Cor VOL. LXXIX. BRATTLEBORO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1912. NO. 41. JUST IN, A LARGE INVOICE OF Bed Room Furniture FROM ONE OF THE BEST GRAND RAPIDS FACTORIES Elegant designs in solid mahogany. We sell the suites complete or pieces separately. Beds, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Ladies' Dressing Tables, CheVal Mirrors, Writing Tables and Wash Stands. It is a pleasure for us to. show, come often. EMERSON & SON Everything for Housekeeping BRATTLEBORO. VT. Do You Want a Home or Investment ? Tho John Galvln estato on Walnut street Is offered for sale through our agency, this Isup-to-date In every way with n chance to build another house on tho property. Tho Asa Field estato on Prospect street, will be sold as a whole or divided tn lots to suit the purchaser. The I'routy houso on Central street, two tcDcmonts,;iarge lot. Theso with other properties can bo seen at any time. Several bargains in small and large arms. Wo handlo property In all towns. Cnro of estates. Kent Collections S. W. EDGETT & COMPANY, Brattleboro, Vt. New England Real Estate Agents MilkProducers look Gluten, per hundred, Distiller's Grains, per hundred, Union Grains, per hundred, $1.50 $1.65 $1.70 $1.65 $1.25 $1.25 $1.10. Ajax Flakes, per hundred, v per hundred. Sugrarota, per hundred, LinoVneal, par hundred, i Thes'e prices are below cost but wet simply must empty our warehouse as the'Railroad want it at once. Crosby & co. I Warehouse Call 135 ' Office Calls 104-105 AUCTION 50 HUKbLcS My twelfth fall sale of Horses will take place on Thursday, Oct. 17 Will arrive Oct. 15 with two carloads of fresh country horses; pairs 2000 to Qinn nttnA- 1. 1 AAA 1 TAA 'Dounds each. I will have about 75 fresh horses and 75 uccllmated horses, 800 to 1660 pounds each. Some extra good palrfr lr this lot. Drivers and workers, 2000 fo 3000 pounds each. Among them you cUn find anything you may wish for, from a cheap horse to a No. 1 draft- horse. Also some two or three sper-dy horses. Anyone who ever at tended my sales knows that I advertise what I have, and sell everything for ty'ie high dollar without limit or re pcrve. Each and every horse warranted fas represented or return and get your money back. Will also have 2 two- horse dumpcarts, neany new, several buggies and wagons, several sets of heavy and driving harness; have been used but little. Anyone wishing to dispose of horses at this sale can do so. Notify me as early as possible, Itemember the day and date Thurs day, Oct, 17 at 10.30 a. m., Bharp. Sale positive, rain or shine. M. J. TETREAULT, Prop., Main St., Greenfield, Mass. Abram Glddon, Auctioneer. CHRYSANTHEMUMS A very ohoico lot Just coining on. Prompt attention Klven to nut of town orders. For everything In tho lloml lino, try HOPKINS, the Florist 144 Western Ave., Hrattleboro, Vt, Telephone vn. On car lino. Miss Mary Fletcher Cox will open her classes in GYMNASTICS AND AESTHETIC DANCING for ladies and children, October ai, Ad dress the Colonial, telephone 608.W. We Show the Largest Stock and Best Assortment of Street and Stable Blankets In the county. AH 5-A quality. We arc making prices to move them quickly ROBBINS&COWLES Hardwarcmen $100 REWARD Will be paid for information leading to tho arrest and conviction of the parties or party who broke Into the cottages of M. Austin and Fred L. Howe, situated on the New Hampshire side of the Con necticut river, during the past few days. The said amount will be paid any per son furnishing Information leading to the arrest and conviction of any par ties or party breaking and entering or damaging property belonging to any one of the following cottage owners on the Connecticut river at any time. Infor mation may be given to anyone of said property owners. A. L. PETTBE. Fit ED L. HOWE. F. K. BARROWS. G. L. DUNHAM. Wit. DUNLEAVY. C. P. SPENCER. TASKER BROS. C. R. CROSBY. H. C. RICE. M. AUSTIN. Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 4, 1912. MADAM DeMARA'S Hair and Scalp Invigorator I wish to notify the public that my Hair Invigorator will grow hair on bald heads, and also cleanses the scalp of any infliction, such as dandruff or any scalp trouble. Will also stop the hair from coming out, of old and young. Myself and daughter are the proof. It shows what It has done for us and many others. Price 50 cents a bottle; also 50 cents for treatment. Strictly pure. Without spirits or drugs. Sham pooing 60 cents. Open Aug. 20. MADAM DeMARA 67 Main Street Brattleboro, Vt. go MORTGAGES go THAYER & QALE Minneapolis, Minn. Good Vermont References. BRICK VERMONT BRICK COMPANY PUTNEY, VT. Manufacturers of high grade building brick I Pay Highest Cash Prices for Rags, Itubbcrs, Metals, Hides, Skins mid Hones GEORGE GASS, 22 FLAT STREET i'nloinmno67U-M. The "BEST SELLING" new BOOKS and hundreds of titles in the POPULAR EDITIONS GLAPP & JONES WEARfflfjl)ji RUBBERS SECURITY SERVICE These Are the Two Essentials in Banking THE BRATTLEBORO TRUST COMPANY Offers You Both - With a capital' of $100,000.00, a stockholders' liability of $100,000.00, and a steadily increasing surplus it offers to its de positors absolute security. Its Board of Directors is made up of active men who Manage the affairs of the Bank. The BRATTLEBORO TRUST COMPANY can serve you either in the Savings Department or the Commercial Department or both. Night School BEGINS October 15 Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Civil Service, Penmanship, Special English Classes, etc. CLAWSON- HAMILTON COLLEGE INCORPORATED BRATTLEBORO, (VERMONT. WANTED. WANTED Laundress at Home for Aged. 41-tf WANTED lioard and room for man. wife and child. Apply Phrenlx ofllce. WANTED Live Doultrv and atrlptlv fresh eggs. EVANS BROS.. Townshend.Vt WANTED Farm with stnclt. prima and tools; easy payments. P. O. Box 882, WANTED The care of aged or in valid people for their farm or home. 1SOX 62.', apples. State wages In first letter. O. W. A Ml DON, Grove P. O., Halifax, Vt. WANTED Young man of eood hnhlin to learn the building business. Apply to PEL-LETT BROS., new Crnnhv clnvntnr J. C. Pellett, Mgr. 26-tf . . . J j .ituii, met, iui" nlshed room, well heated. In central lo- Pntlnn tint an1 rrM ...n.n.. Yl ... t . 1. . . . . . . u..i. " H in . JWVill Willi board preferred. Address W. G., care wi xiic i injuui.t unite. 4U-1W . . , . jw null, WVIfl, OCU KUU1- anteed hosiery to wearer; big commis sion; make 110 dally; experience unnec essary. Address INTERNATIONAL MILLS, 3038 Chestnut, Philadelphia. lAHMITM If 1. ,1 ,,wm ..Milk Hum, DUll U11UU- tecd hosiery to wearer; big commission: mnllA 11ft Hnllu AvrtA.lA.iA ...... MPM If i.-r, . . . ' V. .... J , ,J ICIIbD UllllCUCOMII. Address INTERNATIONAL MILLS, 3038 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Experienced lndv stonnir. rapher and cashier would like perma nent position. Have had little experi ence as bookkeeper, Best of references. Address Box B0, It. F. D. No. 1, White River Junction, Vt. Wanted, Country Boy Wanting Education I live m Springfield. Mass.: have 3 cows, a horse and some hens. I want a young man to take care of them, and go to scnooi evenings. For wages, etc., address John Mc Kean, 469 Main Street, Springfield, Mass. Wanted, a Young Man who desires to learn the grain busi ness, one willing to work. Good references to be furnished. E. CROSBY & COMPANY AGENTS PIVUll MAKE $3.1X1 dally celling IL' jUonr triple enamel cook. and preserving kettle. Guaranteed salary to wokrers. Hulldav sneclttlties now reudv. Bend for big catalogue and generous otter. DUNDEE MFG. CO. &!.ff.uT5r.?. SPECIAL NOTICE8. Agent, Crosby block, Brattleboro, Vt. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for thrpn.nlern. In-one "MAItCELLA" underwear. E. O. iiuuufts, as Norm Main Bt, 37-44 SLATING and ROOFING of all kinds and chimney cleaning done to order. iu. u, TOJUtKV, 5 canal st, Brattleboro. 8AM ZAR. 78 Elliot St.. buvs rnirs. metals, rubbers! DaDers: cash or trade. Highest prices. Mall card and I will call. LOST Automobile tall lamp on some street In town. Finder please notify C. H. GRANT GRANITE COMPANY. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Katharine Dunlery Room 6, Crosby Block icicnnnnniii i. NOTICE I. FlOVd G. Coolldep. nf Rnrlnp-flplrl Mass,, will no longer be liable for bills contracted bv mv wlfp )ia mfnuini. tn live with mo as n loyal wife, 40-42 BOYCE'S TRYMORE Havana 5c Cigar "Try one and you'll try more.' APPLES ! APPLES! Baldwins and Greenings The best we ever had, from snraved trees. Call at our Market and see the fruit or send an'order. W. F. RICHARDSON CO. FOR SALE. FO,R SALE No. 1 horse hay. HENRY R.- BROWN. Brattleboro, Vt. 35-tf FARMS -Weekly circular free. Dept. . M:ifliiU 01 diuK 01., uosion. FOR SALE Thnrniiihhr,i nhnon. White pigs. TOWN FARM Brattleboro. POD RA! C Tin., Inn.. V..., . cash only. HOUGHTON FARM, Putney, FOR SALE A new house on Belmont &?.J?arsnln for somebody. S. B. ,MiRSON. 39-tf FOR SALE 1 cheap horse, 1 heavy W&r0A8v, EnluIre Of W. F. RICH ARDSON CO. 38-tf .9R .SALE Good work horse, weight 1200. L. A. HOWARD. Brattleboro. Tel ephone 16-12. 32-tf ' FOR SALE Fine pair Holstetn steers, .ryeS Jd . Broken to work. L. O. CLAPP, Northfleld, Mass. 40-42 FOR SALE 4 show cases, 1 wall case, 1 upright glass case and table. Can be eenat store. H. II. THOMPSON. FOR SALE Well-bred Buff Orping ton hens. Price reasonable. FAYETTE MILLER, McVeigh Farm, Brattleboro. if 9Ru SALE Two houses; 1 building i?t 4 by 8 rods. Must be sold. C. W. WARD. 12 Pleasant St.. Brattleboro, Vt. , FOR SALE Two-tenement house and barn; half an acre cultivated land. Good location In Brattleboro. Address G. Phoenix office. 41-lw FOR SALE Registered Ayrshire bull, 15 months old, good individual from heavy producing and prize winning stock. FAYETTE MILLER, McVeigh Farm, Brattleboro. 40-tf FOR SALE Pair of Well Matched Horses Young and sound. Good drivers and extra good to work. Weight between 2500 and 2000. Address. W. II. HOUGHTON. West Brattle boro, Vt. WORK HORSES FOR SALE Four pairs of excellent farm and draft horses and two single work horses of unusual quality. One pair of beautifully matched bays is a re markable team for combined work and driving, tractable, active, low set and rugged. Charles W. Bosworth, Maple Grove Farm, Walpole, N. H. TO RENT. TO RENT Nice furnished room. F. J. FAIRBANKS, 22 Oak St. 41 TO RENT Furnished rooms with heat and gas. "K" care The Phoenix. TO RENT Two pleasant tenements at 6 Myrtle street. C. B. CROWELL. TO RENT Two tenements on Blrge Street. HOLDEN & MARTIN. 38-tf TO RENT Pleasant 7-room house. In quire of II. F. WBATHBRHEAD, West Brattleboro. 37-tf TO RENT Preferably to young wom an, pleasant furnished room, heated, In quire of MISS FARNUM, Phccnlx office. AUCTION SALE 25 COWS 25 I will sell by public auction at the Doollttle farm, Bltuated on Orchard street, Brattleboro, Vt., Saturday, October 19, 1912 At 1 o'clock sharp TU'UNTY-FIVE COWS In llrst-class condition; some duo soon, one with calf by her side, part farrow, and tho rest due in the early winter. Also three hay m1 ,W 0I' t,iree IarBe uayu of MERTON A. DOOLITTLE. A, W. J. Wllklns, Auctioneer. JOB PRINTING. E. L.HILDRETH & CO. When men talk of safety they think of Insurance. We offer the kind of Insurance which gives the best Bervlco under all conditions. National (Mutual1)1"""06 c'0l,,pany, SIol"r,eller1 Vt. H." E. TAYLOR & SON, Insurance, Crosby QIock, Dratt'Ooro. (i Wmvamt Ijccnu. TEN PAGES BRATTLEBORO. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1912. THE VERMONT PH(ENIX. Publislied In Brattleboro every Friday by THE VERMONT PIKEN1X COMPANY W. E. HUBI1ARD President and Treasurer. ?.UilS;RIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR; $1.00 for eight months; 75 cents for six fnnnth.' 5fl n fn f . i. . . .n . . ... au, iuui IUU111US, 1U CCniS 'of three months. AH subscriptions are pay- nw.v w.jr in uuvancc, ana ail papers are stopped promptly at their expiration unless the subscriptions are renewed. Kates of display advertising furnished on application. Small classified advertisements, 10 cents per line first insertion, five cents per line each subsequent insertion. (Entered at the Hrattleboro post office as second class mall matter.) Satement of the Ownership and Man agement cf The Vermont Phcenlx. Ilv recent net nf f!nnpr.a. nil MA.,o. Daners In thn TTnltpil Rtnl a sworn statement published In them concerning tneir ownership and manage ment. The Vermont PhrpnW la Brflttlotiorn. Vt.. pvorv TTrMm- ? Hubbard Is editor, managing editor, business manager and owner. The pa per Is published under the firm name of The Vermont Phoenix Company. This statement was sworn to In Brattleboro, Sent. 2S. 1D12. hnforn Snnfnr,! A. TVintolu notary public, and two copies were given iu iMiireuge iiasKins, postmaster In Brattleboro, Vt. Gov. Wilson's attitude toward Pres ident Taft Is In striking contrast with that of Col. Roosevelt. In his Minnesota speech he said: "I want to pay my tribute of respect to Mr. Taft. I think nobody who fully understands the facts will deny the patriotism, the integrity and tho honesty of purpose of the man who sits In the White House." The Demo cratlc candidate feels that In honesty and Justice he must admit the sterling qualities of the present lricumbent of the White House, though differing from him In political policy. The defection of Gov. Hadley of Mis souri, who has come out publicly In support of President Taft, Is a stag gering blow to the third-term candidacy. His position today Is a rebuke to all the talk of a "steal" In the' Republican na tional convention. Hadley was the Roosevelt lloor leader in the convention and was In a position to have an Inti mate knowledge of facts concerning con tested delegations. Gov. Hadley's ver acity und Integrity have not been Im pugned heretofore. To continue the talk about "stealing" is to brand Hadley as an accessory after the fact. Gov. Deneen of Illinois is another erstwhile Roosevelt leader who Is now supporting the regular Republican ticket. Charles 8. Baxter, who headed the list of Roosevelt delegates-at-large In Massa chusetts, has made an outright declara tion this week In support of President Taft. The Greenfield Recorder clamors for a change In the direct primary laws in Massachusetts. It claims that In practice the primaries fall to register. the opin ions of a suillclent number of voters to make them effective, that they Invite ruther than eliminate the use of money n winning nominations, and that they dis sipate rather than Increase party respon sibility, in closing an interesting discus sion of the fullure of the law to accom plish what was expected the Recorder says; "Years ago the state 'Massachu setts led the country In adoption of the secret ballot In protection of the voter's free and .unhampered action. Just now we have set up a process which destroys the secrecy of his action, puts ihlm In open declaration of his party connec tion and records him on a roil from which he cannot escape except by a burdensome process. .Return to the con vention system Is not likely, but It will come by demand of the people them selves If the law stands as It now Is. It s the friends of the primary that must make the changes In tho method that will save It from destruction. They Have cause to study and think and act." The recommendations of the committee of nine, looking toward educational re form in Vermont, published in The Phcenlx last week, are worthy of care ful consideration by every member of the legislature. There is, nothing par tisan about them, In fact the main ob ject of these propositions Is to take the educational system out of politics. A bill will Boon be Introduced at Mont peller reorganizing the state board of education, giving It large powers and duties. The state superintendent of ed ucation Is to be the executive offlcer of the board and appointed by the board. If the bill becomes a law, the state su perintendent elected by seven members of the board of education, will not like ly be so much Interested in politics as he naturally would be If elected by a legislature of 277 members. Other changes tn existing law will be suggested only, but It Is expected the committees on education In both House and Senate will pay some attention to what the ed ucators of tho state have offered for their consideration. If the state board of education Is reorganized it will re main for Governor Fletcher to name the very best men nnd women in tho state. They ought to be chosen for their lltncss alone nnd not tor their opinions on the normal school situations, tho present state superintendent or any other controversial matter. Saved Leg of Boy "It seemed that my H-ytar-old boy WOlttfl hnvfl tn Inaa tilo Inn ,i,t nnr,n,m n and ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise," wroto D. F. Howard, Aquone, N. C. "All remedies and doctor's treatment failed till we tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and cured him with one box." Cures burns, bolls, skin eruptions, piles; 25o at Wil fred F, Root's and F. II. Holden's. ROEL SUPPORTING PRESIDENT TAFT Prominent Democrat Has No Use for Wilson or Roosevelt Thinks Good Times and Plenty of Work Better than Low Cost of Living With Empty Pocket Dooks. It wus with no small degree of satis faction that Republicans In this village learned yesterday that Austin W. Roel a well-known Democrat' und nominee of that party for senator from the south ern district of Windham coifnty, was an outspoken supporter of William II. Taft for President. For a number of days the Republicans have felt that the tide was turning, quietly, but none the less surely, toward President Tuft, but sup port from Democratic circles hardly was to be expected. Mr. Roel Is still a Dem ocrat, but at this period In the coun try's progress he believes that President Tafe sholllfl tin nnntlnito.l 1 . w...,..uv, iii umtc iui another term. When the report reached The Pluunlx ofllce that Mr. Roel, one of the best known Demnrrnln In, .... had announced hfs Intention not to be Kuverneu uy Democratic partisan in fluences he was called bv telephone und was asked If the report was correct. With characteristic frankness he said President Taft nmi i,oiiv..,i i. ...... ,. a great mistake to elect either of the mo uuier canuiuutes. "I am Still n Tlpmnrnt 11. Roel to the man at the telephone, "and I do not say 'that I shall vote for Taft in November, but I think he Js the best man for the pluee and I hope he will be elected. The country never was In a more prosperous condition than It Is today, and I believe In letting well enough alone. The ingt r ii,in be high, but I would rather have It so and be getting good pay than to have """s tneuji anu noining to pay for them with. "HelD lH KrarPP. Vl-hlnVi ul.n..-n kn erjuuuy is uusy anu receiving good wages. The farmer Is getting higher Prices for hln nrnHito tVic. ha t.n i. - - J II . I lltlO uccu able to get before for many years, and I iuu i ueuuve ne win vote for any change in administration now. My advice to the laborlmr man In tit simnnrt Tnf, t. be for their Interest to do so." hen asked what his opinion of Roose velt was, .Mr. Roel answered: "I have a pretty small nnlnlnn nf Mm tic lit man for the place. And 'Grandma' Wilson may be all right to run a col lege, but he Isn't a big enough man for the presidency. They can't get a better man than is In tho chair now, and he ought to be re-elected. One' thing that we ought to be mighty careful of Is how we meriritp with ih. tariff if n,A ,n - ...... ........ J t si (,u ill monkeying with it without knowing Y,iat we uie uuuui we n nave naru times again, Just as sure as the world. iou Know i always say Just what I iniiiK, asserteu Mr. Roel, "and I'm tell ing you now Just how I feel. If I wasn't a Democrat I believe I would take the stump for Taft." Mr. Roel, who Is superintendent of the Brattleboro Retreat farm, is known by farmers and others throughout the country, and the statements here quoted, coming from a man of his standing and a man of his associations in Democratic circles, must make it apparent to many that the Democrats are not so thorough ly intrenched in the present political campaign as they have been credited with being. HORSE STOLEN FROM JAILER DAVIS Sheriff Mann and Owner of Animal Re covered Property In New York Auto, mobile Accident. Sheriff C. E. Mann returned Wednes day evening from a six days' hunt for a horse thief, during which he was ac companied by Jailer Earl Davis of the County House of Newfane. The chase took them into New York state and al though they returned without their man they located the horse and wagon, which was stolen from Mr. Davis a week ago yesterday They covered about 200 miles on the 'trip. Oct. 3 a man described as of medium height, thlck set, weighing about 200 pounds, 30 years of age and dark com plexion went to the County House and hired a horse from Mr. Davis, saying that he wished to drive to Rawsonvllle, which Is about 18 miles from Newfane, and that he would ljave the rig about two days. Mr. Davis let the horse and later received word that the stranger would not return until Sunday. He did not return that day nor Mon day, and on Tuesday Sheriff Mann and Mr. Davis started In an automobile on his trail. They went to Rawsonvllle, across the state Into New York, always following the route taken by the man with the horse. They stopped at many towns and went as far as Fort Edward, then retraced their route and went to Granville. In that town they found a liveryman who had bought and sold the Newfane man's property. The fellow' who had taken it from Newfane had sold everything for 75. The horse alone was worth $225. The Granville liveryman sold the horse, harness and carriage to different persons. The carriage was in Granville, the horse had been bought by a Pawlet man and the harness went to Danby. Sheriff Mann and Mr. Davis, accom panied by the liveryman, started to lo cate the missing property. On Tuesday eyenlng they were traveling on. a coun try road when they came to the Junction of another road. Mr. Davis turned into the wrong road, but had gone only a few feet when he stopped the automobile. He started ' to back the machine and suddenly the rear wheels slid down a 10 foot bank and the sheriff was thrown out over tho back. He sustained sev eral cuts and scratches about the face and hands, his nose being badly scratch ed. The missing horse nnd harness were found, and the sheriff and Mr. Davis re turned home. Tho stolen rig will re turn over the road. Tho thief had dls appeared, but denorlptlons have been sent broadcast and olllcers are watch ing for him. Will Have a Basketball Team. The basketball season In town will open about Thanksgiving day and Brat tleboro will be represented by a team, probably consisting of Dunlevy. Michel man, Oscar nnd Orlln Whitney Carl Ej. Us and "Giis" Dothwell. The team will be managed this season by Michael Dunn, who has been conferring with tho managers of the Bellows Falls, Keonc, Greenfield,' Turners Falls and Northampton teams In regard to form ing a league. Tho matter has not been decided, but In any ease a local team will be put on the floor MIchelman Is tho only man new to Brattleboro fol lowers of tho game He has played In Waro, Mass., and on othor teams and Is said to bo u "whirlwind," A LONG BRATTLEBORO PASTORATE Rev. E. Q. S. Osgood Installed at Unlta rlan Church 15 Years Ago Has Served 14 Years on School Board. Rev. E. Q. s, Osgood, pastor of tho Unltnrlan church, In the course of his sermon last Sundny morning, referred to the fact that the day was the 15th , anniversary .of hU installation as minis- 1 ter of that church, the Installation ser vice having tftfeen place Wednesuu eve ning, Oct. C, 1S97. Tho subject of his REV. E. Q. S. OSGOOD. sermon was "rtnl.lpn mil,atnnAU the annlverary was mentioned ns being one oi me milestones or nis lire. Then length of Rev. Mr. Osgood's pre sent mn.stnr.'i hnu l,o,. ti,.oA n- long as the Brattleboro pastorate of any other minister now here. The next In icngui is mat or Kev. D. E. Trout, pas tor of the I'nlversallst church for the past five years. Rev. Mr. Osgood has had Chnrup Of tho nhnrnh .In,,. ,pnh Q1 1SD7, several months before he was in stalled, coming here before Rov. C. O. Day gave up the pastorate of the Con gregational church. After he had preach ed seven years. In February, 19l, ho gave a sermon relative to events' which had taken place during those years, and In April, 1911, he preached a sermon on the SO years' history of the church, which was printed practically entire In The Phoenix. The Unitarian church has prospered under Rev. Mr. Osgood's pastorate, and a cordial and united feeling prevails throughout the parish. The church is entirely free from debt, and within a few months $S0O0 has been raised for a parish house to be erected on the site of Wells hall, In the rear of the church grounds. The work of removing the old hall will be begun next week. In addition to his ministerial duties Rev. Mr. Osgood has had a wide in fluence In the community as a member of the prudential committee of the In corporated school district No. 2, which Includes the high school, in which ca pacity he has served H years. He Is now serving his fifth three-year term on the board, and for eight years he has , been chairman, showing marked exec-'" utlve and buisness capacity. Heils deep ly respected throughout the community, and he has won the confidence of tho voters In the school district to an ex ceptional degree, not only by his rec ord In ofllce, but by his open and candid discussion of public school matters. MUTUAL AID ANNUAL MEETING. Nurses, Attendants and Helpers Render ed 2008 Days' Service District Nurse Made 1768 Calls. In the annual meeting of the Brattle boro Mutual Aid association Wednesday the secretary reported that 30 graduate nurses, attendants, practical nurses and household . helpers were employed 2008 days. Of the 923 calls received 737 were fill ed. Of these, 640 were for illness and emergency and 593 were filled. The supervisor had 115 patients under care and made 1113 calls. The district nurse had 135 patients under care and made 1768 calls. The treasurer reported total receipts for the year, $7719.52; expenditures, $7681.23; balance on hand, $35.29. Thirty different children have been cared for in the day nursery since It opened Oct. 26, 1911. It has been open 273 days and there has been an attend-, ance of 901 half days, and 804 din ners were served. The social service committee is re sponsible for raising the money to carry on this work. The total receipts for the year were $109.66; expenditures, $306.27; balance on hand, $103.39. World's Series a Tie To Date. The first game, played In New York Tuesday, was won by Boston 4-3. Wood and Tesreau were the opposing pitchers. Wood struck out 11 men and held Now York to eight hits. Boston on three hits and a double scored three runs In the seventh inning and Terscau was then replaced by Crandall. In the ninth in ning, after New York had scored one run and had two men on bases Wood struck out Fletcher and Crandall. The second game resulted in a tie, 6 to 6, after 11 Innings. Collins and Math ewson were the pitchers, the former being relieved by Hall after the seventh Inning. New York won the play-off of Wed-6 nesduy's game yesterday 2 to 1. Mar quard twirled for New York and O'Brien for Boston. Each team made seven hits. Nine young men lost their lives at Philadelphia early Sunday, when an au tomobile in which they were Joy riding after visiting cafes and saloons crashed through the railing on the side of tho now Thirty-third street boulovard at Master street and fell Into a coal yard 75 feet below. Tho machine, a big tour ing car, turned turtle In tho descent, and tho occupants were fo'un.l crushed and mangled in the hood of the machine. The body of the car was smashed to splinters. A Log on the Track of tho fast express means serious trouble ahead it not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lack of vi tality, loss of strength and nerve weak ness. If appetite falls, take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome the cause by toning up tho stomach, and curing the Indigestion. Michael Hesshelmer of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Electric Bit ters put htm right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cents at Wilfred F. Root's and at F. H. Holden's.