Newspaper Page Text
VOL. LI. BRATTLEBORO, VT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1884. NO. 40. t ffltxmwt $!pwri (lad TKItMOST ItKCOIID AND llUMKIi, united MlJ 1, 1880.) PUBLISHED IVIBT rnioii bt FRENCH & STEDMAN, DRATTLEBOTtO, VT. Tn-ln advance, per year, II. to: If cot paid iltblu the year, $3.00. Ill I or Anvtnrialso on application. Blrtt c. Death, tod Marriagea publl.bed gratia; 01)11 o.ry Notnea, Carda of Thauke, etc., 75o per Inch of 13 line, of leaa, Knitted at the DrallllUro l)it OJlce at treomUhtt mail mailer. 0. L, Fbchcii. S, 1). Stidmix. Business (Carts. m:ii.n.t.. et, Ucneral Inturance and Heal KitaU Agent. Il.preaeutlng Companlca whoa. A.aeta areor.r tllU,IIOU,UUU. TENEMENTS TO LET. Agenta for lianooca Flna ElilNauiauaBa. Offlc. In Btarr k Katey'e New Dank Muck, cor. Mala nd Elliot alreel., DUATlLKbUKO, VT. I A.T1KM 31. 1'l LKll, ' J .... Wlliletou lllock.nrallhboro.Vt., Tract Icra In all the courts, makce collectlone promptly, and lureete money ou weeteru mortgage.. 11. PHYSICIAN AN1 HUUUEON, llltATTLEBOBO. VT. Ufflce and reaidiuce corner Main and Walnut Hta. &t home from 1 to a and from 0 to 7 o'clock P.M. II. ai,ii:. A CO. DEALERS IN LUMUEll OF ALL KINDS, nil Flal etre et, Braltltboro, Vt. JAMES) (JO.LA.ll, .M.U., PHYSICIAN AMI) SUKOEON, INflce In Croaby block, uver Vermont National Ilank, OlUc. hour. 8 to 9 A.M., 1 to 3 P.M. Itealdence 19 Main .t,,... Dbatillbobo,Vt. DP. WBllNTKlt.m. It. Ufflce and rcaldenc. 37 Elliot at., Draltleboro, t. Ufflce houra before 8 a, m. ; 1 to 9 and 6 to 8 p. u, ITEXllY TVOHEn,l.Ili IX BUIIOKON AND UOMffiOPATHIST, Ufflce In Leonard'a Ulock, EUlot street. Officehoure, 1U0 to 31110 and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Special attention given to chronlo dleeaaea. AltKI.1l dr. HTOIIAll, ATTOUNEY8 AND COUNSELLOH8 AT LAW and Sollcltore of Patent!, Ubattlbbobo, Vt. H. If, Jit., LAWYER. Wilmington, Vt. r JL. II E. TUN, House and Blgn I-alntpr, Or VY namenUland Fresco Tainting, araining,Kal somlnlng, paper lianglng, etc, IT9 Oreen Street, BraUleboro, Vt . FIRE ISSUANCE AGENT, ruTxrr, Vt, BJ. C A. IIP EM ITER, Market .Mock, Elliot St. Dealer la Toys, Fancy Goods, Books, Sta tionery, Newspapers, Magazines tt Periodicals Sub. scrlptions received for tbe principal newspapers and magazines, and forwarded by mall or otherwise. BIIOOKN EIOVRE llfAIIt IIRKMIU mo noon, mb, james a. cook, for. tnerly of the Parker Hoose, Boston. FlrsUclaas work. Room in rear of hotel office. JF. Alt nEllMOX, STEAM FITTER AND PLUMBER, BlUTTLKBOBO, VT. Steam Pipe and Fittings and Steam Heating appa rstus furnlabed and put In. Steam boilers and en (tinea repaired. All Jobbing In tbfs line promptly at tended to. Water piping and Plumbing done In the best manner. JC. ESTAnilOOK, JR., WARDSBORO, VT. Houe PtilntlDg, Graining, Piper Hanging, Hard wood Finishing. .0.52 CUcstcm Investments. i.H. MERRIF1ELD, President. R. M. SHERMAN, Secretary, Vermont loan & Trust Company GltAXIi FORKS, DAKOTA. MEOOTIATOBB Of lied Illror Valley' Farm Loans, Ecaring 8 to 9 per cent, Interest, net. Full particulars, with references, furnished on ip plication. Correflpondence solicited. 13 EI'. AVailTT, SIOUX FALLS, DAKOTA, Real Estate and Loan Agont. Eastern parties desiring to loan money or Inreat In real estate In tbe growiDg city of Sioux Falls, cannot do better tban deal with me. I shall endeavor to deal honestly and fairly with all who may do bnslness with me, and at a fair rate of commission. Address E. P. WHITE, Sioux Falls, Dak., Box 1177. Refer by permission to editors of this psper, toS. W, Kimball of Brattleboro, and to either Dr. Gray or Dr. Tnfta of Blonx Falls. 28 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. And it concerns all intending to buy GROCERIES CHEAP FOR CASH, To call at South Main street Store, Piper's old stand. NEW STOCK or GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, And all kinds of Goods usually kept in a first class Grocery Store. Having had sonio experience in Making 1 shall mnko FLOUR A SPECIALTY. C. B, DICKINSON. I in AVINO BOLD MY ENTinr. nnnn titmiwvna this town, all breacrlotlona. marka, locludtng COMPOUND EXTRACT IIOP8, SYRUP BARSAPARILLA, Ac., to 0. M. COLUURN i wouiu nere aiaie I bave had a personal acqualn- of CO tanc. with Mr. C. M. Colbnrn for orertblrteen years, and know him to be a Gentleman of honor anil lnt.0. rltjr, and heartily recommend him to the public aa aucb. My aon and former ttartn.f. ftdwln n. Thnrn. h.. charge of tbe preacrlptlon dtpartment, and I aaaure the public accuracy and eafetv. ThanklUff the MlhMft fn, tllt- lr,n.,.,'nnl,nn,t M. ronagr, 1 wontd beapeak the continuance of eame for the Arm of 0. M. Colburn k Co. I. N. TlinllV. TO CASH BUYERS OF DRY GOODS ! We know that many of tho ad fertile meats of tbe day are put forth In glowing colors and that when tou aa to Bra tfaa (roods vou find that they are far dif ferent from bat you were led to expect. We aball try and make a change In this. On all of tha gooaa we advertise we shall try and give yon Jut tbe whole truth, so that when we have any special tblDg cheap and tell you so through tbe paper, you can believe it. Jnat come In and see for yourselves on tbe specials we advertise this week. We have a U dies' Merino Vest at 39 cents, the same thing that we sold last season for 60. We abalt bare Kentleman's shirt lust ai cheap In a few days. Also t full Hoe of the celebrated Bennington Underwear in both ladies' and geotiemeo'i up to tne neat tscanet Also Children's good). Cheap! We bava a full line of both Ladlea and Children's Cloaks an 4 Dolmans, and you may be sure tbe prlcei win oe so low mat you wiu uo surprised. The blgzeat bargalo yet to White Blankets, 10 4 .to( jj.ov, XAoa at tueiu ii you uuu wiut u Choice Priots, 5 cent a, all good styles. Scarlet, Grey and Check shirting Flannels from 12 w ow ceuis. 9 New Pieces Carpet at the eame low price. A few remnants Oil Cloth, Jait tbe thing for stove? Alao Oil Cloth Mats, all aitea. Oo the counter you will flad a box filled with odd S lea Imth T.r1UaTn.l f!JiH. 1r-n'a Hntn it 10. 12 S and H cents per pair. Also a box of Bordered Towela that jc iuriea m piain ngurea. uneapio cioso vut u win More Hamburg Edges at from 10 to 38 cents. Alao full Hoes of Dress good and Shawls. Oootls will bo cheerfully shown and you win not no urgeu to Buy ! F. f. & Orttfls null fHcliiclncs. ARDfrom I.N. THORN. TO Till! VUBhW or 1111AT- TLEBOllO and Vicinity: PATRONS OF PAST 2(1 TEARS : 'Our Latest Returns' Have brought us in A LARGE LINE OF DRUGS, MEDICINES AND FINE Toilet Articles. Call and see our lino of FINE HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS. All odors, from Iho popular manu facturers, LUUIN and LOW, SON & HAYDON, London, Eng., AL FRED WRIGHT, COLGATE, and other American manufacturers. Full lino Colgate's Toilet Water and Soaps, l'cars's Toilet Soaps. Imported Ray Rum. English and American Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Chest Protectors, Cha mois Skins, Sponges, kc, ice. OF BEST QUALITY, Anil Mill lie aold tst Lowest Cash Prices! Call and See Us at the Old Stand of I. N. THORN & SON, NO. 2 CROSBY BLOCK. llespertfully Yours, G.M.GOLBURN&GO. Try a Bottlo of Thorn's Cough mixture, 2tc. Mi 4 SHOES DROWNS STOCK OF HOOTS AM) SHOES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE IS NOW COMPLETE. I have a largo stock of RUBBER GOODS, Including the best makes, at prices tliat will sun an. FARMERS! COME IN & LOOK THROUGH MY KIP BOOT DEFT, And If you want a boot that will stand by you, ask for the "3I0NI TOR KIP, Hand Made." LADIES ! f.ill in enn ilinsn "MNflOLA" chamois-lined boots, for a warm winter shoo. "LADIES' COMMON SENSE a specialty. PEOPLE REALIZE "VALUE RE CEIVED, " AND HAVE DIS COVERED THAT BROWN'S IS THE PLACE TO BUY Boots and Shoes. BROOKS HOUSE BLOCK. POWilH Absolutely Pure. Thla powder nerer Tarles. A marvel of tmrity atrenethand wholeaomeness. More economical tban tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be aoU in competition with tbe multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate rowders. Snld ontv In can. 37-33 It ota L Da ai tc a PowDun Co., 104 Wall it., K. Y H. E. BOND, Diatm ik METALLIC, WOOD FINISH & CLOTH COVEHJiiD CASKETS, .TV civvrro iwn nTfiflTIPH ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES, TEXTILE, OOLDAXI) SILl'Ell 1'LATED TllIM3IIKaS. LADIES' & CENTS' ROBES. Chamber.'. llalntcllr Flultl fur Ilia BODIES EMBALMED 80 All TO DK PIIESEKVED FOII ANY LENQTU OF T1UE DKSIUKD. IIUUIUS UTCf vV i.vis pivip. Coontcted with TelrpliOD. Excban(t. RHEUMATISM. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. IVpnUrlty At homo is not always the beat tf t ut uivrit, but we KInt proudly to the fact tl.Jit no utlie r medicine lias won for Itnelf pucU uiilYvrsal ttpprobatlon In Its own city, statu, uud country, and among all people, 00 Ayer's Sarsaparilla.. Hie following letter from one of our be? t Itiiottii MasMicliuaetts lrugglats should be of intureet to every suite rer 1 Klght years ago I 1 mi attack of so rero thnt I could not move from the bed, or drees, without help. I tried several n-ine-Uii'B without much if any relief, until I took AVER'S HAKSAl-AIMLLA, by the UfO Of tU bottles of Mhlcli 1 was completely cured. , llae Bold largo quantities of )uur Sakha l Aitii.n, and It etlll retains its wonderful Itotiularltv. 'Ilie many notable cures It has eliectcd in this vicinity convince me tliat It is the beat blood medicine ever offered to the public. K. F. llAKRIfl." Kivtr St., IlucklanJ, Moaa., May 13, lb&2. SALT RHEUM, was for over twenty sears Ufore his removal to liuelt atH let rt I with Suit Ithrum la lta worst form. Its ulcerations actually cover til more than half the surface of hla body and limbs. Jle was entirely cured by A Kit's Baimai'AHIlla. See cvrtlllcate iu Ajer'a Almanao for 1ms3. l'UKPARCD DT Dr.J.C.Ayerct Co., Lowell. Mass, Sold by all Druggists; ft, six bottles for $3 UiiHiinimiiiiHnnHiimmnimii When ft man lias siiflereri from IUicumatism only a llttlo vfhllo, and Is relieved from hUiat.i, he 1 happy and delighted. Hut Bupposo he h.13 Sufforod for moro than a third of a century. O Alvin Grim, of Vale, Iowa, writes: "ATiiLoriiouotfliaahUi'M me much. The palulu mylunbaUaUiroue.butftoniolamc- O unid is left et,and well tlure mUrht for I hae Utu troubled for thlrty-fi.a ) ears w 1th nheumathuiL" O Mrs. A. II. JUkcr, of Chicago, Had rhoumatlc pains In hor back for flftoon years. and Mr, Baker had been thevktlm of Ilheu. mutism until hU head was drawn down 01 cr hht left shoulder. Mr. Hakerwrites: O " Half a bottle of atulopiioros mado e me aa Kood u new. My wife haa taken the ot'ier half, and haa not romplalned of 9 herbak since. Hheaayabertiackncterwaa O so fruo from pain and ache m it baa Ut-a O 9 wince uhe baa taken tho ATULoruoaoa." O There arc many peoilo ho think that becuihH! they have sutfereil to long, and have tried so many medicines In vain, they must "fluficr on their three score years." Iiut you see what ATHLoriior.od had dune. Ilovrevrr Old yonr Caaet However Hevrns yonr Paloat lloircvrr flrrat yonr Dbtappolnlmenta, S"Try Athlophorosea If you cannot tret ATBLOfHORoaof your dmytrirt, we will send It expretta ald, on roordpt of ntrular rrlce one dollar ptrbottle. Weprtferthat)ou buy It from jour drumftct. but If he baan't It, do not be imtiuded to try aomcthlnir de, but order at oacu from ua aa dirvckxL , ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST.. NEW YORK, itiiiitniiiiiiiitii W.W.Miniimii...,,.,, TliouaUDtla lltaatrned to flirlr CSriavra, hj relying on ttetimonlala written In vlrld glowing language of some remarkable curea made by some largely puffed up doctor or patent medlclna has baa tened thousands to their graves; tbe readers having almost Insane faith that the same miracle will be per formed on them, that tbeae teatimonlala meutlon, whilr tbe so called medicine la all the time bastenicg them to their graves, Altboogh we have Ttiauewnde uio Thousands!!! of testimonials of the most wonderful enres. voluntas rlly sent us, me do not publish tbem, aa tbey do not make the cores. It Is our medlciue, Hop Hitters, that makea the curea. It haa never failed and niTrr can. We will give reference to anyone for any disease sim ilar to their own If desired, or will refer to any neigh bor, aa there ia not a neighborhood in tbe known world but can abow Its curea by Hop Ihttera, A I.oa I ng Joke. A prominent pbyalclan of nttsburg said to a lady patient wbo was complaining of her continued 111 health, and of bis Inability to cure ber, jokingly said: "Try Hop Bitters 1" The lady took It in earnest and used tbe Hitters, from which she obtained permanent health. She now laughs at the doctor for his Joke, but he is not so well pleased with It, aa it coat him a good patient. Fees of Doctors, Tbe feea of doctors at 13.00 a visit would tax a man for a year, and In need of a dally visit, over ft, 000 a year for medical attendance alone t And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken In time would save tbe 11,000 and all the year'a sickness. Glreis up liy tha Doctor. "Is It possible that Mr. Grdfrey Is up and at work, and cured by ao simple a remedy ?" "I aaaure yon it la true that be ia entirely cured, and with nothing bnt Hop Bitters, and only ten days ago hla doctora gave him up and aald be must die, from Kidney and Liver trouble I" fVifonn genuine without a bunch of green Hops on tbe white label, Bhnn all tbe vile, polsououa atuft with "IIop"or "Uops" In their name. Btom fine . a ra and l-UIloua ElflST til T blood depurent, 1V tUlUTllHStlonal cathartic, Ww a superb antl-bi specinc. it rallies tbe falling energii-a of the debilitated, and checks premature de cay. Fever and ague, billons remittent, dys pepsia and b o w e J complaints are among tbe eilla which It entirely re moves. In tropical conntriea, where tbe liver and bowels are organs most unfavor ably anectea oy toe eomblned Influence of ctimate.dletand water it la a verr neceaaarv safeguard. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. mmm felTTfflSi Security 3 to 6 tlmen loan. INTER E 6 T semi-annual vith .r nf ratldenee.and lUhotbuilneia, No Investor e?er bad to pay taaea, eosta of foreclosure, wait 'or interest, or take land. REST of Reference. Write If you have money to loan. Addris D. S. B. JOHNSTON & SON, Niaotlators of Monsaso Uoans, UenUoaiblspaper. ST. PAUL, MINN ASSS, NEW MANVEL ULU HtLIAbtt SlUYtH, w make both. 12 year ruiaKiuic witia Jinia a claitv. w Ith our trained mechanics, enable 11a to take water from well or spring aud deliver ll to any desired point. Write .stating nature of work, to d e uniiiiue ern VDrasca Offee, ''"kM"n" rw' MS a. aarktt VU HINWlli iiwsuu, nirn. mm. pja 653 Miscellany, JLot th jniarht. Caro came and laid LI. hand upon berahouldrr I Aod Borrow rarar, her lid. wltb aalt teara wet; And l'aln, wltb f eatarea marred and wblte aod art Treaaed to her aide ; and tbea, .ternTl.a(ted. Rauot FrlKblenlag ber abaken aoul, tifipltjrlog Want Htared In her facet and then, grown bolder 117 all Iheae Hla, Temptation, amlllng, fair, RpYead for ber weary feci a charmed anare, WUh tender, cruel band. Ho cold tb. world t All ber weak aoul In a atranga tempeat whirled, Wltb whitened tipa, aod aad, Implorlog breath, Hhe atritcbe. out ber belple.a banda to Death. Then lot one came, before whoa, radiant grace Horrow grew dumb and grim Oare bid bla face, llrfore whoae preaence, radiant aa tbe day, Temptation, vexed and beaten, fled away. For .boa. dear aake abe trembled at the thought Of Death, wboae pallid klaa abe .rat had aoucbt. Ylth . atranga rapture, boly, reatful. aweet, Agalnet ber own abe felt a true heart beat. ( Life 1 abe cried, no 111 of tblne can hold me, Kluce Love, tbe mighty, la hla arma doth bold me Varlotta l'trry. 8AM VANAltra vmsiotr. " How d' do. 'Hper'enoe ?' and Bqulro Kprague pulled up kin rattling buggy before bxpertenoe Uanary a leanlug gate poatA. Of all tbe men iu Olark towushlu. Oinarr least wanted to tei Sprague; but be respoDil ed cordially : "How d' do,Hqoare? Won't ye come In?" and be swung elowly out to the buggy aide. fiuj gueaa 1 can t atop to-uay. nusinesa ia mlddlln' drlvln'. How'h tatera ? Fair?" "I swan, Siiuare, tbey ain't. I put in Ave aerea, au' counted on a big yield ; but now tbe dry rot'a comln', and tbey won't do noth iu'. It' anougb to diecourags a saint." 'Bho I Ye don't say tbat I Dry-rot ? Tben ye won't sell uioie'u fire hundred buah. els, likely ?" "Five hundred bushel 1 Why, Square. I sba'n't sell three 1 An' tattra ia plenty this fall. 1 doubt if tbey fetch more n nf ty cents." "Wa'al, it's bard lines, sure enough. I was eipectln' about two hundred dollars on tbe mortgage this fall. Don't see how I can do wltbout it, noway." 'Uan t raise it, Square. I was calculatin to git it nut o' tbem latere, but now they're gone. There's the Inl'rest, anyway, and the Ii needs shinglm', an' Julany was lottln' on a iewin' machine, an I swow I'm clean discour aged. I re 'bout made un my mind to give )OU bajU the farm, go into tbe shops at tbe village, an let Julany take boarders. I bate lo do it ; it's dreadful wearln' all 'rouod, and there's the seven hundred dollars .and all the int'reat I've paid. Hut I can't see no other way. The Squire gave a low. hesitating half. whibtie, while hie glance swept pat tbe rick ety, uupainted old bouse, which promised rare sport for the November winds, over the drought-browned, hungry fields, and rested on the cattle iu the pasture, wbicfi the linger ing September sun sbowed to be still "spring poor." Clearly he could not get for tbe farm tbe eighteen hundred dollars which Canary still owed. Hi) must have some money, not the place. "Any bay t "Ouly 'nough to winter; au' I shall have to pinch at that, I reckon." "Can't Sam help you a littlo ?" suggested the Squire at length. "Sam I Square, ye kDow what Sam is. Wa'al, this summer he's wus 'an ever. He's got tbe shakes agin pritty bad, bis cough's startlu' up, an' be won't let liquor alone, lie's a good boy, Sam is; but tbey give him liquor for shakes in the army, an' be can't let it alone only 'bout so long." 'Uot tbe sbakis in tbe army, too, dtdn t he ? Why don't you git a pension for him ? Kind u' geu'ral malary, I reckon." "Wa'al, I do' know. Wu never reckoned to como down to tbat. Tbe Caoarya baa at wayB paid their own way. Ilut since Ibis back pay come in, everybody's gittiu' a pen sion 'moot. We need It aa mucb as anybody, an' more'n three qaarters of 'em." "Uf course you no. IT Ham got malary In tbe army an' broke down bis constltootion, there ain't no reason why guv'ment shouldn't help him. Uuv'meut's rich. Look at Jim Uaylord's folks that keeps the iost.offioe there to Mittineague. Tb.y got a pension for their boy tbat tbey always supported, an tbat nev er did a tap of work 'fore he went into tbe army. Now look at 'em 1 Mis' Gaylord'a got tier nouse painted an all bled up witb store carpeta an' stuff, an' tbey take butcher's meat twice a week. Here's Bam cornea borne all broke down, an' you an' Julany take care of him for nothin'. Ia tbat right f What's right for tbe rich man's right for the poor man, I say. That's what guv'ment's for." "Inet s so, Square. lbe ain t no gain- sayin' tbat. Ilut this world ain't a very fa'r place wnen ye git at It. . "It's fair enough to them that fight for their rights," rejoioed the Bquire. "There ain't nobody gits nothin' without. If you an' Ju lany rxpect to sit here an' wait till guv'ment cornea along 'nd inquires ye out, an' paints an mingles yer nouse, an' buys ye a sewin' machine, 'cause yer brother got need up in tbe army, you'll wait one spell. Tbat alu't tbe way the Qaj lords got their pension, nor tbe Hitchcock, nor the Fowerses, nor none of 'em." During this speech the Squire had slowly gathered his rein., and with a nodJd good' day and a cluck to D)lly, be rattled down tbe stony road. 'Cur us." be muttered, "tbat I never count ed on 'Sprr'cnco Cauary's turnin' shiftless. I might 'a' scn it. I got a pr'tly fair price for the farm, though, considerin' it didn't cost me nothin', an' If I git this pension through I'll git the mortgage cleaned up. 'Sper'ence'a an' Dr. Freeton's is tbe only poor debts I've got, an' I reckon I'll git aomethln' out o' the doctor on this job." Dolly paused, and tbe Squire a keen ear caught tbe sound of another vehicle. "There a tbe doctor now, 'nd I guess 1 must have a talk with him. lie's mostly favor'ble to pentl jus at you take him right," mused tbe Squire. Dr. I'reston was a awartby, black-haired man, witb an abundant development of body and brain, uf neither of which he bad made the best use. They had been cultivated to tbe exclusion of moral qualities, and of tbat keen sensitiveness to public opinion wbioh i, so often a fair working substitute for princi pie. I'reston bad no more fondness for tbe Squire than had Experience Canary, but he was too reckless to care to avoid any man, so when be saw Sprague'a aigns of stopping he slackened his own pace. "Busy as ever, Squire," be observed, by way of greeting. "The devil makea rattling times for you lawyers." "Yes, business is pritty drhin'. I hear there's consid'able sickness, too; Ia'poaeyou git your share on it 1"' returned the Squire, amiably. "I don't get enough to take cars of tkat note, if that's what you're driving at," replied Preston, in quick dutrust of tbe other's suav ity. "Wa'al, no, I w.'u't tbinkin' of the note to day. Fact it" and be smiled ao aa to show tusks tbat confirmed bis resemblance to a beast of prey "I stopped ye about some sickness. They'll want ye to stop in and see Sam Canary. He's gut the shakes again dreadful bad." "Get 'em at the agency this time, or has he been to Watertown again ?" laughed the doo tor, incredulouBly. "I a'pose Bam doet drink more'n he'd ought to aomttimes," admittei Spragua ; " but it's worau'n that this time. You remember, doo" dropping iuto a balf-oracular, balf-confldeu-tlal touo ' Sam come home from the army pr'tty well used up with malary, an' with a Er'lty cousii'able smart cough bitched onto im. Folks didn't mind the cougb muob, but I remember sayin' to old Dr. Dick, 'Tbat boy's goin' in consumption,' says I ; "tain't tbe quick kind, likely, but he's goin'.' Dr. Dick agreed with me, 'nd if he was back here now be would see we was right." "If he's as bad as tbat, I'll drive rlgbt up and aee him," aud the doctor gathered bis reins. , "I wouldn't go to night, doctor. Sam's out fisbin', likely; I didn't seo bis pole on tbs shea as 1 come by Drop 'round to-morrer. That'll probably be bis sbakin' day. 'nd you can jedgs bow bad be reely is, They've been pesteriu' me about gittiu' a pension for Sam. I thought I'd look it over a little 'nd see. I tell 'Sper'ence lots o' folks gits pensions that don't need Vm half ao bad aa tbey do. Long tz suoh folks tz tbe Oaylords and Hitcbcocks bas pensions, 1 suould tblnk they'd ougbt to. Everybody knowa Sam was sound enough when be went to tbe war, and be hain't ben good for notbln senoe. Aud 1 tblnk tbe guv . lueut ought to pay for It. I guess you'd bet' ter look him over a little, 'nd see wbat you tblnk on't." "I should like to see Sam get a pension," chuckled tbe doctor. "I believe in taking care of tbe men tbat took care of tbe Hag." "That's the Idee, doctor that's what I say, You look Bam over 'nd see bow bad be Is; and perhaps you d better talk to Julany a lit tie. Women have to have these thlnga ex plained a heap more'n men do," And tbe Squire essayed to move on. Ilut I'reston did not move, aud replied, "I suppose It Bam gets bis pension, Experience wilt De paying up bis uiorlgsgor' "Wa'al," I don' know," said Sprague, with well managed surprise. " 'Sner'ence 'nil Ju lany have been powerful good to Sam, 'nd ef the int'rest draws bard ou 'em, very likely be might help a little. 'Twouldu I be uo more'n bis board's ben wuth." "And before he gets it," continued tlis doo. tor, "there's a lot of work to be done. You must have the certificate, of a phyalcitn, and that's got to be strong enough to hold water. Tben tbere's tbe affidavits of the bova In tbe oompany who know about bis inourrtng dis ease in tbe aervfee " " If 7" managed tho cane," Interrupted Sprague, "I should count on you to do that work. Yon know tbe boys." "Hut I'm pretty busy tbis fall. "Fact is," he added, laughing, "I'm putting In just as many visits aa my patients will stand to take care of tbat note of yours. I meant to be ready for it when anow flies, but it I go into this thing I shall have to neglect my work and let tbe note go till tbe pension comes." "I do know." and the Squire whistled re flectively. "I guess you'd better look Bam over, anyway. If the chances aro pr'tty good we'll go on with it. There'll be fever in the spring to pay the note from, anyway, likely." 1 be bquire kept away from tbe (Janarys for a fortnight, when he was called to a council of waya and means and prospects. Ha found that bis suggestion bad sprung into a purpose that flouritbsd like a bay-tree. Tbe only opposition came from Juliana, aud waa impalpable, manifested cul-.-fly by si lence, and difficult to oope witb on that ac count. At last she spoke i "Weil, if it's right for Bam to have a pen sion, I want him to have it, of course. I don't see myself why it ain't just as right for us aa for tbe (Jaylords, and I n willlu to leave the whole thing just aa it stands lo the government and let tbem settlu it. They'd ougbt to know. And if it ain't right, I don't want notbln more to go witn It. l aon i want folks sayin' tbe Canary, waa snoopln' around after money 'twau't rightfully theirn." "lbal a jest it, Julany," put lu tbe Bquire. "The' alu't nobody in Clark Township don't know that you an' 'Sper'enca uver wanted nothin' that wa'n't rightfully yourn, an' no body would lay it to you. If guv'ment waa in Clark Township, you would 'a bad tbe pen sion years ago. Dut it ain't. Guv'ment don't know nothin about ye, except wbat s In your papers." "That' it; the papers tell the story," broke in Sam, who bad a lurking suspicion that if his pension were to be voted on in town meeting bis chances would be very small. "An' that," added the Bquire, "is why you need to have the papers look right. Ye must n't put In 'bout you an' 'Sper'ence, an' the Oaylords, or guv'ment would think ye tryin' to create sympathy, an' waB frauds. Tbe pa pera must be short an' abarn an' business like, an' it takes jedgment to make 'em. Jedg- ment a wbat ye want In a pension case. The Squire's "lodgment" carried tbe day. and wheu tbe papers were finished, tbey pre sented aa clear a case of a constitution broken by milaria and incipient consumption aa tbe most critical pension lawyer could require. The soldiera were oollect-id in the Squire t ait ting room to talk over Sim's three years' ser vice and its iucidental hardships. Tbey re called their glories and sufferings through the mists of fifteen years. None of them lied, of course ; but what witb tbe doctor's skill iu re freshing tbelr memories as to tbe pbyaical ef fects of their privations, and the Siuire's "jedgment" in selecting portions suitable for affidavits, the case made up was a strongly ef. fective one. Aa the months rolled into a year favorable reports began to reach Clark Town ship. Aa tbe prospects brightened, Sim's need of a pension became more apparent, lie waa wont to celebrate the favorable bulletins with Dr. I'reston and other boon companions for weeks after tbe news came. Dad whiskey aud exposure made more rsp. id inroads upon his ttrenglh than tbe ague had ever done, and it bteime clear tbat if tbe pension reached him it must come qqickly. TUsu tbe word came tbat tbe payment would probably be niada In about two moutns. "I'm fratful," said Experience, shaking bis head slowly, "tbat Bam won't last so long. It's too bad, oonsld'rin' tbe time an' money we've put into it, sajin' notbln' o' bavin' counted on the money,an' got our plans made up accordin'. That's tbe hardest part on't." "I a'pose," commented Juliana, "tbat if bis wife had only lived, she could have had the money, anyway. It would 'a done ber some good, poor creatur'l" Tbe Squire, wbo bad brought tbe news from Washington, rose soon after tbis speech, accompanied to the wagon, of course, by Ex perience. Outside he said, decisively, "Sim ougbt to get married." "Land sakes, Squire I Hm'b jest a-goiu' in consumption, an' be wa'n't never uo great ketcb, bam wa n't." "Thet'a lest the tiouble. don't ye Bee. S'posin'be goes 'fore tbe peuaion comet, tten where be we ?" While this view was taking lodgment in Experience's mind, tbe Bquire untied bis hone and climbed into tbe buggy. He lean ed over tbe wheels before starting and clinch ed bis argument ; "Of course it ain't right for him to go off without perridiu' no way for you, after all you're done for bim. An' I've spent consid'able money on tbe case I should like to get out. You speak to Sam 'bout it, an' I'll look up a woman for blm, aeein' as be can't git out much. I guess I known tbe right one. Ephraim Giles's wid der wouldn't mind gittin' eight dollars a momu to belp ber along, abe a a sbarp bus iness woman, Seraph is; an' she wouldn't be none afraid to talk back to folks it tbey said tbe marriage didn't look well. Ska's got a tongue of her own. As tbe SquireHrove off be added : "I wouldn't say nothin' 'bout it to Julany till ye get it all settled with Bam, an' let him tell ber. Bhe might think we was kind o' fortb-puttin' 'bout it. Women is cur'us 'bout secb tbinks, au' it don't do no hurt to manage 'em a little now an' then." The Bquire'a diplomacy was severely tried in bis Interview with Mrs. Gates. She waa an open faced, brisk woman, pleasant to look upon or to speak witb, having a strong Yan kee shrewdness which enabled her to "keep even" witb the world. Left five years before with ber boy to oare for and ber husband's funeral expenses to pay, she bad done these things, and had acquired a small bank ac count, aa well as a reputation among her neighbors for being "a trifle near" in her dealings. The Squire revolved many times tbe terms in which be should introduce tbe subject be bad In band, and be finally decid ed to take bis wife with bim, in order to throw a candid, straight forward air over the interview, Mrs. Sprague being a pillar of good works in tbe churcb, wbose passive iu dorsement of a transaction would do much to restrain any suspicion of its honesty, Tbe interview was a long one, and the Squire's arguments were many, but the result was tbat Mrs. Oatea agreed to appear at the Canary homestead in two weeks, and to mar ry Bam ; and there was an understanding that when she reoeived her pension she was to re tain only tbe future quarterly payments, allot the two thousand dollars of back pay going to Experience, except a couple of hundred to tbe Squire. Before the two weeks passed, however, she waa summoned iu baste one nigbt to Sam's bedside. Sprague met her at the outer door, "Come right up. Seraph ; you're jest in time. I'm watckiu' to-night ; 'Bper'enoe and Jolany's all tired out. Come up still, an' we'll have tbe job right over," At daybreak Sam Canary was dead, and Seraph held Squire Sprague'a certificate tbat abe was his lawful widow, Tbe Bquire appeared at the Canary's early on tbe day of tbe funeral in order to be cure that Berapb was duly reoognlzed among the mourners and in tbe minister's prayer, Aa he sat iu the front room alone he waa turprised by the entrance of a woman lu heavy black. Not until tbe yell was lifted did be reoogulii Serapb. "W' d'ye do, Mia' Canary f" be stam mered. "I didn't know ye for a second In tbe mournin1. Ain't it a little detp,though for the Hill, ye know?" hesitated tbe Bquire. "Tbey don't do things up here quite so styl leb aa ye do lu tbe village." "No, it ain't a mite deep," replied the wo. man, angrily. "Sim Cauary's my husband, an' I shouldn't do no lesa if I wa'n't a-gittin' a cent by blm. I alu't none ashamed o' mar. rylu' him, an' I alu't goin' to have folks say I took him for bit pension an' tben scrimped the mournin', whatever happens. I bought ten-dollar crape for my Tell, I've hired tbe villsge hearse to come up, an' I'm goin' to rid. next tbe remains In a hack." Tbe Bquire drew a long breath, and replied, alowly, "Wa'al, I guess you're right. Seraph, after all : but It '11 make a heap o' talk on tbe Hill." "What's folks got to talk about, I'd like to know ? If I come aneaklu' 'round tbe funeral aa though I dldu't know whether I belonged there or not, they'd talk, you belter b'lieve. I'm the widder, an' I'm goin' to have the wld der'a place', an' If folks want to talk, let'em." "Course ye bo, Berapb. Ye're right, an' jest go ahead," said the Squire, assuringly. "I hadn't thought you'd make so much of a show of it, that's all." The Squire was tight In declaring that the affair would "make talk." No sooner was tbe story known than people dropped alt other aubjects to do justice to this one. An occa sional skcptlo Insinuated tbat tbe ceremony might have been performed after Sam's death aud uobody be tbe wiser, but this view was too extreme to be generally entertained. Most people were content to condemn Seraph for marrying a man "wtih one foot lu tbe grave," One indignant woman was bold enough to give Suraph "a piece of her mind," but tbe widow defended herself ao valiantly that uo one who beard of the enoountcr cared to repeat the experiment. There was much to be eaid, too, from Betaph's stand point. She did uot fall to make it plain tbat she waa giving the Cauarys tbe greater share of the windlall, and that without her belp tbe pen sion could uot have been obtained at all. In deed, so little did ber conduct in this case agree with her usually close management of money matters that she found defenders on tbe score of generosity. Tbe only part of the affair which troubled her reflections was Squire Sprague'a large margin of profit. She always "lumped" iu ber reckoning the sum which be was to receive for his services and tbe huge profit which ho would make on the sale of the Canary f.rm, to tbs exorbitant priod of which she was as sensitive as the shrewdest farmer. Seven hundred doIUrj soetned to her an enormous sum fur a rich man to make from a poor one, aud wany were the plans hs tried to form to prevent such an injustice. In this effort she was uot a little aided in a sly way by leading men of tbe town to whom the Bquire's uufai ing "luck" In "turning" bad dubts was not as milk aud honey. After many consultations, including una with a Water. towu lawyer, she hit upon a plan by which she hoped to disturb tbe complaoenoy witb which the Squire referred to his management of the case, aud to Have a considerable por tion of tbe pension money, which she decid ed to give to tbe Canary s, reserving some thing as a commission for her shrewdness. Tbe formalities were completed at last, and Seraph reoeived ber money. Clark Township waa a long way from Iho reet of tbe world, evon tbe meagre items which reached the pub lie through the Watertown newspaper being furnished by Squire Sprague'a son, and no ripple of the event which had created so much commotion there ever disturbed tbe routine of tbe pension officials at Washington. A day was set for tbe settlement of affaire at tbe farm. Serapb appeared early, and warned Julian i not to be troubled at anything which might occur at tbe meeting. "I expect to surprise tbe Square some," she added, "an prob'ly tbe fur '11 fly ; but I guess 'twon't hurt us none." Tbe Squire appeared radiant, as was bis wont when be hid conducted an enterprise to a successful ending. He felicitated Seraph on tbe permanent addition to ber income,aud Experience upon having no more interest to pay. He suggested to Juliana that she could now use her egg and butter money to buy "houcen stuff," and so have a place looking like Mrs. Gi lord's in a few yeais. Into the midst of his urbane congratulations he threw occasional remarks i-bowlng that without bim this general prosperity could nevtr have come to pass, and leading his list-mrs to appreciate the great credit due him for his b n ficent interest in their tffaira, H.-rapb boru it calmly, but showed a desire to proceed at once to tbe bu-iuess in band. "I b'lieve. Square," she said, "I was lo pay you two hundred dollars of tbis money," "Yes," assented the Squire, "that was part of the contract. Tbe money I've paid out, an' the time au' trouble I've put iuto it would come to more'n tbat if I should make out a regnlar 'count ; but we'll call it tbat." "I've got the money for you if you'll just write a receipt." "That's right, S-raph. I alius like to see a woman business like. Women-folks don't know half enough 'bout business as a geu'ral thing. Dut I brought up tbs notes au' mort gage an' everything. It 'II save trouble to jeBt have a geu'ral settlement." "You kno I ain't in your trade with 'Sper' ence, Square, an' if you'll just settle with me, you an' be can figger int'rest as long as you like," and she opened ber little band bag for the money. Tbs receipt waa written aud tbe money counted out, tbs Siuire's fingers lin gering a little ovc-r the crisp bills. "Now I must be gittin' back to tbe village, an', 'Spei'ence, if you'll just get up my boss I'll leave you men folks to settle your own af fairs." Experience looked astoniched and the Squire uneasy. "So you an' 'Sper'ence settled 'fore I come, did ye ?" be aaked. "Couree ye give bim all tbe rest of tbe back pay, jest as we agreed." "Wa'al, no, we hain't," replied Seraph. "Fact is, Square, I've concluded to keep the back py myself. I'm Sam's widder, ye know, an' I used it more'n 'Sper'ence does." "Keep it!" exclaimed the Squire. "W'y, ye can't do it. 'Twon't Btan' law. Berapb Gates, js agreed fair an' square, 'fore ever we let yer marry Sam, tbat ye would'nt claim none o' the back pay, an' Miss Sprague heard j. I was to hev two hundred dollars an' , Sper'ence tbe rest. You waa to get tbe eight dollars a month, an' it's big pay for your trouble. I never heard o' secb a thing ! It's scand'lous, goin' back on your 'greement that way." "The' wa'nt nothin' to bind the bargain, an' Watertown lawyers tell me I needn't stan to it unless I want to," returned Seraph. "You waa to have two hundred dollars for your work, an' you've got it, though it's mor'n tbe job's wutb, au' ys aba'nt git uo more o' tbis money with my consent bo there." The astouisbmeut in Experience's face now worked itself into a protest characteristically mild. " I never would 'a thought this on ye, Ser aph ; I never would have b'lieved you'd go back on your word." "'Sper'ence, ye can't see through a stun wall when the hole's as big aa a cart wheel. An' I a'pose you'd stan' bein' plucked till tbe last piuteatner waa gone 'fore you d make a row. The money wa'nt goin'lo you. It's goin' to tbe Square here, that's got more'n ha knowa what to do with, for a farm that ain't wutb half what you're payin' for it, an' I won't help along uo such inikity. I wouldn't say nothin' if ye wa'nt payin' more'n the farm's wutb. It's a terrible poor place to own ai a gift. I could buy yon a better one to Watertown for ths money, an' as for help, in' to have you swindled, I won't Btan' it." Tbe Squire's face waa a study meanwhile. Ita pleased urbanity gave way to astonish ment, and tbe astonishment was followed by a white rage, from which every trace of euav ity and self control disappeared. Ha burst forth i "Ye won't stan' it, wou't ye ? I'd like to see you belp yourself. I'll teach ye to talk about tbe iuikity of a church member that's practiced law here forty yeara the same as if I'd been admitted an' aworn. I'd like to know what ye tblnk o' your own conduct. Ye married Sim Canary for notbln' in ths world but his pension money, au' I can prove it. I s'pose you've forgot that I know bow near gone Sam was wheu you come that nigbt. I could show it up to guv'ment as a fraud, an' that 'ud stop your pension quicker'u lightnin.' Ye got bold o' tbs wrong man wheu ye tried to browbeat me, Mis' Gates." "I never pretended but what I married Sam for bia pension. I didn't marry bim to 'bleege you, Square Sprague, an' mebbe you'll find it out. An' it anybody calls my mar riage a fraud, I've got your certificate ahowin' it's legal au' right. You're my witness, an' if there's any fraud, them's more'n me inityou'll find to your sorrer. No, ths certificate ain't there" as tbe Squire made a desperate lunge for her band-bag "an' there alu't no more money there neither. I knew the kind of a man I was dsaltn' witb, an' they're all safe to Watertown. You may talk till the oows come" as the Squire broke into an angry torrent of words "but there ain't notbln' ye oan (lo 'thout I agree to it, an' ye'll find it out after ye've stormed a spell, too." This speech did uot quell the angry Squire. Ha was so accustomed to dictating absolutely to his little world on all qaestions where the mysterious "law" cama In tbat he was slow to comprehend that this woman bad com pletely beaten blm, The storm of bis wrath raged on t but Saraph kuew ber ground, and was not daunted. When tbe Squire at last paused for bteath, she rose to go. Bprague watched ber in dumb amazement. He did not move until he saw ber iu the buggy, back ing alowly out from cover. Then ha realized tbat If he ever saw any of tbe pension money, be must make some terms witb this woman. humiliating though it might be. Ha moved reluotautly forward. "Wkat do ye calu'latc to do 'bout it, any way ?" be asked. "I expect to invest my money. P'r'aphs 1 1 hall buy a little place there Is to Watertown, or if I could get a good mortgage cheap enough, I might put it in tbat." "A mortgage I That'a jest what Iho trade we talked would amount to. I a'poaed you meant to give It outright to 'Sper'ence, but if you don't, why dou't you buy the mortgage, and let him pay you int'rest ?" "It's too big) more'n tbe place 1 1 wutb, twice over." "No sech thing. Tbe farm's worth every cent I've got on It." "If you look at it that way, we can't trade, that's all ;" and Serapb gathered her reins. "How much would ye give t Come, now, make an offer," urged the Squire, desperate, ly, as he saw bla chance at tbe money vanish ing. "Wa'al," replied Serapb, with Increaaing deliberation, "you'd be well paid if you got a thousand dollars out on't, hut cousid'riu' that I got the money easy, I don't know but I'd give you twolve hundred " "Shucks I Ys don't mean to buy, that's all." "I don't roe in to pay no more'n It's wutb, you may rely," she retorted. "Now, Square, I'll tell ye what I'll do, an' it's the last cent I wilt do. If you'll bring tbat mortgage, an' all ths notes, au' everything you hold 'gainst 'Spet'ence, down to Couns'Ior Smith to Watertown, Wednesday, an' sign papers giviu' 'em all up to me, I'll pay ye fourteen hundred dollars, cash down." "Course I won't! Think I'm a fool ?" re plied tbe Squire, angrily turning back. " I'll be to Watertown Wednesday with the money," she called over her shoulder after bim as abe drove away. Sbs stopped a mo ment at the bouse aud called out Juliana t "Don't you an' 'Bper'enoe be one bit cast down, Julany; I'll have the mortgage Wed nesday, an' I'll burn It right' before Square Sprague'a uosa, see if I don't. I ahatl have a little o' SaniT money left tbat I wouldn't keep from ys ons mlnnlt if I could trust 'Sper'ence not to be wheedled out on't by the Square. But I guess I can shingle ths honss an fix it up so it'll be like folks, an' the Square can't tech It." "Ub, Serapb, can you? I should so like to live in a white bouse, with green blinds, fore I die 1" Sprague'a horse bad never been whipped so mercilessly as It was for shying on the way home, and it was years before the Squire could pass the neat white cottage with its vine fringed porch and large cool dairy-room, in to which Scrap b'a money transformed the Canary farm house, without grinding his testh and uttering something about the mean nass of women. Harper't tiatar. The Itmr tinil Ilumb la Antiquity. Tbe ancients bad tbe greatest horror of all tbat was feeble and infirm; with them pover ty was despicable and suffering a scandal. It is no wonder, then, that among the beauty and pleasure loving Greeks the deaf-mute was looked upon aa a disgrace to humanity, and under the barbarous laws of Lycurgua tbey were exposed to die. Nor was highly-cultured Athens less cruel than Sparta towards those unfortunate crsitures. Daf-muts children were pitilessly sacrificed without a voice be ing raised on their behalf. Tbe first who seems to have seriously occupied himself with this phenomenon of deaf-mutism was tbe philosopher Aristotle, and he declared con genital deaf -mutes to be incapable of instruc tion, and this was tbe universal opinion of classical antiquity! Tne Ilomans treated these unfottunatea with the same cruelty as tbe Greeks. As soon aa a child was found to be deaf and dumb it was saciificed to the Ti ber. Only those escaped whom ths waves washed back to ths shore, or whom ths natu ral love of their parents kept hidden from tbe eyes of tbe world. Yet in tbs oenturiea immediately preceding the Christian era there was a sensible diminution lu tbe number of victims of tbo-e barbarous laws, although about AO years B. C. ths poet Lucretius pro nounced himself in favor of Aristotle's opin ions regarding deaf-mutes. But in tbe course of time certain rights were granted to those deaf-mutes who gave proofs of ability such as bad been brought up secretly by their par ents showing some signs of intellect ; this gradually dissipated tbe horribls prejudico with which their brstbren in misfortuns had hitherto been regarded. Fliny mentions a congenital deaf-mute, called Quintus I'edius, wbo distinguished himself as an artist. He was a grandson of ths cousul of tbe same name, who flourished in the reign of Augus tus. It ia also probabls tbat deaf-mutea were employed aa pantomimiats when pantomime wasoneottbsfavorits amusements of tbe Ho mans. M. T. Miiller givea to tbe Egyptians tbs credit of first instructing deaf-mutes. They, as well as the Persians, always respect ed persons thus afflicted, and their hierogly phic mode of writing was especially suited for their education. It Is doubtless something more tban mere coincidence tbat their better treatment by tbe Ilomans dates from tbe time of tbe incorporation of Egypt as a lloman province. The Nineteenth Century. Happiness Uiablt. Every permanent state of mind la largely ths effect of babit. Just aa ws can perform an action bo continually that it cornea to be habitual, bo we can encourage conditiona of mind till they,too,come to be habits of think ing and even of feeling. Every thoughtful fiarent or teacher recognizes this in tbs train ng of youth. Tbe child constantly thwarted or scolded or ridiculed haa constantly aroused within him feelings of resentment or discour agement or misery, and these grow to bs ha bitual, and a character for ill-temper or mo roseness or despondency is formed. Ou the other band, tbe child wbo Is wisely treated, , wbose faculties are brought Into action, who is encouraged to do well, who la surrounded with cheerful faces and orderly arrangements, becomes accustomed to corresponding habits of thought and feeling. Tbe exercise of self, control, of truthfulness, of honesty, and other essential qualities, not only result in habitual actions of tbs earns nature, bnt in habitual feelinga or slates of mind tbat induce those actions. So the condition which we call hap piness is likewise acquired to a considerable degree. It involves within it many things, but they are not impossible to secure, and when we have discovered them it rests witb us to encourage or to discourage them. Hap. piness is not only a privilege, but a duty, not a mere outward good that may perhaps come to us, but an inward possession which we ars bound to attain. When ws remember the contagioua character of happiness, th, strength, courage and bops it excites by ita very presence and the power for good it exf erta in every direction, we cannot doubt our obligation to attain as muoh of it aa Is possl, oie. fniiaaeipnia imager. A. Summer Pavstoral. (ATTta BEOWXllfa.) A woman atood at a garden gate, Slog ber for the dlatant spreading aalll Sing bey for tbe dog tbat bnrrled by Witb a kettle tied to bla tall! Uer neighbor's dog waa an ecru cur. Ah met and tb. kettle waa new and bright; And the woman laughed In a rippling key. Sing hey, twaa a mlrthfal algbt. "Now why auch haate, good neighbor T"ahe cried ; "Wby after tbe cur of tb. ochre tint T" Cut tbe good man ran, and the lacgnagebe uaed Waa entirely unfit for print. And a youth atood by aa the good dame laughed, And tbe twain together made mirth tbe while. "Ob, lan't It funny 7" abe aald, abs aald. He anawered; "Well, X abonld amue." Tben tb. atrlpting wandered a apace apart. And dropped bla ey. ere b. turned and fled, f,Tbe dog and bis burden were leagnea away); "The kettle la your'n," he aald. (Tb. poetry after Drowning! tb. kettle after tbe dog; tb. woman after tbe boy.) Th Jtambltr. "Well, hubby, bow did you enjoy the aer. vice tbis morning?" "To tell ths truth, dar. ling, I didn't take muoh Interest in it. I could hardly bear a word of the sermon." "Wby, I heatd it perfectly. Wbat waa the matter f" "Well, I don't know. It may bavs been be cause your new bonnet waa so loud." And tben a ailence fell on tbe dinner table, so In tense that you could hear tbe ice cream. Al bany Journal. In 1733 slxteon maidens signed a petition to tbe Governor ot South Carolina iu which tbey aald : "We, ths humble petitioners, are at present In a very melancholy condition of mind, considering how all ths bachelors are blindly oaptured by widows,and ws are there by neglected ; iu consequence of this our re. quest ia tbat your exoe'.lenoy wilt, for tbe fu. ture, order tbat no widow presume to marry any youug man until tbe maids are provided for, or else to pay each of them a flue for sat istactioo of invading our liberties, and like wise a fine to bs levied on all bachelors as shall bs married to widows. Tbs great dis advantage it is to us maldaia tbat ths widows, by their forward oarrlage, do snap up tbe young men and have ths vanity to think tbsir merits beyond ours, which la a great imposl tlon to ua,who ought to have tbe preference," The dooument Is on file In ths stats archive,. Whit la Vboitihs T It la a compound extract from narke, roots and berba. It la Mature', remedy. I.T UE.Vdl.tL. Church bells are going out of fashion In every American city. Tha third largest river In ths world Is In Australia. It is called tbe Darling. A "boras swappers' " convention met at Anniston, Ala., tbs other day, There are fifX) piece In the $in,O0O set of China uaed in tho Whito House. WlllUm Taylor, bishop to Africa, says hia parishioners have only two suits ditt aud paint. Alabama's coal fields, as yet practically untouched, are bait as large as those of Eog land. The oyster exists from Halifax to Charles ton, and the snapping turtls from Cinadi to ths equator. There Is njt a steam flre-englno in ths whole ot Italy. L'ttle englues witb band pumps are still used. It ia said tbat the bones of 80,000 buffa loes have been shipped from Dakota to ths East this season. It Is said that of the 2 translators of the new version of ths Old Testament, lit hava died during ths work. Dahlias, wbioh are of Mexican origin, aro said to bavs been named after one Dahl, who introduced them into Germany, England makes 900,000,000 gallons of beer every year, Germany 1)00,000,000, and the United Slates 000,000,000. A man at Portland, Or., obtained a di vorce from his wife becauso shs pulled him out of bed three times by his whiskers. The area of public land dispoied of iu Dakota last year was larger than either Bel glum, Denmark, Greece or Ssritzsrlaod. Birmingham, Eng., has a railway station which cost $2,000,000. It is supposed to bo the largest etructure of the kind lu the world. Horaoe Greeley never said "Gjod morn ing" or "Good evening," "How do you do ?" "Good by," or inquired after anybody's health. A Chinese doctor at Victoria, B.C., Is re ported to have made soins rsmarkabls cures in cases which white physicians had given up as Incurable. A nine-ton lump of coal, claimed as ths largest ever mined, will represent the coal in terests of Birmingham, Ala., at the New Or leans exposition. Conversation was held by telephone be tween St. Petersburg and Botogns, a distance of 2103 miles, recently. The experiment was conducted at night, Capt. John Ericsson, of monitor fame, ia now, it is said, studying up a prooess of moving machinery by heat derived from tbs concentrated rays of the sun. A new Gbiness theatre, accommodating 1200 people, has been built in Los Angeles, Gal., and winter visitors are expected to de velop a craze for the drama. An Indian in tbs Cascade Mountains re cently wounded an elk, and bsfore he could reload his gun the elk charged oa him with bis sharp feet and killed him. They are trying in Garmauy to get a sub stitute for India-rubber, and sulphur is ons of tbo things prop6sed, as it becomes elastio after being melted a few times. George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, is collecting money for the restoration ot tbe church at Stratford-on Avon, tbs birth plaoa and tbe burial place of Sbakspere. A cooperative bouse-cleining company ia ons of Nsw York's latest innovations. Its plan ia to put a house, from garret to oellar, into spick and span order by contract. Gen. Grant, who is writing an account of his battles, eaid recently tbit he enjoyed writing better than he ever enjoyed anything else in bis life. "More than fighting?" bs was asked, and bs laughed and answered heartily, "I never liked tbat." There is wire enough under ths ocean iu tbs form of telegraphic cables to run to ths moon and back five times. Tbs cables are altogether 00,000 miles long, aud h.vs an av erage of 40 wires each, jscket and core to gether. A "poor" blind man in Ttoy, N. Y., was lately robbed of $030 by some young rascals wbo pretended to be leading him to the coun ty honso, where he is accustomed to lodge. Tbe blind man is a street beggar, and bad tbe money In an Inside vest pocket. The household feline is one of ths most valuable of fur-bearing animals, and wbeu they disappear from tbe back yard they often find their way to the furrier. In 1882 over 1,200,000 house cats were used by the fur trade. Their skins were mads into linings. By a most careful series of levels,run by the United States coast survey from Sandy Hook and the mouth of tbs Mississippi river to St. Louis, it bas been demonstrated that ths Atlantic ocean at the first-mentioned points is 40 inches lower than tbe Gulf of Mexico. The widow of President Polk, who was 81 in September last, baa watched this year'a political contest closely at her home in Nash ville, Tsnn. Although increasing age bas somewhat diminished her partisan ardor, she expects to retain to the last her deep interest in national affairs. The Conservatory of Musio in Mexico bas over 2000 pupils, and a high degree of musical talent, with all necessary means for ita cultivation, exists in that country. Nearly every house has a piano, music is taught in the achools, and tbs military bands are un surpassed in excellence. It Is said tbat the export of frozen mut ton from New Zealand to Great Britain this year will amount to more than half a million sheep, in spits of the high freight charges. An effort ia to be made to reduce the carrying rates, when it Is expected tbat tbe export of frozen meats will reach large proportions. Publio telephone service bas been estab lished throughout Belgium, and tor a franc a merchant in Brussels may oonverse five min utes with a friend or business correspondent In Antwerp or Liege. An extra ten cents en titles bim to an additional fire minutes. It Is thought this system will largely supersede tbe sending of written telegrams. Genuine earthworms exist in many parts of tbe world which are giants of their kind. Au example of one of these has just been re ceived at tbe London Zoological Gardens from tbe Caps of Good Hope. It measures between four and five feet in length and about half an inch across ths body, and it has bsen stated tbat this particular spscies sometimes attains to six feet. Eighteen ravens were captured near Grid ley, Cal., a short time ago lu a somewhat cu rious way. A Mock of 300 swooped down on the backs ot a number of sheep that were grazing, and in the birds' eagerness to get a. way eighteen of them got their talons fastened in the sheep's wool, where tbey were held captive until secured by lookers-on. There is a religious sect in Ohio, called tbe Amish, who have been banging their hair for ISO years. Professional barbers are scorn ed, and fatbera out the children's balr, while mothers perform tbe same ceremony for tbe fathers. Beginning at the temple ths shears are run in a direct line over tbe ear and down tbe neck, thenoe up over tbs other ear to the other temple, and the result is a most beauti ful bang. A new anreitbetio discovered by Dr. Hol ler of Vienna proves to be of great value. Tbe discovery, which was accidental, was tbat a taw drops of a two per cent solution of Co oaius bydro chlorate placed in his eyes ren dered tbem insensible to the touch. Ths effi cacy of this anrosthetlo has been tested at a hospital in New York, In a case of doubls over-mature cataract. The patient, a woman of 'CO, was placed upon ths operating chair, aud a fsw drops ot tbs solution wers put into ths sys. This was repeated three times at in tervale of five minutes. Tbs operation was performed without causing ths patient, wbo was oenscious throughout, any pain. Bines tbat tims otbsr operations, upon tbe eye and tbe muoous cavities of tbs nose, throat, etc., have been painlessly performed. In bis five weeks' tour In tun West Mr. Blaine traveled an average of 225 miles a day in all about 11,000 miles. Not counting tbe times when bs merely Bald "How do you do ?" and "Good-by," be delivered 300 ad dresses. It is estimated that he saw face to face nearly 0,000,000 people, 2,000,000 of whom were In Ohio, Every night he talked by telegraph with bia wits and children at home, telling them in a few words of the day's experiences and of bow he was feeling, and then heard from them tbe day's budget of family and local news, so that nothing ot even minor Importance concerning bla boms and ita neigbborbood escaped bim. During his tour be used up five or six nsw silk bats through bis babit ot holding his bat in hla left hand while bs epoks and banging It about as he grew warm 1th his Bubject. Frequent ly, too, bs would go through a crowd with bis bat in bia hand, and corns out witb it "looking aa it It was a century old and bad pent moat ot its time under a rock-orusher."