THE VERMONT PHOENIX, AND RECORD AND FARMER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1884. BRATTLEBORO I FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1884.- Tlllt HI! I'Al'MtS I'Olt $2. 11 special arrangement with the publleher of doon Oimaa and Oca Cousravllouitweare able to offer readere of Tho Phtenli both ol tlicec pape re and Tbe pbeinlx one year for M. Ttilt arrangement Is made strictly for the beneM of our subscribers, to gtte them the largest possible amount nil varlet y of reading for tbo least money. Good Cheer for October was SO pages In site, and contained Ave stories, two or three sketches of travel and adventure, doaen icme long and short, health papers, home papers, ete., besides variety of enter Ululug mlscellsneout matter. All theie content were by letdlng writers, new, original and of high merit. The November Issue will be special Thanksgiving number, full of the eplrlt of thli old-time family fee tlval. Onr Country Home alma to be complete agricultu re paper. It la made for the country homee of Amer ica, It la Intended to help make country life better worth living, country liomea more comfortable and beautiful, tarma more profitable, village horoee bap pier, to lead the way, In short, to the beat methoda In farmlog, gtrdentugand housekeeping. Itaaeveral departmenta are In cbargoof well-known specialists. The Pbtenlx la sent to new subscribers from now to Jan.l, I860, for f 1.50 ; Oood Cheer one year, as cente j Our Country Home, S5 ceuts-the llare napeer for a)'. November la a good month for subscrip tions to begin, fiend aubacrtptlona to us direct, or give namea to our local agent or the poatmaater In any lown. 1 FltESCU & bTEDMAN. TlIANltSOIVIKU DA Y. V reside-ill .trllilir'a l'roclllllialion. The aeaaon la nigh when It la the yearly wont of tills people to observe a day appointed for that pur pose by the President a an eepeclal occaalon for thankrgltlng unto Ood. Now, therefore, in recogni tion of the hallowed custom, I, Chealer A. Arthur, President of the United States, do designate aa such day of general thanksgiving, Thursday, the 37th day of this present November. And I do recommend that throughout the land the pioplc.ccaslngfrom their ac customed oc:upatlous, do then keep holiday at their aeveral homta and their scv eral ptacea of w orablp.and with heart and voice pay reverent acknowledgment to the Giver of all good for the countless blessings w here with He hath visited this nation. In witness whereof X have hereunto act my hand and caused the seal of the United Slates to be affiled. Done in the city of Washington this, the seventh day af November, in the yearof our Lord one thous and eight hundred and eighty-four, and of the Inde pendence of the United Statea the one hundred anil ninth. CHESTEIt A. ARTHUR. By tho President, Fred's. T. rnELiKonuvsEN, Bec'yof State. paro It with tbe tone of Mr. Maine's letter to it Democratic friend elsewhere printed. Last Saturday night Daniel Dougherty w wildly cheered for these remarks to ft great crowd la the New York academy of mualo i "If James 0. Illalne had been elected to the free! dencyof the United Slates, In the name of tbe laws, of tbe Constitution, and In the name of Ood Himself, be should lake hla seat. Hut al (Inrrr Cleveland .us Vrrn tlrrlnl by tbe f reely-eipressed will of the people, by the living Ood all tbe powers of earth and hell ahall not prevail against him." Still worse than this Is the following utter ance from tbe Albany Argus, In some respects the leading Democratic paper of New York, and tbe organ of the New York state Demo cratic politicians t "No fraudulent vole will be let put Jamea 0. Illalne in the White House orkeepOrover Cleveland out of It. far tarn teas aHemnficirfffiV MM, and the legal consequences of killing them will be taken care f af- terwaru. uemocrais are trrunp nuntu ..-. electlona carried by them at the polls shall stay car ried, and thai the Republican endeavor to count out elected Democrats shall be storped. Whatever la nec essary to stop II will be resorted to. If law la sum- cient, isw win oeavaneu oi. vyy"""!' ,.'i". fighting uM be ataiM f. And In either case the OUBineSS miRDI well UeglU smju un owe", Is plain or the enemies of true election choose. Let Democrats everywnere asccrtsm iuvir tigm Uu u prepared to maintain tbem." Last Monday tbe Argus also bad tills signi ficant Item t "The Democratic campaign cluba of the atale of New York number bundreda of tbousanda of effective men. For tbe present they will do well lo maintain their organliattona Intact. Eternal vigilance la the price of liberty.' Comment on suoh expressions la unnecessa ry. We quote them only 10 snow ine aiuiuae and langusgo of the party which holds tbe Inside position In this undecided contest and has the advantage at every point. They show only too plainly which of the two great parties is the party of law and order. Tbe Democratic party threatens to kill tuo men who do not concede its claims in advance of an authoritative decision. The Republican early simply demands a fair, open count, and asks the people to wait until this count is de clared before final judgment is rendered. Hare is Indeed illustration by contrast for every thoughtful-minded citizen. The total vote of -the state of New York is, in round numbers, 1,120,000. The majority as claimed by either side is about 1000. A correction or change of tbe count, which should take b!x hundred from one column and put it into another, would throw the major! ty the other way. In other word", the num. ber of votes at issue is less than one-fifteenth of one per cent of tbe whole number cast! Tbe Boston Star, Gen. Butler's own and only organ in Massachusetts, despondently concludes that "but one moral lesson" can be drawn from the complete failure of the old man's side show, "And that is, that the work Ingmen are still, as a general rule, to be found in the regular Democratic ranks, and that presidential candidates who invest money, time and health in any attempt to benefit worklngmen, get neither thanks nor returns on their investment." , In a polygamy case in Utah last week the respondent was convicted on the testimony of the mother of the second wife, who ad mitted the second marriage, while tbe daugb ter herself revealed a bit of matrimonial rl valry by confessing that ber marriage with tbe man was not with the first wife's consent. With tbe women opening their mouths to aid the operation of the Edmunds law tbere'is ground for hope that the beginning of the end of Mormonism bas been reached. NOT DECIDED YET. Tito Prcsltleiiiliil Election Hinges on llto Volo ol' Now York. A society of "Sons of the Revolution" has been organized in New York to help carry forward the work of raising funds to com plete the pedestal for tho statue of Liberty in New York barber. To do this they have started a $1 subscription list which President Arthur heads with a il subscription, and "every man, woman and child in Anierioa" is asked to send a dollar so as to have a block in tbe pedestal and ehow that tbe people of the United Slates appreciate tbe magnificent gift to tbem by tbe people of France. The New York Tribune thinks the Itev. Dr. Burchard's unhappy attempt at allitera Hon "Hum, ltomanlsm and Rebellion" probably changed 10,000 votes in New York state alone, and the general estimate lies in the same direction. If the precious old blundertr bad kept his mouth shut he would have saved a fortnight and perhaps a month of excitement and uncertainty, and would have kept himself from a notoriety which be can hardly enjoy to say nothing of a possi ble change in the result of the election. The Tribune remarks, with a grind of the teeth, that "No human being in the history of the race ever before succeeded in changing the course of empire by an alliteration." Another of the old-time abolitionists died at Chelsea, Mass., at tbe end of last week in the person of Dr. William Wells Brown, who was born a slave in Kentucky in 181G, es caped to the North when 2fi, and for years afterward was active In helping Blaves to lib erty and in work for the anti-slavery society. From 1849 to 185." he was in Europe as an earnest and effective advocate of the cause of liberty, and at tbe same time educating him self as a physician. Throughout tbe long anti.slavery struggle he worked side by side with William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips, and when the day of freedom came he devoted his energies with equal zeal to tbe cause of education and temperance among bis people. Last Friday Jay Gould sent the following despatch to Gov. Cleveland : I heartily congratulate you on your election. All concede that your administration aa governor has been wise and conservative, and In the larger field aa President I feel that you will do atlll better, and that tbevaatbuatneaaintereataof thcjrcuntrv will be en tirely aafe in your hands. JAY QOULD, At tbe time this despatch was oent, there was great popular excitement in Now York city against Gould, created by inflammatory charges in the Herald and Times that he was nsing the Western Union telegraph to hold back election returns in Blaine's interest. Tho night before a howling mob went through the streets shouting "Hang Jay Gould." Gould was thoroughly frightened, and to allay tbe popular feeling and save himself from threat ened violence he sent the above despatch. The Worst for thai Hour. In our summary of election dews, printed in another column, we have stated the case regarding the New York and other returns precisely as it stands. Upon the returns re ceived up to the hour of going to presB tbe Fhcenix neither claims tho election for Mr. Blaine nor concedes it to Mr. Cleveland. The matter is undecided, with the probabilities in Mr. Cleveland's favor. Until the vote of New York is officially counted and declared no man has any right to noisily "claim" the election or raise a hurrah. The Republican national committee have only done their plain duty to their party in taking measures to watch the count and see it honestly made. They still stand firm in insisting that the fi nal result will show Mr. Blaine elected. Their grounds for the claim are not stated, but they undoubtedly expect frauds or errors to be de veloped in the count of votes In the cities of New York and Brooklyn. IT, when tne ro suit is finally declared, Mr. Blaine is accord ed more votes than Mr. Cleveland be will be our next President in spite of Democratic bluster and threatnlng. If the declaration is in Mr. Cleveland's favor every Republican will cheerfully acquiesce in tbe decision. ltlght here tbe whole matter must rest un til tho New York count is completed. In view of a possible or probable adverse result there is nooccasioufor foreboding or despond' ing on the part of the Republicans. If Gro- ver Cleveland is our next President every true Republican will hopo to see him give the country a clean, strong administration, and no Ilepublican who is worthy the name will throw any stumbling block in his way. Good government Is of far more consequence to every citizen than tbe mere question as to which party holds the power, lteason for re' gret there certainly will be it tbe final result brings a Democratic restoration, but it must be remembered that after all, the opportuni ty of tbe party to work mischief with tbe af fairs of the country is small. They will have a reduced majority in the next House, and with the Senate Ilepublican by a decided ma. jority, as it will be, no disturbing or ruinous policy can forced upon tbe country. Let pa tience, Belf poise and a spirit of cheerful con fidence in the future rule with every Ilepublican. Illussrullou by Com rust. The worst feature about this undecided election count is the threatening attitude which tbe Democratic party have chosen to take. From tho first Ihey have arrogantly assumed the election of their candidate, and have openly threatened violence and blood shed if tbeir claims were not conceded. Tbe mobs which surrounded the bulletin boards in New York, Philadelphia and other large cities last week were apparently rea'dy to break into violence at a moment s notice, and even in Brattleboro Democrats who hold themselves reputable among their fellows de. olared tbeir readiness to "shoulder a musket" It their claims were contested. Democratic newspapers printed appeals designed to In flame the passions of the mob, and the Dem ocratlo national committee issued an address deliberately inciting tbeir followers to resist ance by force if Cleveland's election was further disputed. Nothing else can be made of language like this : II any different or altered returns are now being iicibii-u, ui me iMiuuuigiueii, mey are corrupt rai siflcatlona of the record of the state of New York, and the men aiding or abetting tho making of men tenons are criminals. It Is not expected that you w III tamely submit to IIIC IlllbUllUlltUUI vt tuiu II1CU. Let Ihetn understand that vou will not. Recognize at noon to-morrow throughout the United States the actual election of Cleveland and Hendricks by flrlug- national salutes. Meet lo-niorrow ulxht throughout the country, . .win vpuiMu, iii n maimer mat CBU' not be m aunderatood. The nieu of New York are resolved not to sub- mii tu toe gruaa umrage uucmpied to be perpetrat ed upon their rights. This address was IbsucJ by the Democratic committee last Friday, and was signed by William II. Barnum, chairman. Compare Its tone with that of tho Ilepublican national committee printed In another column. Com' "Mnantly" Ilaelssrea. The Reformer last week, in an tditorial article, stated that Col. Hooker bad recently confessed to a friend that "the Republican national committee had spent $100,000 in circulating obscene literature" meaning by this tbe stories regarding Gov. Cleveland's private life. To this statement tbe Reformer added that Col. Hooker said he didn't believe in tbls cowardly work and tried to prevent it, and that he thought it was the "smut busi ness" that beat Blaine. Vith regard to this story CoL Hooker says, emphatically and without qualification, that he never said anything of the kind, and nev er thought anything of the kind. Moreover, he says tbe Republican national committee did not make any use of tbe charges against Gov. Cleveland ; they did not circulate them and did not countenance the work. What ever work of the kind was done was done by outside parties. Tbe Reformer's lie, In short, is a lie out of whole cloth. It has got itself somewhat ad vertised by means of it, and having thus ac complished its purpose it will probably print a lame apology or contradiction tbls week. The Democrats have said so long and so of ten that they were defrauded out of the pres idential election eight years ago that tbe more ignorant believe it. But after all a lie is a lie however often repeated, and the alleged fraud is what Beecher would call a "Continental Lie." Tbe fraud was all the other way. Tbe Republicans fairly carried Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina, in spite of Democratic attempts to count them out. Tilden, through his nephew, Pelton, and his unsavory friend, Smith Weed, tried hard to buy an electoral vote, both in tbe South and in Oregon, but failed. A rumpus was made in the House of Representatives by tbe Democrats, with a view to steal the election, and a commission appointed by tbe Democratic HouBe, and composed of men of the highest position and standing, decided in favor of the Republicans' And this they call fraud 1 But where was the fraud ? The Democrats committed it. They Btole by fraud and force the Republican states of Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia, and very nearly succeeded in stealing Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina. Since that time, by violence and fraud, they have made tho South Sofia. Fraud, forsooth I Tliei Oftlrliel Count nnvs In Prog-rrsa In bat Mints', vi Uli tliei Its-turn Mhoi, liijr un Hiirant IMnrtallly for 31 r. Cle Unit of lOOO to 11IM Votes. The changes which have taken place slnco last week with regard to the result of the presidential election can be summed up In a few words. The states of Florida, Indiana, Nevada, Virginia, and West Virginia, whkh were put down a week ago as doubtful, aro conceded to have been carried by tbe Demo crats. The only state the result of whose vote is now hold In doubt U New York, with present probabilities indicating that the offi cial count now in progress wiltjshow a small plurality for Cleveland. Duting last week the leading New York papers, with the exception of tho Tribune, steadily claimed New York for Cleveland by a plurality varying from 1281, according to tho figures of tho Times, to H'O." according to those of the Herald. Tho Tribune, until a late edition on Saturday morning, as stead ily claimed tbe state for Blaine by a plurality of about 1000. The figures of tho Times, Sun, Herald, etc, were based on returns col lected by them from the county clerks, while the Tribune's figures were based on associat ed press returns rtcelved direct from each voting precinct in the state. During Friday night these associated prest returns for the first time admitted an apparent plurality for Cleveland, and the fact of this unfavorable plurality the Trlbuno conceded in its Sunday edition, but It nevertheless persisted in say ing that the official count would show a plu rality for Blaine. In spits of all adverse figures the Republi can national commlttoo yet claim New York for Blaine, their belief being, undoubtedly, that'the official canvas) in New; York and Kings counties (New York city and Brooklyn) vlll disclose frauds or errors wh'ch will give the state to the Republicans. Both sides have engaged alio counsel to watch tbe count of ths votes in every county. In New York city Wm. M. Evatts and Geo. Bliss are leading counsel tor the Republicans, while lloscoe Conkllng acts as chief adviser for tbe Democrats. The official count began hi the several counties according to law last Tuesday. Up to Wednesday night tbe canvass bad been completed in 4!) of tbe GO countlos in the state. Tbe official returns vary but little from the returns gathered by the newspapers. The figures in tbe V.I countits named, taken with the unofficial pluralities reported from the remaining couulies, give Blaine an ap parent plurality of 57,721 outsidel of Now York and Kings. If the claims of the Dem ocrats in regard to Kings and New York are sustained Cleveland will have about 1100 votes more than Blaine In the Btate. The count in New York and Kings counties proceeds very slowly and will not bo com pleted for several, days. Tho counties be sides New York and Kings that have not fin ished the count are Broome, Columbia, Franklin, Groene, Monroe, Orauge, St. Law rence, Schuyler and Sullivan. The varia tions from the figures given above, if any are made, will be causod by changes in New York aud Kings. It is stated that CjI. Georgo Bits'! expects to take exception to about 4000 votes that were defective or ctit for Butler or St. John and counted for CleveUnd. In this 1000 are included some 2000 Republican votes said to have been thrown out because a part of Jhe name of ono of the electors was clipped off. According to tbe eituation as it now stands there are 182 electoral votes conceded to James G. Blaino and 183 to Grover Cleve land. New York's 'M, electoral votes we neither claim for the Republicans nor con cede to the Democrats until tbe official count finally decides the matter. Should the voto of New York be given to Mr, Cleveland ho would have 210 electoral votes, or 18 more than enough to elect him. Should It be given to Mr. Blaine he would have 218 electoral votes or 17 more than enough to elect him. Below we give a revised table of states and known or estimated pluralities. tbe Independent, and a gain of 22 Republi can aud 1 Fuslonfst vole. This classification Is subject to a possible change of two or three voles. The stales in which there may be con tests aro lown, Missouri, Tennessee and Wis consin. A Te-niiivrHto laml Na-nstlile Aitilrs-aa. The Republican national committee issued the following address last Saturday evrning : "The Republican national committee aro taking the uioit careful and thorough meas ures to ascertain errors, if any have beeb committed, iu tbe returns of tbo late election in the state of New York. If Mr. Cleveland shsll be found to have a plurality of only one vote, a prompt acqulescnoo will follow from the Republicans of the United States. If Mr. Blaine shall be found to have a plurality of only one vote, a prompt acquiescence will bo expected from the Democrats of tho United States. Tbo belief of this committee. founded upon investigation, is that Mr. Blaino as a plurality of several bundled votm, and If tli nt be so. every honest tnsn will detnaud that It be officially declared. Until the official declaration shall be made we ask the publio to unite with us In an honorable eflort to se cure a perfectly fair count. Purity in elections Is the ouly safety for republican institutions. II. F. Jones, Chairman." .Tin IllHlnet'a .Tfisnly- .ttlllllitc. Ilx-tter to a prominent New York Democrat "In the whole controversy I have had no desire except for a fair count and an honest eclaration of tne result. I nave seen no other rrqucst made by the republican nation al committee, nor by any of its members, They have acted on thilr judgement at every step and need no advice from me, I do not Ish any political supporter or mine In New York lo take the slightest advantage of mere technical tUfects in any returns where ,tlin honest intention of tho voter Is txpioised. I would far rather lose than gain by the exclu sion of returns ou mere technical grounds. The presidenry is not desirable if there be the remotest taint on the title. A promotion of that kind no more leads to honor tbau the pos session of forged paper leads to weultu. Tliei IVIndhialil Collnly- Vols-, Conlilrte, HI.IOll HOIEI. Col. A. B. Franklin of Newfane. and Wil Ham P. Fairbanks, Esq., are tbe gentlemen appointed by Gov Flngree as his associates on the executive oommittee, under tbe act ap proved Oct. 31, relating to the New Orleans exposition, Col. Mead, commissioner, has requested Albert Chapman of Middlebury to late cnarge or me exnioii or wool irom ver' mont for the exposition. The Boston Independents contributed mon ey to pay 0000 poll-taxes for the Democratic machine. But for this, a non-partisan mayor nominated by the Republicans would have been elected. Of the 111,000 federal officials only 15,000 oome under tne civil servloe rules, and or tne wnole list over 00,000 are postmasters. Uov, Cleveland win nave, ir elected president, ua, 000 offices to All without interfering or in fringing upon tbe civil service rules at all. Col. Iligginson. who has been editorially connected with tbe Woman's Journal for fit teen years, resigns his connection with the paper, witn tne end or tne calendar year. The Colonel's Cleveland campaign did It. The Washington monument is now tbe highest structure in tbe world. Wednesday it reaoned tne tieignt or &2U feet 10 inches. The next highest structure is the Cologne cathedral spire SIS feet. Another month will see tbe monument completed. "Maud 8." lowered her reoord by half a second at the Lexington (Ky.) fair-ground on Tuesday by trotting a mile In 2 O'Jj. A great crowd or "tne very nest people oi tne uiue crass region." ministers, oburcb deacons and all, saw her wonderful performance and went wild over it. A big plaoard on the grand aland, "Mo betting allowed," made Mr. Hon ner's Btralght Presbyterian heart glad. Many ouume waicnes made ine mare n lime i irj. Nlutra for Illalne. Plurality. Californie 12,000 Colorado 8,oO(l Illinois 23,000 Iowa 00,000 Kansas fiO.OOU Maine 20,000 Massachusetts 21,200 Micbigau 0,000 Minnesota M.OOO Nebraska 17,000 i.evads 1.S00 New Hampshire 4,000 Ohio 2.i,0l)0 Oregon 2,100 Pennsylvania 80,553 Rhode Island .1,000 Vermont 22,031 Wisconsin 10,000 Electoral Vote. 13 Total., Nftatrs for Clrselnnil Plurality. Alabama C0.000 Arkansas Connecticut 1,200 Delaware 4,270 Florida 4,144 Georgia Indiana 0,000 Kentucky Louieiana 18,000 Maryland Mississippi 35,773 Missouri 31,205 New Jersey 4,112 North Carolina 25,000 South Carolina Tennessee 12,000 Texas Virginia 8,000 West Virginlo 2,000 Total Clialnard Isj both l'tarllve. New Y'ork 182 Electoral Vote, 10 183 3(i Verruout'a Volt). The vote of every town in the state, with tbe exceptions of two email towns, has been returnod to the secretary of state and tbe summary is as follows : Whole number of votes 59,033 ; whole number of Republican votes 30,333 : whole number of Democratic votes 17,2'J'J ; whole number of Prohibition voles 1.012 : wnole number ot Ureenuack votes 785 ; whole number of scattering votes 4 ; Ilepublican plurality 22,034 ; Republican majority 10,633. In 1880 tbe Garfield elec tors had 45,0'JO votes, the Hancock electors 18,181, tbe Greenback eleotors 1,212, and there was a scattering vote of 105. Republi can plurality 20,90'.) ; Republican majority Moody Currier of New Hampshire, Repub lican, gets his election as governor by a ma' jority of about 498 votes. Blaine's plurality in ine state is just two. Blaine's plurality in Massachusetts Is 24 307, and Gov, Robinson's is 40,497. Butler had 23,844 votes in. tbe state and St. John 10.195. Official returns from Connecticut show that the Republican candidates for tbe minor state offices have pluralities over the Democratio candidates of about 125 each. Waller, the candidate for governor, was tbe only one on the Democratic ticket getting a plurality. Tbe election will go into ine legislature, wnicn strongly Republican and will elect Harrison, the Republican candidate. Cleveland's plu rality in tbe state is 1214. Tbe Republicans gain one Congressman. Butler's vote in tbe wholo of New Y'ork state was about 11,000 and St. John's about 21,000, In New Y'ork county the board of aid or men, who are also the board of supervisors ot elections, organized on Tuesday to count the returns by tbe election of 0. B. Waite as chairman. Mr. Waite is a son of tbe late 0. 0, Waite of the Brevoort House, and neph ew ot S. M. Waits. He was elected as a Re. publican by a coalition of the Republicans and tbe Tammany Democrats ot tbe board of aldermen, The ffetxt Couarrt-sa, Secretary McPberson of the Republican congressional committee has completed bis returns ot the 49th Congress. His conclusion Is that there will be 183 Democrats, 141 Re publicans and 1 Gteenbacker. As compared witn tne memuerauip or ine various parti in tbe present Route tbls estimate shows loss of 1U votes to the Democrats and 4 to imt. isno. a a z a a a r lift Athens, 19 Bt S 40 M Ilrattleboro, H.-U Ml 11 ion Ilrookhur, 17 19 XI II Dover, 81 V9 103 20 Dummerston, to 41 4 125 IS (Irafton, 1S3 II Sill 37 (lullford, III (1 13 141 SI Halifax, 137 t,t 3 114 4S Jamaica, W 13 3 Yfi Londonderry, 33.1 II 1 1 l 41 Marlboro, 71 37 1H1 31 Newfane, 131 el O Wl 43 Putney, ICO M In 111 51 liocklugham, 521 290 13 5 MH 381 somerset, S3 111 1 Miration, (9 36 49 31 Townahend, 1S1 SO 3 539 41 Vernon, 71 II 7 93 D Wardaboro. 14) !4 3 150 09 Westminster, 131 31 1 IM 2J Whltlngliara, lilt 101 3 139 101 Wilmington, 1S9 m 3 3'il ku Windham, 91 13 8 J 131 11 30 KOJ 131 10 icTi HM rill! LATEST. The official count iu 52 of the 00 counties n New Yolk was complelod yesterday, with out any material change in Hh result. Tbe Tiibuno claims the total gains for BUino to be 351 votes. Gains for Cleveland in home districts are also reported. A dispatch from the New York Times at 1 30 this morning claims Cleveland's plurality to bo 12G0, with 'no chauges possilie. Nsuisll IMtirulltlr.. The closeness of the vote between the two presidential candidates has been uoticeaMe In several states in past election. In 1810 Milne gave Harrison only 411 plurality and Pennsylvania only 315, while the same year Arkansas gave Van llaten but 89 plurality. In 1811 Clay carried Delaware by only 2.,2, New Jersey by 823 aud TVuneKsoe by 113. The same year Polk had only 099 plurality in i,outgiauat and moro man luls number ol votes were frauduleut. In 1818 Taylor had .1 plurality in Delaware, while Caa carried Alabama by Ml and Mississippi by 015. In 182 Pierce bad only 2., plurality In Delaware and C" in North Carolina. Iu UGS Grant had only flOG plurality in California, and Sey mour earned Uregou by 101. In 12 dree ley had 90S plurality iu Marjlaud. Iu 1870 Hayes carried Florida by 920, Oregon by 517 and South Carolina by 90 1. 4Wen. atha-rliluu'a Ilfgiort. Lieut. -Cien. Sheridan, in bis annual report to the Secretary of WHr, says I hat although the Indian question, bo far as hard fighting H concerned. Is now practically eliminated from TltK l.KaiSl.ATUlill. Doth houses have taken hold of business In earnest this week, and from this timo on the legislation of the session will take rapid shape. On both Monday and Tuesday thero was n flood of new bills. Among those Introduced on Monday was one by Dr. Conland ot Brat tleboro, doing away with the provision of our present law which allows voters to voto for President iu whatever town they happen to be. Every freeman must vote for state ofil. ccrs, presidential electors and representative to uongress m tne town in wbicb be resides, and he cannot vote there or anywhere t l-o unless lie has roaided thero ror three mourns at least before election. It removes the dis franchisemtnt of persons who served In tbo confederate army. llf, conland also Introduced a bill to punish attempts to defraud livery-stable koepers, to that if a lies to the stable-keeper, before ho goes or after he gets back, about tbo length ol His trip, He Incurs a penalty or $40. Mr. Walker of Ludlow Introduced a bill limiting tbe term of Imprisonment fur non payment ot fine Imposed by a justice to three years, and tbe supreme and county courts may iliorten the tlmo of Imprisonment for the non-payment of a fine imposed by either. Two bills were introduced in relation to check lists one making their use compulsory at all town and freemen's meetings aud at all spec ial elections, the other providing that in towns of over 4000 Inhabitants tho vhcck-lUt (.hall show the school district and Btreet rcsidtuce. A bill was introduced providing that In towns of 4000 Inhabitants the selectmen, upon ap plication nf twenty voters, may divide the lown aud check-lists into election precinct, and doing awny with the law r quiring the volts for Btate and county cflkcrn to be count ed in tho town hall during freemen's meeting. Mr. Perkins nf Wind-ior Introduced a bill providing that ctrtlficntes grautod by tho chairman of a boaid ot directors, or by a town superintendent, to teachers In graded and union schools in any ttiwn, shall be good as long as the ttacbor remains in the service of the school. Any certificate may bo renew ed without an examination if the teacher has taught 48 weeks In the town In tbe two vo.trs next preceding tho renewal. In the senate ou Tuesday Semtor Holton introduced a bill lo legalize tho Bcbool district officers aud the school taxes iu the town ot Whltiughiim for tbo Hchool year 1811. Mr. Allen of Whitingbam Introduced a similar biil in the House. A bill appropriating $50,000 for the erec tion of a building for tho stato library v. at discussed in tbe tenate morning and aftei noon, Tuesday, and was finally passed 25 to Mr. Franklin's House bill prohibiting the adulteration of maple sugar passed tbesenato witn an amendment lining any person wuo knowingly sells an adulterated article $25 to 50. Mr. Buttetfleld's bill to cbango the time for holding the term of the supremo court for Windham county also passid tbe senate. Senator Holton introduced a bill making an c Ulcer of a savings bank or trust company li able to a penalty of not lees tbau $5000 nor more than $20,000 fine, and imprisonment for not less than five nor more tbau 20 yiari, for intentional violation of tbe savings tank law. Mr. Reed fit Vernon introduced a bill in tbo House compelling eclectmtn upon appli cation to remove at owner's expt ne any wood, lumber or other obstruction In highways not having a clear passageway 30 feet wide. On Wednesday morning tbe bill to incorpo rate the Fayetteville park asnociatiou was re ported favorably by the committee on corpo rations, read a third time, and passed. The senate bill changing the timo for holding the supreme court In the county of Windham was also passed. The senato bill authorizing the compiling, printing and distribution of laws relating to elections, qualification of voters, and the naturalization of forelgu-born citizeus, also passed the House iu concurrence. .llinlher "SU Jiidiff." Hill Killed. In tbe House on Wednesday morning Mr. Dillingham of Waterbury, iu behalf of a ma jority of the judiciary committee, reported in favor of thu bill in relation to judges of tbe supremo court, introduced by Mr. Barrett ot Rutland, which provides that the supreme court shall conBisl of onochief judge and five assistant judge s, and that the annual salary ot each shall be $3IHH). The bill was debated until tbo hour cf adjouiununt, and its die cesiiou was resumed at tho opening of the afternoon session. Col. Franklin of Newfane advocated the bill, aud called for tho yeas and nays on the question of dismissal. Tbey were taken, and the bill was dwmiised 13S to b(l. Of tbe WiuJbam county members, Ad ams of Marlboro, Allen of Whitingbam, E-tcy of Dummerston, Kidder of Wardsboro.KiLgs ley of Athens, Lszelle of Dover, Perry of Brookline, Rice of Somerset, and Sherwin of Jamaica voted for dismissal ; Arnold of West minster, Butterfield of Wilmington, Clark of Halifax, Conland ot Brattleboro, CuJworlh of Londonderry, rranklin of Newfane, Kith' military considerations, tbe control of Indian an of Putney, Reed of Vernon, Sbepard of reservations in sparsely settled scctionVand the encouragement which should be given to actual settlers, involve conditions in the set tlement of which the cervices of the military in the Welt cauuot be safely dispensed with for uiauy years to come. Ho reports gratify ing progress in marksmanship among the sol- I remain the same ua heretofore. diers, and says it would now be impossible icr a close line of battle to stand up before a skirmish line composed of our qualified marksmen. Ihe gtuerai expresses great in tercet in the national guard of the states, aud urges encouragement of tbe militia organiza tions by every legitimate means. Excepting for our ocean commerce and foroursea board Stratton, Thompson of Grafton, and Ward of Guilford voted against dismissal, absent or not voting, Hastings of Windham, Robertson of Rockingham, and Rutter ot Towusheud. The senate having already killed a nmiUr bill, tin number or judges and their piy will Nrnialor llollon'a "Maori Haul" Hill. In addition to his bill for the establishment I of a state railroad commission Senator Holton 1 has introduced a "short haul" billtiorblddiog, under penally of a fine of $200, any railroad ' company to charge more for hauling a certain pjautlty or weight ot fretgot any given short cities, he does not think wo should be much i dl'nce than is charged for hauling the same a similar (Tsllierlng at each succeeding ses sion of the legislature. 'Die House passed the bill for I lie removal of the shire of Oiloaus county. The joint assembly held on Thursday of last week tu elect judges of the supremo oourt was dissolved without action by a voto ot 25 to 90, on account of the pending bills affecting the constitution and compensation ot the judloiary. Doth bouses I. avo agreed upon to-morrow, 15th lust., as the last day for the Introduction of bills except by unanimous consent and ex cept those reported by committees. ltrort on tho Insstno .lejlialta. The Joint report of the Senate and Homo committees on 111 Insane was submitted to Hi) legislature on the 7th inst. and ordered printed. Tho committee's vhit to the asy lum was entirely unexpected, aud by tbeir request tuny wero at onco shown into tho kltirhen tlm linne uraa admit r.. .10 "vliers supper for the inmates was bolng prepared.)' i no bread, roils anil other roods were tested and found to bo sweet and ot as good quality as will be found In any private family. One noticeable featuro was the special ratigo and cook e mploye il to prepare those articles of food which were prescribed for patients who, by reason of eepeclal peculiarities or sickness, it was deemed, required such articles of food as urc given lo invalids in our own homes." A portion of the wards were visited the samo oveniug. Later tho committee met tbo state eupervisors, and learned from thorn "That this waa the only luatltutloti of the kind In which no extra charge waa made for clolhlng famish ed to tlm pstteuls or for property destroyed by them. uti luruier luierroteating mem it wss lesruttt tust ut ter careful inquiry tli, y bad not been able to learn of any-Institution but w hat the price was higher, and an oi. ra charge wss made for clothing and properly de. etr-iyf d. urtber, that, etcludlng the intereat on the plant, repairs, improvements, and the products from the farm of COO acres, which liielndea the milk of IU cows used as surb, (-int tnsde Into butter or cheese), 4,rH) busbels nf p'ltatuis, 3,000 busbels of corn on tbo ear. l.Otsl bushel of outs, 1,R04 bushels vegetables, and 1.3.W beads of Cabbage, tiitre are also raised and fattened upun tbe farm from 13 to 30 beeves. Tho cost per week for the care and sustensnce of each pa tient f.1.63, an excess over the sum psld by the state of 13 cuts per w e k, w hlch deAcit Is made tip by the eleesa over tbe cost nf the price of private patients. We also learned the foll.iwiug Interesting facts; There are kt-pl on the rarm lo lmrai-s, lo on n, and 30 or 40 Joung cattle. Hay sulBoleiit to keep the same Is rais ed, slid there a re consume,) In the j early supplies 809 barrels of flour, 13 tuns of butter, S tons of sugsr, 3 tous of cheese, 1,&IS1 IHiuuds of coffee, 900 pouuds of tea, and 1,600 cords of wood. Klgtily erBons sre im-pioje-d In various cspacltles." The following morning the ins-pi ctlon of the asylum, including the paik and summer retreat, was completed, and everything was found in satisfactory and praiseworthy con dition, iudioallug advanced metbudi in evety directlou in the treatment of tho insane. From Brattleboro the committee went to Rutland to visit the House of Correction, and they re com m i ml the provision there of ac commodations for the convict and criminal insane. Tbo committee also recommend that the Btato inert aso its allowance for stato patients, so as to cover the cost of their maintenance and increase tbe ability of tbe tfilcers of the, n-jlum lo give lirger liberty aud better at tendance to a largd class of iitlients who would be Lone tiled by such Ire-attuent. The committee clones its report as follows : " "In further ace irdanee with your reeolntloo, your cntumlltefuiitLii 37lb t O. t. viaitisl lb'- home of br. Clark, situated on a picturesque bluff nesr the city of llurllugton, overlooking I.ske Champlsln, Tbe doc tor very kindly showed us his estabtlsbtuent neatly and tastefully fttte-d op. lie can accommodate 1 or 13 patlenta suffering from the quieter forms of lu ssnily or nervous disease, llre tbe nnforluoste suff-rer from business snnoysnrcs or the veistloue ot society auu our present emulation cau nua a qtu , 1 1 aod peacful retreat from tbe world, where art aud j nature can be Ulittt-il to glee vigor to tbe exhausted i l.ralti slid restore, piiwerto the will which temporarily it has 1st I aside. "In conclusion, your committee desire to say that lo their opiutuu tbe people of Vi rnrmt have In tbe Vermont asylum st Ilrattleboro an Institution equal tu all res polls, and superior In some, to sny state tn atitatlou, aud deserving of the fullest confidence. I'ucts Concerning- llir- l'rrllmlntsry Hnr ley of list- l!r.sltlt-born A lla-nnliifrlon lt.altro.ail. Various statements have been made by the oppottctits of Ihe Wilmington railroad enter prise, regarding the preliminary survey, and Hie story goes the rounds that tbe route is not feasible, and even that no survey has been made thai is reliahl". To this I reply that as thorough preliminary surveys have been made m are often made for a contemplated road. It is not expected or cUimeel that a prelimi nary survey decides posilirely jait wherj tbe road will be located. Bat whet sre the facts regarding the sur veys " The first survey wai maelo under the supervision of tho late A. C. Mitchell of Bel lows Palls, who, when be inaJo his final re port before the director, stated tint the route was a feasible one, and favorable for a rail road line. He also stated that great improve. meul could undoubtedly be mile if time and money were allowed for that purpose. In r - viewing tbe maps aud profiles it was evident thai this was true, anil it was also apparent to those who followed the survey that certain portions ol tho line ciuiu be greatly Improv. ed. Il-nce I employed Mr. Brttrick, of Worcester, Msss.. who has no superior in the art of etiguie-erinir. to resurvey most of the route. Several weeks wero spent in the work, Sir. But'.rick's report was given ami printed, aud It Is in my nfflje. Ho pronounced the 1 routs lo-tsible and Mvorable bevonJ ft ques j lion, aod he is willing to hick up his state ! meul as to grades, eltrtances, bridging, appar eut rock citttn. etc : and he further states that he is willing to prove all his statements by submitting th-ru to the best surveyors in the country, aud will pay the expense if bis statements are not found correct. I will go even further. I will pay the expense of a locating survey from Brattleboro to Wilmiug ton if all my statements concerning tbe sur vey are not fouud essentially correct. Ihe eliart male by some of my townsmen Local Intelligence, Annntaiacrntffenlat OsAxnUcictALKvuer atthelllnk Halunlay even ing, November Mb. 8kallngfrom7:30tol0. Social danee from DIM loll US. Music by the band. I'rleet as usual. Yftnr Dismantle 1'i-nNiBitr.nltooMS to rent in my house ou High street, with, or without board. tins. 11. F. IIofonroK. Tux AnuiNiamATons npon the estsle of the late II. F. Houghton earnestly request all persons who are In debted to the estste to call at the store snd pay their bills, The estate must be aettled, Iflsr, Nov. 8, between Ilrattleboro village and Cei trevllle, a black ebony cane. The finder will confer a favor by leaving It at Itanger Thompson's, or at Ea ton k Ncwell's, West Ilrattleboro. l'on Sale. The Thompaon bouae, situated on the corner of Klllot and Klin streets. Enquire of II. It Tnoursoif, I'lOTCnEl'iuMEsarecbeapat Cheney & Clapp't, A Qood CoirooRn Waqom for aate cheap. Enquire at ths Ftiirnlx Office. The old reliable Hartford, New York, Pennsylvania and foreign Are Insuranco companies represented by C'udworth ft Cbllds afford abaolute protection. The bestls tbe safest In the end. An experienced dry goods salesman Is wanted at llawley's. AnTisTfc ricTcriK FnAMina at Cheney & Clapp's. alarmed about the probability of wars with fort igu lands since it would require more than a million and a half of men lo make a campaign upon land against us. He earnest ly Invites immediate attention to ihe perfectly defenseless condition of our seaboard cities and tbeir harbors agiinst foreign naval at tacks, and urgently recommends tbe early be ginning of a general system of seacoast forti fications, to be constructed in accordance wilb requirements involved by tbe latest Im provements in heavy artillery. Foreseeing the time. when the improvements in guns of every calibre will make it impossible for the forces of one Bide in war to stand up before those of tbe other, and when thu character of warfare will be so changed that questions at issue between countries will have lobe settled either by arbitration or by waging war on the enemy's commerce npon laud, in which war fare men on horseback will alone be available, Gen, Sheridan urges the development at Fort Riley ot a cavalry establishment "wor'hy our great country." amount of freight of the same class a longer to abuse mo for attempting t ) benefit our Thee Inlrrnul Ileirnur. Tbe annual report of the commlsnioner of internal revenue shows tho total receipts for the last fisoal year to have been $121,,VJ0,03'J. This was some $23,000,000 less than the pre vious year. There was a decreaso of $10, 000,000 from tobacco and $10,000,000 from repealed laws and penalties, and an increase of $3,000,000 from spirits and fermented liq uors. The total amount collected from tobac co was a little leas than $211,000,000. Tbe amount ot grain used in the production of liq uors was nearly 10,000,000 bushels, and the amount of spirits produoed by graius was 7:1, -724,581 gallons. Tobacco and liquors are everywhere regarded as legitimate subjects of taxation and these taxes are collected at com paratively small expense and trouble, the cost of collecting tbe internal revenue the post year being less than 4 15 per cent of the amount collected. Our Country llonae. The fondest hopes ot tbe projectors of Our Country Home are being realized in the high measure ot success which is attending their efforts. Varied, lively, reliable, tbe contents of Our Country Home appeal to every inle'li gent farmer as no journal of the sort baa ever appealed before. Its phenomenally low price, the vitality manifestly expended upon its manufacture, its well-kept promises of con stantly growing excellence,its tempting typo graphy,its country origin, everything about it is calculated to recommend it most effec tively to the farmers. Taken alone, Our Country Home costs but fifty cents a year. To paid subsciibers for Good Cheer it is only twenty-five cents. The Mirror und Partner, Published at Manchester, N. II., John B. Clarke, ed itor aud proprletsr, la fast gaining tbe reputation ot being the beat aa well aa the cheapest agricultural pa per for New Fngland far mere, It la an elght-page weekly of 68 columns, two pages being devoted ezclu aively to rarmlng toptca, Among ita contributor are not only many of theablest professional wrilera on these subjects, but hundreds of practical f armera,w ho here give tbe reaulta of their experience. Ita Market Iteporta are full aud complete, prepared expreasly for Ita columns by the beat marktt reporters iu New Eng land. A Veterinary Department, conducted by oueol the ablest veterinary surgeons iu the couutry, la an Invaluable teature, llealdea Ita value at a farming Journal, containing aa much agricultural reading aa moat of the two aud three dollar weekllea, It la one of lbs beat news and family papera, having aeveral spec ially attractive features, Including a Veteran Soldiers' Department, Fashion and Household Departmenta, Puzzler's Column, News Irom every w here, Correspon dence, Stories, Sketches, etc. Tbe price or the Mirror and Farmer la It a year, lly special arrangement with the publlaberwecan fur nlab the Mirror at Farmer to atraiu:-jayii!f Fheeulx aubacrlbere ror 63 eta. a year. SPECIAL CFFEIt. To new subscribers wa will send Tbe Pheenll from dste to January, 1836, aud the Mirror aud Farmer onerar, ror f3. distauce. This bid makes no attempt to die tate what freight charges shall be, or to es tablish a mileage basis, but simply sets up a barrier against the iujusticeof charging more for hauling a short than a longer distance, aud is to this ixtent a protection to our Ver mont manufactuiers and merchant?-. A hear, ing on this bill was held before tbe railroad committee Monday evening, when Sdnator Holton made a strong snd able plea in behalf of the tniasure. Mr. Hale of Arlington, a chair manufacturer, appeared and told bar be had buffered at the hands of tbe Rutland i Bennington railroad ou account of their unjust and discriminating charges. On tbe same evening Ilea. C. F. Thompson of Brattleboro and Rev. C. S. Smith appeared before tbe committee in behalf of a bill to prevent the running of needless Sundty trains, as for excursions, newspapers and the like. Ytsrloue ftAtle-rs. Senator Holton'a bill prohibiting telegraph or telephone companies from culling or niuti litiug trees has passed the senate. Mr. Pilling of Benuington has introduced a hill in tbe House rtquiriug a railing not lees than 18 Inches high around bear traps aud tbe placing of a sign, "Bear trap," within 12 feet of the trap. We aro not told whether the bill is for the protection of bears or of human kind, but tbe introduction of the bill is said to have caused "an audible smile" in tbe House. The grasshopper bounty bill has been ruth lessly killed. , A bill appropriating ij 5000 for replacing the present wood staircases in tbe stato prison with iron ones, and for other prison improve ments, has passed both houses. This bill is familiarly known as "the bill to exterminate bedbugs," tbe complaint of tbo prison officials being that tho wood staircases harbor these vermin. Dr. Conland's bill putting a prohibitory tar iff on peddlers was killed iu the House last Saturday, The bill limillag tbe amount for which a town may bond itself in aid of a railroad to five times thu amount of its grand list caused a lively delate in the senate Monday after noon, Tbe committee reported tbe bill fc vorably, but proposed to amend by making the amount two times the grand list. Tbe amendment was adopted, and the bill will probably pass tbe senate. It is not probable that there will be any legislation affecting barbed-wire tences. Al ready three "barbed wire" bills have been killed in the House one making a barbed wire fence to consist of four strands one foot apart, one making tbe two upper strands of smooth wire, and one ordering a board or pole to be attached to the top strand. Numerous and strong petitions have been presented from all parts of the state, praying for the establishment ot an agricultural ex periment station and of a soldiers' home. On Tuesday the military committee held a meet ing to consider the soldiers' home question. Six thousand people nf tbe state have asked for the establishment of such a borne, and a bill for one will be introduced. It is estimat ed tbat 100 old soldiers in the state now ueed tbe care ot such a place. Tbe governor has approved and sigued the following bills : An act to provide for a gen eral Index of laud records in the several coun ties la Ihls state ; an act to legalize the quad rennial appraisal of real estate in the town of Somerset in 1882, aud tbe grand lists of said town for 1883 auel 1884 ; an act relating to weights and measures ; an act In relation to fire districts) an act autboiiziug telephonic communication with public ofiloes ; an act relating to weight of certain grains and vege tables ; an act relating to disclosure in liquor oises by persous convicted ot the crime of intoxication. Tbe senate of 1882 held a pleasant reunion In the senate chamber last week Wednesday tveulug, aud made arrangements for holdiug town aud county may have afforded tbem great pleasure. II so, they are woloome to tbeir enjoyment. Tbe attacks that have been made aud tbe most absurd etatemeuts that have been sworn to have not changed tbe views and purposes' of lue friends of the en. terprise one iota, snd tbey will still labor to help it forward, fully believing in its final success. I-.iwATtr Lnosnv. The A'oscmlaer Croi llsiorl. The November returns of cotton to the de partment of agriculture ehow that the long continued drouth has reeluc d Ibe production. Ihe Indicsttons polut to a crop somewhat lar ger lhati that of 1SH3, gathered in unusually tine condition, of good color, unstained by stoitus and free from trash and dirt. Tha corn product Is expected to exceed 1.800.OO0. 000 bushel", or an average rate ot about "i! bushels an acre. Ibe best yields are, as in le-Ml, in what na boen de-lguated as "Inn great American d.aert." The "arid regions" in the vicinity of tbe 100 ib meridian bsve produced heavy ciops of maizi of high qua! ity. Thit Hue ot longitude has ceased to be an absolute barrier tocoru production or gen eral farming. Tho quality of corn is better than in lbV.l nearly everywhere, and in the northern belt it is worth 2.1 to 7." per cent more, i lie potato crop is neuriv an average yield, or 1HI bushels per acre, aud exceeds l'JO.OOO.OOO bushels. A dynamite manufactory near tbo village ol Mouehsburg, ra , blew up last week Thurs1 day afternoon, shaking the country for a ais tauceof 10 to 20 miles around. The works cousUtetl of five frame buildings, the timbers or which were sent Hying in all directions. nothing remaining but the foundations. The three men in the building were literally blown to atoms, fo the cause of I In explosion will never ho known. A till furnace stack ten miles uwuy, in which several mm were put ting a now lining of fire-brick, was toppled down by the explosion aud buried six men in Its ruins. Wilhiu tho pat woek tin fact has dovel opcel that cholera is epidemic in Paris and bus been lor eome tlm p.est. although Its ex. istencee was kept secret by the authorities so as not hurt tbe trade of the city. The deaths are from 30 to 40 per dav. Tho disease thus far confined to a squalU part of the city rarely vnueei or seen by ktrangers. All tho business part of Palatka. Florida, was wiptel out by fire last Saturday nlcbt. Three fine hotels, favorite resorts of Northern visitors, are Inclueleel iu tbe ruin, The loss Is plaoeel at If 7.10,000. STATE AFFAIRS. The twenty-first annual meeting of the reunion society tit Vermont oftloe-rs was held si .Moul poller ou 'ibursday of last wetk. The business meeting took place at the state house iu the afternoon, when officers were elected lor ibe (ouiing year wtm Col. Wll Ham 0. Holbrook as president. At 7:30 in the evening the nfiliers assembled at the. Pavilion, aud under the marslnlahii) of Gen. V. W. Henry and headed by the Montpelier uanu, marcneu lo me state muse, where tbe annual addrtss was delivered by Col, Aldaoo P. Walker of Rutland. The hall of the house of representatives was tilled to over nowing. At the concMslon of Col. Walker address, which received a cordial vote r thanks, the society repaired to the Pavilion dining nan, wnere a banquet was served, fol lowed by toasts and speeches. The next re nnlon will be held at Burlington. Rev. L. B, Hibbard, formerly editor of the Ludlow Tribune, has been appointed a oomtuiseioner to the New Orleans exposition lea tun Ol ZU1UOIS. The annual meetiuc of tha Vermont Stato Agricultural Society will be held at the vveiaon uouse, Bt Alban, ou Wednosday, iiur. toiu. Ilrasillrlioro, Look out for several special bargains at llawley's to-morrow. Conductor Wheeler has moved this week to his new house on Pearl street. John Retting is putting in the foundation for a house opposite Dr. Post's on Green street. W. G, Dootitlle has broken ground for another dwelling bouse fronting on Central Btreet. The First Regiment band goes to Clare- tnont, N. II , to take part in a Dcrnooratlo celebration to-night. The Unitarian society held their first so. ciable of the season with Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Ryder on Tuesday evening. The local Odd Fellow organizations are expecting a visit from Grand Master II. L. Stilsou of Bennington to-morrow. For tho present the ladies of the W. C. U. will hold their regular meetings every Tuesday afternoon, at 3 p. M , at the Y. M. 0. rooms, Frank K. Housh manufactured and ship ped about a quarter of a million of bis pai nted campaign advertising cards during the season closing with the election. Mrs. Don Houghton and family of Dum merston have moved Into John Retting s house, corner of Green and High streets, the lartn having been sold to John t. Houghton Mr. G. W. Prouty of Guilford sends us some specimens or apples raised by blm tbls season which are bandsomo enough to have done duty at the recent grange fair in tbat lown. O. Ii. Miner has already shipped .1000 barrels of apples from tbls vicinity to Boston and other markets, and tbe amount shipped by olber parties has not been less than 1000 barrels. Edwin Elmer, who went from here sev. eral years ago to engage in the grocery bus! ness at Pittstleld, Mass., has sold out there and is about going to Blair, Neb , to engage in biock raising. Leroy F. Adams of tho Vermont Live btock company arrived at Dickinson. Dakota, on tbe line of tbe Northern Pacifio railroad on Tuesday, and will be In Brattleboro by the end oi next weeE. The transparencies used in tl)6 Demo. cratic parade Wednesday evening were Bent to ltennington for use in a similar demonstra tion thero last evening, and to-night are ex. peeled to do similar duty at Wilmington. Laat Saturday afternoon tha daughters of Ihe late Holland Pettes Mrs. Frost of Williamsville, Mrs. Sargent and Mrs. Cooke and daughter ot Brattleboro, paid a visit to their old borne now owned by Hon. Dorman Ji. tatoo. lira, l.auo was unable to go on account oi in neaun. Mr. Jason French of Keene. N. H.. whose death is elsewhere recorded, was a native of liraiueboro and lived here until be reached bis msjotlty. He was the senior partner of tne nrtn oi J. x i. l-reuen, sieign and car riago manufacturers, wbo&e "Keene sleighs Lave so long had an established reputation over a wide territory. At the annual meeting of the ladies' be nevolent society ot the Baptist church, tbe following orucers were chosen for tbe ensuing year! Piesident, Mrs. Dr. Tucker; Vice President, Mrs. J. J. Eitey ; Secretary and treasurer, airs. u. It. tJIary. All are Invited to attend a sociable at tbe house of Mr. J. J I'.stey on Monday evening next. I. B. Thorn has thoroughly renovated the drug store In tbe steen block and con vtrted it into an attractive and well-regulated place or business, lo-day, tbrouRb our ad vertising columns, he asks the publio for a snare ol ineir patronags. Air. Thorn bos bad long experience in bis business, be is a competent druggist, and we believe bis cus. tomers will find themselves well served at his bands. Tbe letter carriers are having a hard road to trav el. Kacb one la stopped on every trip by some demo. crat wbo haula out a of tape and commeneea measuring to aee ii tne unuorm will Ol him ;ur ujtvii tree l'rtM item. In Brattleboro a uniform it of no coose quence, but there's just an even half-gross of Democrats, each ot whom is sore, without measuring, that Mr. Mansur's old shoes would just fit him. The November Y. M. C. A. Bulletin Bays : "The large doors wbicb are to serve as a partition dividing our room have arrived and are put in place, so that we can now have one or two rooms, as we have needed very much for so long. Our reading room will remain the same as heretofore free to all who use it for tbat purpose ; tbe other room will be kept exclusively tor members o tbe association and their friends whom they may choose lo invite in with them." The suit of the Worthlngton Paper com puny of Holyoke, Mass., against 0. II. Da venport was tried at J. M. Tyler's office, be fore L. M. Read as referee!, on Tuesday and Yttdnesday. The suit was for a quantity of paper sold to Davenport in November last for bis "Uhrtsimss supplement." Toe defend ant claims that the paper was not according to contract, ine referee win render bis re port at tbe March term ot tbe Windham county court. Cbsttleboeo. Vt.. Nuv. 11. Tbe Drsltle-boro Democrats aud Independents, with delegatlooa from varlova parts of tbia county and adjoining alassschu aetta and New Uampabire towns, united la a grand parade and Jollification here to-night. It waa one of tbe largeat political demooatrationa ever aeeo la Windham county. .1 ssoefafed 'ress iUm in lioettm ertiriiai. When will you learn to tell the truth, Bro, Childs ion know perfectly well that, com pared with naif a-dozen ilepublican demon strations four years ago, your celebration was a fizzle. A large and gay party gathered at the skating rink Mcndsyeveniug on tbe occasion ol the n opening under Mr. fioah Jackson management. 'J.U9 company seemed de, lighted to welcomo beck to Brattleboro tbe gentleman whose untiring efforts for the pleasure and comfort of bis patrons made the rink a popular success last season. Mr, Jackson bos made arrangements for a series of entertainments inoluding a social dance one evening every week, special parties, nov elties, etc, which promise to make this fa- vorlte resort more attractive than ever. Justice William S. Newton officiated In recent jury case in Guilford which excited considerable local interest. Tbe cose was tbatot Obas. E. Alexander t. Wm. Hatfield trial on a writ of replevin for the reoovery of a two years old beifer, valued at $20. Tho plaintiff claimed that the sale was conditional, and tbat the conditions bad not been ful filled, while defendant claimed that tbe sale was absolute. The writ was made returnable Sept. 27th, but the cose was contiuued to Ibe 30tb, when a trial was had and the jury disa greed. The case was then contiuued to Ojt. 13lh, when another trial was bad before jury No. 2 with Ilka result. Tbe case was then continued to last week Friday, Nov. 13th, when jury No. 3, consisting of Dr. Oood willie and Geo. Hubbard of Vernon. Geo. A. Boyden, 0. L. Miner. E E. Siockwell and S. S. Russell of this town, returned a verdict for plaintiff, with one cent damages and costs, The plaintiff managed his own case, while Uen. W. W. Lynde appeared ror tbe defend, ant. Tbe local feeling seemed to be mainly in lavor ot ine aeienaaui. Ths Rutbian mission band ot the Baptist church gave an enjoyable entertainment at the vestry last evening, and, judging from the large audlenoe present, we should say tbey gleaned a goodly siim therefrom. Over the platform at the front of tbe vestry was an arch formed of tbe name "Rutbian," In letters of evergreen, and below it was suspended tbe emblematic wheat-eheaf. At tbe rear of the room were tables laden with articles for sale, including various pretty specimens of fanoy work, Sowers aud confectionery. The lead' ing piece of tbe evening, "Sowing Light. was performed by 17 young girls, represent ing America, Christianity, and tbe missions or Turkey, India, llurmab, Ceylon, China, Japan. Africa, and the American Indians, The oriental costumes worn vera bona tide ones, obtained from the mission bonse in Bos ton, and thtlr wearers were tbe Misses Wise. ftlAwart 1tf.m!d nirnliar.l nn1lltU Chase and Robblns j Miss Ada Richardson personated "Atneiles," Miss LImIo Sherwln "Christianity." and seven younger girls were real "Ameilean children." "A Missionary Meeting," at which the board of managers listened to the experiences of its solidiing committee, was suggestive as well as amusing There were vocal selectlous by the Misses Mozart, Instrumental mnslo by Lacy Chase Maud Tower and Miss Allen, and recitation by Bessie Van Doom, Minnie Brazor, Maud Tower and little Florenoe Thorn. At the recent general term ot the sunrtm. court S. M. Waite, through his counsel, liar, rett t Barrett, made application to have the entry of "judgment affirmed" In the case of ij. in. nice, receiver, against wane's estate in insolvency which was entered at the last February term of tbe supreme court for tbls county, by tbe consent of counsel for the re. Oliver and tie assignees stricken off snd the case continued to the general term for arsu. n,..l Mr WS,.'. n,.nl 1 I ...! .1... UJUU. bvuuov. V.CUIQU US had an Interest In the case and judgment could not be entered without his consent. Tbe courtdecllned to entertain the application upon the ground that if Waite had any reme dy bis application should bo made to tbe court which rendered the judgment. It is under stood that Wake's counsel will renew their application at tbo lerm or the supremo court to be held in this county next February. The cousel for the the assignees and recelverclalm tbat Mr. Waite is not a party lo tbe proceed ing and tbat they have the sole power of say. ing what disposition should be made ot the case, and it is probable tbat tbe court will so hold. Tbe Reformer of Itst week. In mslln,. characteristic allusion to tbe action of tbe Brattleboro merchants who signed a paper assuring Wilmington people of tbeir continu ed Interest In tbeir welfare, and of tbeir wish ror closer business connection with tbem, con. trived to give currency lo J. O. Eddy's tin. generous insinuation tbat the Brattleboro rail road people bad "no Idea of getting a rail road, tbat tbe vote to bond was a mere for. mality, aud all tbat was intended by It was to make Wilmington people believe we wanted It." In reply to this It Is only necessary to say, positively and emphatically, that there has been neither buncome nor pretense on the part of any Brattleboro man in his woik for the railroad. Brattleboro business men want this road built for tbeir own interest and self-protection, and no less for Ibe bene fit of their Wilmington neighbors. They have worked for tbe road earnestly and in good laun, and iney nave not asked or need ed at any time to be advised or directed in their Bction by either J. G, Eddy or the editor of the Reformer. In his sermon on "Elements of Stsbllitv in our National Life," ,!at Sunday evening, Rev. S. II. Lee, opening with tbe dtclar. atlon tbat "God is a moral force in the world," and tbat this force has been at woik through all our one hundred years ot history. enumerated as among our elements oi slabil ity tbe fact tbat we were all of "one blood, that we have one language, one literature, and one religion, aud that we have an "inherited history the uplilting power of great and patriotio events behind us. The power of the press, the railroad and tbe telegraph, giving to an ine people tne same information, the same idtas, and tbe same topics of dls. cussion at the eame time, the speaker said was a power hardly to be sufficiently estimat ed. Our economic condition tbo ease with which we get a living is an important ele ment, as also is tbe even distribution of nroo- erty, for, in epite of everything said to the contrary, we have very few very rich men and very few very poor men. We have no n zed laboring cuss wbo cannot rise above their condition. The continual division cf great estates, the fact that none of these ts- tales remain more than a generation or two intact, is an element strongly favotiog our general economio condition. Our absolute freedom of speech is a safety-valve in every time of excitement, and, finally, our political system, founded In inherited ideas, and con formed to tbe feelings and ideas and convic tions of the people, is our great tower of strength, which shows itself in a crisis like the present. In spite of all partisan bitter ness and angrinesa of discussion, every man esteems bis neighbor honest and a patriot, and each party expects and believes that the other party will do the main things right. Uur local interests our courts, our roads, our schools, our homes aro felt at heart to be really far above the question, as a matter of individual importance, as to who shall be our next President. Tbe gracious favor of tbe God of onr fathers Is with us. He sees that we have a miseion to perform and will not permit it to come to naught. In closing Mr. Lee counseled tbe continuance of a stout fight, in spite of all discouragements, against corruption In bigb places or impurity in pri vate life, and told bis bearers why he had himself voted for St. John at the late election --stating in eloquent terms the rule of con duct which be believed should always govern tbe action of tbe conscientious voter at the ballot box. ME INIEBESTISO WAU BEMISICEXCIS HI uov. noLnnoox. At the annual meeting of tha reunion so ciety of Vermont officer), held at Montpelier last week, ex Gov. Holbrook was one of the honored guests, at the after-dinner ep.-akiog was calb-d upon to reply to the toast, "Oir War Governor." He was felicitously intro duced by CoL Hooker as "the man who signed most of tbe commissions of ths offl cers present, and wbo was one of President Lincoln's most trusted supporters among tbe governors of the loyat states." Io reply Gov. Holbrook said that he commissioned so many of tbe Vermont officers that they all seemed to him like eons. He watobed tbem with pride and confidence aa they went out to set. lain the flag; and be waa proud to seethe survivors ot tbeir number fulfilling tLeir du ties as citizens in a way which thowtd that tbe lessons of self-reliance and devotion to duty taught them in tbe war had not been lost in peace. Recalling some of the war time, hi mentioned the fact that In Ihe dark time previous to Antietam be wrote lo President Lincoln suggesting tbe propriety cf a call for more troops, and pledging tbe state ot Vermont not only to respond to a call but, if necessary, to (quip her men, and wait for reimbursement till tbe government should be in a position to pay the debt. Pro vost Marshal General Draper wai thereupon sent to Vermont by Mr. L'ncoln, and as a consequence of the consultation a draft of a joint letter, to be signed by the loyal govern ors, was drawn by Gov. Holbrook, pledging support to the government. This was signed by all tbe governors of the loysl states, and on this wss based tbe second call for 300,000 three years' men. Then came the call for nine months' regiments, filled elsewhere by drafts from tbe militia, while Vermont filled hers with volunteers. Gov. Holbrook aUo al luded to the successful experiment of bring ing the sick and wounded soldiers home from tbe field to hospitals in their own states, in augurated by Vermont during his administra tion, and generally adopted. In these and other ways Vermont held up the hands of Mr. Lincoln, and the men of this state stood high in his confidence. THE MOMiS's ACXILIAIIT OF THE I. JI, C, 1. At the meeting ot tbe board of managers held last Tuesday afternoon for the election of offioers, no choice was made for president Mrs. 8. H. Lee, Mrs. W. H. Collins, Mrs. F. E. Tower and Mrs. I. McAnn were elected vice presidents, Mrs. Lre consenting to set as president for tbe present ; Mrs. J. N Rob bine, secretary ; Mrs. E. P. Carpenter, treas urer. Tbe business meeting of the board of managers Is to be held on the first Tuesday of every month. Following are the commit tees appointed : On Rooms Mrs. J. J. Estey, Mrs. Dr. O ale, lira. Edward Clark, Mra. W. 11. Qcddla. On Social Oatberloia Mrs. Annie Fulton, Mrs. E. II. Van Doom, Miss Mary Graves, Mist Nellie Yeaw. On Flowers Mrs. Geo. E. Crowell, Mrs. II. Tjler, Mrs. N. I. Uswley, Mrs. A. W. Nichols. Ou Work lor lloys Mrs. C. U, Mansnr, Miss E. T. Colburn, Miss F. ii, Allen, Miss Carrie Uouabtou. On Memberships Mrs. II, W. Bruce, Miss E.T, Col burn, Mlsa Emma Houghton, Mlaa Jennie Fisher. The auxiliary starts off with a membership of CO, which will be largely increased as soon as tbe Christian women of tbe town become better acquainted with Ihe aims and methods of the association. Hec'i. the soldiers' monument ram, The movement reoently inaugurated for tbe purchase and erection of a soldiers' mon ument in memory of the part which Brattle boro bore in the war of tbe rebellion bas al ready gained such strength that we feel con fident in predicting a genuine success tor the fair whiuh is to be held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week at tbe town ball. Previous to the fair a canvass will b made for subscriptions in aid of the fund, and some of our prominent citizens have al ready promised to give $30 apiece towards it. An elegant gold-beaded cane has been con tributed for tbe fair by Col. nooker, which Is to be voted to the most popular doctor In town. Handsome contributions are also promised from out of-lown paities.andtnsny Brattleboro ladles are busy manufacturing fancy articles, etc, for the tables. As yet there Is no definite plan as to what eball be tbe design or cost ot the monument to be erected. It bas been ascertained tbat the one located In Fairmount park, Philadelpbis oonsisting of a single figure, a s01''6'" bronze, of berolo size, costing some $8,000 ot $10,000-can be duplicated In the sam material at a cost of only $3,000 j and it H suggested that such a figure, placed upon suitable pedestal inscribed with the nsoei of all the eoldlers who went to the war from Brattleboro, would be, perhspn, the most nl-