Newspaper Page Text
THE VERMONT PHCENIX, AND RECORD AND FARMER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1884. MRATTI.WORO mtDAT. HOVMfBEIt 21. 1M Tintim iavbhs ron A w Xblwr to lUnrnhrt bave. Mdl patleaBB with HwM Hepub who dsbjioaalt MMifrn Mm country to the ton, aad try oot that lb Htrmbuoan pert he toMve tort eeetrol of public af fain, btunt lb UnmiiN hurt won the elevation by a small plurality lo New York. A few ttrtotr. are vary sure, tad one of tkrai i tM taetlta. We era trot i ta four taata from now we aMaM aaaa at taktag M My whether Mi Mapabllaaii oppo- i tet a mall company of voter. -rao would attlon to him wan well or ill lauded We 1 hwow what a poliMoal eaaiBeign i all about. , tntapty ptotaal ee-alaat tba eaaalaaiOD that the We wouldn't oonfioe M study or the oompsii , HapabHaaa party bat bees defeated on ite toaoblp to nets ben of either party, but wltn rrrtnolples or oondeained on it raoord. It is tha fear year ooarae bt through we would son eetisfyfag to one's pride, to pat tbe mat- i efeeerfaUy take oar abaaaai oa tbera being tar on bo higher ground, to retve that one e I per oaat. of HapabllaaM aeaeng kbe student. Hy laaBtl auaagstasal with tbe aabluaer nf (oor Onion aaa oca ootnmt Howl we ere able to Met i latere nf The raaaait both of these papers ead Tb - Ml . inr tQ fbll IMUMOW M Mail. Vrtsm for the benefit nf our aaharrtbers. to slve there 1 shall evrrrtrej tha ooonlrj tMkrrrtaNtoenaotainrietTotm4iatlnr To beerta witb. every pood oitiaaB. wbeth the treat mm Bepebheao or Detnoctat srtieerely bopee (Mod oaeer lor (WnW wee to Vf IB nee. snd , ni..-j.j jh n . eevriatae. v Home, two or tare etetehes of tb1 ver OieveiaBd will pita the country a afe aarrsBtBre. a doien moobm ton ead eaort health t oieaD, strong ad mluitt ration. If be de paee. ham papers, etc.. tuidn vertetv of eater- , thta it be reftjee to be controlled by pteoe. tiMMMMmwnit. AUtreciwerot. wer. , banters and tiitleel borne, If b faithfully by leater: wineia. aew. oravteal ead of hhrh meru . . , , ... . . Ih.nrtwr... will e Thaeaettviuc 1 eonfotia. to tbe spirit of tbe oiril service law ember, fan of tbe pint ol thia old-tMae fatally l I hod tria to extend tbe field of ite operation, ttm. if bie adraintetratton f aroni a eratom of na- oer Otratrtrr Horn. .tm. to b. t oomolMe rrletiltn. , tional edaeation, if it aeeompllebea a redoc Tit MHr, Hie Btade for the eoeatrr hoeoM of Aairr ... . . . , ... loa. lu.tBtdiioh.ip.h. eoantry Uf. better 1 tion of Uiattoo hod reform of tbe rerenoe werth Hflaa. eaciatrr hoaiea norr onatorMbie and t wblle hotdiDR fat by Ibe protective prinolple, txuetirel, firm caora aroatablr. TlUaor homaa hap- If it maintains tbe riebte of ererr Amerioan imr.-toh.dthawaMhahort.toth. beat taathod. , Mma, not amlJ lbroad. bat it borne and tn faroitafc oiroeatay and bowMkMptofi. lUaerar. . . .... ... Aepartmert. are la ebet. of wdl-koowi. aaweialt.!, ' 10 ln h othrn ertt if all tbeeo thin p. art The Ptarati M ml to of w .obrrnm trom en to I done, then tbe eoastry will bare bad aood Jaa.l, He, for t.o: Oood Cheer one rear, taeenta: i poTernment for four yeata and we ean wall oarOsanrrUoaia. w MM-th ihrrr paptr. , aflonJ to temKla ntrder Dmoratio rule fni-a.2. ereaiberua aood month for taberni- . . ... , ., ... ttom to toau. Mad nbaenation. to a. direct, or Bot do "rpobtieana beiiere tbat tbe Dem rite on, to our kxml irrat or tbe pnttMHertn .or I oeratlc party will areompHeb tbern rrlorme 1 fe tbat is tbe eyee of tbe pee pes tbe fattbfal i eaadkiata baa bwao rejeotad, tbao to admit i obnerraao of eertaia priaeiplaa of yorern- , tbet ooa'e party ba bean bopaleealy beaten. BBt and of politieal policy ar of mora im - portaooe tban tbe qaeettoo ft to whtafa party In Jletro.iHft. I ream The rhaehli. March 21. last . II eaTbedr haa been ehlMiah aaoaah to hebee l hhMJaaaaa a. BWaawa. "oat of BoMMea'1 he ha. i ha BMttieh-that I. ah. A well dial aed Maine i haeaa beawe lo crop ont la nnoaa dnasuaae and I- bertea Ita beat ran In MaMwrlnata laat anw. fih Tbe time to atari each a Movement ta now while tbe blood is warm, end the men to dn it are tboee who hold Ibaeaaeivaa Iba leader' in oar poliuoal. iwiaial end aweamaarty atiai-s tVtaal al llmlna-lun la-llolu. At tbe WilsiBhTton towo haaatlna held on Taenday it wae roted almoat anaaimoaaly to rewind tue rote boodintr tbe town to aid of mm in naaataitoa ear teat MaiaeM (made are 1 tba Hrettlelmro and BafiBittton railroad. A i oommittee of three waa appainted to aoofer i with Newton brother, and other partiea in I tareetad in baildins a road from Waadeboro. i and report at a fatnre meetlnu C. M. Hua i eall. Ubaauoey hmitb and II. L Barnard ware town FRENCH k STKOMAK TBAJfKBOTVIXa DA Y for it H tbe party ae a wbole and not Gov. Cleveland and bie cabinet alone tbat moat do tbe work. U do not believe tbe llemoeralic aeiaa ererr eaort to Mil off Mr, t Mr. UUtinr vttt nrrrr he ffemdenrnr le Vnilfu It ie with no "I told yon to" feeling of ex. I altatloe tbat wa repradaoa tba above para i praph from oar filee of laet Marah. Tbe i abot wat a random one. bat It nevertbeteaa i expreeaed oar e&ndid and intoftlra oonvio i tion upon the potitioal oattook of tba time 1 We believed Mr. Blaine wonld "never be I President of tba United Htetea," beeaaae we I deemed It impawn bie tbat tha Ilepabiteati I party rhonld be gaiUy of tbe folly of Bom in -I alluR hlai liatbe wae noaiiBaWd, and In oar ieeut I folio wtuR bie nommatton wa frankly wtid tbat i we believed a mietake bad bean made and ! tbe HepnbliMn party had thrown away a greet opportunity We a loo aald tbat lbi MR RLAIKK OK TBK RKBVL1 n huxm a arncn to an rEXAow Towwairri Aim TXUM TBBM WBAT BX R1H TUOY TBV COKTBOL OF TBI BOLIP OVTH (en laaedaa eveenna a Urae Bomber of tbr oittceae of Aacaata formed In proeewlon and iitiuhed ie Mr. Ittanie'e reextanoe to tender Btfli aaaiBBadi and to renew tberr expreaaiono ol ooBBdaaoe and eeVoem. lo reply to a abort addfeeo from Mm apakeamau of toe deiearatton of otUeana Mr. BiaiBe made a apeech of which we aire tbe roam portioii 1 he remit ol tbe election, my friend., will t r earoed In the lalnre. 1 Unee. a. eatraerdtaarT. 1 b anrtaern Hatea, toavtaa oat ibe clue, of New irfc aad Brookrva from tha eoaat, aaetataed the Bepul.h ean oaaae hy a aaifiif Hi ol aaore than loar haodrerl thoaaehil. ahnoat ban a mllttoa, UMead, ol the popu lar tote. The otttee of Hew Tort aad Broohira threw their areat evraaath and leaaeace with ta. ootid noeu. aad were tae duatwve Meaaeot waicb ear, i that eeotioa the control ol tha aeetoaai aoverameot apeahiaa aew not at all ae a aaleahad eaaaiaete, bat imply aa a toral aad daiulad Aaenoan. I think tu traasler of the nolmeet prwer of the aoreraaiebt t the Boata la a meat aataaal imafowaae. II la a am lortaao haaanaa u Mtradaeaa ae alaaiupt wmetj oan not latere harmony aad pi o parity to tae people, oaoae n laireaam laao a tapaoiictB. rale ol I oboaen ae aaeh oommittee A well known , ,B,rity of mitt, ewealtty of pnvuate, eajaauty ol i WllmlnatOB nan wntea n. " WtenlBarlon I. i In earnest in tha railroad enterprise, and the I proepaot ta tbe moat favorable tbat it ha. er i er been for tbe baitdioa: of a road." We t wonder how tbia praepeet etrikee tbe Brattle i boro opponent of oar own Wilmmaton rail i road enterprl.c .Vlr. Cllrvrlund TILa lo a newrpaper interview on Thoreday Uov. (Jieveland ofieet Mr. Blaine Aocu.ta apeoob bv deeiarinB tbat "The title of the eolneed people to freedom aad all I ey a avotem ol ereeJ lattaaMMHtoood by vtoiaaoe aut) Boruieai power , that eaeetttr wbMh ..r. to every cm- aen. "toor vol u feat ae aood. faat aa potential, a. i tbe vote of another ettteen." TBeteaeaot beaalrlt" ' dav of Uu Ualaad Bhuaa. The ooorea of atalre lo tbe i iHiotb ha. crnahed out tha poUtloal power of more than e.eoo.onu Am.riteo ettiaaaa. aad ta. trao i terred it by vlolanoa lo other.. Forty-two proaldfii t l i.i .teetore era aaataaed to tae Bontb oa aeeoent or i the colored powamtum, aad yet the eotorod poeau i tmn, wub more than Meiuwo mbbi voter., have been i onabl. lochooaea alaale alacliir. Bven tn tae o etatee t where they have a majority ol more then li,oou,tneT ' are deprived of iroe aefiraea. aed ruhu .. clti i aaaa acornfaltv trodldia aader foot. The i aaate. I thateompnaod the rvbm eoateaarasy had by the eei,- an. of idea 7 ouu white popalatiop and 4 joo.bno i colored popnletlou The oohiteU population, almoat t to a teen, aware to raamort tha tbspobuoaa part). but, Cov lBlncrer'a JroclmBaullon. It beaocaee the people of a Christian .late to ma.i treeeeat aaddevoet aoanowledtmentof the poodoaeF and meretce of Armtrhtv Ood : lo render him oar .In fer and htnUi thank, a. tbe fountain of life, liber ty abd bapptneaa. and tbe source of every bieMi&K. Me b.a irired ea the w..netpeetlreiiceabd kept Iron- party a ill do it Every thin in ita record , ni.,.u. , h j--,t i the ntbta of cruaeoabrp oaanot ha Ombuiiiad exeept I mureee whenever vmeaae aad marder are taoatm Ik... ik.i u ii . j I. , . .. ,. ooald not be oorraoted by maerting , b, m e)ar lu th comrtuauon. which u would b, ai , neewamrj. they are .moteteiv deprived ol all pobuci , ebowe tbat it will not do it. And if it doe. i not do tbeee thing if. on the contrary, ite ' Aral act ia to pot a Democrat in every Federal 1 offloe, if it refueee to do anything for tbe ed I uoation of tbe boutbern biacta. if it "re the Hepabiioan arty aad going beak on tb i ptiooipleeof a lifetime We adriwad H "pub lieana wbo threatened to bolt to wait for the I aeoond sober tbonghl. and we admoniebed oareelrea. with all other diaappoioted Ver ""- - , -,,.. ,h, f-rig nn . tr.j k..ia If It " "'"-hp- , cluevon. rroatinnaod dark laaaaieiag . ehould iro i people lu the MortL our fair .late all civil oommouona. and ha. vauebeafed I otB1" " rm on a free-trade baate. If It , m0nt Mepoblloana. that oar opjroettion to Mr ' pmr. loan ewnaat endmvor tTmroirecoblldeoc, .i,' 1 1 o nioitrue jaat aolutely Impoaalble to make. Toere need be bo fear P" r It tbe outreee rtoppod taere, 11 woald be bad that either tbe liemoerarte pertv or It. eewtv-eteeted i eoonah. but it aoea out mop tbere. lor not only i. in . t admmratratioa avnpoae. to uppi am oreaomvoaar part i aearo population drntraaohtaed. but tha power whlrti ol oar popnwiuon. or to dwm oy the haaaaeaa mtoroat. rltbttulty aad tnaotttnttoeehv be low r. to them l. I ofteecoentr ttf hope, ou tnx other hand, r d" i trmoweered to aba wbmpopobiUoo.wB.blingthe wliltr , eomethltui to benefit tbe peopl-. It aeeera to m that I popolatiou of uu aoutfa to eaert aa ametorai laaueorr , i oar eflorta tn that direct Ms would he aided If mm. I far bevond tbat exerted by the aaeao eamhor of whiti how that work, to the deetraeunn te u. tranquility and peace, with .11 the bteeelBir. that I leavee tbe negroee to be driven from tbe bal- , 1,1.. ij j. ., ,k. 1 to mate uulveraal a cheerful hope for the lutnr. I of all talr elaetwaa, M ma annul to you ave elate. to hind Ih hand with civil nd retunou. Mbarlv. bo- I lol.l.r in th. soih. .1 .h. m..l. " , in luhh coalaaeraey and ave Myal Haua ol 11. oer iweiwrnriBfrvarvoi iroTFriiiBeiicBWBfHiBna JU.1 , , 1 , . , , , 1. ., , . . k.. . h 1 of the 6 not pun without preteet. If 11 leavee to the ecttaea. Ha haa ahown n now to preeeeve our 1 r llherHM. and we know that ao lone a. wa devoutiv re- ' Mormoniem to wotk U own debasing will ear d and adore Him a. the author and preserver of if Cleveland a administration and tbe party i.tea n well as tndivtdueie. we may ooeouue to eu- 1 behind it doea alt tbeee thinnw. or a maiontv fey the beesetaea of a happy and tree people. 1 dL therefore, In seoordanee with tbe venerated usage nf 1 of tbem, or permits them to be done, tbeu our lather, and tha hraeUmauon of the neeMent of 1 in tbe year of graee lBBB tbe people of tbe the United mates, appoint Thuradav. the Jfth day of I country will nee up and oaat tbem out of thta month of Kovemoar. to be a owyof pubbcthanae. , power, and tbe Hepnbhcan partv will return, ftvUHi and praa to the 1ord our tiod. Andlreeom- ;,,) l,... . j ...'i,.j , mead that all our people on that dayetmun from to, P0"8"' ch,8tfDed Bnd "renethened. to the pursuit of tnelr cnatomary aeculsr callinn. and nntto 1 control of public hfiaira To aay tbat tbe with eaeh other and the people of the nation tn devout I llemociutic party will ao tie tbe hands of tbe tnantMtvtaa: and praiae to our Heevealv rather lor people tbat tbey cannot do thw la to admit the blessings of Uts Infinite poodbeoa to n.. 1 ,l . . - ... , eivennnuerary band and the mateaZ tn the 1 ' ""ytem of government la a failure and eeuuve chamber at Montpaber, thla eight day of Kov. I me xtepnouc aoomed to mm Bonn nneawoema in each Met urn the 11m namber of eiwtoralvotm. In tea Hoata lee Meueof Imaaalana. MamMuippi. Alabama. laeDTana and South uaroliti. 1 The .Im l urk tlonnt tlnmilelril unrt I have to tbe aamreeata et oleetoral vntea. Thev har the aurceu of IX. I err.tlcHrl.el I Mw wktaw t.l. aed over I Jamjieo 4oeed pe- ,, . . tt lu tue Mortb tbe tutm at WumaaMUU.atuiDeooU. ajncrletl low., tinoi and CiUfotnu have lieewme in tbe w- itr mutual agreement an informal eount of 1 grcaai.e. aiacurai voam. and taay aava a white p"!' t tb. votoa o for elector, in New York city I "J&STSSZ 1 waa pnabrd abead i:b but Haturday in ad- he. pracuoaiiy ao oumraa popuiauou 11 u m. r. t vmnce Of the ronnt Of VOtea for other ofttee. I lore evident that the white men tn tboee southern 1 in order to arrive at tbe reault of tbe nation- """V"' aaarpuig aed aoaornng the right. 01 th. , . 1 . . ... , . . oolorwd men. axe ezertuig laat double tbe politic! 1 al election and an tbe public mi -id eutirel t power 01 tbe white men ib tae northern vtatea. 1 .uu 1 at ret Tbia oount abowed Cleveland total 1 mu . mv tnanaa. thai each a oaaaiuon 01 aa.ira m ea I nrnrslirv in the atale In be I 111.-, end the re I traordiiiemy ubioat. ana dwrogatory to tae aaaobooil He baa , i ,, , i . . . mrt ol the North. Bven thnae who are vindictively oppos nanae 1 ealt wa. so telcorapb d over tbe 0 rant ry at an , ,d to negro aaaewe wui not deny that. 11 peeexteo- Ibeenooanoe- t tul etecuir. are .algned to the aagro popatotion.tbat . A. D. leas, and of tba Independence of tb. TJnHrd btstea the one hundred and ninth HAMTJEL E. P1KGHEL. By the Oovernui ALraan . VUreov. fteCy civil and Mlbuty ABalra. If tbe election canvass of ltM4 baa ahown rr.vE.A.vrrf; nr.isrrin 1 part We believed Mr. UialaM'e nemtnation I waa nnwiae, not beeauae we thought htm a I oorropt man. but beaauee bia candidacy at 1 onoe pat tbe Hepabiioan party on tba deftti aire. Sa believing we gave bim oar eordukl anp 1 port and bave earnestly deeired bin election That be baa made a splendid canvas no I candid man ean deny. He baa borne bim 1 eelf tike a man tbroaghout. He baa ottered I no improper or eompromiei&g word. i etood calm, reeoiote and nndietarbed in tbe 1 early boar on r ridav eveiroe I face of tbe cruel and vindictive atUeka which 1 ment wae acrmpted ae ttoal by all partlee. end I pwupiikoj on, p,,dte. rwt in th ... .1 k. u.nki..n Mw.Mi ....i.i ..., alocuoti. lo away that name aeopontion l to afhrr haA umi iltnv.rwl wnnn him ' - .tst,viiu - . Gen. George B. UoClellan. It la said, ie ' 'aa good at booked" for Secretary of War It isn't a walk-over for tbe Damoeratic par ty by any means On tbe contrary it ia a "tigbt rqueeae" which will keep tbem on their good behavior for four years, so far a anything can do it. I country are bound, hrst of all, to bave fidali I ty and an eye smgleto the public good in the I administration of pnblie affaire. It bas 1 abown tbat tbe people will not brook tbat any I party eball pnt forth candidate! tbat do not I stand for tbe beet tbat ia in tbat party. It I has ahown tbat tbere is a large body of lnde- pendent voters wbo will not be bound by I party ties when a principle which tbey be I lieve to be vital and essential ia at stale. It I is a few facts like these hich tbe Hepnbhcan I party needs more tban anything else to take Emory btorrs thmka it was Dr. Hurihird'e 1 aenoualy to heart at the present time, witb- three It's wbich beat Blaine. Bradley Hmal- ' ont foolishly yielding to despondency on tbe ley uf tbe Democratic committee also given 1 0De band or to Tindiouve hatred of tbe men tbe old man tbe credit of having oooked the 1 "ho have helped to defeat It on tbe other. Hepnbhcan gooee - r I With) (Jaw.clewcr old of tilt em Gold is now flowing into thin eoantry from ermont Hepublicans have teen the oam- Burope at the rate of 51.60D (Hj a week, and ' pa'P" of lsst run its course and oome to an Uncle bam can once more take up tbe piear- ' end wlttl a ffood conscience. For month, bt - lore tbe national convention was held, and in tbe convention itself, tbey tried earnestly u secure the nomination of candidates who should stand for the very best that was in the party. When tbe convention was over they deny te name prupoamoo la to afhrni nnrfM- Ik. lo.l of uI.uuUmk, .uilitKu ' -- -"-' ' owrnwe .ae pommel power 01 . ooeiBeiu won. Mirlhlno it hii .hnwi. that Ih. nunl. nf Ihu , TOO eoBMBBtT of the Tote of "ear lOTh. a. man in tba uae atatea. It la to .term that a oool'd anything It bas shown that the people of this TodT rT tue of tbe good bght which , by tbe awmomtwd preaw. waalaxiow.- eroiewcidier .ball wield twice the maucpee in to ,. 1 he has made be atande far hteher in the ea- ! ite statement of Oleveteud's prarallty vary- oonaunuy lacreaaing nperion y Man be ooieideo 1. I teem of Vermont Hepabboana tban when the I lag. aa will be hern, by about fXi vote from I the aoutnern white man in tne government of tbt 1 u tnat aireaav riven me vote tn new tore crv It - Uleveland. inxiilH: Hlatne. Hit with 1 canvass began But tbe experiment of hie nomination. f 8t' Jobo mat; - Hntl.r :l:i:C, ! Olavalaad. I which was a more lha.n doubtful one at tbt , ptntainy 4.: Hi . ine vole of the state ex I start, bas proved a losing one in the end, aad 1 eiative of New York city 1. - Otenreiand. 4'J'. we of Vermont wbo tried bv every honor 1 W7 : Maine, 4?1,H) . ht. John. !f4.1oi ; Bat. 1 bie means to secure nominations which etood ' ter-13-48 : Bto P'rality di.s.iii The .,..., , .... i. 1 to"' rote tn the aUte 1. Cleveland. iilW.Wi ; : for the beet tbat wae in tbe party, bat were ( m . haUn I refused and reouUed, and have yet "puUtd , lti B8K . tjeeveland'e plarality. lfi;.tl. The ol t true and voted right.' bave no regrate for 1 hole! canvas, of New York etty reduced 1 our eourae. Wa are beaten, bat tbe reipone i Cleveland e plurality from :l.SHl to 43 111... a I fbilitvof defeat is not with oe. and wo ere I byes of L'P Ibe exact statement of the take bold with course renewmi and ",!oer,u oanoot oe Ban ant.i ol reftdy to work meetly for the fata re which we bt hev theM.Mib.iOftD partjh&i yet bt-fore it ant occopation of m el tine British soTeraigim over into A men ean eaRleo Theodore 11. llow evelt of Kew Yoik is glad that Koscoe Uonkhnp that Hitoleat pouter pic eon in pol.ttotV is oat of the ltepabhcan i btlifv&d aod said that a mistake had betvL it will Hsrdeo imu odmoid natii Ui mU at lntm-n-t vili ttacH to the aortliarii wtttte imb h ottiowtr m ew owu motom utmmpmA tt opoo tmxau uili 1 dm KUMtxi ii uf tfeep MUtntn to ttif Mbnnue Tut nf tn ynnfa Witii tM iMtlwra lumatnrr tmmru ui m UMrtr aiBli 4vud ia Uia MUuo. Utc mc$rw wiii be coKpcutid to work fur )ot nek ifta h tk whltaM ay dcerw. wictw wtitcti wiu amov&l. did tbr pUM ol lm miMJK, lo Mn Mttmtuw. tqivil ia cub (Htraspa.tfi 46 eestt per day tl imufd orer thcnttr' Hoatb. lb biM iKrr ta m Nortb wtu iitvK. iUa dMtlliCUVt; aflflCt at UlM BDOS 1US OWD WtffaW. 1 tlf Hepttbuomn party tea ctmrtT aeen trom tbe rlt dav ol riaaaatrMBtiUM ttut wacaa in tbe tMotb Kan be i-aiacd lo just raoaapaDaa ut tbciabortrr or wagrr lb tbr Ttb nuomiHt lowertd. ad II t atdn Iwuracl tur utc lormcr raauJt. 'lata rntM iDlueui wUl now tM art in mottob aod tbat wbdtUuo of aOalrr rgprodutw-d wbicb vmn nga Mr. iaweoM wnMl tb f irt toorinjr mtn of tbe Nortb woaid pray boatii t t tour iDaeucuuencej.ud will ibfTitaiiit imd tj a rum- .Ttif ftiuir liimtHurri Ml lnri. ' r-docwoB of wH a mm dMrDc m ttor c.e- nLe,.a.uiB v k 1 tnf ol " Btin mxU bot aatttce to MaiPtam ao eotirr.j i tHtv board ot mo viwawra of iMtjW aora t diflerwt aundard ot wairea in ooatmaaa and ad) i OOCVftird HiDvcUT to MaOdrtaftitt Mid ottwtai I eat maiiea. and tte Timoun wtu tor eoaapaUtHi tu 1 deotord tue tdaolt of toe ton,. Ttieir work t T,lW totbatiuromowr). h wmrmr bave laxiu.- . . . . . . ., ' ora men in tbt Bnotb ben aireadr defimed tie ttas not vt t?fn oompleltd Ao trrvt ii. , uemocratir party oi unr ooMtuntooa. and te' ! the footion in K ton mood oonntv. emve t rubt aa ciuau ol tb boitad ittM tbat tber retnrd i riMt to a rumor that the btate niipbt v t I 1 tu mamx ot tbat partv u tettooai power aa tuv am- , ooaoted for tuv. been factor,, tx J ESm&X'J2li I piftlDcd i pmniit in tbe Aorta mliM how aabtp)detf tkreiilrfii Tari- party at I a it. The alliteration strikes us as much happier one than Dr. liarchard' i made, hut they saw no way open except to t Gtaod by the party thronch which every re i form had been made and every step of prog 1 mfia hati hfmn taWn lhn rtrcnt mLfi rf it- beginning to say -If tbe candidate bad been , nembers held loyallv to lis .Undard. and I now in tbe face of temporary defeat tbey art i ready to take np tbe work once more in caln: I conhdence tbat tbe party which has saved tbt. I Union, freed the slaves, and knit a nation to i setber anew, haa still amiasion before it, and i tbe strength and earnestness to accomplish Blaine's personal friends in Heme are now Arthur the llepnblican party wouldn't have been beaten." Tbe time to have thought about that was before the Chicsco conven tion waa held Gen. Neal Dow and the Maine prohibition tats, who have worked for Blame a election, are distrusted with the course of the bt. John men. and believe that their action has set the prohibitory movement back by severs! years. Qen. Dow says be always thought Bt. John a level-headed man until he went to New York and announced his desire to beat Jiiaiue. Mr. ltoosevelt thinks the msjonty of tbe 1 ital"''"t8 dld " Sir aval mil ml a. For a fortnight pant Ktorid have befti oodj mg from Montpeher that there wan "rout h cnticiam of senator Kdmnud be6tiae of hi failure to take an active part in the lata oatu- paiftn or raiee but voice for Mr. hlaiue It haa alkii tAsvri SMd that th. f eMail nt? avRitiat t ( of Ute rebeiUUD wiid tbe power wbicb aaM tnai&pij Dfimiut ixiiuioin loiouK iBtj tttetsinnoi uw ) Ttoa ullataL lor Civil a-rlrr llefanu id toe late aiecUub. Ilui portanioaa feci tbat tii ( lefilftlatnre l ao strons that if h waa to oome . uatler uleielMaU i AiltulaUiruiiuM j amur wbo oBe troai ta Mataa ot tb , ' talc oonieuraci. aui..miua 1 maati al. wttbuat a am z before them for tee ectioD hw retnrn to the In envretioti itn a wwfvr anau at i eawpitou pemouauiT tmamtmd ta tbe rwbHhrm i r:n.Bg m.i.. -Ki k. -ar. S aftdlUfcHou ii-I bal ur dav Uou Uoruiu t ir-ui id Bauoai trovrnjnut. it ta a auu nor atatement which we believe to be fale, but 1 ot. " ot ,1 rve coiu . , . . ' l miaoiou. utked Ireeiv atmut tbe proaabie tl which, if true, brande tbe meionty of the , lee,,of m. .lection ' of Uwveiabd and Hen i legislature of len4 as men of such luMene i clrieks upon tne maintaaMHHm of tbe civil aer 1 of mind and narrowness, of pretudice Ba an- ' vice law lie also freely expreased bia opit- fitii them lo lx eellerl r. nresnttiv. nf the l Ion Of Uov. OtevelkUd. gltUU bill, a clean ... . . ... , , ..i reeord a. a imbttooihciau We oonv tbe mam am amanatiacatma aaaam ha ealmu now to rate over people of srmont. Oa Wednesdav th u. tnnJimuim-u... "'""rT i iktlaus Ail uu taaea ahwe eating the Ufettme nf . Boetou Journal demeaned itself bv weavum 1 !onK,n ol Mr. Iwlou a remark., lor tb. re. , ,.uo ,n, ,tT U ,n... iwaiou Journal uemeanen lthelt by weaving , tbat all antbenttc intorttiatiou about.tb- , practuau mmuauiu d th. American government tn i these stories lnlo an eoitorul condemning i meu who is to be our next rreeuawnt, aud I identical aw wao orgaauma lor tta aniiatsinn. and j j j.. i i i . , . . ... . ,. I Plaagaa aetttothahmiiilti nl iiaiileetaa neaateen tame. jii. uuuiuuui nuu urci.iiufe uiai lu ta uu aiwvi urn ptwiHuw lie. si puuc, wui w.ui- , 1 aave spoaea of the wmth a. alaeaO ay the mte ewe- eat. Mr. futon aaia won ie I tin ol the government, and I mean alt "leave taken ro pen watevrr te u. mu eao. 1 mu mr woe, imply, laa soata ieerueaea aaarl. paigi,. 1 save not th. mam riant toamame to IMi ! turee.tourta.ol thoemraoral vsu. teat aafaaUd the lor tlcvernor Cleveland or hi. partv. Bavtac art, 3 ' epanncan partv. aad they wtll ep to the aemm.ud WTfT LBBIXLA 77 HI atuiday of last week waa ibe laat day for tba iBtrodaotion of blue la both Boeae. of tbe legiaiature. and It wae made Iba moet of. Ltghteen billa were lartvoduoed in tb senate aad On tn tbe Horn, irmklBg 1 4 ta aU ea tbe opper branub and t,VA In tae tower Tbe Moose ba. wipe id all previona legMlature. in tbe nnrober of iu btlle even tbe tamou -legielatnre of lotto, wbloh Bat ootll Obri.t ma. but little bnlniiiB was ttaaaBBted In tuber house on Saturday beyoeid lutanihg to the reading of lbs bow bills. On Monday abort altereeovt tie Batons mly were held. Tba IIe debated Mm Mh raak. log tbe Ootevor'a aartery 99miO Aa aseead ment was adepted making tbe meary $UOfi aad tbe third reading of tne bill was. endeiad for Tonaday. 1 at tweaVe paaetct eeveral na na rortant bills, among tbem the House bfB requiring tbe elesUrm or apporcHeaent and qaalibcation of town Blerka to be atrtifled aod returned to tbe eouaty otork, aad Judge Walker a bill relating to forgery and counter feiting of oertiaoatea of erask aad evidenoe of title to property On Taeaday, after a now aw hat extended debate, tbe Howe peesed tba bill ifierreairji.' tbe (rovernor aahvey to tlftUO by a vote of M'.t to Tbe Baoea ansa pa.sad. unani moualy. tbe bill eavabiiefaiog a aoldtara borne in Vermont 1 he oo remittee on aatrealture rsportes) a bill making tbe ehferuag tor aaaa or aelliaff Of apromargarirM ar betterine aa battsr puBmba ble by a fine of a.VHi '1 ue eenate paaaed tba ball from tbe corn mittea on tbe uaane. ineroaiing the dntiee of tba eaperveaeta, ciitnoiag asaiewbal Uiu law for commit useots. aad iuursaslng by W sent a week tbe payment for state pat tan t On Wedaeedey Ibe boaee pasead the bill for tbe better protection of hah and Henator lUbapm'a Bigbway bill, aad settled tbe Wilue ton ooaleetd election saae by adopting a res olution declaring thai Judge tlnaitb betd an office of trust (that of poatma'ter ) under the United Btatea prarernmenl at uie time of bi. election ae representative, and that be ooukl not. therefore, bold bia eeat Tbe senate bad another bot tight over th. proposed lemoval of tbe Orient eoaraty abire bat witboat swttiing tbe metti r Tbe Merete rsreoad oommittee ban report ed a bill making tba rat: mad aommiaaiooer tn be appointed by tba governor and oonbruued by the eeoate. flu powers ere not enlarg d lby will report afatairt H-Ba or Uoluin . railroad oomaiiauon bill Ibe orand Ii t oommittee have reported Mr. ll roglae.w bill provtdrng for oda t on reai eatata aa well ae paietiaal property lor taxation. The oommittee were Hex on tbia bill, and reported it "witboat expression " Tbe biU reqntriag tewni to famiath text books for tbe use of eoboote waa di anted in tbe bouse aad ordered to a third reading on Inured y morning. Paaaed Tbe bonne aieo ordered rtjautor Ubapiu'e brgbwav bill to a third reaciu Ibe bill for a new state horary baiWiag wa. ordered to a tared reedmg on Tkareday i:L tbe amount ot tne arproprration rednoed trom $A (KKI to tSij (kn. 1 ba ftoanlagton abrieralty ease waa dectd ed by denmrtog McCall. tba K-pubboan eat dldale. eleclid Mr. tranklin of Newfaae peaaantrd tb petition of Mrs. trratia E. leavHseoo of he. fane aad ,14 osnera, praying tor monieapa) suffrage k'laul jhlllatirailurul. Hoth bosHea faMaeda lotot reaolution 1 ue. day filing on YVodnreday morn inc. N jv L" . at h o clock aa tba date of final adionrnmf nt Jllll. A pitrm rat. Toe gwarnOT bag atoned btita rata ting to tbe edaanuoo of tbe bbnd : aothoauuog the enmpumg. printing aod distribution of tb haw. relet in? to elections, qnahncatioii ol volera and the naturalisation of foreign -rjort. mtuaoa ; evMogtng tbe time of hold toy tn anpreme eourt lu tbe county of V malum. aotbonciBg pavm-nt of oooneel employed h tbe town grana jurors in ertmiaal oae. . ex tending tbe tune nf making tbe grand net it, ratio aad towna like Buftiagton, Jtoiteod aud bratueboro: to incorporate the tayettevili park association . local Intelligence. Aaa.aateM.sll . McTcaaraaaaaare ehesp at oaeaey b CUrpi1 ' k (soon ileaooao Waena lor aale cheap. Kuqnire at the Phemlt Oflrr The old rarjahle Hartfotd. Mew Tort, aad foreign Brataearaaee aomeaani. represent rd ly tredwerth h OBtMa agora ahaolete gteteetmn. 1 be heaua the aaleat ta tae end aartmc rmrn raaattaa at Ubeaey a Olapr. s . autainoanl tact teal ia taoea ataaaa no man a. i ior.1 to the Untoo, no mallei how strong a Dammi.t l ae ant a to-a.T. has the .aarhlem ehaeee ot poutlcal 1 promotion. 1 tte one great avenue to Bonnr lu that I eectien la tbe reeord of aialeei eervme in the war I aaaiMl tea goveeaaent. It M errtavalr aa aMoaieh I log taol taat tae aaeuoa la whsch fnsautahlp lor tb. union ti tbe dav ol Ha mat ana sawn. M attll a poMi- t loneer the "favorite son" of Vermont Vi e have ourselves tboucht and aaid tLa' Mr. Edmunds krpt himself unuecesearilv - fiimd during the campaien. bot it la also true I that thoe wbo kuow Mr. Edmunds beat know I that he bas kept hinieelf silent as a matter of independents were honest, but makes an ex ception tn the case of those Massrhusettg malienants who defeated Henry Cabot Lodge for Congress out of pure malice, envy and jealouey. "And for whom did tbey vote and ' Poli"8 dld ' iln lbelr Uelmonioo dinner work ?" asks Mr. llooeevelt. 'ForLoveridge, 106 aoua b0Qtn am " wltn IU 15a elect0' a Ureenbasaer and ex-barkeeper. If that be ' Who Itld It r (conriLED rnoM TiRiors sonnets ' The Independent Hepublicans did it. The political Prohibitionuu did it Tbe nnforgmng and revtngef ul New York 1 tbe wlst PllcT boin for himself and for th t nepuuucan party ana lie preaiaentiai o.noi i date. It was better that be should not speak ' at all than tbat he should speak and have I some prominent iJemocratic friend oh ton up ' his words and burl them back to Mr. blame s . hurt Whatever clamor heated partisans may i thouebtlessly raise lor a time. Mr. Bimond. 1 1 benator Edmunds did it Dr. burchard did it with his deadly ullitera I tion i Oyrus Field and tbe other New i ork mon- t ol see bamKmraimaamiaoHraMooaaaaeh.tlaaaed aad t a. uaraetraineu aa ther bald tbe uar noeiuon for SO I gear, before tha cavil w.r t taeetiemeu. tamv cannot he political taeaaalitv I among tbe etitaeu uf a free repablir there cancel i ne a mm 'mv ot wnue men in tae aoath rating a m i I'TJI i oi wait- men ui the horth. aatnouam. elf- re.-. pnui . Protection for poeaon and efetr for ' with the Bepnbltran partv trom im nrtgte. hararv .rjeakarnaoat Mm. party btaa. 1 wtu Iraefelr tell von what i thiua. aahauhaf i aa admin miration ahwlatrlv bemncratic in pi'tr t hat whether wtth a member rspreaeatibg Show wnr. i oot wbueajvotre ta. HevMCrallc partv weukl bar failed 1 wtll not gar., bat tbe civil aervtre art i 1 not im, itllbvr .1 tbr eomine Mannrj nf (tnr. ins tbi. gaeratiuu uoveraor Cievahuul aad tor 1 conntrj all crv aaanaat it- The veer taoagat al II .tire .leleemea ol hmpartr would oppoae aaj aueojt't t 1 tu-uukki ol raen wbo inaent eaualitv Irom tbr pi.- i repal it 'ib MepaMiuu. a. a nodv would rei.' 1 nm. wbo nrat Mood oa Hrmonth roek,aad trom Ht. . and tne henate woald defeat auch ab attemt-t Tr" eitv mnag pataow wbo cam. ki an tHaaaare wai, i rule, will not be ahonahed. thev will be eotori.d an- 1 wilaam l-enu. It bacome. tbe pruatl aaaatioc ol dee lb aew reaideat. nut not, L tear, with euob ei- amencan mannood. it ansae, a hearlaw aad a aet- conscientiouBness m politics. I'll none of it.' "The Ilepubhcan National Convention did it It could have made a nomination which 1 nlnrahlc. It would be a bad day for Ver llenorts come from mnnv r,le.i, in ik. I would have united instead of rlivirlinu the ' moot it would set tbe stauuob little uaU south that the ignorant colored people are in ' party a state of terror over the news of the Ilemo- cratic victory, believine that thev must now I puts at the head of Its list of "Did its. be returned to slaverv. In Clinton, Mies. ' in our own estimation we acoord it a like 1 tDOud' R return to the benate because he haa i mraiag araadtli al appuaatinn aad Baca moral .oi 1 port trom the partr m toaer a would have been lli ' case, rertalnlr. had Preatdent Arthar been reflected l aad probatilt bad atr. aUaine ruci-wai a lhe ahaintereebjtloaM aad patrleuam of tbe couo will, as always, hold himself immovable aod J "rare notuorqailu dind-o ntetn.tbt (rr.' pr I tmmenl. aa4 that .altumant will vuaeaeala tbe tou. - I llr ol AmeimabCitutettamaUparMmataaactvllro7lit I It will at bug aetahbah the vaeelttv of white men ui, t oar tba n.uobai ttovarnakent. aad will give to tb I northern wane aaan who loaght to peeeerve tbe l u i loa a. targa a voles ta lu araveramtat a. mar a ear . rtc tir tb aoataern aaab wbo tenght to Baatrv U, I ui l ibt conlraM )u.t closed ntterlr dwarf. ln i lortaaeaaodtateel aaaaaaal.wnatber .aoroaalut r i QDHrrraiui lnrpoarlr. 1 mav a.v in.tiacmr.i last Friday an old negro ont his throat when he heard that Cleveland and Hendricks were elected, and gave as a reason for the not that he preferred death to slaver part of the loMtinieot conviction which haa teat ta l Maaported civil eervme return-, a great atraggteo.r i to. rclorm luui id tni- ll.njurr.tir nn.. ta -ruit. 1 forth in a sorry light before tbe country I lha Matsamen ol tne nartr. BavarJ. t-adJet L L. 1 nav. cura4 tb. w.ur and coa.ean.nee. o( thai This last reason the Burlington Free Preen 1 shlrald tbe attempt ever be made to elect a Heart'n.'od maer.. -acb tf wZtTi',1- remotmt reterenr, to ta. gantiem.n who u .m.. - a 1 lefflalstare on tne leaue Ot rernalng Mr Ed- I atraadv .poeeu aaa acted lor toe eivil eervaw an w. ' icuiunrpmiuran inmHewimiiiTiai, nun i . t, th.,, inMiimi iw ttm inni.,.1 u. , ..... . , uu csuae tur tae ioii ill win. .nd it l. Wltlt mr,l. ' wortbv Xlemoorat.. aud all the aamagogne. tn UUT ' npm. see wiu taat mi omciat career ro; learr Dlace of honor I retoeed 10 take an active part iu this cam- 1 eeetmmeu au raaoie ot tae part? win be aawu.t m 1 r . ';Zl "? '"" a" pmce ot Honor r Ta Ueoabucui. wul Mand tugetlirr lor tbe aci au' I trr. aud that hi. admin tat rtuon mar overoom. tbf ' pulgn no matter if be bas made a mistake in ' rule, anxtouelr wattme lor the Uemocrat. t- rut- t embarraeament. wbicn IbepaculMr aoerce ol it. A Want of Ail. ire. I dome BO. or if hli attltnde haa dUDleaead hla ' thamaelvea bv their abrogation Tae fraeident .i!' ' " imreaie. noon 11 trom bbs hoar ol IM bin j ...... ii. ' badthereloem btamant ol hia parte, laere no .. - ' uubu ucn.ajreir, in. lue ' im. urn... uw luat luiui .1.1 . pooiic am la He cgnnin who dm a BlgBCT aeOM ol Jt rM e Mild Tritr . wnla f r O 111 II . Albany journal and tbe iloeton Journal, and t never happen. All personal and partisan bit r, ,.H rv.-. ...7 1 tjiit aulgr. The Argus has a story this week tbat btna- I sundry individuals, who aie readme all Ke- i ternesa will preeentlv die awav. and before i peeia than feovenor uavaiabj ' throm his .oeeeh at the aMex cmb dinner in iioaton tor dmnnds has declared within a few days nnhbean. .tin r.fn.ui m inn,tt lr tii..... i,...,.. it... ' am wa. a cur aiaaoat upartmin.uwiaa.anu , rr-.. ... . -w "uj i badir governed aa uincmsatt boon betoa ma i laat lutard: 1 to Ik. linuun m....i .... .. vnn . i . that be will not again be a candidate for eleo- I out of the partr. and doing so in abusive lan- who now clamor against Mr. BJmunda. if any 1 aberttT xtr. Cleveland esnibited thte qaaimea wbic-b I in entire opposition to tbe neamaatiou of Mr. Biaio. tion to the Benate. This resolution, the Ar- I guaee. to shut their mouths and keep tbem I tbere be. will have retnrned to a normal sen.. J 'til '"?ol"Zj' o.I ! ar'SZVSSXJZZfVi hV'jtermoo' gus Bays, is caused "partly bv the benator's I shut. Hie hope to see the Ilepubhcan party ' of his eminent servioee to his partv and tbe 1 Num. He waa amcted mavor tr vote, irotu onto i ean ovgantaatiua tn the maie ta naport the nomtn.- ,1 . 1 . -. , i . ,. , ,, , , . . . , . ... . ( parties m that Hepnbhcan cirv. enterrsgnpon hledu- t uonuf hlr.AUatae If it saoaut ba made. It would own delicate health and the lll-heilth of his I on such a basis, and wltn such nominees in oountrt , uaa in aanturv lssx. hm uie Menm waaa coutin- have neen aaav enough toMv wSbdrawn to The wife and daughter, and partly bv resentment I the field, four years hence, that all reputable ' swags, toracaesir and tutehtr ia taeueagauiu i ahekev ot pvyvat Bie Irom tae better annum, ol una -i, i, 1 r I tae iobtierB, arjotlamab aad iMrtmaaa wbo aad tuns I aaaabaign. 2tut 1 had amumeit eertun resuoaalbili of ilepubhcan criticisms on his conduct dur- I men who bave ever called themeelvesltepub- neejedoatne citv. Be brought aboat a apeedr r. I tie. 1 twliaved then and haueve new taattbTanr ing the presidential campaign " We senou. j licans wUl be glad to work inside the party Hr. Ulame is reported as accepting tbe re- j 'rl."'u0iaai'Z'"?' ! -u. ! 1 ZHaTVI. IZSiXZ'ZXSZ ly doubt whether Mr. Edmunds has made anv I lines. And this much is sure the newspa- 1 suit of the election cheerfully, aud as having I tore a had Man oa. ,aar a mavor a waa nominal, ii ed not to .htrt at dntv or eowtUct that name to me. such expression, and we certainly hope be per. and individuals who are now shouting i no peraonai regrets growing out of fat. con j Irre'rSoVm It JwTcra' " .vVaSJK't'h .'hen ' itl TuiSS'LTl ti has not, as will every other true son of V er- I the loudest tbat "Patty treachery mast be : nection with the campaign. Whatever ri'gret pmiding lieadiaton but, wbicn u now me civu ..t- t mat t acted rurbur. Boaocabir. aad did mr dntv. ani moot- I Punished" are the ones wbo will be tbe very ' he feels, he tell, a correspondent, is for hi. ' lillii'ahhlan"..... amcd governor ! iglT - ' " ' " ' gladdect to have aU tba Independent lie pub- ' party aud the country, not for himself. The j A OTror be baa been true to bia ptdfr and tn t to tbe partr. In tp fiprraaioti of tbt u . a..r.u..wu ucimi, tt iivm a via. wBa'Dve oi iuk Bauotui em. aervicii act. out nure i hefindiin the action of tbe Indenendants f rwuaaattia tmueni rapport and raeent-d b Tbe felaCliaan of J uUkr Id papera taat twt try tate uu aoaMla laat jidav f teranuD w aaaoraced ibe reaau uf ittatteuoii oelJ te otat aaacmbty laat rridar nortrtac for tae eta aw at jadaul Lbe aaprcut conr. Mr. tiUinffnn r walanfJOrr BOBlaaieti CbteJ dmttrt Hnyr tnr r wamiaa. at,pporuoa bun jjj anatMc f9cti. Jody Huaa of hi. iubaaburr aa nomiHatei. it. oppoaitiuii to eladar Iira alu.oat mnator ide at Uaiadouia. oooQtT mux ae waaaatboriMd uv Jodie aviaa u aa taat be wm mot a aadMlat- for taw oaV of rbi-: Jtula. and tbatata auattaattoQ tor tae efltce aaa eu OrelT vrltboat b ronaetit tsanatnr Jde foiKmed id ftpMCb atrtmalr aapfMrtliaJl Jadte atoree aad a perm aaact lodioarv. a atrr- namber of pch tnAh for aad aaaiaat alade aioxa eiacttoc were cuaur . Mr. Utaraof Uttttaa mm tfleat.ira Itoa. ttacaaat . fBalce, bite Catvair a wife, abould ue aiioTa aaai.c-ini. lb people ot bia aaoOoa attaad vita. bna. aad ib tn waa fatal to leader Itnatrr. fie- taat Jndr lUrc bad neraoial raeawea aatoeff tbe mfmrr ttkcaaro JrraaUM eaaaaty. tbad to irfaMnia. partullr la wbicb taoee were (ananael H ntnUd tx taore taaa ooonac if ue routl 1 ue upiai u ,t large aaajmtr i ptcWf of Mutdipaaa tmaatr w. EMtaat Jadjre Koycu. Mr. HattecttAM of Wuauorr-t aaid taat abe preaaat iimat aaataai tbe ctuef ittdaie bad im tawtatr bacaaaa be bad admiiMaHeraxi ta law isipirUaiir aad aueriv atraaia.aid bv pr u dioe Md fnoilHU.ia--4 aaatemettt vtura wm applaodeU Me aaid be attoaid be taiae to bia oath if be tailed to record bia opiated (bat JMiw kivi t abauid ua re aleatad. lWb a If Mr. ButterfieM -apaacb a ballot waa tabes wttb tbia reu bole number of totea ca u Naxbraaarr tor a ebon.' 14 Honar E. Hoyea bail !& Joatataaa Hoaa ba. 7' U. Henry tuvrm bad t etoaataao McdbeiiJ i avaaaaa Marrelt Aad tbera were a-rea biaak eataa. Sb araaidec: aaaomaoed tbat Haa, Uoasar K. ftm mm etairted t. be ebief Judge. Jedjtoa Hoaa. Fowera. Vaasej. TaCtaad Movc:i tr, aaoBaaaiTetr re aiatwad by lartiaaali i irortaa atxtb aiawtaat ada tfaaet. C. Hbort irtt o Mcaatpaiier. Uaiaaaat. Wa. H. Walker Uidaow and J H. lbaaapaoa of Iraabart were au. ewatiy pvftatd ta aamiaitiim. aatd wwwiHed ta dl aneraoa Kftm-etmm. Vkbaa a baiiot waa taaibiil tac and waaaa fuHown bote Busbar of naaa oaa "Ji'j aSirnrary lor a ebuirt , u; Wiu. H Walker ba.l U. iaatorrat B bad Htapbaa C. HimrUeff baJ Jaboo. Watberol rem lia i Jaasu M. Tyler of toatttabwrii bat. aVad tbere www two Maab votea. Tbere bcutg ik eboaee a aaaoad baitot waa takeo w boia Baaaber of vote oaat 21? naairy for a chuto, it Wilitan B. Waiftar bad im wtwpbao O. bbartlefl bad Laforeat B. T a aaa uou bad v tMorf i.. Uiark ol liibbtax bad And tbere were two btas axdaa. WUbatn U. Walker waa di-tared U toted aad the jwibi aaaeaabu waa dta- mcuoiwiruiaci jir. jJiaina aBpeecnat licans at work for "our" side when another Auffiuta the other erening cannot be denid, ( campaign year cornea around but it is also true that there is anothar aide of the southern question, that another set of ' Aot tbr 1-itrtr. bat tbe Cwndldutt. factors are in vol red. which must be stated I It nee me to na that Uiose papers, like the and conceded in making up a fair judgment New York Tribune and the Bodton Jourtitti, of the case. We are convinced that tbere is f which profess to believe, and attempt to show a real element of national patriotism growing I by figures, that Mr. Blaine wtts the strongest np in the south, but it cannot be built tip, and i candidate that could have been nominated by a break in the Solid tiouth cannot be accom- I tbe Itepubhoans, prove altogether too much, plished, by ntterancea in this spirit. We I If they are right, the ilepablican party bad wiah Mr. Blaine hadn't made that kind of a I fallen into such bad estate before ever the speech. j campaign began that ita success was impost,!- hie. or ourselves, we greatly prefer to be Tbe prevalence of the cholera epidemio m ) heve that such was not the case. Pana,and the appearance of sporadic oasae of When Mr. Blaine waa nominated it was up the disease at Buenos Ayres in South America on the claim of his friends tbat he woold ts a sharp warning to the people of this oouu- , BWMp the Weat like a wild tire. In point of try that the infection ia relentlewly pursuing faot his majorities fell off largely from thoee iu westward march, and that nothing but uu- I 0f Garfield in evtry western Hate. He lost compromising vtguanoe will prevent it from Indiana entirely, while ilichiran's vote wa oaininir a foolhnlrl in th. TTniict . , . . . . " c j " rwu- i oniy savea 10 tne itepnoiinan ticxet by a nar- row margin. Mr. Uiame carried no state ae- and Prohibitionists, in Dr. Barchard s uafor- I Uamocram and ene rtegmbiican Mipoiated bv him innate use of the three E's and in the fact 1 "imM "vu aarvme roiaa wuica aranseoved. aad , m "'a m lat ,acl l ahlch are now in tore in tae enure executive er. that a rainy day kept 60(10 to JO 000 Itepubli- 1 vice ol the aute uf maw iort and all ita chim. h ii cans in tba oonntrv rli.lnou .t Tt ' nnmher. ThU great reform K Uvtie eamrrehaedm cans in tue oosntry aistnou at home. Ht , .,. 1utv nobuoai revolution iu uu, u. i believes the hepnbhcan party will prove trne I pireeme. Xnat governor Cleveland haa bu nrart " lD e." koi m mil lucrraao iu atreORUI i with the oomine Tear. lie eirmet. that ir lSeei it will again be called back: into power i and adsauuairative capacity, with iaa.nontic.iu nr. : Jlr. Blaine will tako hu family to Washmoton ' art.epUee. uov. cievriaud ha. the dmonrtior, nr . " I hrnng the nrat man aluea Waahlagton who aaa bj tor the winter very soon, and will at onoe set t elected freaioeni becanee be nauaa qualmt- ' to work on the second volume of bu "Twon- I .f uenrau eni y l ears in uoDgres u anMbed aud tir. umramad elect eu. I nave haara mm tere.TCon. of aonot ana dr.pond.neT. lie. i laet m not 141 .int. hut 11 a partr eaaaat hve witnoni . ofttce il i. ant worth pieaaiiing. aad la not wortn li -ing tor nor sgauag for. lu. gavarnmenl mnu be oarrtetl on aa It aiaav. haa been, ibroneh narui-.. i one rencaeeele eaaMirvasiam. reaetwa. and blthert t aeaunaaiiam. ba aahar w tha liberal party, th. par. 1 t J ot piugiia. and aauonahau. IbeM dusereuoe i aee aa deep aa tbdtftweoeM of tin mm natnrr. 1 ii, It repre- er or later. The national board of health has addressed a circular letter to the povernor of , counted as doubtful except California Is it to be reasonably supposed that President Ar I tbur, Judge Oresham, John Sherman or (ien. i Uawley, to aay nothing of Edmunds and half a dozen others, would not have done as well V And suppose that with one of these men as the candidate Mew York had proved tbe piv- otal state, as it did with Mr. Blaiue. It i not i disputed on either side that the stalwarts east I at least t'Mr.l rotes acaiutt Mr. Ulaine moat of them in Itosooe OonklinR's home county of every state in the Union, urging the necessity of looking carefully after tbe sanitary condi. tion of all dues and town., and becretary 11 o Oullougb haa issued an order prohibiting tbe unloading of rag. from any infected port Edward Hudson, the Boston Herald's well known Washington correspondent, called on Oot. Cleveland in the executive ofhoe at Al bany last week and tried to get him to UU A Hint for thin llnin, A truer word has not been spokin than i that of tbe New York tribune when it says i in a late issue tbat in tbe campaign just ended ' there have been "too many brass bands and i banners, too muoh ooal-oil and excitement, i in proportion to tbe amount of quiet work for the education of tbe people ' The Trib i nne aiao reminds its readers tbat when tbe Uepnbliean party oanie into power '-it gained tn. work, and iaallr asusnate. tbe great remit. Wasmtawea party w tbe party ot.progreaa. achieved la ahown in bia anneal miimse of Jann.ri aantanut otttcea hut ideas and nnncinie. It e.n. Th raatdlr growtua reform aantlment ol tue ' tatee th sireswreet end roost pragreeHva denienla of iu poupie. na neat aaissen to deal tn an advan. lag and litters! .pint with the qaeetiona ol the dav lis dotMe and NaaoosiMhtle. are a. great now in de taat aa tea would bave ben In victorf. Inert i. . hereafter in tmlilma aa la everrthtng alat. Taere u a great woek lor u. lo du. lm aa mm up ear riot., welcome tnoae who nave Joined ne. turn onr taoa toward tbe Inter, aed pre on to nobler and better and htghr aeatevesiaM Ihaa even the which turn made onr peel glonou.. 1 believe mar taau ever tn the tnture and mtaaion of the Uapnhnoan partv. lt ua make tne beat ae at deleet. nil. ear staodard atghertlMU eier. address ear.!. earnaallr to tli Uring uauee aod tbe praani,and presa t, tbe work and the dntlea before u. One tnnetion ol a partv of oopoaitlon la ariticistii. not taeuoaa and petty abstraeuou. but waiealul re aiatance aud fair erttwiam. Vie hear moan .aid In tne. oay. oi tne "new nonth. l hope aod nra enforce a anolie .im. 111 mlir l thr ma.t tel. the oobeoanes. So tra Irtend ot l rafeem wanid have any part tn a parlaaetory ana u. I eeptive eatoeoement ut tue roles mntUaled iu emeu i tlal pan., tie wonld ratber await their certain reenr I rantlon four veera nance over thegvaVMal their en -I emir ' Jlr. lloo.elrll t'rrti til. Mlud (Uia remarks to a pioneer freaa reporter at bt. l'.u. laet aatnraa Wnat caueeil tb. defeat ? A combination ol no- i imai. ii iucyooeiiugwiugoiteeBtalwari. , mat all that la aald of it la true. 1 treat that there u bad been trne. If Imrehard a umbie ailuarauuu n.d . not bean eprusg upon na ao late in tn. campaign, il t that aoap' dinner at lietmonleo. had not com i,e , t or. tf tbe 1'robibiuoBMta had haan aa honau and col i aeiantion. .. tbey la.lmed. tllama would bate mou 1 all its aueeeas by patient and earnest appeal rueaon m politic, u ont of the SepnblKan parn"i to tbe public Intel laenoe." and the Deooliar nimmmim waateo a cnaaoe ir r- . r . r iwrwmai , ytB aaainet Iba teeaahlmaBa and look a. bl. JuliL. teatnre ot lis work was tbe earef nl and tbor- i 1 navan'i a ebedoaj ot donot. was bought or contruur.i ough measure, adopted f or the enbguleument ! nrvole."' M.nee..ET of the people, not in erodj and mafM 1 toraed tbe otber wivaen-wtoo were maam$ imiu-- a ion in nm. nf i,nl ri , ' wit.1 ibd wonld leve voted tar buu titvX Uie t&rtc U aio&eintimtM or excitement, bat by meet- not beeu pukru. Tun eerood iMltnonieo dicu.i. ings beld and literature dittnbtittd iu ererr 1 oab tb pnntc cesitemeD wdo tiret eouem-i 'Nw soaiu. ' ABd tbt im Tttuory nMM mm- eod of i iacepoUUo. ueaoe tree icbooi aad liKetolioL lgi Uiu uiu will uut do. bat fta.en all tbt bnrl bnrr ol tbt tut few tUy. lo tbe mtdetof tbedeib to vliefftuoMi about tbe imoutb and by tbe twain, otic . bata ubbmi itMrd eleu aud dtiact. tbu to ue ot evuimiHirt. lieu. Uordou. fcpeakiDff lor "tim Jta. pireetete'of tbe Mute, ie ft great aeeubc at -i otk Mt week, told bw baad apoa tbe American Aar aad aud, "liutie hit & (. Sow tbat bu pri) bead curiae uui wh am ftvii. Tbat te tbe voict of lheu. ben perty defeat nrant elril war, tod oot tbe VOID- of le4. It M aa ill btneb tt tbat te tb vuice of ibe new bomb. 1 bope aod prajr tbat It ie iiui, out uti u u oDiytbeTOtoe oi a uooteuerate stu school difiirict It u true beyond dientite tbat our recent wriitVia Urn w.0eiw.m e V,IJ U a I keds:t0 t-'r: !!Lh; ' r b " P''- ' " "tempt: .g lo carry penpU ol B IV. is ihera anv reaann to rifthevA that Ihi. i fhur f.Al kv uuu nt,.,a .. . . . j i - j . - , . - - -. j nww uoi.o auu ih... wouia not nave been given to any one of tbe t by working up a short-lived fnrere of out marked success. significant paragraph from Mr. Hudson . re- etnr nf liia eei .- . . "I remarket, the ,cv.rnor that hu maum had ! except Mr. Arthur r Tbe I tbnsiaain" ratber tban by measures of poUt.. bean fstlawad by aatnaihiag lite a panic among tut ' 'o,000 at. John votes oast in New York were eal education and appeal to sober reason If rTXutoZ,?; 1 r7 UrBly the votes of protesting Bepnbli- w. could have onr way her. in BrattUboro, wttb tbe bw r,troo reeuuuoii.. tai I jaquirrc! I cant, and mnetentha of tbem would have i initead of apanding any time m trjinc to to lTliy TT.rSip ' been praa to any hibiieaa candidate rboM , ahoulder the biatue on to anybody rfwul- tiittrliit!)1 tftlr tau,'1'1?6 ruUt,onB wonM did not pot hiu on the defective, i deri bwiwa there hua bftw it break m tbe tbe peret-aor bHiiv repUed: I to?'?1!..0 111 anJ" Independent llipnbhean Totee liepnbliean rank, beeatwe there are ho manv rrSaa V. J' l iU itiaia f were piren io uiereiana ip new lore it i tto- Ue pUttoiK.. Ibece w bo nte tr-iug to beat teraiaii , l4 . L , toMiM'aiiMdi. laat tbeu auudto tbeir bie). poaaible to tell, bat lbe number waa oertwniy uUt thtm tvUevd to tbetr twtweea. be eaid. re- I enoash to ofiofit the In ah votea whUh Vir I Blaiue drew to hirui( in the tatiee ot tbe It were booeet eauoati. wae a tebJ mttikm and ooet i m ibobtuada ot voii. Tbe iiapublicau cosimiuJt:a) i were not reepoMibi tor tbu blunder. Ot coo rat tt ' waa a UtUe bard on nam IStrt York to noattsate Mi. 1 IMaine, and I am licJined to five tbe )ew Vara lnd I labHtdee&a, or a majority oi tbani. credit tor oooac.cb i tiooeneia. 1 don't know wbetber clevaimndwili r... I Ofolae by bwb and ofiloul pouuou tne eerrteee tb. t iHeifBtpaatat itefmbiioaoe tejjdered bin or not. but I i am liacboed to mwk not era1 "Mjr itair now!" it ta wj nft. no tnatter wbat partT H in power. It la tbe nag at my eon sir jr. not 107 pari). iar m Bat a man uaieAiaa to m , . tbtrL ia tlal a Republican in onr broad btnd, wb doea not believe taat tbat la bia Haa-. no nutter wbeth- er Mr. Cliabd or Mr. HUioh ta freatdent. let ni 1 toeet aVaicti talk at tba tbrMatokl a&d toidi: OaUuleoiC 11. toaautler (u be ibe Ifenocratlc aluaa im erntont. ( waatu8to& luipitcb to aiugfiald latapubiictL 'J.nrt!e men coodncted tha otfera work 111 tb Cleve land oampaijrL 1 bey were benitori uorman an J ia pea Mm tbe weroa la u Tear daskdfd nunum aad uh a feature of tbe bead tbat tbdisaiad nore taas tb toae ta wtueta be apuke lo nonreruUon tae eoro. r ineakt with a (toad deal of aMmatton. aid tb atrenf ret tmeaaiM hi pe Imb bw la ot area, craatei atvd tefee iu aeaTnfing to a ciftme it adefteti, One wetaU aay 1 'iiere u a awa. aareir. vbc caMa be drtiec bot wbo wiii do tba dnnac btwi erf wbetaerer it ia ncceaaary una nubi aak a grrai deal ot aocti a snaL nut t dasat.a I ab'in.ij woald be a toainf boaiura , ImiepaD4enta, or bwaae tbere baa beea 1m oi life aud lire this year tban in pre nous cauipaiyce, we would bare ito&dtng einbg oi i yemrff men (and old ones, too; formed, wbo hied liie Skuney j TT. .t. r ' 1 aae and b. ab. iMDaUee of IsoiUnaiob. L Jtt a matter lDare ll a great dalof talk about aaaiptlgu I oc ouriowty. it may km and tbat awaUey ia a teaiciai l expenditure DevtuoeeuU av tew epnbbean ' atoe-aotaer cbk ot tbe diatnci aod mrctut oourif , nnal oommiltee had a buU. The, did iS"TlS KJ'lTln 1 not have much mure I nan a ajaarter of that i atarcn Ua ia alisadr an annUaant, ureugh hi. 1 sum. The federal oiKoe-headers ueiar rjaii I inaniU, tor ua noMaaUer-gnraUhiu. buiauev r- ao lillla. and In. n.11.1 nut ni il. ..-I. ,., I nuiut to be provided lor Uia preaent ojnee pars hardlv anvthlnir. lirt of all be will nrobthlr aak tbat j aute outside New Votk. Tbe only inference, I snoold take sp politieal history, the seieaae I then, on the faeeot things, is that almost any i of government, and economic questions, and I representative K.publiean.eieefit Mr. Blaina puruie a regular oourse of atody and reading I would have carried Kew York and saved the i in tbeeo aub)sots under competent ieaderehi. 1 electioL A pleasant sooial evening could be spent each We are not now discussing Mr lliain. n week in such study, and if faitbfuliv kept ui 1 so little, aod too greater taut of ttte rich men were for Cleveland Ib Kw gork city, m- Piew lork woriaaays, the two Uawoorai 1 oandidatas tor mayor cauiuibated 10U,. ' 1 eaeh, tbe eandadatea for jadgaa It 10,4100 eaci i and oandidatea for Cavegieiai aa hbjtB aa ajUIMa. That is. the .Democrats bad bait a nitihoi i from oaudidateai in Kew Votk rut. Oov. Uereiaud has engaged rooma al tin Arlington liouse in Vasnini;tu tur a wttli before tbe inaugurate Kdw.rd 1. aaiiie, tha aell-tooen tlurUBglon lawvrr aud wit, be gtvau ana ninalon to luls-.ahuni ainoe the 11 tin- nl ueorge p. htarah I annont haa aiataaad aa a enrt nt birthright Hr. Xikton promMed the plaee ti Hr ttbalpa, aad Hr. tttavalaud will b aakedtoaend i in 1 nen.te tbe aasaewhat datarrad anaoiatsaent l r hlouMilf u i. not known what Mr. hmalier desire, lit .lu have tha alee plnai of taweolieetoreelpat Jtur Imglna with Haaaaaaj a rear, aad th appetetaaeat of a targe number ot anbordiaatea atretthad sver the on. tire northern IroBtMr of Vermont. Thlala the ht Piece iu tbat auta and tt. wul undoubtedly be tender i d Mr bmailer huim. b. expr.t... a d.alrs lor somi 11! til UI. It is underetood that PrewJrfent Arthur woald lite lo be United titata Senator to auc eeed aeuator La (Warn wBeaae term expirts next March, and whose ennetiuor will be oho. sen by the Kew xork legiatature Iter. Dr. Barchard gays tbat what he in tended bv hu unfortunate alliteration sa tbat the Ll.mocratic patty endeavored tu uee tbe Catholic population of tbu oonotrt for partisan puriose- The itepubiioan national committee ehutn not to have bad over one -third the fooda to nee lu tbe eampaign just ended that were con trolled by the ootuoiiltee m the tiatfiaad oanu patKU Tbe reepentive naleaeal and state beadqoai tera of the ttepabUeaa aad JJeeaoorauo sutu mitleee tn Kew York eitv were anally elooed last hitnrday nlgat. Uteveland a alectiou be ing fotiy nuaoadiid on all aidr. tiov Uteveiaod baa made oo algu aa yet, bot he ia expected to rswaju hla governorablp aboat Jan. lat. David B. Hill of iamira.who will then beoome governor, u a lawyer and a baebeior.aod will uodoubtedly eerve the state creditably during the year of offlue which will remain for bim Tba attendance on Heeeber a church ie fiWl to 10UO less than tt was before be volunteered hie eervtoea lo wbitewathiug Uteveland'a pri Tate oharacter tiov. Ulevaland attended tbe 1'reebyterian ehnroh ae iwaal laet Sunday morning, in lbe aturuoou attended to privale oorreepondeooe at the eseeotive ofhde for an hour or tao.and for tbe real of tbe day auid quietly at home. Geo. Win. Ourtis write to an aunoua gnv eruuent eterk that be believes Oov. Cleve land, aa President, will reapeot the letter and tbe spirit of tbe reform lew. and that non politieal omoera wuo bave been Hottest and eihoieut in tbe disooaroe of duty, and wbo have not uittueed tbetr bxmiuous lor partv or political ends, will not ue arbitrarily dutnieaed for politieal reason-. A rowdy crowd in bt. Johuebtjry disgraced thamselvee and the town tbe other night by hanging bt John and 0. M. eibnie. the "In dependent' editor of the Udtedoniea.iB eittgy. An error has been discovered in tbe vote for state senator is Ueok eouaty. ill., which eleete tbe Democratic candidate, litand, in stead of tbe llepublioaa. lieoiao. This gives tbe Democrats a majority IB Ibe legislature on joint ballot, and will aetiu a Jieinooealio linn ed btatea senator to succeed John A. Logan. The most sweeping change brought about in any state at tbe reeent eiectiun is Ihtt by wbicb tbe complete Democratic delegation of six members of tbe present House of Jlepre aentativee from Ualitornia is ohatigad into a complete lt.publiean datamation for tue next Uouee The story thai the ltatiublioau Kaliaenl oomtBittee ootne oat of the oanipaigBUiearily in debt u positively denied by tbe treasurer. The number of federal saiee holders in the United btatea is planed al 41U.UUU. of whom 16.(1011 eorae within the cavil aer viae regula tions, leaving H6.CKM office, at the disposal of tbe incoming Democratic adminutrattut JlrnttletMiro. A BBoeial Meeting of Past Sealarwlok is r to mot row e vesting at 7. uti Tlaa fMtit adjsse will he ofjSB i tog day from !' to 1 1 a at aad S to 7 i . x The UenarevUle aohool, arlatar term, will I begin Monday. D. c lat wttb lira. Wgrren t ae taatcber Kelt taataday leotn ni the aervioe at tbe I liaiveraetiat ehiroh will bo nppioprtaet to tbe i annual Ttoaekegiving Haralte. the artial. loft for Near York oo i VYedueedm to begio hw wmver s work tn that t oity aad Waattogton. Atnbroee Knepp and Bdwierd Ofark ex i peot to open hwilniaa ia their new qwevtera In I Mytber's block next week Kev. a. J. Adams. I I) . of Holyoke. I Maaa , will preach to the Biptitt chorcU next i rvanday ib eaobange with Mr. lower A petition to the liaiielatnre for the en I aetsnent of a licawee law ia errOBhvtton here for two.daya. received worn a smu staruaturui. Col i t bitey la in Atlanta. Ua., where I be will remain for a month on traamea ron ' one led with the southern branch of the Lury i Organ soeapaoy. 'Site PawenrBirmin eeoraty era fitting op their Dew room, id Hooker block in a hand I ao ene manner, aed wtll bare an epamtng on I tbe evening of Dec. : I The fall exereleatioc for tee e hers tn the I aoanmoo school, will be held lo tbe Hlgb I school build log oo Mtnrday. Nov. com I meneinjg at ! a. Toe Tviankagivmg tarviee of the Baptist, I Gong regret tana I end Metboarfet uhuntce will be bakt tnae Btntset otinraxi. with a eermoo I by Mr. Tower on "The Sen roe of oar Pios pentj ' "Uoeie Bill" Ucatld, lew veveran ptaBibor, I celebialed hi. 7Uth bit t bare y lest 'faoaday. t Be haa done tbe plumbing at the Vermont I aayium for 47 yeara. aad bide fair to make it 1 a half eenturt A wioked U-pnblioan aoighbor over the I way aaggaa'a ttuvt tbe "givoo priint wtuuh u I took the lraaauceaUo preaasioi "2a Bituatea I toBaea,' laet week, was the "point' on arm I etery Bill wbere Cobb a eider taarrul aloo 1 ltitv. T. M Harnt. fur aeven years past I peatorof the OereiealetMileeiwreti in bpri'it" i held, thta state, preached at the Oeatre cnurcL ; hwt rMtasay. oo but way to tbe new Held of t labor which Ue he aeoepted at JjaUroase. Wis I The Her. Mr. Dee preached at bprtngUeld. 1 Mieeee Idllie and Aboe Brooks, daogbtere I of F. W. il rooks, tell on Wedueedny for Batu I bridge. Ua . wbere they will anend the com I log winter, as they did tact winter, with their I aaat. ktra. Babbit. Toey wul probably visit i the Hew Orleans er portion trttniig tbe season A petition to the selectmen ia now being I orroeeated to hare Mr. Orowall granted oertain I ruzbtt of oacupation on Flat street for the I erection of haa proponed new bnttding. so I that bo mar at oooa go on with the work with I oat wattuxg for formal tear! prooeaa before I the oourta t The 'Veratonl W. C. T. V. Baleetin' l I another addition to Brettleboro periodical lit I eratare. it will be avradeeted by lira. U. 1 trreene anal pabluthed at the oftue of the We I maaa (Jeatnry The otreulalion of the Kt I lonai and States Bulletin, combined reaohea I t. WtO copies each leaue A bprtacfiekl hepobhoau Item eaya that I WltminRbon aod Dover merchmnle are arraog t tag to have tbetr freutbt oome by wav of the I iiooaac tunnel teetead of oy eat of Bratue i boro They claim that they can snake, a eav I log of S to lo eente a n nerd, red by the nieae aa alleged margin targe eoengn to kill the i story, we ahoBht think The are in the old Fiek block took putee , a year ago taat aenctay morning. V no ooold i Baverbeea toend ta II rattle bore a year ago to I dav aang nine enough to prrctict tbe tborunnb I going improvement in Mam street which are I now auhatantially oompleud. giving u. the I bntidaonaeai bihniieas eareet of any town in I tbe auu The First -R-giment band mem lore refuse i to play at the skating rink for lea taau a do) i lar eaeh per evening, wtth not less tban eight I pteoee to be employed. Mr. Jaokaon. tbt I manager. oSere them li eeuta eaeh per ev.-t, i lag, he to emplov one or more pieoee a be I may ohooae. For tbe present the akalors I skate to tbe music of a phtno aad cornet Tbe auiaisnwea of 8. II Waito eetsU , bave some ill. taai or $17. INK! lying on de t posit tn the Brettleboro bunks, wbicb tbey i woaid be alas ho pay over to the creditor. 1 and evoee ap tbe eatate, bat whtoh Waite'a I ooarae ro xeepiog tbe matter before tbe oourta 1 prevoota tbeu. t reta dotaHi. Wnat hi. motive t as and when tue end aili be can oni L, ( gUBildtid Aa booa ae a day or two of good w earner 1 permit. eoBneoitoos will oe made and the water wul be let into Mr. Uro well's reservoir. I For tola winter only tbe overfl iw from tii ! pipes bow cat at log mto the street will i tea tamed luto ir. That l. to aay, the I Bttrphaa of water not need by preMrot uoaauoi I ere wtil go to till the reaerroir The foil aap t ply eanuot be had until oonoeotioo tv mad, 1 in tbe apnng wttb tbe gvpeav collected on S ! b. CMrsenl farm aoove He.t Bratuouor la one plaee in its report of last week1 I lremoeratieoeiebraujn. tbe Itvformer nay.. I "When tbe band struct op tu front of . l i Brook a houee on Hieh street, tbe rear end i of the procession waa at paaatng the Cjn I giegatmnal churcb on Main etreet ' lu an t oeher peaae it says. "It required 2." minute, i for tbe prooehsion to pa. a given point.'' I Dneen't it strike you, Bro. Daren poet, tbat 1 Hn aunuiee was a good while for it to lake to I cover tbw aiatauoe, whwh doea not exeeed 8i I rods .' beait good llpubuoan watebea made I tbe time 7 minutes, but probably tbetr wheel, i didn't ay areuud aa fast aa your imagination i did. The warrant hxs be in duir potted for the i annual village meeting on tbe brat Mondsy in I December al tbe usual hour. T.ttu l- x. Tn I tiret aruole in tbe warrant la to see if the vil I lege will aeeapt the amendment of tne char t ter recently mad by the iaDtiUture. cheuk 1 ing tbe time of holding: the annual meetn. I to the first Tuesday in illy, and in rase tni. I amendment is not accepted the usual routine I busiueae will be transacted. Vi e do not learn. I bewevex, that anybody obieoU to the ouauge I in tbe time of holding the meeting, and tbe I amendzueut will undoubtedly be accepted It I behooves tbe voters of the village to be prea I ont at the meeting in full number-, the I business may be dune intelligently and salt I factori It I Aa Indian enmmer of nnaauil length 1 and loenlineM ended on Monday of tbu week i wub ou of tbe aunateat aad moat perfect I days of ail Taeaday night a snow storm t eel iu aud continued through tbe wbole day I Wadueadat and far into tbe night, ao lost the I town awoke on Thursday morning to aad six ) or elgnt niche et esow on tbe ground, aud I eletghe eaoie into general use during tbe day. I Onr oarreepondeota report h to IH loebea of I eBowinoeherpartsofibeeouBlyaudlbeatorm I extended all over line unction aud through I New York state. Tni morning was orwp 1 and dear, and at euurtae tbe Ire. tops were 1 oovered wnh a front traoery wbicb was boau I tilul beyond deaoripuou Bit tne winter i bas not oome to stay, and the farmers are I praying for heavy rainfalls before the season t olosee in Tbe springs and stream a bave i rarely been ao low at Ills end of November. berious traub. haa been encountered this t week with tbe heating apparatus in tbe new I school building. Iba turoaoaa failing to heat t some of the rooms sut&jientlv to allow tbe I child reti to be kept in tuem. The High school t room warm without trouble but in tue reci ' tattoa rooms on lbe emend ttonr tbe tewpera t tare oannot be raised above b. . The moat ' trouble bas been experienced id tbe two front i rooms and tne northwest room on tne first ' door, oeeapied by the Urammar eottool Oo 1 both Wednesxav and Toureday the senior i oiaiHi waa disui ssed by Iba oommittee on ac count of tbe low temperature. It tbe ooera Uou of the apparatus does not improve after the Thanksgiving vacation tbe inventor or I the system, who put in the f urnaee. under au i absolute guaranty of their successful working, t will be sent for. Should tbey then fail to I work Bitisfactoriiy. tbere will be no altera- tive but for him to take out bia apparatus and t replace it with steam heat. The district will I sutler no money las ia either Base, bot It ia i to ba hoped tbat the eoheok will be saved i from tbe interruption and disturbance wbicb i auch a change would involve. A notable wheelbarrow ride name off on I Tuesday afternoon as the result of a wager i between Fred Biohardaou and J. M. Baldwin oo the outcome ot tbe presidential election Biebardaou wee tbe unlucky Blaine man. aud I bad to wheal Bakt win from here to Ouilfurd. I The start waa made from the American House at a o'clock, where a crowd of aeveral hood i red people assembled to sea tbeu off Bald I win appealed 'in costume," aad C. F. Miller 1 and Obarles Olaueey marched by bis side bear ing toronrs, while the military band and om i xen. in carriagee ana on f Mt followed, the wbolt forming uo inconsiderable "proces i BrBh.'' BhyjaBastjSi Bjeeeeaired in hi. tin i -t fa hlB, waeaMag Ma advarwary the who i i ilea tn I Boar aed in aaiautet. includn . etorj vrhteh redaoed the actual tim of n t i Ie tl Bjtnnrag A "broom brigade b-n t bv John Gtarkeon. mt the pant neat Flagg'. reeidenoo an sveorted tbem i ! Broad Hmo Hoaae. wfiare the ride eel i After a suitable real, during which tb- t, ' dteeoureed some of tbetr best Bxaait tt,. , i ty reterned by teaai, arrlviat avmnt i, 0 c. i Jaoexe of thi boys think Utstaardaou gm t t brag a oa bis aide, btoaaai' he had Bal I . I "alavoat frogan to deatb when he got i. i end of tin rtde la apile of IMdwio . , I trawtto, ha heaMnaad to walk up the t. i I BlibainVoa eon palled him to ride evert m. I of the way, aad when tbe B'noaa.ion gn; i I Alarrera the November wind had i. t through la hat irtry eoatum' The folion tug lithe Hit nf letters rem t ing tn tha H rattle tioro, iawllea dJenale Bean. Mra. c tt . u,, t,ur. I 1. Hawley, Mra. It U. Merrick, Isabel t J .ui.. I anaafteBaedy, Mra. Heaev Maraon. Mr. Hni -I Mrs. umi laylorAarr el M. whltner.Bn. h 1 . t uvonUoaam C E. Balrd. ratrirk Bnaiiuii.L Ooala, F. U. Chase, pat Camming. H F.tirKxli-i I erde.t A. Bill. Cd. Keepn. Chaa. t. tan.. H ,r. I Maaehai. Ularenee Faralvai. Horace bbuil. a 1 I lard, narvev Wblttea.r. H. eVordn I MtacaUeneoo . H. Baa. SUi., Mea..tu,i r , t dee Miller-2 i TBocx "UBMUBBiaaTrvB DBetooai rx , , , ooltj racn ABorr rountjax ublediiati M BBATTLXJIOll We thibk the devil embed when b- r. I the Keformer laet week lie smued a I than grew green with setttooa envy wo -t he knew that a fellow lived in brain, i I who oould give bias pajtataaad then but i I hollow at hia old game of lying n -n u i wrote onr report ot the Jeaaooratie cit r I tion laat week, we dad it in a apir.i ol at I lute iftlrrtese. with a good-tiaturetl leanit . I ward the aide of making the oeeaaion a.i , I f ally ae hie aa it waa. efBemoeriiiK l,. I the conduct of the local Democrat u,,., I the liepaUieaag was four years ago. we cun I not to belittle it id any way not evti. , i ooaapartBg tbe oertrbratton as it reai wttb" what tbe manager, bag poalere I it was potetg to be. Bat wbeu the ileiutu I brtaettly eaya that tbia was ih "graude-i i Iliuoal jubilee ever witasaseB in town, it l in Vermont," tbat "Mi to 7oo awn wer- . the rnoseaarion.'' that there were 4 i carrying torches, " that "HralleaOwrn was u I er ao hefideotacfy Ultra nutted.' aad au oi I the end of the ahapter, it is too mat j. i tba trath tmeet he told io oar rieraoriaL know ledge seven reap n. i hie HMD eoaated the nuanber iu tue pro, -I ainn at dltf erent pointa on tbe line, au 1 . I numbers which they twp actively repon I were 27b. 27'.'. STS. 276 . 27o. and . and their oount included all tn tbe prtc . i exoepung only the ban! Ths geuvr. . . mate agreed in placing the number ot m' -voting age m the prim.aion at not exceed ; lreti. me remainder being boya uue col aerie the number of torches ;Ku auu auou Jin, As tne Brrormer Malea. a lot of l . I torches were boogbt for tbe oooaaibu. sl : I tbe Hexiahiaoen torohew were borrowed iu u I eonttdeat expectation that there would ne I men to oarry tbem : bat whan th lim- cau I several barrets of torches wrre left un - and their great expectations "failed K -I nect." bo far ae illamioatiooe were cuiit-' I ed, most of the Democratic residents t creditably . hnt aa a whole the route of : I proeeeaion waa a "cold one. Tbe tune L been when Matn etreet was "a biaae ol ei -I f roan ores ead to the other oo the oocaatot i a rjoftttoal mletrratioa, but that tinae wee n I laet weak Wednesday night Tbrre were t, l a Brent namber ot neotii) an to aLr.. t , I thta oooaaaon, there wa not a great oe. ' I eathuaHvem. end the spirit nod effect o! : I demon.tration were not oo naarked a- a- u I tune of the eredreabie tittle impromptu io.i.i 1 eauoa over Dr. Uonlauu a eleetion la.i r- I temoer. Here, to bri -I. are uold laet- vi. .. I cannot be anoceeefuliv Oiepl T ,H mMIMI (u.lll i m 1 hitlmii mi l i I been held in Brattleboro tn recent tee-- I probably tn a quarter ot a ceaturv n ili I field oat taauirday evuiixieu Oct 1'. l?h' i i . i ,i . i. , i uvuui vi mr uiiiuaiii Ar-uuuiicaui victorie- I Onto and lavrtgaa rtre peevioae week. Alt:... I time four erowdel oarioeds of B-pubi.t, I name down from Bellows Falls, hvtweei. I and IMU ass were in line, and r m, : I horeeback led the proneaaiun VSnen i. j niBB pawwd through Main etreet at the a:.i I Bank corner to ue corner of Ntalnui r t I and aa it nataraily ftp read out as the mar I proceeded it oovered twiee tout aiaiauci J , I ilraminataaoa all over town were aimoKt ul t veraaL tbe streets were bnlitant wub iluLt- I handeomeiy llinrninattd I I 111 .1 1 nu M... MuuAn. n n ..... . . I rjceerred which exeeedect laat week a Den. , I trratte oeienratHMi both in tha r.u m n -r ,,t t. , I mantfeated ho mseb we say. not to belittle or der I tbe eflorta of oar Democratic breturei.. t,b nmply that oar toeat reoerds mry read aoco' i ..In IK fat!. W . . .... . I men iuc ui.ivci witu uiiaxiea H uit.ii I eyes, which made bun see everytblni: I whirl and not hint? diatiucttt . aud cau-t I rtnauMi tn m I . j ,,.1. , r. Inn 1 l,b. . . n ..... . , i evidently needa to take oare of biin-r. I ax anoHAaxa xenscorax cxubob bomi 1 I ecu or xu. taxnuNaa Tan tsah- m . . WITH THX PABIBH. T .. . , h.r. . . . i tn. trtNuivHuj m uaitit. w . ax. isaiitn Ol ' I St, Manhaal'aehorcn. At Ike BMKatug eerrn t tbe rector preac-ied from 21 1'jter. ii : Au aaeouut wan given of tue work tj. I nlbfbeai dnrino tile naat ln VHin l L-r. i... i been Mt oapueue. to eeHinruiaUon-. 44 .,.. I rutgea and li.) burisU Over il:tt.i b i i. -t reoeived tbrough tbe oUertorv lor ui i c: . i aide tbe parish, wntle. lu addition to tu I toeat of current expenses, aebu and u.o i gages upon the obursn property amouni i . . I rXMaj had been paid Tbe ehurcii ad r i tory bad beeB l re. of erred t3 tb-t trei I tbe uiooeae of ermont. u o- netd t.t i F aw, V . i . ,M . , M l 1 V, . uiC RUIG U T9T It 11 V. U ' I the parish. Manv beautiful and coativ grt I ehieiiy mamorHtla. had been plan-d it, .. t cburoh. and its ebsnoei furnanre is m a -1 pertor to that of moat churches iu S-ti t , . l.nA rfl - 1 . . . . .. i society (originally oonsisting of li m-u.t,. .- cviutl MJn.iUlUB t U' " i parochial obligations, and tbe woman tin I tary, organized in lnsl. had distributeo I cles of clothing, etc., valued at over ? i among the colored people of the south i -t well known that during this period tne nan. t has suffered matenallr f rom nnanciat revr- -t and from deaths and removal. In aoda ' i to bis work in Brattleboro. the rector ba. t-. ' I the minister tn charge of Christ churcb vi t ford, and has held missionary service), ir i i time to time in many of tbe adioinini. 101 . t On Monday evening, at n o clock 1. i i eoration of the tenth anniverwary ' I Collina'e work among them, tbe member- i t tit. Michael's parish by common ooot-nt ui I at tbe rectory to pay their respect, t - rector and his wife and spend a aoc.a : I together, boon after the eompanv in - I eemblwd Col. lia.kin announoed bt. tin tion of having thing, bis own wav tor . r i I minutes and then prooeeded to tell Mr t i bus. in a few happily oboeen word- tii. I while tbe pariah had listened wun ajr: - -1 on the previous day to hie statement o: - had been aoaampliahed in the ten vnr. t, 1 they felt t has the reator had been i)ah tu I mod eat about etaumag anr of uti. t ot ti t work for himself Th-t pariah coj.d i. I "talk hack in eburcb. but tbey ba l talk- : I among tbemeelvae. and they realized a' ' I was oulv under tbe rector s faithful, telt .a. I ritioiug lead that tboir gratifying ten veir t record htd been made. In aekuowiedknu-. '. i of tboir appreciation of hu devoted uu ' t tbev had provided a small teatimoni n wm Uol. HaskiBs had taw ple-eaure ot prceci.. -lie eloaed with an expreaaion of toe frrt-t hope that the eoaiiug tea years of Mr i t hns's reetorehip migat lis uo teas fruut t t i love and good work, than tne ten yea--i past bad been. Mr. Collins wax evid-ut 1 taken entirety by surprise at tLnd-i-. . ment Heooofeased ion with evidetr if ing. and pleasantly aald that "he was ar -i torn eel to do bis talking in church." and t ba be must be allowed to expreas his app'tci tton of the kindneas of hu paruciou r- a' aome other lime The testimonial which Colonel Haakm- i presented was in tha shape of a purse i-o. i taming an even hundred dollars in goto i" ItetresbraenU furnished by member, ot tt I parith were served, and two hours ot pif i aut intsreourae folloa'ed among tbe iv i oompany present Wiih tbe tingle exception of Mr M rr t at tbe West village, Mr. Ooliina is no a ili 1 oldest restdeot clergymen lo town--n' 1 ured, we mean, ley tba length of bis patter ate here and hu Bteling character ai.J I iaithf ul labors m every good work are apprt i etated no lees by the eomtnunitv at lari" i tbau within tbe lines of hie own cburi.- BtlLDIgltH' MOatrjhlKVT 1AI1 The fur held at tbe town ball on Wedue. i day and Tfaureday evenings in aid of the .. dieW monument fund proved aa" i as was auuetpat' d. Toe brat tieninc 1 ing stormy tbe attendance was rather light but that of Thursday evening fnllv atouri1 for it The supply of fauov artiolea otfrrnt for aale waa very large, but found ready pur , chasers, the meat aoatly bung sold bv tn.' Among the contributions received from ' eiders was a box of oranges sent bv ouarn'