OCR Interpretation

Vermont phœnix. [volume] (Brattleboro, Vt.) 1834-1955, November 27, 1903, Image 6

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W. J. Itnnd Is vlsltlnB a fow dnys ln
Nntlek Mnss.
Mrs. J. M. Powors hns rcturned from a
vlslt ln Waterville, P. Q.
Mrs. Ella ltondeau lias boon suffcrlnB
from n (iiilnsoy soro thro.it.
Mlss Emmn Ball hns liocu spondlng a
fow duys wlth rclntlvos lij Imvn,
llov. F. M. Bnker wont Mondny to hls
lioino ln I.coinlnstcr, Mnss., to spcml
Tlio Chrlstlan Endonvor sooloty wlll
kIvo nn pntrrtnlnincnt ln tlio vcslry Fri
day ovenlng, Dec, 4.
Sevornl from hero nttendod tlio nnlon
Clirlatlnn Endcavnr mcctltig ln Saxtons
Hlvcr Sunday ovenlnB-
Cora Drown, Mlnnlo Dnnlinm, .Icnnlo
Iicmls, Fny Brldses nnd Nod Wymnn nro
nt homo from I.olnnd and Gray somlnary
for a two wcoks' vncation.
Mrs. L. L. Ilnnncy Is serlously 111.
Mlss Wlswnll of I'utnoy spent n. weoji
wlth hcr Brandmotlior.
Henry Sandcrs hns loft tlio employ of
Mrs. AV. M. Wnre nnd lias rcturncJ to
I'utnoy. Clmrles Jcnnlon of Dover has
takcn lils plnce.
Mrs. J. Day of Woodcllff, N. J., Is spend
ItiB some tlme wlth her dnuBhtcr, Mrs.
Arthur ltobblns. who lms not becn ns
well the past fow weeks.
C. M. Robblns wns onllod to Sprlngrtcld,
Mnss., on Mondny by the dpnth of hls
father, T. F. Robblns of thnt plnce. Hls
son, Arthur, nccompanled hlm.
School ln No. 3 wlll beRln the wlnter
term Monday, Nov. 30, and Miss Mnud
Styles wlll return ns teaeher. It Is unccr
tnln abotit school No. 1 at thls wrltlng.
Rcv. F. M. Wlswnll of Newfane wlll
preach ln the Baptlst clnirch ln Ilrookllno
next Sundny mornlnB at 11 o'cloek, la the
absenco of the pnstor. A cordlnl Invlta
tlon Is extended to nll to bo present. It
Is expected that a serlps of evansellstlc
servlces wlll begln ln the Daptlst church
Tuosday evenlng, Dec. S. A general at
tendanco from llrst to last Is deslred and
oarnestly sollclted.
A Bood numbcr of peoplo nttcndcd the
concert Rlvon by n bllnd man nt the Bnp
tlst chnppl last Saturday ovpnlnB.
Wo hnd a Bood fall of snow Mondny
nnd Tucsday, and ono man was sleddlng
Iobs n part of the tlme.
The fall term of Cannon school, tauRht
by Mlss Winlfred Sherman, closed Nov.
25. The attendnpco was Rood. Verna
Metcalf, GporBlo Metcalf, Carl Mptcalf,
Carl Howe and Earl Yeaw were not nb
sont during the term, nnd Walter Halla
day, Harry Mny nnd Grneo Sherman wero
nbsent bnt ono day. Therc wns but ono
lnstanco of tardlnoss and one of dls
mlsslal. The wlnter term wlll begln Nov.
Mlss Ethel Maynard nrrlved ln town on
Wednesday to spend Thanksglvlng.
Miss Esther Knight Is Brndually falllnB
ln strensth. Mlss Fanny Rlco of Dum
merston ls her nurse.
The school dlrcctors have becn thrco
wceks in tryliiB to llnd teachers to illl
the four vacanclcs in the schools of thls
town and havo obtnined only two teachers
up to datc. Mlss Marcy wlll tcach In the
South school and Mr. Gllmore in the Rldge
The Grnnso observed ladles' nlsht
Tuesday evenlng, Nov. 17. The attend
ance was good notwlthstandliiB unfa
vorable weather. The women confcrred
the flrst and sccond desreps, and tho lec
turer, Sister AiibIo Iteed, prescnted a
program conslstlns of muslc, roadlngs,
recitations nnd the farce, "The Bur
glar Alarm." Members wcro present from
Protective Orange. Tho Judges on the
program decidod In favor of tho women.
The thlrd and fourth dCBrees wlll bo
conferrcd at tho next mectinB on Doc. 1.
Amy Worden and Ray Bettcrlcy aro ill
wlth Jaundicp.
The flrst slelBhrlde of the season In thls
place was onjoyed Tuesday evenlng.
Mrs. Frank White nnd son of Worces
ter, Mnss., are at homo wlth her parcnts,
Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Wheeler.
Thero wlll be a meotlnB of the Woman's
Chrlstlan Toniperaneo Fnlon nnd of tho
Loyal Tetnperance I.eglon nt Mrs. G. It.
Wheeler's Saturday ovenins, Nov 28.
Jonathan I'ctcrson of lleath was In town
Mrs. A. C. Cllsbee, who hns been con
flncd to the houso several wecks by 111
ness, is' lmprovinB.
Levl Boyden hns flnlshed work for 11
E. Gatrs. Mr. Gates closed hls cldor
Jelly mill last Saturday.
Mlss Mnry Brnckott went Tuesday to
Gardner, Mass., for a two weeks' vlslt
wlth her sister, Mrs. 13. A. Stanley.
John Thompson nnd fnmlly and Klwin
Canedy of Greenfleld nnd Mrs. Mnrlon
Thomas of Turners Falls spent Saturday
nnd Sunday at D. M. Thompson's.
Mr. Hutchinson, who leaspd tho C, S.
DeWolf farm last spiing for two years,
rnoved last week, wlth hls famlly, to tho
north part of tho state.
Sorvlces wlll be held in Chrlst church
Sunday, Nov. 29, at 2.30 p. m.
Mrs. Martha Ballou Is very ill.
Mrs. Geortjo Morton, jr., and Mrs. A. K.
Powers are vlsltlng in town.
The school directors are gettlng lum
Uer to repalr tho villago schoolhouse.
D. G. Taylor and Fred Cheney of Jack
sonville aro puttlng ln tclephones this
Considernblo snow fell Tuesday, and
travel seems to bo nbout etiually dlvlded
between wheels and runners.
Rev. L. W. Brlgham of Chlcago preach
ed an interestlng and Instructlvo dls
course to a large congregntlon at tho Unl
versallst church last Sunday. Mr. Brlg
ham wlll remaln wlth friends hero until
nfter ThanksgivinB. When a youns man
ho Hved hero, nnd has many friends and
ncqualntances who are always glad to
Blve hlm a good welcome and mako it
pleasant for hlm to bo wlth us.
Stlll Knocklng.
St. Albans Messenger.J
Says tho Montpelier Argus:
"Brattleboro peoplo have Just dlscov
ered that the mother of Mayor McClellan,
of New York, was a natlve of thelr town.
Thus another celebrity Is made a part of
tho local hlstory of the town on the Con
necticut." The Brattleboro contemporaries wlll do
The MessenBer tho kindness to bcnr ln
mlnd that thls paper dld not origlnnte
thls little poko at thelr pardonablo local
vanity. Tho Messenger used to poke,
too, once upon a time, but it stopped in
dcspalr when It was Informed that the
bcautlful town of Brattleboro-on-the
Swlne was on the point of clalmlng the
whole of the book of Numbers ns tho llrst
village dlreetory.
Wlfe "I wlsh wo had a nlce largo
country place, whero I could give a
lawn party,"
Husband "Just for the pleasure of
InvitlnE your friends, eh?"
Wlfe "Well yea; and the pleasure
of not lnvIUnB somo." Phlladelphla
Sovcrnt slclBhs wuro seen on tho streols
Tho vlllnso schools aro hnvlns u vnca
lon of two wepks.
I,ast Sntutdny mortdnB wns tho coldest
thls fnll, slx duBi'PPH abovo zoro,
Nowoll IMko hns movcd to Sholburno
Falls, Mnss., to spund tho wlnter. I
Mrs. .tonnlo nrnlinm of OBdon, Utnh,
Is vlsllliiB hpr parcnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. i
D. KlnBsley.
llov. Mr. Woodmnn, pastor of tho Con- ,
Brcgatlonnl churcli In Wilmington, oo- j
cnplcd tho pulplt of tho Methodlst church 1
last Sunday ln oxchango wlth llov. Mr. '
Wells. l
1'cter Strnck, tho new Clmrlpmont stngo
diiver, hns beBun hls vtotk, nnd moved
hls fnmlly to thls plneo. Ho wlll livo In
l'rcomnn Hnsors tcnonieiit. latuly occu-
pled by tho ovorgreon Batliorcrs.
lthotiKh nn ordor hns yot becn inndo
by tho board of health, on accnunt of
smnll pnx in WllmliiBton It is thouBht
wle to Mipplnnte ns a pipcnullon ngalnst ,
the drondcd dlscnse, and to bo very cnre
f ul nbout vlsltlnB whero It mny bo con
tracled. Mrs. Charlotlp Tyler dlcd last Saturday
and wns burlpd .Mondny. The funiTnl wns
hold nt tho I'ulvorsalltt church, llev. U.
Wells of WllmliiBton olllplntlnB. Tho ,
sprvlce wns nttended by n largo number
of pcople, tpstlfying to tho regnrd in
ulih'h Mrs. Tyler was held In tho com-
munlty. Tho burlnl was ln the vlllnBe
epinotpiy bosldu her husbnnd, Snm
uol Tyler. llor only son, lleniy N., lms
tho .syinpathy of tho coinmuiilly.
Tho scholnrs In tho prlmnry school not
nbsent duilng last tprm nro Gruce Mlt-
choll, I.eon HnRcr, Kdllh llpiinctt, Hvn
Lowe, Helon SprnRtie, Loulse Templc,
Cnllsta lloberts, I-.rnest Pleree, Kunpr
CuttliiB. Hjron SpniBuo, Milclrcd Spraguo
and Ada Dalrymplc. Abspnt onp dny on
account of slcknpss, Mvrtlo Woodard,
Mabpl Woodard nnd Wllllnm I.owo. Three
puplla whoso nliscnco wns not caiiscd by
sl.-knpss aro Wllllnm Hnll, Mamle 13en-
nott and Aildle I.owo. Although HpIph,
Hron nnd Mlldrod Sprague wcro flvo mln
titos lnto ono mornlnB (tho only Instnnce
of tardlncss), they desorvo credlt for tho
constnnt nnd fnlthful effort thpy havo
mado to attend rcgularly during the en
tlro year.
Mlss OIIvo Shumway Is spendlng tho
vacatlon nt homo.
J. Ij. Howard rcturned Saturday from
a vlslt In Windham.
Ilarry Knlfiht has attcnded tho storo
thls wcek for D. Kddy.
Tho ladles' ald mct last week wlth Mrs.
McEwen and sewed for her.
Mrs. F. D. Tucker wns at A. I.. How
ard's Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ballard spent
ThanksgivinB at John Ballard's In Lud
low. Mr. and Mrs. Davld Kddy went Tuesday
to Shushan, N. Y., to spend Thnnksglv
InB. A unlon ThanksBlvlnB servlco wns hold
Thursday evenlng In the ConBreBatlonnl
Commlttces for Chrlstmns exorclses
were choson at the Baptlst Sundny school
last Sunday.
J. II. Allcn hns movcd from C. B. Alex
nnder's to E. G. Plerce's houso nonr tho
rallroad statlnn.
Mrs. B. F. Howard went Monday to
Boston to bo wlth her husband, who Is
therc for mpdlcnl treatment.
Tempernnee Sunday wns obpervcd by
tlio Haptlst Sunday school lnst Sunday
hy speclal oxerclses, takliiB tho place of
the reRular lesson.
An addrp's wlth stereoptlcon vlows wns
bIvpii nt the CongreRntlonal church Sun
day ovenlnB. The plcturos lll'istrntod the
llfe of Chrlst. I'nstors Hartwell and Mc
Ewen had the servlce In charge.
The ladles' lnilustrlnl soclety mct Tups
day wlth Mrs. F. C. BrlRham. Plans aro
beinR made for an entertnlnmcnt vlth a
"rememhrance tnblo" to como some tlme
before Chrlstmns.
The Chrlstlan Workers wlll hold nn nll
day meotlnB at tho Baptlst church next
Tuesday. An attractlvo proKram has been
arranged and tho publlc Benerally nro
Invlted to attend nll the servlces.
Tho pnplls in tho lowpr depnrtmpnt of
tho villago schools who hnd nn marks
during last term were Mark McLenn nnd
Llla Allcn. Thoso who hnd tardy marks
but not nbsent mnrks wer I.oon Bcmls,
Vlola Bcmls, Dcnny Leahy and Bufus
"Crockor's Best" llour Is the bpst.
A. II. STAItK, Agcnt.
Tho Warren, Itano and Blokor housos
nro vacant.
Mrs. Mnrtha Ilownrd Is vlsltlng old
friends in thls plnce.
A soclnblo and pound party wns neld
nt tho Hlvcr schoolhouse Frldny evenlng.
The rocelpts, $0, wlll go townrd tho fund
for tlio organ.
Noarly nll tho sehools in town wlll bo
gln next Monday, Nov. 30.
Tho lndles' nld sncloty wlll meet wlth
Mrs. C. E. Perry Thursdny nfternoon of
next wppIc. Thero wlll be n soclnblo ln
the ovenlnB, to vhich nll aro Invlted.
W. M. Ingram Is bulldliig a steam mlll
on Stratton hlll, nnd wlll omploy several
mon durlnB tho wlnter, ns ho hns bought
a larso lot of standlng tliuber.
Itov. J. H. l.lngley, imstor of the Bap
tlst church, spent ThanksgivinB wlth
hls famlly ln Worcester, Mass., nnd thoro
wlll bo no preachlns servlco next Sun
day. Sunday school at 11 o'cloek.
Ono day last week whllo J. O. Metcalf
was drlvlng from hls mlll to hls hotise
tho blt broke and sllpped from tho horso's
mouth, makliiB tho nnlmnl unmanaso
able. Mr. Metcalf jutnpod from the wag
on, fearlnB that ho would bo thrown out,
and ono anklo was sprnlned.
A Card.
Wo, tho uiulersltrneil. do heieby ngreo to ie.
fimdtlio inoiiey on n fiO-ioni lHttleol tlicene's
Wnriiinted Syiup nf Tar If It fiillstoeuro your
coimh or colil. Wu nlm guaranteo a " ceut
bottlo to prove putisfuttory or money rcfuiid
oil. Tlionins Pliiirinncy, Geo. K. Grceno, Ilrooks
Houso l'linrmiicy, V. II. Holdcii & Co., Brat
tleboro. .1. 1.. Btockwcll, West Brattleboro.
E. A. Teiuple & Co.. Jacksonville.
M.H.Miimi, llinwlnle. N. II,
W, 8, Holland, Townshend.
Ilurlier llnitliers. We.it Townshend.
N, M. Ilutcheliler, Newlune.
C. 13. Park, A. M. Merritleld, AVIIIIamsvlllo.
W.fi. Iliilliulny, Knst Dover.
A. H. Sniltli, .Iimmlcu.
K. Ij. Wliei'ler, Wardsboro.
Hrown & Hydcr. West Wardsboro.
A. M. Coreer, M. G. Willltmis, Putney, Vt.
For Over Slxty Yeara.
Mra. Wlnslow's Soothlng Syrup hns been
used for over C0 years by mllllons of
mothera for thelr chlldren whlle teethlng
wlth perfect success. It soothes tho chlld,
softens the Rums, nllays paln, cures wlnd
collc nnd Is the best remedy for dlarrhooa.
It wlll rellevo tho poor little suffcrer Im
medlately. Sold by nll drugglsts In every
Cart of the world. Twenty-llve cents a
ottle. Be suro and ask for " Mrs. Wlns.
low's Soothlng Syrup," nnd tako no other
; Ihe Kind You Have Always Boipt
y Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought
t lhe Kind You Have Always Boupil
Mrs. It. A. Hoss roccntly dlslopnted hor
wrlst by a fnll In tho wondshod.
Mrs. M. Hownrd of TorrhiBton, Conn.,
is vlsltliig hor sons nt I,. T. Utndmnn's.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. l.oe of Siiringflpld,
Mnss., nro gucsls nt 11. 8. Ooddard's thls
Mon nro cuttlng Chrlstmns trees In thls
vlcinlty, nnd liavo nlreudy shlppcd Hovornl
Wniroii llonld of Brattleboro hns movcd
lnto the Baldwln houso nnd Is n clork ln
1.. T. l.andmnn's storo.
Tlio hcIidOI In tho litKhcr dopnrtmont In
thls vlllnBe flnlshed tts fnll term on Wcd
nosdny nnd boglns lts wlnter term noxt
T. F. Smlth, n brakemnn on tho mlxcd
trnlu, was injured whllo coupllng ciu.s
nt Wlnhnll slatlon on Monday. It Is
bcllcvcd nt tho present timo thnt hls
condltlon Is not very serlous.
Unlon ThanksBlvlnB servicos wero held
at thu Methodlst church on Wednesday
ovcninB. Tliore woro uddresses by ltev
M. II. Smlth, ltev. F. E. Coburn nnd A. J. .
Allen, wlth muslc by tho cholr nnd by tho
school chlldren, under tho dlroctlon of
Mnry I'lerce.
Tho drnmntlc club gnvo nn exhlbltlon
nt the town hnll on Tuosday ovenlng,
when they prescnted tho drnma, "Tho
Old VlrKlnla Hcrmit," to a woll-niled
liouso. It wns llnely rcnderod nnd gave
good satlsfnellon. It wns followed by an
oyster supper and dance. Tho muslc was
furnlshod by Vnlle ,t Parker's bHiid.
George Illshop is spendlng tbo week In
Athol, Mnsi.
Mlss Allco Whltnoy hns returnod from
Noilh Adnms.
Mlss Nelhe Prouty, who Is tonchlnB In
Wilmington, cnmo homo Monday. Tho
schools uio closed on nccount of tho caso
of smnll pox.
W. E. Klng was ln town Sundny. For
mnny years Mr. Klng was the leador of
the church cholr hore, and nt the closo of
tho monilng servlco sanB "Tho Iloly
Clly." All were glad to hear hlm aBaln.
Mrs. Honry Downs left on Wednesday
to spend tho wlnter el.sewhcre.
Mrs. M. Cushman of Rochester. N. Y.,
Is at Mrs. Tuthlll's for tho wlnter.
Tho usual Thursday ovenlnB mcetlng
was turncd lnto Thanksglvlng servlco.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wells Hlhlrcth of West
Brattleboro nro at Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Tho villago school taught by Mlss Hor
tenso Swltzer of West Townshend wlll
opcn on Monday.
II. J. Batchelder spent Thanksglvlng
dny In South Londonderry, wlteie hls
wifo lias spent tho week.
C. S. Wllson nnd son, GeorBc, wlll be
filn work next wook for the S. A. Smlth
company In Brattleboro.
Mlsses Brown. Plerce, Wcllmnn, nnd
Wllcox. puplls at I.elnnd & Gray Som
lnary. nro nt homo for tho ThanksgivinB
Old home folks nbout tho country cnn
tlilnk of thls locnllty ns basklnB in tho
sunshtno of zero wenther on ThanksBlv
Ing mornlnB.
Mrs. nickmnn Hldor of Marlboro, who
sH'iit tho woek wlth her pnrents, Mr. nn.l
Mrs. Cnrponter. wns Jolned liy her hus
band on Tlinnksglving day.
The Kenny famlly, IncludlnB Mr. nnd
Mrs. Albort Austln and rhlldren of
Brookllno, asfombled nt Mrs. II. S. Keh
ny's for TlinnksBlvliiB dlnnor.
Prlncliml Carlton D. Howe, nlllimiRh
able to leavo tho Mary Fletcher hospltal
at Burlington for hls bonrdlnB plnco ln
Esox Junctlon, was prevontpd by a
vore attack of rheumatlsm from oomlnB
liome thls week.
A lull.iliy concort bIvpii on Tupsdny
ovinliiB by tho Chlldron's Homelnnd nimy
was a novelty in lts progrnm nnd well
rpnileroil, plenslng a good-slzed nudlenco,
and the resultlnfi offorlnB for mission
work was encouraBing.
pvonty attondt-d tho sesslon of tho
CoiiBroBatlonal Sundny school on the 2Jd,
makliiB ono of the bost records of tho
yonr. Tho offorinB for the chlldren's
ThanksBlvlnB dinnor in Boston wns ln
kocplilB wlth tho splrlt of tho week.
Tho Clulstlan Endoavor soclety will
hold a salo of ueful nnd fancy nrtlclos
durliiK tho ovonliiB of Dec. t nt tho vos
try, nnd a cbipkon plo supper wlll bo
sorvoil from C to T.30 o'cloek. Tho ob
jeot ls worthy, nnd nll patronnge wlll be
Tho Hnmolnnd clrclp wlll hold a publlc
meetlnp Sunday ovenlng at the Congrogn
tlonal church In dlscusslon of tho toplc.
"Tlio nogro In IMR and 1013." Bosldes tho
pnrts of two mlnlstPrs several mon nnd
women nrp oxpeclod to speak brletly on
phnsPB of thls subject which nro now ex
Itlng the attontlon of our country.
The Tom Thumb Weddlnrj.
Tho entortnlnmpnt bIvpii by tho Junlor
members of the Y. P. C. U. nt School
house hnll, Frldny ovcninB was a doclded
houso hnll Frldny nlsht wns a decidod suc
cess. Whilo all dld well, Lottie Wllll ims as
Brldget nnd Mnrlon Sherman as "Daddy"
Oates deserve speclal montlon. Tho prct
tlest foaturo of tho ovenins was the Tom
Thumb weddlns. Promptly nt S.CO o'cloek.
to tho stralns of tlio brldal maich from
"I.olioiigrln," playpd by Mlss Florpnco
Dlcklnon, tho nsslstant supcrlnteiidont,
tho little llower girl. Mlss Huby Sparks.
drossed In whlto. witli a baskrt of llow
ers, and nccompanled by the rlng-boarer.
Mnstor Blchard Adnms, also drcsd In
white, appeared. Next cnme the brlde.
Mlss Iluth Sparks, drcssed in dninty
whlto muslln, wlth traln and vell, nnd
carrylng whlto llllos. loanlng upon the
nrm of Mastor Ulchard Wlieeler, tho
brldesroom. The brldrsmald, Mlss Mary
Adams, woro white muslln over plnk.
wlth n traln. and carrled carnatlons. Sho
wns nccompanled by tho best mnn, Mns
ter John Sparks. Tho rlnB servlce was
performed In pantomlmo by Mnster Aaron
Whlto, under nn nrch of cverBreens, from
which was suspended a nlcklo horso shoe
As tho llrst nntes of tho weddlne march
from Mcndlessohn sounded tho brldnl
party turned nnd recelved the chpcrs of
the nudlence, showlns how well thelr ef
forts were nppreclated. Tho procceds of
tho ovenins, over $11, wlll go townrds the
educatlon of tho llttlo Japancso Junlor
Suyo whom the Junlors aro educatlns.
Tho steam mlll was closed for Thanks
givinB. Herbert Sparks, Jr has been spendlng
a few days wlth relatlves here,
Mrs. Thomas Morso Is 111. Her daugh
tcr, Mrs. Hattlo Roess, Is caring for hcr.
Amos Stratton ls homo from the Mont
pelier somlnary for a two weeks vaca
tlon. Mrs. G. B. Lamb wns called to Hoosac
Tunnel, Mass., Saturday by tho serlous
Ulness of her cousln. Mr.i. Granger,
witusu jiusuauu uiea a iow weeKs ago.
Mlss Allco Elmer, daughter of Hon.
Fred C. Elmer, of Clevcland, Ohlo, nnd
granddaughter of N, B. Perry of thls
place, is attcndlng a BChool of sclcnce In
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Newton and daugh
ter, Elslo, nnd C. II. Dlcklnson of Wnl
llnsfoid, Conn., were at tho homo of thelr
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dana Dlcklnson,
for Thanksglvlng.
Owlng to the bad weather Monday even
lng tho lecturo glven by Mr. Perry was
not well nttended. The plctures wero the
flnest of Vermont scenery, nnd ought to
make us proud of our stato.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Nathan Perry left for
Brattleboro Sunday mornlng, and wlll
start for Syracuse, N, Y., thls week,
where they wlll spend Thanksglvlng.
They wlll go to nochester for Chrlstmns,
and to Cloveland, Ohlo, for New Year's. H
Yeast " Aro tho rtlch'a well connect
ed?" CrimBonbenk " Oh, yes; they've
got n telephone, flre alarm and pollce call
in tho house." Tonkora Statesman.
Mlss Llndsloy Is tcnchlng ln tho Bruco
Mrs. Wntermnn Is boardlng wlth Mrs.
Jntio Dorry.
Mlss Ilesslp llnrdy sppnt Sundny wlth
Itiihy Slobblns.
lloth chiirplies Iinvo tnken tho llrst slops
townrd Chrlstmns.
Mrs. Hort Morso vlslled her slstcr, Mrs. j
Fred Smltii, lnst woek. j
Morrlll IIodKklns of Wells Hlvcr spont I
Sunday at 11. D. Phllllps's. I
Mrs. Ellzabolh Lawrenoe Is vlsltlnB hcr !
sister, Mrs. Hoynl Sntiderson. t
A. F. Hyde of Southborn, Mnss., Is vls
ItltiB hls unclo, E. II. Fesscndon.
Mrs. Wnltor Oaks of Athens vlsltcd
Mrs. 15. It. Batchelder lnst week.
Clnrk Aldrlch nf Westiiiorelnnd. N. II.,
Is vlsltlnB hls slstor, Mrs. Wlll Spnrks.
Mrs. Cnrrlo Smllh of SprliiBfleld, Mnss.,
ls visltins her nunt, Mrs. Fred Wlllnrd.
Wllllnm Aldrlch of Londonderry vlsltcd
hls brothcr, Hussell Aldrlch, lnst week.
Tho Dorcng Gulld wilt havo n snle nt
tho ncndomy hall Wednesday evonltifi,
Doc. 2.
Frank Jnckson Poltor nf New York clty
wns n vlsltor last wcck nt Dr. A. D.
Tne next GrnnB" meotlntj will nnt bo
untll Doc. I, when thoro wlll bo olootlon
of ofllprrs.
Mrs. Inez HlodBett has returnod from
CHinhrldgoport, whpro sho Iihb boon cnr
Inn for the slck.
Mlss Jonnlp Bomls, '0R, will tench In
Westminster thls wlnter. nnd Albort Klm
bnll. '01. In Bondville. '
Mr. Strnck has liought the stnBP routo
from Japksonvillo to Charlemont. Hls
homo will bo In Jacksonville.
Mls Abby Follott Is homo from Weston,
whero sho hns boen tpnohlns thls fnll, nnd
her slstpr, Mrs. Walter Austln, rcturned
wlth hcr.
Tho Whlto nuctlon took place lnst wwok
on Tuesday, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Whlto will
return to Athol, whero they llvcd beforo
rutnltiK to thls plnce.
Mlss Etta Hobart Is spcndlnB her va
catlon from her school thls fnll In Guil
ford nt homo wlth her slstor, Amclla, who
hns recently como from Boston.
Tho Iladassah loaguo will servo a
chlcken-plo supper In tho church vestry
Dec. 11. A metnory tnblo wlll contaln
nrtlcles for snle j;lvcn by nbsent friends.
Guy Austln, who went to Boston a few
months nfio to lenrn the Ixirbcr's trado,
hns lcnrned the Work. nnd Mr. Hnll hns
mnde hlm so good nn offer to stay wlth
hlm thls wlnter that ho has declded to
remaln In town.
The Dorcas Oulld will hold a snlo of
fancy nnd useful nrtlclos nt Somlnary
hall Wednesday ovenins, Dec. 2. There
will also bo a lunch tnblp. The DaiiBh
ters of Dnrras plnn to hold a sale In
cnnneetlon wlth the Dorcns Gulld.
Mrs. Mnry S. Morgan Bnvo a very In
torestlng nccount of hcr trlp nbroad to
the W. C. T. U. world's convontlon In
Goneva, Switzerland. lu June. from notos
that sho took durlns hpr absonce. Tho
Whlto Illhlion quartot of thls place sans
one telectlon.
Mlss Allco M. I.nne of Llmerlck, Mc,
has been enBaRod to teaoh at the sem
Inary durlnB the wlnter term. Mlss Lnno
brlngs to hor work suocpssful pxperlonco
ns a tenchpr nnd nood iuallllcatlons. hnv
lns studled nbroad to perfect hcrself ln
lnr work. S'np taught under Prlnclpnl
Ilarthorne In hls former place of work.
Tho B.iptist Woman's Forelgn and
Homo Mlsslonary soclety held an Inter
pstlns meotliig In tho vestry of tho
church on Thursday nfternoon. Tho sub
Joct wns Mormnnlsm. Each ono prespnt
rond from lenflots nsslgned by tho com
mlttoo on prognims, Mrs. Bood nnd Mrs.
Blond. Tho progrnms for ench. meotlnB
nro furnMied by tho J-oclety In Boston,
nnd nre Instructlvo ns well ns IntcrestlnB.
Tho Womnn's Chrlstlan Temporanco
Unlon mct wlth Mrs. Kenyon Saturday
aftornoon. Tho GothonburB systom nr
stnte control of tho llquor trnlllc was the
toplc tnken up. The prespnco of Mrs.
G. E. Davldson, stnte W. C. T. I. socre
tary. nnd of Mrs. Mnry S. Morgan,
county socrotnry and suporlntendent of
the stato pross dopnrtmont, added gront
Intorest to tho mpotlnR.
Emory Jonos losnn work the 16th of
Septombor wlth hls throshlng machlno
nnd llnlshod work the past week. Whllo
golns through Grafton woods with thls
machlne and tho lioy who hus assistod
hlm, ho mct n deor In tho road, nnd whllo
ho was thtnkliiB It would turn and so
the oiher. wny It Ixgnn to cllmb up the
bank nnd nftorward came round to the
bak of hls wiiBon. Aftor ho had gono n
little dlstanoo ho mot n young bear, whicli
be thlnks was nfter the deor aml thls ac
counted for tho nctlons of tho deor. Mr.
Jonos nnd nn rlllr with hlm.
A very succoxsful term nf the somlnary
clospil lnst Frldny. ln tho ovenlng tho
eonior clnss nrosonttHl the play, "lincer
Gold," with tho east of chnrnctcrs as
publlshCHl last woek. To montlon ono per
son who took pnrt moro thnn tho othors
would bo nn Injusticp, ns all tho pnrts
wero well dellvered and rollocted srent
credlt upon Mrs. Greenlenf. the eloeutlon
tonchor, wiio hnd tho play In charge. Mr.
Sprague. ns Nnthan Bardwoll was very
reallstlc and Glpsy was n snurco of en
Jiiyment. Mike nnd Joo ndded to the
Ifghtor sldo. Muslc wns furnlshed by tho
f-emlnary orchestra.
Princlpal Harthorno has nrrnngcd for a
coursc of lecturps to bo glvpn hore thls
wlnter. Tho followlng Is tho 11st of spcak
ors and the dates: Dec. 11, Prof. Annah
Mny Soulo, Mt. Holyoke CoIIoro, "Tho
Industrlal Hovolutlon"; Dec. is, llov.
Bradley Gllmnn, Springfleld, Mnss., "An
Author's Iteadlngs"; Jnn. 15, Mlss
HolPnn T. Ooesmann, Amhorst, Mnss.,
"Homes In Forelgn Lands"; Jnn. 29, ltev.
W. W. Bnnney, Hartford, Conn., subject
to ho nrranBcd. As thero is conslderablo
exponso connccted with thls course, nnd
It is deslred to make tho courso frce, It
Is hoped that nll wlll bo thlnklng se
rlously of how to ald tho good causp.
hut Pr o t.;,DUUCf6COtcIl'male ia a neTray; abetter
butter scotch Uian you ever tasted. Better because it is
some. Try the followlng recipe and test tts rcal goJdnei
is i rlecidedly preferable to ony
tue consumpr with oil V,
measure has accumulated
is proiccieu py atrtignt, friction-top tins, which
nnt llo nnln... ,
-. wuuu, iuv,
naw TorK an
Lleut. Raymond E. Wlswell.
Haymond H. Wlswell, who dled nt hls
hoine nonr lirldgeport, Aln., Nov. 11, wns
ti nntlvo of Windham county, hnvlng
been bnni in Athens, Mnroh 20, 1'2". Ho
wns ho thlrd chlld of Selh nnd Snlly
(nionson) Wlswoll. IIIs fntlipr wns n
tnnnor and carrloil oti tho businpss In
compnny wlth Attomus Boutwell, liolow
whero John Oakus llvos. Hls fnlhor
dlod when ho wns four yonrs old. nt
wiileh tlme ho wont to llvo In tlio fam
lly of hls unrln, Snmuol Wlswell, of
Townshotid, with wlinm ho llvcd untll h"
wns ls, rppplvlng hls eduoatlon ln tlio
publlo srhools nnd Lelnnd nnd Grny Sem
Innry. At the uge of ls ho wont ln Bos
ton to work In n wholpsnlo lonther nnd
hldo storc, but not llking the buslnoss
ho took up carponlprlriB. workliiB on tho
Vermont & Mnss ichusetts rnllrond some
tlme, nnd then snttllns In Arlington. Vt.
Aftor n fow yjnrs ho movcd to Glens
Fnlls, N. Y., followliiB tho buslness of n
contrnctor. Tho Browing clty of t:hlo
ngo offprlns bpltor Induopments, ho re
movcd to thnt plnco, whero ho workcd
nt hls trndo nnd ongnsod In the mnnu
facturo of bllllnrd tnbles. Enrly In tho
clvll war ho offerod hls snrvlcos to hls
country, and rooelvod n oommlsslon ns
sppond lloutpniint, serving ns nld on tho
stnff of (3cn. Itoseenins nnd other B"n
oruls. WIipii the flrst reglinent of rnllPd
Stnlos oiiBlnocrs wns orgnnlzed ho wns
commlsslnned n first lleuton.mt nnd
plncod upon dptnchpd duty, hnvlns rlnrsi
of tho wntor wnrks of Nnshvlllp. T' nn
I'pon tho cnpturo of Hrldiiopnrt, Al i . Iie
wns plnced in charKe of fnrtillontlon-4
from that place to Chattnnoogri, hnldlns
thls posltiou untll tho closo of tho war.
when It was decidod to bulld nntlmi.il
opmctprios In which to bury tho i.ildl rx
who hnd fnllen during the w.ir Ho
was then npimlntpd supprlntondent of
Marlettn, Ga., cptneterj'. nnd upon the
completlon of tho work wns mado ns
slstnnt supprlntondent lu bulldlng tho
ono nt Chnttniioosn.
Mr. Wlswell wns hold In hlgh cstcpm
by nll who kncw hlm, nnd although liv
ins In n Democratlc communlty nnd hold
lng ltopubllcnn prlnclplcs, ho held many
posltlons of trust. On bclng musteicd
out of tho servlce In 1SC5 ho marrlod Bpt
tie Jamos of Cnrpentcr, Ala , who dlod
Aug. 20, last. Sevcn chlldren woro born
to thcm, four of whom survlve. Ho wns
tho brolher of Mrs. Snrah C. Carr of
West Townshend, who Is tho only sur
vlvor of the famlly. Ho mnde a short
vlslt ln thls vlcinlty ln 1SC3. In hls soclal
relatlons ho wns senlal. nnd In hls fam
lly n kind husband nnd lovlng father.
On nccount of ThanksgivinB week school
dld not begln as was expected. It will
begln noxt Monday wlth Mrs. Briggs
Mrs. Mariah Johnson, who has been In
Brattleboro thrco weeks, has rcturned
homo. Hor two dnughters aro homo to
spend thelr vacatlons.
The dlscount on taxes explrcs Dec. 11,
and the treasurer wlll bo at South Wards
boro Dec. 7 nnd nt West Wardsboro Dec
S to accommodato tho tax payers In thoso
pnrts of tho town.
Mrs. Althea Terrell of Brattleboro
cnmo Saturday nlsht to her slster s, Mr
l.uther Eames's. acconipanled by hcr
father, II. C. Bemls.
Tho A. '.. club hold thelr annual sup
per Thursday ovenins and It w.is enjoyod
by n largo number of peoplo. Music on a
phonograph and gnmes completed the
evenlng's entertnlnmont.
Tho A 7. club mct Thursday aftornoon.
Nov. ltf, nt Unlon hall to colebrate thelr
soeond nnnlversary, and to rcorganlze.
Tho ninounl tnken throush the year 1902
03 wns JK.;.0. amount payod out J113.4S,
lenvlns J3o.Sfl in tronsury. The past year
galnod 155.25 over tho yonr provlous. We
hope for ns gwid n roort the present
yonr. Olllcors choson woro as follows:
l'resldont. Mlss Cnrilo B. Wliltcomb; vloe
prcsldynt. Mrs. C E. Morgan; secretary
and treasuror, Mlss Carrlo L. Ware; dl
rcctors. Mrs. C. A. Briggs, Mrs. II. E.
Howard. Mlss Anglo Knight, Mrs. Pler
son Knapp, chaplnln, Mrs. C. W. Martln;
onminlttee of cntcrtninment. Mrs. A. L.
Wheelor. Miss Carrlo 1.. Waro. C. E.
Mnrsan. Mrs. Edlth Brlglinm (illed her
nlllco as "grandma nf the cluli" so suc
tossfully tho past year that sho wns giv
on tho s.11110 ollloo for the present year.
1 The cohweb sotial was a success. H.
E. Knight gave n reading. Muslc was
furnlshed by John Martln, which was very
I much enjoyed, aftor which gumes were
playeil; 10.3j was tnken. The noxt
meetins will bo Doc. 3, wlth Mis. Fred
Undei wood.
School Ifpgan Mondny with Merlo Wil-
lls teaeher.
The puiills In dlstrlct No. I (Podunk)
' taught by Mrs. Jamos Courscr. availcd
J thomselves of the uso of Dexter's hnll
. for an entertaliimont last Frlday evpning.
i The progrnm was interestlnB throUBh
! out, nnd somo of the tablonux wero amus
' ing. Mrs. Johnson, school suporlntendent,
spoke brl-lly. cnnimendlng tho work of
( tonchor nnd puplls. Mrs. Courscr will
contlnue to teach during tho wlnter.
j Wllllnm P. Knno. 22, of Waterbury.
I dlod Nov l'J, from tho effocts nf an In-
tornal lnjury sufferod nt Boxbury n week
; provlous whlle ho was rldlng In tho
' bumpors of a froight traln. Kane was
' out on bnll nwaltlng trial on n chargo of
havliiB foigod tho namo of hls fathor-ln-1
law, Joseph Mlnor, to n note. It Is nl
lescd thnt ho sohl ono of Mr. Mlner's
cows nnd wlth tho money mnde n trlp
to Boston. llo bocamo strnnded thoro
and In oider to reaoh homo was obllgcd
to "Jump" frclght trnlns. It is not
known just how ho -was Injured. Ho sald
ho was very cold nnd for a momcnt lot
go hls hold on tho trucks, when tho
traln wns pulllng lnto Hoxbury, fell nnd
wns badly brulsed. Ho wns kopt over
nlght In thnt town nnd tho next day
renclicd Waterbury. Ho leaves n wifo
nnd infant chlld.
other syntps, which come to
nince its last use. Karo Corn
1 . ' "
ajc unu 50c, at grocera.
M lu Andcs Stovcs nnd Rnngca
nrc iticorporatcd nll rcal im
provcniciits all that jnake a
slovc or range more conven
iciit, cconotnical or durable.
cmbody many convenloncos not
rband In other mnkos. AHAndea
constructlon works townrd tho
or ond, of muklng stovcs nnd
raugcs thnt for practlcnl ojierut
Ingquulltlos cannot bosurit.ssed.
Your local dtolcr wiN bo glad to
show you tbo Andcs Llno.
I.t rrinR I trltd Vtt'' Pcrftcitd Poultry Fond, and the result was I received
MONT1I. Mrs. K. ULGOR, Monkton, Vt.
Ijt Dccember I commenced tu '"d TaRe's PtrffCttd Poultrr Food. At thit
tlme 1 aj gctling Irom fihcen hen tx to elRht eRHperday. Alterfetding It
ten dars my lien becan to layfrnm tele to hlteen tgjl per dijr, ana HAVE
KEPTON LAVING up to tlie treserjt time.
0. 1!. HADWIN, Dasdv, Vt.
I am pleased to tij that Page's Perfected roultrj Food ha proved Tenrsatisbctory.
Tlie fol cat It witli avidlty. Intreaied produition ot eg very pruuounctd, nd
so ci.mplete Is the food In supplying tliose elemenn rtquircd for Uylng hens '.nat
EVLRY EGG HAS A GOOD MKOMi btU.LL ar.d the f.ock c-ntm-tinue
heahhy and in Rood condi ion. I shall contlnue to use it as a nutier of profit
throuRh sjvinr of other feed, a ' can rtcommend it t.ialluho ketp poultry as a
ry desirable food. J. W. GOODLLL, Uurlinoton, Vt.
I hate sold several different klnds of pouhry tnod and find ynurs lo be the best I
everVild. Mnce I commenced tosell it I HAVE HAD liOUMLETHh Nl M
IIKROF EGGSbrouRhtto my store. Mycustomers all seem ell pltaed nhit.
It is thecheapest aud best, and if poultrymen would Je more they would get more
eggs. IOEL T. NICHOLS, South Wallingford, t.
I soon sold the first barrelof Page's Perfected Poultry Food. and havecomrrerced
on the sccond. Some of mycustomers are sendingalong tay alter it. Hieysay
JOHN TAYLOR, Hakev Station, N. I).
I have used Page's Perfected Poultrv Food for two or th. e rears !th r d re
sults. All nfmvpalrons seem ell pleaed Wlth it. I DOS'T HES1TA1L TO
RECOMMEND II' tupoultryrnen asanrst-claa eggproducer.
J, r. lt,,Al, AHTKIM, ,11.
Plfe's Perfected Pnnltry Food ls a creat thing to matce bcns
lay. We advie everr ,me who is in the poullpr buines I" trj
i(. as we believe it has NO FQL'AL AS AN KCli PPO
IJL'CF.K. I.. A. THOMAS & bON, Roxbcky, Me.
I have used Tage's Perfected Ponhrr Food for mt hens the
pat winter. Never had Ihem lay so manv cjc in the wintir
before. Mycustomers all Mi--K WU I. F IT and waot
more. C. L. IILIb.S, HicntoRU, Vt.
. thinlc Page's Perferted Poul'rr F"nd Is the het egr-nm-docingfuod
I have eer used. l-Hi't I.L' LlkK IO sbl.L
IT FOR YOU At.MN t e tn..t fa
ALO.SVO 1 Ak.Ml.K, Knowlton, P. Q.
Make Money
Saving Money.
Tlilf old fa-hionod rule Is ns Miroito
day.ieer. lly usins
Electric Power,
youdoit. It i the oheipot nnd lK-t
pouor known. ("lioiiiot tn intnl, mo-t
continiiiUMl t.i tierate, iorf'tly sale,
ulwnj" ro.n'.y; nn ve.nv tn pny tocnsl
noer nr lliviiian; only it turn nf tlio
Wecan funii'li nny nmnuiit wnnttHl.
fnnn nnu-oUIitli bnoe power upwaid
nt lon'onablo rutc. 4V."li
Office 6, Crosby Block.
It Will Gost
Only One Cent
To buy n postnl card and send to the
New York Trlbune Parmer. New York
Clty, for n frce spoclmon copy.
The New York Tribune Fnrmer Is a
N'atlonal Illustrated Agrlcultural
Weekly for Parmers nnd thelr faml
lles, nnd KVHUY Issue contalns mat
ter Instructlvo nnd entertalnlng to
EVEHY member of the famlly. The
prlce Is J1.00 per yonr.
Tho prlce Is $1.00 per year. but by
speclal arrange ment with the pub
llshers It will be furnlshed in combi
nntion wlth The Phoanlx at a nominal
prlce. '
The Phoenlx,
Trlbune Farmer,
Both papers one year only $1.75
Thls ofTer ls open to all advance-payinB
subscribers. Send your order and mon
to THE PHCENIX. Brattleboro, Vt.
To overy organ of tho body,
To cvcry nook and crnnny
Indian Vegetable Pills,
25c, Will Go.
No other pills so senrchlng,
No other pills so good for
Uomeinlier "WiiKht's,"
For sale by GEO. E. GREENE,
Drutrglst, Ilrattlebnro. Vt.
Successor to A. F. Wilder,
Mnnufacturci' of
Wood Coat, Pant and Sklrt Hangers
llook Cnis, uesks nnd IMcttiro Kramcs.
General Jobblng in Wood Work.
Grand Andes
Central Vermont Railway Co.
Southern Dlvlslon.
Kffpctivo October 11. 1003.
Tralns leavo Brattleboro as follows:
5.23 n. m. dslly for Springlleld, week
days for New York.
7 23 a. m. weok days for New London;
connects at Mlllers Falls for Troy, at
l'almer for Boston.
7:30 a. m. week days for South London
derry. y:07 a. m. week days for Springfleld and
New York.
10.15 a. m.. week days for Mlllers Falls
and Boston.
2:27 p m. week days for Springfleld and
Now York.
4:35 p. m. week days for New London
and Now Y'ork vla. Norwich Lne
stoamers; cnnnects at Palmer for Bos
ton. 1:33 p. m. dally for Springfleld and New
3:5t p. m.. Sunday only for Springfleld
nnd New Y'ork.
5:45 p. m. weok days for South London
derry. Subject to chanse without notioe
E. II. FITZIH'GH. Vlco Presldont a"d
rtenernl Mannser.
J. E. BENTLEY. General P.iss.nger
Boston & Maine Railroad Co.
In effect Oct. 11, 1003.
Tralns lenvo Brattleboro, northboinl
11:03 n. m. for statlons to Windsor. 1 .
caster, St. Jnhnsbury, Newport. S'' r
brooko, Montreal, vla. C. P. Hy . Q ie
bcc. BurliiiBton, St. Albans and M n
treal. 2:30 p. m., Montrenl oxpress.
5:20 p. m. White P.ivcr Junctlon passen
Ber. 10:15 p. m. nlght oxpress. Dally.
i:a n. m., fcunday paper traln to Wind
For Nnrthampton, Ilnlyoko nnd Sprlrg
fleld, 5:23 n. m., 9:07 a. m., 2 27 p m.,
1:33 p. m., (dnlly). Also 3:31 p. m.
(Sundays only.)
Gen'I Passenger nnd Tickct Asent
Stcniiishlp I.ltios Iletwccii
Best Route to
Washington, Richmond and All
Points South.
Four Salllngs Weekly.
Accninniodntfous and niilne uniiipii9scd.
Tickcts nn sale nt II. & M. It. II. otlk-o.
Sond fnrillustratedbnoklet and lnres.
A. Jl. (IHAIIAM, Agent. Ilosion. Mf..
The Phcenlx wlll be sent to new sub
scribers from Nov. 1st till Jan. 1, 1905, for
$1.50, the regular yearly prlce.
10 Flat St.,

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