Newspaper Page Text
THE VERMONT PHOENIX, AND RECORD AND FARMER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1884. to exhibit maple sugar and nyrup at the world's fair. TLo upper department of the village school opcnrd last Monday with SO sicholare ( MiRft Abble Jones, teacher. The lower de. psrttnent opens two weeks f torn next Monday, Victory grange holds it public meeting at the lown hall Saturday evening. Subject "Creameries." All are Invited. The remains of Mr. Harrington, who died at the asylum In llrattleboro last Sunday, were brought here for burial Tuesday after noon. The 0. W. Henry tronp, assisted by lo. pl talent, presented "Uncle Tutu. Cabin" at Jacksutiv lllo ou Vudutsday and 'I' evenings, and will present it hero next Mon. day evening. The Congregational church fair and oys ter supper will tie held in the vestry next Wednesday evening. Wo.lnaln.tor. -11. F. Sleeper has sold his IJIj Pond farm lo Walter Leach (or tuoo, -The Kcneial missionary aoclety send this week to a home nilsilonart In Nebraska a bos of cloth lug valaeil at about 175. -The home and one of the. barns on the Morse firm, omieil by Hon. J, c. HlchanUon, were burn cl about noon last Friday by a fire supposed lo have taken from the chimney. Loss over 1700 : In sured. Ttmtg, Oeo. V. Metcalf has received his commission as deputy sheriff. -The selectmen will soon assess an extra school lax of 39 cents on the dollar, lo be equalized as the law provl les, accordlUR lo the sldooi property re tired from the several districts when the town strm was adopted. WllllumaTlll. Mrs. II. A. Jones returned from Doston on Mon day with more millinery for the scuson. J. II. MerrlOeld and sister have returned from Dakota. We lenrn that Chester Perry, who went to De troit expecting to enter Into business, will soon re turn here. Ilrrnanlilun. Mis... -The funeral services of Mrs. Walter Nichols were latRely attended at the Unitarian church last Mmlay forenoon, llev. .Mr. Jenkins officiated. -Alfred Chapln, II, P. Oreen ,and Deacon Mar tell are the cuininltleo In the Uapllst church for next year. A. P. Hale had the lucky ticket for the sofa nil low which the Lunarian ladles disposed of Mon day evening. The winter term of Towers Institute commenc ed Wednesday nltn most of tneold students back and a numbtr of new ones. II. K. Crowellhas been In noston this week. There was a large attendance at the Unitarian concert Tuesday evening. -ltev. Mr. Crocker of Fomlvllle, Vt., preached In the Duplin church last Sunday and He v. W. N. L, Dean of Orange at the Congregational church. Miss Grace Park left for Wesleyan acadrmr. Vllbraham, Wednesday and Miss Sadie and llalile S.acey Thursday. -The town schools commenced the winter term Monday with no change In teachers except ou lluckle hill, where Clarence Hale takci the place of Miss Dlckerson. A Ivcenm has been organized and ihe nrst nieetleg will be held In the too n hall next Tuesday erenjeg, when tho tariff question will be discus.. e.l. Dr. A. Bowker was married at Shelburnc Falls, Thinksglvlnjr, to Miss l.onlsc Amldon of that place. I!cv. S. It. Flagg hail an auction sale of his per aoual pioperly at tne Unitarian parsonage Thurs day. Homer C. Chapln has returned from Ceylon and Southern India, where he has been leaching since he graduated from Amherst, three and a half years alio. llta.dalsi, X. 1(. Uncle. John Stearns died ou Tuesday, af ter an Hit o.ik of onlv two or three day, aged 83. The. Wilder cLUtl bhop is about shutting down for a time. Thtre was some of the most sensible nadlng in last week's Ptiaulx that we have ' seen for a long time. Jennie E. Vorden is the organist at tho Uuiversalikt church and Hattie C. Lyinau at tne Congregational. Hev. H. II. Hamilton exchanged pulpits last Sunday with ltev. E Harmon of Wiucbea ter. Though business baa been a little dull this fall, there has been more borne painting than usual dono in town. Most of the houses have been painted in color, aud present a very attractive appearance. r. STATE AFFAIRS. Tins xmi'H ix mtinr. Frank Blgelow'a house aud outbuildings at Wells Itiver were burned last week with a large quantity of hay and grain. Thomas Tisruey of Waterbury, while chopping Saturday fell and was caught in the crotch of a tree 20 feet from tho ground. His brother took him out but could not bring him down, and had to hold him by main strength two hours. The injured man was unconscious aeveral hours, but will recover. The Stato Grange of Patrons of Hus bandry and the Slate Board of Agiioulture will hold a two days' session at St. Juhnsbury December 10th and 11th. Gilbert Hanley was thrown from bis carriage at West Hutland Sunday and sus tained a very severe fracture of the skull the doctors removing eight square inches of bone. The members of the Washington county bar have asked Judge lledfield to sit for his portrait, and he has replied favorably. The portrait will probably be bung in the new .SUte library building, Judge S. M. Dorr, one of the bestknown citizens of Kutland, died last week. Ho was a lawyer by profession, and was one of the flrht men to lake hold of the Vermont marble industry. He leaves a family of Ire l and graudehildren, and the name of his wid ow, Julia O. It. Dorr, is familliar to readers of current literature everywhere. The Fairhaven and Hydeville elate mills iare shutting down because the present mar gins are too email to leave a profit, and also to avoid over production. Micheal MoGee of Milton was buried Thankf giving morning by the caving in cf a well be was digging, and was dead when tak en out. There are 32 candidates for theNorthfle'd postmastership. Henry Fox's house in Eist Foultnsy was burned last week. Hugh Henry of Chester has been ap pointed judge of probate for the Windsor district to succeed Wm. H. Walker of Lud low, recently elected to the supreme bench. Gurden II. Smith, who died at Manches ter on Tuueday, was for a number of years sheriff of Bennington connty, and was the man who hung Bates, the famous Sbaftsbury murderer, at Bennington in 183!). This exe cution was attended by thousands of people from all the surrounding country and was the last public hanging in Vermont. Ei.Cor, Unit's Tbianliarlvlnr niaaner. From the Springfield Unlon,Xov. 29.) A very Interesting Thanksgiving reunion was held yesterday at the residence of Char les Hall on Bradford street. There were prjBnthis fa'ber, Ex Gov. Hiiand nail of It.-nnDgton, Vt., whoie 80th birthday was in Julv last, and his other sons Henry D. and John V. Hall of Bennington and Nathaniel B. Hatl of Jackson, Mich., having around him all his living children with their wives. The recent announcement of the death of Edward Darlington of Pennsylvania in his Mth year, as the oldest ex member of Con gress, is erroneous in this respect at least that Gov. nail was tho earliest member he entering the Twenty-second Congress and Mr. Darllocton the Twenly-thlrd. Gov, Hall retains bis health and full mental faculties and has not onlr the love and esteem of bis children, but of those who are at all familiar with bia life and character. As has been his custom for several vears past, be will spend the winter In this city wllb bis son. A man " whose name Is known to the ronntrv and who ha both entertained Gov, Clevoland aud been his guest," predion that "Cleveland will have trouble with bis party for at least 18 months after his adminlstra tl in beuins. b 'cause he will not make the clean sweep of the officer which the leaders eiDect. Then the old.f Mhloned sonlh hunt era will flud that they have mistaken their man and they will accept the situation pnuo sopbically. If they do not, It will be the worse for them. Cleveland will surround himself with Democrats, but he will make chances sraduallr and for suulolent cause. In three veara' timB the counlrr will applaud his conservatism and the plaoe-seekers will 8ie that they were In the wrong and he right." bouse at (treat mtlll in dollars meoslous will be D.TMtf.'i."",1'. "TUis Is lo build a at least" .1 J ?"."".', blch rt"1 170 bv utt ... T i . " uuneestous will be her o h !,;..'.' "!? ".J1" be bul" ' tee from a L, " a labyrinth of rooms, mTrtl tetl.'1,,,:.r! V"1 Wselr, all on the most h?i,iI-,..".hil"".biiIiaiTiR Is going on a bnilitli 5 . r" '' Itist the process of ."-S 01 V" !f'D' 11 ' finished In three Se. iM JE?".n.' ,"'l, there will tie no resl uence In America lo compare with It In rastnlctnce. ofwomi-i." ?f Ml'l repre.eullng a collection CoDipIlmfinl la u Wlmlbam Co.Jluu F. M. Crosby, an original Windham county man, and now of Hastings, Minn., has just been eleoled. without opposition, to a third term as fudge of the first judiolal dis trlct of Minnesota. His total vote was 14,852, men of all parties supporting him. It is said that, besides the direct cost, southern Europe loses S20.000.000 gross by the cholera because of the driving away of tourists. Three) Vuiirrs for Toe. Pliant! to January, 186fl, for fl.tO, Good Cheer, one rear. 25 cts.. Oor Couotrv Home one year, 35 cts. This offer Includes your local paper, a Arst-clsrs literary and home paper, a first-class agricultural pa per making a complete stock of family reading for a bole year and all for only fa. , WALL CABINETS of the finest description and an immense assortment ai mot's, is usnsi si., uonuu, TWO Unman feh, l.l.J a it ena.i i.-t . .iii-ii io tin iu iroui oi i rili road train at tietritif L.L.IL.L. comet Te nd rtnthlx lo 'iiOi 8 ' uuroul TuwiUy bight. 1om 1161,0(10, il5ht.a.SHiirrr 0QVt'' llje AiMtktu UDttatUn ftiwv doln i itreft. lloiton, wm Uh TtimJiy ifternMD. M j T!!r.di8,,1Ii"D'' MhtwdilBilfin, .Mi'iI."r!tUifor xu murdr tad me of a liltlf (.in ii m August. -A WOmin tl.l hs 14 ..... -II ..a ..4 fn-f,i.7Vi 7 'jrtwum uniRuifr were ioki f?nmPfJ. 5fd ,n. W"P tile retnrnlDB on foot frolen ihff The,fl Juit Ven found Inrt r, .i,tflf iiU tM,k d0B of P'r prteu WM,. u.hoat,.wlAl "flaring temporttlly f rom rLltF.rlJiy 1 m4n mplojfdon Ihe WMblDRtnn ttonnmenl wM iiantliDg on oue of the 1n1de caf folds, nrir the tot. of th aft, whf he loit bli bl- ""JVi OIJ W ,ua11 wb,ch Projtvtfd from another " , , ... ru wmw, ana ihere lie uudb tut Ef ? UDtu ,-CHpd- "I tUe mil RWen wiy or torn throiiRh hin sleeve b would have fallen a dis tance of over 500 feet. i,i7 M'".hew McOirron, Nf Vorlt labore r, out nla wife's .5. 1. .. ...i i... ' . i . drunken quarrel and ran away. He waa arreted. .7r bnr"I''i out of Ihree werecaptnred at Gird nor.Maaa., Tueaday nlaht.wbllp In tbeact of rob- nobody ' UMd fTu!Tfr tut hutt -The winter drowntnpteaxonopfna with the death ii A Vf!."'flM bl,y at litldpt Mo., on Tueaday. --v miuuKu tuB ice w uue aaaiing. rTTA w,'tliy Engthhman of iOmarrlcd bin atittat Milwaukee. Win.. Mnnd.v nlotir Than Km ith come from TrtMon, England, adltanceof 4'Uumllei. to Ret around the Lngllub liw which forblda the roar nage of auota and nephews. The reremouy waa pt-r-inrmedattheboiireor a rt-latlre ami the bride aud groom left at once on their return to Eogland. Fanny Elaeltr, the famoua dancer, who created a furore In ihla country on her Witt her in 181(t,dledln London last week. A decision lo favor of the tlmlt ( Unhnn rnmni. ny wa; rendered in the United Mate circuit court In ew ork Monday In Its cult with the people's rom pauy the priority of the Bell aud Praw baiiRh loTeutlonii. Die decision Is Mid to be worth 100 millions of dolUn to tho liell people. The case now goes to the aupreme court. The Mlddlftown. N. Y National bank his failed through the criminal reckletine)s of Its president In making loans to a apt culatnr. The director left ev erythlng to him and now they flud that the bank's capital of 1200.000 and Its surplus of $US,U0H has bten wiped out. The Yale-Prlnceton foot ball match played io New York city latt week, was ono of the moiit brutal and ickentng exhibitions which this country has erer seen. No slugging match of the lowest kind ever snrpttaed It for vlelouaueM, bloodthirsty animosity, personal violence and utter disregard or the feeling of the spectators. One man waa all but killed! au other bad his hiad broken aud his aboulder dUlocat d. Blood flawed like water, and there waa scarcely one of the contestants who was not a fit subject for hospital treatment after tbn game wai flnlahett. the performance is everywhere condemned. Harvard college will either abolish the game or make its atu dents adopt new rules. An"Amerln Elcctrlcsl Exhibition" to to oreu In Doston next Mondav ia the Charitable Mechanics' aaioclatl'jn building, which will show all recent in ventions and discoveries In electrical science. A fourteenycarso1d boy named Thomas Collins is supposed to have been carried over Niagara Falls Tueaday evening by slipping In to the tail-race under the road near Trospect park. He wa at work at fl p. u wheeling sawdust and dumping It I it to the race, and bis barrow waa found alone tipped up late in the evening. LIDIES DESKS and Muolc Hacks, the Unrest and finest assortment ever shown in B iston, can now be seen at I'alue's on Ci n a tat. .opposite the MM tie depot. The M 4SHac L UHhtt 4 fMjt.reuie court lioMi that a pfcrrion who prt-tt-nin to bo a phvuician and aJmiuistorx tuedic.QPH tho conitqutncea of which he has no knowledge and cannot lorente U guilty or critniual carclesHuesa. One reason wbv II cut's Kldnev and Lirerl tltut. dt is so popular for the cure of dleases of the kid. neys, liver and bladder, is tba It shows Immediate Improvement io the condition of the patient and re covery Is steady and certain. lis cures have been so wonderful that pb)slclaua of all schools prescribe it In their practice. Integrity U a lrlue which seeks and needs no ros turner. The combination. Droiortloo and Droceia In rtrenir. Ins Hood's Sarsai'Srllla. are lecullar to this modlrlot. abd unknown to others. From ltev. U. T. Torsey, I). I)., h L. D., President aiaiuo nesievan berumary aim rem ale uoilece. Kent's IIUI, Me. "Mr, F. U'. Ulnintuni Dear Mir For five years the students uoder my care have uied Ad amsou's Botanic Cough Balsam, and have, I think, found It second to no other remedy for throat and Inog troubles," Ctaslorltt. When baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris, When she was a child, she cried for Caatorta, ben she was a miss, ah cluug to Castorta, When ahe bad children, she gave them Cut or la. When began oalns Ely's Cream Balm my ra tarrh was so bad I had headache the whole time and discharged a large amount of flllhy matter. That baa almost entirely disappeared and I have not bad head ache since.- tJ. II. Summers, btepne y, Conn. Triumph of Hclrnre Chemistry never achieved a more decided triumph than In the production of BOZO 1)0 NT, w hich Is a bo. taoical preps ratiou of wondrou efficacy In preferring and beautifying the tettb, rrsculog them from decay, and rendering them white aa alabaster. It la a toilet luxury of which all should avail themselves. The uu Eleasant odor communicated to the breath by catarrh, ad teetb, etc , Is entirely obvUted by this fragrant and salutary antiseptic vt which one bottle lasts a long lime, uruggma ana penumtrs sen it. How often do wi bear of the sudden fatal termina tion of a case of croup, when a young life might hare been saved by the prompt use of Ayer'a Cherry recto ral I Be wise in time, and keep a bottle of It on band, ready for Instant nae. Hnhacrlbora and Agents are requested not to aend postage staropa lu remitting for The P lice nix when they can conveniently avoid doing so. Tboae who choose to send us an even $2 will be credited for fi month. That Hums If Cp. We could uae all sorts of extravasrant words about the effects of Parker's llalr Balsam. But the simple truth la enough, it is tne dpii tiling or its iiud. Cures fa 111 off hair, dandruff, drynces.restorrs original color, Is a delicious dressing and perfectly pure and clean. It will satisfy you. The only standard 60c. dressing. Adt Ice to Moluera. Are you disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying wltb psln or cut ting teetb 7 If ao, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winalow'a Hootbfng Syrup for Children Teeth ing. Its value la Incalculable. It Kill relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it, moth ers, there la no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and dlarrbcea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind cone, softens tne gums, reduces toe tlon, and gives tone and energy to tbe whole system. Mrs. Wlnelow'aSootfflng Syrup for Children Teeth ing is pleasant to the taste, and is tbe prescription of one of the oldeat and best female nnrsea and physi cians In tbe United States, and Is for sale by all drug gists throughout tne worm, rrice, cts. a Dome. A Card. Mr. snd Mrs. O. 1 Miller extend their sincere thanks to their friends, including especially those of the Estey Guard and First Regiment band, for their recent generous gifts of remembrance. CHRISTMAS, STATUARY, Engravings & Pastels, Artistic Picture Framing, Fine Art Gift Books, AT CHENEY & CLAPPS. M. ARMSTRONG, PLUMBER, Vinton llullillnar. Ilruttlrl.oro, VI. nlHE most Improved ssnlttrj sppllanres at roy 1 Miop, IncIilSIm the Meter, Bulffln Co., i, h. Moll's sod Hartford disss Water Closets. Dealer In all kinds of I'lomblog materials. A full line of gn na tures and globes. We do work as reasonable as other parties. Jobbing promptly attended lo. Sauefsrtlon nn.HnlMll i9tf ' ' Rheumatism We drtulit If there Is, nr can l, n apeclfie remedy for rheumatism but thousands who liavo auffered Its iialiu havo hccii prcntly ben efited by Itood'a Rarsntmrlll.a. If you havo tailed to find relief, try this (treat remedy. "I waa afflicted Willi rheumatism twenty yean, l'rcvlous to lass t found no relief, but grew worse, and tit ono tlmo was almost hell leas. Hood's Barsaparllla did mo moroRood than alt tho other medicine 1 ever bad." H.T.IlALcoM.Bhlrlcy Village, Mass. "I had rheumatism threo years, and got no relief till I took Hood's Sartaparllla. It baa dono great things for me. I recommend It tr. others." Lewis Huiuunk, Iilddcford, Me. , Hood's Barsaparllla Is characterized by threo peculiarities i 1st, tho eomMnailon of remedial agont Sd, tho proportion) 8d, tho proeett of securing tho actlvo medicinal qualities. The t estilt la n mcdlclno of unusual atrcngth, cffeellni: cures hitherto unknown. Send tor book containing additional evidence "Hood's Barsniarllla tones up my system, purines my blood, ah.iri ens my appetite, and seems to mako mo over." .1. v. TnoMfsoN, lteglstcr of Deeds, Loncll, Mass. "Hood's Birsaparllla beats all others, and JiW"! K'welghtln E"ld." I. IlAItitiNOTON, 130 Ilank Street, New York City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. It tlx for $5. Mado only by O. I. HOOD it CO., Lowell, Mass. iI00aDoso8 Ono Dollar. In Dritlleboro, Dec. 3,"a dURbler to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Yeaw. In Jstkionrllle, Nov. 1J, a son to Mr. snd Mrs. Tllcbard Dtvls. fHnrriaflts. ..'H. V'rnon, Dee. 3, by ttT. E. W. Whitney, rrsncla II. Woodird snd Suele M. Nmton, tinlh or V. In Itellofts Valle, Nov. H7,.by ltev. J. N. Etrery, C. T. Whitney of. Trey, N. II., snd I.. L. Ilsjwsrd or Londonderry. In Weetmorelsnd, N. II , by ltev W. S. W lllltms nt rutney, Chirlie E. Firtlngton ol roln-v aud Elri O. Drlttoo of Westmoreland. In Howe, Ms.,Nnv. 27,' by V. M. purler, T,i( , Freemsn K. Stone snd lUttle S. Wsete, both of It The bride Is a granddaughter of Dea. L. A, Wsrrrn or Jickennrille. In NorthtleM, Mi., Nov. 11, by llev. E It. Drile, Orrlo l'utnsm of l'hllllpntiui snd Nellie L. Ilolt.m. In, Mss.,b ltev Davis Foster, Horry E. Ilrownor Warwick aod.Mlonie A.Whitney of Ches ter, Vt DcatljB. In Ilraltlrboro, Nov. Ill, Mrs. 8milel tl. Wells, Ca. lo llrattleboro. Nov. 30. Albert A. Ilirrltigton, 11. Tbebo.ty was ukeo to Wllrottigtnn for bnrlal. In Wllmlnatoo, Nov. 58, Mrs. O. E. Denulnn. In Townabend, Nov. 33, IXrld Wlswdl, CI, In Weatmlnater, Nov. 10, Mary Ann D mte of I. N. Farr. In Windham, Nov. 31, of heart dleease, Mrs. Emms n. Dntton, S3. IntWeet Townshe'nd, Nor.!2),'Davld A. I'omroy, C3 Iu Rutons Itlver.Dec. 2, Cipt. I'.llabs Llvermore.Oi. In Cheater, Nov. il, Ilenjsnilo F.HptulHIng, 77, Iu Londonderry, Mark II. Farnewortb, 41. Iu Hlo-Jalr, N. II., Dec. 3, John Rtesrns. m. In llernardeton, Mass., Nor. Ss, Emma F.. wife of W. E. Nichols, 39. In New Sab-ro, Mass., Dec. 3, Marlbt Clara, wife or Ellsworth J. Tsvlor. and dsuibter or Levi New ton, 10. Iu Cameron, Mo., Nov. 33, Dr. E. Foes, furmer.y of Oration. Ncto &tjbrrttstmcnt0. "rAN I'EI). A fw morn ItnardnrA nnii TT LodRersran be accommodated bT me at the Brattleboro UouRe, Q7tf W. II, MOODY CHOICESTvJUVENILE . BOOKS At CHENEY & CLAPP'S. Settlement Notice. ALL TEIISONS Indebted to II. C. WILLAIID are requested to mak. Immediate settlemeut wttb lilui. llrattleboro, Dec. 3, 1B81, 43io Plush Stationery Boxes At CHENEY & CLAPP'S. THE MtATTLEnOIlO SEWING MACHINE COMPANY announce Iho coniplctton of tho Estoy, Fill-lor-Moilcl SoAriug Mnclilnc. As the Inventor nnd owners are well known, nnd ooiishlcralile interest has been shown in the progress of the machine, an opening will lie held at the store of C. W. Stewart, Hooker Itlock, Ik'kIiiiiIii? Wednes day, Dee. 10th, and closing Satur day evening, Dee. 13th, through each day and evening. Tho public are invited to attend. An interest ing souvenir of tho occasion will bo presented to each lady visitor. Baskets & Workstands At CHENEY & CLAPP'S. BALED HAY, AND SALT. VERMONT BA.VINCIS HANK A. meeting of tb Trustees of this bank will be held at their banklon bonae In Brattleboro on Wednesday, the i loth day of December, A. D. 1884. at 3 o'clock r, K. Dual,, to declare lb. TTtb Ue jt a Drattleborc, Dec. 3, 1884. II At CHENEY & CLAPP'8. Wo have an extra bargain in sacked FINE MIDDLINGS to offer for a few days. Wo consider this tho cheapest feed wo have at tho price wo aro selling for. A largo lot of sacked WINTEH WHEAT Hit AN duo tho last of this month ; and as there is inoio than we can storo. wo will contract to deliver on arrival at extremely low prices. No. 1 TIMOTHY HALED HAY delivered to any part of tho village. Ilomomber that wo keep all grades of FLOUR, and you save 25c a barrel by getting your Hour hero for cash. VALLEY MILL CO., Xur 1iMit II II. Croaafng-. SCRAP BOOKS .... AT .... CHENEY & CLAPP'S. TO-MORROW HAWLEY Will start a Special Sale of Books and otherHoliday Goods in his Basement. ILrtjnl Notices. To-morrow HAWLEY will offer lot Tycoon Reps at 12 l-2c, usually sold at 25c. To-morrow HAWLEY will be ready to show a bout 200 Farm for Sale In Wil mington. SITUATED H rotlM rant nf Wllmlmitrn villigf, coDalatlnn of 200 acrft wfll fenced, niontly atone wall. Tb buildlnga am Id sooil repair, wltb durable water at bouoaod Lam. Tbere la a yoiip oicturd Jaat bfRiontDR to War, tort a fugar lot cf OKJ trrri, furnUbed bdJId good order, IbA farm will aomroer 15 cowa, and more tbio tbat number of younit ttock. Tbe mowlog ire tiuootb and prodoc from 50 tn r0 tooaofbiy. There la plenty nf wood for uie vt tbe place, beilJfe quit a quantity of Kpruee aod llfro. lock lumber. All parte eaay of acceaa. No town debt. Tbe aubacrlber befog out of beallb will aell at luw flft urei. Addreaa, or enquire of tbe anbacrlbur nn Ibe oremliei. G2 A. M. rAUUELEE. ME HID SfflHBlS At CHENEY & CLAPP'S. T1TANTED Ooe good wood YV Cook Stove wltt Ilescryolr, .9-51 H. T. VAN DOORN. PEANQ'S CHRISTMAS OAEDS JLt CIIE.VEV iV OX.All"al. Which he bought in New York this week at clearing-out prices. Among the lot are some very rich, fine garments. I also closed a jobber's stock of best American Cretonnes, same as are always sold at 25c, which I shall put on sale at 15c a yard. Among them are some of the new Turcoman stripe patterns. And hero are some other bargains which I picked up at less than cost of impor tation: The large lot of White Spanish Scarfs, fine quality, with'pearl edges good as anything I have heretofore had at $2.50, which are to be sold at SI.50 EACH. Another lot at S2, worth $4. Big lot of Black in same goods SI.50, which are worth $2.50, and an other lot-at $2.75 worth $4.50. Lot all-wool French Arinurps, 40 lo 4',' Inches wide, 50c a Yd. Xovcr sold before less than 7"c. The shmlei are myrtle, imvy, seal, nine anil brown. They onsht to cut up very quirk. 100 Luce '1 ies, same ns we used to sell at 'i'c, for 5c each. Lot 15c grade Cretonnes, 10c n yard. J.ot 75c grade fine cashmere La dies' Hose, 50c a Pair. Lot best Prints, 5c a yd. All-wool Double Shawls worth $6, for $4.50 each. Two numbers in Black Cashmere, one to be sold at 75c, the other at 85c a yard, which are finer than any I have ever be fore seen sold at price. Two pieces more oflllack I)rap do Alma nt $1.15 and $1.25, same as last lot. I closed out a lo' of flue Children's Cloaks at 40 per cent reluction from usual priot. Sball iva iuj- ccMouitr tbe advantage of tbe reduction. Hiz In tbix let are 4, C, 8 and 10 years. Wilt runke A reduced price to loe out brnktn ftfl-inrtment of fuzes iu tie Children'a Cloaks atradj iu Mock. I closed outalot of 23 imported Dolmans heretofore sold at $25.00 each, which I shall sell at $15 each, And a lot of 20 imported Russian Circulars worth $20, which I shall at $15 each. I bought of tho importor tho last of imported tailor-mado Garmonts, same as those I havo boon soiling at $28.50, at a reduction of $3.50 oaeh, and shall soli thorn now at $25 each, This will bo tho last chanco to got this particular Garment of tho samo Importor. I filoBod 20 tailor-made EDglisli twilled Kersey Newmarkets- worth $20,vbich I shall sell at $15 each. I closod a Manufacturer's stock of 14 dlfforont stylos of tight-fitting long Pollsso at a Dig cut in price. NOW Xs th.o time to find in nay Oloals room tno largest stools X have ever snown, ana a great many esscep tional bargains in nice goods. I shall commence to-morrow a special sale of HANDKERCHIEFS. Thera wi 1 be some bircrains offered which will be worth picking up This department will be in charge ot fliiss luabel bmuii. People are invited lo come in find examine the. upeclnl Ixtrgdhm of- leren, imeuier iney wish to uuv or not. H, I. HAWLEY. Wood & Office Baskets At CHENEY & CLAPP'S. U TAX II OF Vi:il.TIO,T, Mtulbm-o KB. O Tbn rrobite Court for Mid D.itrfct. To nil pr"nn Intrmtpil In tb Hut ale of JOSUf!! h. WEAlllElUIEAD.IitP of Guilford, Id Ml.l District, dsorarrd, OrettlDg. You ar htrtbf tiotlflttl that 8, U. Huot, Efcntor of lh lint will vt Mlt clrcr- 1 fd, baa prMeaird to tbln Court ft petition pri) Inp fr llrrone lo Ml tbe wbold nf (be real etate of uld d1- , reartd and ban alia Abd fvbatpurporla to bMhe if'ti frut of all tbe rtcvlfM rroidlnp In tldfl lateto urb and tbat tbla ronrt will deride I upon raid petition at tbeaeaalon tbereof to be held at ' the Probite Office In Drattletwro. In aiM UUIrlct, on i tbe lant Rattirdar or December. A. L). 1814, when and where you may appear and be heard tu tbe pre in Ufa If you ee caune. STATK r I'Elt.MOrVT, MarllK-roSH. Tbe Trnbate Court for aald Dlfttrlrt. To all nor booh lotereatid In tbe entate ot in A. Consr.Ule of Wilmington, In eald diflrlrt, dteaa- cu, .irreiinR. You are hereby notified tfaat thin Court will dTtdo aifon the allowance of tbeaoconntof J Henry Kidder, Admlrilntralor iip'tn tnld Ralate, and deeree dintrt bullon tbrreof to tbe pernona entitled, at the eeeeimi thereof lo be beld at the Probate tfTIre in B-attltboro on tbe taet Saturday of December, A. D.I884, v, ben and wuereyou may ne ueara in int premie, ir you arc cauoe. 49 K. W. STODDARD, Itfgliter. CJTATE OP VKBtnwXT, Marlboro HH. O Tbe Probate Court fur raid DUtrfct. To atlneraon lnterraledln tbetatateof ItOSAN.VA M. WIt.UAMH. late of Newfane. In aald dlotrlrt. deceased, Greet Id c. bereaaJ. II. MERRIFIELD baa prnenteit to tbla Court an Instrument purporting lo be tbe lait U HI of aid deceiied, for probate l -You are hereby nntlQed that thia Court will decide upon tbe probate nf eald !ntriimnt at a aeaalon thereof to be beld at tbe pro bate office In llrattleboro on tbe lant Haturdar of De cember, 18St, when and where you may appear and conteat tbe tame, If you aee cauae. v w niuiJUAitu, upgiaier. STATi: or VKIlMO.T, Marlboro B8. Tbe Probatf Court fur aald Dlatrlrt. I'o all pcrKona lnterraled In the estate of MARY II. WEATIIMUIEAD, late of Guilford, d(ccarj. ureeung. Yon are berebr notified tfaat tbla court will decide nron tbeallowauce of tbe account of K.W.H1UDDAUD apeclal Admlnlitrator upon aald Estate, and Kiccutor of tbe lant Will of aald deceaaed, and decree dlatribu tlon thereof to the peraona entitled, at tbe aeralon thereof to be beld at tbe probateoffice In llrattleboro on tbe laat Saturday of Dec'r. 1881. when and where you may be beard In tbe preinlaei, If yon ace cauae. IV 11. 1 JUOgfl. STATE Ol. VEIt.tlOXT, Weitmloiter BS. Tbe Probate Court fur aald Dlatrlrt. ro all peraona Interested In tbe estate of ISAAC N. PIKE, late of Jamaica, in aald dlattlcl, decraaed, ureeiiDg. Y'n are hereby notified that 0car R. Garfield, ad- mlnlatrator of sail eatate, ban presented bis petition tn this court, settlUK f"rtb Hit sJd deceaaM In bis nieiime waa utiurr rorinci, uioumg id law ana eque tf. to ded certain land to said Jams lea to oue Itilt-r A David upon the fulfilment of certain c inditlons nbtcb bare beiti performed said premises being tbe fatue which J. O. Eddy enveyod tn said Pike ou tbe 3oib diy of Uctotxr, 1879, and all tbe fixturea and machinery lu and about the premises and baa pray ed for license lo contey tbe same according to said contract; and It la ordered that tb same be referred for bearing and declilou to tbe serslon of said court to be beld at tbe Probate Office In Townsht nd, In said dlstrli t, on tb first Uednsday In Januar), A.D.I 885, t wnicn puce sou lime yon may ne nearn u you see rame. CHAS. 11. I.DDV, Roister, Dited Dec. 3, 1881. 49 STATE Oft" VEIS.tlOXT, Marlboro HN. Tbe Probate Court (or said District. To all whom itmiyconcero. Greeting. Whereas HMlNA A. C'LItK. adiBtnlatrator vt tbe estate of Catherine V. May, late of llrattleboro, In said district, deceased, has reprepented that Tbe amount of debts due from said deceased and cbargea of administration, esilraated,are f Ct Tbat tbere is no personal property. uaianre oi ae dis snu expenses cnargeaoie on me real estate oi saia (jpcea'eu, l,cyj 64 PraTlnc for llcenre to sell so much of tbe real csUt of Ruld deceaaed as is neceo'sry 1 r tbe payment of said debts and charges of administration. breupon It is ordered that lh same ht bard at tbe session of said court to bp bi Id at tbe Probate Cf. fic In Drattleboro on tbe lat Kiiturday of December, 184, wbeu and wbrre tou mir be heard lu the premises if you aee came. 49 Qon.niNio.Kit.v NOTICE. The underslsned. bavlos been aDnolnted bv the Ilonorable Probate Court for tbe District of Weatmln- ttr.Commlsloners to receire. examine and adlnat all claims anddmanda of all persons againat tbe ea. Mis oi trnfrwD h. emiiD, uie oi Jamaica, in said district, deceased, and all claims exhibited In offset thereto, hereby give notice that we 111 meet for the purpose aforesaid, at E. 1 Waterman's office on tLe nil luesosy m .uecmoer ana last l uesday oi March next, from 10 o'clock a M until 4 p. u,, eacb of said dais, and tbat six months from th 7th day of NoTember,lS84,lB tbe time limited by said court r iu creunurH to prrirui lueircisima io us ior ex amination and allowance. DatJ at Jaroala, this It dsr of December, 13S4. . t t"ft!VAV' Comml..1oirs. Stillltan Adm'r. ' 43 o (sTiniMNIOXKIth' NOTICE. ESTATE OF OSMEIt C, TITTS. The UDdersfirned. barlne been annolnted bt tbe Hon. Probate Court for the Dlsttlct of Marlboro. commissioners torecelve.examlneand adjust all claims anddemandsof all persona against the estate of OS MERC. riTTH, late of Wardsboro In said diet ceased.and all claims exhibited In offset tbereto.bereby give notice thst we will meet fortbe purpose aforesaid at tbe late residence of said deceased, on tin I at Tue dayof Januarr and 1st Tuesday of April nsxt, from 10 A. M till 4 r. W. no eacb of paid days, and that six mouths from the Cth day of Norember, A.D. lhW, lathe time limited by said Court for ssld crdlt ort tonreenttberclalms to us for examination and allowance. Dated at Wardsboro, this .1 1 day of December, 18S4. J M.",k7duu comn..lor.. c O.n.THNHIOXEniH AOTIt'E ESTATE OF EDWIN C. STARR. We. the subscribers, dnlv annotated bv ths It nr. Irobate Court for the District of Marlboro, Com missioners to rrcclTe, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persous against the estate cf EDWIN C.hTARR,lateof Wbltlotifaam.ln said Dlitrirt deceased, and also all claims and demands exhibited In offset thereto, and six months from th lai Hav of November being allawed by said conrt for that purpose, we go loereiore nereuy give nonce tnat we will attend to tbe business of our aald appolntmentat A A. Datterfleld'i office In Whli Ingham on tbe second Satarriay cf January and second Saturday of April next, from 9 o'clock a, m. until 4 o'clock r. u. on eacn oi aaiu uays. iaieu at m ingoam, tni inn uay oi it. ism. A. AMnffin, W. A. Tsnlinrr, Admr. 4? PIANOS. STEINWAY, OHICKERING-, KNABE, BEHNING. THE BEST PIANOS MADE. EDWARD CLARK, 87 Main St., Brattleboro, Vt. FAMILY BIBLES At Cheney & Clnpp'.s. HOOKER BLOCK:. SAVE YOUR TEETH By linviiu them filled In nsoienlific ninnncr by Jr. L KNAPP THE NEW DENTIST. MOTTO : rrcserve, Beaul ily, Ko store. Office in Hooker's Block opp. Brooks House, Brattleboro, Vt. G-O-L-D P-E-N-S At CHENEY & CLAPP'S. SATURDAY MORNING, DEC, 6, HAWLEY will begin his nnnunl ChrMnins Hook Sale. At tho com mencement of tho sale tho assort ment will bo larger than in pre vious sales, but many publications will not ho duplicated, lluyers can mako selections early and havo them reserved until Christmas, if they wish. Prices will ho tho samo as given in tho largo city book sales. On tho snmo day Saturday, Dec. 0 I shall also bo ready to show my full assortment of other Christ mas goods. N, I, HAWLEY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS At CIIEXKV dc CLAPr'N, Hats, Furs and Furnishings CALL AT OUR NEW STORE FOR YOUR DEEolicIay" Selections I An olcgiint lino or every varlolv In lino NECK-DRESS, 811k nnd Cashmere MUFFLERS, Silk SUSPEN DERS, GLOVES, MITTENS, CARDIGANS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RUTT0NS, SCARF PINS', COLLAR RUTT0NS, Celluloid nnd Linon COLLARS & CUFFS, FOOT MATS, FUR R0RES, COATS, LAP R0HES, HOUSE CLOTHING, TRUNKS, TRAVELING RAGS, Silk nnd every othor quality of UM-RRELLAS. Do not make a purchase until you have examined our stock of New Goods! SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND FUR GAPS ARE OUR SPECIALTIES! AGENTS TROY LAUNDRY. EDWARDS & LILLIS: WINTER CLOTHING! SPECIAL BAZEO-A-IIISrS IUST OVERCOATS, ULSTERS, FROCK AND SACK SUITS, DOUBLE-BREASTED REEFERS & VESTS. R BOYS AT LOW PRI Broken Sizes in All Grades for Less than Cost! HEAVY UNDERWEAR he LOWEST JOB PRICES! WOOLEN, CHEVIOT AND LAOE SHIRTS IN GREAT VARIETY. The Genuine "EIGHMIE" Dress Shirt. Also, a Full Line of GLOVES and HALF-HOSE and all Furnishing Goods ! THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF TRUNKS AND BAGS WE HAVE EVER SHOWN, AT BOTTOM PRICES. Clothing Made to Order! WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FOREIGN AND AMERICAN WOOLENS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORS, Which we will Make to Order at Short Notice! Pratt, Wright&Co. No. 3 Granite Block, Brattleboro, Vt. AT AND CAP STORE IN R'STTHER BLOCK. I. am now settled Ln my now quarters, and shall be pleased to show ; friends and natrons a full stock of everything in my line, including UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, MITTENS. CARDIGANS, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR OF THE LATEST SHAPES, &c., SCOTCH CAPS. FUR CAPS. COLLARS & CUFFS 2 CENTS EACH. I have a fow UulTalo and Dog COATS, plain ami beaver trimmings, that I will mako bottom prices on. E KNAPP, 87 MAIN ST., BRATTLED0R0. NEW PRICES OX AIBEOS Agent for Troy Laundry. i- nllnlMgu M& BHUIBIBIUIJ VUBUI GREAT DRY GOODS OF PRICES. THE UNDERSIGNED, " llarluir t"l4- sesHum oi me enure StOCk, COtlSlltlDR of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c, lately ownotl bj V. W.TRIXK.Itj vlrtueof fcrnort Kaif, the condition .i of wtilcli have been broken, now offer the tarau for bale at irreatlj reduced pri ces. Tills nock, which Is a choice one In everj particular, MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY. EARLY PURCHASERS will: have the advantage of selections, besides VERY LOW PRICES. fl. V, CR0WELL, F. W. GUILDS, Mortfjagees. OXFORD TEACHERS' BIBLES At ClIF-'VEY A- CI,A11"H. DIARIES FOR 1885 At CHENEY & CLAPP'S. CHEAPER THAN EVIR, ' 5 cents. . 39 " 6a7i " 12 , 39 " 33 " Good Print . . . Best red twilled Flannel Continental Cotton . Best Bed Tick , . . Fresh lnt ladies Underwear A good Vest for '.ladies , . Gentlemen . . . 44 Black Cashmere 48-inch . 75 ' One lot good Felt Skirts . 35 " Look at onr batin Bibbons all , , colors . . 5, 8, 10, 12 Fall Hoe Dennlogton Underwear for both T.idlea aud Gentlemen, In all grade., at very low prices. Wuitn. Huff, Scarlet and Grey. A lot of Children'. Vesta and rants from 20 cents up. We still keep the Bame line of Illack Silks that have been bo popular for tbe last three yearn, and the price la lertj than tTer before. We are having new Carpets every few daye aud ate selling tbem ao low that you can at. ford to buy one. K good Heojp Carpet for 20 cents. A lot Slllc,Llnen and Cotton Handkerchiefs j aUo full line Gloves, Hosiery, Skirts and lots of other things for Christmas. We are selling CLOAKS and DOLMANS for both Ladies and Children very cheap, CALL AND LOOK AT OUR PRICES AND WE WILL DO YOU GOOD. F. f . KUECH & CO. Market Reports. NEW YORK, Dm. S. Flour Saperflne WtMttrn nd BUte. 2.703.25; eitr do.t 3.305.00; ratnt Mir neBot,a.00i510. WheatNo, 2wiotfrred 0.85; No.t, wuitr, u.o. n;rf uukoo c. iiariey, UOru, No. 2, B0X51c; No. a white, OOaOOe. 0ti No. 2, 31i31W: do. wbltr. 32W32L'. Butter firm. htm-. 30i29; Western, 931. L'beee State, 912J, vxiv.auu, urCi Dt?v no, i unicago iprinR, 73;i73Xc. Corn,35a35c. Oati, 25fc Ilye, 51c. Earlej, fiSe. RT. LOUIB, Dec. 3. Wheal No. 2 red fall, 73V76. Corn.OOaS. Oata,0Da2S. Rye,i8Kc Uarley, 0075, York Htock a ad Stonrj ITIurkfii. NEW YORK, Dec, 2. OOTernment Bonda (J. 8.3a 01 1.4 do, i l-2a con poo 118 34 do.ia.. " 133 3-8 1) oat on Woo market BOSTON. Dec. 8. There baa been a (inlet bualneaa In wool thla week aalea amounting to 2,000.000 lba. of all kind i. Ohio and Pennaylvanla, 3UZ5 for Xt XX and boTf,3135. Ulchigaot 29i30. Fine delalne,35a 35.; No. 1 combing, 3537. Hailed wool, 2535c fur common and good aupera ; 3335 for choice eaatern. lVatcrlovrn ITnlon JLIrei Slock MMrktil. Market Beef Cho'ce. 100 0000 00: extra. 8.009.23 . flritqoality, 7007 50; econdquallty,600i660;ttilrd quality, 4 0044 60. IN.B. Choice IncJnde nothing but atall.fed 1100 to 1400 lb. bullocks. Extra and flrat qaallty inclndn the beat fat oxen. Second and third quality Inclnde oxen and two and three year old ateera. Btore Cattle Working oxen, per pair, from f 100 to 225. MUcaCowaaudCalTei(20, 3Sa(8. Fancy cowr, iw8u. yearunj;, luaao: 'iyearaoia, jiasu; a year old.Siatf. Swine Weatem fat, lire, at 4 Vi S-i e a lb. North ern dreaaed boga, 5c. Sheep and Lamba In lola, $2 00, 3 034 00 each; extra, 450063; or from J to l-3o per lb, VealCalrea, 2a7Kc per lb. Country Uldeafla7cper lb.; Country Tallow,3 12 ale I'elta 60al lOo eacb. Calf Skfoa, lU.OOo per lb. Ilo ton Market Notre, From the Journals City Article, 2d. Io the butter market tbere la unly a light movement aud tbe general feature are the same ts laat week, Aa the northern creamerlea have been cloaed aloe tb flrat of November, dealer are forced to depend entirely npon tbe weal for euppliea of floe freab atock end It I difficult to get all tbat la wanted. Moat of Ibe northern fall make la aold out. Well-kept an ai mer creamery la meeting with a fair demand at 26 to 23 centa, and it probably will clean up at tbeae prlcea. Moat of tbe new made dairy la off In flavor, aod wry little coming la from New York atate or Vermont la worth 25 ceota. The receipta of bean at Boaton for tbe put month foot up 11,251 barrela of all kluda agaloat t797 barrel for the correapoodlng month laat year. Our market la now overaupptied and the tendency of prlcea la downward. Since tbe flrat of November there baa been a decline of 25 ceota per buahel, and bottom haa not yet been touched. The beet Vermont pea are quoted at $1.80 to S1.85 for rouod lota. The beat me dluma are bard to aell lo large lota at fl.W Tbere contlnuea to bo an active export trade Io ap- f lei.aud It promlie to ba quite brfak for aome week o come, aa large quantltlea are coming la oa through bill from tbe Weat and Canadt, Dealer are well atocked and not diepoaed to bay except at low prlcea. Total receipta at Bo i ton for the month of November were 193,396 barrela agaloat 93,694 barrela lame month laat year. Strictly freab eggi are aelllog at 29 to 31 ceota per doteo. All other klnda are dull and take a wide range, aa to quality. Northern are aelllog moatly at 26 to 27 centa. roUtoea are meeting with a pood trade at CO to 55 ceota for eaatern roae, tbe outalde for extra quality. Tbe poultry trade cootlouea dull. Becelpla from the weat are locreaalng and prlcea are tendlog down ward. Choice weateru tnrkeye are aelllog at IS centa, and 16 to IT cent la an extreme range for northern cblckeoa, and fow la move alowly at 10 to 14 centa. Refined angara are eaaler and lo moderate demand. We quote cut loaf and cubea i 0i centa, powdered at 6 1-3 ceotp, granulated at t)4 centa and coffee cruibed at 4 1-2 to fS' centa per pound, aa to quality, BARBOTINE WARE At CHENEY & CLAPP'S.