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Pierre weekly free press. (Pierre, S.D.) 1889-19??, November 28, 1895, Image 1

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98062890/1895-11-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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It May Be
Commenting on Mr. Balfour's went
statement concerning an international
monetary conference, tho London News
Mr. Balfour's answer disposes if liimetallism
eo far as this government is eunci iieil, unci
Ave arc heartily (jliul or it, because we believe
that bimetallism spells -•ruin" for tin* nr.'iit
creditor country of the world. Mr. Halfour
has gone farther even than Sir William liar
court, who did not object to conference pro
vided thi! British delegates were instructed to
vote against debusing the currency.
Ill bimetallic circles, however, another com
plexion is put on the matter. The oliicials of
the Bimetallic league especially dwell on l!
fact.that Sir. Balfour's remarks referred to
ail immediate conference, and it is claimed
that lus a matter of fact his reply reveals the
expectance upon the part of the government
that a successful conference can f*ulisequentlv
be arranged. The Bimetallic league olHciaH
therefore di-ehire themselves pleased with the
answer of the first lord of the treasury.
"Bimetallism spells ruin for the great
creditor country of tho world." and
England does not object to a conference
if it can be assured that the irsult of
the conference will be to maintain the
gold standard.
Commenting upon the Ohio Demo
cratic state convention Tho Westminster
Gazette says that tho final vote of the
Ohio Democratic state convention
against free silver,cannot, fail to havo
material bearing whatever may be tho
outcomo of tho controversy on this ques
tion. Tho Gazette adds that, it is an un
doubted fact that tho present uncertainty
is having a most pernicious effect upon
tho well being of tho United States,
but should it. ultimately be decided to
establish a fixed ratio between gold and
silver, it does not i.-i any wise follow
that what will suit America will be ac
ceptable to Great Britain.
Now this is refreshing.
We have a distinct recollection that
George Washington, Patrick Henry,
John Hancock and a number of other
loyal American citizens advocated meas
ures and did things that were "not ac
ceptable to Great Britain." But the
greatest nation upon God's footstool
was established and grew and developed
in spite of tho fact that the things which
made that prosperity possiblo were "not
acceptable to Great Britain."
When the tea was dumped overboard,
that act was "not acceptable to Great
It may bo necessary to dump some
more tea overboard, and our London
friends may rest assured that the
."dumping" will take place in spite of
fit# fnct
that such an act would "not be
aofifiptfjble to Great Britain."—Omaha
Senator l'ugh'H Prophecy.
Senator Pugh of Alabama in a recent
speech said: "I iredict that Mr. Cleve
land's next message will declare for ad
ditional legislation to maintain tho gold
basis. That means that the gold trunk
is too slim to support the limbs put out
by the silver and gold basis. Tho coin
basis lias been contracted and will break
to pieces under the weight of its limbs,
(ind then will bo demonstrated the im
uggpii/iiity of the single gold standard.
Xhifi wiJJ Jiappen before July next. Ho
will ask fof Hie j-epeal of tho law com
•pelling tho redemption of greenbacks in
gold. Ho will want a number of bills
repealed. He will try to get rid of green-
JjacifS pud currency notes to the amount
$500,Q(jQ,QQ0 to furthor contract tho
ourroncy And predict that he will not
lie obeyed and neither Jjouso iyill aid
liitu. Be Will ask for another issue
gold boariog bonds »Jso."
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Be SubHorvicut to Great lirltalit.
Banker .Seligiuan of New Yolk said
that as England had the money aim iIn
experience the. people of tlx United
States should be willing to profit. iiy
what tho London money kin^s knew
and allow them to gnido the linanciul
affairs of this country.
Wo havo before us copies of the Lon
don News and Tho Westminster Gazette,
and wo havo no hesitancy in comidin
that tho people of tho United .States
could profit liy reading some of the edi
torials in these journals printed in the
country that has "tho money and the
t\. I«et Them'Speak Out*
If tbe silver Deniocruts ure eiDccrb in
their protestation for tbe free and un
limited coiiiago of silver at the ratio of
jiff fff 1, let theu speuk ont and say so.
To any will be guided and eou
trolled by tl)« of tbe Democratic
oonveiition in 1890 virtually gives this
qnestioii away ill advanco. This is pado
(the inoro apparent wiieu tho leaders of
jtl»« goldbngs toll 'them iu advance that
jthey will jiot support free silver man
for the presidency. Have the free silver
Democrats les^.criirage and manliness in
defense g( their vieyrs tiian the gol^
bng8? If HQt, they should boldly ai|r
nonnce their determination not to sup­
port any man tot president whose views
tvre not pronounced for the free and un
limited coinage of silver.—Lincoln
(Ga.) Homo Journal.
Stuff Printed In t'.ir lioldlius T're.in to !|.
vert the l'eoplo From Th.?ir migrat e.
1 nolic-d in the Sunday Herald a let
ter from a Chicago banker in praise of
tho la!e bond syndicate, engineered 011
this side the water by .T. P. ^Morgan,
and, according to the Chicago man. ths
proper thing for tho American people to
do would lie to raiso a benefit fund of
an amount double or trehlo what, tho
syndicate made out of the bond deal to
bo distributed among its active members
in recognition of their great service to
tho country, l-'roni tho tone of that let
ter Lincoln nor any of his cabinet,
Grant nor any of his generals, ever :eii
dered service to I ho country to bo com
pared with what the syndicate has dong.
Indeed, according to tho Chicago
man, if the bond syndicato hadn't jr.it
uji its props, the whole United StateP
government would havo fallen down,
and the collapse would have been mil
lions and millions ol' I inies worse than
anything that ever happened—earth
quakes or anything else—in this world.
But 1 suppose wo may expect to find
such stuff as tl-.at letter contained iu
'i?ho Herald and other papers of liko
persuasion. .Still it is irritating to read
that this country, the richest in natural
resources, in ent.-rpri.se, in actual
wealth—iu everything desirable—had
to be jirojiped up by a handl'nl of men,
nnrewdly manipulating bonds to their
own pecuniary advantago of j,U,000,
It's a lie, jitire and simple, and sucft
ntulT can be printed for no other purpura
than to divert the people's mind fiom
the disgrace into which Mif-y have fallen
by their blind folly iu voting tho gov
ernment into the hands of such men as
Grover Cleveland and like incompetents.
In conclusion. s?H,000,000 is a nice
finni of which to mulct even the United
States treasury. Did tho Washington
officials shaie in tho rake off? The mat
tar should be investigated. If they did
not, tliey should be impeached and re
moved from ol!ice as imbeciles and sent,
to seme institution whet-- the feeble
minded are eared for. Jf they did, why
of course they should be impeached and
handled in tho United States co-.itt ac
cording to law.
Ah, the shame, theshamo! The coun
try lnts had presidents and president -,
secretaries and secretarits. i'.onie have
honored tho positions, and some have
been honored by them, but he whom wo
call president today is incapable of
either honoring cv being honored.—Cor.
Kov,- York Press.
YJie Money l'ower In livery Contest 1«
round Arrayed Agjuiiibt tho Teople.
Every ^fcat li-j islativo battle lunylit
in this country's history has been a
struggle between tliu power of moii'-y
and tho honest heai-ted, fair minded
common people, and we challenge unj
and all caiiitalistic. ajiologists to prove
the contraiy. Take tho repeal of tho
Sherntiin act by tlio last con^i'i'.ss, for
example. Tho law as it stood benefited
the masses very little, it is true, but it
was a thorn in tho .side of tho money
classes. They raised the standard of re
volt. They started a lino and cry of "no
conlideiice,l! worked upon tho fears and
intimidated the debt ridden business
interests and nro largely responsible for
tho crushing out of 20,001) business con
cerns during the last two years.
Tho banking conspirators found it im
possible to control silver as easily as
gold and their promises to pay stuir.
Therefore silver had to go. Gold, they
said, must bo redemption money, know
ing that thero is not enough of it in the
whole world to pay one-sixth of tho ob
ligations of tho people of tho United
States and knowing that it would neces
sitate tho issuance of more bonds, the
piling on of more debts and would cre
ate more bank contraction paper and
giva a now leaso of life to that blood
sucking octopus, tho national banking
system. The money power, tho moving
influence of which is the bank gang,
thrives upon usury and is making con
tinuous war upon the wealth producers
of this nation.T—Cleveland Citizen.
Neither Sen.sc, Logic Nor Hopesty.
Tho pretended frionds of bimetallism
who uver that the only way to rehabili
tate silver is an international agreement
aro enemies to tho cause. They havo
neither sense, logic nor honesty 011 their
sido. They declaro that independent ac
tion on tho part of tho United Stales
would put the country on a silver basis,
and assumo that ruin would inevitably
follow such a course, but they furnish
no argument to support their contention.
Tho United States was not ruined when
it was compelled to depend wholly up
on a paper currency. Ou thq contrary,
it made greater relative progress be
tween 1SG8 and 879 than it lias sincp
tho latter date. Mexico is on a silver
basis and is not going to ruin. Her
manufacturers are growing and slio is
increasing lier production and wealth
.11 urroirs
Totals S MS to
I.c^s acrounts ovcrdruwn
Total cash in Imtuls uf treasurer..*
rir?-t NntiotuU linnlc ul I'ierrc?.
National Hank of of rit^rre.
lM»-riv Nntionu! Hank of I'irrre.
Uuuiit's «'ounty Hank of Blunt.
'ht'inicul Nut Minal Hank.Now York.
•Stale of rfoiith Dakota,
almost daily. Tho talk about silver
monometallism is a bogy and does not
frighten men of information and sense.
But the opening of our mints to freo
coinago would not bring us to silver
monometallism. Our action would be
inflated at once by other nations as a
measure of protection to themsolves and
to save themselves from tho inevitable
disaster which would follow a retention
of tho gold standard after we had gone
to a currency which would perforce
compel us to depend wholly upon our
own efforts to supply our demand for
manufactured articles.—San Francisco
Wealth Concentrating*
The centralization of wealth is an
alarming foaturo of our civilization, and
especially so because no one, even th(»
wisest, sees how to arrest or control it.
The Rothschilds represent $900,000,000.
A dozen otier families represent fabu
lous amounts. Wealth is running to cen
ters, liko population to cities, and it is
becoming harder and harder for the
great body of peoplo to get and have
enough to satisfy reasonable wants and
ambitions.—National Watchman.
No Liquor While on Duty.
The WolLs-Fargo Express company
has issued an order to its employees
making tho superintendent, route agent
or general agent personally responsible
for any loss occurring through failure to
properly exercise tlioir authority in the
mattor of controlling the habits of drink
ing or gambling of tho men thoy em
ploy. At the first oft'ensp, taking a glass
of liquor whilo 011 duty, an employee
js to bo cautioned atouce and.111 repeat
ing the otTense bo discharged iiuniedi
Ptely. —r xi-haugp,
Of :Cec-l|ilM nil)! OI»lur»ciiieiitN in the County or IIII^IICN tor tlic Quarter ICud
iu--' Sept. Ul, IS!).'), Showing Amount uf FIIIIIIN In tlie TrcHNiiry 11 nil Where
Tltr.ASlTKBtt'3 KX1!1HIT.
Mate lax
County ixencral
Comity school
enmity tiriil^c titid road
County sinking ..
entity institute
I lift rict schools
Cities and towns
Horn! Interest
County art'-shin well
liry Kim nrtesian well
Itairotd artesian well
Treasurer's Tees ^vr
Wcgifftcr's t'ues '..../
I'icrre selion!
Sale nii'l lease of sehool lands
tle e|' South llikot:i pt-rillitticnt achco!
Slate of South IhiUotu bills receivable..
Hug lies county bill? receivable ri,'|:i0 00
Intcest en pnmniHMit state school fund Sri IB
,, 183 Sill
KiiS 87
iKCl 7S
10 8!l
8T8 Oil
2-.fi !K)
074 411
FL'NDS-WlU-.Ur. D15POSITKD. Currency mid coin, chocks and tlrnfH.
Amount in lunik*
Ssilary voucliers
County of Hu^rhi's.
r. L. Fuller. County Tr^asurpr. bciim duly sw'orn, doth say that the above exhibit is true
and corn ct statement of the iinuncial condition of Hughe* County, as appears by his books.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth day of October, 1805.
otinty coiiMnis^ioners. Kir^t district ^.
Oauity coin in issioners, Second district
County rojnmissioners. Third district
County commissioners. Fifth district
County auditor
Deputy auditor and clerks
ounty treasurer
Conn iv judjre
^Iierill'. deputy and baiiilfs
Cletk t'lrculf and county courts
Superintendent of schools
111 tes attorney
{'ounty assessors and deputies
iraud':iud petit jurors' ices and witnesses
.lu^ticc of the peace
•Jurors, constables and witnesses
Physicians for poor
Poor relief
Hooks and stationery
Printing and advertising
Lights, fuel and repairs of county buildings
nuWdinjr and rcnairini? countv roads and bridges
Wolf bounty
sheep inspection
.tail expense?
Fire break
State of South Dakota.
County of Hughes.
T. if. Conniir. Auditor, beinjr llrst duly sworn doth say that the treasurer's exhibit hereon
is a true and correct statement of the tlaandal condition of Huffhee County, as appears by his
books, and that the auditor's exhibit ia.a true and correct statement of all warrants drawa on the
treasury during ihc quarter, and that the statement of assets and liabilities is trau and correct.
Subscribed and sworn to before MU this 10th day of Octobcr, 1S0.*».
runup li'-turt lor S«l«.
A deeded quarter section, utiiitcntn
b.-red. title perfectly clear, plenty of water
and first-class stock claim, or Rood for
fa rin I
for salt* "dirt cheap." Address
Lock l!o\ KM I'icrre. S. 1)., If wanted at,
once, or n-quire for owner's naineat KI:KH
I'liMKs uflii-e.
For Pale!
Thoroughbred and grade Galloway bull
calves. Call or ^duress
HP.- JtUllgK
uun r»7
HAM 17t
70a oi
:ii7 4
15 (IO
J.V'T'J 'J'J
^14 111
1,317 43
•54 tf7
1'imre or Ojlie, S. I).
3r: Price's Grea^Bgitfng Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.1
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
rlti (ri
ltiO H1
10 HI
1,W)S 74
yor» fii
18»5 .V.l
I.HI I t\l
ir.:i in
S5» :«ij
1114 T'.J
Ji,8«2 H.v
3« -J-J
»-ma -is
'405 09
214 2o!
10 31
1.03H I Hi
287 20
t.O'hJ 71
:is 40
012 48
(MM 77
01 71
or ^8
i,oao oi
010 no
40H U4
5 K2
21« 7rt
x'os r»:»
M-'i 74
454 01
W0 !IU
1,H4 27
47S C.l
4o:t OH.
11 10
0,400 00| GOO
Tax receii»tj«..
Cash items
11 10
0G0 0) 0.000 (M
104 SO
17,88- 14
0 GQ0 00
1^705 7tij li,.VI7 8fi 17,(tT.4 IWio.U'JO 00
T..710 2.«
4,0.*»1 !U)
I,12:1 !HJ
II,702 14
F. L. FUbLEK, County Treasurer.
Notary l'ubile.
44 mi
:ui (MI
240 (XI
:no OJ
•too *5
SB 15
t'-Ti 00
ITS 00
SK 00
1,020 SO
41 00
14 50
437 as
372 V.
U» 90
SS0 tit
41) 7.1
•J 00
171 XTI
1--M IK)
til 00
lit) 111
Notary Public.
Foople should realize that th« only
true and permanent cure for the't
condition la to be found in having
Pure Blood
Because the health of every organ and
tissue of the body depends upon the
purity of the blood. The whole world
knows the standard blood purifier if
id therefore it is the only true and
reliable medicine for nervous people.
It makes the blood pure and healthy,
and thus cure* nervousness, makes
the nerves firm and strong, gives sweet
steep, mental vigor, a good appetite,
perfect digestion. It does all this, and
cores Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Kheum
and all other blood diseases, because it
Pure Blood
Bmults prove every word we have
said. Thousands of voluntary testi
monial fully establish the fact that
to Get Hoods
I had no appetite and no strength.
I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
and it has been of great benefit.'' RUTH
CHACEY, Fargo, North Dakota.
Hood's Pills euro all liver ills, constipa
tion, biliousness, sick headache, Indigestion. 26c.
Cbleheitcr'a English Diamond llniiil
Original and Only Genuine.
nlway* reliable.
DrUKsUt Tor
Clilchtitert Xnfifiik
\mond Urand in |(c4 tol G'»M uieullie
Wmvxm. with blue Hhlton. Tnkc
Inn Other. tfanyerou* mhttftH'
't/oiu ana A
Drugglm*. or Mod 4#.
in »Umi« for imnlquUr^, tchtluumlaU auJ
'^UeUef fon ljHuU'»in '»»Utter, i.v return
Mnli. llUmMTf^iimftiiiKl.. XamuJuper.
1*K»I Urutsi'U. i'hlU^n.,p®.
Afly^tisina Agent Distributer.
A,P. O. BOX 233, Pierre, S. 1).
wrmw»»rriri H'r» a \t *rrr»
As One Woman
To Another:
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Owns and operates ti.ltiS miles of thor
oughly equipped road in the Slates of
Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Min
nesota, South Dakota, North Dakota and
the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
It Is foremost in adopting every possible
appliance for tho safety and comfort of
passengors, including an Absolute ISIock
System, Westinghouse Train Signals,
Steam Ileat., Electric Light, Vestibulcd
and Compaitment Cars, etc.
For furthor ii'.* mation address
Genl. Piqi, »gt, Chicago. 111.
In every house in Pierre. Let the
light be a bright one and clean—in fact,
gas light. Estimates as to probable cost
of using gas for either illuminating or
cooking purposesSfurnishecl at the office
on Pierre street.
(O1 JL I'A
Wholesale and detail Boots and Shoes and Robber Footwear.
L. BJ01il:iC« l'ru|ric-lr.
We carry a full line of Dl'.UC.S. l'AINTS. CLASS, VARNISH,
PUTTY, 1IRUSI1KS ami Paintws- Supplies generally. DOMESTIC,
We repair and clean Sewing Maehiues atnl tarnished new parts.
Proscriptions carefully compounded, liespectfiilly,
The only lirsl-class $1 per day hotel In the city. Half block west of the depot.
NO. 2tf.
'Every Monday morning for two years I've used"
SANTA CLAUS SOAP—always makes the
clothes pure and white without hard rubbing—
have my washiug done by nine o'clock. This
soap has never harmed the most delicate
^colors in my summer dresses, so it must
free from all acids. I do wish you
would send down to the Grocer
and get a cakc to try on your
next washing-day. You will
find a perfcct Laundry Soap.
Sold every where. Made only by
K. Fairbanks
Company, j|§
Paid in Capital, $100,000.00.
Surplus and Profits, $10,000.00.
The accounts of individuals, firms and corvorationa
solicited. Interest paid oti time deposits.
J. C. KAGKK, President. JAMES A. \YAI:I, Vice President
CHAS. L. HVUK, Heal Kstatc. Auoi.i'ii KWEUT, Cashier. »W
AMOS N. BI.ANDIN, liauUer.
Dtt. W. i'. WIMJIFK, Stock Crower.
O. J. TAYI.OK, President National Dank of Sioux City.
"Let There be Light"
Newly painted and neatly furnished throughout.
And yon will littd Drugs. Medicines,
Chemicals and a complete line of Pat
ent Medicines, Toilet Articles, l-'nncy
Notions, Tissue Papers. Celluloids, etc.
"Malsukita," the sweet and elegant
Japanese Pert mile. .Stationery iu great
variety. Hunt's, Crane's Fine Pups
terics. Our Prices are reasonable. Also
Miniyon's Croat Remedies wc keep
llietit iu stock.
Ollice at Drug Store. Proprietor.
a an W in Goods
Has just received a large assort- -1
ment.of goods and will mako you
a suit to order at better price*
than you ever had before.
At Lowest Priecs

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