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Pierre weekly free press. (Pierre, S.D.) 1889-19??, December 12, 1895, Image 4

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

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Pierre Weekly Free Press,
l'l'lil.lSHI-n AT TIIK .-TATI-: I'Al'lTAL
OK KIEL A I* unJHKs id rx rv IWPKI
"Is published on Thnr*davs. and contains
a summary of tin* new t»f tin* ccU. I mi
foreiun and loi-aI. mi a ran tee* the iai*:r
est circulation of a nv new*pa per in I'ierre
or tin1 central portion of tin' Mate. li
stiliscri|»TUHI hooks arc open at all limes to
prove ti11 fa« i.
One year mi advance ')..".o
Six moiit li 7."»
Three months Jo
One year in arrears :.\oo
special cluhhinir rates with any mauazine.
periodical or newspaper published.
J.li.. iiw niaa.uN.
Members nt the South l)ako! I Ye*- :i«n
ciation and tin' 111) LT hi"" uimty I'rc-
DAK.. DECEMBER 12, 1895.
'I here is 1 ic willk le for tin- demo
crats after ill. AniiI IIm* throes of dis
solution Boston li:is gone democratic.
This nMist In tin
death rattle.
Kx Senator Moody is said to be will
ing I" serve another term in the I'nitcd
States senate. Now if Barkis. the poo
pie and politicians are willing all will
lie lovel ,.
A confederate brigadier semis an oiler
to help light Croat Britain in case of
war. This oiler is sent, not for pur
poses of identification, hut as an e\ i
dcncc of good faith.
The ('hainberlaiii .Journal produces a
lengthy article. on who are the most
available candidates for governor, and
gets out of it by not mentioning a single
name. This is rare diplomacy.
('ongressinan (iambic is going to
work like, an old hand at tin business
if Washington reports arc reliable, lie
lias about a do/.en bills ready for in'.ro
duetion, all to bcnclit sonic part of the
Her.ry Clews the New York banker,
-ays speculation will run riot next year.
If this opinion is 110 more, reliable than
the. oft repeated assertion that times are
rapidly growing better we cannot take
much stock in it.
Congress seems inclined to impeach
Ambassador Bayard for recent utter
ances in a speech delivered at Edinburgh
in wliich lie said some very imconipli
,-inentary things of this country. Instead
of impeachment he should be given full
*5 permission to become a naturalized citi
t', **v 'of
Cloth Ulsters in Frieze, Mel
tons, Beavers, Kerseys, Sur
touts and Overcoats in all
grades and prices. Boys' Uis
ters, Children's Overcoats and
zcn of Jivat 1 1 ti11. which lie now to
:t!l intents ami purposes. though draw
inl»- a fa! ^aiary a- r**|ij
1 :ili\*i* nf this
iz«»vermneiil to tin* court St. .lames,
•run oix'iMinvr MC
l!ro. liewell, i.ftlic 1'ierre I'lil'.K l'lil-lss,
is ciii-ideraMy worried, apparehtly.
over 11n: republican paper* of the .-tale
iliat have taken exceptions to the
method of handling the Taylor case,
but lie felicitates him-elf with till! cr
idea that there are only four
-ueh paper-, representing about four
per cent of the people. Had Hro.
Deweii read hi- rcpiililican exe'ianges
more I'arefully he would have found a
good many more of the bc.-t papers of
the -tale arrayed against the grov- mis
carriage of justice in the Taylor case
and tlie blundering manner in which it
lia- been handled, representing the gen
eral sen lime lit of the people of lie state,
but he would no doiilit Have fell much
worse, and it i- probably better for liiiu
to remain in bli-si'ul ignorai.ee of the
true state of all'airs. The 'anton News
has the following pertinent comment
ill regard to this matter:
lr. 1 )ewell,the celebrated specialist of
icrre. confesses his inability to manu
facture an ointment which will cure the
heads which arc sore from the miscar
riage of justice in the Taylor case. J]e
has also, he hinks, discovered that only
thr lirookings l'rcss. Dell l!apids Trib
une. Scotland Citizeii-Kcpublicaii and
the New- among the republican news
papers of the state have taken exception
to Crawford':-manner of handling the
'Taylor eases. 'The distinguished special
is' probably was so engrossed iu his
unsuccessful attempt to compound an
ointment, that lie neglectcd to examine
hi exchanges. I e.ll Kapids Tribune.
Our two brothers seem certain that
our calculations were oil as to the pa
pers of republican faith which have
been criticizing the 'Taylor prosecution,
but they omit to mention the names of
any other papers that believe as they
do. within the party. 'This is a serious
omission, and one which should be sup
plied before any more cunning sarcasm
is indulged in.
'The papers named now seem to think
the case closed, and that the. state is the
loser nearly to the amount of $20(1,0(10
by the transaction. If Brothers Nesbit
and.Nash would only take the pains to
learn the true facts that they seem to
take in reading their exchanges they
would lie aware that the Taylor case is
not closed, but far from it. 'The defi
ciency in judgment must be made up by
the bondsmen, and the property ofthe.se
parlies is now all tied up tighter than a
drum. Attorney (ieneral Crawford is
still engaged ill the prosecution of this
case to a finish with as much energy
and conscientious ell'ort as lie displayed
when it was lirst given to him. W'o
believe those who arc now engaged iu
criticisms of his course—very few in
number it would seem—will some day
see the error of their ways and ac
knowledge the injustice tlicy have done.
Xi'A t'll h/
COI.IT OIN. 01 'I'.
1 lie ell'ort to force another bond issue
by the Kothschild-Morg.in syndicate is
now witnessed by the steady How of
gold from the treasury for the export
shipment. 'The Shylocks have the tinan
ces of this country in their hands com
pletely and are in a position to manip
ulate them as they would puttj. And
yet there are those who earnestly advo
cate that this condition remains un
changed. Commenting upon the heavy
gold shipments the Chicago lnter- Iccan
Various explanations of this state of
things are being given. Some insist
that it is ail tlr fault of the greenback,
as if there had been no foreign exporta
tion of American gold before the legal
tender was alloat. Others again tell tis
that the "Kallirs" are responsible for it.
Kurope has gone wild over the gold
mines of southern Africa, anil instead
of buying American securities is send
ing some of the old ones back here to be
sold to domestic customers. Still others
say that the bankers' syndicate is ma
nipulating things so as to compel an
other bond issue, out of which to make
another big pile of money. A cow that
gives such milk as that which flowed in
to the creamery of the Rothschild-Bel
liiontMorgan syndicate, if not as the
old song has it, dressed in the finest of
silk, must be led on the choicest of prov
ender and made, if possible, to contrib
ute dairy products a second season.
'There will b" no such chance after
March 4, lS'.i", but how many "milk
ings" there will be before that time, or
how much cream can be skimmed oil'
as net syndicate profits, nothing short of
omniscience can tell.
'J'herfi is no small comfort to rcllect
that there is to be an end to this sort of
thing in little over a year. The latest
election lefL no doubt on that score in
the public mind, ami the worst cannot
be very bad. as compared with what the.
country sull'ered during the last part of
the last democratic administration prior
to the Cleveland presidency. Our
credit may be temporarily impaired and
a very considerable increase in the pub
lic debt fastened upon the government,
but it is hardly possible that March,
18!)7, will be anything like as bad as
bad as March, 1801. (Jrover Cleveland
may or may not be an improvement ou
James Buchanan, but the country is
indifimtcly better prepared to go
through Mie trying ordeal 6f democracy
now than it was before the war.
A Great4 Reduction of Prices on
ail our Overcoats, oosisastisig of
A full line of Fur Coats-ail
coats-Wornbat8 Russian Buffalo,
way Calf, Esquimau
and trimmed BlacK Dog, etc
You are respect
fully invited to
visit our store
Those who know -Mr. Crawford best I
will all unite iu the verdict that lie is
absolutely incorruptible and that all his
actions in connection with this case, as
well as all other official acts, will bear
the full .sunlight of investigation.
It would.i do any hurt, brethern. to
just kindly mention all the republican
papers in the state that look at this mat
"cr as you do. Come, let us have the
names, and maybe we can make the
ite ner cent about 'ive instead of four.
Dortiie Hobinson says that last spring The American Federation of Labor
a majority of South Dakota republicans now in session will rccommcnd the »b-
Vft\» '/Av" ^v» '/Av v^" '/Jf Vjf VAV 'V 'V 'Vs 'V 'tf
1 9
would have favored free cyinagc of sil
ver but that now two third- of them arc
opposed to the plan. Donne, must be
lieve the sentiments of men in this state
shift as easily as the winds, but it
would take more than his free copper
nonsense to bring about -ucli results.
1'ut it down that the free silver sent
iment is daily gaining ground iu this
ougrcssnum l'ickler is engaged in a
worthy endeavor in trying to li.ive all
the lands on the ceded Sioux reserva
tion plaecd under the homestead laws.
As it is now the land costs the settler
lifty cents an acre, no matter how many
years lie lives upon it, while east of the
river the land can be had free, under a
live years residence. 'The r.i:i|or should
be supported in his work.
Capt. Lucas is a devout believer in a
certain divine healer in Chicago, and re
lates certain cases which he vouches
for, that are next in miraculous effect
to those, performed by llio Meek and
Lowly One during His life on earth. It
seems impossible to believe such stories,
as the cases cited prove that the healer
must be a supeniaturahst.
Major 1'ickler certainly has a down
hill pull on the senatorship, a«.id it is
not likely that conditions will so far
change before the next campaign to
destroy his hopes. Then! arc a number
of other good men in the state, however,
who may dispute the field with liini.
The populists areanviotts to nominate
.1 udge Palmer for governor, or congress
or some other good oilice, but the judge
says he is a republican. The only way
they can have their desire is to drift
a a
St. Louis h."s captured the next na
tional republican convention, the date
being June 1(1. As tin: sway of the re
publican party is reaching down south
perhaps the location of the convention
at St. houis will only help to push the
band wagon along that way.
'The FUEK PKHSS is in receipt of an
olj'er of reduced rates in the Palmer
house, Chicago, whereby we can have a
room for $1 per day—board extra. We
arc arranging to go there to jive, ijuul
spend our rsurplus wealth.
Harry llayward was hanged a 2:05
Wednesday morning. The time just
about agrees with that made by Nancy
Hanks when she smashed the world's
record, wliich, also, Harry has done in
the line of nerve.
Winter has just begun and
you cannot make a better in­
vestment now than purchase
an overcoat for yourself and
People arc anxious to know whether
the British steal of the Alaskan gold
liehls on the Yukon river will be allow
ed to stand by this administration. A
vigorous foreign policy would be most
pieasiug just now.
From the. amount of prayers being
showered for Bob lngersol's conversion
that gentleman must feel that there is a
hereafter in this world, at least.
Ilot Springs is a candidate for the re
publican state convention, which will
select delegates to the national conven
tion, and ought to have it.
The cigarette is said to be responsible
for a large per cent of the insane pa
tients in many hospitals.
A Cupilul llcililllisccln i'.
Doane Hobinson In Minneapolis .lourn
II1: 1 am reminded of a story of the last
capital campaign. An emisary from Hu
ron had fixed a certain "hell wether'' in a
large flock of voters near Kstelline and he
was industriously buoining the town on
tile Jim. when lie was approached by J.
H. Fonger and George Clark, who were
working the district for l'ierre. They
held out glittering inducements for the
man to change bis njind but ho had con
scientious scruples. They multiplied the
inducements and pleaded with him to
ehangii bis iniiid. Finally his ultimatum
came: •'(leiitlemen I eau't do anything
for you tonight, but tomorrow morning
I will change my mind." lledld.
Plenty lor Tim.•
Hot Springs Star: The Fni:u l'i:ts
can't see any diflicnity in the way of both
Aberdeen and Watertown heiiigaecoiiiino
dated with a direct line of railroad to the
liills rron the twin cities. The (iruat
Northern should push on from Aberdeen
to Pierre and the Minneapolis and St.
Louis should project from Watertown lo
Pierre, and then have a race to see which
would reach the Hills first.—Pierre FI:I
'i'h.o more the merrier. We don't like
to see any line or business overdone but
we believe even two railroads across the
state would increase business sullicicntly
to amply pay thein.
Xlio Time to ICulItl.
Slou,\ City Journal: The South Dalfo.
ta people ai'e doing the right thing In re
gard to that much needed railroad to tho
Blaclt Hills- The time to build railroads
»\v, /y ff \N
olitiun of the strike and boycott, and
the adoption of the ballot as a
means of settling ditliculties. 'This is
the only true and sure way in this
country to get what you want.
lion. A. O. Uiiigsrud for governor
would be a strong move for the republi
can party. With him a! the head ol' the
ticket, and the oilier names down the
list equally as worthy the thing would
have to be unanimous.
on paper is iu the winter time, so that
work mny tie commenced on the steel
lracks early in the spring. Xo railroad
iu tin: country would start, out with
brighter prospects than one aceros the
reservation to the Black Hill.
lie Will Attend i7ie~T\vln City Kail
road .11
cctiiit and Help I'IINII itJut
Hot, Springs Star: Mayor Evans has
received a somewhat lengthy letter from
(iovernor Sheldon regarding the move
ment that is now beimr made by inllueii
lail citizens of South Dakota and
prominent business men of St. Paul and
Minneapolis looking to the securing of
direct railroad communication between
the twin cities and the Black Hills. In
the course of the letter the governor says:
"1 came to the capital Sunday morning
and found y:mr favor of the ISth inst.
Charles liurl-e, who was in St. Paul at
tending the immigration convention and
who saw the parties there and at Minnea
polis in regard to our convention, told mo
that it was to be arranged Saturday at a
lunch between representatives of the two
cities as to the time and pl.tce where it tg
to be held. When the time comes wo will
be there, prepared lo make such a show
ing as we think will accomplish some
thing. I have agreed to go with the boys
and do all in my power to encourage those
people. Everything indicates that the
time is ripe. They are as anxious for it
as wo are, and the advantage at the pres
cut is all on our side. There will be
some struggling between our own towns,
foolishly as I think, as to which sectio:i
shall he especially favored iu tho con
struction of ibis road. Ou that account
we will go there, not as especial advocates
of any particular line, but present the
favorable features of all the different
routes, and then Invite them to come and
look the ground over for themselves.
"Of course wo will liot fall to tell tl)(jni
that the road Is graded from Aberdeen to
Pierre, tho right-of-way secured, tho
right-of-way from Fori Pierre to Rapid
City witliterminal facilities at either end
anil 20 miles graded.
Mr. Ward will be there from Huiitsville,
and 1 think the proffer will be made that
this property will be turned over to any.
construction company, who will take hold
of it. We will then ask the business men
of Minneapolis and St. Paul to assist us
by taking bonds. 1 believe've are going
lo build the road right away, 'i'iie iiu-*
iisul activity in mining ciicles in tho
Hills, tlwi Increased output of gold, iu
short everything wn will have in shape,
and I think we will be able to present the.
facts to thein in such away that tliey will
believe wo know what we aro talking
Tho annual mooting of the stock hold
ers of the Pierre National bank, for tho
Qfectiou of directors and the transaction
of other legitimate business, will bo held
pt tlie bankii.g'house of the association.
Pierre, Sj. D., on Tuesday, January 1^,
181'Kt, at II p. ii). P. F. MtCi.Uiti:,
Pierre, S. I)., Ppcombef tj, li'Xi. J,

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