same day, by 8 P. M. At Cavendish this line will connect with a line fur Clsremont, N. II., same day. RETURNING. Passengers can leave Claremunt every Tuesdar. Thursdsy anJ Saturday, at 7 A. M., and i;o to Cattle- ion, 1 1. tne same nigni, mere connecting with the Durlinclon and Albany line trointr directly on with. out aleeping and arriving at Albany the next day at S P. M. with a line that leaves Castleton. at 3 o'clock the next morning for Whitehall and Saratoga, arriving at cbtbiobb ssme nay, ai 4 r. M. At Walpolc this line connects with Ihe Conneclicut River line, and arrivine at llrattleboro. ssme dsv by 8 P. M. Returning leaves llratlleboro, Tuesday, tuursuay ana oaturuay, arnviogat Ilulland, s 1'. jw. ssme uav. The nurlinclon k Iloston renular mail line via Hut land and Keenr, N. II., will leave Rutland every day as heretofore, at 5 P.M., except Saturdays, lesve Sunday morning at 7 A. M., aud arritca in Iloston in ut nours. A stage leaves Whitehall at 9 A. M.. every day ex cent Sundays, to connect with this lina at Rutland samedsys. so thst passengera can go from Whitehall to iioston in two oavs. ' L. FOSTER, COOK k CO. pi By iv, io4b. sg Farm ibr Sale. riHII. well known Farm siluat. X uated in Putney, one and a half miles noith ol the villsge, formerly known as the Psrker Farm containing aomelhing more than two hundred acres; lying on the road leading from Putney to Sax ton's village and Chester. Said Farm -a well watered, and lies within half a mile of a good Grist and Saw Mill, and School House. suitably Vl.leil infi mnni.. iiu.k jia.iuic suuwutu isnu, anu is not surpassed by any Farm in Putney, for Ihe convenience ofcarrving on. There Is about Ihirtv acres of v- An ...'. I , on it. Theie will be a sood stock of Cattle mid Sheep to be sold, if the purchaser should want. Trrtu ol payment made ea.v. Saiil Farm i. nm occupied by Joseph Cu.hing, whowill show theprem- Those wishinc to nurchase.csn nnnk-tn ni ri, or the subscriber.ln Leerfield. MaM. rostession given on 1st April, 1947. .tfWPMI nnnntiin.' DeerfieM, June II, 1846. 43' Hare Clinnre for a Uargaln. Dcsirahlc OT-FARM FOR SALE.J3) rpiIE Subscriber being dcairooi of re A moving West, ofiera for Ssle his r arm, con'sining 6S Acres, mostly or a level surface, well watered; 40 of it well rhere is fi Acres ol that Ca.h .Irtiete.) Hop, on the rfe'Zri'1'" A,Sod "' witf. pump ol excel lent Spring water in the kitchen: and 11am, w.lh other convenient out buildings. Also, a new and ZTZiT 'i01' "0UM,'',S tne ground, with 3 kilns and anress. .11 in n,:i ... 1.. SXoai'h,ll,!e0,'n' J 2'nm- wh"e th"' Aho, about a mile es,id "12," SO Acres of having on it a valuable lot or Chesnol and other riniber, which will find a ready mar. .... ,uc uuiuing 01 me Massachuaetla ouu scrmoni itBiiroa.!. whirl. i.:.t ssid Kaim. Fnr r, Ik-. ... ,:...!.. r.. . ,. ,...u.ui.i., cuuuirooi ine onnscriher on ... iiiennsea. IIEWJ, II. PEELER, ernon, August 5, 1840. FARM FOR SAIaE. LX.'P J," "''fax, one mile from Held 'a Tavern, borderlim nn.K...,. road from Oreenfield to Bennington, con- frtr.s .-. I L.lrtl II a r. . . ' " saaiisiiit, aifiiui, if nciri ill i.ftni nitK V " IIUUHCi "rnanu snnut and olhcrout buiWinttij all in good it-pair. An orchard or excellent iroiij also, a good sucar orchard. Said Farm h aUo 11 trairrru. r rii't IWItZJ"1" en?ulre ' WIL-IARD F. l. U VMIKOS, on the premises. IMIa. r-. n 11.1:1. . ".'insarMtiu, Halifax, Ang. SI, 1846. .m Farm for Sale. LYING in Whltlngham.l a mile from Ihe flour ah nn vi lane or.lnrl,.nnili- on a good roadj containing 145 acres of 1 uiHKi waiereti.Bii.i.i.iu hi .ii ntn Mowing and Pasture: coo.1 wood Ini. v,ii, ni rale second growth augar orchard; almost the whole rami fenced with (rood stone wnlh .nn.111. II,.... .. 1 I , . t . 1 ' " " ciiiciis, una vppie urcnard. as d harm twill h enU nn.,l ! L ..I - - "v "Ku.iri I'l ill piece- lo SUK Olivers, ,,,. , KUMUND DROWN, vi iiuiuKiiain, oept. ai, B4G. 4iV(;. FARM FORSAjLE. "PHE subscriber now oilers for sale his Farm, well known as Ihe ''lajr , iiuunninn r arm " ..ii..i.i i.. 1 ........ .1 .tnmi nrGuillnril. mill n n I I n I n r airiAi.t 530 acres ol Land. On said Farm is a larre two House, together wilh Barna and olher buildings ln good repair. The Farm is suitably divided Inln wood. mowing, and posture, and well watered, and contains a large variety of fruit trees, a good sugar fXr- The Farm will bo 6old cheap. c , LOVELL BULLOCK. PAINTING, riiiibiUMenwr rpectrullannounwalD the inhabit X anti ol Brattleboro and vTiinii ! n lhi . , MS VUIIUMUUS IO PAINTINO BusiNraa In all its vsrlou. brsnch.i vli , uow Sis tni imlltio Pslnling, Glasing and Paper Hanging, dto , at the 010 f'V do"r no"".f Vermont llouao! He hope, by faithfulness to merit snd secure a share of m,hl, nVi. rori'ge- ROBERT ROBERTSON. ursitiecoro, April as, 1846. 3,3 Jill V :"'" " suBiaicm cultivation; w pro duce Iron, 10 to 15 ton. good English Hay ; said 40 Acre, betng mostly pood Mowing. Grsin, it Pture Isnd; the residue we envere.1 iri.i. j t.-., I.iipmI an. I . 9m Look for your Health. rpl'K subscriber has of and offers for ssle the JL. loliowing Tsiunuie snu popular itieuicuie., via i Rrandrelh'a Pills ; Indian Vegetable Purgative do. Newton's Cathartlo do.; rhlnney's Ant) Billion, do ; WLtar's Wild Cherry do. ; Oridley's Teoptes' do.; f.r.'m I .In. itn i Hnenrer'a Vegetable do. : whicli are good for Billioua Complsmta, and to purify the blood. Brown's Sar.apsrllla and Tomato Hitlers Wood's " and Wild Cherry do. ; 8. O Richardson tV Son's Sherry Wine do ; "i " " l'axrdo. i Newton's Jaundice do ; Hnnw's " do. ; Mar.liall's " do. I)r Wl.lar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, for Cold., tVitighe and Consumption ; Dr Jona. Moore's Kaseiiee of Life ; NeHtun's Couli l)ro,is ; Mother's Reliel, a new and truly vstu.blc Medielne ; Oridley's Cstsnh SnulT; flridley's Anodyne for tooth sehe, a sure remedy ) Marshall'. Rheuinate Plaster , Stiver's Joint and Nerve Liniment. Together with many other Medicinea in common use and ol hl-rli reoute WM II. WILLIAMS. vTlliamaville, Sent. iiO, 18-16. Cw5 Stoves! Stoves! AT IVO. 1 ItKICK KOYV. J.H.&W.H.ESTERBROOK HAVK. Just received their Fall and Winter atock o(HTOt't:s, conslslinz of the largest assort ment ever olTered for sale In this market, comprising the following variety ofpatlernsi Anthony, Davy i Co'a Washington Air-tight aix uouer vfHiK siove. Pierce's American, do. do. Atwood, Cole and Crane's Empire Improve Air- llglll, uo. Geerfc llosworlh'a Telegraph, do. do. Ilueklin's Oregon, (a new article) do. do. A. T. Dunhsm 4 Co's Prism of Troy, do. do. Conant, Trask k Co's Yankee Notion Immnrnl An Granger'a Elevated Oven (decidedly the best Stove llrown i Gsge's Yankee Notion, do. I., (j rover's " Improved (heavy Ilueklin's Improved Rsilwsy, do. Johnson. Geer k Cox's Do"uble Oven, rfrv Johnson k Cox's double Oven Improved (a splen- Johnson i- Cox's Parlor Cook Strive. Granger's four boiler Parlor Cook, and a variety ol Vlll,l ii.ttciiiv. Also an extensive assortment of Parlor and JJo Air-tight Stoics, some very elegant patlerns, new this season. Also STOVE PIPE, and Copper, lirass. and Tin Store Furniture. Hollow tt'are, Sap lloileri, 4e. JOU WORK done at abort notice, and warranted lo give satisfaction, and at fair prices. H3" All or the above is oflcrnt Tor aale at reduced pricct tor CASH or approved CreJit. Old Iron (wrought and cast,) and most kinds or Produce re ceived in exchange. Iliallleboro, Aug. 31, 1840. 2 lMtcliis' I'alcnt Convex Spiral TRUSS. THE reputation of this Truss for Ihe radical cure of Hernia in its several forma and stages, is now eslsblished. Its superiority is proved from the fact, lhat, Physicians anil Surgeons in London and Paris, and other European cities have preferred it to all oth ers now in Use, both al'home and abroad. Orders for supplies have been received from the above mentioned cities, and other foreign places where us. uceu recummenaeu Dy tne laculty, as a very valuable addition to Ihe instruments lor the treatment of Hernia. '''he spiral Abdominal Supporlers, invented by Ihe """"'i rrrcneu ine nignesi premium ai tne late Mechanic's Fair in the city, and has been recommend ed hy Dr Channing and lligelow, as a very superior 1u.11 mucin iur uursai ana aoaonunai weaKiieas. J. W. PHELPS. 63 Court t.. Boston Certificates of recommendslion or the above have been received front the following eminent Physicians Dr. Valentino MolL Dr. John C Warren, Dr. Geo Ilayward, Dr 8 D.Townaend, Dr. Winslow Lewis, Jr., Dr. Wm. J. Walker, of Boston. Dr. Alex. II. Stevens, Dr. Will.rd Tarker, Dr. Samuel II. P. Lee, cj New York. For salo by R.SPALDING, 45 Commissioners .Vol ice. WE the subscribers, being sppointed by the Hon. probate Court for the district of .Marlboro, Commissioners lo receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all tiersons against the estate of PAUL, W1IEELKR, late of Wardsboro, In said district, deceased, and also, an me Claims and demands exhibited In on set thereto, and six months from I lie S7lhdav of Aiir. uil.A. D. 1846, being allowed by said couil for that purpose, do hereby give notice that we will attend to tho business of our aaid appoiotmenl, at the Store ol J. sXc. II. llice, in said Wardsboro, on thelhird Mon day of November and February next, from 9 o'clock A. in., 10 live r. m,, on eacn 01 said nays. mi 1 v rirc- t . h. W. JOHNSON, 5 JOHN T LIFTS, S Wardsboro, Sept. 21, 1846. ComrnVs. STATE OF VERMONT. Marlbobo, ss, In Probate Court, Sept. 89, 1816. The following petition is presented, towitt To tht Ihn. Prolate Court for the Dittrict ofMarlboro, Tekjahih H. Peeler, Gusrdisn of LYDIA js- rar-LLii, an insane person, respecirully repre sents thst the persnnsl estate of his said ward, is in eumrieni to nay the expenses or maintaining his ssid ward, wherefore, he prays the court for license to sell the whole of Ihe realeststeof his said ward, for the puiiHj.o ui paying ssui expenses. o . "ENJ- PEELER, Guardian. v ciiiuu, crpi. 'uv, 1040 Whereunon. it is ni.ler.vl ih.i ..1,1 n.....ti. .: fy all persona interested, lhat this court will decide up. on sa-d application at the special ses.ion thereof, to be holden at the probale office In Brattleboro In aaid dis trict, on Friday the 16th day of Oct. next, by publish ing a copy of the record of said petition, wit'li this or. "7'"'". uiree wress successively In the Vermont I hojnlx, printed at said llratlleboio, previous to said lime of hearing. f hearing, A true copy of Record, ROYALL TYLER, Reg V. Atleat, State of Vermont. Marlbobo, ss. In Prolate Court, Slpt. 30th, 1840. COMES Maria Ware, widow ol Chandler Ware, late llf Wl lllInolnn..t..Kn.,t . .... .k , , r, vm-.m, a.,u mo cuurt 1 cio mi in assignment 10 nerorpersonal proiierlyfrom the estate or said deceased. 1 ' ' Whereuion, it la ordered that said petitioner nolily all neraons interested, that this court will decido upon said application at Ihe session thereof, to be holden at thu probate olHce In Braltleboro, in aaid district, on thela!! rhuiaday of October next, by publishing a copy or the record or this order three weeks successive ly in the Vermont Phoenix, printed at said Braltleboro, previous lo said lime of hearing . A true cony of Record. ' A"f". ROYALL TVLEU, Reg'r, PUTNEY WOOLEN FACTORY. THE subscribers hsving their machinery lu complete repair, are ready to receive wool to manufacture on -"-i on 1110 ino.i i.voraoie terms, They ha ve on hand a great i variety or plain and rsncy Casslmerss, which they wilfexchange for wool, on delivery. JAMES KEY EG & CO. Fulney, June 8, 1845. RIC II STOCK NEW FAUGOODS Opened at JVo. n Granite U0lv ar 1 WHiSEIiMIt & PRATT rplli:.ub.cnber. Invite the sileniion of ib, Lm, 1i Lun m. ii jiuiciiHTi, 111 uouas, in ....uim,. Rich Silk and Ca.hoiere HII A till a our new ,. Brochs do , Wool Sli.v.1. , jrnt 1Uf,r Dress CJootisj, U'e are confident in aivintr .p . . ment to be round in th. market, and at 11, prices. 1. b , New styles Rep Ca.lnnrre .lr Uw, " " Gr.du.ud Dr. ... , ' Mo.lin de Laines, Plan, .nd Tu.ll,' 1 f,,.i. Ill.Ck snrl BI... lllsck Alo.n,. snd Al, ' Indians Clolhs, Plain and I'laid Lv..i.. Thlb-t Mcrin.M, and HI. id t,'li.k.r,j. Black and Bluo Black Drr.s u , Plain, tjtliHd snd 1'aney llris. ' Prints and Furniture Patch tv tais s v., s.aorloicnl, price, from 4c to liOc ' .111111 tin t floods. We have opened a lrco stork of Imwcr., ..-...(.I.. , r..h,i . .1 ,,MJ vest sly e., t" be round , n. ,.,k fe variety of Bonnet V.-Urui ami -i. v ' I Watered Bilk, for Bonnet. AN... J,b.'."' met RIBINS, arliliri.l Klov. r. a.,,1 T.i, 't'. 1st decided bargains. , l.rire i nd W II....I tlllllVtf ....I! . 1. " u...,ri m. .iiiuri.i riov.. r. BIlO l a .. .L.I, ItruatlclolIiK, 1'untIcIolIiK, Canniiiicrct, Vclinti ami Tailors' Trinimi it-. We can show a splendid aaaortment ol all r. 1, ,, "WVot1"1 r""' UM' ""1 T"mmB! Wni, , tu MtomcHllc fioodx, Xc. Thoso about putchiaing House keepinj Coocs . , at our Store a great variety ol all kiwis, su'h a. o BlankeU, Bleached and Brown T.M. Cv. V' and Brown Sheeting., Bed Ticking, Duwr., LiMr.'r" nela, snd all other kinds of 1 ' House Fitrtiixhins Goodt which we would aay aa to price we shall not be ,,4,,. Carpels. A good BMorlment ol .11 wool, eilra and sqner,.r peting Oil Floor Cloth., Colt,n C.rpetict 1 Stair C.rpeU, Tutted Rug., aooie very nice BOO lb. Pure Northern Live Oeei Festlitri 10 cms new style, H.iTS and C.1P3, ' S more of Paper Hanging's, sold it m,. Tacturera pricea. "' CMiin, Crochtrs nnti Clnss Wart ...Wt hM ' m? ""t"'tino,cI Hat W are, (ofa new pattern) ' GROCERIES, a e ood asaorlrnrnt ninri'vii T'"' 8pi"'' C' we CRW We have also msny other desirable Goods, aiI. have not named, all of which we shall be risen. 1,,,, thoao who may favor ua with their calls WHEELER 4 fRir Sept S3, 184G. ru RIPLEAS & TALCOTT. I3IP0RTERS & COjIjIISSIOX JlERCIItMS, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Keep constantly for ssle, at at low pruet ai tn k w. ..y ...utAn in in. cnuea orsirr, s complete assortment ol rao.T, STEEL, no iao, rias bsick, 1MVILI, VICES, MXMMEBS, SLEDOES, BOail, BELLOWS, CllllAS, SHOVELS, Oai.1DITO.HI, SCBEW PLATES, SHOE HAILS, ciaaissc inuoi, PALEST B1LASC1I, SLEIGH SHOII, SPADES, HOII, rOltl, AXES, KAILS, irtltl, riLis, EAirs, no wist, caow sias, laox pcmps, AXLES, kC. AJiD AGENTS TOR THE SALE OF I airbanVs' Snnerior Potent St.Ih .11 r. Roverlron Works Co's X.11LS and IHO.V,Sistii- soir, UKOTHEBS K Co's STKEL and FILES, Ann' Pierre Wood's, snd Washburn's SllOf'ELS, P.1DES. snd for Olher food. on ConsiirnmeBL Proprietors of the NEW ROLLING MILL ill IRONWORKS st IPindtor Loekt. tot which Ihn wish to purchase Scrap, Bloom, Pig, Bar and BtOet Iron, and solicit orders for Nail Rods, Nut Shipa, Lock Plates. Wire Rods. Rivet linn Shafting. Rmu and Square Iron. Plate and Blade STEEL, ora'l desirable sizes, and warranted of good hty. Shipping Agents for the Providence and FaURirtf Packets. June 1,1810. 6ml! $50 a Month for Young Men! WANTED to vend aeveral ncw,tplendii am" uteful nublications a number of active ad well educated young men; to whom the follomoi en couragement will be given, viz : Those who will lite S500 worth, at the wholestle prices, psy for tbestse in advance, and strictly follow the directions ihitw' be given them, shall be warranted to clear, indiridil ly, (independent of expenses and money invested,) ISO a month for a year. Thoso with S400, shall beecit' antied S45 a month with S300, $40do. with (300, II &53 ao. and with 8100, 830 do. Those with a les capital than S100, (even Willi but 520) will bed ployed, but not insured. For further narticuliri u ijuiic, personally, 01 ine suDscnoer. J. II IKtJiVLEAt. Sept. 1846. (tf3) GuilfonJ.Vl. PATJKJVTS. .1.VERIC.W .IND FOREION OFFICE, And Agency for the U. Slate. Patent Office, WsshiojtoB, ixo. KJ, STATE STREET, IIOSTON. rflllE subscriber, by appointment from the Commiiini' J. er of Patenta. is A rem of the U S. Patenl Offit. It the purpoM of receirinir and forwardino lu th mm i!i aueh niodela, .peciraen. or ingredient, and inanufactsm, 11 ss shall be intended lo be patented, or depoatled tcema, ' wnicu wui oc receivea sna lorwsroeo, jrte rj irpemtM ri i men Dwnei., in. wnn an pnaaioie oiapaicn. roe suuscriuer win prepare aveau, Dpecincalions, AHign menu, and all the necessary l'spers and Dlav. ings, will make researches into American and Foreign works, for es tsbliahiog the validity or utility of inventions, snd rear anviceno an legal ana scientiho matters, respectiD; ins same. Patents secured in Europe snd other countries. By spplicstion st this office inventors sre saved tbe tm ana esiense 01 a journey to Wislitngton and delay urn, aa well aa all persons trouble In obtsiniog their pileati - The experience ol fourteen rear, lecliooa of rare worke, documents, deciaiona, Ac 00 tor. chanical aubjects snd Ihe Patent Laws, and patents ol dif frrent countries, collected at much eipenae duringthe lo( time Ihi. office baa been eatabli.hed, and lo which daily 1'' ditlona are being made, together with account, hero kept pf intentions patented at Waahington, enable me to sffoid important asaialance and information to inventors denroBS oraecunns Patents, which in other re.nect. mtirhl b. diffi Wl 1M..1U.CIII. R. II. EDDY, Civil EseiBfsr. IjM Auguat 17,1846, POTASH JUST received and for aale by WILLISTON 4- TYLER. Aug 24. I Lumber. SUCH aa Square Timber, warranted and commc" Snruee Sliinoleit. and rnmmon Spruce Boards. Claoboaida. wooden I'm Simula. Slittvork, kc kc, constantly for aale in Pulney by I. GROUT. March 10, 1840. SOtt ROOKS. JUST received, Town's JJiWe Reader ; AnatomT and Phvsiolory. hv C. RniM. M. D.i Prsflieil Treatise on Dyeing and Calico Printing! Bible M" al and Text Hooka. Sic. at the nOOKSTOIIt.. l'MUODICAL & CHEAP I'DHMCATIOiNS. THE subscriber would respeclfully give notice he has received the anenev-for the following ! riodlcals, which will be furnished at Ihe subscript" price, Iree ofpostage, by the single No., or year. Columbian Magazine, Ledies Nstionsl Mg i uraiianra Godey's Lady's Book, N. Y. Illustrated " Ladies Gailand, ijiiue a s.iving Age, Parlor Annual, Christian Fmilu l Also, most of the nr!vl;,.lt ..Cika .v furnished I1 CHEAP rUBIiIOATIONS will be received aa fast as they are Issued from the press Also, an assortment of newspapers will be leceived by hxpress, every Saturday alleruoon, and sold by single copy at city pricea. CO-Any Periodicals or Cheap Publications, not 00 hand, will be furnished at short notice. ..,, , t O. H. SALISBURY. Brattleboro, Bept. S, IB46 " 14 SP3