OCR Interpretation

Vermont phœnix. [volume] (Brattleboro, Vt.) 1834-1955, July 08, 1904, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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F. K. Barrows.
Will Start Next Mondav, Julv 11.
5c yd.
4c yd.
Venise Lace Galloons.
Many patterns that were 25 to 39 cents. Sale price 17C
Venise lace galloons that were t: t-2c, aU price 8c yd
Persian Trimmings
That were 10c. Sale price
Narrow Hamburgs.
Alotof heavy embroideries that were 5 to 3 i-jc. sale price
Muslin Underwear Bargains.
Two lots on which we are overstocked. 50c Nignt Robes, made of a
splendid cotton, val insertion. Sale pn.e 29c
25c drawers. of nice cotton with inertior. and iace of Valenciennes.
Sale price 1Qc
Muslin Undenvear, slightly soiled or mussed in showing. A whole
counterfull. Sale price 1.3 off regular price.
Men's Unlaundered White Shirts.
All we have left of the famous F. K. B. br.ad. Re, :!ar price o and 75
cents. As we shall discontinue this line -e wsli t close them auicklv
29c each.
An unusual bargain at the sale price
$1 to $2 skirts, choice at sale price
Drummers, Samples Bacfc Petticoats.
49c each.
Plans were made months ago for the enlargement of our business. Car
penters are already at work in the roomy basement under our large north store,
and we shall soon open to the public a handsome new salesroom.
This.room, 50 feet long by 20 feet wide, will be reached by a short flight
crf wide easy stairs from the centre of the stores. It will be as large as the
original Barrows store, and together with our present two stores we shall have
2896 square feet of selling space.
New departments will be added and more room given to the lines we
already carry.
In clearing this basement for the workmen, we had to remove all the re
serve stock stored there. It makes our present stock-room overcrowded, there
fore this sale.
It is entirely a stock-reducing sale and there is something from every
department in the store. Anywhere the stock is too large the price is cut.
The Savings are 1-3 to 1-2.
The items given herewith tell you of some of the bargains. You will
find many more when you come.
White Shirt Waists
Colored Waists
of muslin and lawn with fine figuresand that were $ Sae
polka-dots. WeregSc Sale price 57c. oac.
White Lawn Waists
that were $1.25 and $1.39. Over ico 1
in this lot. Trimmed with lace, em- j
broidery and tucks. Sale price 89c.
All the White Shirt
that were $1.50 and $1.75. Sale price
Colored Shirt Waists
that were $1.50 and $1.95. Sale price
White Mercerized
Beautiful damask patterns. Were $2.98
to$3-7S- Sale price $1.98.
Table Linen Bargains.
ioc unbleached table damask. Sale price
4-4 c yd.
c loom damask, unbleached. Sale
Price 50c yd.
Ladies' Jersey Under
vests. Shaped garments--high neck and long
sleeves. An overstock on this particu
lar style. Sizes 4, 5 and 6. Regular
25c goods. This style only, sale
P"ce ' 14c.
Figured Muslins.
One lot that were 12 i-ic. Sale price
7 1-2c yd.
All the Figured Muslins
and Dimities
that were 121-2 and 15 cents a yard.
Sale price 9c yd.
Fancy Ginghams.
One lot that was 12 1-2C Sale price
9c yd.
Fancy Neck Ribbons.
Four inches wide, white and colors. Were X21-2 and 15 cents yard.
Sale price 5C yd,
Palmleaf Boston Bags.
Very desirable summer hand-bags, bnt we are overstocked. Were 50
and75cents- Sale price 39c.
Handkerchief Bargains.
25c Linen Embroidered Hdfs., slightly imperfect
Sale price 12 1-2c
12 i-20 Linen Hdfs., slightly imperfect Sale price o
: x-mcu nuia., sngnuy sonea. &aie pnce
White Aprons
That were 25c. Sale price
Odd Wool Yarns
That were 12 to 25 cents skein. Sale price
R. & G. Straight Front Corsets.
A few dozen, in sizes i3 to 21, mostly drabs, but a few whites. Regular
St and $1.50 corsets. Sale price e 1
coe pair.
Odd Long Corsets.
Sizes iS to 21, were $1. Sale price 10c pair
50c Child's Ferris Waists.
Small sizes only. Sale price
5c skein.
Barnaby Ginghams.
32 inch, 25c quality. Sale price 1 5C y.
Silk Dot Mull. Linen
Suitings. Cotton
Were 29 and 39 cents a yard. Sale price
19c yd.
Exclusive Shirt Waist
Suit Patterns.
Part of them are the beautiful Knicker
weaves in all linen. Were 50 and 59
cents. Sale price 25c yd.
Scotch Suitings and
Warren Homespuns.
Were 19c. Sale price 121-2cyd.
Beautiful Mercerized
White Waistings.
The savings are plain here. Those that
were 25c, sale price -yc ycj.; 39c,
sale price 24c yd.; 59c, sale price
38c yd.
3-yard White Waist
thatwere$2. Sale price $1.17 pjece.
Remnants of Wash
at bargain prices.
Children's Pique Sum
mer Hats.
Were 25 to 93 cents. The whole stock to
close. Sale price 2 regular price
Linen Stocks
with silk embroidery. Regular 25c neck
wear. Sale price j2c
White Pique Stocks,
four-in-hand style. Were 25c. Sale
price 5c each.
Bead Chains.
The whole stock that were from 25c to
$1.37. to close, sale price 10c each.
d d & tt 1 pnnnn PERSONAL. I BRATTLEBO(iiniFT anona-r i ZT! i ' i '
- " vttKtrKV
Allne (3'Leary of Holyoke ls spending
the week in town.
J. K. MorrlU and famlly of Holyoke
are vlslttng Mrs. Morriirs father, Dr. S.
N. Bemis.
Mr. and rrs. Charles P.obertson of
Swanton are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lu
ther Miller.
The slsters of St. Jo3eph went Tuesday
to the convent In Rutland for thetr sum
mer vacatlon.
James Dunleavy ls ln Boston for a vistt.
His young brothers, Frank and Louis, ac
companied hlm.
Mrs. Fred Hopkinson and son of Ben
nington are vistting Mrs. Hopklnson's
father, F. P. Hopkinson.
Miss Johanna Griffln and brother, Dan
iel Griffln, and cousin, Daniel Grlrfln. of
Kerry, Ireland, arrlved Sunday. They
will make thelr home here.
Wllliam Elliot of Washington was the
guest of Wllliam Kalne Sunday, golng
from here to Spoftord lake, where he will
spnd the summer with Rev. Father
Mrs. Maria Emmons of Brooklyn.
daughter of the late W. A. Conant of
Brattleboro, ls a guest of Dr. and Mrs.
F. O. Pettee. This is her flrst vlslt in
Brattleboro ln about 14 years.
Good Volume ofilness the Past Week
Garden Pro, pentful Drop )n
New Potatoes.
There has beerw,.,, vi., , ,
inesa the past '.,,., .,M n.
ances for the ho. Monday. Gar,len
p.uuucc pientlfully and in
good condltion th ar Xew potat0e3
are now down to 4,tg a k g h.
ern blackberries ar the market at 13
fenu3 t V ,n Iea have appeared
111 llilllbCV l4UUi4HJ.
Butter, (pound)
Maple Sugar
Maple Syrup (sallon)!"'"
Calfsklns, (each)
Beef, (dressed) ..
Pork (dressed) '
Veal (Uve)
Fowls (dressed) ,'
t 0 7
An Enemy to the Boll Weevll.
Th deoartment of agriculture has an
nounced that an ant has been found ln
Gautemala that is an effective enemy to
the boll weevll. It will Immediately be
lntroduced lnto the cotton states. The
greatest slgnlflcance ls attached to the
dlscovery. which was made by C. F.
Cook, the botanlst ln charge of troplcal
agricultural lnvestlgation of the bureau
of plant lndustry. Cabled lnstructlons
have been sent to hlm to report Imme
diately to the department what asslstance
he needs ln the way of men and money.
During a trip ln Central Amerlca last
year Mr. Cook dlscovered a cotton gTOwn
by Indians which gave evldence of be
Ing lmmune from the attacks of the boll
weevll, and on orders from the depart
ment he later began an lnvestlgation ln
certain points ln Gautemala and Mexico.
Mr. Cook's investlgations have been ln
more or less accesslble reglons ln the
province of Alta. Vera Paz, Gautemala.
The weevils are present there, but the In
vestlgations show that they are unques
tlonably kept ln check by the presence
of an actlve enemy ln the shape of a
large reddish-brown ant, which ls at
tracted to the cotton by the food which it
secures from sets of Horal nectarles. Mr.
Cook's Investlgations show that these
ants spread themselves over flelds of cot
ton four or flve to a plant and that they
are constantly engaged ln the destruc
tlon of the boll weevll. Mr. Cook reports
that the adrolt and buslness-llke way ln
which the weevll ls dlsposed of seems
to prove beyond questlon that the ant Is,
by structure and Instlnct, especlally
equtpped for the work of destructlon.
20 025
Potatoes (peck) "
Cheese ,"
Butter (pound)
Sugar (reflned)
Sugar (Maple)
Salt. T. I.. (bushel)
Tl H , V.K1 '
Flour (patent) ;53;
Corn BOJ0
Corn (northern) , rTZg.
Meal (cwt)
ivuiu"b lofjsa
Lobsters (pound) ...
Raw Oll
tvcnjscuo '1M?1(I
" 25
" 50
Wood, (cord)
Mlxed Feed
T. 1
or"" m
Llnseed Oll Meal 1..2
Provender Z
Mlddllngs 1
Rye Meal, (pound)
Cotton Secd Meal
Gluten Meal
Cracked Corn
HomlnV Meal
Corrected July 7.
The ladies' Enterprlse soclety of .
ville will meet with Mrs. A. I. Wl
on Chestnut street next Wednesda
ternoon at 4 o'clock.
In Brattleboro. July 4. a daughter to
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Guiheen.
In Spofford, X. H.. July 2. a daughter.
Beatrice Rachel. to Bessle A. and Wtlllam
P. Hannum.
In Hlnsdale. N. II.. July 2, by Rev. D. C
Ling. p. J. Vlgneault and Miss Annie J.
In Hlnsdale. X. H., Julj- 6, by Rev. W
F. White. Frank E. Cutler and Miss Em
ma L. Barrett, both of Hlnsdale.
In Hlnsdale, N H., June 30, by Rev. H.
Gertrude Roscoe, assisted by Rev. W. F
White, Edward P. Balley of Brockton!
Mass., and Miss Mar- I. Stearns of Hlns
dale. In Lyme. X. H., June 22, Rev. Rodney
W. Roundy of Ludlow, formerly of Bel
lows Falls, and Miss Florence A. Cham
pion of Lyme.
W-.M c
We will furnish free of cost, a map of
Japan, Minchuria, Corea and surrounding
territory, npon application.
Insurance. BratUtboro.
In Brattleboro, July 6, Miss Emma MU
Ier, 66.
In Brattleboro, July 5, Allce M. Farr
wlf of Fred W. Reed, 35.
In Dummerston, July 4, Henry V
In Bellows Falls. July 1, Mrs,
Vane, 23.
In Chester, July 1, Henry Wheelock, a
natlve of Grafton, 74.
In Barre. July 2, Mrs. Annle Houllhan.
wife of G. W. Gorman, 33.
In Bethel, July 5, Dorothy, daughter of
Lieut. and Mrs. Wallace K. Batchelder,
6 months, 25 days.
In Northfield, Mass., June 30, John
In East Northfield, Mass., July 5, by
drowning, Ralfe W. Armstrpng of Ha'ge's
vllle. Ohlo, 22, and Wllllara H. Goodwln
of Burnside, Conn., both students at
In Mlllers Falls, Mass., July 6, Maude
Hall, wife of George C. Day, formerly of
Hlnsdale, N. H.
In Charlton, Mass., DeWltt Flsher, 7S
formerly of Newfane.
In SpofTord, N. H July 3, Beatrice
Rachel, Infant daughter of Bessie A. and
Willlam P. Hannum.
In Hlnsdale, N. H., July 5, Mrs. AI
mira Nuttlng, 73.
ln Hlnsdale, N. H., June 30, Mrs. Ed
ward Blshop, 66.
In West Swanzey, N. H., July 3, Homer
Stratton. 89 years and 5 months.
J. W Magoon's barn ln East Montpelier
was burned Monday causlng a Ioss of
J1500, with only J500 Insurance.
Dupuy De Lome, who dled ln Paris
Saturday, was mlnlster from Spaln to
he Unlted States In 1893. and h rai,i
Yearly Subscr.ptlon Pr.ce l
A3 months' Trial Subscripti'V K,.n,,n?tTf,SecoK:
for 28 cenU. jta.bUt WaS lntercepted by the c"ban
The Vermont Phcen,
InvestmentSecurities ; As Usual, Bargains!
Paying from 4 3-4 to 6 per cent.
Wrlte for Informatlcn.
New England and Eastern Propertles.
Brattleboro, Vt.
The Value of Small Things
I wish to call your artention to my stock of small
articles, known to the shoe dealer under the comprehen
sive term, "findings," and which are so essential to
Dressing : The best brands for every kind of
black or russet shoe.
Snow Flake Cream: A preparation for
cleaning white canvas shoes or any article made of white
Laces : A complete assortment, including wide
silk laces for Oxfords, in both black and brown.
Rubber Heels : Which make walking easy
for the large number of people now using them.
Tread-Aip Heel Cushions : J Some
thing new and very practical for lessening the jar of
walking. A valuable adjunct to the rubber heel.
Instep Arch Supports: For those
troubled with " broken arch " or " flat foot."
In short, I carry a complete line of these small
82 Main Street.
Untll July 15 will sell
3 cans Beani, 25c
10 cakes Gypty Soap, 25C
3 pkgs. Puddlne, 25c
Best Trlpe, 5C n
Try our "AUTOCRAT" Coffee
at 25c pound,
Coupon In each can.
West Brattleboro, Vt.
This means that you can get a Hat
at 50 per cent. less than a month ago.
Exclusive styles ln Belts.
The newest in all klnds of Combs.
This Is the place for a Shampoo.
Mrs. G. H. SMITH,
85 Maln Street.
Mllllner and Halrdresser.
Poster Printing a Specialty.
Orders fllled at once, and ln the best manner.
Refrigerators J
Baby Carriages
Must be closed out at once.
Our entire line of WHITE MOUNTAIN
REFRIGERATORS will be cut 25 per cent.
This means a $12 refrigerator for $9 or a
$20 one for $15.
Go-Carts and Carriages cut to prices
where they must sell. If you desire gen
uine bargains you will find them here.
Evcrythlng for Housekceplng.

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